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Durham Review (1897), 29 Nov 1906, p. 10

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44 10 to th #GLOVESâ€"â€"â€"â€" | ul s es C t oy: * a ORDERED SUITS seil : U We can supply you with A Perfect Fit in Gloves NAC NC oor om eecen AO EimE e THE PEOPLES STORE 20OB CRT BURNETT. in style. finish and price to suit all tastes. _ Befter to buy now : there‘s worth here and worth counts. We want to talk Furs to you this week. Winter is upon us and those needing fitting out, young or old, can do so here at moderate cost and have line variety to choose from. Call and see how easy it is to own them. FLAR TY & BURNETT Sale Register NISH AMERICAN INESS COLLEGE Line of Ready-‘ ade Overcoats. ‘ $6to $l4. UNDERWEAR for all classes and Winter Supâ€" pllcav of all kinds have been stocked. Groceries of uU FURS!!! Merchant Tailors and Gents‘ Furnishers. tse aml D]i 1 ERM OV ERCOATS 50 cts to $2.00 dutter and Eggs taken as Cash. Principal irest pica $12 to $20 Best it ue Wmm.Johaston, Sr., Chairman tained at reasonable rates and attractive town, maki place for residence. Intending Students should ning of the term if possible. Staff‘and Equipment. The school is thoroughly equ’i‘rped in teaching ability, in chemical and electrical supplies an fittings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and Matricâ€" ulation work. The following competent staff are in charge : MISS LOLA MCLEOD, B. A., Honor Graduate of Queen‘s University, Classics, Moderns and English, MIS3 FLOSSTx MCKERRACHER, First Class Certificate and thiwt wany nwinumun Accana 2s THOS Durham School Certificate and tfl_lâ€"râ€"(i;'e-a-;l-l-fié}g.r;(;&a‘tr;; Queen‘s l,‘nlversiar. Science, History and,Geography. 1138 EDNA A. DREWRY, Senior Leavln‘% and 1,;mduaiue ol-':x?'}l“l:io Normal (ro(ljl?e. Afih- ematics, English Grammar and Geography. Boz,any aud Part I Physics to Junior classes, FEES ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principal Durham urnishing Store 31 per month in advance. Gents' Only AT The in s should enter at the beginâ€" )ssible. _ Board can be ob rates. . Durham is a healthy making it a most desirable SWEATERS C. Ramage, Secretar4 T up fo For fall and winter use both STYLE & COMFORT at 75c, $1.50, $2, & $2.50 ! 33436 UNDERWEAR-- $1,2,. 3. 13 BRACESâ€"â€"â€" Strings, Fourâ€"inâ€"hand, Bows, Puffs, Etce, from 10c to T5c. o acks SnA 16eSâ€" Pail Wheat........... Spring Wheat........ OS . > ... . > /s <clsinti ns man t fexs:.,.....<<rsrers. Durigy ....:.+.++.+ c trky‘.::«.: ..:}.:~/%%ss Butter.......".%.=. :; Eogy:......./w%iic<t4 Potatoes per bag...... Fiour per Cwt........ Oatmeal per sack..... Chop per ewb...... .. Live Hogs© .......« . Dressed Hogs per ewt Hides per Ib........ .. Sheepskins........... C#lHIOW........%.....4 MARRIED, Ewrxâ€"McARTHUR.â€"At the manse on Wednesday the 28th Nov. by the Rev Wm Farquharson Mr John James Ewen to Miss Marion Mcâ€" Arthur both of Bentinek. BLacK.â€"At Oak River, Man., on 12 November, to Mr and Mrs Jos Black, a son. [Mrs Black was Mary A. McC _ ig, South Glenelg.] Those who intend to prepare for a business life will profit by referring to the advertisement of the British _ American Business College. Certainâ€" ‘ ly there is no institution in Canada where a more practical education is imparted to the students, its location is a most excellent one, being in the Y. M.C. A,. Building in the heart of the city and its faculty is composed of of experienced and capable specialâ€" ists. To each young man who enrolls and pays for a six months‘ course a free ticket conferring all priveleges of the Young Men‘s Christian Associaâ€" tion is giyen. For all particulars adâ€" dress the college, Yonge and McGill Sts.. Toronto. School reâ€"opens on Wednesday, Jan 2nd . } per suit. The pulpit in thes Presbyterian church will be filled on Sabbath next by Rev T. McCullough of Harriston, Mr Harvey Connell, checker at the station, has been transferred to Brantâ€" ford. Mr Murray of Port Eigin occupys the position here. Mr and Mrs W Turobull returned to their home in Dryden, New Ontar‘c after an extended vislt to relatiyes in this locality. Mr Alister McDonald returned to Flint, Michigan, on Wednesday, where he resumes his trade. Miss Twamley will reciteat the Organ recital on Thursday night. Mr C. F. Lawrence has been engagâ€" ed in Redickville school. Duffetin Co., 1or 1907. Mr W. K. Reid returned home Monâ€" day after some months out West. Rey Wm Farqubarson will preach Anniversary services next Sabbath at Guthtrie church, Harriston. Durham Markets. 15¢ to 50c per pr. BORN. ... $ 75 to «++ . .â€" * P0 $0 6rr â€" :du B0 +. ; Y0 to «x; ; 40 I0 ... 10 00 to inter 20 to 50 to 2 10 to 2 25 to 1 35 to 6 50 to 8 00 to and $5 70 to 4 to 14 to THE DURHAM REVIEW 12 00 2 25 1 40 75 175 32 10 15 200 acres, bein;i lots 12 in con 15 & 16, Egremont, 165 actes cleared, 18 ac. hardwood bush, remainder swamp, 2 ac orchard, creek crosses front corâ€" ner of both farms. Spring un back of each farm. Good house, bank barn driving shed, pig (Ben. hen _ house. Also lot 14, con 15, 100 acres, 65 clearâ€" ed, remainder swamp, small orchard, brick house, bank barn, drivizlnhed. Creek croses this farm also, well fenced, Apply to. _ _ _ J MrsSamuel Caldwell was a welâ€" ceme visitor at Mrs D. Mcliyride last week. Mr Alex Dodds has had instalied in his chopping mill a fine new chopper lately and is giving complete satisâ€" faction to his many customers. _ _Mr Alex_ Blythe has received another promotion lately and will toa a time in the future reside in Bellevilie. By strict and careful attention to business Alex is climbâ€" ing up. Mr Wmm Stewart arrived home from the West last week looking bale and hearty. The Torries can‘t blame the grits tor bringing Willie home this time for his vote. Mr _ Alex Dann of Marksville St Joseph Island, is down on a visit to his sister Mrs Mcllyride and other lt)rienda and acquaintance in Normanâ€" Y . songs, oy Miss Lizzie Pettigrew, singing by the childrea and reciâ€" tations etc., Miss Pettigrew was warmly applauded for her singing and she was accompanied on the organ by Miss Lizzie Mclliyride. The recising by the children was very crediiable and a flag drill by a number of school girls all in white, was cxcellent, but its pleasâ€" ing features were greatly curtailed by its needless length. A large number of boxes were auctioned off by Auctioneer John Clark in quick order and must nearly have averaged $1.00, one box selling tor 2.55. To be truthfal in this write up we muast say that the order was the worst we eyer experienced and but for the prompt attempts of stamping it down by Mr Campbell it certainly would hbave become intolerable. A large uumber of puppies trom Durham were present and for a time Cisâ€" played great amount of ignorance by their behavior. The procceeds of the eveniog amounted to $42.00 A very successful entertainment and box social financially at least was held in the Union School near Varney on Friday evening last. Inâ€" siecbor Campbell occupied _ the chairin his usual offâ€"handed manâ€" If these suggestions were followed, especially if the friends view the face of the dead prior to the religious serâ€" vice needlese delays will hbe avoided and the whole service will becom2 more s{mpatbetic and reyerent and above all let everybody be in his place at the time appointed. Com. chairin his usual ofiâ€"handed manâ€" ner and called off a long list of a varied _programme cousisting of 5. At the grave the duties of loyving affection are discha?ed when the burâ€" inl service is finished. Standing by while the sexton fills the grave serves no useful purpose and is a grave danâ€" ger to the health of many,. FAR M FOR SALE. 4. The religious service which folâ€" lows should neither be hurried not tedious. Nothing should be said to harrow the feelings of the bereaved wlready overstrained but an approp= riate reading and a few words in adâ€" dress or prayer that calm and encourâ€" age awakening faith and hope are alâ€" ways helpful. It is needless to say that the only way friends can help the sorrowing is by entering into the spirit of all the exercises, Sometimes the jarring note of conversation between parties all unconscious that they are heard, falls on the ear as a painful discord. 3, While leaving sorrowing friends their liberty it is well to remember that in the order followed at public funerals the first step in the leaving is the closing of the casket. In silence the friends as they come to the house look on the face of the dead then withâ€" draw to their places but when the hour for leaving comes the last look is taken and the casket is closed. 2. Remember that the hour at which the funeral will leave is always the hour when the services will begin. Friends are not asked to help to bury but to;oin with the sorrowing in the funeral rites. 1. Never have funeral notices printâ€" ed till you have ascertained whether both minister and undertaker can atâ€" tend at the time appointed. Some bitâ€" ter disappointments â€" have come through discovering too late that the minister had a we«flling. a funeral or some engagement he could not set aside for that hour. As the cold season is comin‘f when discomfort is experienced and someâ€" times irritation ‘produeed through tedâ€" ious delays at funerals the following suggestions as to the order of service may be helpful. It will be kept in mind that funerals are not properly Fublic gatherings. but meetings of riends and acquaintavces at the inâ€" vitation of l.he%emved. In this way the hour of meetlnf and all arrangeâ€" ments are under their control. Friends acceptinf the invitation come ready and willing to accommodate themâ€" selves to their wishes ready even to endure delay if the cireumstances of the household demand it, On the othâ€" er hand the mourners who have called their friends in their hour of sorrow will be mosi desirous that, if it ali possible, nothing hinder the arrangeâ€" ments being carried out as announced. To help to guide both the mourners and the friends who sorrow with them, the following suggestions are offered: Blythe‘s Corners. Funeral Services. T10 ARC TORONTO art arrived home last week looking y. The Torries grits tor bringing Miss Twamley, Honor Graduate in Elocutioa and Physical Culture of Alma padies‘ College. St Thomas, is prepared to give class or 8rivabe lesâ€" sons in above subjects, Concert enâ€" gagements taken. For terms and other particulars apply to Durham P.O.in the meantime. DEsiRraBLE noUsSES To REXNT.â€"At intersection of Durham Road and Garafraxa St., one G6â€"roomed house ouly $6 per month, _ Another having 10 rooms, furnace. bathroom, &c. 89 per month. Apply at the Hardware Store to War. Buack. OrpER Now.â€"Sample copies of the Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer, with the fine illustrated Magazine section can be obtained by request at this office, _ No city weekly is comâ€" parable to this in its many excellent features, With the Review only $1.60 a year, 15 cents for both to Jan 1, 1907, or if you do get the Review 15 cents for Globe alcne. Steamer R. H,. Jones, plying beâ€" tween Owen Sound and Wiarton for a good imany years, sank in the big storm last Thursday, all hands (20 in all) being lost, most of them coming from Wiarton. Crush of Christmas advertising has forced us into a big supplement this week, Elocution and Physical Calture Night Calls for Undertaking promptly _ attended _ to. One door south of Post Office. ED KBJ Gents‘ Necessities § We are having an upholsterâ€" er the first week in every month. Anyone wishing old goods renoâ€" vated to look good as new should advise usâ€"we will be pleased to attend to it at once. Ladies®‘ Neccessities KRESS, Has a full line of Curtain Poles, Window Shaqes, Picture Frames Frames to order of all kinds, Christmas is fast Approaching TORONTO, ONT. Vc have not forgotten the children but we have such loads of things that are needed for them that they are too numerous to mention. Call anrd make your selection. We can keep it for you so that you will not need to overtax your brain the day before Xmas or the gereral gift buyer of goods suitable for a home we have everytlging that is useful around the house from the kitcheh togarret. See the disp‘ay of choicest cutlery. @@ Winter Term opens Jan. 2nd Fancy Slippers Eancy Collars & Ties from 25¢ to $2. _ Lace Belaros §3.50 & $4 _ Belts 85 to Siik shawls $8.75 Neck Furssfrom $1.25 to $35. Wrist Bags from T5o to Embroidered Handkerchicts 156 to 50¢ Silk Handkerchicls 25 to $1.25 Cushion Tops, Teneriffe Doyleys, House Slippers and Slipper soles. It is our duty to inform you of the fact that be best suited by selecting A 1 r you can be C s ..j needs forgift making at an earlydate. Act upon our tinely advice, come in set our large range of fancy and attractive articles in every line. } We can‘t describe the usefulness and attractive points of each article but in your eye might light on the appropriate gift we mention the following. ELLIOTT THE BIG STORE We want all the dry picked fowl we can get between now and Xmas, HIGHEST PRICES FOR GOUOD STOCK The _/ Undertaker ALEX. RUSSELL ED KRESS 90c to $2.25. You Accept a Little Advice : _ _ __ PP ewillwiIllL I ON SUPEKMND‘RID PAPER Enverapianieg aad ms,.“;.m“...“-zr:.*m; =eomiag o mwmmm':mm. hnd thisks 5730 to end of 190 7. **~* Eightâ€"Page Illustrated Suppiement Canada‘s Great Illustrated Weekly. Combined with THE CANADA FARMER â€"â€"â€"AND AN. THE WEEKLY GLOBE Fancy Shirts wz e [: XX 1 RBR w10 CC R R

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