West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Aug 1906, p. 8

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_â€"_â€" T ABLE KNIVES&@&FORKS For IL ROBERT BURNETT. SE Representative farmers, appoint« laborers on arrival at '{an Free transportation will be furnis ‘CANADIAN @1# 14| » Going ‘l 8 far cnithent $1 2Trip s Return n .lmtOb'l and GoIng Datesâ€" Saskatchewan SEPT. 5 Stations south of, but not including main line, Toronto to Sarnia, including Toronto. A 8!". 1 Z\‘Iarir'] line T Cashmere Bouquet Tale Colgate‘s Dactyle‘s Toilet Water Colgate‘s Violet Tale ** La France Rose Toilet Water e Soaps ** Complexion Powders *4 Shaving soap and stick Try the r0oth Anniversary pkg. of Colgate‘s Dental Powder. Guest room size of Cashmere Bouquet Soap with every package. DARLINGS, The People‘s Druggists ""*"* B. F. AMHRENS, HANOVER JUST ARRIVED Colgate‘s Soaps Perfumes THE PEOPLES STORE Mighest Prices Paid, either Cash or Produce Summer Dress Goods, Ready-to-wear Clothing, Hats & Caps, Shoes, &e. Astonishingly low prices prevail now fllroughout the store to clear out these goods and make room for Fall arrivals. * = Clearing Sale These goods are the best ever, We carry a full line During the threshing season you may want a few more Knives and Forks. I have a good assortment, good quality and special prices : 1 doz. No. 1001 Steel Knives & Forks tor $1. 1 doz. No. 804, 1.25 BUTTER and EGGS WANTED PLUMBING, HEATING, HARDWARE & TINWARE. xO( d Goods at Right P rices," ill and get a sample of Tale Powder, and Toilet Articles. tickets will be to WINNIPEG only. :‘»pintfd by Manitoba and Saskatchewan Governments, will meet innipeg . nr_niAurggd_:_\t_'-\fi.nnip(-z_to inta where laborers are needed. h all Summer GOO(]S MONSTER An import order of P hone No. 3 Mr. Geo Staples, after a month‘s visit with his parents returns toâ€"day, Wednesday, to Cranbrook, B.U. Beâ€" fore going he bought hbis sisters a very fine Morris piano as a token of brothâ€" erly regard. This fine instrument we may mention was procured through the Holstein Supply Co. Miss Mary Spence of Metz. Wellâ€" ington Co. spent Saturday and Sunâ€" day at John McQueen‘s here, before resuming her teaching at Boothyille, Mrs Milan and daughter, Miss Marâ€" garet, Rochester, returned Friday after spending a few weeks with the forâ€" mer‘s mother, Mrs J. W, Scott. Mrs A. Thompson and son, of Sumâ€" mit, N. Y. are making an extended visit with Mr and Mrs N. McIntyre, Mrs T. is a sister of Mrs Mcintyre, Misses L. Moran, C Aljoe and R. Brooker left Monday for their schools near Ayton, and Allan‘s and Yeovil, in Egremont, respectively. Mr William Johnston, delegate to the 1. 0. F. High Cours meeting in Orangeville last week went from there to Toronto on a visit. irs Turner, and little daughter, of Detroit, who have spent the past month at her father‘s, Mr. C. Firth, returned home Saturday. Miss Agnes Cameron lett Monday to take a situation in a millinery esâ€" tablishment in Toronto, her mother accompanied her down., Mrs J. H. Noble and daughter reâ€" turned to Bainard, Minn. after visitâ€" ing about a month with her mother Mrs Isaac Crittenden. Rev, Mr Newton left on Friday last with the excursionists on his annual holiday and will make a tour of the western prov inces. Mr Cameron Mcintosh, Dornoch, principal of the Athens Model School now and for some years, was in town last Friday. Rey. Mrand Mrs Boone and childâ€" ren returned to London Monday after visiting her parents Mr and Mrs C. McDougall, Messrs R. J. and Wm. Reid ret urnâ€" ed to the wWest and TPoronto respectâ€" ively after visiting their father‘s here, Miss Dorothy Edge. Owen Sound, spent a week at Mr. Daniel Edge‘s with lher cousins and returned on Saturday ast. Mrs Anderson with her two child â€" ren, from Portage La Prairie, is visit. ing ner sister Mrs C, McArthur. Rey. and Mrs T. Farr, of Go spending two or three weeks v atives in Durham and vicinity Mr Alex Bell, Winnipeg came home Saturday last and was welcomed by parents and many friends. Misses Edith and Margaret Grant left Saturday for their schools near Rothsay and Moorefield. Mrs J. 8. Mcliraith and children left Tuesday to holiday a week or two with Listowel friends. Mrs Holden, Toronto, is spending a holiday with her friends Mr. and Mrs Brooker in town. Miss Barbara Marshall, Normanby, left Saturday on a yisit to her friends in Owen Sound. Miss Bertha Matthews, of Markdale is visiting her grandparents, Mr and Mrs Jno Wright. Miss Cassie »cGillivray of Paisley, was a visitor at her aunt‘s, Mfrs Hill, in town. Karl Lenahan is spending 2 weeks‘ holidays with his aunt in Owen Sound. Rev, Mr Rutherford, of Rochester, is yisiting his sister Mrs T. McAllister. Mr Alfie O‘Neill and sister Lee spent a week with their aunt in Kenilworth, Miss Dick is attending the Millinery openings in Toronto and New York. Mr, Chas Farqubarson left Friday for a week‘s holiday in Muskoka, Mr Robt McFarlane went to Guelph on Friday last. Miss Colville returned last Saturday morning to Toronto. , of Gorrie, are ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO with relâ€" Place your order for coal at once. Three cars unloaded last week, and three more on the way. _ Do not wait until Threshing Day before you sort up your Knives, Forks and Spoons. We have a quantity of odd ones we can supply yon with very cheap, No person knows the value of our Bread Mixers unless they have one in use. Ask your neighbor about them ? We have received another shipâ€" ment of Fancy Work Baskets, also all other kinds of baskets. What woman can get along withâ€" out one of our fly traps ? Get some of our Fly Oii or one of our Fly Nets, and protect your horse from the flies that are annoying it. Who would want to be without a hammock when they can be purâ€" chased for so small a figure? A few more at reduced prices. A good solid brick, two storey dwell ing alongside Presbyterian manse pro perty in Upper Town, Durham, Corner of Durham and Elgin Streets, Seven rooms. pantry, closets, cement floors. cellars, etc. Good airy location in good locality, good frame stable, hard and soft water, one acre of land. Snap for quick purchaser. For further parâ€" ticulars apply to Joun W. McKEcCHNIE, Owner Rocky Saugeen P. O. The second home ani home game in Markdale Friday. It may be clogâ€" er and routzhex- but unless the Aberâ€" deens display remarkanly improyed f:)rm, the Durhams may count on No. HARDWARE! Asfield captain, Darling is the right man in the right place. Hark ! did any one hear the Stand ard‘s rooster crowing ? Howard and Bert McDonald provâ€" ed to be the goods on the defence, and were difficult to pass, Gate receipts of nearly $120. Very good for Durham. We noticed many farmers on the field who take an inâ€" creasing interest in the game. Tommy Lawlor fed the scoring end of the home while Hunter made an excellent showing while he was on the field. Who said they heard Dundalk chuckâ€" ling ? Herman Wendorf intercepted many passes leading to the Durham nets, Smith, Will Lavelle and Cowan were prominent in the scoring, and displayed clock work combination beâ€" fore the nets. NOTES, Not so far to the finals. Mcore worked the rubber into Durham stick almost every draw. The local home were as livyely as crickets when the last Eeriod opened, The Aberdeens bunched near the goal, but the Duchams piayed rings around them, through them. oyer them and with them. ~ It was fascinâ€" ating to obserye. Two went in. then another. then another, then another, â€"it took just 7 minutes all told. The visitors started rougher play, and Penelton 2, Skelton and Burnside were ruled off, McCartee made a grandstand rush along the track but it availed nothing. Just } minute beâ€" fore time was called J. Kelly secured the sphere, rushed on the nets and the umpire‘s hand went up. â€" It was ' Markdale‘s second. Both teams were not sorry the game was over, Goar Tasuk. quarter time scored by . Ist 1 Durham _ 1} min Smith 2 ** 3 min Cowan 3 *+ 34 min Hammond 4 ** } min Cowan 5 ++ 1 min Hammond 6 ++ 6$ min Lavelle 7 * 4 min Cowan 2nd 8 *# 2 min Cowan 0 Â¥* 17 min Smith 10 9# } min Smith 3rd 11 ** 7 min Lavelle 12 * 8 min Cowan 13 Markdale 3 min Dundas 4th 14 Durham 1 min Lavelle 15 *# 1 min Lavelle 16 +* 1 min Smith 17 *+ 3 min Cowan 18 +8 1 min Cowan 19 Markdale 12% min _ J, Kelly Three minutes Jater. the fleetâ€"footed Dundas secured the rubber and ran in on the tiags, Wonder of wonders ! Markdale 1. BORN. wWEBSTERâ€"In Durham ou Sunday Aug. 19, to Mr. and Mrs Robé Webâ€" ster a son. McDoXxALv,.â€"In Dorham on Tuesday. 14th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. John Mcâ€" Donald, a son. Mr and Mrs W. Calder and little daugbter left this Wednesday for Toronto to attend the wedding of her brother, M:1. F. Graham. Mr Jno. A. Bilack is leay ing toâ€"day for a two weeks‘ holday with Sulliâ€" Messrs Dan McFadden and Wim,. Heughan are spending a few days in Toronto this week. van friends. Messrs Dan MacDonald and Aib. McFadden left Tuesday on a trip to the West. Mrs Hugh McCrae returned Tuesday evening from Trowbridge. HOUSE FPOR SALE. 16 17 18 19 W. Black. 11 12 13 14 Two Districts Cinched (Contiuued from page 1.) DURHAM REVIEW. w =b 4 @6 + ++ Smith Cowan Hammond Cowan Hammond Lavelle Cowan Cowan Smith Smith Lavelle Cowan Dundas Lavelle Lavelle Smith Cowan Cowan J, Kelly In reference to the above, I beg to announce that I will be pleased at any time to meet with parties wishing to buy, sell, or exchange, but will for conâ€" venience be in Durham every Baturday afternoon. If we don‘t see you, send us a postâ€"card: we will gladly give all inâ€" formation. Orders or enquiries at the RreviEw Office will receive prompt atâ€" tention. WM.W. RAMâ€":AGE, Gen.Agent T8 Dundas St, London, OnLtim“.‘ If you wish to seli or exchange your propertyquicklg or profitably or if you wish to buy, don‘t fail to see or write our Gen Agent for the Co of Grey. Wm W Ramage, Thistle P. O, who has lateâ€" ly heen appointed to this position. We make no charge unless the property is sold, _ For further particulars, apply, personally or by letter, to either of the above addresses, The Western Real Estate Exchange Ltd., London, Ontarie, WESTERN REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE South Grey, Durbham.. ... .Sept. IS Industrial, Toronto . . Aug. 27â€"Sep Western,. London . ... .. ....Bept. 7 North Grey, Owen Sound, Sept. 12 Holland, Chatsworth ... .. Sept. I® Northern, Walkerton..... Sept. 19 Normanby, Ayton..... ... Sept. 26 Bentinck, Hanover ... .. ... Sept. 27 East Grey, Flesherton....Sept. 27 Egremont, Holstein,..............0 Glenelg, Markdale,..........Oct. : Artemesia, Priceville........Oct. Proton, Dundalk ... .. .. _ Oer 11 The fellow who stops his paper beâ€" cause he becomes offended at some iâ€" tem that does not suit his fancy, alâ€" ways imagines he is getting even witn the publisher, but he is neyer missed. This only happens occasionally, for there are only a few people in any community who imagine a paper should contain nothing but what they approve of. To new subscribers we offer the Reâ€" view to Dec. 31st 1906 for only twenty five cents, Send along your subscripâ€" tions now,. It will not pay you to send your paper away at this price, Desirarur nousrs To REXNT.â€"At intersection of Durham Road and Garafraxa St., one Gâ€"roomed house only $6 per month, _ Another having 9 rooms, furnace. bathroom, &c., $9 per month. _ Apply at the Hardware Store to War, Brack. \ We regret to report the quite serâ€" ious illness of Miss Oliye Thompson, for the past three weeks with an atâ€" tack of pneumonia of the lung. She is now convalescent but is still in a very weakened condition. Miss Clara Hoefiin, « visiting her sister, Mrs vride the past few days. Rev Mr Kay occupied the pulpits in Amos and Knox ehurches on Sunday. If he made as good an impression on the Amorites as he did on the Knoxâ€" ites we have no doubt he will be the lucky man. He certainly is an easy off hand speaker with broad knowâ€" ledge, most interesting manner and a very practical method of apbiy}fié his subject on his hearers. It was with much sorrow we learned of the McKenzie Bross fine new barn being destroyed by fire, by lightning on Sunday evening. Such a sudden calamity is hard to dream of what must it be to realize it. A few of the farmers are finisbed with their harvest and if the weather continues tavorable the great ms‘,}or- ity will be through this week. im Melivride says that for years and years it never failed tocomea wet spell immediately after he sows his peas and then again just assoon as he stares to harvest them. _ He got his first instalment this morning and it looks at time of writing as if he will soon get the balance. Good job for the community that Jim grows peas. ___Another old Normanby settler and respected resident in the person of Mr Eastroy passed to the great beâ€" yond about two weeks ago. Deâ€" ceased was an honest hardâ€"working man with a very quiet disposition and had through toil acquired a nice comfortable home and this sumâ€" mer had contemplated raising a new bank barn but cancer of the stomach had ‘reduced him so suddenly low that it was with difficulty at his reâ€" quest he was raised up on his pillow and saw two bents of his lJong hoped for barn placed in position. _ His reâ€" mains were followed to their long resting place by a large concourse of sorrowing friends and neighbors. Miss Adair, 8 S No 1‘s popular teacher returned to her daties in due time. By the way Miss Adair has been elected President ofthe Knox Normanby Christian Endeavor a position she is well qualified to fill. Congratulations. The rural schools opened to day and we fancy (judging by our own experience) that it was with sorry hearts and slow step that the little urchins proceeded to fill their places in the old stone school. Clara Hoefiin, of Orchard, is Additional Locals Fall Fair Dates. «â€"â€"â€"# $ $ _ Blythe‘s Corners. NOTICE: sister, Mrs. Don. Mellâ€" 4 ++ .. Bept. 19â€"20 ig. 27â€"Sept 10 ... .Bept. 7â€"15 d, Sept. 12â€"14 ... Sept. I8â€" 19 . . Bept. 19â€"20 ... Sept, 26â€"27 ... Sept. 27â€"28 .. Oct, 2â€"3 ... Oct. 4â€"5 Oct. 11â€"12 Oct 2 en Ltâ€"Col. J. A, MeGILLIVRAYy THE FINEST PROGRAMME opr including "Ivanhoe" with exnert + HIS No upâ€"toâ€"date Canadian Aug. 27 to 1906 Canadian There are a few pairs of Plow Boots in size 6 which we sell very cheap Aiso some 12‘s, 13‘s. etc, in children‘s wear, given for a " song " or its equivâ€" alent in Cash, We have too many qualities and styles to tabulate but extend an invitâ€" ation to the public generally to call, inspect and price our goods. and the result is inyvariablyâ€" to purchase, We make a specialty of our shoe trade. It is a pleasure to us to show our goods as with clear conscience we can recommend them,. We are conâ€" tinuouslz increasing and improying our stock in shoes, And while the farmers are thus enâ€" gaged, we are laying in supplies for their Fall requirements in " Make Hay while the sun shines" The 2nd and 3rd divisions of lot numâ€" ber 16, Concession 1. East Garafraxa Road, Glenelg, 100 acres, Apply to Axaus McKIinxoN or to We J. P. TE:urorn, Durham Dated April 4th, 1906. Comfortable Dwelling House. Mard and Soft water, heated by steam, Electric lights. Apply to |_ _ ___ _ Being Lot 50, Con, 1, N. D. R.. Glen elg, 50 acres, ) mile from Pricevile! Fair buildings, soil can‘t be beat Two springs of water on the farm Apply to _ D. McL®ron, 40 sideroad Ao aPPririegeti ce s 2s V S noing "lvanhoe" with expert tilters hbrought MAJESTY‘S HOUSEHOLD BAXD _ Of the Life Guards w You will give your Boys or Girls a Business Course as they finish Public or High School work and "before you select your school, be sure and write for our new catalogue. We are doing better work than ever before and can guarantee exâ€" cellent results, Fall Term from Sept. 4th Yet little it cost in the giving. It was only a kindly word, A word that was lightly spoken ; Yet not in vain, For it stilled the pain Of a heart that was nearly broken. It strengthened a faith beset by fears, And groping blindly through mists of tears For light to brighten the coming years, Although it was lightly spoken. It was only a sunny smile, And little it cost in the giving ; But it scattered the night Like the morning light, And made the day worth living, Through life‘s dull warpa woof it wove In shining colors of hope and love ; And the angels smiled as they watched above, . McARTHUR M. C. A. Bldg,, Yonge & McGill Sts., Toronto _ T. M. WATSON, Principal OF COURSE !!! A Kind Word, A Sunny Smile. BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE unequalled FARM FOR SALE. FARM TO RENT Boots and Shoes Ask for ‘"Davies‘ Tea." Larger, more instructivye TO RENT. a A#uccs L200b Wil oo ie = > _2 * 0i (free), 11 a, m,. an ‘anadian will miss this exhibition, T come first week. Fop all information , more instructiye and more entertaining than ever ART LOAN EXHIBIT, HoORSE axp CATTLE lalled roULTRY aAxD PET srock EXHIRBIT, Magnificent educational exhitit of processes of maaufacture in new $100,000 building, ‘ROGRAMME op AMUSEMENTS EVER PRFE 108 Wt BEEVRHE Hitksclls it C Priceville P. O. TORONTO Age cannot wither Nor custom stale, its infinit President N. MclxtyrE The Jei;eller. Durham Personal attention to al ational Percy G. A We have the largest stock of HOLID GOLD RINGs ever shown in a town of this size and our WATOHX DEâ€" PLART“ENT is excellant Mik . s.% you 190 _ can depend on everything bought here because we handle nothâ€" ing else and therefore put all our atâ€" tention to the welfare of the Jewellery Lrade, Webster‘s for Jewellery _2 If the father (or mother, if the father is deoeue(ymof the homesteader resides upon a farm in vicinity of the land entered for the requirements as to residence mJ be satisfied 'l;));t hmch person residing with the father or er, 3 If the settler has his permanent residence upor farming land owned by him in the vicinâ€" :gjgnhh bomet:ewfimtigfi ll’\x‘uine:aenu as to ce ma; Sa ‘ residence upon the said luudy Â¥ por Six months‘ notice in writi should be given to the Commisioner of D:'Kllnlon lc.u:: at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. w, w. cory. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, N. B.â€"Unauthorized blication of this adâ€" vertisement will not be ll::td for. 1 At least six mon cultivation of the Jand years, The thomestender is required conditions connected therewit] the following plans : ANY even numbered section of Dominion Lands in Menitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta; emfingssnd 26, not reserved, may be homeâ€" 8 ed by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 yeats _ of age to the exulent of one quarter section of 160 mcres more or less. ‘ Entry must be made lly at the local Lll)d“‘oymu for mdlmh?'ch the land is STNOPSIS OF CANADIAN WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. infinite variety .;'/arl'{y, Ohe OGailor NNR ANAiD EVER PRESENTED brought expressly from England. ‘Guards wil} play twice daily on the grand ), 11 a, m. and "4 p. m. bition. To avoid the great crowd, formation, apply to "An--‘-!: .0_: ORR' CGaitor made Suits Lt MLadies‘ Cravenette Cloth The latest materials in Cheâ€" viots and Serges are here for your choice. You make your selection and leave the rest to us. We‘ll turn you out a neatâ€"fitting, upâ€"toâ€"date looking suitâ€"one you‘ll be proud to wear. For a trim, good appearing raincoat, the material is the first consideration, We have the proper cloth and can make an raingoat to order for her ladyshiv in quick time. See our display in this line. poet~itâ€"dank s 2 2 cd mn.‘u and sec»y' ('ll)' ders now. Work will be commenced September 1. Dressmaking We bave 9â€" penedupthis Dept. and have en‘nfed Miss Torry who comes highly reâ€" commended. Leave your orâ€" This week we are visiting the great Millinery Openings of our continent, New York and Toronto and: on our reâ€" turn will be pleased to show you every new shape, style fad or idea in Ladies‘ Fall & Winter Millinery. Miss Dick Fall Millinery tham Bridge, to all repa is w â€" Webster months‘ residence upon and AND CaATTLE Exmurr 1906 xhibition uired to perform the tl:gmwlth under one of in each year for three _ wor k Sept. 10 y Mall, Toront o * BUTTER evel=a C ol alecele e Spireres TRUNKS . â€" TELESCOP Ew and L Ew and i@w and Dail viEw and W viecw and W. view ansc. West view and Weel vigw and Fam, vIEw and Wed vi®w and Mon. tevieow New Dress Have been a many Piec,(‘s goods are rea These are in th These are in styles and at 50e per You‘ll likel You‘ll find th in handsor aAA A lot of ne V AL * swel

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