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Durham Review (1897), 30 Aug 1906, p. 8

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T ABLE KNIVES@&FORKS For Sale by HARVEST HELP n2=$8= WANTE]) maw Coing for i and * GoIng Datesâ€" Saskatchewan SEPT. 5 'Stglfig?s 89ruth C:f. but not including main line, Toronto to Sarnia, including Toronto. SEPT, 7 Main line Toronto to Sarnia and Stations north, except north of Cardwell J unction and Toronto on North Bay Section. m. § From all points Toronto and east to and including Sharbot Lake and fim. n:‘lc:lD north of Toronto and Cardwell Junction on North Bay and Divisions. One way second class tickets will oc sold to WINNIPEG only. lwutri'v:- f:rr:::ls..:%n:‘od by Manitoba and Saskatchewan Governments, will meet Free transportation will be turuisggg'gt Wianipeg to points where laborers are needed. A certificate is furnished when each ticket :s Kumhmd' and this certificate, when executed b{.hruur. showing that laborer has worked thirty days or more, will be honored from }‘ ov. point !fi.rn. second class ticket back to starting point in Ontario, at $18.00, prior to Tickets :”'m”b‘ohl-uodt:nv:omen 'r'.';"fi“flfig x::ro'p,ul.):itwnhotbeiuuod at half fare to children. Tickets are good only on special t ns. f For full particulars see nearest C.P.R. ticket agent, or write C. B. Foster, D. P.A., C.P.R., Toronto. THE PEOPLES STORE DARLINGS, The People‘s Druggists Cashmere Bouquet Tale Colgate‘s Dactyle‘s Toilet Water Colgate‘s Violet Tale ** La France Rose Toilet Water * Soaps «* _ Complexion Powders * Shaving soap and stick Try the rooth Anniversary pkg. of Colgate‘s Dental Powder. Guest room size of Cashmere Bouquet Soap with every package. Call and get a sample of Tale Powder. JUST ARRIVED Colgate‘s Soaps Perfumes Highest Prices Paid, cither Cash or Produce Summer Dress Goods, Readyâ€"toâ€"wear Clothing, Hats & Caps, Shoes, &c. Astonishingly low prices prevail now fllroughout the store to clear out these goods and make room for Fall arrivals. ROBERT BURNETT. )l Clearing Sale These goods are the best ever. We carry a full line ; BUTTER and EGGS WANTED . During the threshing season you may want a few more Knives and Forks. I have a good assortment, good quality and special prices : 1 doz. No. 1001 Steel Knives & Forks tor $1. 1 doz. No. 804, 1.25 PLUMBING, HEATING, HARDWARE & TINWARE. Good Goods at Right Prices,.‘ O{ all Summer GOOdS and Toilet Articles. B. F. AHRENS, HANOVER MONSTER An import order of Phone No. 3 Mr Jno. A. McKinnon, Principal of Lambten Public School, who has been spending his vacation at Jackson‘s Point and Port Arthur, arrived in town from the latter place on Friday, \Heis spending a few days with his | brother Angus, of Upper Town and | renewing acquaintances of his many | friends here before returning to his | duties on Tuesdag next. Mrs McPherson and her niece Miss Christena, daughter of John McDonâ€" ald, left last Tuesday from Ceylon for High River, Man. The latter we understand will have entered into wedlock nefore this reaches cur readâ€" ers to a Mr McManus, Congratulaâ€" tions. Mr Chas McQueen, Boothville,; acâ€" companied by his daughter, Mrs Malâ€" colm McCannel, visited his son Mr. John McQueen in town Saturday last. Pleased to have a call from *the old gentleman and to see him looking so well. Mrs Robt Gray, Fort Wiiliam, is the guest of her father, Mr R. Cochrane and her sister Mrs 8. F. Morlock in town _ she is convalesing from an atâ€" tack of typhoid, for which Fort William has been noted of late. Messrs Arch. and Wm. Watson, Detroit, are holidaying with their parâ€" ents, in north east Normanby. In comâ€" panywith his father, the former was a welcome caller at the Reyview office Saturday, Mr John McDonald. Top Cliff and his sisterâ€"inâ€"law,. Miss McLean, were guests of her sister, Mrs N. McCannâ€" el, over Sunday, Miss McLean intends remaining a few weeks. Principal Allan came home from his trip to Cobalt last week, impressed with the possibilities of the new counâ€" try, but thinks Cobalt as a town is played out. Mrs Chas Harris, of Buffalo and her sister Miss Edith Tunstead, a prof. nurse of Cleveland, bave been guests of their mother, Mrs 4. Blackburn, for sometime. Messrs F. Vickers and W, J. Mcâ€" Fadden left Monday to take charge of the " Oxford" Oream Separator exâ€" hibit at Toronto exhibition. Mr C. G. Watson, of London, bookâ€" keeper for the Elliottâ€"Marr, Co. has been the guest of his aunt, Mrs Wm. Mountain, south of town. Mrs Jas Hepburn and children arâ€" rived home Thursday after a 3 weeks‘ vacation with friends in Dundas, Hamâ€" ilton and Toronto. Mrs Wallace has returned to her bome in Dauphin, after a three month‘s visit to her sister‘s Mrs Burt. Mrand Mrs J. P. Telford went to Owen Sound Friday where Mrs Telâ€" ford intends to remain a few weeks. Dr and Mrs Ed Lauder of Cleveland, were guests of his father and other town friends a few days this week,. _ Miss Jean Brown spent a few days over the week end at Mr Andrew and Mr Jas. Brown‘s, Mt. Forest. Dr J. F. Grant and Misses Pearl and Ida Wilson yisited friends at Yeoyil the beginning of the}week. wmiss S. R. J. McKinnon came home Monday after a two weeks‘ stay with Mt. Forest friends. Mr. and Mrs Jas, Lenehan spent from Saturday till Thursday with Mildmay friends. Mrs Geo,. Sawdon of Toronto, is visiting at present at Mrs Robt. Mc Gowan‘s. Dr. McLaurin arrived back in town Monday after a week‘s visit tu his old home. Miss A. C. MacKenzle left Monday to spend a few days in Toronto. Mrs T. Whelan is attending the Exâ€" bibition in Toronto this week. Miss Agnes Ramage is visiting O. Sound relatives this week. Mr Will Ramage. of Chesley, is visiting at Mr Foster‘s. Mr Jos Collinson is spending a few days with friends in town. hibetet TN I Intending Students should enter at the beginâ€" ning of the term if possible. _ Board can be obâ€" tained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place for residence. "nH 2 Aal ____. FEES: $1 per month in advance. Nm..lolmm_a_. Jr., C. Ramage, Staff and Equipment. The school is thoroughly equipped in teachin ability, in chemical and electrfcal supglies .ng fittings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and Matricâ€" ulation work. The following competent staff are in charge : THOS. ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principal, MISS FLOSSIE MoKERRACHER, First Class Certificate and third year undergraduate of Queen‘s Unlvenig. Bcience, History and!Geography. MISS EDNA A. DREWRY, Senior Lenvirg and Graduate of Ontario Normal College. Mathâ€" ematics, English Grammar and ‘fgeognphy. Botany and Part I Physics to Junior classes, MISS LOLA MCLEOD, B. A., Honor Graduate of Queen‘s University, Cfudcl. Moderns and English, A good solid brick, two storey dwell ing alongside Presbyterian manse pro perty in Upper Town, Durham, Corner of Durham and Elgin Streets, Seven rooms. pantry, closets, cement floors. cellars, etec. Good airy location in good locality. good frame stable, hard and soft water, one acre of land, Snap for quick purchaser. For further parâ€" ticulars applyv to Joux W. McKECHNIE, Owner Rocky Saugeen P. O. to the bride was an emerald and diaâ€" mond cluster ringâ€"to the bridesmaid and flowerâ€"girls pearl pins, to the groomsman a pearl and diamond cluster pin, to the ushers pearl tie pins. â€"Mr and Mrs Graham lett on the fAyer for New York and other Ameriâ€" can cities, t he bride wearing a dainty Alice blue voile suit over taffeta, Eton coat opening over a lace blouse. with hat to match. On their return they will reside in Midland, M.P. Kenuedy. During the signing of the register Mr Fred Routley sang *"* O Perfect Loye." After the cereâ€" mony, a reception was held at the home of the bride‘s parents, 7 Melâ€" bourne avenue, where a dainty deâ€" jeuner was servyed. The bride was the recipient of many handsome presents, among them a beautiful piano, the gift of her father, The groom‘s gift valley. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Mabel King, as maid of honor, wearing pink silk, with large picture hat, and carrying a touâ€" quet of Bridesmaid roses and lily of the valley. Miss Grace Sutherland, as bridesmaid, wore a dainty gown of pink silk organdie, with picture hat, and carried a boquet of Bridesmaid roses, The flower girls, Miss Marion Calder, Durham. niece of the groom, and Miss Vera King, Galt, cousin of the bride, looked yery sweet in gowns of white silk and wreaths of swe«t peas, also carrying baskets of sweet peas,. The groom was assisted by Mr G. 8. Alexander, of Collingwood, The ushers were Dr A. Snell and Mr Arâ€" thur 8. King, brother of the bride. The wedding march was played by A very pretty wedding took place in Western Baptist Church at two o‘clock Thursday afternoon, when Miss Laura May King, daughter of Mr and Mrs W. P. King. became the wife of Mr Finley Graham, Phm., B., of Midland. The Rev J. D. Freeman, of Bloor street Baptist Church, perâ€" iormed the ceremony. The bride, who was giyen away by her father, wore a handsome Princess robe of Brussels lace over taffeta and chiffon, with tulle veil, caught with a coronet of lily of the valley. carrying a show . er bouquet of roses and lily of the The following notice‘rof nuptials is taken from last week‘s "Saturday Night." The groom is the wellâ€" known brother of Mrs Wm. Calder and an old townsman and to him we extend hearty congratulations and wish both all good wishes. Durham School Leaving town for Toronto on Tuesâ€" day morning were Mr John Wright and granddaughter, Mrs Geo. Moore, Miss Marmie Hunter, Mrs Latimer and daughter Irene, Mrs. McCreary, Mr. Bert Lawrence. Mr Wes. Hnnt went on Monday. RIDDELL.â€"In Bentinck on the %th to Mr and Mrs Hugh R. Riddell a son. VoOLLETT.â€"In Durham, on Sunday, Aug. 26, to Mrand Mrs W. Vollet, a son. Mr Charles Rutherford, of Rochâ€" ester, was the guest oyer Sunday of Mr and Mrs Arthnr McClocklin, while supplying the pulpit of the Baptist Church. Miss McCoskery, of Toronto, i guest of Miss Kate McDougall, Mr Geo. Heard, of Swinton Park is now behind the counter in Parker‘s Drug Store. 4 Miss Harriet Anderson, Hamilton, is visiting with Mrs Geo. Rankin, Bay street.â€"O. 8. Sun. Mrs Holden, Toronto, who has been the guest of Mrs Brooker, returned Monday. TORONTO HOTUSE FPOR SALE. THE DURHAM REVIEW. GragaAmâ€"Kxc. Hymeneal. LKE 153 BORN. Mars J. W. Crawrorp. Are you thinking Abuying an organ or piano this summ&? _ We sell the celebrated Bell Or@&n an4 Piano. Call at our shop and and hear the beautiful organs on ex§itition and be convinced that they lUre seconi to none in beauty and swedtness of toneâ€" It will be a pleasure to Show them to you, McQuUrEEX axp MoRBick. A. DavIDsoX®, Durham Hous® To REXNT.â€"Comf>»rtable and roomy. On George St. All modern conveniences. Apply to Young Man! If yo‘ are thinl of getting married, statt right by curing your license from Hous® to Rext.â€"@rner of Saddler and Lambton Sts, appÂ¥y to M. 0‘Do LL, 1602 East Firk St., uluth, Minn, Ladies ! buy yourSewihg Machin oil and needles at fhe Massey Harris Warerooms., â€" Otherffmakes of mackine needles snpplied at aAfew days notice, Young Man! If yob are thinking LisTEX! Is not the best flour always the cheapest? Then why not buy it with hundreds of others from Mrs. Beggs and Son:«. Arthur H. Jackson, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Durham, Fifty large 12X14 photographs to be given away one with every dozen photographs at F. W. KrusEy. We regret to see a disposition on the part of a few of our young people to quit school. Stay at school another year or two, and don‘t be ashamed of what cught to be your glory, that you want to learn more. Step from the public school to the high school, from the high school to college, if you can Get a business education by all meansâ€" you will never learn too much, If you desire to become a mechanic instead of an engineer or farmer, an education will not unfit you to become either, It will always be capital bearing a large income of interest. **When home and lands are gone and spent, Then learning is most excellent." reiritudec en o un e 4 9 ol ces c to $150,000 per annum in railway service. You can mmg o:rg.ood opemlgf in :“lxnonflu if ou in Central Telegraphy !d:ooll !Gern.nist. E., Toronto. _ The finest Schoo. in Canada. Write for particulars. W. H. SHAW, Pres. T.J.JOHNSTON, Prin, " It a person orders his paper dis continued he must pay all arrears, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and then colâ€" lect the whole amount, whether the paper is taken or not. * ‘This is the decision of the court, and we someâ€" times haye people order us to stop their paper when they are away in arrears, However, we do not comply with the request, for the courts have decided that refusing to take newsâ€" papers or periodicals from the post office or removing and leaving them uncalled while for subscription reâ€" mains unpaid, is prima facia evidence of intentional fraud. If a person wants their paper stopped the way to do is to pay up.â€"Ex. " Telegraphy A lady who understands advertising says : * No lady wishes to be looked upon as a shopping fiend; she does not care to go into a store in order to find out whether he keeps what she wishes to purchase and whecher the article is sold at a price she can afford. It is much easier and pleasanter to look through the advertisements in a papâ€" er than it is to bore the clerks and waste her own time,. Next to the loâ€" cal news items, the advertisements in a paper stating the articles for sale, will keep nmuch of the money that goes to the cities at home. The Igorrote village Will be one of the attractions at the Toronto Exhibiâ€" tion. This exhibit is made with the sanction of the U. 8. War Dept. and the Government of the Philippine Islands. _ Intending visitors should make it a point to see this special feature. The most gorgeously uniformed band in the British military service is that of the 2nd Life Guards. This is the band that will this year play at the Canadian National Exhibition, Every mau is of imposing stature and with plumed helmet and steel breastplate presents amajestic appearance. Dressâ€" INGâ€"In connection with her MillinerwW business, Miss Dick is opening up a §Dressâ€"making Departâ€" ment and has\engaged a firstâ€"class head dressmakenNin the person of Miss Torry, of â€"â€"â€"Â¥X% She comes well recommended, and@ will begin work Sept. 1. Orders leffipreviously at the showâ€"rooms will be\ filled the first week. Lost, Thursday evening, 23rd August, Garafraxa St., near the Cement works, a lady‘s silver watch. Finder will OMige by leaving at the Review office. To new subscribers we offer the Reâ€" view to Dec. 31st 1906 for only twenty five cents, Send along your subscripâ€" tions now, It will not pay you to send your paper away at this price. Additional Locals. Business Locals Svinge pmntoat war from l;:.y’m&m !'ou gone seâ€" Ltâ€"Col. J. A, MeGILLIVRAY, No upâ€"toâ€" THE FINEST PROGRAMME OoF AMUS including "Ivanhoe" with expert tilters hb HJS MAJESTY‘8 HOUSEHOLD BAXD â€" Of the Life G An unequalled Aug. 27 to 1908 Nor (‘ust(;\lg(;l?l::."iot: mttilxl?a variety, 1906 Canadian â€" National Exhibition Remember the placeâ€"â€" G, Lawrence‘s old Stand BIG BARGAINS in Misses‘ Donâ€" gola Oxfords and Strap Slippers So he died for his faith. That is fine, More than most of us «do. But, say, can you add to that line That he liyed for it, ton ? In his death he bore witness at last As a martyr to truth. Did his life do the same in the past From the days of his youth ? It is easy to die! Men have died For a wish or a whimâ€" From bravado or passion or pride. Was it harder for him ? But to liveâ€"every day to live out All the truth that he dreamt. While friends met his conduct with doubt And the world with contempt. Was it thus that he plodded ahead, Never turning aside? Then we‘ll talk of the life that he lived. We don‘t want to carry a pair of these lines over till next season, so start now and give you a genuine cut in price. ghese goods are regularly priced at $1, 1.15 and 1.25. You ave your choice of either chocolate, patent leather or dongola at ...... .. 7sc and 90c Trunks, Valises, Club Bags, South Grey, Durham. ... . .Sept. 19â€"20 Industrial, Toronto. .Aug. 27â€"Sept 10 Western, London...... ... . Bept. 7â€"15 North Grey, Owen Sound, Sept. 12â€"14 Holland, Chatsworth,... .. Sept. 1I8â€"19 Northern, Walkerton... . . Sept. 19â€"20 Normanby. Ayton..... ... Sept. 2Bâ€"27 Bentinck, Hanover........Sept. 272â€"28 East Grey, Flesherton .. .. Sept. 27â€"28 Egremont, Holstein....... ... .. .. Oct 2 Glenelg, Markdale....... .. .. Oct. 2â€"3 Artemesia, Priceville........ Oct. 4â€"5 Proton, Dundalk..... ... ... Oct. 11â€"12 Never mind how he died LONDON An ideal occasion for a family outing. Daily ascensions of a navigable airship, always under perfect control, ‘The most wonderful invention of the age. Royal Venetian Band, the most celebrated European musical organization, under the great leader, Victor, will give concerts daily Fireworks on a more magnificent and imposing scale, picturing the great Carnival of Venice, Many splendid educational features for the boys and girls. s s +. [( W. J. REID, President For information write \ A.M. HUNT, Secretary Western Fair The Exhibition that made Fall Fairs Famous Larger, more instructiye Fall Fair Dates. Life and Death &¢c, kept in stock, Plenty other Boots & Shoes at lowest prices Custom work as usual. ‘TERMSâ€"CASH,. Eggs same as Cash TORONTO n . . . . . Sept. 19â€"20 ... .. . Sept., 28â€"27 . ... ... Bept, 272â€"28 mn. ... Sept, 27â€"28 e.... ... . Oct. 4â€"5 5/0 Anr. Iâ€"â€"18 ;1 w2A .q'!“i.; ‘ Por icuet Durham Bridge, Ont y attention‘ to all repai. work inbi,,, [3 _ _â€""+ _ e bhave the watchmaking down so fine that you can have your watch the same da as you leave it here, and everr w-u»‘ guaranteed for one year. Give us a call: it pay you in the long run. You _ can depend on everything bought here because we handle nothâ€" ing else and therefore put all our atâ€" tention to the welfare of the Jewellery trade, We have the largest stock of HOLID GOLD RINGS ever shown in a town of this size and our wWATCH prx.â€" PARTMENT is excellent. _ We havy» the watchmain:s ""3* Percy G. A. J. S. McILRAITH MU Webster‘s for Jewellery September 7â€"â€"15 Y, M. C. A. Bldg,. 1‘0{1"0 & McGill St«, Toronto ? M. WATSON, Princi Dressmaking We baye, 9. pened upthis Dept. and have engaged Miss Torry who comes highly reâ€" commended. Leave your orâ€" ders now. Work will be commenged September 1. Preparing for Fall Millinery This week we are visiting the great Millinery Openings of our continent, New York and Toronto and on our reâ€" turn will be pleagsc! _t? sl‘xg‘w e CR C you every new shape, style fad or idea in Ladies‘ Fall & Winter Millinery. OF COURSE ! !! AUGUST 30. 1906 Manager and Sec‘ BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Miss Dick miny o Webster y, City Mall, Toronto Sept. 10 , Principal és\fi‘fic & The ww 0 0C S 0 0 0 _ 0 ® w l.j:.ll w VOL. Ging Ladi Ladi Me

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