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Durham Review (1897), 16 Aug 1906, p. 5

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n AGENCY 1B 16 1960 at \\ 100DS SEn[ /A : N,G. & J. McKechnie e _ ( P Remember the placeâ€"â€" C. Lawrence‘s old Stand Trunks, Tearing C ": ”l David and Goliath ;z; a ll”’;! Ga / Sexs e k _ . â€" k ies I x‘/ Hardware dealers most everywhere have it. If yours does not, write for free sample an PATERSON MFG. CO. LIMITED % TOR( PATERSON‘S «"WIRE EDGE* costs less than shingles and with very little attention will last a lifetime. It has had a successful record in Canada for twenty years. TIN rusts, cracks, leaks â€"and is -\: unsctisfactory. SHINGIL ES won‘t 3 last more than six years Then more y3 expense. Res is the very cheapest and best you can put on a barn, tool shed or chicken house. i e rreat TanAs.. p:~,~ _ "CCG EUropean musical vizganization, under the great leader, Victor, will give concerts dail y Fireworks on a more magnificent and imposing scale, picturing the great Carnival of Venice, Many splendid educational features for the boys and girls, s s s ( W. J. REID, President For information write [ A.M. HUNT, Secretary September 7â€"â€"15 1NOAZ CUHCLOL, 'rhe m“t Royal Venetian organization. under control, o omir gians sorees." Western Fair | AUGUST 16, The Exhibition that made An ideal occasion for Daily ascensions of a TELESCOPES, &c., at lo pairing as usual. TERMS Goliath was a very much surprised man when David hit him with a stone, _ Such a thing never entered his head before, Did it ever enter your head that Mcliraith‘s is the correct place for correct Boots and Shoes at correct prices ? Correct your ideas and collect a little money and come and see us for your next pair of Boots or Shoes. (The popular Cash Store.) Valises, Club Bags, on for a family outing,. s of a navigable airship, alwa wonderful invention of the age 'Band, the most celebrated . sample and booklet. ® TORONTO and MONTREAL lowest prices, Custom work and Reâ€" ISâ€"CASH. Eggs taken same as Cash st celebrated European musical , Victor, will give concerts daily September 7â€"â€"15 1906. McILRAITH Fall Fairs Famous always under perfect j | between Linwood 3{ intervening point autumn, the con to understood, _ to branch completed i, | snow to haye st« & / | Goderich. Un the »1, | Guelph and God Students admitted at an& time lars at any time frge. | Commences September 3, It only requires a few months at th tion to com{)leto a thorough, practical Course, or Shorthand and Typewritin and fit you for a remunerative position FALL TERM ~at the /) NORTHERNY 77 _ [ , | _ ~ ~SUTVERNCe olf.the new line, so far as the compainy is concerned, is they will connect seyeral tewns both inland and along the coast which now ate not seryed by. any road. Such places as Goderich, Kincardine, Lisâ€" towel, Milvertou, Rimira, Blyth, Durâ€" ham, Aanover, Walkerton, Lin wood, and the other towns entered by the connection, all give evidence of tratfic both passenger and freight, which will greatly increase the company‘s earn«» ings. _ Western Ontario, it is true, is well intersected with Grand Trunk lines, but the C. P. R. is without any line reaching the lake coast from Owen Sound to Detroit. It is evident thereâ€" fore, that this company is quietly inâ€" yading a rich agricultural and promisâ€" ing indusrrial territory, which the G, T. R. has held for itself for many years, with the intent not only of esâ€" tablishing good through routes to Torâ€" onto and Montreal, but of deyeloping asteady local business. _ In continuaâ€" tion of this scheme it is proposed to build south from Teeswater Lo connect with the new Guelphâ€"Goderich line and east from ‘Flesherton to connect with the new Torontoâ€"Sudbury road Shavietr ao adt eB L.c.l.*= 2 Em esnt offering at flourishi these lines, The significance of far as the compiny they will connect sey inland and along the ¢ are not served by a Guelph and Goderich steel rails are being In towel connection sixty The construction of and of a third from Durham, Hanover an Kincardine is an evid gressive policy which pursuing to obtain d low grades from two u to Toronto: und alenm F~ wee fine new ough to a has been steel on : nas been erected, steel on a branch 1 also been commenc is to be pushed fory It is expected tha Wueiph and ( rapidly. Steel five miles west mg is done c end of steel, _ been selected toronto Globe : on the new C.P.R Guelph and God features of t Reeve. the this city, is sociation. i eral public. ‘The associa convened under thirtcer which will meet daily fr til 1 o‘clock.. The diset papers of these meetin course, be altogether fro fessional point of view. noons and ecvenings wiil | to general meetings, publ es entertainments, ete. _ buildings of the universi utilized in connection with ings. The museum, devo ical and surgical applia will be one Af hn wmyie E7 C PCPR OCRUITY ative. Of necessity the gl'eut'er part ot the programme of the gathering will concéern the medical profession exclusively. There will be many i+ tems, however, of interest to the genâ€" eral public. ‘The association will be convened nndar thintaamk) ouven * « P.R. Seeks Lake Connecti British Is tention 0| expected own land f Ee o e t gathering will be held ed the attendance will large, as already over members of the prof More and more. Carada is comâ€" ing into the lime light of world notice. We have not only touring groups by trainloads of American journalist a nd other bodies, whofreely confess after their trip that Canada ‘was beyond their expectations but from the older lands, Britain especially, we have delegated bodies‘ of all kinds spying out for themselves the wonders of the Canada that has only lately been disâ€" covered. For a week or two a band of enthusiastic British bowlers®‘ ‘maistâ€" 1y Seotch" hava been winning vietorâ€" ies in our cities and winning praises in the papers, and next week Toronâ€" to is going to entertain the British Medical Association. _ We extract the following of this famous gathering from the Cbhristian Guardian : For the second time within a deâ€" cade that great organization, the British Medical Association, is to meet in Canada. The former meetâ€" ing was in the eity of Montreal, the coming one is to be in the csity of Toronto. On Tuesday, August 21, the opening meeting of this notable gathering will be held. It is expect ed the attendanceo will be annsua ly large, as already over two hnndred | members of the professton in the British Isies have signified their inâ€" | ~ ention of being present, and it is | | ‘xpected that atiendance from our wn land will be large and renroesant. 8 Lra to loea'l'ig"x'x’e'&';‘:)? with special attentio Owen Sound Che Burinam Review _ one of the most interes s of the association. Dr. h ively. There will b however, of interest : abliv. ‘The assoctatio ied under thirteen will meet ~daily fron r‘elock.> The discns of these meetings be altogether from al point of view. * ind cvenings wiil be ral meetings, public rtainments, etec. M gs of the university in connection with t 'l‘hc musenim Aawa+a Adv CE e ire being laid. On the Lisâ€" ection sixtyâ€"lb, steel is used truction of these two lines third from Flesherton via Hanover and Walkerton to THURSD aA y SWHIOn, sufficiently large enâ€" ccommodate a heavy traffic, erected, and the laying of branch line to Listowel has commenced at Linwood and shed forward with rapidity. eted that, in three or four n service will be inaugurated inwood and G uelph. serving is an evidence of the agâ€" hey which the company is obtain diwect routes with from two upper lake ports and also to secure business flourishing jlowns slan« We are Getting Noticed C. A. FLEMING, Principal 18 1 September 3, 1906 riding Goderich is proceeding el is now laid for four of it of Linwood and grad considerably beyond the VE & F U mpany intend have the L d and by the CPauy intends, it is have the Listowel d and by the fall of eel laid through to e direct line between ierix;h new eightyâ€"ib, Ol interest to the genâ€" The association will be er thirteen sections, et daily from 9.30 unâ€" The discussions and se imeetings will, of gether from the proâ€" of view. ‘The afterâ€" rings wiil be devoted tings, public address nts, ete. Most of the ie university will be ection with the meet. seum, devoted to medâ€" cal appliances, ete., ; weekly Journal, ews of Durham )ry, which the G, ‘ itself for many it _ not only of esâ€" uigh routes to Torâ€" ut of deyveloping ss. _ In continuaâ€" it is proposed to swater toconnect onths at this Instituâ€" , practical Bosiness Typewriting Course, °C mosi, interesting ociation. Dr. R. A. rated specialist of lentâ€"elect of the asâ€" soniy lately been disâ€" i week or two a band ritish bowlers® ‘maist. been winning vietorâ€" al‘)d winning praises :éflfa? instruction work e which is to link h is proceeding â€"£1.00 per year if paid in 0 paid. n application to C,. RAMAGE, â€"Publisher to the South Riding Full particu whns alon AUG. 16, 1906 thal, giving prominence 'hem audk County Grey, ecitions 18 Shop west of the Middaugh Hous Our Goods are firstâ€"class, prices mo derate,. ~Call anyway. call ( Daisy Churns & Washers VERITY PLOWS : Walking &Rid ing and Gang Ploughs, DISC HARROWS and Harrows of all kinds, SEED DRILLS ; Hayâ€"loaders, side gaelivery and tedders; Proven and Beattie Hay Tracks. Singer Sewing Machines, BELL Organs & Pianos 3 or 4 year blanket policies instalment or one paymer most favorable conditions t The strongest purely Mutual Fire In surane Co. in Ontario. _A record without a paraliel and a Just reward for honest efforts. Licensed and insi'ccu-d by the Government ; insures residence and farm property upon the latest known plans. M ante dE oA B Ran t o e on e i o t I poripgn Nt 196 ( qob edia wevg MOTUAL FRE INSURANCE CoMPANY All the machmery of the abovye well knowna firm in stock or can be seâ€" cured at short notice. FARMERS Buggies Win.Jonnaston, Jr., s Chairman Mul McQueen & Morice abili fittin ulati UASSEYâ€" No farmer knows the value f a Grindstone complete with steel Frame only those that purchased lately, See our reduced prices. We are never sold out Doors, and Window Scree are continually renewi1ug, prices are right, * M buggy, for we sell the til'i'r(i..f ing seat very cheap. Who would be without a H mock after seeing our prices, Do not allow you fortable when there Buggyv. for we sell NEIL MeCANNEL, Agent. Durham * * PIC€GeTving we have Gem IIol. ders, Gem Funnels, and preserving Kettles of different quality, Durham School Everything in season ware store. Head Office : Walkerton Our assortment of Tinware is more than HARDWARE! worabl best. 1 l Robert 8. Fraser by barn, this Robert is bove James Fraser, a bad little hopes being his getting getter. epoa o Sm o0 Oe empanie y > W av ET his father and two brothers and formâ€" ed the Fraser settlement, they clearâ€" ed good farms, that are now enjoyâ€" ed by their sons. Some few weeks 3g0 we mentioned of an accidont to Robert $. Fraser by falling in the Bs uol i SE ORC 1i i o t l c c a The Proton Council held a meetâ€" ing . here on Friday, August the 10th and appointed two collectors to ’collecc the taxes. William Hastie for the South and Dougal Ferguson for the North part. . Died on Saturdav morning the 11th at his old home near Ventry, Mr. James Fraser im the 74th year of his age, and was buried on Sunday afternoon at Ventty. Mr. Fraser was one of the pioneers of Proton, he came into it when it was a wilderness in company wich NE R LA 1 ies & T Creates many a new business, Enlarges many an old business, Revives many a dull busin ess, Saves many a fauiling business, Preserves many a large business Sl'(‘lll‘(‘S success in an y ')Ilfiln(“SS. L _ ~YFWITVLL EUU"U.“‘D” ’ Igr. JfimesOrr. last week, had a tripI %_ to Port Hope to see a friend. : a !1\ D'hK'WMc AYIDUF hAS gone to the Macdonald Institute and its Aims Nort est again and we expect . Xrararay £ se man st foe throvile paiple | . Through the epsmny of o tm X ee « * o » o » . The Proton Council held a meetâ€" fi’sz"e3°?§dcizf;;]mtfzrl:§seb;:mz} llx(l)gl he:lc on _ Friday, Aulgn“ the education along the lines of Nature: |2 UNZ, 2ppointed two collectors to Study, Manual Training and Domesâ€" collect the taxes. William Hastie T. SY 1 & ] for the South and Dougal Feronson | tit Science. r droj t preserving THE DURHAM REVIEW Staff and ol is thoroue! Gray & Sons, Chatâ€" ham. BarrieCarrisge Co, Canada Carriage Co., Brockvilie, hA ns( tA ol cogan : J ..BR, B. A., ssies, Moderns and MCKERRACHER, nd third year under; versity. 14ment ol Granite more than ordinary, . * Black. eP e mR Window Screens for we ly renewitug, and our ce, History r month i Advertising on Friday,“xt;gtâ€"l'stmfi;e appointed two collectors to e taxes. William Hastie obert is a son of the a Fraser, and is still very sibl HARRTS ! 1 es issued ou the annual ment system under the & to the insured. Insure rance expires this year, yourself to be ‘y equippe 1 (:I(‘(‘trl(‘al ior Leaving owing con Equipment Hopeville. CENTRAL nCil to D€ uncom. ire three in your rtificate enter at the t Board can t i advan C. Ramage, Sectetary rham is a he A most des it the Hard ; Ont. entertained of 1in teaching supplies and rand Matricâ€" ipetent staff of Screen English. First Class raduate of Principal rap} 1A Hamâ€" : obâ€" Ithy able ONTARIO ARCHIVES | TORoNTO old and BARCLAY & BELL Undertaking and Embalming ¢ We are having an uphoisterâ€" er the first week in every month. Anyone wishing old goods reno. vated to look good as new should advise usâ€"we will be pleased to attend to it at once. Night Calls for Undertaking promptly _ attended _ to, One door south Efl mflss of Post Office. 3 o gadl Oe e y t VC take a full regular course but to study along such lines as are fitting to their needs. â€" These enter the ‘*optional classes. A short course of three months i: oflered to those who cannot spend more than one terim at the Institute, The training is thorough but chiefly practical work. Has a full line of Curtain Poles, Window Shages, Picture Frames Frames to order of all kinds. KRESS, i one year course, known as the "Homemakers," trains girls to take care of their own household affairs. It may extend over two years. A short course of three months is oflered to those who cannot spend m inaew‘ L se ce ce uen ol s 9 A We have opened up Undertaking Rooms in Thos. Swallow‘s buildâ€" ing opposite the Middaugh House and are prepared to do business with any person requiring underâ€" taking. Satisfaction guaranteed in Embalming, Our stock of funeral supplies has arrived ; also a full line of Catholic robes, etc. The Housekeeper‘s course i3 sts two years and fits matured women to beâ€" come professional housekeepers. _ It is similar to the Normal except that in place of practice teaching, practical work in household organization is taken up, 14 One demonstration a term is given by each student of this course, Other subjects dealt with the last year are ; Biology, Chemistry of Foods, Home Ethics, Bacteriology, Physiology and Hygiene, Advanced Cookery, Observation, Domestic Sciencee Meâ€" thods, Electives. Some there are who do not care to gul : woull 2 In the Home Economic department the two main objects in view are : the fitting of our girls on scientific lines for the important duties of home making and the training of students to become teachers of Domestic Sciâ€" ence. The question arises * What is Domestic Science ?" It is the carrying out of household duties in a scientific manner, By the latter is meant, the doing of these in the most efficient way in the least time. In order to be educated in this work there are certain courses mapped out : This is of value in th reasoning powers, the problems in order to constructive plans, ng, w ry, etc I.~ A corrse for Agricultural stuâ€" dents in woodâ€"working, metalâ€"workâ€" ing and farm mechanics. ,_2. A Normal course for the trainâ€" ing of Instructors in Manual Training 3. Correlated course of Manual Training with Nature Study, .. 4. Optional.courses in woodâ€"workâ€" ng, woodâ€"carving, art metal, basketâ€" | The first of these aims is to prepare teachers to take up Nature Study with their pupils in connection with a school garden and to deal with the simpler aspects of general nature stu dy. The time giyen to complete .thl.S study, by intending teachers, is limiâ€" ted to three months and to the fall and spring terms. Of the second branch of knowledge it might be said there are four disâ€" tinctive courses : “ HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS " #36 t in M The _>~ Undertaker value in that it calls forth , the solving out of make certain Clover and Timothy and all varâ€" ieties of Garden seeds in aâ€" bundance for Spring growing S E E D S Keewatin * Fiye Roses"â€"The very best Keewatin make, A carload just received. Ogilvie‘s F LO UR MATTHEWS & LATIMER FIELD with bibs. Cottonade and mokeskin trousers and a good line of MEN‘S Heavy SHIRTS at right prices. » Rlack and Blue Overaths count We have some bargains in Worsted Trousers, neat patterns worth $4.00 for 3.00. We have also some heavy tweed trousers for only $2. ~These are also snaps. Call in, we may have a pair amongst them to suit you. Remember it‘s the savings that Highest grades only Worsted and Oweed Peel, the Shoeman . alo, Srant LEATHER Solid Leather Is the stock you get in the Shoes you buy at Peel‘s. Leave your foot measure for fall AND G "Royal Household" TOUSCP‘S ARDEN, ~~ Do you want to know are«1 where to bu eâ€"â€"â€"o ) y A HIGH GRaADr BCHOOL ! The demand for year is about twenty times :lx"g;sy. It p‘:y‘: to attend our coliege, ': ay for catailogue, w.3 Cor. Youge and Alexmudey te! A large number of othe ham town and â€" surro , above Darham, wel} built, well 250 fifi@a’ well watered, good land, for $7500, A Normanby, well im woved and loâ€" 125 m less than $5000 . * i near , Allan Park, 100 acres "*"msnd, ‘evenes 150 Acres above Durham JOHN CLARK Durham, Nov LwaAYs ProxPr, D Llecnmtcd Aumox‘ni:-!r for the Co, of Grey. Sales atten to. _ Rates reasonable 5'&2. l’;nv be left at his 1mplement Wareâ€" S)onu. McKinnon‘s old stand, or at the R=vaew T0 . 30 72% 00 . surround drawn. C.P. Rr f Terms moderate to dates, &c., mn fice, Durham. there, or to Cey attended to. Ter Fall Term opens SEPT Barrister, Solieitor in Notary Public, Com Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers &ce. Money to Loan. Oflice. Mclintyre Block, over the Bank A. G. MacKay K.C.: KW . Eo Beurnem Iusurance Agent, Money to Loan Issuer of Marriage Licenses, A gen eral financial business transacted Ofliceâ€"Calder‘s Bloc HUNOR GRADUATE uate Royal College Dentistry in all its brans THE HaNovER cony University, graduate of Roy;a of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Over J & J HUNTERs New or to «2 tilictioncers. . McPHMAIL __a» W. C, PICKERING D. D S., L. D. 8. Honor GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College ob 1 PCees roweeaneenana y s C 44 ARTHUR H. JACKSON omg ORcEy 28 EEOGKIEE] . M | HG Tt s Owen Sou Will be at the md“fih House, Durham, the first wln luu .-.c! month from flice, over Gordon‘s | _ ARTHUR GUN, Late assistant to Moorfield‘s Ig.ouo. to Knapp‘s (New York) Eve Hos sicensed Auctioneer for C DURKHAM, ONT. (Lower" Notary Public Ibubucolhpthmhutulm flce dhddenonor.Clnlnum Q u...nmmocolmu. Oldloodle()om(: J. G. HUTTON, M. D. c. J. F. GRANT D. p PxysicIi® & Svu;no; Office over J. &iJ. Hunta m uite â€"» ac 9 â€" Che wl MACKAY & DUNN, 9â€"11 a. m Eye, Ear, Nose & Til;(;fit A H'umer 3 A#@> Special attention given to Discases of Women and Children, Lâ€"DEIAT T.A MBIDICAT, ~ oFFICE HouRS 11 a. im 2â€"4 p. m, 7â€"9 p. m Telephone Connection No. 10 1¢ CONYEYANCER, ) a t ie eC eescd Ceylon P.O., will be prom pt y Terms on application to ate, Arrangements for sales .; must be made at the Review Ofâ€" , * _ Correspondenceaddressed MePHAIL, GCeylon P. C. RAMAGE, Durhan ylon has a telephone office. â€"P. TELFORD 13e reeininte ty sesigh ..A _ mi“"‘fi Townships. _ In d, debts collected writings P. R, Tickets for Bale, Naver NzcutegxT.» Yal College Dental Sur, all its branches. HOURsS Money to boan Licensed , Auctioneer fo the County of Grey,7 °r properties for sale in Dur 10 a. m. tH 4 y DR. BURT ATE Toronto Univer tor in Supreme Court , Commissioner, &c. well improved. $1000 EYANCER ommissioner &1J. Hunter‘s Store 8 to 10 a.a. * (Zondon, Eng) ang "l'e‘:fak: l&)'e Houum.‘,, Jewelry Store over Post Oflice . 4th Town) 0. Gire . F Dunn Owen Sound Rooms Store

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