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Durham Review (1897), 26 Jul 1906, p. 8

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goo lures. being lots 27 and as. con. 2, E G R. Glrnehr. About 110 acres clear- ed, 30 good hardwood bush, 10 good ce- dar. Fwir buildings and well watered: the Rork y Salim-9n rum through acor- ner of lot 28 which would make " good 'raterpower, 5.5 miles from Durham ' wnveniently situated. The above pro- perty will be sold together or in parts to suit purchaser For further lytiee Lars 3|,an on ths, Inuit-dun: nu ., 3rd Dir. of Lot 13, Con l, E Glenda. containing 50 acres one mile from Rocky Saline" frame house and log stable premises. Possession Riven i utely, For funnel particulars on the premises to _ - _ V. nun-vu wrthll‘ 's apply on the promises. or to McCotoucs mum. Rocky Sangeen B. J Grcrxsox, Rocky DARLINGS JUST ARRIVED Albert Soap Co's, Soaps FARM FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE. Highcs t Prices Butter, Eggs and ROBERT BURNETT. The high place now occupied by wash fabrics is unquestion- ed. The many novelties to be found on our counters are more beautiful and effective than any before displayed. All the fabrics, from the sheer organdies to' the firm linens, present such a variety of weaves and color effects that every woman will find something suitable for either house or street wear. See our display. THE PEOPLE’S STORE Smart Ready-to-wear Cloihing “393$ alemsY,p.ng , ont Good Goods at Right Prices. Ft We PURE CASTILE... ...l5clb. 2for25e. ROSEBATH...... ...........,10c. cake MECHANICS TAR...... .....IOc cake BABY'S 0WN................10c cake SWEET PINK...a 10 can: value for 50 heap IN WHITEWEAR 3, Con l, E. tl. It., g 50 acres. about. y Hangs-en P. o. log stable on the m given immedi- Baugeen P. 0 attain to the front nu usWEAR we are at the top of the and are giving best values in town. lars. apply Vasl, Goods Paid, either Cash Comfortable Dwelling House, 'ted Soft water. ham“! '-. Eleetridiiirhi; Dated Aplil sri, Being Lot 50, Con, l, N. olg, GO acres. ; mile from Fair buildings. soilcan’t Two springs of water Ot Apply to D. McLean. 41 'eople's Druggists WOOL WANTED FARMFOR SALE with the best Ready-to-wear FARM TO RENT shipment of the Phone No. 3 TO RENT. water, 1iii'itiiirt7i"stCGi ts. Apply to I. McLEBh, 4'0 iiiaali Priceville P. o. or Produce I. N. D. R.. Glen troy I'rieeville. ONTARTo ARCHIVES TORONTO N. MCINTYRE. We ban. being the be beat. the farm. a Hard Of the man and his powers there will be different estimates, and some will feel the indaemm of one part, some of another. He may be said to have been distinguished both as an evangelist and as a religious teacher. The latter gift shone oat most con- spicuouslv during the period of his settled pastorate. the former he most exercised in his later years. It was his clear grasp of the gospel, traced all the way from its origin in the heart of God to its destiny in beiryr incarnate in human lives that awak- enod my mind at the first, and abides as a lasting treasure. Ha best ser- mons were those where he seized on some Vital theme developed and am- plihed it, till the light shone out on all its sides as from a crystal. These sermons were no disconnected flash- es but the growth of his own inner life. A sermon on “Separating the holy from the unholy " on the singular sad. - a contrast to the quiet retiring min. ister, was his fast and bosom friend. I remember how the waggish politi- cian with skilful hand approached the delicate subject. He said in Parliament they called him the mis- sionary and he had before them the jastifiation ot the title. Some time before, (referring to some jests at a previous tea meeting) he had met a man, solitary and lonely. and had advised him) by all the pleasing sna~ sions a missionary could command. [ to get some one to smooth his hair, 1 brush his coat and ease the wrinkles that time would inevitably write on his brow. “You know, " he said, "how earnestly I exhorted him, well see him before you to-day, married, clothed and in his right mind." It was a reference that fairly brought down the house; bat Mr Forest only blushed from ear to ear, and faintly smiled " the kindly pleaAantry and the enthusiasm with which it was greeted. Such an incident naturally fastened itself on my boyish fancy and again and again it has come back as a breath from the days that are gone, bringing up memories both glad and - _ -_- "m. .. wuuu ol Humor bythe late Honorable Arch McKel- lat, M. Pa, at 5 tea meeting at Buxton. Mr Mek. was a host at such gatherings. aqd thqugh such His stay in Tilbury however. if it did not dim the far off vision was the occasion at the opening of his eyes to some of the joys that sweeten 1aIthNoprney. There he met Mrs Nichol. then a young widow. and his earlier ideal of a life of Pauline single blessedness melted away in the pres- encsoi her personal charms and Chris. ( tian graces. Happily they were msr- _ ried,and Joyfully each bore the other's burdens, and even the fieree light that beats about the " mistress of the muse " only served to show that he had an appreciation of worth in things terrestrial not less than in things ee. lestlsl. One of my recollections connected :ithkthelevent' was a‘tpuch of humor tech The death of the Rev Wm Forest. which took place on Tuesday, July 17th, at the age of 78, is to me the removal not only ofa link that con- nocts with the past, but of a “flit which, in that plastic period of lie beginning with the ear y teens, did more to direct my course and to in. spire with noble thoughts than words can adequatelv express. My flttrt acquaintance of him was in .1868, when he came to be our minister in, the old congregation ot Tilbury East. [ His iirgt appointment was for a per- iod of three months, which " the re- request of the congregation, was lengthened to halt a year, his induction into the pastoral Marge taking place in May 1870. The im- pression he made in those early davs, is recalled by a latter from a friend, pnor to his acceptance ot the call, in which the words occur I "I hope l he will come bntI fear he is too good for us. tt That sentence tells ina word of his earnestness ot spirit and simple mindedness. not untouched with melancholy, that gave him a clearer vision of the land that is far fway than of earth that lay at his An appreciation tir one who, years ago. sat under ministration. The Late Rev. Wm. Forrest. Hanover, Ont. PLUMB- ING Ahrens, HEAT= ING AND r4 In Preserving kettles our stock is complete. W. Black. The ladies are invited to inspect our assortment of charcoal and Bostos Irons, very suitable for warm Weath- er, as they retain the heat much longer than ordinary Irons and do not heat the heat the hands. s. We are now supplied with a good stock at Binder thps. Beware of the Oiley-Tongued Agents who are going round the country announcing other people', business for the purpose of selling their own Binder Twin. Let them take their medicine without falsify- ing. We are always doing what we can for our customers and are now selling the same distance and the same quality Twine at the same price we did last year-that is lower than any other dealer. Examine‘ our Twine, or ask your neighbor about it, and be convinced. Do not allow the grain horsejerk your arms out when you can get a horse muzzle so chea p. . We still sell good home-made Grain Cradles which no person can find fault with. We also have some very choice Silk Blouses in stock in white & black and a large assortment of Ladies' Neck- wear, Belts and lace V's. HARDWARE! July, 'A'. io,' iikii,' We wish to make special mention this week that we are still making up a nice lot of white hats in straw sailors and chiffon and lace hats. At present we are hav. ing a big demand for these light summer hats. We ex- Peet more new summer goods from the wholesale this week All the assets of the said doinpany consisting of a quantitfy of casing, and the land and well 0 the said Com. pany. Terms oCSale: Cash. DJAnmsox, Tnos ALLAN} Trustees A. H. JACKSON . JOHN KINNEE. Auctioneer. T Dated " Durham this 21st day of n!" A " M0fhgm ,,__,"-.. -v “nu-nu uuucl, "I the Town of Durham in the Cihinty of Grev, on Saturday, the 11th day ot August, 1906, at 2 o’clock p p. PURSUANT to instructions from the majority of shareholders of the late Durham Natural Gas & Oil Co., Ltd. there will be offered by sale by PLub'llic Atletiorat Hahn‘s Hotel, in MARRIED, BEHNECKE - IrrrzoruBoN..-on Wed- 'yrsdarJuiy18, 1906, at the resi- dence of M. E. Demon, Farming- dale, New Jersey. by the Rev Wtii. Adams. John C. Behnecke. of New York City. and Janet Rohenn. Fitz- gibbon, of 1fttrmingdale, New Jer- sey. to request your merchant to extend you credit for a time. in making your application to him for it, don't tell him you will pay the first, of the month when, in your opinion. it will be the tenth of the month before you will meet, the obligation. Bless the man who is to a. mason- able amount uneasy as long as he owes a dollar If vou are at some timeyom pelled il, unavoidable circumstances Principal Cooper will not resume his position As chief of the staff of the public school. having placed hits resig- nation with the secretary of the school Board. Mr. Cooper has accepted a Position on the stall of the Collegiate nstitute at St. Catharina. Hid re- cord hern has been first clttss-Utmtg. worth Banner. same aeeomudation A mroorrnauurArrrNo FAnr--The buildings on the exhibition grounds at Toronto are valued at between 81.200- 000 and '1,li00,00o. No other annual exhibition in.Agnerica vossesm the Light Summer Millinery Lacking the buoyancy of mind that is seldom possessed without a It,',',: ous body, and capable onlvin n im- ited degree of understanding the feelings and temper of those who ditreriid from him, he was neither fitted for, nor did he aspire to be an ecclesiastical leader, but " an in. spirer to what is noblest) in life and as an exponnder of Eternal principles he will be loved and honored by all whose hearts were touched, or whose minds were awakened by " min- i istry. text “Kndeeh Barnes," another on “The Ste,".,',', Sapent " and many inolde saying: in the Bible clue stick in the mind through ell the in- tervenlng years. I have met few men whcee grip was harder tofor- eeke. even in cases where growing conviction compelled me to differ. I could name no man whoee life gen the impreuion ot a more ,rttole.-tttiitled earnestness or a. more Ttttselfish de- votion. THE DURHAM REV MMV. Ls Dick Auction Sale. 4". - be R. and has Iestely been promoted to the responsible position of travelling Alb ditor over 250 mile district In B. C. and Alheru. l MI. Geo Staples of Ctanlrrook, B. U. son at Mr. Jas. Staples. Glenelr, ill visiting relative-a in the yicinity on: six week's IPHYP of aim-nor. George has been over six years With the O. P. Miss G. McLeod. teacher ttt Vickers, In: linen remngnged at. the yearly ml- urv of 35(1). This may he the result of the new law. hut it is not too Ron- eruus a recognition of Min McLeod'I abilities. Mrs JAG. Ireland and little daughter Helen. accompanied by Mrs w. K. Ireland and little daughter. of Owen Sound. visited relative“ Ill Mt. Forest but week end. 'i, Misses Edmund Rem McDermid of Cohourg av. Toronto are spending their holidays at their grandfathers. Mr. John McPhail near Priceville. Mr. Harry Home and his sister. Mu. l Irvine with her little son, all of Toronto visited their relations here. the Mc- Cluckliu and Limin families last week Mrs W. Calder went to Toronto and Master Roy to Midland last Thursday, wheve he will enjoy a few holidays with his uncle. Mr F. Graham. Misses Edna and Reta McDonald of Mrs. Bruce Turner (nee Lon Firth) and little daughter, of Detroit. ale spending a month with her parent: Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Firth. Mr and Mrs Philip Me turned from Hastings 00. and an; at present with I father, Mr Wm. Johnston. Mr. Jno. Roget-son of Walkerton. brother of u former Public School teacher here, was the guest. of Dr. Grantfor a. few days. Miss Uonilton and Miss Broderick. of Melancthon. are guests this week of the former's sister, Mrs M. McAul- We. at the Central Hotel. Mrs. A. McKechnie. ot Priceviile. is visiting her sister. Mrs. Niven in Brooke and other friends in town .-0. S. Advertiser. Messrs Arch. and J no. Robertson re- turned to town Saturday. the latter resuming the tailoring business in their former rooms. Mr. Trelford. late teller at the Boe. ereign Bank, left hurt week and will complete his holidays at his homein Markdale. Miss Edith McKenzie returned hut Wednesday after an enjovahle six Week's vUit with the Young family in Chicago, Miss Clark, of Fermi Emily, of New York cit: at, present of their aunt, Russell. Miss Fitchell. matron sunitarium. is spending weeks with her niece. , win. Messrs Jno. and Jack Miehll of Walkorton. visited relatives Middaugh House over the wee Mrs. Jno. McDougall and Master Charlie are visiting for a few dnvs her sister, Mrs. R, Hoy, Flesherton. Miss Ida Wilson left Tunsday mor. ning to spend her holidays in Ham- ilton with her friend, Miss Galvin. Miss Kathleen Grant returned 'dat- urday after a. pleasant fortnight's va. cation with Gorrie relatives. Mr. Will McGowan left Suturdayto spend neouple of weeks in the vicinity of Montreal and Ottawa. Barrister Dunn’s mother and us- ter, of 1loronto. are spending slew days with him this Week. Mrs J. M. Hunter accompanied her daughter. Mrs Smith, back to ber home in Brandon, Man. Miss Flo Copns, of Haatford, in spending a. fortnight with her friends, the Brooker family. Messrs Geo. Brehber and Dr Picker. ing attended a Dental Convention in Obesley last Friday. Miss Norma Patton ls spending A couple of months with her parents in Owen Bound. Mr. Allan Michlhmuen left Mon- day to fill asituntion in a. Berlin hud- wue store. Mia: E. Limin is spending a few days with her friend. Miss Donnuhy. Mt Forest. Mrs. A.Burnet in visiting in Toronto this week with her daughter Mrs. Me. Cookery. Mr Finlay Guam). Midland, mid a brief visit to his relatives here last Week. Mrs W. J. Irwin left Thurodly Int on A visit to Hernilton friends. Mr. Arthur Allan commenced dutieo in the Sovereign Bank hut week, Mia Bertha Spat-ling left Thursday to holiday with Ail“. Craig relttivu. Misc Annie Ireland is holidaying " 1 present mth relative. in Owen Bound, Mm Atlie Grant visited old friend- u-ound Dornoch tart week. Mr J no. A. Darling upent A few (11!! Int week in Teeunter. Philip McKecbnie Pe" York city, are gugail matron of the Detroit Fergus, and Miss l, Miss Galvin. Jack Miehlhnuaen ing a. couple of '. Miss Rita lr. 00. last week In Mrs Mews. ' M rs. Alex ivel at the week end. "r------.. H Aug. 27 to 1905 Canadian Remember the place---- G. Lawrence 's old Stand Trunks, David and Goliath just what you need for this _ time of year to keep in perfect "64-LMM'rmhrrt trip. We have them at all qunwnnmm.“ pnces. We have just passed into stock a superb line whieh you are invited to inspect as they are the newest Productio " of the designer for all wear. Will receive special attention this week and where we find odd lines we will not fail to apply the pruning knife ind If." deep so as to clear them out and get ready for Fall 'rtoc . One week more until the end of this month. Till then you will Jimi it to your advantage to look up the snaps at the Big Store. In spite of the extra advance in Cottons and Flannellettes, our buyer who is always on the look-out for clearing lines and mill ends, has secured a lot which everyone acknowledges to be exceedingly cheap and you can save money by buying your Cottcns and Flannellettes now while the Sale" is on. They don't go out of date and are needed all the year round. Our advice to you is to buy now Highest prices for Farm Produce Gigantic Clearing Sale unequalled Larger, more instructive ALEX. RUSSELL .. chlLLIVRAY. THE BIG STORE --% TELESCOPES. &c., at lowest prices. pairing as usual. TERMS -CASH. l Goliath was a very much surprised man when with a stone. Such a thing never entered l Did it ever enter your head that McIlraith's is l for correct Boots and Shoes at correct prices ? ideas and collect a little money and come and next pair of Boots or Shoes. Men's & Boys' Clothing M_tqtnitieent ed ucntioml elbihlt of manufacture in new 81ml] Valises, Club Bags, TORONTO A nice line just arrive] for summer Rear. See them. Ladies' Print Wrappers Age can»! wither. Nor custom Mate, its ittitttite' variety ,1. I . n. CA, madam. Turkish and Linen -iri'lii' Ladies' Skirts ictive and more entertaining than even ART LOAN EXHIBIT. HORSE AND CA'ITLI POULTRY AND PET W‘K luntnmr Tae Jeéeller. Durham .’cruonnl attention to " Continued ,. .. ... n IIIWII V. mm "we And our WATCH DE. PARTMENT it excellent. We hum the wuchnmking down no “no: that you can haw: your much Illa Inn. day '"Fott leave " bone. and ever watch guaranteed for on. m. ad In u call: it my you in tho long run. Percy o. You um depend on everything bought hero became we handle noth- ing ehse And therefore put all our at. Iention to the vulture of the levellery (nude. We ha we ttto Ion-mt. am of BOLt D GOLD RINGS 'tver than In a mum tl gamma our mm M Gi' iGri,"ii'i iiltr.,'.rlt, vam-ty. ttm 6 ational Exhibition """m-r--. ----, m: ICeiti' MM; 2ta j Webster's for J e wel I e r y . S. MCILRAITH west ptices. Custom work and Re- -CASH. Eggs taken sun: as Cash tr 8m”: Exam-n ELY-it‘d P,'. JI"" “my Ott the "w" m. To avoid the menu. crowd. action. npply to J. o. ONE. “In sud my. my um, Toronto of h, Webster m." We. Ont. to w "pdir Wot k. at the Big Store. AND CASTLE ExtrrBIT, JUL! " 1906 hen David hit him at! his head before. I is the correct place mr? Correct Four and see us for Pour Sept. IO l, Tot-onto L- T-tt 574. PM (g tif '.0hh'rll,'h',"Ay,',': 'itiitfi" u 'll': Fans?) P f, Exilgmid ti' White ( y'lXh'lh'l'xh'Q VOL. any quanta) Crocken Mens' Sl The Ca every pound midsummer i lighter wear. and tti e Us room tor ll right tter en S ar ararut Umbn nnu The WI 66 Ind an: and an! in.” and I and I And V and tl Mid I IN IF “1

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