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Durham Review (1897), 12 Jul 1906, p. 7

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NS 906 ”ed My“ DOM r""" - fable», H 11) a M by, " Aunt, ket- Go "a an. rm " u, _Mta:ks on Ofliars Ne in fanatical h Sentiment. BRETAIN AND A tioty WAR. “amnion; Statement by the hsreigst Egyptian Govemnent Must be Sup- n H \i Fr an“; 'titll s it \"Il,'_'\v . ... wuu... “u 'r' ..i-,-:| "tu'rt'rur? mid he diatrusted ---- in peni 'v'.. I""‘i"""‘1 retoyms, beeause the M'R- STEAMER BEACBED WITH A HOLE on??? '--:2 “un- Wri'nu. He disliked tradimur we 1't "'i .r.uirs. an] irfir-n-I the root 0? m HER SIDE. with t t'. “3min uni-ville!" was in the system --. that t v.1.” which m- sum- im-U was a Collided With a Floating Elevator in in paw trx-ling "'jl'.l',il"Y, l s.tryl rnnnopolist Montreal Harbor-The Elevator Was Lillie r t" mgamu “our zurmnutmtn‘e men . I If wther paw-1w would join when?! Not Mueh Damaged. the, so III-3min in in‘iating un reforms the Gow Montreal, wily 9.---The steamer Casper Ite viziyhmg Enable] yj"":,r't,' thexrllii l f . ian and a floating elevator operated by Ith ri-_;vt-‘.t:ir 'rlil't",i",'r.i,.1t'. fixture: lolita'.,',', the 1ue1treiul'"yin Elevatur cl'")?"'?, men's 't'so hm} riuhtd. The question of reser- Ilu'td. m tuiu'etreattt me:""".', “any” goods, s.ci, II " enormous arena for private pier t.his a!tyvro,ott ', A It.ole, 3xthi feet nearly W' h rty Inns: ie dealt with, and it was pierce) i.n.the buspesnans port sute, been ' .mx‘ .li-y-utv Mme there was "The “PM”. amidships and below the water wore Hague- Tribunal." He believed it line. Tre result nag a tremendous m- loath would bo benefieial to resume British rush ot water, which threatened to fl','." police l'nrmxlnr iurimliction. but it would be een tte vesfeL. Capt. Bouehard, notwulJt- that l dfwmmgin: Belgium from taking Over standing the imminent d_anger of ms “1:131 tho Ittrtgo Government. and. therefore. steamer; gmng down, pointed her nose . The h., zimnyht the Government should aerosrthe stream and 'ttye! at, full "t'etttn “Mi. fur. then" can“ not wait for :rt'tid tur the shame)“ by tit. Helen's br ed, h.” ert'r. F .393. r h l t we 9 fully beaehedgtml on his -'..' r} ', . . .'lt' 0 M3 111 s t n i I ' 1 o,? (ij'iti'ri,uape'r,tt"tot1tggc'dtdt'hi.sitrd it is expected that tl"? will be r?ised. tos ", , . . . . . marrow and taken into dry-dock. lhe Ttif “r" T‘:"r"?3r3 said 2t fleet would-go Gaspminn is n coasting vessel, engaged 'i,ily,?,jiv, thd/il",.',? 15:53:. it: .,',t,,t',,i,ti'! in we 'e.vemTal.earrtpy, "use ttty/ite, If . to ' ii . h P“: Montreal and Gaspe coast. The floating ml ma f' tt P ange '"t wit, out elevator was not much damaged. Youth of " Convicted of Criminal Assault " White Wont: Baltimore. Md.. July 9.-Wm. Loo, I colored youth of 17 years, was tried in the circuit court here to-day and - teneed to be hanged in Sal-nut county for criminal assault on m white women six week. ago. In con- {cued his crime. - - - _ It Rt ' Liiilil iivirginia tutd van brought ald er in Parliament nor in the - ttr inf ties the NEGRO BOY TO HANG. nt ard Grey, Secretary for Foreign launched with dramatic nuddew {he Hume of Commons tonight. t is borne in mind Mr Ed. ey in one of the strongest and '. vnmtionai men in the Cabinet, t he is wholly indispooed to tal utterances, the significance ppm-h will be more fully real- sit would be in a friendly par compliments to Emperor ml the Russian nation. Mr rid he could not imagine the "liament interpreting the visit My tt.-Beveral weeks ago ' called attention to the he Modem world, and the milky of the invocation of holy war. Since then the in no wise diminished, d- publie is entirely unaware n safe rute in the present Hulda, he added, was to mum: and interference. l that was happening than that the validity, new, 'vr of the great people In! a great future. ter received a until now e attack of British offic- happened recently. is isieh would not have tNY a time ago. and would not I to-day but for the fana. which has spread in Egypt said t ot refe ago Question the no" reason t rison hat ttark of ppened 1 would m n tl er. in a solemn tou, W attics] feelin, the increase. rd to Egypt, 1e Prot from! the n full it n d the least aeri- w. Cort-tttly, ll be created in rave deelaration ity in >mposed visit of nstadt, the For. fleet would go nee to Russian ould be impoli- a now without nt h :0 question, the l he distrusted peau.M? the sys- lisliked trading in the system Me" was a l monopolist ,h’i hat now wiihout m that Great an I' akin: over therefore. at should ' little be in It ld retu- There was b qtreets betwee 'toue, side and the affected soldic g in Just before , In mnh had car hut levy, and was tfriea. the Cossacks. be hem to - the venom of a mob which had ”ambled in Somerset county. The feeling in that county continues to be such that it was deemed unsafe by the authorities to take him there to he tried. and for that (use!) the trial took place in this city. He will be taken to tiotnetset county to be executed. MOB " POSSESSION " EIGHT CASES OF DYNAMITE. Bloody Street Fighting at Vladivostcck -Rioters Capture a Battery of Artil- lery and Use It in an Attack Upon the Cossacks. Tokio, July 9.--Wot and mutiny are in progress in Vladivostock, according to the news brought to Nagasaki by a steamship. The Colonia, of the East Asiatic Steamship Company, arrived at Nagasaki trom the Russian naval stronghold to-day. She brought a large number of refugees, who fled on board her just before she sailed last Sunday, fearing that the town was to be given up to murder and pillage. According to the story told by the Colonia’s officers. the trouble started on Saturday, when a mob got posses- sion of eight large cases of dynamite belonging to the Government. A loyal regiment of Cossacks attacked the rioters and captured 30 of their leaders, who were locked up. On Sum day morning the rioting broke out afresh. The mob gathered again, de- ‘termined to rescue the 30 men who ‘haul been arrested the day before. lThero was bloody fighting in the l‘ll’e'uti hetween the Cossacks on one "ilo and the mob. reinforced by dis. mzl‘eotml soldiers. an the other. 1 Just before the Colonia sailed the “ml. had captured a battery of artil- lli‘l'i’. and was using .t in an attack on tht I" e riti A MRS. EDWARD TRACEY SHOOTS FOREST HOWARD. The Woman Claims She Was Assaulted by Deceased During Her Husband’s Absence- Thought Howard Wu Insane. STEAMER BEACHED WITH A HOLE IN HER SIDE. Collided With a Floating Elevator in Montreal Harbor-The Elevator Was Not Much Damaged. n Owen 8 mid ripox'tz Last night some daring inditrjrvl c:t.l.orot'oruted a largo wild cat mural by the Owen Sound Rubber Co!htr \ompany and carried it off. it W'.'." the property of the com- Pan." .nval was nun! m window dismay advertising ot their goods and we. @2- tured after the escape of another wild eat from a car while being taken to Lon- don a few mouths ago. The animal had bat three paws. the fourth havmg heed taken off by the trap in which it was captured. A tine red fox owned by the some company was stolen the pre- vious evening. . _ Animal Was Used fer Window Display Advertising. At a special meeting-of the sharehold- ers of the British America Assurance Co., the directors were authorized to incrcase the capital stock to $2,000.000, of which 8800,000 may be 6 per cent. preference stock. Huang!) tat " l rat "Forest tiouaru came to ms ueuui s a result of a rifle shot fired by Eva nil-d, wife of Edward Tracey, while she as acting in lawiul defence.' Mia. Tracey testified that her husband "l gone to a municipal Council meet- g ML Bruno: Corners and she was alone ith two children, aged three and one. may Howard made his appearance and RAMMED GASPESIAN. s pier arly m RIOT Mil) MUTINY. IN MII' DEEENCE. CHLOROFORMED WILD CAT, --- _ -- -_r__,. Sound report: Last nigl ndivi/ual e'.nlorofortned -a t owned by the Owen Collar (‘nmpany and cm was the property of th nd was ttsod In window ing ot their goody and , l' l gedy of a year ago, is re- 1 “Rune, four miles front Que. Mrs. Edward Tracey, As Eva Baird, shot and kill- man named Forest Howard ', bat it wns not until yes- aetion was taken by we au- ne woman was arrested, , jury returned a verdict 1louard came to his death of a rifle shot fired by Eva ly 9.---The steamer Casper Ming elevator operated by Grain Elevator Company, i sutur'_t'.il.v hmched.nnd hat she will be raised toe km into dry-dock. 'Jhe coasting vessel, engaged carrying trade between htWe coast. The floating 't much damaged. 'IT4, ~innlur of shooting ilar to the by the muting Was a Leading Politician and Society Man. and a General Favorite in the City. Were Loading 3 Four-Inch Pipe With Explo'sives Which They 1fie Con- vetted Into a Cannon-Havoc Wu Dreadful. New York, uJly 9.-The Harald pulr ana a spceial from Wilkesbarre, Pa., as follows: Five boys were killed and two fatally injured at, N'anatr.tie, f mining town near here, this evening by an ex- plosion of dynamite and giant powder with which they were loading a four- ineh pipe which they had converted into a cannon. The dead are: John Salsa, fifteen years old; Evan Long, sixteen; John ft;alsinsky, thirteen. and John and Thomas Rachulis. aged thirteen and six- teen. The injured are: Alexander and Frank Flinkowitz, both .-:) l‘adly that they are not expected to recover. The boys had obtained a quantity of giant powder and dynamite from the mingle and had been shooting off their improvised cannon during the afternoon. This evening they resolved to give a final discharge which would eclipse any explosion the town had heard during the day. They filled the pipe with dyna- mite and the powder and were tamping it home with <ome stones, but in their ‘zeal they struck the tamping too hard yt blow and the explosion occurred. _ Its force was m great that the town ‘was shaken and three of the boys were [killed outright while two others died in a few minutes, and the two who are iniured are not expected to live long. [the iron pipe was blown to fragments, inhich pierced the bodies of the victims, tore off the arms and legs of some, [crushed their heads and made the scene look like a shambles. ertsun TWO FATALLY INJURED BY DYNA- MITE EXPLOSION. A Belleville, Ont., delpltch says: At 4 o'eloek this morning, while t'sergt. Hays was making the rounds of back yards and buildings, he wu Itorriried try fin“. the dead body of W. J. MeCattton, one of Bulleviile’s prominent, lawyers aul citizens, lying at the foot of the back Quits ot the Rubenson block. with his neck broken and lace cut. He had been dead some time, as the body was cold. He left some friends down town at 11 o'clovk to go home, and it is thought went to can on another lawyer in Rob. Residents of the town. startled by the unique". rushed to the spot and found the. 'revcn lying around. the scene of tho explosion torn and black .while not a. viytnge remained of the pipe. How muvh powder and dynamite they had used it is impossible to any. but from the dreadful havne eaused it must have boon It large quantity. All the victims are sum of Polish and Lithuanian mine worke Magistrate Believed Mrs. Nowell to be the Instigator of the Crimes, and Gave Her Two and a Half Years in the Penitentiary. A Woodstock despatch: Albert Nowell, thin morning received a sentence of five yours in Kingston Penitentiary upon each oi six charges of burglary, the ttttus to run concurently. Mrs, Albert Nowell was given two and a half years in Penitentiary for receiving stolen gu'rds - . . n s- nun: tett..'r, \ln. \rll‘illltl after April 15, 1905. While No- well denied any connection of his Wife uith the robberies, Magistrate Bell held that the woman was the imstigator, and in passing sentence dohvercl to her a se- veie lecture. She apparently paid but little attention and was not affected by the sentence. The charges against Nowell date from April 14. 1905, to last Saturday night. The articles stolen include chiefly wen men’s clothing, jewellry and linen goods, the total value of the goods being nearly Show). Some ot the goods inure been sold by Mrs. Nowell. others she wore this morning. while several van loads were taken from the house to police headquarters . Several bmglnrics that Nowell has admitted perpetr'ating, were not included in the charges. The prisoner pleudel guilty this morn. ire and no evidence was taken. He ask- wl, however, that no sentence be passed ALBERT HOWELL GOES TO KINGS TON FOR FIVE YEARS. THROWN fROM TRAIN. TERRIBLE ACT " AN UNFORTUN- ATE YOUNG GIRL. Maggie Murphy, When Taken Into thue tody, Declares That the Child Died in Her Arms, But Denies That She Administered Catholic Acid. An 0mm Sound despatch: The Ches- on infunticide case reached a sen- sational climax to-day in the arrest here of Maggie Murphy, 3 young girl em- ployed at the Albion Hotel. The body of the child _was_ found ...a1osyriside of _the of the child was found axon Side or we traelt near Chesley on Sundgy morning, “Owen, Sound despatch: The ans that it having evidently been thrown from - “JEN“ 3iabee had,.give.n judgment the window of a passing train. The (washing the local option by-law has mouth bore every indication of having caused qtute an mueh a sensation as been burned by carbolie acid and a. post- '? as experienced YI the campaign. Feel- mortem examination confirmed this as mg " running high. The tusti-optionists the cause of death. are claiming that the Council has now The matter was taken up by the local no right to involve the town in the costs police. and, acting under information, of an appeal. On the other hand, the thew notified Constable Joseph Thomp- local optionists are strong in urging that son', who came over to-day, and, after the majority we: so Inge at the posting a brief investigation, arrested the Mur. of the lay-law lend: to the conclusion phy girl. Some facts which came out. that under any eirmtmstatteeg, with the in the search for evidence was that the fixing of the amount of the license fee flVE BOYS KILLED. block, and opened the wrong door, wife HIS Wle Bl IT. biihijii1iiiEij? ijiiyfik-"'"'"""" mum) WITH ms NECK BROKEN. TORONTO President West Hastings Reform A350. cintion, Secretary of the Board of Trade. nnd would have been the nominee to con- b test West Hastings at the next general elections. He was also prominent in many societies, including the Masons, Ancient Order of United Workman. ex. Chunccllor of the Chosen Friends, I. o. F., and an Oddielluw. He leaves it widow but no family. The city is greatly I shocked over the sad affair, as he was a rgrent favorite. girl left town a few weeks ago, and dur, ing her absence gave birth to a female child. She admits that returning to town on Saturday night she threw the child which she claims had died in her arms, from the window of the car, but denies having administered the carboiic acid. She then went on to Wiarton and came over on Monday with the returning ex- eursion from that town. falling down stairs. The deceased was 4,5 yew-s of age. and for-years was a partner of Magistrate Flint, under the n.uue of Him. & McCamun. Ile was an ex-aklermau. crLieemse ottunrissionerr, The prisoner was taken over to Chee ley, where she will have her preliminary trial. When she appeared in the police office to-day there was nothing in her appearance to suggest that, she would be guilty of such an act. Well-dressed and of medium size and fair, her face did not even wear an anxious expression, and the polioe realize that Were the, evidence not so direct she would be the last one Rome. July 9.-King Victor Em. re';';:,; to-day reecived it telegram from the Duke of Abruzzi, a cousin of his [Majesty filed at Uganda, Central Africa, announcing that on June 19 he had suc- coodnd in reaching the summit of Mount Ilusenr.ori, which had never been climb- ed. The mnutain is situated between Albert Nyanza and Albert Edward Ny- anza of the son. The King sent the ,Duko ft message warmly congratulat- ling him upon his latest achievement. to suspect AWFUL ATROCITIES PERPETRATED BY THEM ON PRISONERS. Native Levies Just as Bad-White Man Butchered, and the Rebels Wet Their Assegais in His Blood and Smear Lips With It. ,' London, WHY o.- (ol. McKenzie’s troops. which are operating in Natal against the rebellious Zulus, discover- ed the remains of , recently butchered white man. whose body had been hack- ed horribly. A bifyele that had be, longed to him was found in Chief Mesini's krnnl. Natives said that the man was killed in front of the Zulu army by Mesini's orders. The rebels. one by one. wetted their hasegais in his bland and dipped their fingers in and smparod their lips with it. The "trory has infuriated the troops. Deep roar-2 of "No surrender. sir!” greeted Col. McKenzie as he rode past the dead body. Newtaper correspondents who have returned to Durban from the front de. clare that the loyal native levies are treating rebels who surrender with great lrnrharity. ‘1 Many prismiors have been wounded and some have been killed. PERSIAN GOVERNOR REPULSED AN . INVADING FORCE. Constantinople, July 0.--A Turkishat- terupt to seize further tt'rritory Ott ‘ho Persian frontier has been cheekmated by the Governor of Pushkar, who re- pulsed tho invading force of three hum dred Turkish soldiers and seven hun. dred mounted Arab regulars, with ttonset. erable loss to the invaders. The coun- cil of minists-rs here has now instrueod tho Turkish commander, Zekki Pasha, to withdraw his troops from their most ad. mncod positions and to avoid further causes for a rupture with Persia. Mount Ruvenzori Had ever Been Climbed Before This Year. Balloon Takes Fire When Par Above the Earth. New York. July th-A special to the Herald from Toledo, Ohio. slayer-While making a balloon ascension with fireworks " North Baltimore this afternoon C. A. Franks. I. Toledo aeronaut, escaped death by a mine). alter a tall of more than two thousand feet. When at the top of his flight " bulloon became ignited by fireworks, end like a flash he started to drop. Down he come like tt streak. and when in light it was seen that " parachute was cloned. It thus remained until he VII within twcn- ty feet of a housetop, when it luddenly opened and allowed him to night In ntety. The parachute was nth-e. end before the de- ointment arrived the house on which it tell was prectlcnlly destroyed. Town Council Takes Action on the Re- peal of Local Option. DEFEATED THE TURKS. DEATH TO ZUlUS. OWEN SOUND WILL APPEAL. DUKE REACHED SUMMIT. A THRILLING DESCENT. ii'iii/)'t'it end ai be served, by'th§ magnum" MEDICAL COWCIL ACCEPTS APOL? OGY AND COSTS. elsction of In anti-license Couneit. The Town Council, in session to-night. on motion of Mr. J. W. Christie. decided to appeal against the decision of Mr. Justice Malice. the motion being up- Sir June: Grant “than Important Rertrttttion With View to Prevent Spread of Itstrerettittair. Toronto report: The case against Dr. Attgustus Super, of this city, at yester- day atteraoon's session of the Ontario Medical Council was practically left by the Council where it was when the Dis- ciplirre Oommittee dealt with the doctor a couple of months ago . The commit- tee's report was to the effect that Dr. Soper was guilty of advertising in To routo nmvsxmpers, undertaking to treat certain diseases at certain charggf; A written admission from Dr. auger was read no the effect that he believed he had violated the rules of the Medi. cal Society by advertising as he had done. He agreed not to further offend and askrd the Council to defer action. in this document Dr. 50pm said he had not intended to violate the rules when he adwrtisul as _he had lone. t h posed only by Mr. W. B. MoClarty, who took the stand that until the full text of the decision was before the Council it would be hasty to take action. On motion of Dr. Campbell Mid Dr. Glasgow, the report of the Discipline Committee was received. but not adopt- ed, action being suspended, the costs in- curred to be paid by Dr. Super to the Medical College after being taxed by the taxing oitieer. Onenwtion of Sir James Grant, sec- onded by Dr. James Henry ,the follow- ing resolution was passed: "That the Executive of the Government of Ontario be invited by this Council to take into eonsideration the advisability of appoint. ing medieal oxmninors in the public schools in the chief centres of Ontario in order to guard the lives of the rising generation against tubereulosis, inas. Thief Got Suit Case Belonging to Strat- ford Barrister. Stratford, Ont.. July 9.-Barvister . A. Davidson, returning from London on Tuesday, had his suit page stolen from the car. The case contained a suit of clothes, in which was a pocket- book with three eheques---84m, 821 and 850-payable to J. A. Davidson. Yes- terday Mr. Davidson was called to the 'phone by a local clothing firm to en- quire about a 821 cheque, which had not been endorsed by him. e, -_""' e T' much as such precaution is becoming general in the most progressive countries at the pruscmt day.' In support of his resolution, Sir James Grant said similar action had been taken in a number of European and United States cities. He thought a large proportion of the cases of tubercu- losis originated in the public srlmoh. In view of the fact that there were 8,000 deaths annually in Canada from the white plague. and each life was estimat- ed to be worth $1.000. the importance of such a 1mm: he thought. should com- w.end itself to every person. That the death list will continue io grow for several days is indicated by a large number of despatches recording in- juries believed to be fatal. The deadly toy pistol was responsible for a big per- centage of the injuries and six of the dead. How many of the injured are in- fected with the germ of tetanus, can- Over Fifty Persons Killed, and Over Three Thousand Hurt. Chicago, July ft.--- Fifty-one lives thrown away and 3.551 celebrants maint. ed or injured, some of them fatally, is the record of this year's "Glorious Fourth," as compiled by eovro,pondentts of the Tribune, up to an early hour to- day. uu\. The loss of life almost equals that of last year when 59 persons \vvre killed. while every record for the number of injured was broken. Almost 1.000 more were in hospitals yesterday or swathed The thief had stayed over night at the Windsor Hotel, and in payment for a suit of clothes next morning tendered the unendorsml 821 cheque, which was accepted. The thief left on the morning train. '"r""" “an u-\v-‘»uv -...._ - were in hospitals yesterday or snvathed in bandagea, than on the day following the holiday last year. -.. not be estimatd SUES TORONTO LACROSSE AND ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. Toronto, Ont., special despatch:. Al. exandra Laura .ts'ehisfield, wife of Henry Chadwick sdnofield, Guelph, is suing the Toronto Looms-3e and Athletic Associa- tion, as assignee of a mortgage given by the association for $13500 to Sarah Price, of Toronto, on March 26, 180:. The plaintiff claims a, balance of 80,000 principal and $3,799.36 interest. A dir pate has arisen over the interest, defend. ants claiming that they should under datum pay only 5 uper cent. after the 1mortgage expired, instead of 51-2 per leent. on the unpaid principal. fhe pro- Young School leather From Brougham loot: a Sad End. perty in dispuir- is grounds in Rosednle. Brougham Despatch-Mr. George R. Brown, I well-known and highly respectable young man from m. vmue. was drowned thin at- !ernoon It Pickering. Mr. Brown was with a Sunday Scam! My from here on Lake Ott- tarftt, and whim ln humus tot beyond his depth. A number on shore witneued the droning, but being usable to swim couid not the Waco. Mr. Brown has been “och!" school a hell! am. Out. for the Mm. tum Menu-holidays. DR. SOPER’S CASE. STOLE CHEQUE, CASHED IT. GUELPH WOMAN as": "we _ Fi',' , DROWNED WHILE BATHING. THE GLORIOUS FOURTH. M is' the V trssoeiatictt's Tennessee College Athlete Prominent Attorney and Politiu'on Bid the Shooting. Knoxville, Tenn., July 9.--fuat Par. ker, a college athlete. of Helenwood. Tenn., was shot '~ud fatally wounded when he alighted from a Cincinnati Southern train at Helenwood last night by Judge J. B. Fulton. n prominent at. torttey and politician. of Scott county. The cause of the tragedy is reported to be jealousy over a woman. Fulton used a shot gun in firing at Parker, and I dangerous wound was inflieted. Fulton is under arrest. Parker is one of the hon known college athletes of the south. having played Cor three years on the University of Tennessee baseball and football teams. " .CATHARINES LAD SINKS IN TWELVE MILE CREEK. Salisbury. Eng., July o.---." the re quest of Ambassador Whitlaw Reid. Mr, Swalm, the Ameriean Conrail. Southamp- ton, yesterday evening visited the in- firmary here and read Queen Alexandra': manage to the Americans wlm were in. jured in the railroad accident. The remaining bodies with the exeep' tion of four. will be shipped to New York, July 7th. The bulletin issued this the infirmary stated that I ehell, of Chicrpo. passed a lose night and Edward w. Brooklyn. N. Y., is better. In cansequence of the r cable men-mgr- from Amerie plaint made by the London tive oi Loni: Cassicr, of Tru pluint made by the I tive of Louis Cassicr, , who was killed in the press. that rolls of n Princeton. N. J.. July 9.-Former Pre- sident Grover Cleveland, who is ill at his home here sent down word from his room this morning to the effect that he had been slightly ill but ie fueling bet. ter and will be out in a day or two. Dr. J. B. Bryant of New York, Mr. Chsveland's family physician, spent tho night at the Cleveland home and unturn- ed to New York this morning. In Princeton. he is attended lot-ally by Dr. Carnochan. Dr. Carnoehan said to-du_\' there was nothing at all serious, in Mr. Cleveland': condition; that it was sim- Irlv a cat-e of indigestion which would MESSAGE READ TO THE INJURED AT SALISBURY. from the bodie of Mr Frank W. Koch. of Alle been unreservedlv with, In Princeton. he is atte Dr. Cnrnochan. Dr. Carnot there was nothing at all Cleveland's condition; th, LAID UP WITH AN ATTACK OF INDIGESTION. ply a cat-e of indigestiu was over in a day or tw BUSINESS HOUSES SC0RCHED--TW0 MEN HURT. Montreal, Que., July 9.-rvo, “an: broke out at 2.30 o'clock this morning, completely gutted the five-storey build. ings. 16 Cote street. occupied by Derhnr- ats & Co., engravers; B. Plow & Co., bookbinderr; Smith & McKeown. shirt manufacturers; Scott & Hawnrd, print. ers, and J. E. Hoidsworth. cloth finishing and sponging works. The damage is estimated from $75.000 to 390.000. At 3.20 the big extension ladder raised on Cote street tumbled over. Firemen Castle, of No. 3 station, who Wtttt work- ing on it sustained I broken leg and severe internal injuries. Joseph Penteny, lineman, Montreal Light.' Heat & Power Co.. w“ struck by the ladder when it fell, knocked unconscious and matched internal injuries. A- Lateral: Builics to be Remixed at 1 Cost of $40,000. Rome, July 9.--The Pope has decided to continue at his own expense the repairs to the ceiling of the Later-u Basilica, which will cost $40,000. The work was commenced under Leo xm., who spent '000.000 upon it. When the repairs have been completed. Pope Leo‘s body will be transferred from the Vatican to the lawn. QUEEN Aif)aM)llh'S BOY DROWNED. CLEVElAND SICK. POPE WILL PAY EXPENSE. MONTREAL flllli. or A WOMAN. q. Y., is better. luence of the rec we from America. T?) issued tl stated ths My withdrawn this morning at that Robert Crit- sod a very rest- vl W. Some” of ondon representa- " Trumbul. Conn., wreck of the pa. Jtes wow missing Jr. Ctrssier and llentown, Pa., has this morning "storey build ed by Derlmr {he mm Vuuouver, July tit.--"' shill duke the King by the hand.und when I return to vautooaver I an" tell you what he says," remarked Chief Joe Capilano to the large crowd of whiter and red men that Assembled n the depot yesterday to see the head ot the Captain) tribe off for_Bu1rkinett Panic. P: in ttc- omnpanied by Chief Charlie of Cowirh. an, lid August, an Indian of the co. within rues-Vt, who will act I: inter. preter. seeing that Edward VII. cunnut talk Chinook. In " big cowakin cap, like I gulrds- man's butby. and with the tail hanging down his back over a magnificently em- heoidered blanket, Joe looked every inch I chiduin n he told the 'ela1"i, that he was (ind of being Nitric V by the white men. "whom we did not invite to come here, but who came for the gain they’couid make out of in and our coun- try.' mm CHIEFS START VANCOUVER. Chill That the White. a": Taken Their Land all Interim With This PUhiag and mrnthtg-- Fue- nu AMreu of Chief Galina. In the course of an address which the chief. will present to the, King they Ip- pul to his Maieaty to protect them from the eneroaehmentm of the white peoplo, who have taken their lunch and intrrfer, ed with their fishing and hunting rights. They ny they have mppenled to the Do, minion Governments, both Liberal and Cotrscrvntive, in vain. They Add: "We have no vote; if we had it might be ditl ferent: but as it is we Ire at the mercy of those who have votes. and, alas. thoy have no mercy. We are not own cum salted with round to the nppointmmtt of Indian agents. We eoaaider last we would he better off if there were no agent-,0; we are now civilized and nble to take can of ourselves. The Govern- ment acknowledge that portions of our land was given to white people and other portions were given to us, which is quite true, but they took the very best of our land and give ua the rock and gravel. Ila-amt- we took our nun we are called had people. We are but poor. ignorant Indiana, and know noth- ing of white manu law: but We are persuaded that your Majesty will not suffer us to be trodden upon or takett advantage of. We leave ourselves in your Majesty's hands and trust that we may be able to return to our peoplo with good nun. We cannot tell your Majesty all our difficultiea; it would take too long: but we are sure that a good man or some good mun will he sent to our country tt ho will see and hear and bring back a mport to your Majesty." C'ronstadt, July '.t.-rtt a mainly effore to sure the surviving members of his "att and the other officers who he he- lieved surrendered the mmboat Bedovi on account of their affection for their wounded commander and their desire to save his life, Admiral Rojeatvensky br day pleaded guilty before a mun-mar- tial. In a short speech to the eourt the Admiral declared that he took all the blame on his own shoulders and ask- ed that he alone be puniahed to the full- est extent of the law. virtually an ttt l for condemnation and death. whirl”; the penalty for hauling down the St. Andrew Cross to a hostile var-l. All the other defendanta pie-dad not guilty. Refractory Prisonen at Sydney. tr. s. Were Brought to Benson, Trimmer tlered 1 on the limit,s, oomphi: the who latter t line Hundred lilea of Track low Under Conduction. Montreal, July '.t.--Sih Thoma: Shangh- nossy. President of the C. P. K. said today that. although his company had 900 miles of new roadway now under construction. they were not making much noise about it. He hard that all of these additions would N' railed by the end of this year. By the time this year's crop would be ready to move the double track between Winnipeg and Fort William would be laid to tho extent of 150 miles, which would greatly facili- tate rapid transportation. Sir Tlmmaa would not confirm the rumor that the C. P. R. intended to go through the Rockies from Edmonton. but he hoped to rearh the capital of Alberta direct by the end of the present year. Italy Effort of Rejutvenlky to Save Surviving Staff Heathen. FOUR 0F Ttttt cm L0ttr--4V TAIN RESCUE!) BY LIFE SAVE“. Maehias, Me..July th-The Inn of tour men and of the three-landed schooner Ella G. Bells. of Rockport, Me., were u- poned in a message can here to-day by Capt. W. A. Bream, the schooner. only survivor. The schooner was wroekd late Foster- day on Libby Island. in Huh“ Bay, white bound from New Bedtord. Hum, to Windsor. N. 6. in dad are: A. Brown, St. John, N. B., Into; AV. Du. poisni, steward; o. Johnston, sums; unknown sauna. _ SCHOONER WRECKED. Sydney Opt. Breen. while clinging to wreak- Me, I13 thrown upon the rocks and "and by life-non; STRAPPED T0 JAIL GATE ADMIRAL PLEADS GUILTY C. P. R. EXTENSIONS. July $L---With the 18 county Mil were or. mg to commence work out: beyond the city FRO! W j, tiilld. 1'a"i"'iil, [J) Ll", lfi'el','ir?tii1l f” ' iih4

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