West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Jul 1906, p. 8

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Ill! J. A. 1lacdonaid, who is in Durham this week. , See display in Ihtrling's Store Window te_iErioTo-o"'"io"to-o-otgT-o-.--g Err, L ROBERT BURNETT. rs ' Ott CALL on on: LOCAL layman“: INTERNATIONAL Correspondence J, Schools Mechanical Engineer; Mechanical Draftsman; Electrical Engineer; Electrician; Civil Engineer; Surveyor; Mining Engineer; Sammy Engineer; Architect, Architectural Draftsman; Sign Painter; Chemist; Ornamental Designer; Show-Card Writer; Ad Writer; Wind" Dresser; Bookkeeper; Stenop.ather; French, German, or Spanish, with Phonograph; Conunercrat Law. _ We can he' expense, for Does lack of education revent you from advancing? Then the 1. 'd s. can help you. We train ambitious men or women, in spare time, for positions that pa well because special training is required T,, filling them. If you want to Change your work, we can train you in spare time for a salaried position in your new profession. Are Your Hands Tied'? Butter, Eggs and Highest Prices THE PEOPLE’S STORE quality, deshrn the bargains w Then we feel co mechanical E . m '.e present time the homes throughout the country are In the midst ot. the annual Spring housecieahing. The house will “quire rtftrnishing to a great extent, and this is just where The People's Store can meet your demands. Call in and inspect our At the present time in thy midst' of the annua Write "ttrt-twar a - 2ee= than... . m gmom ' :9»... on" “an M Jan. by...» .9”. Wm ‘HDI‘ m a. m help you qualify, by mail, at small I" any of the following positions: con "I Re - furnish your Home aue fier My In. Ming which nt at out and n 0.... .0. mhtie r.t".S..rr Ibles you to select just what you fancy in md price. Before buying elsewhere, see you in this house-furnishing department. we can satisfy you. 'aid, either Cash or Produce complete lines' of and mail In. cannon row =lCiu-r-r'-'"'-.-------.. 'oooooooo.iT7"ou"o-otio-o-o"'o"i In" at f 7mm ."MW (Wm fawn-Mm a... _ Tum. W ,mhuy In... ”on. m on m‘ ”an. Cum-'00.: ttlu",,,.., bit-- It!“ find)!“ on!“ UPI W Oilclojhs, Carpets, Poles, Linoleums and Curtains and Curtain pasilwn interests you. to tf,ort-ooooeoooooo. et! _ position MM which Ihnmdx. , Rugs, etc., etc. WOOL WANTED Shh. I " My little mam." he said .. want is the l matter T' " I ate some green apples,” moaned the boy. " and oh, how I ache!” "You don't turhe,"nnswered the follow- er of Mrs. Eddy ; " you onlv think tro.' The boy looked up in aatonisttment at such asmtement. and then replied in . positive manner l " Thaw nll right: you any think no. but I've got inside information. One of our good farmers was telling on the streets yesterday a conversation he chanced to hear between a. young boy in he teens and n Chrinian Scien- tist. It appears the scientist came acrnswa small boy sitting under an apple tree doubled up with pain. Mc1srvrue--in fond memory of be. loved Campbell, died July 12th, 1905. Gone but not forgotten. F. HortrsuErt.--In Hanover, on Monday July o, 1006, Rachael, beloved wife of Geo. Hollinger. [The above was the mother of Mr W. J. Mitchell, formerly editor of the Chronicle]. BORN. McDosArm-In Durham, on Tuesday. 3rd July, to Mr and Mrs Arthur Me- Donald, a son. Hri:snv.---At Robb. on Monday. July 2nd. 1000, to Mr and Mrs Rom. Hen- ry, a. daughter. 1trcE.-In Holstein, on Tuesday. July 3rd, 1906, to Mr and Mrs John Rice. a daughter. Miss Tena J McDonald. near Price- ville, daughter of Hugh McDonald, was visiting at her cousins, Mrs. Wm. Lawson and with Mrs. J. McQueen and Mulock friends. She has been in the Toronto Hospital very ill with sciatica and inflammatory rheumatism for 4 months but Is now quite convalescent. She intends starting next week for Saskatchewan to join two brothers who are doing Well out there. -----H------. Mr Geo. Lawrence and familyIeft for Port Arthur this week. We were glad to hear that Mr Lawrence recov- ered the value of the horse he lost near Ayton. The owner of some horses running loose had to settle as he had been warned before of the damage they might cause. Mrs J. E. Mantel}. of Tillsonburg, who has been in poor health for some time, and who has spent the last three months with her mother. Mrs Thos. Anderson, of Pomona. is much better and Pxpvcts to return to her home this month. week to our fellow-trustee Mr S. P. Saunders. who was lately married to Mrs Cole. of Flint, Michigan, a sister of Mr N. McIntyre of town. We do so now with all heartinees, Mrs John McFarlane and her daugh- ter, Mrs Hall, and little son Jack, T0- ronto, are visiting their relatives. the McArthur', and other ft lends and old neighbors in Upper Town. Mr C. C. McFayden left last week for his annual trip to Bruce and will call on friends in Walkerton, Paisley, Port Elgin and Wiarton before re- turning. Misses Myrtle and Clara Orchard left for their new home in Stratford on Tuesday after spending a few days wlth their grandmother Mrs. S. or. chard. Mr. Ab. Jones. o. Sound. grandson of Mr. John Homshy. and another gentleman were in town this week, interested Ir, cement tsidewalk con- struction. Mr. and Mrs Arthur McUlocklin took in the Excursion to Niagara Falls go- ing by boat from Hamilton to Toronto and return. Miss Rosalie Brooker left on Tuesday for a month's vacation with relatives and friends In Cleveland, London and Stratford. Miss Flo Meow-mack Buntinck leaves this Thursday afternoon by steamer Athabasca to visit her brother at Port Arthur. Mist: Margaret Milan. of Rochester, is visiting at her grandmother’s. Mrs J. w, Scum. Upper Town. Mr. Arch, Duffield, Guelph, has been mending a week with his relatlvu. the McArthur', of the Glen. Glenoig. Mr J. D. Roberts. Holstein. accom- panied by his niece, visitt-d at Prin- opal Allau's the beginning of the week. l qtO ARCHIV TORONTO M in Kathleen Grant left Tuesday to spend a few holidays with Rev. and Mrs Farr. Gorrie. Miss Arlina Gun left on last to spend the summer l Manitoulin. Misses Fletcher of near Welbock. are visiting their sister, Mrs J no. Me. Kinnon. Miss Ghent. milliner, returned thin week to her home in Cobain-g. Mrs. Geo. Meikle left Tuesday on a week’s visit to Paisley relatives. Miss Clem Aljoe left Monday to spend her summer nation in Toronto omitted In Memoriam. itted congratulations last our fellnw-trustee Mr S. P. .o-. DIED. I Thursday vacation in v - _-__ "'"."""e""'""N'""" HID far as Durham is concerned. Per- haps if Grey and other counties had joined Bruce in their petition, it might have received more consider- ation. We notice Bruce County Council are still in the flght to remove this unjust anomaly. -- _____ -. '.\.V "no pull] to Owen Sound Collegiate Institute for tuition of Bruce students. " The above .9 from the Paisley Advocate. We have the same grieyance in this gounty nin an 'yrl.tpeatinttJiorqt, as tsl, " The petition to the Legislature from Bruce County council to change the school law which compels county councils to assist in maintaining, their pupils attending High Schools in ad- joining counties. had not any effect, consequently it costs this county about $600 this year for Bruce pupils attending Owen Sound, Mt. Forest and other high schools in adjoining counties. uThe sum of $408 was paid in I“..- A___1 n,nu . - The Largest Eda tional Institu- tion in the world-- t International Correspondence Soho ls - have on display in Mr Dnrlin Drug Store window this week the w rk done by some of their Durham s udents. If you are interested in het ering your present position, call and ee what these Schools have done for them. Are me not given to boasting but We are proud of the farmer boys of this vicinity. They are. with rare ex- ceptions, a healthy, intelligent and happy class of young men. We feel like taking our hat clear off when we I meet them upon our streets, and no _ class is more. Welcomed to our omee, Too many hovslem'e the farm where they would have made. substantial and good citizens. and go to the city where only one in a. thousand succeed in lite’s battle. There are farmers who fairly drive their boys away. There is no excuse for this. The farmer boy is entitledto his vacations, to several relaxations. his visits to the city, good hooks, magazines and his home paper. To the observing one it is plain to be seen that the old farm is the best place in the world for the average. young man and never fails to bring a i happier and more useful life than, the city. Young men, Von who till the soil and earn your bread by the ( sweat of your brow. we are. proud of you t our letchstung is always out to you and you will always have a friend in this paper. Come and see us and Rive us the news from your neighbor- hood. A large assortment CHIL- DREN'S HATS now in stock. Also LADIES' BONNETS and small Turban. suitable for Matron. Kindly give us a visit and see our beautiful Summer Millinery. At present we are showing a nice selection of Hats just suitable for ladies' warm weather wear and this week we expect a shipment of New Embroidered Sailors. On Friday last little Davis Firth. son of Mr. and Mrs. J OB. Firth passed away. He was nearly three years old, a bright bor, the joy ofhie parents, who feel the loss very keenly. About a. month ago he was at the brink of death hut rallied surprisingly. rousing a hope that wasnotto he realized. The frneral took place on Sunday thion cemetery, Rev. Mr. fiUrqnharson con- ducting the services. many neighbors and friends testifying their sympathy with the parents in the loss of their first born. Pretty Summer Hats The funeral on Saturday last to Sau- tteen cemetery was largely attended. To the aorrowing husband and family, so suddenly bereaved we extend sym~ pathy. _ She was a daughter of the late Tho- mu Harrison of North Egremont and her brothers Edward. Thomas and Jones are still on or near the old home. Mrs Duncan Manb. Glenelg. is a sis- ter. Has. Josm hooves. l On Thursdnv Inst 21st June, there died " her home in south Glenelg Mrs Joseph Jacques at the age of 64 years. Vere sudden indeed did the call come. She was busy with her usual milking duties, her son passed her for the barn making some remark and shortly after looking in her direction he saw her fallen over the pail and on rushing to the spot found her breathing but un- conscious. Aid wns quickly summon- ed but the end had come and she died in a few minutes. THE DURHAM REVIEW. . I Byan inadvertenee the following item was left out of but week's iuue.] iss Dick Additional Locals DAVIS FIRTH In Memoriam -._.t-----, a. R be ___ ""..", VI Clll‘L REVIEW Oftice will receive tention. In reference to the above, I beg to announce that I will be pleased at anv lime to meet with panties wishing to buy. sell, or exchange. but. will for Uon- venience be in Durham every Saturday afternoon. If we don't see you. send usl n. post-card: we will gladly give all in- f.y'mnriotr_orders or enquiries at. thssl I " Dundas St, London, oh"" ted If you wish to sell or exchange your property quickly or prefitturly or if you wish to buy. don't fail were or write our Gen Agent for the. Co of Grey, Wm w Homage, Thistle P. o, who has late- ly been appointed to this position. We. make no charge unless the property is sold. For further particulars. ttpply,, personally or by letter, to either of thisl above addresses. I The Western Real Esta": Rm“--- Came to the premises of the under- signed. Lot 1, Con. 9. Glenelg. a. two- year old heifer. The owner will please prove property, pay expenses and take animal away.“ REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Strayed from 1Vm. Wilson's. Heal Boorhiulie, about the end of May, a red heifer. spotted face, part Hereford with wide horns, Information lead ing to its recovery will be suitably r9- warded by notifying the owner. War. MCFADDEN. Durham, or 1%rr, WILSON. BotmrvrrsLre. (lame to the premises signed, Lot Gl, Con. ( Glenelg, a two your old er will please prove pro penses and take animal 3rd Div. of Lot 13, Con l, E. G. It., Glenelg, containing GO acres, about one mile from Rocky Salim-en P. o., frame house and log stable on the premises. I’os'wsszon given immedi- ately For fytihe,, particulars. apply on the premises to B. JENKINSUN. Rocky Snugeen P. o. Dated April 1%,}?ka The 2nd and 3rd divisions of lot num her 10,Concession l, East, Garatraxa Road,menex,r, 100 acres. Apply to ANGUS MCKINNON or to n " A .. A. lfLIELF'ORD. Durham Uomfottable Dwelling House. Hard and Soft water, heated by steam. Electric lights. Apply to . ""r're'""_ . “I. v Y"'"") ... \ll - ner of lot 28 which would make a. good watevpower. 55 miles from Durham ; conveniently situated. The above pro- perty will be sold together or in parts to suit purchaser. For further particu- lars apply on the premises. onto 200 acres, being lots 27 and 28, con. 2, F, G R, Glenelg. About. 110 acres clear- ed, 80 ood hardwood bush, 10 good ce- dar. Emir buildings and well watered: the y,otlctttty/r,ratii runaghropgh tin-or; Avoid intoxicants. which destroy those cells. Daily exercise in the open air. Allow no pet animals in your livmg rooms, they are likely to carry about disease germs. Live in the country if you can. Watch thethree D's t drinking water damp and drains. Haye change of occupation. Take frequent and about holidays. Limit your ambition. Keep your temper. Western Real Estate Exchange. hut. London, Ontario. No cold tub in the morning: hut I bath at; the temperature of the body. Exercise before breakfast. Bat little meat, and see that it is well cooked. For adults t Drink no milk. Eat plenty of fat to feed the cells which dentroy disease germs. STRAYED HEIFEE ff/it your bedroom window open ullnig t. Raye a. mat. at your bedroom door. Do not have your bed: set. against the wall. Sir James Sawyer. . noted phrsieian of Birmingham, England, has been talking recently to an audience in that town on longevnty. Itt, secret. he thinks. lies in keeping the nineteen commandant: following: Eight hour's sleep. Sleep on your right side. STRAYED HEIFER MCCORMICK BROS” Rocky ti FARM FOR SALE. C AME EST RAY. FARM FOR SALE e to the premises of the under- ' Lot Gl, Con. 3, South Line. G a two your old heifer. Own- please prove pmperly. pay ex- and take animal away. FARM TO RENT Nineteen Commandments. NOTICE TO RENT. GRAHAM TIMMINS. Dos, McDocc,ar.c. m. Wilson's. near 1e end of May, a ace, part Hereford I.t.f?imttrtion lead- enquiries at the ' 50 acre-s, about y Saugeen P. 0.. log stable on the m gin-p immedi- prompt tit. N. MCINTYRE. gimme: Sn ugeen re- Remember the place---. G. Lawrence 's old Stand Trunks David anti Goliath in anydhing in ihe Hardware line at Big Store. Just a new line of solid cast s vels, long and short handle, at ably low prices. We have a full assortment of the Sc finest doors on the market. All sizes and prices within the reach of every Fishing Tackle B. F. AHRENS ROPE I Get ahead of the fact fhat the Big Store is he cheapest place to buy your Hardware. For the next twelve days we intend to again emphasize this fact by offering you great bargains in the following lines. PLYMOUTH BINDER TWINE HANOVER, ONT ALEX. RUSSELL THE BIG STORE ye will not fail in Golden b%ear.....aarue 625 Silver Bheat...,.. runs ooo Gre an Sheat...... runs Mo Plymouth Special runs GOt My experience in selling twine f been that the best twine is the ch, samples in window. FOR a - . TELESCOPES. &c., at lowest prices. Custom pairing as usual. TERMS -CASH. Eggs taker Gold Medal Goliath was a very much surpr with a stone. Such a thing , Did it ever enter your head that for correct Boots and Shoes at ideas and collect a little money next pair of Boots or Shoes. Jul... "ultLl fish poles, trout lines, flies, reels thing at the right price. , Valises, Club Bags, We have just received a fresh supply of Pure Manilla Rope and we are in a position to quote you the very best prices. U Can't very much surprised man when a“ _a -. . m HARD‘VARE. PLUMBIISGr HEATING AND TINWARE cast Steel Sho- runs 650 " per lb. 1 thing. nevir-aereri'"hi; head thet McIlraith's is the I twine for years has is the cheapest. See FOR SALE BY _S_Upplying your wants S at correct prices ? c, oney and come and see yqur wants" in all kindisGf We will be please)! 19 _ sqpply remark- 2; Screen Doors ‘. MCILRAITH Custom work and Re Eggs taken sum: as Cash .1 " zone. SHOVELS JULY 12. 1906 his head 583}; Just the right David hit him correct place Correct your ' us for your V0 tot ELI A Rm Rm Raw ltr In hu- ttrv (Ev tev VI T V

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