m th v". tot tttrm ins-I rail lpil Stot Che the in . wig litre "In the "is It†“I " “R Jes Cht oft to the bei: It t he {id at his tha iy its. ('0. tori am. rie ter sro: fy tt i eh. evi tU th. of ity ha fu I" tt at fo GLOV'ES=-== Let us Fit Special Line Ordered Overcoat, We can supply you with A Perfect Fit in Gloves aaaeSE ORDERED SUITS THE PEOPLES STORE} DARLINGS. Let us tell you about Darling's; Darling's Baking Powder is made of ingredients of guaranteed purity These are mixed in exactly the RIORer chenncal proportions which is the great essential 1n the manu- facture of Baking Powder-. Our powder is made fresh even-v Rat“ rAo,, "ar-,;,,,, Highest Prices Paid, Io fit your purse and pleasure Summer Dress Goods, Ready-to-wear Clothing, Hats 8, Caps, Shoes, 8e Astonishinglylow prices prevail now Aroughout ihe store to clear out {hese goals and make room for Fall arrivals. ROBERT BURNETT. j Ag am: for Gagong 's t Clearing Sale DARLING'S DRUG gjijini- FLARITY (fy BURNETT ade Overcoats. $6 to $14. Let us sell BUTTER and EGGS WANTED 33135119 ISL". use Baking powder? Of C " Good Goo, ls Merchant Tailors and Gents’ Furnishers 'J,10mt'sChoeltttes, Frost King and Bones 3 nd Blacks. Chamois Vests. all Summer Goods 50 cts to $2.00 rom you a trial pound-v. 5 cents. , The People's Druggists at Right P rices MONSTER 3e fresh every Saturday morning $12 to $20 Ready, either Cash or Produce Durham Only Gents' 'urnishing Phone No. Store AT .ourse you do The 1n Frost Queen, SWEATERS For fall and winter use both STYLE & COMFORT at 75c, $1.50, $2, & $2.50 r up fo 1 $53666 UNDERWEAR- $1, 2, 3, 4, t BRACES--- Strings, Four-in-hand, Bows, Puffs, ete, from 10e to 75C. 1 9996:6:t les- The Rey Wm 1iUrquharson wil preach on Sunday morning in Knox church, Elora. and in the eyening will preach at the Anniversary ser- vices in the Methodist church In that town. Messrs Geo Binnie and Thou Mc. Fadden, both Directors of the Can. adian Cooperatiye concern in Ham- ilton, attended a. meeting there on Monday. Mr John Whelan is Prm. ident and Manager of this institution which is very successful. doing a bus. iness of $10000 a month. per sult. Mrs Anderson. Portage La prairie, sister of Mrs C. McArthur, mth her two children returned Tuesday utter a few months visit among her many relatives. Mr J, A. McDonald. of Branchtown. was in town for a few days last week. Forty years ago he was a blacksmith at Tobermorv and no doubt some of the old timers will remember him. Teachers home for the holidays were Misses Edith and Maggie Grant. Rosalie Brooker, May and Susie Me. Clocklin. Students with the same object were Peter Ramage, Atoll Davidson, Joe Reid. Miss Mary Gordon. Fergus and her brother Roy, at present. a. medical student in London, spent. Thanksgiv- ittgholidttys here and at their aunts Mrs Henry Seeley, Glenelg. Miss Me. Leod. of Harrington, sister of Mrs Seeley, accompanied them. Mrs J, Jenkins daughter of Mr and Mrs Samuel Lawrence left Monday for her home in Kamloops, B. 0.. after a tour months visit with her parents. Mr Will Davis son of License-In- spector Davis was home on a Thanks- giving visit, and has returned to his duties at Midhurst where he has a. railway position. Mr Herbert Ball left on Monday to resume work at Stratford. having gained in health rapidly in the brac- ing air of Durham. Miss Allie Blackburn, at present a. student in London Normal School was home for Thanksgiving. Mr Wm Mountain left a. tew days a.- go for London where his brother-in law, Mr Jno Watson is said to be seriously ill. We hope to hear bet ter news. Miss Olive Thompson spent a. few days with her aunt Mrs Gadd last week Mr and Mrs Munro Sutherland of Toronto spent the holidays here with Mr and Mrs W. B. Vollett. Mr C. McKinnon left for Port Ar. thur on Monday and will return short 1y to ship more horses. Miss Maggie Gadd came home from Toronto to spend Thanksgiving With her mother. M188 Davey a former tucker in Durham School spent Tbsnkogiving as a guest of Miss Margaret Gun. Mrs Dr Gun spent Thunkaglyinz with her mother in thut. 15e to 50c per pr. Inter and $5 THE DURHAM REVIEW TORONTO iii'vc'""isVii' iii-"not? -diifr -6itk"in "GEE many the not per wreak! B- rgdNt,'a%t1tidt, in“ tutd 1 ac ','t,i',t'l not I two dollar bill. Peeaon Were each nation to divide its cash among its own people each human being In Fume would have 335, 01-810mm Hana each person in the United sum. leanwhue. the divided call of Great. 33;ng would The undersigned often for sale or tent his farm of one hundred acres more 01 less. being Iota 43and " con l, S. D. R.. Glenda. This is a. de- sirable property in good state of cul- tivation and in a. good location. one teh','lt trom School misc-t Oftiee or u er particulars y to P. SULLIVAN gluotulle P. o. . Wellington co. Burnet l2 8 Jacques 12 27 At 500 ydu. non omcisl, anage took 86 with 10 shots. Peel 29 with D Jacques22with8, Hughes 15 with T, J Sim-s u with 5. Another meeting is being arranged for some Saturday "ternoon of which due notice wili be given. Johnstone Binds Duncan J Sim Hughes Murdoch Sine Burnet "tNutt., Torr: At the other range. in the after- noon the scores were: Competitors MO yd: 600 yds Torry yr.. Runage Famoox Competitors 200 yd. mo yds Peel 81 so J Sun m 32 Duncan' 29 Wolfe 28 as Hind as 29 Tor ry 21 m J obnston 21 22 Murdock 19 22 H ughes 18 2t H ntton 8 Barnes 22 Quite a number took advantage of the holiday and the fitte weather to complete the omcial shooting at B. Grey Rifle ranges. We give some re- sults below only those taking 60per or over being credited while some on other scores were not present in fore- noon. Though light was dull and wind rather strong a very enjoyable day seems to have been spent. 7 shots at each distance. . FARM FOR SALE. JormirroN.--in Norrmsnbr, on 23 October. Wm Johnston. Sn, aged 87 years, 8 mos" 20 dsys. McKrrcmurr-rn Durham, on Wed- nesday, Oct " infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Duguld Mekechnie, aged 5 mm. man were much enjoyed. he observed in our social or apiritual nature. He rehearsed the spiritual tie: God had bestowed, reviewed the )lesaings of the your. mowing how much more we have to be thankful for than David. and urged all to give the 'racrifiee of thunkogiving. Appropriate music was rendered by a line chmr and the solos of Messrs Milford and Cole. PRrrz.-..In Norman)? on 12 October. to Mr and Mrs Jae etty a son. DONALDtmN,--At T3 Lindsay avenue. Toronto on October 17iti, 1906 to Mr and Mrs T. R, B. Donaldlon (nee Emma Swallow) a son. Mc1Lvrume.-At Rapid City. Man., on 9th October to Mr and Mrs Peter Mcilrride, twins, son and daughter. IARRIED. Mn Dean, of Toronto. visited her ulnar, Mrs John Wright, over the holiday, The Harvest Home Services in Trin. ity Church on Friday were 2,',ll suc- cessful. There was . full churc and pretty em blemstic decorations of fruit, grain. Mu gave character to the as. 'r,"e,Ittr,'t Rev. Mr ffgt,'ltth f,; is A war y " nento pe rut an took his 'tl'l'l'roe,'l, thegok of Psalms. a book which had inspired men in all ages and climes, which led up to Jesus Christ, from which the Divine suffer- er had drawn comfort in his agony. It was a book of the inner life which every one could read,amarble stair- case. unworn, though millions had trodden on it. " Gift and return " was the law of the book it gave before it took and ,the some pri.tt.eiple should wreLwooD-McKAt-on Wednesday, Oct 17th, at. the mange. Durham, by the Rev Wm lihrquhnrtstm, Alfred Ernest Welwood. son of Rohert Welwood. Esq" to Annie, 1tgileg of Jno. McKay. Esq“ all of Hol and. DIED. Mr Jno A. McDondd. near Gait. spent Thanksgiving day at Mr Geo. Maine's. The Women’s Institute will hold the last meeting of this year on Nov. lit at the home of In U. thar, Topic " Making of Christmas gifts." â€Hartley week in Humor. Mr Alf. Noble united hand and heart with Mics Porter. of Bannock. We ex- tend felicitetione. Inc We Ryan left for the North West Wednesday morning. where she will meet with en old Dur. ham boy, Mr Alex Crawford, and en. ter with him into n matrimoninl union. Congratulations Mu Rohertaon, of Priceville, is vis. iting at Mr: Babb. KcGowan’l. MrJu. Boll left for the neat Wed. nesday morning. X1768 iiiiiiiir." BORN. C -t. 18 17 16 14 l3 l3 l7 At the present time our displays of smart ready-to-wears and dress hats is at its best and deserves the consideration of every woman, who longs for distinction and ex- clusive Millinery. There isn't a hat in all the grand assemblage that doesn't bear the seal of fash- ion. Nor is there one that doesn l bear the price ticket of appealing value. Ladies' Coats and Dress Skirts, Children 's Coats and bon, Lot 6, con 15 Pr on, 100 acres. 91 ac- resnf cleared lan , in good state of cultivation free fr I sumo and uux. ious weeds, 9acres 'f good hardwood hush. good orchu d, Inn-n H x (X)ft with swine basement. 200d hon and tr, pen, comfortable dwelling, 3 never ailing wells. " miles from church. school and Post on1ee. Immediate ff,fl"2T'll given if necessary. For uther particulars apply lo FARM FOR SALE OR No reserve. Sale at; one o'clookr Terms: $5.00 and under. cash; owe that amount 12 tuontuts' credit will be given on approved joint notes. 5.per cent discount for cash in hen of notes. DAVID HOPKINS, BOB I' BRIGHAM Proprietor, Auctioneer, Tuesday, 80 October. 1906. The following yalnsble Stock. Im- plements. etc. lmure. l more suppos- ed to be in foal, spring colt. yon-ling colt. 6 cows supposed to be in call. 2 two year old tat heifers. 1 two year old “not. 2 one veer old heifers. 5 one year old steers, 1 call. Massey Harris Binder, Frost and Wood mower, new, mower and pee harvester. 10 ft Frost and Wood buy rake new. Giant need drill, nearly new. Disc barrow nearly new, set iron borrows, Wilkinson gang plow, Wilkin- Ion plow No 7, tanning mill. Truck woman and box, lumber waggou, Wood- stock make, buggy nearly new. rout. pnlper. long sleigh. hay rack. Oxford Cream Separator, good as new. black- Imibh's forge and anvil, number of tie chains. number of hens, mm. of light harness. sell of heavy haruess,forks, chains and uthtr articles too numerous to mention. m: Ewe-raw RoAo.--/rhe pro- pooed Huron dc Ontario Electric Reil- wny in bobbing up again. The presi- ent of the company and three other gentlemen have been in Shelhurne and vicinity for the poet week, taking 5 look over the country and route of the pro and line. They came here from Iottentuun last week and have taken in the country in different directions On Monday they drove from here to Keldon and Egerton and then to Fleuherton. They told parties to whom they were speaking that the road will be built and that surveyors would be on to locate the road at once. --ahelburne Free Press. " Huylers ' Chocolates and Bonn at Paik 's Drug Store. The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction at Lot 68 h 69, Con 2, N D B, Bentinek, on A new stock of Ladies' bonnets and turbma this weekat a bargain. Recent students have taken positions 1tpItur,i.e/tfmtp $0 pymputll to tum n {an Write' Gai _yr YE): iaiui1n'i; ESL; acne. We can plscc you on the roe to success. Commence now. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Cor. Yonge and Alexander (its. Night Calls for Umlerttskiug promptly attended to. One door, south ED KBESS of Post Office. . 1l \Ve are having an uphohtcr- er the first week in wot-y month. Anyone wishing old goods reno- vated to look good as new should advise tttt--we will be pleased to attend to it at, once. Hasa tim Imam Curtain Poles, Window Shades, Picture Frames Frames to order of all kinds. There is some reason for the greatly increased attendance at the KRESS, Dress Hats Miss Dick CRFDIT AUCTION SALE TORONTO. ONT. m Stock and Implements. ELLIOTT Thej‘ Undertaker Dunn) [Hummus Swinlon Park, Um. Muss DICK. or to c. Run-tee. 80th one. key mar be changed. That self com Upper Town. the possession given i rooms. well. ete., The point which will interest PM in the motor with In. t moat peoples the PRICE We have put an price so that they can't help but sell Come and In" a look at our clothing. lt will be doing as a favor to have you look through them. Ladies' Jackets UNDERWEAR J, ALEX RUSSELL Boots (iy Shoes 2tti.ctgiti1, edlucniyou rut,', "tlll Mogt um y a.“ sun: t you or emo- gtml duties ot It,“ id cliched by tttia school. Under new management. with im rod [',r'ii,.,pte,", um mum. our oldest whoa is the newest and one ot the host. Write for “loan and (no budget ot " Business, nmdu'ming." A Good Chance Y. M. C. A. Bldg? You? & loan! an. Toronto T. . WA SON, Mumps] HOUSE To RENT and rip In BO man ll uulu. VII _"'-".. - ___,, - - bands who can "ard to do good work and you can (“pond on getting satisfaction both in fit and wear. Don't neglect seeing about your FALL OVEBDOAT In time. the pick before the heavy demand comes for than. BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE We ore making a determined efort to will the oonMonco ofthe buying public in ready-to-le. goodo out! has?“ in 0 complete range in Men 'g and Boy 'g Gothintt in angle I double lit-outed suits of the latest patterns in strips And ovorcbooko which are so popular at present. They are made by the but ot workman Ind put up in the latest styles. No swat-shop goods hon. which 2It and rip in so short at time. Our clothing is and. by well poi _ _ . "" s'"lt"i2CCauUi.iJ"iuaamreanrieugtanttort We have a few JACKETS left after our last week'l ale. They were cheap as we advertised end . mumm- lnve “ken “name of the LOW PRICES. The balance wil. be cleared an. week at come gt'; It you need one soc what we are altering before you decide to my. You Can't Make a Mistake in Buying Your Clothing From Us. A complete stock of Slater Shoes for [on tt " hand, the nobblut styles you could wish for. Rubbers And (in! for Men. Women and Children. contained "side-ace m Bll0 STORE no McIntmh propel-i; 'i'ttsueduteiy. Seven '., Apply to Highest Pricec for Butter and Eggs. D McDanAu. Unlock p. o, 0t all kind: for all makes of people “gamut prices. Hoisery god Gloves to unit every 4ttnttttd ii'i'iiiii'iiiiiii:::: -l.iliorrp1sr"aitT1'.'.'.'.'.' Oumulper net“... f?itttg,'iijicrr": ... " mm...“ Dre-ad cm. T - elegr to _'lagttil a',t'hfe,e I iiiiiii,'.'liiii,'ir,iii,iil'ii 'lil:',:,';,:,:,:, n "2.... Ite' ___ h,'. 'iiiiii'(iiii'iiii', _",:iiii'iiii",',ii,i, " '!iti'ilt'i' iii) "iiii,ii'i,(i) , i W- I. in}; Durham Markét; thou-mu, Pm 1099:0an 2toto 225w 185to 660to 80)†" to ' " " to " 82 to " 18to " " hm .x â€E L,1_h, VOL. M tytl iigxx,, EFiII'\ EL ht, CLOT 1: Our Low“! ‘-l‘l\\'1 .. IN" » :j'iat Rmnw a anucw m Ravmw w RlVllw st Rtvmw . REVIEW :1 Rwunv a. luvmw . Blvmw a â€new a Bevlc‘ UNI) Ladi LADIE tenth ot (In the II lb d, Our " Let um Hui? ut um ul