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Durham Review (1897), 29 Nov 1906, p. 1

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<o. / MFER ent 1906 U 1 Ki : g Is WE . § _ K â€" Lad Ladies 5 colorings, f Tweed + Overct t Veneti Broadc Cashm ‘ B Crepe ] L ?‘ Mohair l x3 g&fs@?gm . OMW*_ PARISON i 5 Ering along the children and get a scribbling book free with every pair. 20 lines of Heavy Rubbers The Largest Stock of Rubber Footâ€" wear we have ever bought has just been passed into stock and at the SAME OLD PRICES, in fact some five or six lines we 1 are selling at lower prices | thrn last year. | WWWWWWWWWWWW% The House * Quality=z For Men, Women and Children. We carry a large stock o Groceries. Fresh, Crispand new Groceries. New Figs, pates Raisins, Prunes, Teas, Coffies and Canned goods, M HIG HEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS, BOOTS SHOES AND RUBBERS Miss Campbell demonstrated these Corests in our Store last week. She fitted every style of figure without any difficulty, We have styles for slight, ordinary and full figures, also long or short waisted $1,.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, we have other lines and makes at 50 to $1,.00. LADJES‘ COATING ail 1 effects Ladies‘ dress goods in the latest styles, new weaves and colorings, T weed Costumes, Checks 54 inches wide $1,.00, 1.25 Overcheck worsted Suiting $1.00, 1.25,¢t 1. 50 Venetian plain all wool 52 inch $1.25 Broadcloth ,, a6 s $1.20 Cashmere and Serges «_ 25 cts to 60 ’ Crepe De Chene and nun‘s Veiling 60 cts Mohair Lusters, Eolienne, Panamas, Meltons etc.. all prices. We have some Short ends and odd pieces, dress goods to clear at much less than manufacturer‘s prices. H. H. MOCKLER â€"Z Hghest prices for Butter. Eggs and Fowl Buy your Rubbers from us and sive time and worry. The quality is the best that cin be bougbt. LADIES® SKIRTS in plain and Tweed cloth LADIES‘ UNDERSKIRTS, Sateen, More« UNDERWEAR, â€" Ladies‘ and children‘s ELASTIC, Knit Underwear from 25 up. Ladies‘ Dress Goods Department. is the only true test of Value. WE COURT IT on EVERY LINE WE SELL. James Ireland All snag proof goods gtiaranteed. BIAS FILLED CORSETS nCelaCeleColo_slecelecalenel leCeleZaleCalaSeleveleZelenele@ele "als=elecelosclcen RUBBERS Wool plain and light tweed check #1,.00 to 1.75 in and Tweed cloth $2.25 to $6,00 I‘S, Sateen, Moreen, and Silkette es Nq $1.00 to 2.50 Mc]ntyre Block DARLING‘S BAKING POWDER $1. oo PA l % .25 $i' 50 «4 31.2(5) Fine Rubbers 20 lines of " PUrhd Movine Piortur®Es.â€"This species of entertainment never fails to move the pablic, if at all under creditable auspices, ‘The exbibition of last Thurâ€"day evening wasa great success from point of attendance and of inâ€" teresting exhibits. The hall was nnâ€" duly packed as it often is now and the illustrated songs as well as the more stirring pictures were well reâ€" ceived. The appearance of the British Flag among the Flags of all nations Uloak Act was the signal for & great demonstration, while the * Dream of the Rarebit fiend" was the most amusing thing seen here for some time, from 25 to 30 lives lost any way, The elections to the Advisory Counâ€" cil, of the ininister of Education, a new feature of the Whitney educaâ€" tiona! policy, resalted in the election of Mr W, I. Chisholm, Insp. of W. Bruce. to represent the lnspector‘s section. The four representatiyes of Public ~School teachers are _ Miss Harriect Johnston, Toronto, who was away ahead on the polling, Mr Pleanes Chiatham, Mr Reid, Owen Sound.l Mr Jrdan, Port Hope. quarters come tales from 25 to 30 lives in Hiok‘s ALMANAc.â€"Many of our readers must have bheard of the St Louis weather man, who has had either luck or skill in predicting earthquakes, storms, etc. _ BRis alroanac is a compendium of useful astro nonmical knowledge. most in* teresiing and instructive. Almanae for 1007 ‘eclubhhel" uw enc dÂ¥ ow l RUSHED THE Roor 0 Lenahan and Mclatosh m; ous use of the gond weather, got the roof on their fine t Now watch progress, During the coming son we would request all advertisers who changed to have them Moncay night. Interest at highest current A large number of accounts rates a(lllowedffrom g;te of ‘1'19903’ on our books commenced with a it to date of withdrawal and paid four times a year. _ Your 40!!2! or $0, and have been adâ€" deposit account is solicited. 4ed to regularly, usuaily with No red tape or formality with us. , mall amouats. We are no sespecter of pessons ; the ‘‘ dollar‘ depositor is just as welcome as the larger ones, STANDARD BANK or CANADA J. KELLY, Manager, Durham. Savings Bank Department DURHAM, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1906 E_ ROOF ON.â€"Messrs Mclaotosh made strenu coming Christmas seaâ€" request merchants and OW N&z OPICS of disasters and Durham Branch ather, and haye fine new store wish their ads not later than of conrse many fuony si tuations, but gecidedly poor morals, where lying and deception are set in brilliant colâ€" ore and rewardad instead of punished. The firemen‘s funds were enriched by about $16.00. | and large audiences. and also at Zion, \ Glenelg, where he was much appreciâ€" "al.ed. Monday evening he delivered |a fine patriotic address on Canada, her Jextent. manufactures, â€" and people, minea and fisheries and other natural i’resources and altogether was one of lbest, we haye heard on the subject and which every girl and boy should hear, as it would leave its impression on their nature and make them better and more loyal Canadians. The choir rendered three excellent anthems and Mr Metford, who is quite an acquisiâ€" tion to Durham‘s musical circles, sang two patriotic songs with fine effect. A pleasant evening closed by Revds, Farquharson and Newton moving and seconding in appreciatiye words their Gelight in the addre se of Mr Elliott. _ The vaudeviile farcee " Uncle Dudley from Missouri * presented by the Barâ€" ! nelt Bros. in the Town Hall last week was favored with a good attendance, being under the auspices of the fireâ€" men, no doubt helping to fill the house. The play was well presented some of the performers being stars in their line. From beginning to end the fun of the play conasists in attempts a;, deception by a young scapegrace and accomplices to secure from * Uncle Dudley " grants of money, There are | _ TBA MrETING.â€"Friday night of ithis week, the members and friends of Glenelg Centre Baptist church ,‘ are having a teameeting for which exâ€" ;tenaive preparations _ have been made, Addresses by Rev Mr Kipp, Flesherton and Colling and Farquâ€" harson of Durham, besides muric etc., Tea served from 0.30p. m. Admission |25c amd 1l5c. Mr Geo Binnie in the _ LaroeEst â€" ScHootr. â€"Mr Crowley, Insp. of Continuation Classes examinâ€" ed Durham School this week. He found our progressive staff upâ€"toâ€"date, and admits it is the largest school in the Province, and good work being done. Box Social will be held in the Hutâ€" ton Hill School House on the 30th of November, 1966. Instrumental (piano and violins) and vocal solos, diaâ€" logues and recitations, a)so an elocuâ€" tionist, Miss Twamley, graduate Alma Ladies‘ College, St Thomas, wil: be present. Ladies bringing boxes free; gentliemen ten cents; ladies with‘ out boxes twentyâ€"fiye cents, * \ _ _ Mr Hewer, soloist Iand choir master, of St Andrew‘s churdgh, London. will be in attendance at s Newton‘s Orâ€" gan Recital on ThursdA4y night. Dr Burt, speciÂ¥Wist in Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nos& & Throat will be at the Middaugh use, Durham for consultation on WA.. Dec. 5 from Mrs Newton wR give her last Organ Recital in thek Baptist church Thurs Nov. 2Dh, sisted by Mr Verne Hewer of ndon. concert baritone, and others. 4 Admission 25 ct;. e?i first class Progralh will be proâ€" vided. Try Excelsior Condition powder for your coughs, At MacFarlane‘s. MAKES HAPPY COOKS ll CLASS B. 9e [08Bâ€"Poor Boys who became Famous. f Sarah Bolton 50MAâ€"Heraklesâ€"The Hero of Thebes. . Mary Burt 505â€"Odysseusâ€"The Hero of Ithacaâ€" Mary Burt DGâ€"Bright Boysâ€"F. Reddace 920â€"Whittington . ..... Fairy Legends $21â€"The Sleeping Beaufi' ** 922â€"Little Red Rndinfi ood ** $2%2â€"OId Old Fairy Tales * £2i4â€"Old Indian Legends ** $25â€"Wigwam Stories ** £26â€"â€"Woodmyth and Fuble%. .. Beton hompson PE.’Zâ€"Kidnaned. .R, Louis Stevenson (28â€"Tae Blood Lillies.. W. A, Fraser 1i0â€"King Arthus & his Court. Fairy Under the direction of the Farâ€" 1er‘s Association a public meeting of he rate payers of the eastern diâ€" vision of the Township of Normanby will be held in Watson‘s school house S$. S. No 1. on Monday evening Dec, 3 at 8 o‘clock sharp, for the purpose of nominating a candidate to represent the above mentioned section of the township, in the approaching munâ€" icipal election for the year 1907. Evâ€" ory rate payer interested is urgently requesied to attend. The following new books have been adided to the library. Others will be aided the coming month. No 118@ â€"The Man on the Box . .Harold McGrath 19kâ€"The Czar‘s S%y. . Wm Le Queux 120kâ€"If Sinver‘s Entice Thee.. Wm. Le Queux 121kâ€"Enight Errant......Edna Lyal IPkâ€"Won by Waiting........" IB}kâ€"The King of Diamonds. L. Tr acy 1Mkâ€"The Wings of the Morning * 159kâ€"Lady Baltimore. ..Owen &'istfl 1U3kâ€"Lady Evelyn. .. Max Pemberton 14ikâ€"Mid the thick Arrows * L3kâ€"Ayesha .............R Haggard 1.kâ€"Coniston.......... W. Oburchill 13)kâ€"Castle Croneycrow McCutcheon 1 1}lkâ€"Doc Gordon . M. E, W. Freeman HHKkâ€"That Mainwarinw 4Waln & / wr The bride in the aboye notice is a daughter of the late John Young of Normanby. Her mother and brother Tsomas were present at the wedding, +s Young remaimning for a longer yisit with her sons John and Ebenezer, The Review extends congratulations. On Friday 22 November a happy event took place at the home of the bide‘s brother, when Miss Martha Y oung, sister of Mr John Young, of the firm of Young & Leslie, was united in marmage to Mr Fred Hessel, of London. The wedding was a quiet one, only the immediate relatiyes 0: the contracting parties beinF preâ€" sent. Rev Mr Bethume perfortmed | the ceremony, The bride who was g ven away by her brother, Mr John Y oung, was gowned in white silk, and c::*riefin boquec of white carnations, PBoth bride and groom were unaltendâ€" ec,. After the ceremony a dainty wedding dejeuner was served, Mr and Mrs Hessel left on the 3.45 express amid a shower of confetti and conâ€" gatulations for their home in Lonâ€" don. The Sun joins in wishing them along and happy wedded life. â€"U. 8. Huan. CLASS D 17â€"Feeds and Feeding.. W A HMenry New Books in Public Library Best disfWlay im Durham®%at warerooms oje â€" should a i page 8. New and stylish hats made up every week at Mss Dicr‘s, See the beautiful drd useful articles in white Graniteware our window to be given away wit\ a pound of biking powder The price does the selliné Erarity aAxo BUrRXET‘s. A Big Clearing Sale. A Business I‘roposition. See ad on page 4 A larg& stock of mens‘, womens and childrRps‘ Leggings at Grants &ee them. Chapping weather is here, try Frost Cream 25¢ at MacFarlane‘s. Morlock‘s advertisement this week will well repay reading. See page 4. Arthur H. Jackson, Issuer of Marriage Iscenses, Durham, Farmers‘ Asgocjation. Flarity & Burnet for Overcoats ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO HxesssLâ€"Yourne CLASS F Business Locals Hymeneal. McQueen &Mo-;u;;; Lambton 8t. Everyâ€" e them. Read their of cutters ever made At Grants. Legends Only 25cts per Ib. â€"At Annual meeting of the Farmers Association will be held in the Orange Hall, Varney, on Friday evening, 7th Dec. at 8 o‘cleck for the election of officers and other business. A short program of songe, recitations, etc., will be giveu,. Mr W, L. Smith, editâ€" or of " The Sun, " who is doubtless a thorough posted editor in all suh{ects and " the former‘s champion " will be present for certain to give an address. A silver collection taken up at the door to help defray expenses, come and have a treat. every one welcome Died at her home on the South Line, Artemesia on Sunday mornâ€" ing the 18 th Mrs James Vause at the age of 67 years, Mrs Vause was & consistent member of the Presbyâ€" terian Ohurch, Priceville and only two weeks before death she was in her seat at church, the cause of death was neuralgia of the heart, We extend our sgm?)awet.ic feeling to M1i Vause and family in their sad bereavement. The ‘funeral was a large one, Mr Matheson her pastor officiated at house and at grave, Mcâ€" Ixinnon‘s cemetery, where she was buried. She will be greatly muissed in the locality, as she was a kind and affectionate woman at home and aâ€" broad. Com. [The Review extende sympathy to Mr Vause in his sore lne-‘ reavement,â€"Ed) Mr McDonald has asked us to conâ€" vey his thanks to all who gave kindâ€" ly ministration during the ilness and decease of his wife. Deceased was a consistent memâ€" ber of the Presbyterian church, deâ€" voted to husband and wife and a= a neighbor warm â€" hearted and trne. She was buried on Monday in Sauâ€" feen cemetery a large number of riends turning out in inclement weather to pay the last tribute. } Mrs McDovald was a member of the well known McClocklin family, born in Glenelg, her mother being still aâ€" live and making her bome with her son Chas on the old homestead. Other brothers of deceased are E. T., Arthur aud Fred of Durham and James of Flesherton, the sisters are Mrs Mark Wilson, Flesherton, and Mr1s â€"â€"â€"â€" of Passadena. BHer own children are John in town; Thos in \Vezbm-n. Sask; Allbster, of Flint, Michigan; Norman OChas at home and one little girl. Saturday last, after a long, weary struggle with an insiduous disease the spirit of Mrs Alex McDonald left its earthly tenement and was at rest. For almost two years she had been a sufferer and exhibited a Christian resignation throngh it all. Death to her, was a merciful relief, though the separation _ inevitably _ leaves the home and loved ones lonely and sorâ€" rowin'i. The husband and family haye the sincere sympathy of the comâ€" munity in their bereavement. On Pay Day ? What Do You .. R Rnot so much what you get, as what you save _ em pay day that determines your future success. flwreallyambifimmnâ€"l;fl:eb::mwb f wants to get on makes it a habit to save save as much as possible every pay day. in The Sovereign Bank of Canada GIVE US A TRIAL DARLINGS Lel us advise you. DO IT EARLY ; whild the choice of our stock, We can offer you any of the following lines, Perfumes (imported and domestic) Ebony Hair fionuhes Ebony Mirre Rosewood Brushes Rosew ood N Ebony and Rosewood Toilet Cases. Cigar Cases Pipes and S Cigars in boxes of 25. PI: sic Roll: Fountain Pens (plain and gold mounted.) Writing Portfolios Violins and Stationery in Xmas packages Stewart‘s Chkocolates (Kmas packages) Ladies‘ Hair Goods and many other bea ticles which we have not space to tell van ahr When will you do your Xmas shopping" DARLING‘S DRUG STORE Obituary, $1.00 opens an account, interest is paid 4 times a year, * <@ + . The P ind many other beautiful and useful arâ€" space to tell you about. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION EARLY; while you haye time and : can offer you exceptional value in The Busy Store on the Busy Corner At Keeler‘s big Jeweliry and Fancy Goods Store within the past three weeks, big shipments of beautiful new (GGoods, consistâ€" ing of Solid Gold Watches, Gold Filled Watches, Nickel and Sterâ€" ling Silver watches, If you are thinking of buying a good watch this is the place to saye money on a first class watch. Also big stock of New Chains, Lockets, Rings, Brooches, Stick Pins, Necklets, Cuff Links, etc, Five big cases of Jap China just opened, the largest stock of fine Cnina that ever struck Durham and we bought it to sell fast so you can count on genuine snaps on these goods. Come_with the crowd. R. B. Keeler & Sons _On Bruce 8t, a new brick house all | cellar under, frame stable, â€" never Ifniling spring well, Also a good ; work horse, six years old. for parâ€" :‘ liculars apply to JUST ARRIVED NOTIOE, Auything in my store from a Diaâ€" mond Ring down to a Collar Button will be laid away for Xmas by paying a small deposit dow.., SALk BILLs.â€"Have you planned for a sale this fall ? We haye all the ap rlinncen for turning out sale bills neatâ€" y and quickly and the Review is a good medium in which to advertise, An advertisement in the Review brings results. _ When sale bills are printed here we give a brief free anâ€" nouncement, uufi we put the whole bill in for a moderate extra charge . Ebo l;y Mirrors. ,.Rosgwood Mirrors Tenders will be received 1st 1906 on the Mason wo ter work and Painting in with the erection of a England, Con, 3, Lot | mont. Plans and specific beseen with Rev, A, ks Rectory. _ The lowest o1 der not necessarily arnant s HOUSE ANDLOT FOR SALE. Efu and Smoker‘s Sundries Music Rolls. ew Goods at Keelers iolins and Musical Supplies 7,, _ °. iwriewand Weekly Globe to Jan, 1, 1908 for $1.30. COash in adâ€" vance. This offer will hold good for a limited time. Samples at Review office, The Review By special ents with the Pub‘llbm of the soek.z Globe and Canada Fapmer we are able to make & wonderful clubbinfi offer. We will send the Reyview and Weekly Globe to TENDERS WANTED Extraordinary Offer! ° eople‘s Druggists CHAS RAMAGE, Pramter ano Posuisuse. 7 ~"C Painlung in connection he erection of a church of 3, Con. 8. Lot 10 of Egreâ€" Plans and specificitions may with Rev, A,. A. Bice at the «_ The lowest or any ten necessarily accepted, JOHN LEGATE, Durham P mmb ioi w Percy G. A. WensrtEr, The Jeweller, )e received up to Der, Mason work, Carpenâ€"

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