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Durham Review (1897), 6 Dec 1906, p. 10

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§:} | 3 it th Jt he ol te th 1i it bJ 3| Â¥4 «u0 2cres, beinge lots 12 in con 15 & 16. Ecremont, *.G5 acres cleared, 18 we. i â€"\wood br ;5p" remainder swamp, 2 se »vchard, e reek crosses front corâ€" ner of bOth _ ‘rarms, Spring on back »f each fatur . Good house, bank bar» «riving sP «ed, pig pen, hen house. Adxe 19t Â¥ ., con 15, 100 acres, 65 clearâ€" vil, teine inder swamp, swall orchard. hrck Â¥ ouse, bank barn, driviag shed, :'. «*k croses this ftarm also. Ail well eeret i L uy bney iC mQ Alex McEachern, Lot 41. Con 3 8 D R, Glenelg. will offer sale by pub lic auction on Friday, 30 November inst. _ Farm Stock and Imovlements, Sale at 1 o‘clock, sharp, Terms 12 mos eredit, 5 per cent discount for cash on credit amounts. ’L ROBERT BURNETT. FARM FPOF wud lc We have a good line of & loves, something out of the ordinary, Shirts? Under wear, Sweaters, &c Neckties Silk Hd ik‘fs Suspenders Umbrel:â€":as We recommend these witr. confidence, and they are gaining confidence by the way we are kept bu.sy. If you are out tor Chtistm as you‘ll be sure to visit us: What better tor preser its than Ladies® Coats & Men‘s Ordered Suits Qrdeidgf Ready-to-Wear Overcoats We are constautly endeavoring to encourage that well dressed feeling by keeping only the best in the (ients‘ Furnishing ‘ine. We cannmnot enumerate everything but call attention to Y. M. C. A. Bldg,, Youge & M TOBONTO sapes t, Strongest. THE PEOPLES STORE | We take second {place to none in this line. Overcoats Tis ht irns "meu $5 to g10. Ready Made Suits, heavy for winter wear. Blankets fine quality, etc. But the store is just packed with Christmas and seasonable goods. Select your present here : Gloves, Handkerchiefs. Fur Caps, Hats, etc. _ Groceries fresh and abundant. T. M. WATSON, P That is to the quality and ‘fit as well as to the price, no guess work from $12 to $15. BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Apnply to Rubbers and Overshoes :25 : °mar‘s ‘om Jan. 2ud 1907, â€" Enater nnytime' lent results gu>ranteed, Catalogue ‘ssons in business writing free. The jingle of the sleighbells proâ€" claims that winter is here. The buyâ€" ers in our busy store tells the same story from the kind of goods they are buying. Here is a partial list: Furs Felt Shoes in town : for both men and women. :“rs are in great demand, and ours are pleasing the careful purehaser. A number of Good Coon Coats, something any one would prize WINLER TERM All farm produce wanted. Highest prices paid Sale Register, Winter Warmth. 5 ner cent Aiscomn: g.,. °_ The school is thoroughly equipped in teaching o per cent discount for ; whifity, in chemical and ele?:trrcal supslles and t amounts. ‘ fl:t:gs, &c..k!or'lllgll .}untor’Leavlng an Matrk{; }. MePHAIL, Auc . | ulation work. e following competent sta D, McPHAIL, Auctioneer. are in charge : esn . corer ioi e gemegetetionae r THOS. ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principal reorsen MISS LOLA MCLEOD, B. A., Honor Graduate fiv of Queen‘s University, Classics, Moderns 1CH a MMMIT a ar and English, Merchant T very â€" Value Tested. A. N. HMExpERSox Dromore or Yeoy arity & Burneft. & SA&LE, McGill Ste ailors and! Gent‘s Furnishers rincipal Best â€"» > Durham School and color tones most captivating. Trial t rip to Jan. 1 1907 only 15 cents; to Jan 13908, 15 mos., only $1.70, with the Retwiew. Send toâ€"day. The *‘M ail and Empire," weekly eâ€" dition, offiers as a premium to 1907 subâ€" scribers a beautifal artogravure, enâ€" ti(!_ed *Grave" witha charm of drap _ _â€"â€"Tommy Burns, alias Noah Bruasâ€" so i% Hanover boy took to the prize ring some years ago and last week in a hcavy weight match with O‘Brien had a victory which pracâ€" tically gives him the championship. of the vvorld. Intending Students should enter at the beginâ€" ming of the term if possible. Board can be ob tained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place for residence. Wm.Jonaston, Sr., C. Ramage, Casicmin . Secrotark MI&‘S EDNA A. DREWRY, Senior Leaving and Graduate of Ontario Normal College, Mathâ€" e matics, English Grammar and eGgeography. Botlany and Part I Physics to Junior classes. MISS FLOSSI® McKERRACHER, First Class Certificate and third year undergraduate o‘ Queen‘s l’niversiar. Science, History and Geography. FEES®: $1 per month in advance metoneenyetiins ofr stanzenek Lravats Hats & Caps Staff and Equipment. from $50 to $60 to meet all demands. Telegraphy Suttrâ€"Mibppu®Rrro®â€"In _ Hammond, Indiana, on Nov 28th. by the Rev Lewis L. Smith, Mr Wilfrid Smith of Toronto to Miss Ada 8. Middleton, youngest daughter of the late Kiâ€" ward Middleton of the Rocky S1wuâ€" ween,. Sorp FOR $8000,â€"â€"Mr Dan McKelvey of New Liskeard, is one of the lueky Cobalt boys, having recenotly sold out a small claim for $8000. _ Next. Rogrrsâ€"ORCHARD,â€"At the resicence of the bride‘s father, 8. T. Orchard, Stratford, Miss Myrtle Orchard to Mr Oliver Rogers, Engineer on the Mr John Livingstone and faml have moved to Ottawa where he wi{l, be head agent for the Farmer‘s Supply Co here, handling chiefly their famous Oxford Cream Separâ€" ator, We are sorty to lose Mr Livingstone and famil{ from â€" the town but business is business and kuows no sentiment. MCKELYIE.â€"At New Liskeard, on Sunday, Noy. 25th, to Mr and Mrs Dan McKe!lvie, a daughter. Little Sadie McKechnie, daughter of Dugald McKechnie, Upper ‘Town, acâ€" companied by her mother and Dr Hut» ton, went to Fergus hospital Saturday to undergo an operation for appendicâ€" itis, _ The sorely afflicted family has the sympathy of the community in this new trou ble. Miss Jean Ireland and her mother came home last Wednesday trom the Toronto hospital, having recovered from her operation for appendicitig, We hope she may regain her usual old time health. Mr W. Stanley Fergurson, a grandâ€" son of the late Inspector Ferguson, at present at the Model school hers, has secured the principalship of Kimberley school. Rev Wray K. Smitb, ot Arthur, preached to his old congregations here on Sunday last and had hearty handâ€" shakes from many old friends. Mr and Mrs Wm. Smith, Glenelg, haye been visiting their daughter and sonâ€"inâ€"law Rey Mr Hamilton, Winterâ€" bourne. Alex Blythe son of the late John Blythe, who is in the Justorm‘s servrice has been promoted from Neustadt to Belleyille, Lan McDougall, Jr., has recovered from his threatened attack of typhoid and is attending school here again. Mrs (Rev) Newton left Wednesday morning for Paisley and Owen Sound to visit the W. F. _ M. 8. in connection with the Baptist church. Rev Mr Farqubharson and Mr And, Derby attended a Presbyterial meetâ€" ing in Mt Forest last Friday in con, nection with church Union. Mr and Mrs Colin McDougall attendâ€" ed the funeral of Mrs McArthur in Priceville last week. Rev Mr Colling exchanged pulpits with Rev W, R. Smith of Arthur, last Sabbath. Mrs O‘Connell, Holstein, is a guest this week ot Mrs Calder and Mrs J. Nichol. i Mr Robt McCracken left Monday for Hamilton where bhis situation is at present, Mr Kelly was in Toronto a few days to see his brother Albert who is ill, Mr R. MacFarlane was in Toronto this week on Christmas business. Mr Geo Stinson spent a couple »f days in Guelph last week. Mr W. L. Dixon came home on Satâ€" urday last from Saskatchewan. ie The Best Cure For Dyspepsia MARRIED, BORN. ONTARIO ARCHI TORONTO THE DURHAM REVIEW Lressed H per cwt 3&2:;&?.’..").5.?::::::::: Ladies‘ Fancy collars in more than a dozen different stylesâ€"all the latest. Come to us for your Christmas Goods Ladies‘ and Gentlemans‘ plain and fancy house slippersâ€"just the thing to slip into and rest your tired feet in the evening, Ladies‘ Handkerchiefs in Silk, excelda and Fancy lace and plain. Ladies Gloves in white wool, ringwood, lined and plain kid. We have all the ingredients for your MINCE MEAT and XMAS CAKE and PUDDING such as Raisâ€" ins, Currants, Peels, Extracts, Nuts, Comfits, dates aud Seeded Raisins at 10c per package. USEFUL GIFTS {for Do not a PRISON make, nor iron bars a cage"‘ and although our store is not a SKY SCRAPER, yet you shall find everything in it essential for Bountiful Xmas cheer Mr McArtbur was a dutitrul father and husband and a good member of the Baptist churech being converted under the ministrations of the late Rev Robt Mcirnityre who administered to bhim the rite of Balgtum by Iinâ€" mersion. The Revy Mr Kipp preached the funeral <obsequies at Mr Mc. Arthur‘s trother‘s reside ce in this town, and at the next sabbath he w1 Freach the fuueral sermons of bo;p these dear departed friends in th Baptist church in this Place at 2 o‘clock Y m, Mr _and Mrs Mortimer of shelburne, Ed of the Free Press, attended the funeral of Mrs Mcâ€" Lean and Mrs McDougall and other mem bers of the family from Durham attended Mr McArthur‘s funeral, 1t was near night wheh the latter funâ€" eral tock place as the day was raw and cold and as the pastor had to come from Flesherton the first funâ€" neral was well on towards ev ening before the procession ieft for the cemetery. At Owen Sound on Friday evening 30 inst Donald McArthur at the age of about 65 years, _ Mr MeArthur was raised on the South line Arteâ€" mesia till he came to manheod then the family moved to the Durham road a little above Priceville now occupied and owned by Lachlan McArthur, Mre McArthur died a couple of years ago and later on the same year Mr McArthur and family moyed to Owen Sound where he endâ€" ed bhis eartbhly career. Mr McArthur leayes four brothers Alex in Prieeâ€" ville and tho rest in some Other part of the world. Two sisters, Mrs Colin McDougall of Durram and Mrs Chas McDoufiull of the U. 8. and another sister died when 18 years of age, Of his own famnnily be leaves four sons and one daughter Kate a dutiâ€" ful young lady who cared for mother and father in their dging kours with loving tenderness and now that she is left without earthly parents, she can look back and can say as did one of old, she had done what she could te alleviate tha sufferings of her beâ€" loyed parents on their dying beds. The funeral procession was a l:eTe one. The Rev Mr Kipp, deceased‘s pastor, made yery appropriate refâ€" erences to the nuine Uhristian character of the lufiect that brought so many together on the solemn ocâ€" cagion. Mrs McLean leaves a large number of relatives in Artemsia, Glenelg and Durham beinl% ehiefly Burnets, Andersons, and McKechnies. Mrs McLean leaves three brothers John on the old homesterd, Wilham at CUeylon and James in Montana. also leaves four sisters namely Mrs McKechnie near _ Markdale. Mrs Waliter McAulley _ Algoma, Mrs Whyte (councillor) Artemsia‘ and Miss Sarab. On Friday momin, the 80th Noy there passed away from the triais and troubles of this life atter a long and painful illness from caneer borne with â€" christian ml{natlon. Jane Burnet heloved wife oi Mr Arch Mcâ€" Lean Yr south line, Artemsia, at the age of avbeut 53 years, Mrs McLean came to the south line when a little girl and liyed on she farm where our next subject referred to below ll;:‘nc his youthful dn,-. Mre McLean leaves a sorrowful husband, eight dlufbtou and one grandson to mourn the less of a loving wife and mother. The duu’tbtm are Sarah, Mrs Hugh MePhail, who is quite ill at present, Mrs Wright, b?n Neil McMillan. Montana and Mrs Williams, Montana and Jessie, Kartrie, Jennie and Tenie at home. Seldom ib occurse to bayve two funâ€" erals on a Sunday in Priceville, such was the case in this town on Sunâ€" day last when two graves were closed in with the remains of two of the old residents of the place. and when the one pastor had to officiate at both funerales, the Rev Mr Kipp as both were members of the Baptist denomination. " Stone Walls Priceville $ T75 to $ 75 T75 to 15 32 to â€" 32 70 to _ 75 45 to _ 50 10 00 to 12 00 2 10 to 2 25 to 1 35 to 6 50 to 8 00 to friendsâ€" Miss Twamley, Honor Graduate in Elocution and Physical Oulture of Alma Lpadies‘ College. St Thomas, is prepared to give class or private lesâ€" sons in above subjects, Concert enâ€" gagements taken. For terms and other particulars apply to Durham P.O.or at Calder‘s Hall, on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. DEsiraiBL® nouses to Rext.â€"At intersection of Durham Road and Garafraxa St., one Gâ€"roomed bouse only $6 per monih, _ Another having 10 rooms, furnace. bathroom, &c. 89 per month. Aé)ply at the Hardware Store to Wa. BLACK. ORDER Now.â€"Saug)le copies of the Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer, with the fine illustrated Magazine section can be obtained by request at this office. No city weekly is comâ€" %mruhle to this in its imnany excellent eatures, With the Review onl; $1,00 a year, 15 cents for both to Jan 1, 1907, or if you do get the Review 15 cents for Globe alene. Gents‘ Necessities Elocution and Physical Calture Ladies®‘ Neccessities Christmas is fast Approaching The Great School of Business Training, Out of the last 250 calls from busines® Srms we have filled FIFTEEN of the Bo- sitions. WE HAD NO ONE BLEEREADY TO BEND Our'cirmm are in gigs: demand. This ool offers unexcelied advantages Write toâ€"day for our large catalogue, w. J. Eu.ro'n;r Principal, Aap s L CuCG F3 viamng 7 L} One door south of Post Office. [ We are having an upholsterâ€" er the first week in every month, Anyone wishing old goods renoâ€" vated to look good as new should advise usâ€"â€"we will be pleased to attend to it at once. Night Calls for Undertaking promptly â€" attended _ to. KRESS, Has a full line of Curtain Poles, Window Shaqges, Picture Frames Frames to order of all kinds, Ve have not forgotten the children but we have such loads of things that are needed for them that they are too numerous to mention. Call and make your selection. We can keep it for you so that you will not need to overtax your brain the day before Xmas or the gereral gift buyer of goods suitable for a hame we uave everything that is useful around the house from the kitcheh togarret. See the display of choicest cutlery. x TORONTO, ONT. on Paton to‘Advice free. Femmecerare PMÂ¥ 8 MARION. &: s e Kid Gloves. Souvenir Hankerchiefs Hand Bags from $2, Fancy Slippers 90c t« It is our duty to inform you of the fact that you can PC NC°f needs forgift making at an earlydate. Act upon our tinely our large range of fancy and attractive articles in every line. We can‘t describe the usefulness and attractive points of eacn your eye might light on the appropriate gift we mention the Winter Term opens Jan, 2nd. Siik shawls $375 Neck Furs trom d1.20 to $30. Wrist Dags Trom Embroidered Handkerchiefs 15¢ to 50¢ Silk Handkerchiefs 25 to Cushion Tops, Teneriffe Doyleys, House Slippers and Slipper soles. Eancy Collars & Ties from 25¢ to $2. _ Lace Belaros $3,50 & $4 _ Belts 25 to $1.50 s hcci. $5°75" . Ned Far lcom $LB8 to $89. ".. â€" Wrist Bags from T5¢ to $2.50 DLAE 14 4 AECIPML Youge _and Alexander F‘s. THE BIG STORE We want all the dry picked fowl we can get between now and Xmas, HIGHEST PRICES FOR GOOD STOCK Undertaker ALEX. RUSSELL chieIs. ine Jatcst uoo JJI0m ijYLG °/ & 6 + e C CC $2.25 to $6. Suit Cases $2.20G to $5.75 . _ Collars & Culis Oc to $2.25. Fancy Shirts Choice Underwear You Accept 3730 to end of 1907. ON SUPERCALENDERED PAPER. Futheplndncfiouoftungmtpapuuimmmekctmt ing, udprinfingphnthuheulddedto‘l‘hecyl?)lx‘s mechanical eq This will make The WEEELY GroBE unquesâ€" Mythumhoumhm Arrangements have humwwymmmmmhmwmymw mhaleummnyhm&uud Woolen Gloves and Mitts. The latest ties from 1BG to Blzht-Pagg _Ilustrated Supplement Canada‘s Great llustrated Weekly. Combined with THE CANADA FARMER THE WEEKLY GLOBE up-to-date Jewelry Store Emporium Diamond Durham’ § the fact that you can be best suited by selecting your ydate. Act upon our ti_,gely advice, come in and see a Little Advice â€"â€"â€"ANJD A N points of eacn article. but in order that mention the following. When you want bargains in Jewelry try Webster. J.â€"â€"lhis store will be o every night starting Dec. 1 very customer is a delighted hould you want to be satisfied of this see my stock. Buyer here is satisfied. ancy N_gck . 6, 1906 before buying 'ebster e JCWC"CI’ JSubdseris: M M R. R R RJ Ry U R R RJ 1)¢ Li

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