West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Oct 1906, p. 4

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tio/i,,.. BIG goh Tn Reme: G. La gamma-mummng ii! Taylor&Co. Taylor 8600. E SOMETHING NEW IN WASHERS: Ting Perforated Drum Raymond bearing 2i(?arvamurs We have an pick from. We haye just received a lot of Milida Brand of Ladies' ready-ttswear skirts in Blacks, Greys, Blues The perfect fit, splendid materials and flawless styles of Progress Brand Overcoats was never more pronounced than this season. and Tweed mixtures from $2.00 to$6.00. and shades that ca; be preatr'ea. moderately priced. The exclusive designs beautitul in their rich tints. ( Of trimmed Millinery can never displayed more beauti fohn (55arh. _ We can give (>an a men list of our goods. but In quality and adv ability to t 0 needs of South Grey We are not, excelled: EDeering Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, Lvney’s Har- (nests, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned ulticlvs, fair pr ices Also Wilhelm’a Wrinxers. all umdery ti-ji-iii-f-ii Ayr. Sewing Machines. MoClary Stoves for Coal or Wood Agent for the Dillon nge Stay Fence. The best In their Fall Millinery len’s Overcoats for Fall. Fall Stylish Skirts. . F. MORLOCK “a; nd ftarm MGOMnery immense showing of patterns to line as we handle only the best. designs and graceful shapes, h tints. shown in our collection 'ry can not be described. We re beautiful styles than we have include the very newest shapes and One Price. A few doors South of the Middaugh House. Every one of them _ -'CTT_ ' _ . _ _ , v "" "r".'.':? ,-.v.r!"‘»*t I: --ueir'reaa'auGsda'dr'aa'ai6k""'4 ' only in the Ideal Mrs Scarlett. 8r., and her grand. 'lrg,.P,f, what, than Saul: age ie are . are, mung at - on ”has: 1'tg Muslim's and Adam Scarlett 'tt. . The Esplin Presbyterian people commenced 'tya",,?, meetings on Monday the 23 and we heu- Cedar. ville will have nightly meetings next week. The bush ttres have been dampen- ed by the recent nine; they were getting e little wild-like. The McLeach or Hppeville church. called the Independent by a. Mr Baird, who was-here preaching some time ago, is holding meetings and huelnrge number o, spake“ here. Mr Meuieh was the am to arrive last week and take up his boarding plnee, other: are coming in. The ministers have been adding to the church by baptising some 7 or 8 in the Saugeen River. Tim: is quite a stir just now among our church people. It ap- pears if there are any persons here not members of some church they will be strongly invited for enrollment as members. The Latter Day Saints are holding nightly meetings on the th con. 24 Sept. '06. Bad news came here from the N. West of the sTifering and death of several of the Goheen family, who moved from here some months ago. Mr Robert Goheen, one of our most prosperous farmers, sold his farm and moved away there with his wife and family, where he had a brother ttm married, living in the, far west. About two months ago this brother, John Alexander, took the fever that is now prevalent there and died. Worse was to follow, tor news reach- ed here of the death of Mr Robert Goheen and one of his daughters in the one day, with some other of the family sick. thus leaving Mrs G0- heen with two sick children alone in the wild west plains. Friends here are going to their assistance. We understand Mrs John McKinnon is moving back to the farm again. We welcome her back to our neigh- borhood. Miss Ethel Heughan, accompa nied by Miss late, McDonald. attended Holstein Show on Tuesday and say it was a grand success. Glad to see that Master Harold McKechuie is able to be back to school again after an absence of a few weeks through illness. The Sacrament ol the Lord 'g Sup- per will be administered in the Pros- byterian Church here next Sabbath at eleven ty. m. Preparatory services will be held " the usual hours Fri- day and Saturday. ' Miss M, E. Tumbull has arrived home after spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs Milligan, of tr..?.ep_den., Mr Jim McCraoken is again at work in the Cream Separator Factory after having a few weeks’ holidays. Miss Annie Edge has gone to Dur- ham to leafy (iremmikimr. Miss Christena Stonehouse ot Price- ville, is visiting her friend Miss Tenn Nowell. Mr Tho: Turnbull was unable to attendto his butchering duties last week on account of sickness but we are pleased to state he is able to be arouknd again and is this week at his war . Mr and Mrs sIitskietirrmurh rc- turned from a visit to Guelph last Week. Mr and Mrs Irwin returned from the Weston Monday, the lattet's' health being somewhat improved. Alvin Durant. went to Owen Sound Tuesday morning and intends visiting friends for the remainder of the week. A number of residence: are being improved by a coat of paint. There was no service in the Math- odist church last Sunday evening on account of the s eial service in Orchard where 'lig Mr Atkins of Harriston preached. . Mr Dnrrant's new house is near- ing completion, the plasterers being " work. The work on the sidewelka in tto. ing along and in a couple of weeks the work will be completed. The appearance of the village will be greatly improved. Rev Mr Little preached in Ayton and Mildmay on Sunday last, Rev Mr Wilson, exchanged Earns with him. 1fr Wilson preac a good mm. at Wilson Breached a. g sermon here on Sub nth morning, In. Zillie Alice in min: her mum new!“ in St There». Quebec. In Coleridge and my: Ethel. Sherpa-e visiting in Atwood. John Rice {attuned (mm the West last week. John Dickson who hos been doing mission work in Killnloe, is fending stew days with Mr and rs Will Rice. m and Mr Rice will attend Princeton University this Ily and leave in a few days and rs Rice and family will accompany them. The next great event is the world 's Fair, Oct 3rd towards which every one is looking. -------H - Rocky Saugeen. nopeville. Holstein. TORONTO __, w- ., h " p.» '.'. -"-N-s '1” Died at his residence. south line Glenelg. on Tuesday morning the 25th Sept, after a long illness, Mr Arch McKinnon. native of Argyle- shire, Scotland. " the age of 70 years. Mr McKinnon was atone time one of the pioneers of the Township at Pro. two. then coming to the southline. "lxlenelg 24 years ago. His first wife died about 27 years ago. In relig- ion he was a Presbyterian. He leaves to mourn his loss a widow, four sons and two daughters. Three ot the sons are away in far off lands, consequently they could not attend the funeral. The funeral on Thurs- day the 27th Sept to Priceville ceme- tery, was pretty well attended eon- sldering the busy time. The Rev Mr Mstheson conducted the funeral ob- sequesis at the house and grave. l Thus ended the earthly career of an- i other fellow mortal. A branch of the Standard Bank is opened in Mrs Btttter'ss brick More, next the Past Offiee Monda'ys, Wed- nesdays and Fridays ; two obliging young men in attendance. We saw the editor and Mrs Ram- age on their way to Flesherton Ex.. hibition on Friday last. Also saw Chronicle editor and daughter re- turning on Saturday after spending aday with old friends at Pldshtsrtorr. Gaelic communion next Sunday at the usual hour and English the fol- tret _8tlmlay in the Presbyterian churn in this town. Pleased to Martha: Mrs John Campbell, of the north line, is im., provmg after her severe accidents during summer. Mr Geo Grier, of Dundalk, visited old friends in Priceville a week ago. Mr Malcolm McInnes. Durham Road, rented his farm to John Me.. Meekin, of the south line. We heard Malcolm and family are to become residents of our town. Mrs Teare, of Michigan, is at the old home South line " resent. She was attending her M'J?'f funeral whose notice will be seen further on. Mr Neil McLean. of the American Bou, visited friends for a few days around Pricevllle some time ago. He is still in the hotel business. He always looks tor Priceville news in the Review. Pleased to notice amongst those thatpussed for teachers at the late examination the name of John L Me- Kinnon. son of John McKinnon. south Glenqlg. , We are having an upholster- er the that week in every month. Anyone wishing old good: reno- nted to look good u new should advile 'w-we will be pleased to attend to it " once. N ht Cells foe Undertaking “any” attended to. Wis small at the liiiier pitasTiiF-" count of so many taking up their potatoes. Inspector Campbell Gited our school here one day last week and Tog _c1iir,, seme _day. Attendance Has a. full lme of Cut-tom Poles, Window Shades. Picture Frames Fumes to order of alt kinds, the wa. '7" -- _-_,-- V- ”a..." I" Mr and Mrs Duncan McAnley. of the Boo. 'rpppraoot1ple ot Weeks vis- lting Mr McAuley's mother and other friends in the vicinity. KRESS, Heavy ninon Seturdey last the ttit'! some timei1 Telugu" is no rott we wo . n ' e eon-fie 2'th, will finish. 'lid me arity of the farming community heven’t taken up their potatoes yet, than that took them up any there are quite u few rotten ones. Not much ploughing done yet. Railroad in programs fine, a couple of months more will finith from H McDonald, 8 D Road, Glen- glg, up to the bie swamp above The rain on Suturday was Ispec~ ially welcome visitor to our mill man " he can turn out now any quantity of “all. Mr Thou Atkinson, son of Mrs Butter ot the British Hotel here. ar- rived home one dav last week. It ten years since he was home before and no doubt gave his mother a sur- prize at his arrival. Mr Alex McEachern arrived home afteLspending a couple of months in Our business men are {opting to meet winter demands y laying in already some goods that mll soon be required. Our annual exhibition will be held next Friday Oct 5th in this town as usual. A good turn out is expected, good ttettomodtrtion. A grand supper will be prepared by the ladies ot the Presbyterian church from 5 toBin the evening in the basement of the church. No one need go home hungry for there will be an abun- dance of all the good kinds of food prepared to satisfy the wants of those in need, so all are invited for there willbe plenty of room and food for all. m that giveth tor A good cause shall bgdoubly rewarded. Our bltuskarnithss are kept busier than usual on account of so much york going on " present railroad. mg. :eville. DURHAM REVIEW Priceville. the 'big shin} iiiiGe Undertaker 953E _ Sam Kinnel is going to move to Dnndalk. where he intends to bundle thread mills. be of hits a num t our young p13 attend the meeting: held in ktl't ville by the Christina Alllenee people which are very interesting and Hr preclated by all. ”the Sadie Melil en Ipent e I pleasant week " the ttr. [ Alex Ferguson left for lam. ' where heinnends tom . they veg-J on. Gen Lane sold launch! an I may“: 'it'kli'it/,"r1l'lu'li'l2 soodpi'ie'o. Archy stsrrtwtt,U.., intend: to move toCedarville in the gear tu. are. R. Kinnel had the misfortune to lose his Standard Bred Home Gold. dust, we hear their was no I)mrdG, which makes the loss for Bob very heavy. Mandgen Bros purebued the erty of Sun Kinnel for tho sagas} $3550. Success boys. There was a small storm-Viz“ ov- er at the last thrashing but there wu no blow. Mrs Neil McFadgen intends to spend a month with her sister Hattie ot Toronto. Miss Tens. McLem is " Peter Me. Eaehrenh of Fairbeirn " present. Sorry to report typhoid fever tV round the hill, Rita and Rog Ein. nel, Archy Ferguson an Ollie Sackett, are under the doctor's cure " present. glad to be able to say all are improving. Mrs A. B. gitusArtiur of the glen attended the wedding other cousin Miss Wilson of Calediin. Mrs Geo Love of Seattle and mu- ter Willie, are visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Chas Kennedy " pre- sent, utter an absence ot about four- teen years. ' Mrs Wm Ryan of Durham, visited at Mrs Brown's recently. irGd"siiifririnit62n, of Sull- ivan visited the McComb family a. feVy_days last week. Mr and Mia jiGrr.'Tiriaon atten- ded Rev. Mr Pineo’s farewell sermon " f?lenelsryyt §_n_nda_y Vat. Mrand Mrs Chas Kennedy have been under the doctor's one for a week or so, hope they will soon be in ‘tlheir pel Iggalthggiin. Mrs MapTaggart of Priee/viiiis%it. ed her sister Mrs Ford for a few dayy recpngly. vi. -- -., vs 17 all“!!! visited her sister Mrs Britton one day 1at_e_ly. - Mrs John Sutherland (nee Lizzie MacArthur) who has been visiting her parents here for a month left for Niagara to visit her sisters there. nice dhveiliGsif." Angus Ferguson has purchased 1.ftntt...1tii,vtiitutd is taking some Mrs Scarlett of Sault Ste Marie formerly ofthis place is here visit- ing friends. She is accompanied by ter grandson Master Fred McKech- me. Rev Mr M scInnes has had ',',i,f,ht,1g meetings in the Esplin church I. week. Local Option meetings have been held in some ot the churches here and petitions are in circulation to get a vote on the question " the coming municipal election the quest- 10n is brought up at these meetings. Mrnnd MhThtu8timoet met with a. great grief in the death ot their 2,hTiftisl on the 17th. The fun' eral two an latter was barely at- tended and much svmputlly i-... tgndegi to them. Mr Ju Salmon bu also been vet-v ill but is now in- proving. Mt Deacbnir's tale under monon- eer Clark’l hammer cum " well. good prices being realized. Ab Meek Ind Alex McIntneh who left last March for the West camp home last week They look as if the West agreed “ch them. Meetings are held every lit and night in the Ho ville Charts con- ducted by Mr Gian the new Pastor and five or six other preachers, have been coming and going this last week. Mr Georgo McLeach Well known here was the first to arrive over a week ago. Mr Gibson. it is said has been ordained a minister. Mr McLeach has a twin brother here assisting in the preaching. John Swim is having 'l Aisin. on Mondayw replace the barn burned By litriytt/nir.. w, notice mnnv barns __ txseoriiinsr "duiGiiirit "SEE: lightning rods as a preventive men- are. Mr Alex McDonald on the 9th in- tends tofarm in comfort having re- cently got a sulky plough. Mrs Donn“ WDoGu who but been ill for soul‘s time is not improv- as her friends would wish. Rev Mr Pineo we understand in leaving on Monday for Nave 800th. During his four years in Mulock he has made many friends and will be missed round here. Warm wishes for his welfare will follow him and his family. Mrs ; .. mm" "ism Orange Hill. Crawford Rob Roy. “we! .pt Wandby Hopeville. s the first to amve T. Mr Gibson. it is ordained a. minister. s' a twin brother here 'saeao.s, FARM 11?O RENT bee 16. 9oettiGGii L a 'ari1ttli,l'.ritY,i to 1100-". Depttr 0‘de ttge law. Ecu-p-ttmia- a t 'iariah"G'h"dTlllN'Slht.rt" " Ol- - --""'e. In“. W m I we. 3 If t giiiili1itliita 1'r'ihrt'iltitit .. 3.5.: the and? h 'ttqatuit by an... - I: new no“ In 1Mt_tt-ale to N. the I tldtu'iiiitiifiiii 'ii211t"r.tiili'l't" ’ fit the {Ather( ' n the an... Montague! an 1'a"lltltt II . {Armin 1lti'gtPSiiiitiiiit quad?“ $95“ "I: was... mar-2L Lee' - - I at h m one: forum tttUNT/std an “my limited. The one.“ I: Mull!!! ttt the (“tin Ch ”I of 'tfllh'l'tlht'fliiiiih"i tttieit I“. on. I Asciont " nanny We: on 'j'llit 'ttttte W In Och new“ My. ste1ypitt5diiiiiii5 1t'tdttfft Tftp one qum ”can ttttatt a." 1.39;??? “Elude hummu- n as. h... SYRUPSIS ur mm mm line. We make suits to order which we surname, to please you in fit, style and pride. Leave us your coder for that fall suit. line. --_ -- wvv """""e" bought this spring. Goal: at cost price for want of room. See them be- fore buying. aarity, at: Uni/or gal-Jain: ./ in ftfGu Woadymadoa Wow: Ordered Jail: 2 _ ""1" riarti't', 0turgain, d Coal and Wood cooking nova " $25,00 and there is maxing to cqul our " Penn Esther " Rane a. We nuke n spechlty of Mo furnishings and Kitchen Utensils. The call watcher is fast up plucking. Hue you ell the nova you require; it not cell and no whet we hue to Itpt Our stock in complete in I end we! lumen. also 0051 end wood MW We hue wood honing 'ttteat from $2.50 to $00. Cool heating Stoves from $5.00 to $60. Parker’s Drug Store HARDWARE ! All new and ud-w wt2t alvzays t? the front in this KOIES‘I'EAD REGULATIOIS. A My pun. otttittaal slal- not. pNttelr"r and mm. It mum- the mouth. cool- ‘ull tn. vacuum the gun. will” the teeth 'thte' wen-Int I"! d” ammo! and h Mail! " from the and grit and M- ful acids. Soft. smooth. CM tau-en in asli my: plea-ins & remitting. Price 25 Cents AT hunk-3pm.". ttgtgtU,trtsttA't4 i Ito.!!,'.', am. In“ Iii l .4... 1...:th l (Ian’s Antiseptic Tooth Powder Cold Weather Bargains $46! j tut . mm Ath, 1906 I." d " . 7â€" ___ a wtil be (mm 'lt, I”. Mine». Mum h_-._ A. -- A '. W. H. BEAN THE BIG _ "”"W' -ini6idiiaiiii.'" -. w"- . _ WHIMV‘ Donna ctaup. it!“ at mad b, 'tht!: - s'SiisiiiidWi'2attg tll1Figtyi?r',; cr' ,gseiitii?d?,,',iis-,, ' r ..‘ ml "ltlt4 -iiaa"ci"iaCaf ' - ieniuatTr.iriraac"""""" .._ Lr-ttNt-tttte, back a red u be 4n.\ 'n M 'laTrtter,'t "tee, 2tic, um N' s: {"1101 Wu! " man)”: at 2;. -' . v lake our “on whom:- on shut, din Ally oervice we, can nude: you will he tt ml plenum to us; “For Cape-am Mm $3.00 an " he an". Iron 1.50 " " In! Ohio. from a oo " Sale Pagan Monday Rare Bargains for the Prompt but put " coming in until m “inbound! picked over. Ar In“ to come the first daycfthe oateRptmttrie. Good bargains Wu; be heee II [out In the Paperi'asts. but you 'night 'tttwell have the en. the Went to choose from. h iaoe the Kidd-ugh Nous N-“ '0 to do a $lur, y tew w m at the “M .n . ls (l deeag_ 'tttttttai")." HI mum and broken lines “in tn. atld “It and to cost. 0: my ”(ta-u we have enough lef: ”mono! two rooms. gin a} mull clearance sale d wall m. Every roll in the one. including none of this a... oe'? w-dghud patterns the peat outlook is that the luck. grlltgn,'g'gt, will be Morgan. in! another season Take J mudviceuduvo money I); bur. _ o‘ in your wall paper during thv. safe wll be no” at ' Gray & Stun, l ti,tl. mm him. BarrieUuH 1 we Co. Chanda Cter I mgr Go., Brockvillv. VIM HOWE: WalkingA lind tttgt-tt Gang Plough. "tfate"" and Hnttows of Ulla. 031L133 'dgdt"./T; t.uie qr, den; l’rvn'n and 'ti.ttid any Tracks. l "'"""ta Mines, l omam, & Pianos! Our Regular Prices WM 1 queltion this isthe H dance 'Ill' willlhavc tr, m. m or IO ittle mung} mm“... . PM on nilynpas Are almost cet- an to be ttet, next year. The gusto! _ it! 3n; gdvanced and u “I. y."eitty"rr of the 'altove well "osmttriii in stock GT, W Nt'- ew at short notice. Monday. Sepugnher 3rd. Baits, Chum & Washers yam-u: In: " ao/c, km l z-rn «r W 'yA” .5094“: L/nic/ u: SHARE "NT. HARRIS ! loom d Home MacFarlane & Co. OWNER & HEEUSM EN . ' ttt THIS WALL PAPER SAVING hunts at Any Price 9'- tsoiiail Mind-tens. “Ln-gm": r-Third off ICON” always m and so. an. a. swat-n9 “In: new to 3rd AE Calder-‘5 Block . time well SELLS CHEAP I,

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