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Durham Review (1897), 26 Jul 1906, p. 6

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Of those comvicted, 65 per cent. were born in Canada; 11.68% per cent. were Britisch born outside of Canada and 1239 per cent. were born in other eountries, leaving 10.93 per cent. "not given." By religious denominations they rank: Anglicans, 15.8 per cent.; Methodists, ®.i; Presbyterians, 8.0; Baptists, 2.8; Roman Cutholics, 39.1. A table given in the report shows an average for ten rs of Anglicans, 16.4; Methodists, ;.;.; Presbyteriane, 7.5; BEaptists, 2.9; Roman Catholics, 40.01. According to the last census the status of these deâ€" nominations with relation to total popuâ€" lation was, Anglicans, 12.50 per cent.; Methodists, 17.7; Ptnbynlln, 15.68; Baptiste, 5.90; Roman Catholies, 41.50, so that crime is fairly even‘ly distributed among them is proportion to numbers. fen par With 60.48 : cer per cent. for the second time, and 9.1 per cent. were habitua‘! criminals as com pared with 9.01 per cent. in 1903. In 1904, 19.28 per cent. of offender: industria orers, 41 cen were sentence fine, as compa life sentence \ were 14 death Of those se The volume of Crimir Canada, for the year er 30, 1904, shows no mate €rime, in proportion to the increase in population. There has been a noticetble decrease in the number of javemile cfâ€" fenders. The total number of charges during the year was 9,001, as compared with 9,642 in 1903. The number of conâ€" victions was 6.754; in 1908,. 6541. ‘The percentage 0‘ varied from t Quebec to the Territories. Out of the persons or 5.38 per cent., we pared with 406 or 6. Of the women convic Ontario, 103 from Qu Neotia, 33 from Mar Territories, 5 from from British Columbi were cony cent.; tho 13.83 per c expression is intended to indicate lhat New Zealand is the One specially favored land. Canada has a first claim to that title, and even if it has not a public debt Of $350 a head, like New Zealand, it can show more of freedom and plenty and happiness and hope than half a dozen such little garden plots for socialistie exâ€" perimentation. So, there! the population was as fo ritories, 330, 19.43; Br $79, 17.46; Manitoba, 489 Brunswick, 122 land togzether 3.034 The C. P. R. has strung a copper wire between Winnipeg and Montreal, touchâ€" ing only Winnipeg and North Bay for its telegraphone system, and transmits ever it telegraph and telephone mesâ€" sages at the same time. The Winnipeg and Montreal telephore operators conâ€" verse while the telegraph messages are sent without interruption. The distance is over 1,000 miles. There is just now a great deal of puff ery of New Zealand, and some enthu siasts refer to it as "God‘s own coun try." Now we don‘t like thatâ€"if the @xpression is intended to indicate that T ME un e se e un electric railway there for $1,000 because she was not furnished with a seat upon paying her fare. She says the conducâ€" tor laughed at her when she asked for a seat. What did she expect? That conâ€" ductor had a rare appreciation of a good joke. Expect a seat after paying fare! Well, that‘s a good one. CAAA eron city officials are after the ce dealers‘ eombine, and propose to make it hot for them. in Philadelphia, too, thirteen dealers are on bail awaiting trial. Pinching the public is becoming .80 Ou More that The number Washington city offic q nos 0 lltas Te () sons convicted only 377 el se r cent. of offenders iil without option of th 19.31 in 1903. No ssed in 1904. There nees to 8 in 1903. 1 the percentages by llows: _ Agriculture, ‘.94; domestic, 4.04; ofessional, 0.65; labâ€" Y., girl is suing an N n tbec, 45 from Nova itoba, 21 from the New Brunswick. 2 he number conviected married, 1.77 per r cent. unmarried. esented 9.75 per entary education, of supctior educaâ€" Pr ninal Statistics of erding September iterial increase in lemalcs as decrease in the r cent. in 167 were M ish Columbia, 16.00; Ontario. i, 9.38; New S1XT 1904 of $1.25 in 2.84 in the il )y divisions r 10,000 of rom Prince , as comâ€" 1903, the iose who WarQ ffend« 840 per charges 1 Years 0 se of comâ€" 1903. from .2.48 per 69 ed TS he For particulars consult ticket agents or address Harry Parry, General Agent, Buffalo, N. Y. The West Shore takes you through the Mohawk Valley and along the Hudson River, and gives you the privilege withâ€" out charge of a trip on the Hudson River steamers between Albany and New Lork, if desired. Sound Business Sense. Smart wifeâ€"Don‘t worry, George; I wrote an article for the paper toâ€"day showing how to get up a ftamily dinner for $1 and I took it around and the editâ€" or gave me $1. From Buffalo and _ Niagara Falls, Thursday, Aug. 16, tickets good 15 days. A single day, it may be urged is not sufficiently long for the developmenst and decay of vegetation; but sirteen hours on the moon is little more then hali an hour on the earth; a day lasts half a month, and may be regarded as a miniaâ€" ture season. Husbandâ€"That‘s a rare piece of luck. What are you going to do with the dolâ€" lar? "I‘m going to try the recipe myself and see if it will work.‘â€"New York Weekâ€" ly. At times there may be observed spots which darken after sunrise and gradâ€" ually disappear toward sunset. . They cannot be caused by shadows; for shadâ€" ows would be least visible when the sun is directly overhead. They appear most quickly at the equator, and invade the higher altitudes after a lapse of a few days. In the poâ€" lar regions they have never been seen. What are they? Organic life resembling vegetation, answers Professor Pickering, of Harvard University; vegetation that flourishes luxuriantly while the sun shines and withers at night. If a man has a $10 pup he would look after it carefully and not let it run all over town, but if he had a boy it would be different. He is turned loose at a certain age and let go to the devil. The, people wonder where the great army of tramps, loafers, dead beats and sots come from in each decade. They are germinated from the pure seed gathered from our homes and sown broadcaste upon @ur streets and alleys. It may be your is starting in that direction. At all events the boy ought to be given the same chance with on the clearest of moonlight nights at sea. _ They shine steadily, too; for it is the earth‘s atmosphere that causes them to twinkle to our eyes. In the line of sight it is impossible ot estimate distances, for there is no such phenomenon as aerial perspective. . Obâ€" jeots are seen only when the rays of the sun strike them. New York and Return $9.00â€"West Shore R. R. There is no azure sky to relieve the monotonous effects of inky black shadâ€" ows and dazzling white expanses. The sun gleams in fieree splendor, with no elmufn to diffuse its blinding light. All day long it is accompanied by the weird zoliacal light that we behold at rare intervale. & Even in midday the heavens are pitch black, so that, despite the sunlight, the stars and planets gleam with a brightâ€" ness that they never exhibit to us even Because of the present paucity of water the moon‘s atmosphere is so exâ€" ceedingly rare that startling effects are produced. Perhaps the most striking is that of the sunrise. Dawn and the soft golden glow that usher in terrestrial day there cannot be, The sun leaps from the horizon a flaming sickle, and the loftier peaks immediately flash into light. Water cannot possibly exist as a liquid; for the temperature of the moon‘s surface during the long lunar night is probably not far from 460 deâ€" grees below the zero mark of a Fehrenâ€" heit thermometer, and the atmospheric pressure is so low that a gas under pressure would solidify _ as it escaped, Ice and snow are the forms, then, which iunar water would assume. A lunar crater is not the mouth of a voleano having a diameter of a few hundred feet, but a great cireular plain twentyâ€"five, even one hundred miles in diameter, surrounded by a precipice ris ing to a height of five thousand or ten thousand feet, with a central hill or two about as high. The moon presents aspects . without any temstinl‘dpanllel. Rent by fires long since dead, its honeycombed crust seems like a great globe of chilled slag. Craters are not uncommon on the earth, but in number, size, and structure they bear, for the most part, little resembâ€" lance to those of the moon. Although separated from us by a disâ€" tance that at time reaches 253,000 miles; and it is never less than 222,000 miles, we know more of the physical forâ€" mation of the single pallid face that the moon ever turns toward us than . we know of certain parts of Asia and the heart of Africa. _ Powerful telescopes have brought our satellite within a disâ€" tance of forty miles of the earth. Phyâ€" sicists have mathematically weighed it and fixed its mass at oneâ€"eightieth of the earth or 73,000,000,000,000 tons. FACE OF THE MOON ASs KNOWN TO OUR ASTRONOMERS, Without Parallel on Earthâ€"Rarified Atmosphere Produces Many Startâ€" ling Effects in the Lunar Landscapt â€"Heavens Are Black Even at Midâ€" day. Our moon has the distinction of being the largest of all planetary satellites; so large, indeed, says the Strand Magazine, that to the inhabitants of Mars it must appear with the earth as a wonderfully beautiful twin planet. Because the moon rotates on its axis in exactly the same time that it revolves around the earth we are destined to see little more than one hemisphere. So alow is this rotation that the lunar day is equal to fifteen of our days. For half a month the moon is exposed to the fierce heat of the sun; for half a month it spins through space in the densest gloom. _ _ _ l Stopped Him (Cleveland Leader.) *De you think your father would l!ike me » & sonâ€"inâ€"law * **Yes, I believe he would." "Ob, joy! 1â€"â€"â€"* **Papa and 1 novor sgree about anything, FAIR LUNA‘S VISAGE. Give the Boy a Pup‘s Chance. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Boarding House Keeperâ€"Will you have soup toâ€"night? Lodgerâ€"No ,thanks. I‘m off the water waâ€" "Certainly," replied _ Suburbs, "but what does he want with it? It isn‘t rainâ€" @3 se cc5 colcta c 9ns dg "No, sir, but he said it was pretty sure to be rainin‘ some day soon, and he‘d need it then."â€"The Catholic Standard and Times. Henry Elliott, of Sherbrooke, N. 8., Inspector and Supt. of Bridge Construcâ€" tion for Nova Sceotia, says: India‘s Excess of Widows, (Lahore Tribune.) The number of widows in India is daily on the increase. Such a state of things is attributed to causes more than one; early marriage is responsible for the highest numâ€" ber. The total number of women inhabiting india is 143,956,447, out of which 25,891, 936 are widows, which means that out of every five there is one widow. The Hindus carry the highest number of widows, which is 19,« 738, 408. Nerve. "Mr. Farsyte sent me over to ask you if you‘d lend him your umbrella," said the bov. "A bottle of MINARD‘S LINIMENT cured me of a very severe sprain of my leg, caused by a fall while building a bridge at Doherty Creek, Cumberland Age. Under one year ... ... ... . From 1 to 2 years ... ... ... From 2 to 3 years ... ... .. From 3 to 4 years ... ... ... From 5 to 10 years ... ... ... From 10 to 15 years ... ... .. From 15 to 20 years ... ... ... From 20 to % years ... ... From 2 to 30 years ... ...... From 30 to 40 years. ... ... From 40 to 45 years ... .. .. From 50 to 60 years ... ... Above 60 years ... ... ... . Some soldiers quartered in a country village, when they met at rollâ€"call were asking one another what kind of quarâ€" ters t%ey had got. _ One of them said he had very good quarters, but the strangâ€" est landlady he ever sawâ€"she always took him off. _A comrade said he would go along with him and take her off. We went, and offered to shake hands with her, saying, "How are you, Elspa®" "Indeed, sir," said she, ‘ye hae the botter 0‘ me. I dinna ken ve." ‘Dear me, Elspa," replied the soldier, "d‘ ve no ken me? I‘m the devil‘s sister‘s _ We give below in detail the age and the number of widow in India, of all religions combined : o "Dear, save us!" quoth _ the old wife, looking him in the face; "mon, but ye‘re like your uncle!" For illustrated guide, "NIAGARA TO THE SEA," send six cents in postage stamps to H. Foster Chaffee, Western Passenger Agont, {oronto. Folders descriptive of the Thousand I Rapids, Montreal, Quebec, Murray Bl‘ym’l"’:: d:uuc.uth:‘ nr‘ famed Saguenay River, 4 ate., on applicaticn to any rail e.'mboas ticket agent. % i e op o 9n "The River St. Lawrence Trip?" "A materialist," said General Young, "is one who sees only the material side of things, one to whom the spiritual side is invisible." "Thus a materialist," he went on, "would call marriage merely a _ state wherein you give a woman half your victuals to get the other half cooked." A Materialistic View of the Marriage State. General Young, at a wedding in Washâ€" ington, was condemning materialists and materialism. He looked bridal party. "What, precisely, is a materialist?" a young girl asked. _ _ fag p Where Will You Go This Summer? GOOLD, SHAPLEY @2 MUIR CO. LIMITED, Outfit which won the CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORLD against 21 American, British and Canadian manufacturers, after a two months‘ thorough trial. Made by ** IMPERIAL® PUMPING WINDMILL Total ... If you desire rest and recreation, why not vacation. If vot summer as in winter, Send for free sampl® _ SCOTT & BOWNE, Chembts, Scott‘s Emulsion one year ... 1 to 2 years . 2 to 3 years . 3 to 4 years . 5 to 10 years 10 to 15 years 15 to 20 years Disease takes no summer Not Confined to Water. goe. and $:.00 ; all druggists, A Family Likeness. HALF AND HALF, about him at the happy k«« se« wee se* k4# ces wee wes ak see k sa+ e« «ns se« en e en es e ++ we® kx we+ k«+ se« wes kx« se« kn ar« see sex srs «+ se« se# 8 ..« k «x «++ C ker sere e ses se« B2 kkk se e++ kes bovks e s« es e«« B ..k e« kk+ es see «en es erses ««« ... 25,891,936 Widows 1217 2,2471 10,423 25,198 275,862 522,467 938,725 1,482,608 4,335,852 6,124,533 5,634,036 6,602,018 Minard‘s Liniment Cures Diphtheria, _ "Perfectly, madam," answered the physician. "You are an old woman with a sour stomach." Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Brown were bosâ€" om friends. It was astonishing what & lot they knew about other people‘s busâ€" iness. "Yes, I heard she had got appendiâ€" citis," replied Mrs. Jones, "but, Lori judging by the way they bragged about it I thought it was some sort of piano player, _ What is it, anyâ€" way ?"â€"Answers. The conversation turned in the diâ€" rection of a Mrs. Tittlesay, a new arâ€" rival in the next street. "I hear she‘s suffering from appenâ€" dicitis," declared Mrs. Brown. "::.\{"h;,â€":\-';;; didn‘t you know that?" asked Mrs. Brown. It is not to be wondered at that the states of the northwest, and those especially abutâ€" ting Canada, should view with regret that in its intensity verges the alarm the constant and increasing trek of American farmers acâ€" cross the border. It is naturally disheartenâ€" ing to see coming into our our ports each years aliens by the hundred thousand for whom the cultivation of the soil has no atâ€" tractions, while from the other side of the country the flower of an agricultural popuâ€" lation is forsaking its old holdings and citiâ€" zenship and finding homes on the rich virgin acres of Canada. Her Social Position Didn‘t Affect Her Digestive Powers. A famous American physician â€" was summoned to the bedside of an elderly grande dame, of distinguished name and many millions, says tke New â€" York Press. The physician examined her careâ€" fully. Then he said: "You must get up every morning at 6 o‘clock. Take for breakfast a cup of weak tea and two picces of dry toast. From 9 to 11 exercise, either walking or sweeping or dusting. At noon lunch on a slice of cold meat, filtered, uniced water and stale bread. Don‘t sleep in the afternoon; exercise again. For dinâ€" ner take nothing but a little meat, a vegetable and toast. No sweets, no wines, no social dissipation of any kind." The eyes of the grands dame flashed with fire as she said: "But, doctor, do you comprehend my position? Do you know who I am? Minard‘s Liniment Cures Colds, etc, "Suffering!" echoed Mrs. Jones conâ€" temptuously, ___ _ mmaexpz l:t»mmc.- Ledger.) ' Looking Forwatd. « : _ Scientistâ€"I know I haven‘t long to m;“b&u:!:oem n::h:afiu&m ::0." live, doctor, and when I die I want you resmarked the oldâ€"fashioned cobbler. ‘to perform an autopsy. I‘m very angiâ€" , _ 1Ye :,"" "'m “‘,‘l""'h":flm: m ous to know just what‘s the ‘matter y ie o * " with me.â€"Translated for Tales from ‘‘Well, it certainly does beat aw!." "Fliegende Blatter." Eold by all Druggists and General Stores and by mail. TEN CENTS PER PACKET FROM ARCHDALE WILSON, HAMILTONX. ONT. If you are not cured you get your money back. $1.00. All dealers, or {The Wiksonâ€" Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. 2 _ This statement is supported by a thousand testimonials from those who have been perâ€" manently cured. No one should suffer a moment longer with Piles, for Dr. Leonbardt‘s Hemâ€"Roid will cure any case. No matter what kind you have, Blind, Bleedâ€" ing, Internal, External, Itching or Suppurâ€" ating, Dr. Leonhardt‘s Hemâ€"Roid will cure you. Several days afterward, at a supfier given by a former Minister, Herr Haâ€" gerun, the incident was mentioned, and a journalist remarked ironically that the walls of the Casino were defective, and indulged in other pleasantries when the attention of the company was sudâ€" denly arrested by a grinding noise. A second afterward a bracket supporting & lifeâ€"sized bust of King Oscar gave way, and the bust fell with a bang. This coâ€" incidence created anâ€" immense impresâ€" sion, and the company separated earlier than they intended. Similar incidents happened in other places, says the Anâ€" The Annes des Sciences _ Psyciques publishes some uncanny stories in conâ€" nection with the substitution of King Haakon for King Oscar as yuler of Norâ€" way. On November 18, it says a numâ€" ber of officers were asserabled in the Casino of Agershus, where King Haaâ€" kon was expected to make his entry. They awaited with impatience the firat camnon shot which should announce the arrival of the war ship Heimdal in the roadstead. Suddenly a peculiar crackling sound was heard coming from the far end of the room, and it was perceived that a large portrait of King Oscar in a frame, surmounted with a crown was falling. The picture and frame suffered no hurt but the crown was smashed into atoms. NORWEGIAN SUPERSTITION. ; Curious Incidents of the Dethroning of The soda water manâ€"By his phizz. The temperance manâ€"By bis no‘s. The conceited manBy his I‘s. The surveyorâ€"By his feet. The captain of industryâ€"By his hands. Tre military manâ€"By his arms. The stovepipe manâ€"By his elbows. The rubber manâ€"By his neck. The miserly manâ€"By his chest. The touristâ€"By his trunk. The dairy manâ€"By his calves. The iron manâ€"By his nails. A BUSHEL OF FLIES Exodus of Amecrican Farmers, MERELY AN OLD WOMAN. Something to Brag About. How to Know Them. THEY MEAN IT. Wilson‘s‘. FLY PADS ONE PACKET HAS ACTUALLY KILLED A Hunter‘s Adventure on a Cold Night in an African Jungle. Fo etroll through an African jungle with a gun loaded only in one barrel and with dusk approaching seems to invite adventure, and so it did in the case of William Cotton Oswell ,the friend of Livingstone. Oswell etarted out from his camp one evening, fired his one shot at a quagga, which he woundâ€" ed, and then followed ite tracks, marked the place where it fell, and then turned his steps, as he thought, toward the wagons. In his biography the incident is described in his own words: _ _ . It was not until I had wandered carelessâ€" ly hither an dthither for half an hour, feelâ€" Ing sure that it was only theone particular bush in front of me that hid the wagons that I very unwillingly owned to myself that I was drifting withaut bearings in this bushy sek. :000 80 0) 0C . ‘Twilight in the tropics is very short. Just before the sun set I followed a game track which I knew would lead to water. After m good draught I began to collect firewood, but the night closed in so rapidly that a bare hour‘s supply was all my store. Minard‘s Liniment Cures Distemper, Dried fruits ,if cooked long enough, require very little sugarâ€"prunes none at all . After being washed thoroughly, they should be coverel with cold water, and soaked overnight. Then cook slowâ€" ly two or more hours, Some say that prunes are better not soaked, but they should simmer two and a half hours and hbad not been long perched before I heard, far off, the boom of guns. Alarmed by my absence, my companions suspected the cause, and were inviting my return; but it required a very pressing inâ€" vitation indeed to induce a man to walk through two miles of an African wood on a dark night. _ * _ ‘"He has missed you, Tlaga, by a little this time," said my black friends. "Let him Cooked fruits requiring much sugar are strawberries, cranberrics, plums, tart npi)les. eurrants and gooseberries. ‘ruits requiring much leas sugar are raspberries, blackberries, peaches, pears, and quinces, It is best to put in the sugar the first thing, save for quinces and very hard fruits. a large part of the United States. There is not a city which he would recognize if he were to come here next year and go over the route he took in 1860. _ Partly to save fuel ,partly in the hope that as night crept on signals would be made from the wagons, I climbed a tree It grew bitterly cold. I determined to come down and light my fire. I had reached the lowest bough of my tree and places my hand beside my feet before jumping off, wher from the bush immediately under me a deep note and the sound of a heavy boly slipping through the thorny scrub told me that a lion was passing. Without the warnâ€" ing. in another half second I should have alighted on his back. 1 very quickly put two or three yards more between the soles of my feet on the ground. i I could not much longer endure my cratapâ€" ed position in the scraggy tree, and folt I must get down. Waiting until the moon was about one tree high I came down and dived into the bush. I struggled on for an hour, I should think, when four or five musâ€" kets fired together within fifty yards told me I was home again. I hope I was thankful; I know I am mow. Two of my Hottentot servants and a batch of Kaffirs had come to meet me and escorted me to the fire in triumph. As I held my half thawed hands over it the roar of a disappointed lion rang through the go back to his game.‘"â€"Youth‘s Companion The suggestion has been made that it would be graceful and appropriate for. King Edward VII to make the Jamestown exposition the occasion for paying a visit to the United States. ‘The suggestion is an excellent one and it is to be hoped that ‘"the king and emperor‘‘ may be pleased to act upon it. He will receive a welcome here which will convince him of the hospitality and good will of the American people. Nearly fifty years ago, when a youth, the king paid a visit to Canada and the United States and was everywhere welcomed with acclamations, ‘The king, then the Prince of Wales, visited Except fruits be in exactly prime conâ€" dition it is very much more healthfual cooked, which modifies its properties, Cooked fruits requiring much | sugar are strawberries, cranberrics, plums, tart apples, currants and gooseberries, Blood Tonic is a pure, safe, plessant cure for nervous exhaustion, paipitation of the heart, vafilbknpg:&e.muomnbuddbudhtdm umglo:y dbloodovovmi.h ‘t neglect yourself. Cleer potson out ofyowbot:‘lbymh'ml’llbod'l“*. Every detail of its manufacure hm supervised by experienced chemists. from the pure@ and best ingredients on the most effective formula offered by modern science. $1 aâ€"bottle. etujw'aomâ€"ol(rommflnil' Co. of a, Limited, Hamiltonâ€"Toronte. _ W#A But dried fruits lack the refreshing quality. Fresh plums ,pears, grapes and apples act as a laxative to most Eeople; peachâ€" es and strawberries, just the contrary. Mira Tablets and Ointmentâ€"a !n'_a:/‘.{rrm _ FEither underâ€"ripe or overâ€"ripe â€"fruits disarrange the digestion. Save for the pear, all fruits are better ripened on the tree, vine or bush. Dried fruits are richer in nutrients than fresh. They have great value. They are delightfully refreshing. They belong to "regulatives" rather than nutritives. Welcome Awaits Edward. FOLLOWED BY A LION. TRADE MARK REGISTERED, SAVE SUNLIGHT SOAP COUPONS Free Gifts of Toilet Soaps Use SUNLIGHT SOAP FRUITS. every> day. Readcirculaxineverypachge.orwritemforl’mianm A gift is of little value if it consists of something you have no use for In exchange for Sunlfl' t for which you have to pay out for nothing. Users of SUNLIGHT and CHEERFUL Coupons are the same Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto, Canada p&:& Dr. William Morton Wheeler shows in the Popular Science Monthly that the queen ant has not had justice done to her by naturalists. As compared with the famous queen bee, he regards her as a far more admirable creature. In fact, they are, in many in_I’Portunt respects, diametrical opposites. The queen bee is a degenerate creature, unable to nourish either herself or her young, to visit flowâ€" ers, to build combs or to store them with honey. With the queen ant quite the reâ€" verso is true. She is "a perfect exemplar and embodiment of her species," and the worker ants suffer from incomplete and retarded development. The queen ant is a very industrious and intelligent workâ€" er, and Dr. Whecler points out that she forms an exceedingly interesting subject for study, and has not hitherto been well understood. Getting Along in Years, (Topeka, Kan., Capital.) We find that we have reached the point in life where ‘"you don‘t look so old as that‘" is the most pleasing thing that can be said Four seashore excursions via Lehigh Valley Railroad, Julg' 20, August 3, 17, and 31. Tickets good 15 days, and only $10. round trip, from Suspension Bridge. Tickets allow stopâ€"over at Philadelphia. For tickete, further particulars, call on or write Robt. S. Lewis, Canadian Passâ€" enger Agent, 10 King street east, Toâ€" romto, Ont. ¥° e O UNIG NeCP Hunflry-â€" £200 per annum and an equivalent of house rent ( £66). E â€" Le & PR 100 sir% 32 Francoâ€" £360 per annum, free travel on State railways, Deductions are made for a pension fund for exâ€"members and widows. Germanyâ€"15s per day and travelling expenses. Greeceâ€" £72 for each ordinary sesasion. Norwayâ€"13s a day, with a travelling allowance. Russiaâ€" £1 1s 6d a day. Serviaâ€"12s a day and free railway $10â€"Atlantic City, Cape Mayâ€"$10 Where M. P‘s. Are Paid. A British Parliamentary White Paper gives details of the payments to memâ€" bers of Parliament in foreign countries. The following is a summary: per mile travelling expenses _ Bavariaâ€"10s _ '."1{.{. This is withheld if leave of absence has heen obtained; :mt is paid if member is absent without eave. A true friend is one who won‘t hold you responsible toâ€"morrow for what you say toâ€"day. Belgiumâ€"£160 per annum and free railway pass. Bulgariaâ€"16s a day. Denmarkâ€"11s a day and free railway travelling. ‘That precious remedy, is a positive cure for all female circular and free eample. R. 8. McGILL, Simcoe, Ont. THE FAMOUS "PITTSBURG LIMITED" OTHER SPLENDID TRAINS LAKE SHORE RAILWAY The Short Line to Pittsburgh Bunlight Soap is bettor than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight 80oap and follow directions, Bwedenâ€" £66 for ordinary session. Switzerlandâ€"16s a day. United Statesâ€" £1,000 a year. Austriaâ€"16s. 84. a day, with 4 1â€"4d4. Farmers and Dairymen FIBRE WARE umss Tub, Pail, Wash Basin or Milk Pan OQrange Blossorms J. W. DALY, Chief Ass‘t. G. P. A., Buffalo, N. Y. W. J. Lynch, Pass‘r,. Traff. Megr You will find they give you satisâ€" ‘ faction every time. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE as m-hâ€"bec:use they can be exchanged for Toilet Insist on being supplied with EDDY‘S every time. Leave Buffalo .. .. . Arrive Pittsburg .. ... Observation Cars, money every week. Jeaves Buffalo...... Arrives Pittsburg .. The Queen Ant. . B. EDDYS oupons you Quickest Time, When you require a SOAPS can get their TOILET SOAPS T8, Parlor Cars, Smoking (s:s and Ladies‘ a.ngetaomethingyouneedundun is via Buffalo and Wtadt 3 y Minard‘s Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. "Tommy, what sancient King was it who played on the fiddle while Rome was burning." "Hector, ma‘am." "No, noâ€"not Hector." "Then it wuz Dook." "Duke? What do you mean, Tomâ€" "Well, then, it must a been Nero. I knowed it wuz somebody with a dog‘s name." "I Love You!" (Life.) A Danish paper res "I love you" in many wmgimfi-.: are some of themâ€"the Danish paper is our auâ€" thority for their cornectness: Th:nalu man says, "Uo ngai ni"; the Armenian, "Ge sirem ez hez"; the Arabian, very shortly, "Nchabeeck"; the Egyptian, similar, "N‘achkeb"; the Turk, "Sisi sevâ€" ejorum"; and the Hindoo, "Main tym ko pljar karyn": But overwhelming is the declaration of love of an Esquimau, who tries to win the chosen one by the pleasâ€" ing sound of the dainty little word, "Uniâ€" figseaerntdluinalerfima jungnarsigujak." Spanking does not cure children of bedâ€"wetting. There is a constitutional canse for this trouble, Mrs, 8. M. Sumâ€" mers, Box 8, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment, with full instructions, Send no money, but write her toâ€"day if your children trouble you in this way. fi:’l'fi blame the child; the chances are it can‘t help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged Eeople troubled with urine difficultiee by night or day. (New York Sun.) Johnnyâ€"What‘s a dilemma? Tommyâ€"Well, it‘s when you can‘t ait dow» because your pa licked you for going in ewimming,, and you can‘t stand up because & urine difficulties b crab bit your toe BETTER THAN SPANKING 60c 1,000 up in quantity, size 1, 2, 8. Gold point fountain pens 65¢. ADAMS. ‘Toronto, Ont. ISSUE NO. 30, 1906 Cleveland, Ohio. , N. Y, C. Lines, Chicago, IlL. y ENVELOPE BARGAINS MISCELLANEOUS. Winsliow‘s Soothing uyrup should a)â€" A safe, sure and reliable monthly reguls tor. These Pills have been used in France for over fifty years, ana found invaluable for the purpose designed, and are guarunâ€" f teed by the maukers. Enclose stamp for sealed ciroular. Price #1.00 box of 4 mail securely sealed, oun#dn SMITH, Gen‘l. Pass‘r. Between the Horns. LE ROY PILL CO., On the Trail. DR. LeROY‘S FEMALE PILLS 10.00 a. m. 4.00 p. m. 125 p. m. _ 1li.10 p. m. 7.55 p.m. 735 a m Dining Cars, for Â¥p ) dangering the co capable of govert German troops Russian territory The Inaugural Dinner Colonia! C London, July 23.â€"Eai #ided at a dinner toâ€"nig the new . Liberal Colomi gonized to ML.“ uestions from t Lib ?n proposing "British D« the Reas," the Chairma erals in the past had ’fl elfâ€"covernment, and if 1 Austria, and that the know what ignominy was preparing for the »xpression . 61 ihe Ministry M. Petrunkes tention. He ites, . disguste eSforts, left : ~antinued the Mr. Stakhox pemail the the pl were There the W bout plied ditt e at onest Ihee iO The fro: at ‘ mer Mos ing 6 goina on t\ prever guar to t) tenar and «< ants woar own t 8t f7 werd hor stri U M "' ot troops leavin Gove: fugi flies kille ! hborn‘s to 5: hood Wat s ment antry prfl\ of \ Artillery Sent to NOC awaa 1 Vor The Douma Re the aC ARYS OM Den M pOMINIONS BZY rn 1 @un St. 1 Shot Down W Defeat of t ml t] CÂ¥(4 Sacked D of Ve t1 AN less 1)

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