West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 26 Jul 1906, p. 4

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P q s Our # WOOL! woOoOL!f § wOoLl & [ ko e OrAfeniik e dn W nk We NK MHYKHNCH ENE 3 Taylor&Co. Taylor &Co Eégxaxxmflmxmflxmxmmm% 2 Masâ€"sslnmn Oa #"44 _ M _ _ 51 Je . en m SOMETHING NEW IN WASHERS; The Perforated Drum Also Wilhelm‘s Wringers, all made by Watson Raymond Sewing Machines. McClary Stoves for Agent for the Dillon Hinzge Staw TaL Deerz‘ns Jf arvesters Everybody asking the questionâ€"â€" What are you paying for Wool ? We are prepared to pay the HIGHEST PRICES, CASH OR TRADE. A trial lot will convinee you our prices are right. Everybod y Gohn Glark. 20 Ladies‘ $1 Print Ladies‘ We will sell the | trimmed with Lace We can give oan a mere list of oul&foodl. tb ads tability to the needs of South rey we Doering Harrows, Wilkinson Ploughs, ness, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned a Stock is Very Complete§ The best in their line as rhe woman who likes a perfect and easy fiGing Corset, e will find our E.T. Corsets have the right style about them that the fashionably dressed woman desires. We are showing a big range of them in the newest styles Long Hip, Straight Front and TapeGirdles with Suspenders aftached in White and Drab. E. T. CORSETS ance . _F. MORLOCK of Stock of Trimmed Millinery and Readyâ€"toâ€" wears at Cost. illinery Bargains A Big Clearing in White Waists ~ _Â¥ nd Gicrm J athinery. balance of White Lawn Waists, prettily : and Insertion at 25 Ofo off regular price. rappers at Half Price and One Price ‘s, all made by Watson' ofixyvrâ€". McClary Stoves for Coal or on Hinge Stay Fence. we handle only the best. t our goods, but in quality and uth Grey we are not excelled: on Ploughs, Heney‘s Harâ€" Renowned a1 ticles, fair prices in odd sizes at A few doors South of the Middaugh House, . only in the Ideal 500 each ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Wood A man who answered advertisements in cheap *"story papers" has had some interesting experiences, He learned that by sending one dollar to a Yankee “l he could get a cure for drunkenness, Sure enough he did. It was "take the 1 | pledge and keep it." Later he sent fifty twoâ€"cent stanps to find out how to raise turnips successfully, He found out. " Just take hold of the tops and pull. " Being young, he wished to marry, and sent thirtyâ€"four one cent stamps to a Chicago firm for information as to how to make |an impression. When the answer came it read. "Sit down on a pan of dough. " It was a little rough. but he was a patient man and thought he would succeed. Next adyvertisement be answered read, "How to double your money in six months." He was told to convert his money into bills, |â€" **fold them " and he would see his | money doubled, Next he sent for s twelve useful household articles and |, got ‘"a package of necdles." He was | ( slow to learn, so he sent one dollar to | , find out "How to get rich." "Work | j like the devil and never spend a cent." | , And that stopped him, but his brother i wrote to find out how to write a letter | 5 without pen or ink. He was told "to | g1 use a lead pencil." Ha paid one dolâ€" it lar to learn how to live without work, | m and he was told on a postal card to | h Fish for suckers as we do," Â¥54 crime or surcide if he is unfortunate if he don‘t want to starve. Great "Chrisâ€" tian ciyilization, this 2" that thus ofâ€" fers inducements to the unfortunate citizens to rob somebody ?â€"Ex, FARM LABORERS If a poor man will steal something the government will feed, clothe and house him from one to thirty years, and if he gets sick will take care of him and give him, free. the best medâ€" ical attendance, â€"It wl give him emâ€" ployment during the time for his ** keep " and does not work him excesâ€" sively. On the other hand if a man is honest and hungry and out of employâ€" ment and will not steal, the governâ€" ment refuses to do anything for him, because to do so would be * paternalâ€" ism " you know. He must commit a crime or surcide if he is unfortunate if ie dndle® A crane‘s nest has been found on the farm of Mr. Alex Spence, Metz. The nest is in the cloyer and contains five light bluish gray eggs slightly emailler than a hen egg. The crane is not easily alarmed and will not leave the nest, turning even upon a dog. In order to see the egqs the crane‘s bill is held and the bird raised but not lifted off as she holds securely to theJ nest.â€"Fergus News Record. Last week Mr. R. J. Dale cleaned an oldâ€"fashioned clock belonging to Mr, John Campbell, Egremont, which had not required attention from the watch maker for 35 years, A ticket inside showed that Mr. Dale bad fixed it up at that remote date, and it had gone on steadily ever since doing its duty, The time piece is about sixty years old and came from the old country.â€"Mt, ‘ Forest Confed. l We note with pleasure that the farms in this country are developing into a higher stage of cultivation. The young farmers have certainly im. proved upon the old fogy melhods of their fathers, and the more modern way of farming is causing Mother Earth to produce her largest and best crops, counts for " almost an entire absence of weak knees. " Mt Forest Rep. :â€"Mr J. C. Telford so wellâ€"known and popular here for some years has left 0. Sound to take the managership of the new branch of the Sovereign Bank in Durham. His many Mt Forest friends are always glad to hear of his success and pleased to know he is now a near neighbor, We note with pleasure that the farms in this country are developing Shutee <as c AOE SE 7 # w ' Mr, Jack Coleridge left on Monday‘s 8.45 express for Toronto, where he has a situation as conductor on the Toronâ€" to street railway,â€"O, S. Advertiser. The Dundalk Herald says that the crowd there on the 12th was estimatâ€" ed to be 10000. It looks like it : one firm alone imported 100 gallons of ice cream and it was all sold. This acâ€" ingston, and Local and General LJ To Manitoba and Saskatchewan uo ne2e dE C EVAE on the back of his head, This is all that is known for sure about the ac» cident. MrTrueman surmises that a line had dropped to the ground and a fork full of manure was thrown on it, jerking the horses around â€" and starting them, at the some time up. setling the wagen, with the boy under it MrTrueman and family lived in Flesherton for a few years, leaving here about four years ago.â€"Fleshem 1 ton Advance. Aiipmiabitisininth ircctaid Sthink ds ic k :. _and had taken a load of manure t« the field, Shortly after ward the team ran into the yard with two front wheels of the wagon only, _ Mrs O‘Brien went out to the field and found the boy lying dead where he had been unloading. â€" His back and side were bruised and there was a cut on the back of his head, This is all M OAE e ag LC t 20 ie 7" vacurday while drawing manure, It will never be known just how the accident occurred, as the lad was alone at the time and was dead when discovered. He was working for Jobn O‘Brien of the third line, Euphrasia, and had taken a load of manure to the field, Shortly after ward the team ran into the yard with two front} nolo ... " / a u3 _ KILt®Dp in Run 15â€"yearâ€"old son of M the 10th con., Ar on Saturday whule It will never be k accident occurred, alone at the time ar discovered. He wa. o | One of the many; growing evils of this country today is the city departâ€" , | mene store. In our town, where we i have the best of stores, the most honâ€" orable of merchants, and where goods | are sold at a margin so small as not to afford a respectable living to our bus. iness men, thousands of do!lars are an«» nually sent to the department stores of our great cities. Farmers expect our merchants to pay them a fancy price for butter and eggs and poultry, for their pumpkins, potatoes, apples and tomatoes, and then they take the monâ€" ey received from our home merchants and send it to a city department store. There is neither economy or honor in such a manner of doing business, You can write it down in your hat, that ton often the city department store is a | swindle. Our citizens who patronize then should be compelled to ship their | | butter and °ggs to them. There is 5 nota business man in our town who | will not duplicate their prices for the & same quality of goods, and he who ; turns down his home merchants to g patronize these stores is far from be | } ing leyal, patriotic and good citizan i : I Sexnp us Your Naxu®.â€"The REvIEw __| to January 1, 1907, only 35 cents. 3 I Only seven candidates in the tw o ‘ 5 | Inspectorates, of South and East Grey "® | took oyer 500 marks and the Meaford "~ | Public School has three of these, no __| other school has more than one. Meaâ€" 1e | ford Public School has also the canâ€" t. | didate with the highest marks in eithâ€" e | er of these Inspectorates, â€"Meaford ce | Express,. ¢â€" | _ Some newspaper men are terrihle‘ e | liars. In writing of a cyclone out west one of theimn said it turned a well in q | Side out, a cellir upside down, moved p | a township line, blew the staves out C of a whiskey burel and left nothing e | but a bung hole. changed the aay of f s the week, blew a mortgage off a farm, fis blew all the cracks out of a fence and a knocked the wind out of a politician, A subscriber once receiyed a dun through the post office and it made © | him mad. He went to see the editor | about it, and the editor showed him * | several duns of his own one for paper, ‘ | one for type, one for coal, just deliver» | ea the day before. and several others, | " Now, " said the editor. " I didn‘t get \| mad when these came because I knew _| that all I had to do was to ask several i reliable gentiemen like you to come ‘ and help me out and then I could ( settle all of them. When the subscriâ€" ( ber saw how it was he relented, paid | un, and renewed for another year. 1 An editor who knows whereof he | speaks is responsible for the following: | £ " Townkillers are classified into eight £ bunches as follows :â€"1. Those who 3 go out of town to do their shopping. y 2. Those who are opposed lo improveâ€" o ments. 3. Those who prefer a quiet C town to push and business. 4. Those h who imagine they own the town, 5. l¢ Those who detide publicâ€"spirited men, 6. Those who oppose eyery movement n that does not originate with them. 7. | d Those who oppose any movement that | C# dees not appear to benefit them. 8. | OW Those who seek to injure the credit or b! reputation of individuals. -hl > °~‘", al the some time up» the wagon, with the boy under Trueman and family lived in ton for a few years, leaving out four years ago.â€"Fleshem THE DURHAM REVIEW S mt Pdtsniarnl t in eivadih esnc C 20 211 5 B C 5 ze these stores is far from be i}, patriotic and good citizen. ED in RUN.\W.\Y.â€"Fred. the old son of Mr Geo, Trueman af the wagon only, _ Mrs ht out to the field and boy lying dead where he d be compelled to ship their eggs to them. There is ‘ss man in our town who plicate their prices for the 1 of Mr Geo. Trueman of » Artemesia, was killed ay is the city departâ€" our town, where we stores, the most honâ€" nts, and where goods i t us . . ___ / OLMn /5 lcou le of weeks ago. ‘ \Be are informed that we havye a good prospect of having our train whistle coming into town inside of 19 months. We wish it speed. vear Mrs lHiugh McKinnon is away visitâ€" iug her brother, John McKinnon, at Manitoulin Island, where she intends to stay for a while. Miss Mandie Hincks left for Toronto again this week,. Mrs Hugh McKinno iug her brother, John Manitoulin Island, wt to stay for a while. ’ The Rev Mr Roach, of the Methodâ€" ist church, is away at present taking his holidays. Mrs Williams and family, from the Soo, who spent a month or more with friends in this part, leave for their home this week,. Tom Fisher visited his friends at Moorefield last week, We hear the Rev Mr Hu; of the Baptist church, is t his farewell sermon in this week from next Sunday (1st in August). wsp se **1 0 2 0°Um, 200 Will *) take some time before he will be â€" | able to be around again. ¢ | _ Mrs John Campbell of the North â€"] Line was just recovering after being s |laid up two months with a broken o } leg amf was going on crutches when . | she fell and broke her hlp and is in . | a worse condition _ now than with the p | first accident, We are sorry for her | mistortune as she was an aged lady who always was about her duties and | lively and active in every respect. | but we sincerely hope that although the heavy, hand of afl?iection bas fallen upon her that she will yet be re stored to her usual activity, The Rev Mr Ross will preach his last sermon in the Presbyterian church here next Sabbath. " It is worth coming to hear him; he is a grand preacher. Dr Hutton was called upon by phone to attend a case of immediate attention near this place, the good Dr being always prompt in response | hburied out to where he thought his | services was required but on reachâ€" | ! ing there, he found there was only & young bachelor living there and | : his service not yet required in the | i manner called upon, but retracing | f his steps a mile or so backward. He | * soon found out that the parties moved away from where expected so the ; « nexttime it would be well to give ’ the number of house and lot. e ‘ Some are only commencing having ; j and others are about done in some " | places : the crop is yery poor but in ‘* | some other part of the locality there 4 | isa fine crop. We heard of one large + | land owner at Balsam Valley having k | only two loads off a ten acre field f | but we hopse there are not many that , | has it that poor. _ Our experience in j | the quantity is about x load to every two acres while some have more, * | some less. Other crops never looked ‘ | better taking them as a whole. Poâ€" ‘ | tato bugs were never as numerous " | and a great demand for paris green ) | but none to be found in our town. | _ There are some dog or dogs roamâ€" > | ing the country in the neighborhood |of Topeliffe for the last six weeks | have E?lled and worried about 150 | sheep during that time. It is too bad that the owners of hounds let them run at large, but then when asked of these hound owners it they kept them in they said "yes,"" and whose are they then? We saw one of these hungry hounds one early morning looking for innocent creatures but we were fike the hunter who always saw good game when he had no gun. So we were gunless and unexperienâ€" ced as a sportsman and the hound disappeared on short notice but we warn the owner that we took a good observation of what the hungry creature was like and can recognise him wherever we see him again, so let him govern himself accordingly. | , Augus McLachlan, North Line, ( met with an accident last week while driving from Markdale, his horse beâ€" came unmanageable throwing him out falling on some stones. He was bruised and badly shook up, one of his legs being badly sprained but no })ol?es broken.' The young man will This, Monday the 28rd inst, is cool and fine after the electric storm of vesterday »ccompanied by hailstoncs as large in some places as small potatoes. ‘There is no visible damâ€" age to be seen yet of any account alâ€" though potato tops looked pretty shabby after the storm but toâ€"day are revived again. r this place, the good ays prompt in response where he thought his required but on reachâ€" found there was only 1w60 Dut on reachâ€" und there was only or living there and yet required in the Priceville. aiidage iheAurip‘an . adiahidkn IInauthans.4 _ _ . _._"_ MIC Intférior, 1â€" K. B.â€"Unsuthorized i day w6 | vertisement will not be W of this dec "e:l"c x'uu;ler éor mother, if :.ga father is eceas of the homesteader ros es upon a farm in t&e vicinity of the land entered for the requirements asg to residence may be satisfied by such person pesqilC"Ce, may be «2 If the father (or deceased) of the hoy The lhomestudcr is required conditions connected thgrewm the following plans : 1 At least six months‘ resi cultivation of the Jand in each years. or less STNOPSIS 0P CAXADIAN WBST.I HOIESTEAD REG ULATIONS. BARCLAY w. w. cory, _ _ Deputy of the Minister of the Interior J C teammnie se o t oo P ‘te loowad _2 , _~,|"~0* TADsacâ€" ted, Drafts issued and collection made on all points, Deposits received and interest allowed t errrent rates SAVINGS BANKâ€"iterest allowed an savings bank deposits:of $1.00 and upwards. Prom tattention and every facility uflorde(fcustonwrs living at J a distance, We have opened up Undertaking Rooms in Thos,. Swallow‘s buildâ€" ing opposite the Middaugh House and are prepared to do business with any person requiring underâ€" taking. Satisfaction guaranteed in Embalming, _ Our stock of funeral supplies has arrived ; also a full line of Catholic robes, etc, DURHAM AGENCGy CAPTAL, Authorized ... .. $2,000,000 CAPITAL, Paid Up .. ... ... . . 1,000,000 RESERVE FUND,..:....... 1,000,000 AGENTS in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England, W. F. COWAN, President. G. P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manager A general Banki Ihess thar in ago ry, . 5. â€" ;/ NHMDS business transac OTANDARD BAKK 0F CANAN .};-larl'{y, Uie aitor made Suits The latest materials in Cheâ€" viots and Serges are here for your choice. You make your selection and leave the rest to us. _ We‘ll turn you out a neat fitting, upâ€"toâ€"date looking suitâ€"one you‘ll be proud to wear. MLadies‘ ;'avenelte Cloth be Head Office, Toronto For a trim, good appearing raincoat, the material is the first consideration, We have the proper cloth and can make an raincoat to order for her ladyship in quick time. See our display in this line. Jas. R. Gun & Co. PARIS GREEN Over 2 Tons made on the premises and sold during the season of 1905. Potato Bug Killer Less work, No water to carry, and a better yield. The Only kind to use on your potatoes K13 UKEEN and other insecticides on hand. PARKER‘S DRUGGISTS. residence upon and wch year {jor three Means BELL one of ailor Our Goods are flflt»chsq‘ deutr. Call anv. Daisy Churns & Washers Shop west of u'. Singer Sewj;lg SEED DRILLS . W. H. BEAN i Gray & Sons, Chatâ€" n es ham. Burrie()nrringv Co,. Canada Carriage Co., Brockvilie, VERITY PLows : Walking &Rid ing and Gang Ploughs, DISC HARRO WS and Harrows of _â€"_ _ all kinds, ) P C HAT WRESE lluer\:xd.l.:]l: m“.s'l!;‘ls gold imitation cut glufid. A;An_el«t {mem eul? gc CHOK _ Nagt ates TABLE OILCLOTH, 45 4 FLOOR ** 1, 11 New Prlnh and American pressâ€"ont ols k 2 yds long e 4A A. B. McLELLAN, Agent Warerooms across the bridge north of the Post Office. Orders left at REeview Office will receive our best attention. MASSEYâ€" HARRTS 1 Prices and term; Daisy OChurns, Wringers, Hayloaders , Pracks Ruakes, Mowe:» «1 DIRILLS ; Hayâ€"loaders, side aclivery and tedders ; Proven and Beattie Hay Tracks, The New Hamburg Waggons Barber Buggies Bissell steel Land Rollers Disc Harrows of Elora Maple Leaf and SINGER sEWING MACHIN Es The Improved National Cream Separators, 4 styles ALL SPRING GOODS Everything in readiness for the Spring season, Call and see our Leader Seed_ er, Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators and Peter Hamilton AGENCY ¢ € tgeertsescscscecscecseeeeser» ‘ in China ‘MM““““' ving l‘ll('hines' BELL Organs MaF2rzlane & Co. JRUGGISTS & sSEEDSMEN RA8t4eteae es ee8 se e Now is the time to replenish your China Stock, Call and see 25 to 33 1â€"3% off We have a number of odd pieces which we are anxious to clear out to make room for fall importations to arrive in September, consisting of Sa!â€" ad and Berry Bowls, Cake and Fruit Plates, Fruit Sets, Cups and Saucers, &e., which we are offering at LACE CURTANS Clearing Sale 880080 ot88088 0 s This Store closes every evening at 7 o‘cloc}; except Wednesday& Saturday o_ 117 MR prices mo Call any way, JULY.26% 1906 Ginghams now _... Nest egps preserve dishesâ€"â€"som »»»+++«+20¢and 350 eac Mowers, Binders @ to suit purchasers,. *# Us, dE ‘aldet‘s BJ )ck ianos SELLS Washers €1 e do: .2 for CHEAP TABLH e ¢ Y g N., t § wb & 4 a Lo

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