West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Jul 1906, p. 5

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AGENCY & Co. H 9 1906 tt ma ..... G, .... ses every lo off - , Agent " GOODS tis ers Sale - CHEAP an t "4gintaEttaratit- 1""NttlP'"'t"'iiiial"tsatr' i,i,i,i,_,__ N,, (hd; J'.McKechnie i N .,G. d, J, McKechnie Furniture Sale The [i',ihurlha,m Furniture Go., Ltd NOW Going 1lil8li,!?llfifjsi,it": Fsber 'C,15il t.i!,llllilll! jr!,!),),)!:,'.")'":'-)") imuo Aims TC) and i-',,1'Cl'I'irf , PATEBSON’S "mm: EDGE" .31 {5311511 - READY ROOFING 44. Anticipating a big demand we bought largely in the early market and thus were enabled to secure the pick of the goods and at a price which cannot be equalled. We invite you one and all to inspect one stock. This department of our business was never in better shape to supply our customers than it will be this season. JULY lo, 1906 To reduce our stock We are closiprices. WOOD, LO Call at our Warerooms DRESS GOODS It is the one roof that is not affected by heat and cold. It never leaks-never harden: or cracks-is rain, snow And fire-proof-and lasts a lifetime. Cheaper than shingles. ; , You will want it for every building A, _ijiii,j, f after you know how thoroughly F, ffl, : satisfactory it is. The Popular Cash Store. (The popular Cash Store.) ‘r\.?ATERSON MFG. CO. Ltd, Ea£{\ loam-n and 1mm information About it. a copy and free sump best roofing in the world. Hardware dealers u Paterson's "Wire Edge“ it for you. SPRING Our stock We are offering lines of all grades and makes at very WOOD, LOGS & LUMBER TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. free booklet gives lots of lers eveywhere sell Edge " or will get it. Write for sample of the one door South of the Post oiiili. - -- ,__v---. .u- grunt. BIINKH from any source for a month after would he taken for another earth- quakeitia the Quint thing in the yepl, to imagine another earthquake /y i Miles of the city was blown down k 1 with charges of dynamite to try and , ,stop the awful tire. Mr Brown went , , down the day of the quake, and came J hack next day, he would not stay pith-re another day tog. five hundred 'f 1 dollars, a raging fire for two days and inights. He saw people leave their “homes carrying some pet, such as a ti canary. a cut, or little dog, every thing ' else they had in the world was gone. ' , They were ordered out as the fire , I would be on them in a short time and 1 out they had to go. He stud they did i not seem to comprehend it, careless Has to what was to become of them but “all thankful they Were alive. Some ', saved more than one dress, their best. , others nothing but wrappers, some l with shoes on some bad none, nothing , to But for two days, no water to drink. '-horses walking in wine from the large [ vaults would drink it ott the streets and blocks and blocks of the city burn- ing at the same time, The glare of the tire made it quite light whereI am and that is 90 miles away. The desolation there is awful t Broxen brick. iron, ashes nod dust are all that is left. ‘Houses that cost a mil. lion dolhus on Nob Hill. the fashion. able quarter of the city, nearly all millionaires, fared as had as the tene- ment houses on Mission street. The earthquake here was a. bad one though no damage was done first we had what felt like a long easy slide which came to a very sudden stop. then it began shaking north to south. east to west and all round and back Fad the buildings grosned as it in gogony all the window weights went 1 ring like old cow bells against the I brick wall in this house. First move. ', ment and I was out of bed. the win- l dow open resdyto jump out it the , inside began to fall and I stood there i for what seemed. very long time be- t tore it bsgsn to slow up. not s brick , tell. not even scmk in it. The river ,' mued0or7Net sud spluhsd so it s ' swift hosthsd worked up the water: ' nil wss quiet In s minute as if nothing I had happened but the sensation is sw- ' ful, it makes some people sick " the '1) stomscl‘. It is swful when old moth. t.5 Barth troubles; the instant. f i "I went down to San Francisco to l see the ruins of that beautiful and rich ‘ city . some of the papers say 32 square I miles were burnt and only iron ‘and piles of brick and ashes remain. It is something awful. the earthquake was had lint the fire finished it, people worth millions of dollars a few hours before were in the bread line Waiting fox-their chance. to step up and get something to eat, silk and satins and I fine furs that they saved out of their home they had on and eating canned beef and bread with their fingers. The the knew no station, rich or poor, good or bad, the churches, as well as the saloons and gambling hells, all went up in smoke. ' Few. if any. descriptions of the big earthquake we have read equal the graphic net-ount sent by Mrs John Mc- lQueen’s brother Neil, who lives about 90 miles from San Francisco. We think our readers will enjoy the ex- tract we give from a letter she recent. ly received. A remarkably wet sea» son has followed the earthquake, the hay crop la mined and lather crops I greatly reduced in value. Here is the i extract. I What an Earthquake is Like for k $333363}? , Whyte-BH-Tut the report of oom- l with. on Iowa lino Attaini- Ind Bu. Artemeeie. Council mat in the town hell on Saturdny. July 7. Members all present, the reeye in the chair. Min- utes of previous session read and con- tirmed, Communications as follows were presented end read: A Mac-be, complaining of fence across Prince street Prieeville, and Mking to hove the some removed ; W J Bowen. at a], asking to heye road known as Miller's ewunp me- ndemized; Oeweld Walker, et " nir- rng Council to teke action to clone pert of hue line north from' lot 110. 8 N. h'., end eideroed 10 in con 14; re rt of reeve. expenditure on volley ml” the reeve and Mr McKenzie. report " win line Artemeexe and Enphruin; by-lew No 639. to close up and dupoee of 2,5 micron] in con 10. was introduced and read a first, second and third time, and ( ordered to be entered on the by-lew i LAAI. Gravel accounts were Enid atuouutdg' to 884.68 and other accounts amounting to 9295.47 were paid. Meg1tthtTrpoby--1upurt minted. Comr fees 87ar-ctsrria, Come Ferguson road improvements to 0 S ll amounting to 814.60, ilay'a work on bill c, A Con 16, amounting to 841.97, Day's work on hill Lot " Con 3, amounting to 320.50. '"oNrtuur--fl1ilirr--1upors adopted. Com: fees and oyerseemg 'IO-or-, Come Philp road improvements on Con 5 amount expended 870.50. fees :35 Con 9 expended $26.10, fees M.oo, Con lo expended $82, fees 81.50 and Comr chenzie Proton reported a culvert on Proton and Egremont townliue cost $8.25 Egremunt share 81.75. 0 Boss authoring plank $1.oo, do De to old timbar bought SI 00. Comr Robb. road Improvements, S Kobb drawing 2 loads tile 81.00; C ft Evans. drawing tile and putting in cul- vert. Lott, Con 5. M " ' A McIntyre tile culvert. Lot 5. Con 9, 84.00; D Hunter large culvert and rep roadway. 912 ; J T McBride undorbrushing road- way Lot 6. Can 7 and 8, $5.25; 8 E Smith operating grader 9 days $18.00 ml and rep's one. 1'liia'i.p-syiarthur--msport Comr lees $'d,oo---carried, Ferguson .. Irrartur--1iepa ed, Comr fees, $8oo-U'arried. Reeve’a report on road improvements, Jae Ecclea 801 rods grawlling at tWe, Lot 20 and 21, Con 19, $27.25 do gravel for toregoimdNMo; No. road improve- ments Lot 1,5 1nd 16, Con 17.81.50; Gee Lothian, patiuntuster for gtavelliue, Lot 14, Con IO and 20, 320.00; Geo McWillinms, patlumvster, labor 2 Go " oo; Thus Reid. Pathtuastor gmyei- linglnts lo and 11 Cull 16, $46 oo. By-Law No 199 to bane debentures for Holstein sidewalk was declared cur- ried and was read I third time and sign. ed etc. The debentures were also sign- ed auda By-Law was pulled to com- mute the mature labor in Holstein to 250 per day. MeArihur-mustie-Tut Comr Fhtl. ip be appoiubsd Inspector on drains; No 1 andy. and Comr, Robb Iunpector on No 3--Cnrried. Ferguson -utsArthPr-rluiipeotiu;.r, com- munication from Mr Thou Davis, Li. cense Inspector, lbauhis Council take no action " preseut--_ied, Ftrreon-.-1io lr-That we grant Mo to be expended on Proton and Egremont townluae-Carriod. _ I Cumr. McAnhur reported on road jobs unveiling by day's labor, lot 5,5 'cou l2 amounting to 027.00, F' Jordan, gruelling 52 rods 5th Sideline. Coo, 1243, 886.40. do rep culvert Lot 5. Con lg, 89.25, W Horsburg drawing tile and putting "I culvert ete., Lot 5, con 12. 98.00. W Reid rep. culvert Lot 6, Con ll, 88.90 do. drawing tilejnud putting] in cul- Vert 5 sideline Con 14. $2.75 do bent under Muteh's Midge $9.50. W Grout. straightening road Lot T, Con 12. $4.00. 1ft.rgmsou--philio--iuport adopted, and Comrget 65 fram--Carrieii. , Philip Mohrtlmr--Tuat a grant of 850 be made to supplement that of Ar- thur township and of Co Wellington of $100 toimprove townline between Me. Donald‘s lull and Coo-tharder Bobb-Mehrthur-.TUt a grant of Mo be made to Com. Ferguson for cut- ting hill at Lot 2, Con 22. said grant to be repaid from commutation tax due said beM-l'arrisd. Boby-zPuilip--'rratu, the reeva and Commissioner Mehrtluar Inc a commit- tse to examine bridge on lath slderund Con 14-16, and it dangerous to build ttnew-Carried. Bol)r--Piulip-aut Mr Traynor io. c we the. toad on base line Con 22 to town iiue-Carruri. Also on settlement with John McDon- ald an accountnf loss sustained by ool. lapse of Mr Nair's bridge for .280 the ttttttttIM offered by Cnuncil. Receipts lyi- ...l ed 'rtsruen--rsoir-1ur,ort adopted and rec " receive 913 expenses and charged equally to odd tlraimi--thurusd. ity. Reeve reported on sale ofdruiu da- houturen to Canada. Life Aunrauce Co, Toronto, amount 82692.86 cash received 82748 70 placed to Cr. of the municipal- Bobb-1yrtr_uen-mrport adopted sud new receive 89 for his service». and be charged to said drains-Carried. Reeve reported on letting drains No I, Egremont and Preton to Wm Ellis " " per rod, No 2 so do. at $1.15 per rod, No 8 With branch to Jet, Shea " $1.66 per rod. commons fyled with clerk. THE DURHAM REVIEW Iubb-hittArttPr--Resmraing A Mor. ar'c account Against the lute Geo Dale -thits eonucil takes no tustiott--turrud. Council met July 7th proved, b Artemesia Council. Egremont Council adopted, . minutes ap- adopt- Classics. Modems and English. MISS FLOSSI'r; SipNh1RRACHErt, First Class Cerhuieate and third year undergraduate of Queen‘s ,,r!,'leigigitgi, Science, istory and Geography. Intending Students should enter at the begin. ning of the term If possible. Bond can be ob. tained " raconwle ntes. Durham Is a healt hy and “clothe town, making it a most desirable place for residence FEES: " per month in tdvnnce. WmJonnston. Jon. c. Ram-go. Chairman. Summary The school [a tltorpughly equipped in teat-hing Ability. in chemical and clcctncul supplies and fittingk, &c., for full Junior Leaving and Matric- ulation work. The following competent staff no in charge t TROS. ALLAN 1st Class Certificate, Principal was L. M. Fokr..n. B. A.. We make a. specialty of our Shop trade. All old stock is now cleared out. Everything new and up-In-dutu. Give us a. call, if you've not yet done so We have also pul in newlines in our Dry fioods See our cheap Embroid- erles and Insertions. stslei." Also a. t/etllari.iLs,U? Men's Dongola Bluehers. In addition to the lines of Boots & Shoes which we have handled heretofore». We have put in Girls" White Canvas Shoes Boys' and Men's Lacrosse Shoes Ladies: Sllpperg in _Imw and mu led Sth/trare ED. Illflllll , We are having an upholster- et the first week in every month. Anyone wishing old goods reno- vated to look good as new should advise mr-we will be pleased to attend to it at once. Night Calls for Undertaking 1:01:1me Intended to. Opo_doar 'ttttth an nnoo Hus full lune of Curtain Poles, Window Shades, Picture Frames Frames to order of all kinds. mass, Pall Wheat..,........ Spring Wheat........ Oats...... ...'....... Jleas........../.IC. Barley...... ....., ... luv.-........,.....'.",' 2e,'rr:r". ...... "s-.............,. Potatoes per bag...... Flourper cwt.... .... Oatmeal persack..... Chop percwt...... .., Live Hosts,.......... Dressed Hogs percwt. 1lidesperlbC.U.'.'.". Sheepskins........... 1vqpf.............C. Tallpw........C..C.'. Lard.....-), New Goods Durham School Best-White-mu the [otition oi W J Bowen at " making to trave Mil. let's swamp macadamized be laid ova until next meeliur: of tmuuctl--Canicsd, 1leKenzits--1st-Tut in the matter ot Oswald Walker, et a], asking to have base line trom 110 sideroad, 3 N. E., and sideroad 10in con 14 closed, the matter be laid over until ue xt sent-.1011 of ihe council. and Mr McLouuhry reccisc cdteraot consideration for the land in gtttsdtiou--Carrted, Frats19ttmusr-ueuugurs--rrut John MoAnhur be notified to remove the [was off Prince street. Pricevillc, not later than the fitvt day of August next; or this council will be oblige-d to take action under provisions of hy-l uv 416 of this muttieipilitv--carriai. Best--Whrte--That the report of oommitm re n Cnmpbell be received and fvled tad that they be paid $2 each L tor their serheeta.-aJaririea. I MeLonglsry--Bmt-rut the follow. iug scream" for gravel and by overseen: duly 'rerriithrd. bo paid. viz : John Haney 83.80, Wm Paton " George Moore 82.80. ll McGrutber 64.45, Wm Ihsvia Mat. Jon Ferris 82.80. It Akin $4.75, Geo White 84.20, Alex McLean 92.65. Goo White $1.85. W McNiclwll 91.50. w I l’edlar 84.20, Mrs Hewitt 04.25.Arlbur Johnston S150. J I'edlar, $l-75. James Fosict M.--rhsrrieJ. [ I '.thoyyyr--hest.--tyt John Tooter l Btrttr-MoRtutzie--Tut J C Wright he paid 023 for repairing bridge in. Lot 190 3 B. W.. and A tiheuett be paid $28 for building and repairing bridge on 200 tMerotul--carried. nu 5:qu in tor removing tile--carried. Meaytaie--neu.--hu the Bell Tele- phono Co be paid their account. $2.60. tor 'ue"agets-carrwl. Me1rernz1e--ivu.vte--Tut tho following commuted stunts labor of 190:: he pend to the overseen named: S Irwin 52. James Vause 92. G L Latimer 'R,9---cas. vied. . McARTHUR phmiu broached Ind $2t expended therein out of M aiderond. provided Euphnsin council grant and expend an equal talcum a same place. and the committee In plid " each for their ser- vieea-thsrried-. Jonneil adjourue Durham Markets. Staff and Equipment t........ 220 to tttek..... 225 to .........l35 to _........ 725to perewt.800to ......... 7to ........ 70to .'....... 27 Lo '......'. 4to Undertaker 5a 75 to 75 to 35 to 70 to 45 to 8 00 to 17 to 16 to 65 to 2 20 to 2 25 to 1 35 to 7 25 to 8 00 to 4to rito 800 " 15 90 an ' r 35 "r, W, 17 IO '40 70 .. w We solicit the business of Manufacturers. Engineers and others who reallre the advisabil- ity of having their Patent lurinvss transacted by Experts. Preliminary ndvicctrce. Charges moderate. Ourlnveator’l leurIenl upon re- nest. 'tariotslkMttrton, Reid., New York Life (Mg, Mantra-l I and Washington. D.c.. U.S.A. Glove, and Timothy and all var- ieties of Garden heeda in R- bandance for Spring growing .tamr:ssrar-oa:aavasts.q.t.ea.. Fili_iiitl)i'i,iiili'i; (fi, '?'it';;sill)"ij'ft' 'fa, (if1iiiiiii SEEDS Ogilvie's "Royal Household " Keewatln ‘- Five Roses "--The very best Keewatin make. A earload just received. FLOUR digested sind it builds heijtirilii'i strength for those who eat it. Give it a trial. Is good Bread, well made and properly baked-the bread that is made by Stinson. This is the perfect bread-made of the best flour, leavened and seasoned just right; thoroughly kneaded and baked to perfection, it is easily MATTHEWS a LATIMER comma; FIELD AND GARDEN. in-the best goods made. STINSON, The Baker. We have a splendid line Also have a nice line Mohairs at 37c yd. 'ROMP‘fififé’fiiE'E We have our new Dress Goods in now. In grey, the leading color, we have a good assortment from The Best Cure For Dyspepsia Peel, the Shoeman To make room for Fall Goods, there's lots of 81 and 7,5c shoe snaps at Highest grades only. $l and 75c SHOE SNAPS "rum 's Prints , of. Srant 500 h, I. 'w are” 2?ooay '.2tiyd reamed W of (ii, JOHN CLARK . 0 an!!! en. (llh'lfl'A'tt' NOW High and: may i “at. Idft $?fM',',tt,',tpt.ts. '1teAiiiii .e In. ‘Do you want to know _ where to buy Norman "uri-Gas-iii tat' Itatdette.ripp. "o 150 Lem Above Durham, well improved. “coo Rich!!! a a, All"; I ttgh fastball I It ure , above Durham, well hulls. well 250 9:30.12! well wanna. good land. tor 87-100. Inge numbed fhlttt_ttttttiessormiein Dut- W,',', town and 'l'l't1'lttlti?,tlti,'eiii. In. "Nfl , J. ' c. in R, Mia Inc. ' L mun PM”, Nun tttmatmtr."a 'tttgif, "germ 'g, the 00. of any. we. tom men . an. We bide" 3‘?!an left st In: hunk-Ian. Wane 'arg.' He not" old Inna. “mutant" Durham, Nov. 16. m. O Barrister. Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Cottuniisionii, aw. Buristers. Solicitors. Cottveruteers, Ac. Money to Loan. (rice, McIntyre Block, over the Bank A. G. MaoKoy K.c.: w. F Dun- 011i HONOR lightning! Mg} Eur; Mate ' 00 ex. Dmt n Dentistry in 'ht/l hunches; lnsumm‘e Agent. Mom-y to Loan Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A gen eral financial business transacted University, Of Dental 8 Over J & [ once. 1 orto aec1atticun.ee:rs. L McPHA IL.) Ute Mann: to Moorlald'l (London to Rumpus (Sew York) Eve "mm “but nad B I Gallup Patty my. I d We: Got. 0 i l 0 3:"... mo! Wit. Whhattucrc A SPLENDID 360100“ U rm: among txmvJtrattcaut Bi ARTHUR H. JACKSON 2sd2SMDTCusaL J. G. BUTTON. M. D., C. ttice, ove Pumcux & svnimii," -'. Office our J.£.J.Huour'| Sun: TORONTO. on. BUREAU, ONT. (Lower Town J '. C, PICKERING o. o S., L OFFICE HOURS 9-" B. m 2-4 p. m. 1 Totophono Connection No ,H.. .v -. v at, I.- tiosolt GRADUATE of an Notary Public J.t GRANT ce, 13 Float s; mn be " the the ttmt Wall Nov. M. '0: Eye, Ear, tioturi; Tight ""rttP"tentaosventoos-,, woarsetoasactsnama. Airman GUN. LEG-AL; MACKAY * DUNN , l . ELM”, DEN TAL. iOW. n "_.'.- - “In": “11.1mm". run l Cat Yum-mum. in V, - -- an aunt. Durham, In: 'tttuid/iii Ct such month Iron 10-. In. all 4 p. In. Snider‘s Black. over P 'sity, gtaduate of Royal Folk-gr al Surgeon. of Ontario. Rooms _ & J HUNTERS New Stow CON VEYANQER. &e H'lon In. t telephone otiim HOURS McPHML; Ceylon P. u C. BAIAGE. Durham . P. TELFORD ' Gordon's Jewe Money to Loan Licensed ' Auctioneer fo the County of Grey; DR. BURT 11iffauxh Home, £30104.- Mt' (London. Fm!) um gem: Eye Baum, 1ommitminm-l “I”. and , ou loom: 'l'glit". W. F Dunn lry Sum mum 91R- ad tw mt om Durban .10 'oron ta o. S. ---. #7415,

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