ll. TUTE Hannah's-54d mission :ent every an. anted not? )NTO g Co,, on Down ILLS 51f; DDS Uh sun-l Cabal If ttRT , all. nr’l "Temporary school accommodation fixed up at one school to deceive the motion] impeggor. - _ _ - _ "Forty phpils crowded into Ole clue room where the cubic contents of an my, sutfrieed_for fifteen. A 7 a church "Fifteen per com. of the pupil. " na-thor action] sunning from tumors». which are (Enemy-d by simple examin- aticm at first dig-ht. and which no the ramm- of serious throat troubles. Thew tumor: predispose the pupils to diphtheria, and reveal their presence by eruptions on the face. . "h achm! in a basement, when the light it defeetive. the " bud, And the humidity permanent. - - 7'1‘11551' in; cent. of the pupils at one) whoa: suffering from detective eye- tiom. Following are a low ex thom the report: "Thirty-three pupils out ofa of sixty-six attacked by measles result of one pupil sunning Inn‘JIIPi “tending that class. "Quhools "ttttsed by stench" civie dump heaps sight Medical lupcction Neglected, and Pupils Suffering From Measles, Tumors, Defective Eyesight and Tutyerelsu--hittie Regard to Sani- tation. Montreal. Oct. 8.--1nspeetion of ochoois has teen a burning question In Montreal for a long time, but it mu not until reeently that the Council could be prevailed on to appoint enough medical inspectors to cover all the ground. Appointments, however. were dayU inspection . report has been lent to the Health Committee revealing m “we instances rather revolting condi- SHOCKIXG CONDITIONS REVEALED BY A REPORT. TEST CASE BROUGHT AGAINST/THE IhlmthihTl0Nhl. MERCANTIlE AGENCY. Prominent Canadian and US. Men Being Sued by McClure Adjustment Company. "Previous to starting on the voyage to “on: Kong, the Curterhou.qe landed 700 emigrants at Hoihow. She departed at 3.30 p.m. Sept. 28th, bound for Hong Kong with 97 persons on board. inelud. ing tl British officers, the doctor and a full cargo of sugar. Six hours later Charterhouse and were drowned were Capt. Newton, Chief Officer Farquhar- son, Second Officer Grigor and Engin- eers Forbes and Maurmann, besides the 'Ht'? Idoctor and sixty others. Hong Kong. Oct. ft.---Further detaiN have been received of the wreck of the emigrant steamer Charterhouse, voyag- ing between Hoihow end Bong Kong, which foundered off Hanan Head, Sept. 30, with the loss of more than 60 lives. Chief Engineer Down, who was among those picked up on the raft by the German Lloyd steamer Kohsiehing, in his statement made to-day tsaid: The North German Lloyd steamer Koh. sichang picked up a raft belonging to the Charterhouae on which were Chief Engineer Dorrie, 23 of the crew and two women. after they had been drifting for 43 hours. They had almost collapsed from exhaustion and were carried on board the Kohsichang being unable to walk. Chief Engineer Dune has been removed to a hospital. The crew of the Kolmi- ehang gave unbounded attention to the survivorr. "Lirge numbers of furl]- shorrirqr Chief Engineer Dowse Gives a Thrilling Account of Their Experiences. _=" The Vessel Was Struck by a Typhoon and Went to the Bottom. Twenty-Three of the Crew and Two Women Adrift for Forty-Three Hours. fOUNDERING or THE - 3mm CtihlllTiRli0trir. in}? MONTREAL Stti00ts. Among those who went down with the Mt M Git-nob! beneath the basement of Ml D km I short time Hto, and after one l, and also a'gninst Thomas G. ivy. the Camulian who organized woman-n. Hun-ii of the defendants din-ct:-r of the agency, and it is ' by the McClure company that unwind with Me0tuley, who dis- tul, sue-n “fie-r the failure. to sell inn-ding public its stock, which new to be worthless. m-lenclnnh an- Henry K. Pome- :'¢-~ide-nt of the New York Stock 1gp; Milo M. Balding. silk im. ', ti. F. MvK‘nnon. a merchant of 1': Robert Man-Ray. a capitalist HIM-a}: John MeFarlane, a whole- ;prx' “manufacturer of Montreal; w. Sadlcr and James Robinson. rural: W. K. George, of Toronto: W. Baldwin. M. M. Holding. jun., t D. I‘m-ink and Charles A. Ren. ot' New York: Edward L. Gould, Followmg are a few extracts db bum a burning question In for a long time, but it mu recently that the Council nailed on to appoint enough atspector* to cover all the Appointments, however. were Mercantile Agency a year mum yesterday in the Su- by the McClure Adjustment mind sixteen prominent I in the United states and Oct. It.-ie World ttrday . an echo oi the sensation an tlw collapse of the In- Itment ' Iurhrn ttr ninont (tj,':.':':':"?), l. and “(yes w: 3 N. defendat anized li,t'is'a'si',s',v't'iCi' ndants was “t . .A . lone of ti ohasn an a from trom Quin iould give" the local mi F A St. 1.tt'uariues, Ont.. (ioipnteh says: --The Board of Trade at Port Colhorne has forwarded to Hon. H. R. Emmerson, (Minister of Railways and Canals, and to W. M. German. M. P. for Welland County. strongly worded petitions ask. ing for the. deepening of the shallow channel between the piers at Port Col. borne so that laden vessels may enter without risk or damage. Because of this shallowness. the petition says, boats lad- en with grain and intended to be light- ered at Port Colborne, are subject to lengthy detention and serious damage by grounding. The bottom of the chan. nel is ',ter,',rd of rock and occasional- ly the stee grain carriers have had their bottoms punctured. The petitioners ore of the opinion that this. condition is, likely to sited the volume of trade! through the one], they therefore ask that the channel be widened to the full width of the basin and deepened to e nnilom depth of a feet, thus ensuing hosts to increue their enerrirttr power to Port Colbernehy gt lesst_filtz per Dr. Lahirrsrv, Medical Health Officer, mid to-day that from the rcporta made by medical inipcctors it was moron. in the moat conclusive manncr. that such inspection ought to have been made years ago. It was his intention to see that all the facts were laid before tho committee. He .believed stringent Iowa would be passed by the committee to put an end to a condition oi affairs that was a disgrace to the city. Come what would. the schools. both public and private, would have to be made thoroughly fit for occupa- tion. STARK TELEPHONE COMPANY FOR WELLAND. Most of the foregoing evils were {mind _in_private sqhools. DEEPENING or which 1ltrCouie.v deluded the public. and o~pm~iully the clients of the McClure company. In this action only 551.600 is sought to I,., reeovetvd from the defendants. but it was explained yesterday by Duncan Me. (lurr. president of the McClure com. pany. and George B. Sidener. its general test than anything else, although they felt sum of ultimately obtaining judg- ments for the entire 81,200,000. sign of tuberculosis, and innttfrieient nutrition." The McClure Adjustment Company, tho plaintiff, was organized a little while ago to undertake such cases an that of the Iv.ternatirmal Mercantile Agency. It linldd now 81,2o0,000 worth of stock of the Ric-("auh-y com-cm. which was pttr- chain] by tho )2nlviic. and which it al- h 903 was sold for the interest of the ulrfcmlants numcd. This stock has been a-signed to it, and the complaint in the mam ant: forth in animtancc that each one of the defendants who were directors of the International Mercantile Agency beeame queh at the nolieitation of Me. Cuuley, and for the expre" eonrideration of allotment, of stock. ranging from 10.- mm to 30.000 sharci. Further, the charge is int up that the reputation and prom- inevee of those Inca were the means by v,hieh MeCouie.v deltulod the public. and c~pccially the clients of the McClure of Mumford; John Flatt. of Toronto? aml Delos P. Phelps. of Chicago. The McClure Adjustment C'ompm tho plaintiff, WM organized a little wh up†to undertake such cases an that the Iv.teruatirmal Mercantile Agency. lmld< "ttth" $200,000 worth of stock tlw McCaiulc-y concern. which was p1 Mama] by tho vulvlio. and whieh " "We stayed together all day and the nnxt any we sighted a life boat, bat it disappeared the following morning." "When finally the Charterhouse settled beneath the waves only the after boat got away. The others were smashed. The ships officers were in the after boat which capsized. I managed to reach a raft containing seven Chinese. After- wards I saw Engineers Forbes and Maur. man upon another raft, They called out to me that they were all right. I after. wards lost sight of all craft until Sun. day when I met a raft carrying the two firemen. was tossed like a cork on the moun- tainous waves. The engines. were slowed down, but the wind increased, until be tween 8 and 9 p. m. Sept. 29 word was passed along that the shi was found- ering. The boats Were madpe ready and the crew was lined up on deck. Owing to the heavy sea it was found impossible to launch the boats. but the passengers and crew got into them and awaited the sinking of the steamer, hoping that they would chance to float when she went down. Despite the darkness and the dan- ger, there was an entire absence of pan- ie. The officers did their duty calmly, while the Chinese passengers and crew emulated the officers by their courage in the presence of death. the was overtaken by a typhoon and pre- parations were made to ride out the gale. The officers were posted at their respective stations. The wind increased, carrying away the masts and the vessel h CHANNEL LU. between Senator Flatt and his siife bu been admitted by Mrs. Flatt, in rut This discovery enraged Mrs. Platt and canned her to decide to bring an action for divorce, for the purpose, it is alleged. of forcing the senator and his sons to offer a compromise. The publi- cation of the strange domestic entangle- mtyt disamnged ttll plum. It is asserted now that the cause of the final break between Senator Putt and his wife was the discovery by Mrs. Platt, that the Senator, to deprive her of getting a lion’s share of his eo- tate, had transferred the greater part of it to his three sons and other reins than. It will be their first meeting since the first publieation of the amazing story of the trip to San Francisco, the estrangement, and the part of J. K. Hedges, the Platt coachmun, in the whole affair. New York, Oct. 'd..--Nts. Thomas C. Platt is comingto New York to-day for the avowed purpose of seeing her hus- band. Senator Platt admitted that his wife had notified him she was coming, and said when she Kaehed New York they would talk over the matter and then take stops to get redress for "a pack of lies that have been told." "1 have not bothered my head about them," he said, "further than to deny them and denounee the man who cir- culated them, but I guess she is pretty mad, and some action will be taken to Iecurc denials and redress." London. Oct. 'l.-Sir Henry Seton Kerr has been detailing the hardships of ranching in Canada.. He said that a manager had been killed in a. fight with one of the cattle boys, and for three weeks he had to turn out at 3 o'clock in the morning and spend his days drivim cattle. To a sympathetic remark, Sir Henry replied, "Oh, it was Senator's Wife Says He Married Her for Her Good Looks and it is Up to Him to Pay. "NOW iff PM" PAY roll MY BEAUTY†Knight Tells of Hardships on Cattle Ranch. “I'Lpoenni for their attendance tot" tore the Grand Jury were served at their addreues as well {a at Phillips' homo on Wright avenue, but they failed to appear. Toronto. Oct. 8.--Cvown Attorney Drayton applied to Judge Winchester for warrants for the arrest of Lillian and Gertrude Hudson, former o'mployees of the York County Loan & Savings Company. who acquired considerable no- toriety from their relations with Phil- lip" in the intricate transactions re- vealed at the enquiry into the company's affairs. Bench Warrants Issued by Judge in Phillips Case. Montreal, Que, Oct. 8.-(speeial.)-- The inquest on the body of the Italian named "Torrey". who was killed myster- iously on Chatham street here over a week ngo, was resumed to-day. The poliee have been searching tor several days for one Ernesto Mariano Alia Guis- ippi 1,'ueeino, who was tenant of the house'in which the murder was commit- ted. Maximo and his wife and children spam to have utterly disappeared, and no trace of them can be found. The police do not hold that Manna was the murderer, but think he knows something about the mystery. It is sumpt‘ct- ed that ho is a dangerous character, an ox-convict from Italy. and fe-tTy/ho,',' from Stubhonville. Ohio, my t at tt man of his name is wanted there for the murder of J compatriot some three months ago. A committee of ten from the depart. ment cf education is preparing a 01:15am- cation of the public schoole of Greater New York in order to make it pmslblo for each visitnr to we the kind of school in which he or she is most intercstod. FIVE KUNDRED OF THEM COMING OVER ON A VISIT. New York. oe. 8.--Alire:1 Mosely. the English trdtteationirst who sent a mmmission of Englishmen interested in edueation to America in 1002, is conng here at the end of this month prepara- tory to bringing over 500 anchors ot English schools. They will start coming in batches of fifteen yr twenty soon at- ter his arrival. That there Thas__be_é_n 'trteytrtttetettt TENANT OF HOUSE WHERE MUR- DER WAS DONE MISSING. THE MURDE in operation in Toronto Junction for more than . year, during which time it has succeeded in installing 200 phones, despite a vigorous competition. has de- cided to enter this district and compete with the Bell Telephone Compuly. The Company has been granted 3 {machine by the Welland Town Council and will nuke its headquarters in that town. It will operate without a central office and will have no hello girls. The system being an automatic one. The company will al- so be in a position to furnish power as it has practically closed the deal for a block of power with one of the electri- eal companies of the district. lower tramporutimt ate and at the some time divert through anadian can- als the trade which otherwise would probably find the seaboard via Buffalo mg the United States. The Burk Telephone Power and Light Company, of which Hon. John Dryden, formerly Minister of Agriculture for On. _tario, is President and which has been pleasant clmngé trim Westminster." 0H! 'TWAS PLEASANT CHANGE. MISSES HUDSON ARE WANTED. SCHOOL TEACHERS. EM»? IN MONTREAL "But I did make one big mistake. That WM when I tried to Ihoot my!!!" at the dinner table that night. I w“ driven to it by; pemeeutioE My nerves mac..- -..\ W9 Itheir memorial most commendable "101! must know that I was never asleep. From the first I feared that something would happen. and from the first I have been making preparations accordingly. I "You kitow the old adage of the wo- man nomad. Well, that dim hu 1:- ris:gl,_ang {gm rgwdy forjt. - l, MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION I SEE PREMIER WHITNEY. ! A Torm1to, Ont. dewateh says: I Mr. J. Murray and other Toronto meuv I bers of the Canadian Manufacturers’ As- !sociation waited on Premier Whitney {this morning in regard to a memorial , which the manufacturers presented some ,time ago to Sir Wilfrid Laurier. urging lthe appointment of a royal commission I to enquire into the report upon the needs iof the country in respect to technical I education and the Yetmethods of meet. Iing these needs. The deputation was as- n' sured by Premier Whitney that he would 2 when in Ottawa next week, to attend the i.n.ttr-p.ryritynu! conference, ask Sir Wil. lfrid if he could say whether the Dom. 'inion Government had reached any de- écision. The Premier also told the depu- tation that he thought the object of "Ever since my marriage I have been scorned and insulted. The senator's re. latives have persecuted me. with tirelesn vitulktivenemi. They have hounded me beyond the limit of human endurance. This published story that connect: my name with that of Mr. Hedges is simply a cunning plot to ruin me. "Senator Platt knew perfectly well what he was doing when he married me. and he told me nothing would do but that I must be his wife. He said other senators had beautiful wives and he wanted one. Be bought my beauty, now let him pay the price. "You must know that I was never "Senator Platt what he was do me. and he told but that I must "I am the victim of a wicked plot concocted by my husband, Senator Platt, and my son-in-lnw. Col. Frank J. Car- mody," Mrs. Phat is quoted as saying. "They hope to ruin inc. but I shall make them suf Pr. 1 am able and well prepar- ed to take care of myself. Not content with houmling me, they planned to wreck my daughter" happinenn. but Col. Car. mody and his friend will soon learn that they have aroused a lioness. A forward step was taken in the ap- pointment of an inuni,r,rmtion chaplain to meet all boats at Montreal. Quebec, Halifax and St. John. The object is espeeially to assist immigrants of the Iristhodiit persuasion. purports to be an interview with her printed to-day. Toronto despatch: At yesterday“. prth- ering of the General Mission Board of the Methodist Church . basis of $.30 was fixed as an advance to the minion- aries in the aonmstlc serriee. Eight more missionaries will be sent out to China. The appropriation to all causes will this year total $418,000. Methodist Mission Board Decides on novation. London, Oct. 8.-The Frankfort Ga. zette says it is betraying no confidence when it admits that Germany got the worst end of the stick in the tariff war with Canada, German exports to Can. ada were only half in 1905 what they were in 1903, while Canada's exports to Germany nearly doubled. The Chairman of the New Zealand Parliamentary committee, which inves. tigated the rejected reciprocity treaty with Australia, emphasizes the necessity for a reciprocal treaty with the motherland, which must always be looked on as a terrier partner. and praises the example set byCamuta in this r'spect. Exports to Germany Have Nearly Doubied, While Canada Has Bought Legs Than Ba1f-Notherund a Senior Partner. TECHNICAL [DUCATION. iranied. CANADA EASILY THE VICTOR LN TARIFF WAR. The prisoner appeared More Magis. trate MeNeely and was charged with manslaughter, to which he pleaded not guilty. A remand until Tuesday was Dr. Preston and Mrs. T. Glover, at whose home John Bradley diw,mid that the deceased had told of being struck over the head with tut our by George. Dr. Preston stated that the cause of death was a terrible gash on the head, which had apparently brought on con- cussion of the brain. Ottawa despatch: A jury at Carleton Place has found that the death of John Bradley was caused by I blow from a paddie in the hands of his brother, George. The tragedy u the outcome of In eltercation between the brothers in a launch in Lake Miseiseippi on Satur- day. The accused brother refused to testify, but another brother who was in the boat at the time thought the blow was accidental. He claimed, however, not to have seen the blow struck. Finding of the Coroner’s Jury " Carle- ton Puce--Thrm Brother- Were Out in 1 Boat and Two t?uarretied-- George Arrested and Remnded. BLOW W!!! A PADDLE SIDED J ORN BRADLEY’S LIFE. CHAPLAIN FOR IMMIGRANTS. KILLED Ily BROIHIER. GOT SHORT END. ----_ . was taken in the ap- immigmtion chaplain at Montreal. Quebec, In- Dr. sehgi“, . well kno'kn physi- i nunucu W‘lel). eiam in t second lecture o a series ' " dealing with the mince of life, untter- BRITISH SEAN HEATER ed 'lt dictum that 'lg,', is great dan. -- get n any sudden age of environ. Wmon. N. Y.. Oct. tl.-- . meat after a certain age. That is wlfy. match for the Vincent 'f:,a'2.,t, qt he said, biting-a men. who. retire and tween a, team of the London Qum’n go to the aeaude to live die so quick- I Weatminster Volunteer: and one from ly am they make the change. Eel the Tth Regiment. of New York was added that I‘M between healthyI won by the American. by N points eon-i- have no drawbacks. dark-.The m. were: an Regiment ijiiiii an the only men who live no long an Queea'a Welt-lam, 1.5.. 'iire'Giiiiu' thought to. Glory-- live†t'iilili'i'iil' rin-seg, wen exactly " point- so yuan - than they ought, Whik‘aheadon the fiutday'aahootingaadon atetidtetfeeemthq6rthr= ttteseootaddq'ettseynremeia. People ought to be taught that their home: one better and worthier of cultivnting and inhabiting than my strange places visited under un- wholegome conditions. This would do much to relieve strain on the nerves. which is one of the patent mum of lug-RI. A -- a rare quality. and was the porsetisiou not of the majority, but of a trifling minority, It was useless, therefore, to think of suppressing the marriage of those mentally tainted. He believed the only remedy was the teaching of higher and better system of life, and TTvti"ii, incessant restlessness, whether by t a use of automobiles, which were the worst manifestation of restlessness, although he occas- ionally used one himself, or the use of rsily'ays. _ Remedy Len 1teistie--Aut0mottit" and Talus Largely Iterpot"itrie-- People Should Cultivate Home More. London. Oct. (?.-Lyrd Rosebery. in a speech opening a new insane asylum for Edinburgh, discussed remedies for the ever-growing number of cares of insanity. He said he believed the idealUts' plan for checking hereditary insanity by preventing the marriage of members of funnies tainted with the malady would be excellent if it were practical. Unfortunately it was not. Perfect sanity. he dwlnrml. 'P" LORD ROSEBERY msWsss m- muss IN LUNACX CASES. New York, Oet. b'.---T'"r) light that l eye alarm-gusto that in rttcl all failed three years ago anlleft Margaret I “It†1"iyt't, a" rarcly “WW“ Huber, then sown years yd, stone blind, i o',,','.':'..':)"..,.') "ii. “TIL-U /'d,,td",', 011:3.“ has been restored by ig'serios of opora- l ini'fdnm‘d the (ipvmiitms. tions which ophthalmologists declare le. i fit†sec.ttyail just like night all malleable. The knife,was used in an can y timid fwd“)? lit..ty patient when treme care of iridoéyelitis, the chances l couragi‘d: 2:3â€: 21,tsiei,t; l, seemed to be 100 to I that the irritation again. I shall love 'the doctor all from which the blindness arose would be ' life. Now I can go to school, I l increased. The steamed authorities on lnou-r been there." Remarkable Operation Performed on a Little Girl's Eyes. The find was made by Miss Elizabeth Smart, a resident of the home, about noon Saturday. Her trunk was in the storeroom with several hundred others and she had not opened it for several months. When she threw baek the ml she was struck by an odor that nearly overpowered her. She called Mrs. Jmephine Gannon, acting house mother and thoy opened the trunk. The body had been crushed into the box, the head bent back so that the STOP MOURNING TO lYNCH A NEGRO. Mobile, Ala., Oct. 8.-Mobile citiaens fell to the ground mortally wounded. who yesterday were mourning for the [having been shot in the left breast with " t. . . a _ ' in shotgun. Flying shot porwtrated the vieti"i.s ot the great hurriennf 10d.†[hands of A. S. Lyons, President of the were HI a frenzy otrer the crime ot at ‘General Council, who was eudmvoring negro and in an attack upon the joil to quiet the mob. one Li was killed and several wounded. i The crowd unimpeded. but later ' Gov. Jenks, who hurried to the city, le, reinforced and learning that the in} 'u. once ordered out three conipsiiiii-s of igrih named Joel-(ion, had been taken militia, and they now are on their way l,“\‘i.i}‘ on a train. followed in aunt-nor to the scene. There were 500 men in (train. There were three hundred men the mob that stormed the jail and de- in thit party. and they declared their {naiidded the-3:330.t IThey 1|lirokle (tow: intleixlition g, 1rti,iy the m,',".",,"),", ie oor WI a comp pole, an e VIC im o ie negro Wttq 2-yettr- then somebody fired a revolver. Other old Ruth Snowman, I ecliool girl. daugh- shots followed. ter of J. It, sewetttatt, a restaurant man. Special (lifter Roy Hoyle, of the residing four miles west of Mobile. The Mobile & Ohio Railroad, who WM among 1 child was attacked and afterwards tound Under the tray in a paper box. such as is used for men's shoes, they found the dismemlerod body of a male infant. The name of a Market street store was printed on the box, but there were no other marks. Mobile Citizens Cease Lamenting Cveione's Vic- tims to Hang an Assaulter. Special (Utter Roy Hoyle. Mobile & Ohio Railroad, who was those endeavoring to pacify the TORONTO The little body shows evidences of callous brutality, combined with con. summate skill as physicians who have examined it say that the death wound {as not delivered before the cutting up may). 'ihe murdered carefully attended to the cutting and let life ebb away out of_the shim as he Tat disneltying it. the police admit thqt they are " a“ and have nothing tangible to work on, by which they can "ntullgle the threads of the mystery. . Philadelphia, Oct. 8.--Utteoeerintt one of the tragedies of life which swell the suicide annals, two women dueovered the dismembered body of I male child in a: trunk in the store room of the Young Women’s Christian Association here. The police have made (any ef- fort to keep the discovery 1 secret, and although the discovery was made on Bab. urday no word of it escaped until to. day, -. l A _ _ Consternation Among the Inmater-Giris to Hold a Mass Meeting. IEKI) BODY room In A mom or 'idiiiiiijiijj? A PHILADELPHIA Y. W.C.A. GIRLL a “’3 N0 IrtiiiiitiiGiV WAS BLIND BUT NOW Slit SEES. of the among crowd. lINJURES A CHILD AND DOES DAM- l AGE AT NEW ORLEANS. ' New Orleans, Oct. 8.-A small tornado ‘paseed diagonally across the residential portions of New Orleans, about R mm. 'to-dar, taking off roofs, tearing down vfences and doing other damages. At [First and â€no!“ streets, s house in ‘reported demo iislted end 1 women and child severely hurt. A helm-y st Erato and Nepali: is slso reported to have ! mattered severely. lan agreement was reached whieh pro- vides that the firm is to establish in Pe- ’lterlmm the largest. industry in Canada lunder one management. The Canadian -compuny will be known as the (balm l Manufacturing Company of Canada, Ltd. Mr. Henry Coatm. the President, who flu: been doing the nominating. say- he ', expects that within five yum his indu- "F will employ 5.000 hands, with a pum- lbirity of that number being doubled In lthe same period. At first carpets will be the Maple output. and Iithovrraptop will be ail-Jud, and (HINT limes tIrs "Mum- -ed in the prownt tmtablisvhtnent in Scut- Madman. N. Y.. Oct. tr---The title match for the Vincent Trophy, be. tween " team of the London QuemAr Westmlluter Volunteers and one from the ry' mrirnrtts _ of 3few York, was land. Canadian Bunch of 1 Great Scottish Finn. Poterhoro' despatoll: This city has been upeedily recouped for the loan; of the steel rolling mills industry. At the meeting of the City Council last night, with representatives of Menu. Coat. Bros., the great Scottish manufacture-rs. Dr. Bolin Ifter viewing the di-morn. Imred body said that the muldor had been committal from three to eight days before the discovery. Since then thirloun girls have left tho home. They will be hunted up and with the other inmates of the place examined. The theory that u man mutilated the body and then do. posited it is gaining strength. lk‘toclive fim.cth and Deputy Coroner Barton be. Here that tho child 'was cut to death outsiJo the building and brought there m n blind to tlw roul murdrr. They my the man was aceustomed to tho use at instruments. All of the 40 girls living in the Young Tromerrh Christian A,,soriation Building. 1tlth and Arch rtrerdr. have “proud m attend a mu: mceting ta-morrow in the asociation building to consider tttt'atw of aiding in the investigation being made into the murder of n bahy boy whore mutilated body wnl found lac-k. ed in a trunk in the looked trunk room of the building last “wok. Up to the present tine tho ittlico arr itvt.inod to beliee, that the piaeing of the body of tho murdered child in thv trunk of Miss Elizabeth Smart w" the deliberate not of an enemy. unconscious in the road cover could be put on. The arms and legs “In: musing. Kane of the menu- but! hate bet.tt found. Miss Ewart is no: smpcctod, as the My might Lave been put in the trunk b) any of the 400 inmates and servants of the place. tll." is farotably known and loved by all there. She In 18 years old, an orphan, and \msruiwd at the Bethesda Home, Chestnut Hill. Theory was ndunced that an enemy had put the child in her trunk, but she says she knows no one who wishes her ill. 'c diu‘Ju-s M we: operutim Dr. John A. SMAll. TORNADO. BIG CARPET WORKS. ground mortally wounded, shot in the left breast With Flying shot potwtrated the S. Lyona, President of the :t In Mich utrnnv rttrcly succc-nsful. of ttu, uphthuhmc lemmu 1'oliklinik, lt PM" me at" be- the " taken ttttnoher ed men rd their I mm the she dis- me my day afternoon. undo-r lad circumstancu, on the University campus, wl".n (hm- cron Paxulln, tvwnty vars of ago. 3 rec- ond-ymr School J Practical Sch-nee student. wu so badly injured that he died none hour- Ifkn'nrds in the (ion- eral limpiul. The young nun inguinal a fracture ol the skull. Ptulin wu 0 mort promising player. and wan I car didette for Wadi)". tint tum. A prw tice w“ on with '\'nrsity and I ml. tan. and hill. played with the latter in scrimmage. mung himself atte" u some tussle, he complained ot a Stott- reeling In the bead, but was ttg. ‘duced to play on attain for three uln- utu. After tht-e was over he wont Ralf an Imur “in his admiuion the injured oath expired. The hilt; to 't'l'eT1ri','"llilxl'rrla,dl'l'd'a'lh%",' u Kirk. Ila-end um a so. of Me. WI. Paulil. 'M'dt."t'utl'Cdt'i; and I nephew It on. . . . a, We: cf the Ontario Lexi-hum. to the gym-din. and while dras- ing had gown] drowsy 'spells. lie VI“ removed to the WI anpihl. Was Playing in Scrimmage " the Univ - C--aeeortd Your Stu- deqt of School of Faction! tici-ce-- Ila-e Wu in Am. Toronto Drtwtrk-The first football fatality of the when occurred yester- day anti-noon. under and circumsugcu, CAMERON PAUL“ BAD SKULL FRACTUIED AND DIED, Lord Miko pro-hand all mnmunhle aid to the Maire: of the deputation and promised his hater: that in any attempted modification of their reh- gioup polici- the. national tradition- Gould be respected. Shula. Ort. tk-- The may, in! body of Mohzumumlans that h approached the Indian Hm:- headed by "is Ilighm-n' Ago and mud-ding of tlnlrtyvrix m n-pn-wnting E'vvry prmnu-v um bunch of the "iucated MoU" munity, yesterday guru-Mm! I dress to Lord Mintâ€, the Vie" India setting forth the gn and aspirations of tho Molmm of India, and "specially their for I fair share in any modifi Inn of representation that m contemplated. In reply Lord \llnto 'cirl he hind the Aspirations of the ' (mention and sympathiu-d u can Bengt†mane-l. Ho nil hopes and ambition were not disuteetiort, but to their edur growth, the seed of which hm so" by British rule. The edue lnrveot would increase, but ideas nult prevail. . 'thu- 11ete, INe., Ort. 6.--At the annual 'tre. d the abominations at the can. than Min Mil-q Company today the 90¢.de was unani- ter, "qtad. She mixing down†Ind t$tmthtNma and Mount Royal. Sir Tho-u 88TH? Thoma- Skinner and Claw n were redeem Buolntiona worn [and authorizing the loan of the [om lbs in Ontario M Quin, qiiBe-htrtg 106 miles; Geor. gina Bar and Seaboard Railway; Walk. exton & Luck-ow Bailwav; Berlin, Wat. orloo, war-m lake [inro- Railway; Joliet & Bra Railway. The inane ot 4 per cent. ache-tune stock wan author. ined for the (on-Minn and equipmvnt of the following In†line extensions in north-cairn than. wting 136 miles: Moosriaw branch. Weylsurtt branch. Stonewall branch oxtottnioet, Lau. der amnion ot Soari- bmch. and ex- tetmiott of Went Selkirk branch. Rom- lotion: were adopted approving the ac- uon of the director. in amour to mn- tribute mm tow-rd. improvement of Winnipeg water um. in moving the adoption of the mrort. the pwuidmut said: The increase of morn- than eleven million dollar! in you coming: mark. the program and development of the tor- ritory served by your lines. thus far in the present year your rowmw from traffic slim n large inmnu- over tho corresponding period in the previous year. We find it alums! impossible to provide ours and locomotive: rapidly on- ough to and the requirements of the luminous. At the special general looming held in Marvin. HIM. it was decided lo supplement the prorerde of the ins-av of ordinary vapiinl Mork thott wuti,os.virrd bran appmpriniion for run-Inn .-..rmng~ of five million dollars. No portion M this arprrpriaticat had her-n ('V'il‘ll lml prior to June 30th. but \mlr ditvotots. lmw 1a,ttls- ed the amount to ho not anido in thr nu- munts for tho our-rut year to lv? 1-m- ploym1 from time to time as cireum- mum maw warrant. All of your lands are now froo from any moumluram-o whatrver. Sinoo Jun:- Mit, mm. you have rodc-omod hands to tho mnmIn' " $1'i8%Wt0 out of the prooeods or land sales: and dttriog the some poriod ttre hallma- date the company on awn-mun: of land sold hats inertia-0d from $1143.01!" to '16.,8ft0.0tt0. on whirh you urn rrcois ine inn-I'M! at tho rate of ti per "out. Ppt' "tV 2mm. At n mod-ting M tlu. Hum-xi _ :l--.-_ qIn-ntly hold. Sir Wimam C, Van Home was ro-elowtml (‘lmirman of llu- Minn-.1. Sir Thom“ G. SImugluu-~~\ l'u-‘Mum. and David M03311)" Tivo Ptvri lvnl of lltv morpnny. and the I'wauliw (‘unmitlm was appointed on folhows: Sir William l . Tan Home. In"! fltratheotut nud Mount Royal. Rirhard It, Angus. lilmnml ii. fhdev. M. P.. Mr Thomas Shalufglm ms) and David McNiroll. British Ideas Int 'ttsie-Promises, How. ever, All lean-Able Aid for Desires of Deputation Which Waite on Him. LORD MIRTO SAYS HE RECOGN! THEIR ASPIRNNOIS. (p. WAT WAS D0" " “I ANNUAL mum m MONTREAL. Line. in was. All Quebec Which it Witt Lea-onto-" 'tu-tCoit--- Barat- " the Road--Eiceticut cf MOSlEMS’ WANIS. fAIAl fOOIBAlL tos. BUSINESS. on Agra khan 'ty-rix mvmbors since and MM, 9d Modem coat, mated an ad the Viceroy ot the grln'num-I . Mohammedan F their dam: y modified qr that might be said he reeog. If the younger Liked with am- He aid their no not due " Bit educational Mel: had been the “autumn! urticm " this min! prior to 'tt have t'atw- lo In the no- r to be em- " rireum. rf your lands rummhrnnm h. "M. you , amount of and. of land Mod the n amount of inf In har ES