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Durham Review (1897), 6 Sep 1906, p. 6

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#4 #1 :i Dinner Sets ',|| %333EREEMEHESEEEWEEE‘E@EEE% 2 Taylor&Co. Taylor&Co. 33 sSOMETHING NE w Deem’ng Jf arvesters »OMEEIHING NEW IN WASHERS: The Also Wilhelm‘s Wringers, al iaymond Sewing Machines. McC Agent for the Dilinn 1 We have just tains to sell at sne, Gohn Glark. 2000 yds of English and Caradian Flannellettes in plain and neat stripes to sell from 50 to 124 yd In We can give ')nli a mere list of ade tability to the needs‘of Sor Deering Harrows, Wilkingo ness, Palmerston Buggies 1 Fancy and Plain Mohairs, â€" Barret Cloths, Crispines, Cordishines, Chiffon Broadcloths and Tweed Mixtures It seems early to talk of Fall but we have preâ€" pared for it by buying our Dress Goods early, thus getting a more complete range of Goods and at better prices than would buy them at now. We are at present showing the very latest effects and colors in both light and heavy weight Dress Goods, including The best in their line as all the new shades of Blue, G: Greys, Red and Blacks. nave just receiyed 100 pairs of Lace Curâ€" sell at special prices. S. F. MORLOCK achines. McClary Stoves for Coal for the Dilion Hinge Stay Fence. Lace Curtains needs‘sf a . ~, (1 [6vC08,. but in quality and needs‘of South Grey we are not excelled: , Wilkinson Ploughs, lioney‘s Harâ€" Buggies. Renowned articles, fair prices ash and One Price ",» _ " lalKk oOf Fall but we have preâ€" buying our Dress Goods early, thus complete range of Goods and at better 1d buy them at now. Pnd Tarm V a%hinery. we bandle only the hbe Perforated Drum all made bÂ¥ Watem ress GOOdS annelleftes our goods, but A few doors South of the Middaugh House, by Watson of Ayr, Green, Browns, , only in the Ideal best, 89c = s§ or Wood 5 One and all were out for a n time and such a company was : to make the time merry even ha outward attractions been tewer, poet whose name I did not learn immortalized the land in & son l which the following is a selection 5 | | Away beyond the city‘s strife, Far removed from busy life, | There‘s a place where cares grow llfhter. There‘s a shore where hopes irow righter On the banks of the bouny Lake of Bays, Crorus : On the banks of the bonn Lake of Bays, Where we spent so many flsp y days, There is rest for the faint xmdp weary Waters cool and woodlands cheery On the banks of tho bonny Lake of Bays, If to you the times are out of joint, Just take the Mary L. to Norway Point, It‘s just the place for tired teachers Doetors, lawyers, poets, preachers, On the banks of the bonny Lake of Bays, Scott has sung of lakes so and clear, Wordsworth sings of Alblop:’rsewm dermere, But no lake of any nation, Nor within the broad creation Can compare with the bonny Lake of Bays, Already I bavg exceeded the limit space,. yet permit me to say that af miscovering that there were collegi; institutes where out of large clas only ten or fewer passed the Jun Leaving examination, 1 turp with sense of pride to the excellent sbhowi of our plain public school with its ind fatigable principal and his an.wa.. After all for fro;i; youth there is no nia. PDuring the past year there has been discovered a rich ‘oil field centering round the old home. On all sides you see unsightly derricks, great tauks of black oil, and day and night is heard the hissing of steam or the thumping of the gas engine. The land is overâ€" run by millionaires and would be milâ€" lionaires and the peaceful â€" farming district is being made the innocent ocâ€" casion of the mad rush for mamm on. _ . From the gas tainted air and the projecting of " wild cats " I hastened _away to spend a week among the far famed lakes of Muskoka. From the cities of the United States as well as from Canada there gathered lawyers, judges. doctors, editors, manufecturers, business men, teachers and preachers as well as matrons and maids, lads and lasses, all eager to breathe its fresh air and bathe in its pure waters, One and all were out for a merry time and such a company was fitted to make the time merry even had the ninfuraud / whiwc us 1 The other mark of age is on its brow, where on a graceful arch above the dial plate the picture ot a "Hizhland Laddie" and his dog is recognized by the royal insignia as * Bonny Prince Charlie, " and you are by that recognition wafted to the time when he was looked to as the star of the north, when though bereft of royalty songs were sung in his honor, ‘glasses passed over the water in memory of the prince across the seas and his picture was laid away among the household gods, Yet heodâ€" less of the marks o# age the old clock ticks out the secouds, with their story of births, marriages and deaths, with an air as light as if it had begun its task but yesterday, ers. This one slip tells that t was made before the days w chine work with its icy reguls everywhere the rule, _" Oh change twixt now and then, " My first move was to South Western Ontario, where as in formetr years, my visit was an offering laid upon the ancestral shrine. The pilgrimage this year was especially fruitfual in reviving the memotries of" the past. _ Forty i‘ears ago when my father left the arks of Coldstone there was sold a clock that had been a family treasure for longer than the oldest member of the household can recall. The death of the purchaser of 1866 gave the orâ€" portunity of reclaiming it as a fami y relic, and there with the woodwork touched up after the former design it l stood smiling, with face as vonfThfnl How to enjoy a holiday is a question easier to propound than to answer, Notices meet you in plenty of hooks to read, lands to see and fresh air to breathe, but after a few of these have been tried you decide for the most part to keep your money deeming it better to bear the ills you have than fly to those you know not of." The Maples of Durham engaged in another exhibition with the Hanover bunch on Friday there, and won out by five goals to 1. About hbalf the tsam were the Durhams, as the Maâ€" ples could not gather anything like a full lineâ€"up for the match, Hanâ€" over also played three senior men, The game it appears had no exciting features, the yisiting â€" team having much the better of the contest in two ‘ quarte rs played. To enter the finals, however, the Torontos were forced to take the measure of the tast Orillia buneb, and they accomplished it last Monday by & score of 11â€"1I0. The game was the most exciting of the semiâ€"finals ; at time Orillia lead by 8â€"5, but by sheer pluck, determination and the neatest combination of the match, the young Torontos notched six goals in the last quarter and pulled the game out of the fire. Quite a large bunch of Durham rooters were on hand wearâ€" ing Young Toronto colors. | es of Durham as a whole in their game next Saturday to determine the Intermediate championship. The Shamrocks of Toronto Junction are their opponents. The young Torontos, by their tast, clean and aggressiye team play in deâ€" feating the Durhams at Elora, are reâ€" ceiving all the support and well wishâ€" es of Durham as a whole in their no place like home. _ Wa. FaRqUrarRson, on ‘iere were collegiate out of large classes Â¥ passed the Junior tion, 1 turn with a the excellent sbhowing _sehool with its indeâ€" and his coâ€"workers. esh air and hopefal nbmies d 4 _ C o‘ ‘nem points in a dif. tion from that of the othâ€" ne slip tells that the clock before the days when maâ€" wi&h its ‘icy regularity was 3 _ 200 j¢6J regulari *A 64â€" e «c mm mce A Holiday _ been fewer, â€" A I did not learn has Lacrosse. say that after as lo South Western in formet years, my ing laid upon the in a song of s P U UN 1 * Oh for the limit of TORONTO yadiee { at. Bluce at $3.00 per pr. Ladies "Faultless " and * Peerless" Shoes. Men‘s Vel. Cf. Blue, $2.50 to $3,50 ‘ _ soft soles in red, black, Baby S red and black, red and white, at prices 25¢, 40c, 50c: and black butt hard soles at 75e per pr. _ In Boys‘ and Girls‘ Shoes we have everything, in coarse, medium and fine wear. In making room for our New Shoes wehaye placed on our counter, boots for men, women, and children which we sell at remarkably low rates. Just think of it! Girls shoes at 3<c nar nr swlbils 41e u0@ C In BOOTS and SHOES for Fall trade. In addition to lines which we have been handling. we have put in several New lines of better quality, notablyâ€" Ladies Pat. Blue at $8.00 ner nr of a tew months, Stocks haye risen cons since Mr Jas Watson, Knox has assumed Commanderâ€"inâ€" the choir after a well earn THE DURHAM REVIEW Mr _ Joseph Hoeflin was in the neighborhood last week with his ponderous, but up to date threshing outfit and after carefully and imâ€" partially comparing the blower with the straw carrier machines we are firmly of the opinion that the blower has comes to stay, From 34 acres of fall wheat thrashâ€" ed on the farm of MriDonald Mcllvride on Thursday last 116 bus. of clean wheat was the output, Dawson‘s golden chaff was the kind grown. the duties on Mf;x;dâ€"'ay next ust think of it! Girls shoes 35c per pr while they last. MrsRobt Lane (nee Jessie Mellvride) of Brandon, Man., accomganied by _her two little boys Bert an Jaek, is visiting the scenes of her girlhood days in Normanby, and will reâ€" main for a month. Misses Lizzie and Mary E. Hocfiin were up from the Queen city in their yvacation, Miss Lizzie returned on Labor Day while Mary remained ’fqorgfew da}:,'s and will return to her L ds dn atinalli l ut tm c 2i 4177 an ideal open shed underneath for cattle with the implements overhead. Mr Geo Sim was the contracsor and in company with his able staff of framers, made a first class job in short order. A more upright lot of fellows would be hard to find. Don Mcllyride raised his impleâ€" ment shed a couople a weeks ago. It is $8x24 with 10 f; posts and erectâ€" ed on a substantial stone wall 10 ft high at the highest end which makes &n idexat nnan . ghan : e ALlio s e nqn .eady for Anything“! Mr Geo Lewis baving had his fine barn completed concluded that a few lightning rods would give it a more dignified appearance and has had them erected thereon. Perâ€" sonally we never did believe much in lightning rods as a preâ€" ventative against destruction by lightning, but experienced people who have had them agree that they are all right. Instances told us lateâ€" ly off their usefulness in conducting lightning off a building have almost constrained us to have our shanties decorated with them al:o. Remember therr; is now comfortâ€" able housing for all kinds of stock and new arrangements for watering, September 19th and 20th. And it should be. The Directors have been to great expense in fitting up the Hall to add to its comfort and convenience and have also been touching up the grounds and fences. There is over $100C offered in prizes. the goverumeat judges are to hbe present, harvest and fall wheat seedâ€" ing will all be over, and the only eleâ€" ment possible to endanger success is that over which Directors have no controlâ€"the weather, ‘ Don‘t forget the date of this great Annual eyent this year falling on Wednesday and Thursday 19 and 20 of Sept, »mecy. Davidson is already reâ€" ceiving entries and this great reunion eyent promises to be a greater success than ever. South Grey Fair. Blythe‘s Corners. nmanderâ€"inâ€"chiet of a well earned rest risen â€" considerable shed underneath for Knox chureh ondlina Hi», a__rC‘Vy i# again attending High School in Darham ,as isalso Miss May Dixon, Mr Joseph Teasdale, who was a citizen of this locality some 20 odd years ago, visited friends here acâ€" companied by his wife, on Saturday and Sunday last. Were Jaleuod to see him retaining his ol country ruggedness so weli. . : 5f . 3 " . ; m ;°P the Umes around the neighborhood. _ Miss Mary Hail(â€" penny is home also. Miss Minnie Halfpenny is again attending High School in Darham as is also Miss May Dixon,. Miss Bella Weir returned from Toronto a week ago and is now brightening up the times arouud the neighborhood. _ Miss Mary Hail(â€" penny is home also. It only came to our notice recently but too good to be left out as an iuem though it is some weeks old, the fact, that Robbie Reid was made the recipient of a chain and gold watch on which was engraved "To Robt Reid from the boys:on the aredge on the occasion of his leaving for the N. W. on the first excursion. This is a case where worth was appreciated. Mr Wm J. Jones, partner has the contract ville cement bridge f railway, visited st Mr Hornsby and other frie day last. Mr Gordon Geddes took in hibition at Toronto and ; Sunday last and reported Mrs Rocks and ftamily our . neighbors as being well. Sorry to hear that Mr Will and Miss Mary Isaac are leaving this part fo: Mt Forest, baving either leased, or s0ld their farm to Mr J. Bunston we Are informed. Their presence and inâ€" variable sociability will be much missed around these parts. of in of Mr Wm Adams of your town was in this Old time place at church on Bunday last, and listened as did all of us to a fine sermon, by a Rev, McKenzie from Glengary Co. Mrand Mrs J E Wells have moved into the house lately vacated by H Tucker. Mr and Mrs Thos Harrison, Philip Lawrence and John McBeth were among the number taking in the Toronto Exhibition, Mrs Alf. Tucker arrive Wednesday from Gray proved in health we hope Mr David McKelvey sold three colts, a threeâ€"yearâ€"old and twoâ€"yearâ€" olds, to Mr John Ross, 5th Con, Egreâ€" mont, for the good round sum of $335.00. The Messrs Lothian had { fortuue to lose a mare atter a service of 20 years. Mr _ John Garson, Jr., has made a start to the foundation of his new house, W Renton being the mason employed . Mr and Mrs Jas Eccles attended the funeral of the latter‘s uncle, Donald McDonald, Dandalk, on Friâ€" day last. Mr Chas Leitch a C E and a clever Englishman generally, who has been engaged at Mr Jas Snell‘s all summer with the object of learning farming and partly for the sake of his health, takes in the Toronto Exhibition on Monday. One of our brightest young ladies, though not much of a mariner and who would be the better of a pilot, got lost in the bush while on a recent visit to a neighbor. Mr Jones Harrison and Wmâ€" 'fuck- er have also had their wells drilled the former to a depth of 93 feet. Mr Robt Renwick has completed: a fine substantial cement cellar under his house, and also has had his well drilled to a depth of some 53 feet. Mrs Joseph A Snmell left for Zion City to pack up, preparatory to joinâ€" ing her husband at Moosomin, Sask., where he is in charge of the High School there. Mr John Findlay and took in Toronto Exhibition week. Mr Chas Smail‘s barn foundation is completed by Mr Wm Renton, needâ€" less to say, a good substantial, and fine looking job is the verdict passed by all who have szen it. Mr Thos Tucker finally got his barn erected with a day and a half‘s labor, the old one being cut in the middle and a new 15 foot piece inâ€" serted in the middle, Mr Ben Sharpe, being the framer for this difficult piece of work. A good loadâ€"one of our recently blissful young men, was recently seen, we are told, taking homea rocking chair and wicker cradle on the back of his buggy. Who would blame him ? ‘The Lord bless them, we say it with all reverence. Mrs Lumley, Walkerton. is at presâ€" ent visiting at Mr Eddie Wells‘. Miss Susie Snell leaves on Monday, Sept 3rd, for Gravenhurst to bring home ber sister, Mrs Alfred Tucker, whom we are sorry to say is not imâ€" proving as well as was hoped for, Mr and Mrs Parker, (nee Lizzie) daughter, and little child, are visitâ€" ing at the homes of the Misses Garâ€" Wm John Hay, Isaac Pinkerton, W Renwick, N Renwick, John Nelâ€" son Jr and Jas Ferguson were among those who iefs for the N. W. from this part. A Mr and Mrs Harry Sterne has reâ€" turned to their home here after a very d;:leasnnt six weeks‘trip visiting friends in Bolton, Erin, Grand Valâ€" ley and other places. The new threshing machine with blower attachment, purchased by D Eccles, is giving immense satisfaction to his former satisfied patrons. J. Jones, who duues iook in the exâ€" ronto and returned d reported Mr and tamily. our old time Dromore. & who, with a act of the Priceâ€" e for the new Mr and Mrs J, friends on Sunâ€" afl‘ived l_]ome ]ast Gravenhurst imâ€" the misâ€" & faithfal son Alex the first | Dated April ith ammiaias .. _ 1""M98 should to the Commisioner of Dominion ] Ottawa of intention to apply for paten: w. w. cory. Deputy of the Minister of the Int N. B.â€"Unauthorized blication of vertisement will not be l;’:ld for. Bix months‘ to the Comn 3 If the settler has his permar Upor farming land owned by him ity of his homefle;d, the â€" requi residence may be satisfied by re the said land mother 0 C NP PCE UI ‘ cxvlcnt ofone quarter section of 160 ; or less, Entry must be made sonally at lnndt:)yMce for the dist'l'rcir in wh?ch t situated The homestcader is uired to pe nondlt,om connected trlfgmwnh und the following plans ; 1 At least six months‘ residence : cultivation of the land in each year years.. d2 If the ffstl'nlcr l(“(;u' mother, if l‘l’le eceased) of the mesteader reside farm in Jle vicinity of the land entere uirements as to residence mu{ be B?‘l_uch person residing wieh 61. masi __ Ino e a«a as + CAuR e‘x!cel J’"“g 8 and 2, not r steaded by any person w family, or any male over extent of one quarter seq Or less, ANY even numbered Lands in Menitoba, Sask excepting & and 98 ) wa2 STNOPSIS OF CANADAN wegy HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. We‘re always to the front in this line. We make suits to order which we guarantee to please you in fit, style and price. Leave us your order for that fall suit, -;'/ari{y, All new and udâ€"toâ€"d bought this spring. price for want of room fore buying. LR PRBargains . Who would be without an Apple Pearer when you can get one so cheap, We aise have some Apple Corers in stock. A few Bicycles at greatly reâ€" duced prices,. Headquarters for Biâ€" cycle Sundries, In Razors we excel, so there is nothing to equal the Class for nice easy shaving and durability, Eyery article guaranteed, Gle We have a great variety of Pocket Knives, and can suit every person from the youngest boy to the oldest man. _ Aiso some very nice Ladies‘ Knives. Have you seen our assortment of Kitchen Utensils in Aluminum. They are a little more expensive than Graniteware, but a great many people prefer them. Examine them. The Hunting Season is now on, and from present indications likely to be a good one. Our stock of Guns and Ammunition is complete and our prices are right. Single Barrel Guns from $2 up. Double Barrel Guns from $5 up, and 22 Rifles at §$2.25. Always ready with everything in season . HARDWARE! ARM TO RENT S PICE 8 arker‘s Drug Store notice in writing should be gi isioner of Dominion h-.n(fix ition to Apply for patent, ‘o Ordered Suits have them whole or ground PURE SPICES. We You will experience the best results with all your pickling if you use our FOR PICKLES fus l2 o PsDcl to residence may be residing with tfie a CORKS all SIZES You need good spices. To make SAVORY SWEET PICKLES PRargains . ‘bered section of , Baskatchewan a not reserved, ma ‘son who is the so} °_ over i8 years â€" o ulC . Black. required to perform therewith under on with the father or permanent residence )y him in the vicinâ€" _ requirements as to by residence upon Ohe Oaitor residence upon and ach year for three 0r, if the father js der resides upon a ind entered for the eady mades â€"date goodsâ€"just Going at cost n. See them beâ€" on of Dominion wan and Alberta; ed, may be home. the sole head of a is of age to the of 160 acres more at ‘ at the local ?ch the land is Interior this ad rm the one of iven s at Commences September 3, 1906 It onl uires a few months at this Instituâ€" tion w%&;m% Mnesu. bom' u cnm 'el and fit you for a nmulenfln‘.mduo-. admitted at k i whctmdy ns ied at mny time. . Pult purticu C. A. lunnm. Principal W. H. BEAN (quaial uy 22 509++ k 200 VC Do0 Chen w.nanoldlntbuonwt‘hucmrABu: Bm...........................‘....31.7;')0-('11 Double glass CUDE»~+, ++++++> ++ +» . » . T5C dozer (,Nnneueugtgcdu_ 7 ofi c dnlntag : w wl Shop west of the American pressâ€"cut glass _ preserve dishes Oryspi an@hMty qo s ........ ... .25cand 3 Our Goods are firstâ€"class, prices mo derate, Call anyway. SEPTEMBER 6th & 13th, 1906 !.‘-... ente® 7177 mde 2c ; 65 in wide 50c ya eavy twilled Cotton sheeting, 72 in wide, 25¢ yd Large 11 x 4 size Flannellette Biankets, white or RHGY Mb. : > +1 x8 14x xxxÂ¥ 440 ++ »»> .. . . $1,20 per pr TABLE OILCLOTH, 45 lt n it k4 + be FLOOR Lo Â¥" ,-’zn.:'juof..... +*++«. . .. .20¢ ya Daisy Churns & Washers New Prints and VERITY PLows : Walking & Rid ing and Gang Ploughs, DJIsSC HARROwWs and Harrows of all kinds, SEED DRILLS ; Hayâ€"loaders, side delivery and tedders ; Proven and Beattie Hay Tracks. Binger Sewing Machines, ‘ BELL Organs & Pinnusl Table Linen 54 in wide 25¢ ;. os in wide 50¢ ,, " ~‘C Linen . 2 yds long, 27" wide B%¢pr 3 25 mn-wu.mg 35 255 " _ 30 wide50cpr 312 8 ~ " 37" wide70cpr All the machinery of the abovye w ell known firm in stock or can be seâ€" cured at short notice. T 1 Ens 4 * Buggies {= days, Any service you will be a real nle McQueen & Morice FALL TERM Z7 >â€"NORTHER, Make our Sale Began Monday S‘Ptember 3rd Don‘t put off coming in until the stock has been all picked over. Ar range to come the first day of the sale if possible. Good bargains will be here as long as the paper lasts, but you might as well have the enâ€" tire assortment to choose from. MASSEYâ€" HARRIS 1 Remmnants and broken lines will be sold without regard to cost. Of many patterns we have enough left to paper one or two rooms. Prices on wall papers are almost cerâ€" tain to be higher next year, The cost of materials has advanced and the present outlook is that the brok en wall paper trust will be reorgan ized before another season. Take our advice and save money by buy. ing your wall paper during this sale. MaFarlane & Co. Rare Bargains for wil be sol1 son s Mondly. Septeml:er Brd, we beâ€" gin our annual clearance sale o{ wall paper. Every roll in the DRUGGISTS & SEEDSMEN S H ARE | Oneâ€"Third off Our Regular Prices Without a question this is the best chance you will have to buy food papers for so little money or several years. Owen WALL PAPER SAVING , including some of this seaâ€" : fil;lfutcopy-n"bud patterns, emnants at Any Price Call and LACE CURTAiNS * service we ean render a real pleasnre to us. store your home on show Gray & 8 »ray & Sons, Chatâ€" lam. BarrieCarrisage Jo, Canada Carriage Jo., Brockville, at Middaugh Hous IN THIS Ginghams s mss +>... ... T0€C dozen ass Nest eggs... .2 for oc 34 long, 87" wide 85c p 4 "~‘ borwide $1 p 4 " 51" wide1.10p at the ..25cand 35c each "s Block rompt CHEAP of ~some ty qq th t

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