West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Sep 1906, p. 8

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x1 i4 | _/ «m COMING! " t 2 Â¥%. 0 ' e 1 _ ME & /\ Prof. DORENWEND 4 h.E JC at} u‘\',afi:*-‘ f s \':- - \:g,’*,'i, Of Toronto, will be at the $4 PMsaARdse > o vi:cadauch Hoâ€" Nurham L* *) wigs 4 x: . . CA «’J§f (Over 75000 in u | ~< p G $y â€"A * _ World renown 1 / ;\. A fi’? ‘”,,,-fl_f‘“éf’f; ""* for their util | e °* » e * t a n d â€" durabili || it c# $4 The DORENWEND 60. L‘C., 105 & 105 Youge S1., Toronlo WOAAA > â€" yiddaugh Ho., Durham Wednesday. Oct. 10â€"=â€"=â€"with====HAIR GOODS GENTLEMEN WHO ARE LADIES‘® SWITCHES, WIGS, Pompadour Bangs, They P BIG BARGA gola Oxford Trunks, Remembe: G,. Lawre: 1 ERT ‘ R(?B.A.,..-U,. BURNETT. q TRANSFOR quickly he c a Younger a to health. THE PEOPLES STORE DARLINGS,© The People JUST Coloate‘ »UCSC Highest Prices Paid, either Cash or Produce CONSULTATION FREEâ€"â€"COME EARLY. Summer Dress Goods, Ready-to-wear Clothing, Hats & Caps, Shoes, &e. Astonishingly low prices prevail now throughout the store to clear out these goods and make room for Fall arrivals. Clearing Sale it pl BUTTER and EGGS WANTED O{ aH Summer GOOdS H 04 INS in Misses‘ Donâ€" and Strap Slippers ses, Cl s, Glub Bags 9 s Soaps Perfumes Toilet Articles. vou witnh D H MONSTER BALD er Ofi’” ht P rices J. S. McILRAITH 1pic ucquet lies, call and see how Beauty, Grace and thing of"the benefit C Should see his faâ€" mous, patent IVe of Colgate‘s Dental Powder. t Soap with every package. { Tale Powder. Dactyle‘s ‘Toilet Water L,a France Rose Toilet Water Complexion Powders al1 iv M We carry a full line O Boots & Shoes at lowest prices ~â€"CASiI. Eggs same as Cash ce these lines over till next ou a genuine cut in price. t ~&1..1.15 and 1.2s. You ) in use) nowned vutility rability. ing and uport order s Druggists hone No Wds Toc and 90c of Came to the premises of the underâ€" signed, Lot 4, con 2, Benti on or about Ist of Sept. last a onle yr old heifer, Owner will please p propâ€" erty. pay expenses and take away East Grey Fair will be held atFleshâ€" erton on Friday of this week, Priceâ€" ville Fair on Friday of next week. CAMPBELLâ€"STEWARTâ€"At the home of the bride‘s sister, Mrs mcNabb, Rochester, N. York, by the Rev Dt Pope, Miss Katie Stewart to Peter Campbell, of Winnipeg. # Mict Woop FroRr SALEâ€"From Aberâ€" deen, delivered in town. ~Apply at J W. Crawtord‘s. Hopeville budget too late for this issue. Sad news from the Goheen family out west three méeémbers havâ€" ing died. Mr Robt Lawson, Frost and Wood Agent at Milton, renewed acquaintâ€" ances around this part during Show days, and attended to Jome business for his firm. Mr Geo. Staples, accompanied by Misses K. Whitmore and Velma Wilâ€" liamson, spent Sunday with Dr W. D. and Mrs Staples, of Hanover. Mr Chas Harris, Buffalo, who has been spending a holiday with his wife at her parents, Mrand Mrs Geo Blackburn, returned last Saturday, Mrs Neil McMillan, Swinton Park, visited her mother, Mrs McCannel, over the week end. She was accomâ€" panied by Mrs Neil McLeod. Rev Ar Garner, of Hanover, an aged superannuated minister, preachâ€" ed in the Methodist church morning and evening last Sabbath. Mr and Mrs Mcintyre left on Tuesâ€" day for a trip to Regina and other points in the west. Mr Win McCraken and family have moved into the "Hedges", where they will be in charge during the winter. Mrs Redford has sold her property on Garafraxa street to Mr Wm ([rwin. A sale of her furniture takes place on Saturday. Mr Webster, of Toronto, father of the Jeweller here, is in town for a few days,. Mr Clarence Reid of the Standard Bank. has been transferred to Beaverâ€" ior, MrCarman Aljoe is now a junâ€" ior clerk,. Mr and Mrs James McClocklin and two children of Flesherton. spent Sunday among their relatives here, Mr W. K. Reid left Tuesday for a trip to Alberta and Dakota to visit his son and daughter en route. Mr and Mrs Dan Lenaban of Mildâ€" may spent part of their wedding trip with Mr and Mrs Jas Lenahan. Mrs 1. B, McFarvlane left last Saturâ€" day on a visit to friends in Detroit, Flint and other Michigan points. Dr and Mrs Oliyer of Markdale were guests of Mr and Mrs C. Mcâ€" Kinnon over Show Day, Messrs R. Morice and W. Carson are in Owen Sound this week on Grand Jury business. Mr Jas Bell. Winnipeg, arrived in town last week and left for Montreal Monday. Mr Geo_ Hamilton of Galt, is a guest of his cousin Mrs J. 8. Mcâ€" Ilraith, Mr Robt MacFarlane has been unâ€" der the doctor‘s care since last week but is recovering. Mr and Mrs Layelle returned home Monday after spending a two week‘s holiday bere, Mr Thos Reid, Sr, left for Flint, Mich. on Saturday last, to visit his son Robert. Mr Thos Binnie returned to Guelph O. A. C. last Saturday. Miss Kate McDougall is visiting her sister in Owen Sound, Messrs W. W. Turnbull and Wm Moore, Flesherton, attended South Grey Fair. Messrs Lauder Buchan and Bert Moore went to Meafoad on Sunday. M r Arthur Laidlaw, Pittsburg, is visiting at the home of his parents here. Mre Benton took the service at Zion on Sunday in the absence of Mr Collâ€" ing. Mrs J. M. Sutherland, of Toronto, is visiting at W. B, Vollett‘s at pres* ent. Dr J. C. McGillivyray of Denver, Colorado, visited friends in town last week, Miss May Williamson spent a few days at the parental home. Miss Kate Cameron has gone to Toronto hospital to take up nursing. Mr John Cameron went to Musâ€" koka last week on a visit to his sister Mr and Mrs Chas Scott left this Wednesday morning for Winnipeg. Additional Locals. HEIFER ASTRAY. n calttintes illath dn 522 otie is o s dnc edmetion mt e nt Shsaidh ipsiqusiAn aiveptri (' â€" k â€" humvjandls Nelgaaie w Wb stt ow diL. Wrsocaids w MARRIED, «wÂ¥ THAIENIV AMKUGAIIVES® e No g ut ol dn uie mcl a e e h Ki We trust that you will be able to give prominence in your paper to the direecâ€" tions for caring for milk, if not to the asove notes and " Objects of instrucâ€" tion. " We bave pleasure in enclosing hereâ€" with a copy of the leaflet referred to, and would be glad to haye your paper draw the attention of the producer to the necessity for sbsolute cleanliness and provision for cooling the milk, There is no one point in connection with the production of cheese and but ter which is more worthy of attention. In fact, if all milk were produced under proper conditions. and cooled to 5o or go degrees, or even @5 degrees, and kept at that point until it reached the place of manufacture, much of the trouble which now results from tainted milk and that in which the acid forming bacteria have become actiye, would be avorded. Conundrums. What tree belongs to the church ? Elder. What is the tree you can neyer burn ? Ash. _ _ What is the most melancholy tree ? Pine. The Provincial Dapartment of Agr â€" culture has in conjunction with the Dairymen‘s Associations carried on an aggreseive campaign of dairy instruction and the results have been gratifying. The Iustructors bave not, however, been able to give much personal attention to the producer with a view to inducing him to take proper care ef his milk. Manv personal visits haye been made by ihe Instructors, but at tie best only & small percentage of the producers can be reached in this way. Leaflets hnave been gotten out setcing forth the objects of instruction and giving instructions as to production and care of milk. These kaye been distributed to a limited exâ€" tent ; but the importance of the master demands that the attention of the proâ€" ducer be called to the approved methods time and again. until he practices the wmethods recommended. TORONTO Dear Sir,â€" We hear a great deal from time to time as to the necessity for well equipped factories and creameries it we are to insure cheese and butter of a high quality,. The subjects of transpoitation and the grading of cheese is also receivâ€" ing more or less attention from dairyâ€" men, especially salesmen and dealers. There is one point, howeyer, which is very apt to be overlooked by many in their efforts to improye the quality of our cheese and butter. Would not much of the trouble now expezienced Sractically disappear if all of our proâ€" ucers took proper care of the raw ma terial ? Itis safe to state that if milk were produced under cleanly conditions and proper care taken of it until it reached the place of manufacture, nive out of ten of the cases in which the product is now inferior would disappear. Cleanliness in its Relatlion to the Production of Cheese and Butter, â€"A special edition of the Winniâ€" peg Telegram has reached our office of a size,â€"72 pagesâ€"and quality never before surpassel. With map, illustration and letter press the growth of the city and indeed th: whole west is impressed on one e(â€" fectively. â€"Mr John Tolmie, of Kincardine, bas been chosen by the Liberals to contest North Bruce in the election gending owing to the death of L T land M P. No other name was mentioned at a largely attended conâ€" vention. The terrible roll of great calamâ€" ities that will give 1986 a sinister place in history must have another name added to itâ€"that of Hong Kong. Nature again has taken toll of man and shown how puny he is before her elemental forces. It was not an inner convulsion of nature this time, as in the case of Vesuvius, San Franâ€" cisco and Valparaiso, but one of the g:eat storms for which the China as are noted, that caused the disâ€" aster. . The Governorof Hong Kong Sir M Nathan, has notified the Colonâ€" inl Office that the loss oi life among the Chinese will probably be seyen thousand. The money loss will be enormous, not less than $20,000,000. The loss of life at sea cannot of course become known for some time, probâ€" ably not for months, and then only when Lloyds post ships as missing that were in the track of the great storm. Hong Kong, the reader will remember, is probably the greatest port for tonnage oat and in, in the world. In 1904 ouver twentyâ€"four million tons of shipping entered and cleared, and more than halt of it was British, The great typhoon will therefore mean sorrow in many a home in the British Isles as well as among the Chinese of the colony. The total populatfon of HongKong is about half a million, of whom over 800,000 live in the city of Victoria. dal_{nder thohauv:e headlglg h.the ily pa vye been publishing deuilso! another world ginster at Hong Konfi from the effects of a tyâ€" phoon. ‘The death roll is now ten thousand and likely to be aaded to. We give below une of the early deâ€" spatches : Hong Kong, Valparaiso \ _ San Francisco, Vesuvius. THE DURHAM REVIEW. TOPICS OF THE WEEK Yours truly Gro A Purxar, Director of Dairy Instruction. Intending Students should enter at the beginâ€" ning of the term if possible. _ Board can be obâ€" tained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place for residence. FEES: $1 per month in advance. Wm.Johnston, Jr.. _ C. Ramage, The school is thoroughly equ:rped in teachin ability, in chemical and electrical supplies nng fittings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and Matricâ€" ulation work. The following competent staff are in charge : THOS. ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principal, MISS LOLA MCLEOD, B. A., Honor Graduate of Queen‘s University, Classics, Moderns and English, ')I\ During July we had fifty times as many calls for oftice help as we had graduates going out, and during August sixtyâ€"seven times as many, Write for catalogue. Commence now. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor. Youge and Alexander Sts. A good solid brick, two storey dwell ing alongside Presbyterian manse pro perty in Upper Town, Durham, Corner of Durham and Elgin Streets. Seven rooms. pantry, closets, cement floors. cellars, etec. Good airy location in good locality, good frame stable, hard and soft water, one acre of land, Snap for quick purchaser. For further parâ€" ticulars apply to Joux W,. McKEcHNIE, Owner Rocky Saugeen P. O. al MISS FLOSSI® McKERRACHER, First Class Certificate and third year undergraduate of Queen‘s Universlg. Science, History and Geography. MISS EDNA A. DREWRY, Senior Lenvhfi and Graduate of Ontario Normal Coll athâ€" ematics, English Grammar and mgnphy. BotaI ay and Part I Physics to Junior classes. The strongest pure?' Mutual Fire Insuranc Co. in Ontario,. â€" A record without a Imllel and &A just reward for honest efforts. Licensed and iusé)ected by the Government ; insures residence and farm property upon the latest known plans. 3 or 4 year blanket policies issued ou the annual instalment or one faymem, system under the most favorable conditions to the insured. Insure in the best, H your insurance expires this year, call on, or drop a card to MUTUAL FIRE INSURANGE COMPANY It is wrdng to endanger your health and sacritice your appearance when yo u kno\y that Prof, Dorewend‘s Toupees and igs replace the lost hair. Featherwkight,â€" stay on seâ€" curelyâ€"are protegtion to the head and add to health and appearance. ~You are invited to gall at Middaugh House on Wed. Ockt 10. A school master once said to his Bupils to the boy who would make the est piece of composition in five minâ€" utes on * How to Oyercome Habit " he would give a prize. When the five minutes had expired a lad of nine Kears stood up and said : " Well, Sir, abit is hard to oyercome, If you take of the first letter it does not change * abit. ‘ It you take off another letter you still have a * tit‘ left. If you take off still another, the whole of ‘it‘ remains,. If you take off anâ€" other, itis not totufi'y used up, all of which goes to show that if you want to get rid of habit you must throw it off altogether. " Resultâ€"He won it. Whilst walking down a crowded city | street the other day I heard a little urchin to a comrade turn and say ; «*Say. Chimmy, lemme tell youse 1‘d j be hsppx as a clam If I only was de feller dat me mudder t‘inks I am,. "She t‘inks I am a wonder, an‘ she knows her little lad Could never mix wit‘ nutting‘ dat was ugly mean or bad. Ob, lots o0‘ times I sit an t‘ink how nice ‘twould be, gee whiz ! If a feller wuz de feller dat his mudâ€" der t‘inks he is." My friend, be yours a life of toil or undilate1 joy, You still can learn a lesson from this small unlettered boy. Don‘t aim to be an earthly saint, with eyes fixed on a star, Just try to be the fellow thas your mother thinks you are. FARMERS‘ CENTRAL Durham School Baro HrEabEp MEex Everyone interested in Millinery will find it to their advantage and profit to inâ€" spect our largo stocks and get our prices, Nothing bas been left undone for our customers benefit. We will show throughout the season every good seasonable idea and we particularly bring to your attention our line of exquisite creations in street and Lint lHats for early fall wear. We also have a department in our store where we take ordâ€" ers for Ladies‘ Suits, Shirtâ€" waist Suits, evening dresses and fancy blouses, _ We will he&)leused to have you call and inspect our stock, NEIL MeCANNEL, Agent, Durham Head Office : Walkerton, Ont. HOUSE FOR SALE. Fall Millinery Openi ng Miss Dick TORONTO, ONT. Staff and Equipment. His Mother‘s Opinion ELLIOTT NOplnton. ) ~ n-a crowded city | B l G S f : day | I in to a comrade | T le Panada awnld. c a000003,, 2000 NUR BCI00 in Canada. Write for particulars, W. H. SHAW, Pres, T. J.JOHNSTOX, Prin Te m 5 ;-ylngmw to $150,000 per annum in railway service. You can becgmg lT lEood opeln’tplr in 6 rl'nont:lu‘,o ‘f ou study in The Centra elegraphy Bcl ‘g (:erm:{ se.‘r:.. Toronto. ‘The finest school w Pss as EM Py vnapasa lt T Telegraphy UNDERWEAR FOR FALL AND hbr WINTER IN ABUNDANCE AT $ §\ THE BIG STORE. TX A large and wellâ€"selected sto of Men‘s and Boysâ€" Clothing just passed into stock. Come and see the buying power of a few dollars in Boy‘s Clothing, When you are in look through our Men‘s Clothing and tell your husbard what a well made suit you saw and so reasonable at the BIG STORE. are secured by a course of training in our well knowa and reliable instituâ€" tion, which offers the newest and most effective courses and is the most inâ€" fAuential in securing positions. _ Our loâ€" cation equipment and methods are of the best, * Students may enter with equal advantage at any time, Write for our cataiogue . BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE After a trial or two we fitted him to petfectlo:}‘ and both mother and boy were well pleased. She says: Oh! how stupid of me not to come here first. It would have saved me a lot of worry." It‘s news to a great many people to know that all styles of Men and Boys can be well fitted with aready made suit. _A lady came along the other day with a short, stout boy : the kind that‘s hard to fit you know. She says * I have an awful time to get clothes to fit this boy. 1 have been into several stores and can‘t get suited." Best Results is Hmee t M se Now you know whal to do. We have the latest in hats of all styles. Come and let us reason with you about the one that beâ€" comes you best. MEN‘S HATS. Men, don‘t forget that the weather is changing and a fall overcoat will not go amiss. See what we bave. Is the first step towards positions paying from $5000 s lngainfne mt t No iN OVERCOATS Fall Fair Dates. Bentinck, Hanover ... .. .. .& 2y ?:t***~>>>~>~>..... 10 00 to 12 00 Palter‘..:..; ... ...;.3 18 to _ 18 Pegs................> 18 to _ 18 Potatocs per bag.... .. T5 to _ 75 Flour per ewt.... ... . 2 10 to 2 50 8h;n:enlporuck fazguo 2 2 SWE..+1 +s ++ to 1 40 Live En 6 50 to 6 50 Du.edflnnperowt.smlo 8 00 Hides per 1b...... .. .. 7 to 9 Kakcs 2 5 n _ CAB...... n:::: g‘""'""::.... Hay...... Bpring Wheat.... . Durham Markets. T5 to $ 75 stock C S 5.5 dif VO ‘.l 5 TH ever both eff« MEL FIN INEH IF tent ot t the sh beir *) 1t O AI H I R R J

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