West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Jul 1906, p. 4

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is? gga::42:1-;:-::-::-::-::c:-a3:323m33333333§ iti: Taylor 8600. Taylor 8000. 3; Raymond Sewing SOMETHING NEW IN w 2)opring Jy'arvesters We have a first-class stock of to EXCHANGE tor WOOL. If you have never sold us your wool before, try us this year. We will do our best to please you in every respect. Highest prices for all kinds of Produce. Our Stock is Very Complete Remember the Place Taylor & Co., Dromore 1'il12m1iaangast8tseaiaaaeaiegggsg Everybody asking the WOOL ! 'ij"'i"r"""l'"j'i"j""i"]"'""i',i,ii,iii, WOOL ! jji The Bal 20 Ladies' $1 It gain: @Zark. For Wool Season, in every line, in Dry Goods and Ready-to-wear stuff, such as Ladies' Wrappers at Half Price We will sell (he balance trimmed wnth Lace and l, C Deering Burrows. Wilkinson Plou'ghs, Honey’s Har- ness, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned unticlas, fair prices We can give only a mere list of our goods. but In quality and “(Ir tability to the needs of South Grey we are not excelled: aincoats, Clothing, Skirts, etc or the woman who likes a perfect and easy Ming Corset, she will find our E. T. Corsets have the right style about Aern Gat Ge fashionably dressed woman desires. We are showing a big range of them in the newest styles Long Hip, Straight Front and Tape Girdles with Suspenders attached in White and Drab. The best In their line alance of .e T. CORSETS . F. MORLOCK illinery Bargains Stock of Trimmed Millinery and Ready-to- wears at Cost. 'rint Wrappers in odd sizes at A Big Clearing in White Waists the question----- What are you paying for Wool ? Cash and One Price "ic/ins Warm Machinery. alanee of White Lawn Waists, prettilo and Insertion at 25% off regular price Yarns and Blankets We handle only the best. A few doors South of the Middaugh House. 50c each yr, E H The strongest pure? Mutual Fire Insursn c Co. in Ontario. A reeor without s {unite} sud tins: reward for honest efforts. L caused and infected by the Government: insures residence An farm property upon the latest known puns. 3 or 4 you bimket policies issued on the ennui instslment or one dryment system under the most tumble con tions to the insured. Insure in the best. If your insurmce expires this you, call on. or drop I cord to llillillii, flili IISIIRINEE (WHY FARMER’S CENTRAL Comfortable Dwelling House. Hard and Soft water, heated by steam, Electric lights. Apply to . _ -1 .-~--»:ol\r|u P""'"""" conveniently situated. The above pro- perty will be sold together or in parts to suit purchaser. For further particu- lars apply on the premises. or to __ r ._ -_- van“, .., Hum ce dar. Fair. buildings and well watered: the Rocky Snugeen runs through acor- ner of lot 28 which would make a good _'r1tt'tv.owt.r. 55 milges trom Durham ' d 200 m res. being lots 27 and 28, con, 2, E G H, Glenelg. About 110 acres clear- ed, 80 good hardwood bush, 10 good ce- 1].”. 'P...'..t..,tru, . .. Amo ARCHIV TORONTO A wealth of suggestions for the newest. Summer gowns Is to be found in the August Delineator. which is in teresting, not only from the standpoint of fashion, but for its readings as well. Among the fiction of the number is the second installment of "The Chauf- feur and the Chttperon." the delight- ful motor boat romance, by The Wir. iamsous. authors of many automobile stories l also two entertaining short stories by Carroll Watson Rankin and Marvm Dana, Carolyn Wellueontri, I butes thc"Rubaiyat of Summer Khay- yam." written in her inimitable style. Clara E. Laughlin tells the story of the life of Rembrandt, Whose pictures are held invaluable in the world's best col- lections of art, and Gustav Kobbe writes of the famous civil war song of the south, "Dixie" and its composer. Dan Emmet, the old minstrel. In the Campaign for Safe Foeds, Mrs. Abel contributes a chapter on "The Market Inspector and the Buyer," which con- cludes this series oh notable articles. There are numerous articles devoted to the interest of the home p-The kit- chen. house furnishirg. needle work and Dressmaking: and the children's pages include a Variety of features l having for their purpose the entertain- , ing of young folks. MrComucx Bios" Itoiky Sangeen NEIL lcCANNEL. Agent. Durham The bill has now passed the Ben- ate with some slight modirxations that do not lessen its value, The Senate changed to name Lord's Day Bill to "Sandav Bill" but the Com- mons have restored the first name. --The bunch ot little republics in Central America are in a war fer. ment. San Salvador and Honduras are pitted against Guatemala and Nicaragua and Costa Rica may take ahand in it. A fight on Saturday last resulted in a defeat for the Gua- temalans when they lost 2000 men in killed, wounded and prisoners. It seems likely the trouble may be settled by the good offices ot the United States government. After a long drawn out discussion the Lord's Day Bill passed the third reading at an early hour on Saturday morning of last week, In a country , composed of provinces in which the ( population. the customs and traditions are so heterogeneous. the passage of a Dominion law acceptable to all was practically impossible and a large measure of compromise was necessary unless there was to be an absolutely "open Sunday," The interests of the Bill were carefully safeguarded by Rev. J, C. Shearer and Mr, R. U. McPherson. who displayed a fine spirit of tact and conciliation. The Premier took a strong stand from the very beginning and was ably sup- j ported bv his Cabinet. among whom 1 the late minister of Justice and the . present Minister, Mr. Ayleswortb are 1 I worthy of special mention. The Bill l is now in the hands of the Senate. i The hints that in passing that stage 1 it will be mutilated or thrown out is scarcely worthy of serious thought, . This body" will scarcely venture to I oppose itself to such a solid body of t public opinion as is behind the Bill.-... Presbyterian. n FARM FOR SALE The Delineator for August -Canadian rifiernen " Bieley have carried off the coveted Kolapore cup wfth a scure of 729 against the Moth- er country 720, India 705, Malay States 70i, Guernsey 692. This com- pensates to some extent the defeat of the Argonauts in the rowing contests. has at last been compietely vindl~ eatad without a re-triul. He was the victim:ot military Jealously and was subjected to such barbaritiiU that the press of the civilized nation- roused a feeling in his iavor which made his persecutora pause. The ticdinq of new documents has made it clear that he was entirely inno. cent and the Supreme court has re- stored him to his rank in the army. -Capt. Dreyfus, tor twelve years disgraced by the French courts ow- iLng _tt) ‘allgggd treasonable actions Topics of the Week TO RENT. "-ieq N. MCINTYRE. Student: unnamed n my titn"eriiii: Mica hrs " my tune tree. C. A. FLHING. may“ Common”: 80.10th a, 1908 I t only requires I few months st this Institu- tion to comglete u thorough inaction Banned Course. or horthand " b7Giii% (bum. and tit you for ?"Pune"tive position. Binder Twine in abundance and cheaper than the cheapest. We also sell Sections. Guards and Heads, Gasoline, Coal Oil, Ready-Mixed Paints, Paint Oil, Ala- bastine, etc. Don l attempt to use that old worn-out Grain Cradle when you can buy one of our good reliable Cradles so cheap. We have a large stock of Paris Green and Bug Killer. Why allow your cattle get pasted with flies when you can buy Fly Oil so cheap. In Spray pumps we lead the mar- ket from the ordinary Syringe Spray to the Barrel Pump. We are determined to supply your wants if possible. Lovers of Cherries should see our Cherry Pitters and you will not be without one. HARDWARE! tell to theii: Fa Pleased to hear that Mr Wm Dix- on and son Chas. are liking the North West: 45 miles from a post offiets, handling two yoke of oxen, txpeetirytatpii1way and post offiee soon, when their pioneer work will 5" I b-, AL.:, .. V The Orangemen ofthis part divid. ‘ed on the 12th, Dnndalk. Hanover and Guelph being patronized. All had good weather and a good time. Mrs Barnes (nee Emma Bell). of Golden, B. C., with her children. is a guest of her sister, Mrs Harm at present and enjoying her old home and neighborhood. Misses Bella ind Mary iiemon, of Durham, have been spending a few days with relatives and friends here. S. S, 7 out of 8, Alick Findlay, Mandy Renwick, Mary Tucker. Reuben Wells, Chas Hay, Robt Ec- cles, John Renwick, The result is use a credit to our teacher, Mr Col- eridge, who with an average of over 50 tor the past six months and a Con. unuation class of 7 or 8 must have been in no danger of rusting. Pleased to hear such a good result gram the recent: qxqmination in No 13 The lbw Mr Craw preached an able and appreciated sermon on Sun- day last. at Amos Church. Sacra.- ment wilt be dispensed there on Sun- day next by the Rev Mr Little. FALL TERM at the ':eNtmrtmttip7 m Miss Minnie McFadden made a. fir. ing visit on Tuesdaypl this week to friends in this part. I Mr John Whitmore returned Tues- ‘day of this week tram his trip to Rainy River, well pleased with his outing, and returns hale and hearty and performed, while there, a. week- ly walk to For: Francis of 9 miles and back again. He reports all do. ine well both physically and tinane. ially. and gave good assistance to his sons, in the erection of a new building' and other work. Football match between the grown up boys of No 13 and No 12 touk ghee at Councillor Ferguson‘s on ridaylast. when the score of 2--0 was made by the former. The lat. ter though putting up a good game, was handicapped by the several vears' experienced players from Dromore. On playing a little over extra time. one more score was made in favor of the winners. The match was conducted in a very friendly t'lfrll't no squabbling being indulg- e m. We hear of a lot of the people be- ing sick. who took in the last ft to Niagara. We suppose the boat oes not agree with them, bat W0 believe it is a healthy sickness. - Iirhiiiid Hutton, of Toronto. is vig.. iting at Mr Richard Heard 'g. The twelfth passed of very quiet- ly in the park, or nearly all the peo- ple went to Dundalk to celebrate the grpgt gay. Mr John Haw visited in the park on Sunday last. Mrs Percy Lawrence, who has been ill, is recovering. THE DURHAM REVIEW We believe ilowik will have to Mop the implement business till after hugging: Miss Jean Pattison is visiting " Mrs Duncan McMillan’s. Mr Thomas Campbell has purchas- ed a new surrey. A strange bird has started P sing around the park. We behave it must be B Robin and it just sings one song. C' Good Bye my Blue Bell. tt Hayingis the order of the day. Most of t 0 tumors have some done. Miss Smith. of Toronto. is visiting at her ttttttt'g, Mrs Geo Watson. Owen 8mm . Black. North Egremont. Swinton Park. ADnmoy To NOVELTY FAtrronv..-. Alex Bremner has secured the con- tract of building a third storey on the Novelty Factory. There is also the likeilhood ofu new iron bed factory being located here. The Executive of Industrial Association ought to be making is big pueh to secure C. P. R. connection with Durham or Hanover. As econ " the contract for the midi. tionto the Novelty Factory wee let, the local real estate market Mame tirmer. Property in Cheeley would not be worth tio per cent of what it le " preeent if our tuctoriee did not ehow evidence of permanency. We hare not heard particulars of the new factory likely to beloceted here. but for the benefit of tho village it unnot come too 'oom-A3heuer Enterprlee. I Married at the residence of the bride's mother, near Cedarville, by the Rev Mr Melnnea: on July ll, Mr Archibald Ferguson to Miss Mary Ann Bell, youngest daughter otthe late Donald Bell, Esq, J P, all of the township of Proton. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson will live on 15th con. Thursday, 12th July, was a big day here by going to Dundalk to take part or see the largest Orange proeeasion ever was in Dundolk. Three ot the council of Proton were in atymdanee--lteeve Bell, Cooper and McKenzie, bat we fancy it did not turn out a good day for canvas~ sing if that was in view. 1907 is a long way off yet. Mr and Mrs Im C Steven; of Port Sarnia, but formerly old settlers has been on a visit to friends east at here. Mr Jos C Hall and family have gone to Sault Ste Marie to live. a girl, who in womanhood became the wife of Mr Albert Haw who died some few rears ago, By her Mrs, McDonald leaves behind her four grandchildren, Mrs John Smith of 1jlgremont, Mrs Wm Scrimlger of Proton and Donald and Charles un married who live at home with their father in Proton. The iuncral ot the late Mrs Don. old McDonald was on Monday after noon from the residence of Mr John Smith, Egremont to Swinton Park. The services at the house and church were held by Mr Carson, the new pastor of Hopeville church in " sence of the Rev Mr Matheson who was from home and the tuneral was very large tor the short notice, but was tshiefly her old friends and close ( neighbors,' Mrs McDonald came in. to Proton with her husband in the earliest days of that township and settled on Lot No I, Con 15. They were always members of the Pres- byterian church and good and kind neighbors. On account of a number of men called Donald McDonald they ehiefly went by the name of it McDonald of the Gore" as they had agore lot. They had one child, Miss Carrie Cameron is home from Toronto for a month', holiday. The Bell Telephone line is lobe extended to Orchard. which will be a convenience tor everybody. The new subscribers are John Brown, John t3alvertand James Mark. The Methodist Sunday School pie. nie last Friday was enjoyed by all present. The baseball match here on Sa Lur- day between Holstein and Woodland was won hy the. home team by a good margin after an interesting game. Mr Will Riceocclges the Presby- terian pulpit next bbatb. Miss Minnie Orchard leit for her home in Stratford on Tuesday. Among those who left for the north west on Tuesday Were Mr and Mrs Thos Keith, Mr Richard Ellis, Mas Maggie Nichol, Mr John Rice, Thos Pollock and Nelaun Wilder. A number of places were struck by lightning during Saturdav’s (31mm bat no serious damage was one. A large number took in the Niag- ara Falls excursion last week and re- port a very enjoyable time. Mrs Ker, of Mt F01 est. is visiting her daughter, Miss Minnie Ker, for a. few days this week. Mrs Petrie and him Thos Brown are spending a week or two at Ham. ilton and Grimsby. Geo Klempp is getting in his cat] supply for next winter at a slightly advanced price. Geo Freeman has just got in 3 fine large new boiler for his mill and now has a very complete plant. The Presbyterian Sundav School held their annual picnic in the park on Monday afternoon. A large crowd was present and everybody had a good time. A game of baseball is called for Saturday afternoon at 5 o'clock. be- tween Holstein and Woodland and an exciting contest is expected. Robt. Mieklebortmeh, of Regine. who he been visiting here for a couple of weeks, returned home on Tuesday I','tNtgt,1 by William Thayer, late ot uddell’s store. who intends taking tt position in the West. They went by way of Chicago ex- pecting to stop over there and see the sights. - Received too late for last week This week’s budget. .~->. .._. tiopeville. Holstein. we... _. - mm...» “L be “was ""'. by such penal: residing with t e father or "as mother. 3 It the nettle: In: his permanent renidmoe uld upon fuming had owned by um in the vicin- .... ',,td,lili "warms: t',P,tt'e,tt,s as: ' as m: . ence not the add tum." ' hangar notice In u should be van w. tgLttt.tSiiiietiiiii;WU' '/gut',tt1tau u " ott"aettfiGirt"t"G' to 3mm moat. gut W. W. CORY. Deputy tttttse We: the lam. i tot shlbrHreattttseuii tNttnttoa d this " '. I 'iiiauararlWl'"%"llt ' ANY even numbered section of Dominion had: in munch, Ft"atctiisGiin md Alba-ta; ewngsm as. not reserved. may be home: " ed ymy person who Is the sole head of: "tnity, or my male over In years of Me to the extleut of one quarter action of 160 new: mom or cu. I EEu’lelnlt be Hilde mum-nu.- -- -. - mums up iiiiiia WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. l BARCLAY Undertaking and Embalming A general Banking business transac. ted. Drafts issued and collection made on all points. Deposits received and interest allowed at curt-em rate- SAVINGS BAtN--cnusrest allowed on savings bank depositsjof $1.00 and upwards. Prom tattentfon and every facility 'G'if/l'l'rtrtgeie0/,', living ill a, distance. DURHAM AGENCY AGENTS in all principal points m Ontario, Quebec. Manitoba. United Status and England. W. P. COWAN. President. th P. SCHOLFIELD. General Manager We have opened up Undertaking Rooms in Thos. Swallow's build. ing opposite the Middaugh House and are prepared to do business with any person requiring under- taking. Satisfaction guaranteed in Embalming. Our stock of funeral supplies has arrived ; also a full line of Catholic robes, etc. CAPTAL. Authorized. . . . . .82,000i) CAPITAL, Paid up.......,.. 1,000,0ti, RESERVE FUND. . . . . . . . .. 1.000.000 'alll!!,!,!!!,!!,,,?,?" Ttarity, We my?” I,adiea ' Cravenette Ctoth -aitormade thuts The latest materials in Clie. viota and Serges are here for your choice. You make your selection and leave the rest to us. We'll turn you out a neat1fitting, tlp-to-date looking "it-ond you'll be proud to wear. For a trim, good appearing raincoat. the material is the first consideration, We have the proper cloth and can make an raincoat to order tor her lady ship in quick time. See our display in this line. Jas. R. Gun & Co. PARIS GREEN Potato Bug Killer Over 2 Tons made on the premises and sold during the season of 1905. Lost work, No water to carry. and a. better yield. The Only kind to use on your potatoes J. KELLY. Agent. PARKER’S HIS GREEN and other irueectkkler, on lmnd. DRUGGISTS. leans BELL Our Good. W. H. BEAN Daisy Chums & Washers Double glam .T cu Chin- esx one: . £1 Singer Shop nest of the .,v~ -- .w‘e 0's“! "ling!!!” - hmtaun' 'roiimitattoiiiiiitiiii I I ..... .I." f _ . . ....... VL’CInd 8L1,“ . ...... ...... ' ....... ...zi .... , ...... ......l SEED DRILLS: Ha Joanie”. side delivery and male": Brown and Bennie Hay Tracks. W’EBUEEWW mu VERITY FLOWS t Welt-ttid ing and Guns Plough. DISC HARROWS and Hun-rows of all kinds. R Table Linen 54 in Wide Zie; 6ti in wide Goc lieu-y milled Cotton sheeting, 72in wide, Tk Luge n It a an rum-cum: shunts. white T?'ft---cy.r..Cr.C.".'i'csl'Gll' TABLE OIM'LOTH. " In wide. .. . . . . . .. ' . . 31‘"- FIDOR " t II, and u ...a. ___. , -. Now Prints -a"iit Buggies .. Asiong 2' wt.4evet. 'ut r- A"... I . . I I. 1...: JC: .. All the machinery of the.uhove well known tirm in stock 0r can be be- cured at short notice. T 2 J"tgii" 4 sl McQueen t Morice l, B. McLELLAN, Agent Warerooms across the bridge north of the Post Office. Orders left at REvrr:w Office will receive our best attention. Prices and terms Dalsy Chums, Wringers. Hayloadera , Tracks Rakes. Howe: Maple Leaf The Improve The New Hamburg Waggon- Barber Buggies Bissau Steel Land Rollers Disc Harrow: of Elora iria; Leaf a t.sssjVsisiiusuuiais-g; MASSEY= HARRIS ! ALL SPRING GOODS Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Call And see our Leader Seed- er, Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators and Peter Hamilton AGENCY V "--tastr" é in China rode are ttrttrciase, price. mo detue. Call anyway. .__ " Sewing Muéhineu, BELL Oman: MacFarianeét Co. DRUGGISI‘S & SEEDSMICN - _ .... _ Now is the time to replenish your China Stock. 25 to 33 l-3°|o off We have a number of odd pieces which we are anxiouu to clear out to make room for fall importations to arrive in September, consisting of Sal- ad and Berry Bowls, Cake and Fruit Plates, Fruit Sets, Cups and Saucers, &c., which we are offering at Clearing Sale Call and _ - - . This Store closes every evening at 7 o'clock except Wedttesday& Saturday LACE CURTAINS I xulonu (2mm Senna»; 4 mic: Gray k Suns, Cttat. Inna. Burk-Carriage Co. Canada Curringo Co., Brockville. we“: Gin wide.......,. ,l'Anndzydi wide JULY 19 1906 Danni-"a: Mums “Waugh Houu Gingham. "L, m , Howe}; Binders to suit purchasers. tkntrey, 1Vatshers Ila-eru- dishes-101 11: .:..25cnnd 3.30 e- Mites} long, Ill. dE leader's BIN SELLS B, Vilma- In 81.1) per pr 'ae dr CHEAP of TAHI I for " il' Y, 'Ireig,rigte. ' N,, Th will: i.’ a. 619;" t jt a“ -r "

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