IS APER NG ghted patterns m [going t_o do l n _ " 'lhr"/iid'su"N"= mu away. in th, 1908 "AW, arance sale ot . roll in the --" A" tew " at the l Washer: round fro m ARRIS ! M E AN ter, the Prompt 3rd, we & Co. RE " ave to buy Je money Mitt m off nigh Mom onday SELLS $3.00 " 1.50 " 3 oo up It Pill.†ar. The ced and he brok- reorgan- . Take by buy. his sate. ts. C'ttat, 1'arrlagt' (arias! " will -r last, the ca- l ... “fl Prov st cer- ces DC "itid CHEAP I Block h left 8M the vnd M the Ar- t the well Ibo Of 10' P‘II at. Don't put " until to-morrow the matter of subscribing for THE Yocmft' 1'oMPA.NION. The puhlishcrs offer to send to every new nulssetiher for 1007 who at ann- remits the subscription prxce. $1.75. all the issue} for the remaining weeks of 1906 free. "The Lung Trail “gall m addition to: Subscribers who get new subscript- the 52 Names of 1907. - 1 ions will receive 816,290.00 in cash and IF'hatever your age, six, sixteen or lmany other special awards. Semi for sixty, you will find Tm: COMPANION information. io be ynur paper. It touches every‘ THE YOUTH’S COMPANION worthy interest m lite-every Interest $144 Berkley Street. Buston. Mass These igsues will contain nearly 50 completestnries. besides the opening chapter; of Hamlin Garland: servo, JUST COME IN WHAT ABOUT RUBBERS? Remember the piaee---c G. Lawrence's old Stand and ask to use out up to date stock of Boots and Shoes. We have recently added some new line. in Gun Metal Patent Leather " lowest prices to our “may hm stock. We hare them in now in heavy and light, also the famous Downy rubber for Lidia, put up in 3 nice waterproof one. You can carry them when not in use in vow rocket. they ere so light, Rain storms come so unexpected 1 pair carr ed 1n your shopping beg to be ready for an emergency any save you than hayintr wet teat. Call and seethem. Custom work end repairing as promptly es panible. F1368 TAKEN M CASH. OCTOBER 25. Sixty weeks for $1.75 Don't you want Barn and Chicken Houses as dry as your kitchen? Roof them with It is cheaper than shingles and you can put it on yonnelf. With each roll of " Wire Edge " are nails, caps and cement. You need only a hammer and you an make all the buildings min-proof, k A snow-proof and fire-proof. Pttterson's "Wire edge" Ready Itoofing Cheaper than Shingles Our booklet tells about the roofing that ever leaks and lasts a lifetime. Let 115 nd you a free copy and samples of Pnzxson's 's WIRE EDGE." Sold by hardware dealers everywhere. “mason In. M. LII-nu 10mm otd lubed A that promotes cheerfulness, develops character, enlarges the understanding and Instils ideas of true patriotism. Full illustrated Announcement of Tun: (Ionmxwx for I006 will be sent, to any address free with sum ple copies of the paper. New subscribers will receive a gift of Tm: C,oyrPANro.N'N Four . Leaf Hanging Calendar for 1907, lithograph- ed in twelve colors and gold Subscribers who get new suhqcript- ions will receive $16,290.00 in cash and many other specinl awards. Send tor information. . s. MCILRAITH "in the first place. " he declared. " it is a fact that there are men who i have made fortunes who are Chris- tians. " As exampler, be mentioned Frank Crossley and George Gadbiiry. Some men are placed in such con ditions that they become rich. The inventor of wneless telegraphy, for ' instance. hind not, when he started. M, the idea of making a fortune. But he made a great discovery, and the result wr was that money had come outing in Lei to him. The speaker wished toem- ra phnsize the fact, because he had 1r, heard so many people say that every LE rich man is n Villain. " The Fatal Aim. - The second answer was this: " No "igl man who starts out with the wprenie idea of mating a fortune can be a é- Chtigtmn. " A Christian lives for MI goodness and not for fortune, not to .. do " other people but to do what is - tight '. not to he n. millionaire hut to be " " man, not to crush others but to lift F4 them T Christianity is essentially an ideal o service. t6 Fro m the. stand. 'tl) point cf Christianity every business place ought to be as much a temple for , service as this chapel is. "continued I" I Mr Phillips. " Suppose I run " news- L paper. How do I re ard my news- M I paper' ? It it is as it pizace where I can W invest my money and make fifteen r, per cent, on it. well, then, I am not It Christian. But if Ilook at the newe.l ' paper is a mums of having news, Ka clean and not suggestive. truthful and .- , i not. sensational. helpful and not other- 'e" iwise. eiiifyin and not degenerating, ti [then my Gill, is my pulpit and my b. otllce is my sanctuary, and I look up- _ lon my paper as it tnP'An8 of helping iiiiy fellow men. I make it profit a Tnaiumliy and pay my way. “Seek lye first the Kingdom of God, and His ' irigliteo P411995: and all thew things ff lshull tin added unto you. " Among Cg " ihi-se things , may be it fortune. but the. air, of every Christian is right- 'reottsnetsie, and the Near Testament ' _ ‘stsndiirzl of every business is service. ’ |service to God and service to God and , seryice to humanity. " " The Peril of Riches. .7 ', tt My third answer is this, theta i mun wao has made it fortune. or who 54.; iis making it fortune, needs all the E [grace of God to keep him. He is in - {great danger. in a. position of grave L} i responsibility. You can all recall bi' I men who have come up to London it; I lrom the provinces. poor boys, but Ir7, l faithful members of our Churches, i They have made fortunes in London, ’5' -) but, where are they to-day ? They tl I have ' made their pile. ' hut they have I ops lost the: God, I t " not say that they "ling ought not to have made money, but l. the more money, a man gets the more grace ho ought to get. 'u-The British m of I \Veekly. We gnaw: gwim A loam vg weekly Journal, giving maximum to loam; new of Durham and County Guy. with spec ll Intention to the South Riding. Subscription Tetee-0t.00 per year " paid in “inure; 01.25 it not. 50 pm. Can a Man be a Christian and Make a Fortune , The tnembers wele all present; the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of session of Sept 3 last were read and con- firmed, Uouuntataitmttotett as follows were {resented and read: Herbert Nichols and tour other ratepayers turk. ing ccurcil to appoint. an arbnrator in reference) to division of union school No. 5.Arteuicsi1. Osprey and Melancthon; ILD. MoLougbrv. report of expendi- ture in Div. 2; T. R. McKenzie re- port of expouditureiu Div, 4. and re- port of upecinl oxpeuditure in slid " vision. By-law 674 to appoint. an Br. bitrator in the matter ot union school No. o, A, o. a. M.. was introduced and read a first time. MtsKenra--11eLoug1srr--Tltu E. A. Graham and Bro. be paid their ac- count for plank tor Eugenia bridge O21- 5,'i--cmrrm1. Mekervzio-Bmt-Tb" W. C. Duns be paid amount at his contract. for papering and painting town hall $94.00 "-Carrietl. The :nnninipsl council ot the town- ship of Armamesiu met m the Town H all Fle batten, on Saturday. Oct 00. msst--Whrta---Thtrt Bv-laws 9711 and c,74bs now signed. sulod and entered in Br-law book-Carried. 1hsst--Wltyte-LNat the. following accouum for gavel med by overueu duly eertifUd be pad. "2., Jog Wat. ron. $1.95. Jan Oliver i395 and C. W. White 8'3.2h--Carritrd. 10yte--MtrLoughry--Thtyt the coun» cil now go into committee of the whole on Bylaw 674-Carrted, White-Best-That John Bellamy be paiu for work Ind material furnished for repeats to town hall ".br-Jtrrted. MeEenzie--Beat-Tut By law 674 be now read a second time-Carried. Whyta--Be.l--Tut the report of Mr McKenzie. Commissioner Dir. No. 4, be received .and he bshrtud 017.70. commission on expenditure of $177.00. 1ieEenzisr--Best-Thttt report of Mr Whyte, Commiuioner Div. No. 1, be received and ho be paid 821.30. com- mission on sapenditaro of 82t8.00-- carried. By Reg Mr Fixings, Bloomsbury, London, ngland. McKenzie - MeLoaghrr-- That the following pun†be paid hr work on bridge at lot M, con. 8, via., Adam Genoa. M.oo; Thou Genoe. 83.75; Thea Foster, $225;J. Canon. $11.25'. W. J. Magee, 919.50 and timber 95.35420“: Jo Linton, $11.75; Jag Magoo. 99.40; J. K. Jamioson. $2.oo; Keen“: Bro... 891.90; A Cunorun $0.oo; Wm Bop. per. 03.76; J. Pusan. 01.50; S Fisher, ti.lie, T Atkinson, anal. 400': J. A. ist John, spikes. 30 th; W C Podlu. " c --Carriod. Foster, 52 25;J. Canon. $11.25: w. J. Nos. 88, 108, IN, 148. 138 and 188. Mam. 919.50 and timber sons-926.14; school debentnrog t, a. T, 8, and 9 under Jae Linton, $11.75; Jas Magoo. 09.40; bv-ltwaoetho and Tell aid to hare J. K. Jameson. 02.00; Keen“: Bro... pan let "d.?" A_F odlar Infill}...- 39130; A cum“, $0.oo; Wm Bop. mg thug conned attatn" further liability per, 08.75;.1. Parson, 01.50: S Fisher, -thrrried. 91.50; T Atkinson, gavel. 400': J. A. Mmmghry-- Best--. Thu Edward StJohn. spikes. 80 c.; W C Pedlnr. 75 c turgent. ounce: " 001100 in hereby -.-csrriod. required it: atom; tu',':'.'".,,','.', Muamahrr--1usst--7h" Mr No esfrtsd by m " . " ttt Knuth!» paid 915.00 ior own any-Iron! as'yte.i.o't't"-""uiL Ar1vertising rates on ty'litthoe to . BAMAGE. THURSDAY. OUT. 25 ' 1906. Artemsia Council. -------e .’____ 'itTifiiii," Publisher Vegetables are e1ttaaified according to the marketable condition ; fresh and dried. The fresh contain 81â€? percentage of water. As an examp e we have the lettuce. espsrsgns, etc. The dried vegetables such as beans and peas have lost a considerable amount of moisture that was formerly in them. As a second c1tttmifieation there are those according to compo- sition; the starchy and non starchy. Ot the first there is the potato, con- mining large amount ot water and starch and all green vegetables are classed under the second. These have an abu ndance of water and min. matter. Again, vegetables are classified according to parts used fo food : . Seed subeans and peas, roots .-earrots and parsnips, bulb-onion, tuber-potato and artichoke; shoots --aspa ragns. atocks-celery, leaves --lettu ce and spinach, f1ower-eauli. fiower, fruit- Aoutato and cucumber, itinge--tnush room. These all cor- respond to the different parts of the plant. fiEiiiiiTi.ii. ECONOMICS" The general composition of vege- tables is, water., starch, sugar, mm- eral matter, small amounts of pro- teids, cellulose and pectin bodies. The dried vegetables are character- ized by their absence of water, pres- ence of starch and proteid. ; these so confined that they are difficult of digestion. The skins are very indi- gestible and have a bitterness of taste which is done away with by soaking the vegetables in water. The starchy vegetables contain large amounts of starch and water ; the non-starchy have a large amount of mineral matter which is partly dlssolved out in cooking and like some of the starchy vegetables con- tain a great deal of moisture. The cellulose of the potato is tougher than many fruit celluloses but when cooked is most tender of all cellulose. Vegetables are useful for the amount of water they supply to our bodies, the mineral matter regulates the system, the cellulose gives bulk and the starch and sugar supply en- ergy and heat. Cooking softens the cellulose. de- velops the f1ayor, cooks the starch trod dissolves some of the mineral matter. Therefore the water in which the vegetable is cooked may be used tor soups or sauces. Most young, fresh and tender vege- tables are comparatively easy of di- gestion. Exceptions-new potatoes, carrots. radishes and cucumbers. Ranked awarding to digestibility-- robts and tubers, tomatoes, squash, ce'ery, greens. cabbage tribe cucum- bers and radishes. THE DURHAH r, Put all fresh vegetables on to cook in boiling water. 2. Put all dried vegetables on to cook ttl cold water. I. Wash and pare, peel or scrape the vegetables and cut into con- venient pieces. 2. Unless fresh vegetables are taken right from the garden, they should soak in cold water 15 to 60 minutes before cooking. 3. Dried vegetables should soak in cold water at least " hours be- fore cooking. Cooking in water. 4. Salt the water for vegetables that grow above ground including onions, use I teaspoon salt to t pint water. 5. Do not salt the water for vege- tables that grow underground. --Tortmto has had anothar disast- rous fire. This time at the Exhibit. ion grounds where the monster grandstand, "Crystal Palace " and some stables have been destroyed. General Vegetable Rules. Preparations '. 3. Strong smelling vegetables must cook at simmering point, the others may boil gently. --A cyclone in the Gulf of Mexico raised destructive waves which en- gulfed part of the low coasts of Flor- ida, causing the drowning ot 250 people and dame a two million dollars. Havonnn was badly struck with lou ot'llfe and property. overseeing work on bridge u lot 88. con. 8, and 07.45. oomtniuion on spooinlexpenduuro of $74,66 in his di. vision. MeLouehry-Best-TUt, m. Run be paid 82.00. one der in bridge u lot 88, con Is-ah-si. MeKotuu--Best-rhtst A Shanta, mount of $1.00 for an of tuid by overseer wniIe hailing gravel in per- forming Mamie Itrbor-ceirtuii. MeKanzie--Whrte---Th" Mr But is hereby nppomted to expend the 010.26 in Proton Station road division 001le and returned to this counted by Jo: Tul- ford, ov-r.-)". Mekenzio- McLangbry - Thu the Tremors: is hereby inatructed to ply L, H Pmlifr tl, tttity Hwy.“ 't?%R'P Vegetables ONTARIO ARCHIVE: TORONTO - _ ll cm - h $qlt8Ntnr was " I. " Your poultry may be delivered at I-- Durham, Buyer wanted, Holstein, " " Artem, .. u Neustadt. .' " Hanowr, " .. We have also a full range ot smock: " 506 and 75 cents each. Railroad Coats and Overalls. OVERALLS - plain and twilled-- hlack and Ntivr--Bitn and wit h. ont bibs. .st 85 cts and 81.0) each . N0'rWmis'rhN0lN0 PROTECT YOURSELF C. McARTHUR Prom the Fall Rains by wearing ing one of our Rubber Lined Smacks A new style of smock " right price. Farmers' Poultry BARCLAY & BELL LOOK HERE, FARMER ahove Durham, well improved, with very fine buildings, advertised in the REVIEW for 875(1). I can now cell It tpr; turood deal less and IT'S A BAR- Then I have a 100 ACRE well im. proved farm near Durham that 1 will sell VERY CHEAP or trade for other property. It's A map. For consider- ably under 83000 I will sell 100 acre- in Bentlnck. with good soil. brick veneer- ed and frame house, large frame hank barn, frame stable! and pig “Mules, Rood orchard. This is really a. tvutrtfiee GAIN; Undertaking I have also a great lot of other pro- per-Li for sale and 3 MILLION DOL. LAI “I of MONEY to lend " very low rates. I COLLECT DEBTS, meta“? prepare all kinds of WRITINGS. Re I C. P. R. Tickets to all pointa WEST and sell OCEAN TICKETS. Every kind of legitumnte business attended to. Everything private. Our Motto t " Always prompt. Never Negligent. " Mri'WrrntrrAN0o1t advance in price of wool we sell our woolen so: " old prices. .25 eta per pr. Bring us your Butter, Eggs' and Dried Apples. Mlllllll BE IISHRIIEE mm: Tttastro-ttture? llama] Fire xmunnc Cat. in Onudo. A 'k"l',m'/d'l't't arr-Mel and um reward {or honest elem. conned and 1ftritl' ?g,'lg,t'Jg'lll'ttt Udt1itt mm: 11 In: . so“ ',"dN'ir1Wlt,1'lld'l Manhattan-l Inn-[mt cc 'ee',,t2tgl'g"t,t system made the “avenue eon than no the tanned. Insure in the beat. If your insurance .3le un- you, all on. ordropueudto FARMERS CENTRAL , Man A womn goes out she air, duo-ex in " and enveloped mph: fume whose 1tnrdororttlittt husband hasn’t had a new unit ot cloth" or . decent and in Mayan. You. And may I. We: lands on the strut with q winking pipe in bit be e. hi. tth/tld/i mm; t'f2t "2““ o . w "roe i ','lh2fdA1ter; mam-or . Pt wed in. do w. and“. L We have opened up Undertaking Ro'oms in Thos. Swallow’s build- ing opposite the Middaugh House and are prepared to do business with any person requiring under- taking. Satisfaction guaranteed in Embalming. Our stock of funeral supplies has arrived ; also a full line of Catholic robes, etc. I had MO acres of good, Lang! NEIL loom Agent, Durham {MWW‘ â€1.759399! 3‘21'2293322 Flannel. Limited. London. Ont." H. H. MILLER, and Embalming The Blueâ€: Conveysncer. 150wa 41. 48,B.D.R.Por ".etherr.aeueuia.-trmt them-em- a“ rhor'by mull. -- - “when"; my We have some bargains in Worsted Trousers, neat patterns worth $4.00 for boo. We have also some heavy tweed trousers for only 32. These are also snaps. Call in, we may have a pair amongst them to suit you. Remember it's the savings that count. with bibs. Cottonade and mokeskin trousers and a good line of MEN'S Heavy SHIRTS " right prices. d'. A'. Srant Call and exam!ne our hand- madeo. We are selling twice at many this Worsted and Unload flack and $1210 opera/la In good Bread, well made and yropetly baked-the bread that is made by Stinson. This is the perfect bread-made of the beat flour, leavened and seasoned just right, thoroughly kneaded and baked to perfection, it is easily digested and it builds health and attength for those who eat it. Give it a trial. That must be shod for Pall, we've the shoes. BRING ALL REPAIRING Peel, the Shoeman Oxnvlo’s $s Royal Household" Know-ml 66 Fire Bom"-.The very best Keewatin "who. A earlmui just received. Clove: and Timothy and all var- ietieu of Garden and. in a- bundance for Spring mowing FLOUR SEEDS aarst:9aar4r.94rateaaieaar.i"ct'rtur" FARM FOR SALE STINSON, _The Baker. ThetBest Curt For Dyspepsia MATTHEWS a LATIMER WELD AND GARDEN. Highest grades only Any Feet 701130719 "1.3%: P. o. pi' JOHN CLARK) * , Everything in readiness for the Spring nelson. Call and see our Iwader Seed. ler, Ploughs, Barrows. Cultivators and MEDICAL J. G. HUTTON. M.D., C. M {The Now Hamburg Waggon- Bu-bor Buggies l 81.0011 amt Land nonu- Disc Harrow- of I10. 1Ntice-UaiderG . 'utr6aeotrd1- PM“. calm 0M0. mammumjnnnu- an! new 0 u... u we! mu. Old Ioodte Cornet. OFFICE HOURS Barristers. Solicitors, Conveyancers Ae. : Money to Loan. A. G. MIcKIy Barium. Solicitor in Supreme Col Notary Public. Commlsisioner, (a Money to Luau. HONOR GRADUATE of University. graduate of Royal of Dental Surgeons of Ontariu. Over J t J H ENTERS New I HONOR tiRADi'Aq If T ante Ro.vtsl tom-m- omma-y in all its urn-ml mmmm. - - - - Witt III-uh. Ina-ugh Noun the Inc WMy ot each I 10.. In. an d In m, tate m: to Inorlkhh (London. PM) “I to Kappa. (New York) Lye not)!†W. C. PICKERING o. o s., L. o. S D. McPHA IL Durham. Nov. " Peter Hamilton AGENCY ALI. SPRING GOODS luck land and SINGER SEWING HAG-II he 1W Hmong! (2mm Sew-mu. G - Duly Chums. Wringen. Wuhan. 1ug1oadem,tI?raeskn. l . Rural. Mowers, 3111“ Prices and terms to suit patch-at Waterman: across the bridge north 4 the Post Office. Orders left " REVII 0500 will receive out best um l. B. chELLAI, Put-noun & 51'me. We. one J. Cpl. Hutton-'0 Sha- R to 10 A... aocss:{ 2to 4 an; 7 to ft r. I. F-ttq. m 2-4p. m. T-tt p. I Tolophono Commotion No. IO Term mod to _ M- ace. Damn there, or k attetsdcd to, Lien-mm And my “‘ mv I looms. Hem 0.08. Insurance Agent. luueruf Mmrium oral fittancial bu ARTHUR GUN. M. D., ARTHUR B. JACKSON - Bpechl attention given I Women and Children We, Ear, Nose t Throat (lice. Helm yre Block nice. m'vr Gordon Auctioneer: J. F. GRANT D.D.S. L.iD. S or to " Nanny Publi MACKAY * DUNN, DURHAI. ONT DEN TAL- ty 'ti,"' mu . It! ll'dlL"li, J. P. TELFORD ll D. MePilAIL, (nylUIl i'. l C. RA-AGE. Hur CONVEYANCER. " jet-w. AMEN v... must be M u lulu-r (pin-wt: DR. BURT 'tJN 'teylou P. o.," l Team on 'spttl' It!!! " we Md to. left " MI I: 'g old can Licensed . J the Comm! Bl wk In M w on“ u wall-y momma-ad Al W. F Dunn ew lit tu (run [ammo College Rooms " " fink urt