West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 26 Jul 1906, p. 5

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ng Sale hina t h a SARssesstsee?r EC ! conmarge~~ n AGENCY *1%%%% 4 idboiinitntertet . RIS $s*4%1%% a 106 N, Agent e& Co. =3% off Hou closes every . 26 ?1906 °Irs3 EDSMEN mo ELLS GOODS n CHEAP o‘clock iturday m for NSh Sa ets pring Seedâ€" s and K e ierg 1n it . W n . t\ "a" t Ns‘ ~ > t J i9. > > n c I *PY‘ Pm in s eWRX EY $ £ i The Popular Cagh Store. $ N., F.&J.McKechnie F4 i t on oo ocm tE o. .. ¢ N.,G. & J. McKechnie $ Anticipating a big demand we b largely in the early market and thus enabled to secure the pick of the goods : a price which cannot be equalled. We you one and all to inspect one stock. This department of our business was never in better shape to supply our customers than it will be this season. The DRESS GO0DS JULY 26, 1906 Lo reduce our stock we are offering lines of al} grades and makes at very close?prices. WOOD, LOGS & LUMBER TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Call at our WMareroomsâ€"â€"â€"oua‘ A2ati uin oo onl eX (The popular Cash Store.) Urniture Durham Furniture Co SPRINC demand we bought of the gocds and at »A All 05062205 cG5)2, | We invite one were door South of | _ Amportant changes, affecting both the Education Department and the public School system, were made during the reâ€" cent session of the Legislature. To some of these changes the Minister desires to | diweot the special attention of ~school «fhicials and municipal councils, Pko o in hi uie camie s Osltion of transformiug the secord Hague Conference into a permanent body, to meet automatically and perâ€" iodically, and to reorganize the Inâ€" terparliamentary Union so that it can coâ€"operate with the Permanent International Congress at tha" Haxil snmmngiy,, 11 _ IOtN .10 psy, that is, supposing there was no better or cheaper _ method available. _ Bu; that is the question all the nations are asking, is not the present method of maintaining international neara a bP Chnlathel deinc.. ) MB â€" 2 7 CA deplored, of Canada as a wild ‘ uncouth place. ,,l Lord Strathcona and the Canadian |office should see to it that they are {spirited in and out of England ‘withâ€" '[out arousing the dying conception of Canada as a bar baric land. In the same spirit pictures of Indians, wigâ€" | Wwams, war dances, etc., should be‘ ]kept out of emigration literature. The New School Law and The Qurhan Review *# ¢â€"#â€"_ The Price of Peace. A leading weekly Journal, giving prominence ocality news of Durham and County Grey, ) special attention to the South Riding, the Post O&icé, Saile *4 cam s » us way is slowly e great Interparâ€" meets in London ith. That conterâ€" 2 x 3 al, giving prominence S..o'o where the assossed m and County Grey, | taxab‘e property of the _ e South Riding. Supporters in the section 0 per year it paid in | $200,000. '1]' $150 where such assesso )lication to [RAMAGE, Purlisher | loast $150,000, but less tha. yenience the whole profession. As in the past, about 80 students will anâ€" vually be trained in Owen Sound. (by long odds the greatest number in the > *S1f0rd0 is Ont one hour‘s run from ’ London where already there is a Norâ€" mwal school. North Bay is not at all as conveniently situated as Sault Ste Marie, if one must go to New Ontario, North Bay, however, is in Hon. Mr, Cochrane‘s district and Stratford is in Hon. Mr. Monteith‘s county. These two gentlemen use, or rather, abuse their influence as ministers, to iuconâ€" yenience the whole profession. As in the past, about 80 students will ... _ The 0. Sound Ad vertiser speak ’its disappointment at the refus give 0. Sound one of the norm; the following vigorous way: Peterboro, Hamilton, Stratford North Bay will have new no: schools. As to the selection of P boro and Hamilton, no partic fault could be found ? But why 1 btratford and North Bay selec Stratford is but one bour‘s riun # Brantford B 0 0 00 pouneaty SUnG, Should you favor me by the publiâ€" cation of this letter, I would ask your readers not to depend upon the parâ€" ents of the children with defective sight to attend to this matter. If a)l could witness the gain in health, hapâ€" piness, knowledge ang selfâ€"reliance that comes to those who, deprived by their affliction of access to the public schools, take advantage of the educaâ€" tional facilities afforded by this instiâ€" tution, none would grudge the time and trouble required to widen the scope of the school‘s influence, _ Send me the names and addresses, ind § will by correspondence or visitation do the rest, I ask your assistance to enable T | me to get into communication with ( the parents or guardians of all the f blind children in Ontario, uander the | age of twentyâ€"one years. The Instiâ€" | bution for the Education and Instrucâ€" _| tion of the Blind, main{tained by the Ontario Legislature admits as pupils " all blind youths, of both sexes, be. tween the ages of seven and twenty. one, not being deficient in intellect, and free from disease or pbysical inâ€" firmity, being residents of the Pro. vince of Ontatio, It is not necessary that the applicant shall be totally blind ; the test is inability to rewul orâ€" dinary type and attend a schooi for the seeing without serious injury to . the sight. " The iuitinldifliculty is to | ; locate the children who are eligibly | for admission, and it will be helpful in the future if your readers will send j me the names and addresses of blind childreno under seven, as well as of those bet ween Sseven and twantw _a.. TO th(’ Edit(lr Dear Sir:â€" The School for the ford ‘cp 4o _ __" , SUCn assessed value is at least $30,e00, but less than $50,000. And $100 to every assistant teacher, whatever such assessed value is, _ $100 where such least $100,000 bu; $50 where such f least $50,000. but le $25 where such lest $30,e00, but l uvu l a oy cong . )* * + DEF PROLG ’ school where a teacher or principa _| teacher is engaged for a whole year ex. ciusive of yaucations, and a proportiounnto amount of said sum â€" of $150 at Jeast where a teacher or principal teacher is engaged for six months or longer ; ond an additional sum of at least $1l00 for every assistant teacher eugaged for a whole year exclusive of yacatioas, and & proportionate amount of such sum of $100 at leasc, where such assistant teaâ€" cher is engaged for six months or lopuger, In addition to the sum provided by the township council towards each teacher‘s salary, the trusteos of every rural school section shall, in the cases hereinafter mevtioned, pay annually, after the expirâ€" ation of the current calendar year, to the teacher, where there is only ove, and to the principal teacher where theore are more teachers than one as least the sum hereinafter mentioned (sultject only to a proportionate reduction in case the whole year‘s salary does uot become due) that is to say : * e ine school‘s influence, Send ‘ames and addresses, «und 1 correspondence or visitation T Principal 0. I. B , July 20, 1906. North B-ay is not at all as Plain Talk ° »TC Lducation and Instrucâ€" ie Blind, main{ained by the Legislature admits as punils THE DURHAM REVIEW fuch assossed value is at ) bui less than $150,00u0. uch assossed yalue is ay but less than $100,000. of The Durham Revie such assessed value » bus less than $200 . selection of Peterâ€" . no particular ? But why were h Bay selected? bhour‘s run from y there is a Norâ€" â€" Asats>ment of $80,000 for ? senuol section in any townâ€" levy and collect as aforesaid $150 at least tor every pablic ere a teacher or principai engaged for a whole year ex. wcations, and a proportionato said sum of $150 ai least cher or principal teacher js attend a schooi for out serious injury to iuitinldifliculty is to n who are eligible d it will be helpful ur readers will send l addresses of blind ven, as well as of en and twentyâ€"one. r me by the publiâ€" r. I would ask your .& Garoiner communication with guardians of all the Ontario, uander the e years. The Instiâ€" je assossed value of the y of the public school the section is at leasi aser speaks out _ the refusal to the normais in Blind at Brant assessed value of all the .. La un 2e h: Y. FHLOr the expir. udar year, to the only one, and to where thore are rd and normal vaine is lees thap ex el $200,000, * Staff and Equipment. The school is thoroughlycqu]pm-d in teaching Ability, in chemical and electrica) supplies and fittings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and Matricâ€" ulation work. ‘The fo] lowing competent staff are in charge : THOS. ALLAN, 1st (‘!ass(rertlficato, Principal MISS L. m. FORF_..R, B. A., Classies, Moderns and English, MISS FLO8ST :; MCKERRACHER, First Class Certificate and third year undergraduate of Queen‘s University . Bcience, History and Geography, Intend!ug Students should enter at the beginâ€" ning of the term if possible. Board can be o}â€" tained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place for residence FEES: g1 per month in advance. is at aV 4 We are having an upholstcrâ€" er the first week in every mont Anyone wishing old goods renoâ€" vated to look good as new should advise usâ€"we will be pleased to attend to it at once. Night Calls for Undertaking promptly . attended _ to. One door south of Post Office. Hfl mss Students admitted at any lars at any time frge. Owen Sound Commences September 3 It only requires a few months at t tion to complete a thorough, practics Course, or Shorthand and Typewriti and fit you for a remuncratiea UR months Has a full line of Curtain Poles, Window Shades, Picture Frames Frames to order of all kinds. KRESS, arm branarke ... 21 7 7 + 20850708 residence and farm property upon the latest known plans 8 or 4 year blanket policies issued ou the annual instalment or one !mymcnt, system under the most favorable conditions to the insured. Insure in the best. If your insurance expires this year, call on, or drop a card to The strongest pureff' Mutual Fire Insuranc Co. in Ontario. ~ A recor, without a paraliel and & just reward for honest efforts. Licensed and lns‘fected by the Government ; insures residence And farm nranawe .222 22 2000+ 4090 Durham School MOTUAL FRE iNsuRaNee courany FARMER‘S CENTRAL ) / «Jonaston, Jr., Chairman Tiice up! with a pair owa(l)‘ur SHOULDER BRACKES, New and varied lines and Drab long and short C and shoulder Braces just Brace up! with a pair of .. 10 _ Coon es Ad0I6 18 q wish, let it pass, and grasp the reali. ties which we offer in Goods, whict materially improve conditions in ho weather, viz ; MUSLINSâ€"in plain and figured WHITE CANVAg SHOES, SUMMER SUITS ot UNDERWEAR COTTON HOSEâ€"plain and ri bbed GLOVESâ€"in open work, LACE COLLARS, EMBROIDERIES and T ACtBea NEIL MeCANNEL, Agent FALL TERM at the Z7 qâ€"MWORTHLRY _ ~»> " On, for a Lodge in a Garden of Cucumbers Head Office : T o $ hsn x + nb x ie a io o Barley ... ; .. M s 4+ 4. Hay Buuer.............. Eggs Potatoes per bag.... . Flour per CWI:... ... Oatmeal per sack, ... Choppercwr....... «is Live fHMogs:.:........ Dressed Hogs per ewt Hides per lb ... , .. Sheepskins........... Wool................. Tallow.... .. .. Lara."""" * . McARTrHuR Fall Wheat. . .. Spring Wheat, Jate..‘... : C Wrotg the poet sfiid ochrane. Helied $0, and it was a hf'pn(r nobody believed,. it wa truth as Whitney‘s st ‘‘all Liberal J, P,‘3 who h missed and not reappoin| ghyaimlly or mentally in obody expects Hon. know or care anything ; ional affairs, Me is natur heud, DÂ¥ tammana,{ t ‘ Rmvince) whose vy. ormal school, A require togo to No 2 trained there or { the 15 there trained said Cochrane., H, _ .o 33 50 [ BMONtDS at this Instity € a thorough, practical Busines rthand and 'I‘ypewritiug Course a remunerative position., The _~ Undertaker FLEMING, | Princ and shoxjt éO}{SLIS Walkerton, Ont time fuclay 0. "CCsp 7+ Cad ool, Anncally these 80 will 0 to North Buy to join the ere or to Stratford to join trlinend. '.But "*pull is dear" hi a o a I 7 advance and LACES . Ramage, Secretary pped in teaching cal supplies and ving and Matricâ€" competent staff LÂ¥ , but as this is a d grasp the realiâ€" in Goods, which conditions in hot ige attendance at o schools now, A N ‘ted in Owen So, just arrived very next Full partiou ¢ned when he said :lypt»(ruical lie that t was as near the , Durham , 1906 1 2) to 8 00 to 9 00 to 17 to 16 to 65 to 4 to 14 to 35 to of white have been dis. inted, are either incapacitated . " Dr. l’_\'ue to as to educatâ€" 10 20 to Z’-’) to pal 38 to 70 to 35 cent 19 2 to $ as near the atemg‘nt that an autocrat, for Mlnis‘er : always dug mce at each ‘W. _A Norp. wen Sound J hy th()te wen Sound, to LO to to step is the ity of having their Pate by Experts, Prelimina: moderate. Our Inventor quest, Marion & Marion 14y Syc ul , _ ee Manon, Reg‘d., New 1 §Mg. Montreal ; and Washington, D.C, Clover and Timothy and all varâ€" ieties of Garden seeds in aâ€" bundance for Spring growing S E E D § Ogilvie‘s "Royal Rousehold " Keewatin " Fiye Roses "â€"The very best Keewatin make, A carload just received, blockâ€" F LO UR MATTHEWS & LATIMER COPYRigy ‘IELD AND GARDEXN Highest To make room Goods, there‘s Ic and T50 sting & i" OMiPntinWDvarm id i ‘s Advisersent llp:n re» , Reg*d., New York Life ides only , s9i‘am‘ etrerremnt namprermerer mare anmeroramense s S rints : room for Fal] ere‘s lots of 81 shoe snaps at )i ce line of 37¢ yd. Ambgmmg, A HIGH GRADE BCHOOL : The den rers tgaâ€" +A n‘c'nu M o. Su % y8 our s in es coliege lmnumberolou:am‘ for sale in Durâ€" Ahn.m town and W Inâ€" drawn, C, i’ R. Tickets for Bale, A nways Prowrr, Never Necumoryy,.» £ ) eg) O ols O 0COMMm, wel built, welt _ _ feneed, well watered, $ood land. tor $7500. 125 Normanby, well im mwoved and loâ€" 2 A&Mlmmm. P Richm F. near fAllan , 150 chmend, Farm near fAllan Park, 150 acres 250 Aores, above Durham 150 Acresasbove Durham Hrttcul@f, Do you want to know where to buy lAicensed , Auctioncer fo the County of Grey,# Licensed AualoneerlonheOo.ofGny. Ealos gompuy attended to. _ rates reasonable rders mo}'mbe left at his Implement Ware. 3)3:5 Mc uon'soldlhnd,oruml'.«uv Durham, Nov. 16, JOHN CLARK D. MePHAIL Liceonsed Auctioneer Terms moderate, Arrangeme; to aates, &c., must be made at tice, lt)';l.’rh..m. &#*" Correspon there, or to Ceylon P. O., wi attended to, Terms on anyiral Fall Term opens SEPT Barristep, Solieitor in Notary Public, Com TORONTO, ONT. ~* insurance Agent, Money to 1 Issuer of Marriage Licenses, A eral financint hinalwall lt Insurance THUE oP 42 tuiction.cers. 4w Barristeps ARTHUR H.JACKSON â€" | Money to Loan flice, over Gordon‘s Jew, DURKHAM, ONT flice, _ ARTHUR cun otary Public, Comy CcONvEYÂ¥aAncer vf .H,.'.“!_i;uer y P o HANOVER CONYVEYaNCER "‘isters, Solicitors, Conveyancers Money‘:). Loan, ice, Mcluntyre Block, over the Bank â€" MacKay K.C.: NWO Wrrius 4 . . â€" ; ; 6e Licenses, A gen financial business transacted Astry in all its branche seâ€"Calder‘s Block slom esd GrAdT , MACKAY & DUNN {)f0ce and Residence Cor ~__ mL, w 100tof Hill. MEILIDDTC.AT, J. G. HUTTON, M. D., c. J »y cheap, T me ate. Arrangements for sales as must be made at the Review Ofâ€" , kax"_ Correspondence addressed avlan w P ET Member College Physiciar Ontario., “‘m orrICE HoURs 11 a. m 2â€"4 p. m, : Telephone Connection No â€"P. TELFORD Women and Children, HoUlRrs C t l DR. BURT tor in Supreme Court , Commissioner, &¢. well improved. $1000 (Lower Town) ommissione; J. 1J . Hunter‘s ( 8 to 10 a.a. will be promptiyi |l_.!n-l-;..".°m'.tl" Jewe for Co, Grey over P Iry Store, BUrGzox Garafraxa and Ge Old Moodic Corner 8t Oflice AN ‘s Store: * . 10 George iPa TPC

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