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Durham Review (1897), 6 Dec 1906, p. 4

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t d in Â¥2 1 at te th U ‘l ). * TJeering Jfiarvestors â€"â€" sSOMETHING NEW IN WASHERS:; The Perforated Drusm, only in the Ideal R d Sewing Machines. _ MoClary Stoves for Coal or Wood AFWOE Agent for the Dillon Hinge Stey Peonce. rcale than ever. We have bought in large quentity and are prepared to satisfy you in quality and Price. We have oeverything in wearing apparel for Man, Woman or Child. We have the first quaiity Met:‘s and Boy‘s Rubbers and overâ€" Shoes at very low Prices. _« _ We have stock of Men‘s furnishings for the Christmas Trade . of Shirts, collars, Cuffs, Ties, Mufliera, Gloves, Holsery, etc. ___ We have them in all patterns made trom all wool Cloths and h;:e l: ;n{;:f fitting that is positive proof of the workmanship that is in them, Our Clothing Sale still goes on and any man or boy who wants to look -k;dqubt Christmas one of our Progrese Brand Suits or to will fill the bill. Gohn Glark. It is buying time. Uur preperations for this We can give onl&:nnn list of our goods, but um quality and ad» tability to needn‘of South Grey we are not excelled: Deering Harrows, Wilkinson Ploughs, llnnc'y'l Harâ€" ness, Palmersaton Bugglies. Renowned articles, fair prices XMAS GROCERIZKS Our Stock of Groceries for Xmas is the best that can be bought 6 Men‘s Heavy Tweed Suits Reg. $7.50, to clear at $4.50 8 Men‘s Heavy Tweed Suits Reg. $3.50, to clear at 95.25 12 Men‘s Fine Tweed Suiteo Reg. $10.00 to cleas at $7.50 â€"__ * nrd erm \ffathinerg. The best in their line mo we handle only the best. Also Wilheim‘s Wringers, all made by Wateon of Ayr. MORE BARGAINS IN MEN‘S SUITS. MEN‘S HEAVY RUBBERS & SOCKS Men‘s & Boy‘s Clothing. PROGRESS BRAND OVERCOATS FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Men‘ lish Raglanettes from $6 t is go';’:gnugmmo’:e{:;is Roy‘s Heavy Reefers from $2. 50 to §4.00 MEN‘S FURNISHINGS HEADQUARTERS . MORLOCK on a more extensive A fow deeore South of the Middaugh House. AND ONE PRICE, THE E2/C2 WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK. Call and see us, Qalder‘s Block dB SELLS CHEAP THE DURKHAM REVIEW Roderick â€" Cochrane â€" Recalls Early Durham. Four years later, an evening in June found me once more at the Buckâ€" thorn. Father did not know me but mother who was in bed knew my voice and was up in a minute. Mr Robt Cochrane kindly handed us the following reminiscent letter from, bis brother. It was not meant for nubllution. but it is just the kind of tter that should be preserved. It will make inure-tini reading to his friends and to all who yalue historiâ€" cal allusions to the origin of the place. Mr R. Cochrane informs us that the Bob Turner alluded to used to luong :o see the world. Ho enlisted in Toronto, was drafted to Gibraltar and died there. 'Bright "I had to %0: and several journeys father and I made to Dansâ€" more,s mill at the Rocky Saugeen with five bushels of grist on the ox sleigh in June or other summer months. Iremember one occasion we had to stop all night and on the way home we called at, I think Schoffield‘s store which was then near the Rockf'. and father asked â€" for cheese. Ifancy he might as readâ€" ily gotten ‘"Durham Portland Cemâ€" ent.‘‘ No doubt he was put down as " a dade " by the natives, for thanks to his aamirable pride, father never left the farm uniess he wore a white shirt and starched sollar. _On that same occasion we called at Hunter‘s as he wanted a piece for me, my rec» ollection is they did not have any bread in the house, and that was a condition that prevailed in more housâ€" ses than Hunter‘s. ‘Two or thrce years went by then yon came, and how glad I was, tor shere was no boy in the neighborhood to talk toâ€"for we did not know anything about play â€"but Bob Turner._ How often I bave recalled Bob Tuarner and his lame father ! Time sped, and it was decided that I should go to New Saram to attend school. The morning of the 6th of June found William Mountain, Uncle Hector and myself ready to start ‘to the front‘ with all our possessions tied in handkerchiefs carried on our shoulders on the end of a stick. Father‘s eyes were preity moist when he bid me good oye, for you and he were going to a logging bee at Mcâ€" Gregor‘s. The tears coursed down mother‘s eyes as she kissed her baby good bye and we were off on that long walk to Dundas. On Moffat‘s hill I took a last look at my home, that never was my bhome again. In three days we reached Flamboro, where Adam was working, and we had walked svery foot of the way. In due time I was on board the stage in Hamilton tor London where we arâ€" rived next morning. then the stage to St Thomas, and a walk of 7 miles brought me to New Sarum. Shortly after that you and l were found gathering stones from the neighboring farms to build the Durâ€" bham Fonndrg; Later we were quarâ€" rvying at the Saugeen flat stones to be used as binders tor the round ones. My first and only experience in quarâ€" ryingâ€"you had the oxen and I had a baulky span of horses. Do you reâ€" member hitching the chain round my horses‘ neck and the oxen at the other end, and how for a long time the rattle of a chain would make that horse Xull ? Summerâ€"slipped into fall and the foundry was almost comâ€" pleted when suddenly there was a crash, and the end of the foundry had tallen out and downr. It was a dark evening, but it was a darker night in Adam‘s house for we did not know the extent of the damages or how it was going to be repaired. I waited and worked, drew bricks ‘m;h’. tavern over an endless y and saw the foundry comâ€" My Dear Bob. I was disappointed in opening your leter vesterday to find the " Durham Chronicle Special‘‘ instead of one of your breesy letters. _ Let me say right here I did not recieve any letâ€" ter at St. John, N. B. and I wish you to repeat it and send to me herefor I want to hear from you. Next to a letter you could not have sent me anything that has given ime more pleasure than the Traae Edition of Durham. â€" First, let me say it is a credit to the pnbli»hex('i in its mat.t;lar, arrangement, cuts and typography, and should do your town a lgt of g‘())od. Durham has grown much since I last saw it. I had forgotten that you bad avything in the manufactures but the Cement and that is much larger than I supposed. I am glad to see that the Cochranes are stiil represented in the municipal and business interests. Miss Cochrane in the implement line. Mr. Morlock in the mereantile and yourselt, God bless you, in the muniâ€" cipal. â€" Dnrham without the Cochranes would not be Durham. ed at the <+Buckhorn.‘"‘ I suppose father was there for he was not with us on the way. You will remember that I was ten years of age and all agree I was mighty small at that. I do not remember any house in Durâ€" bam but Hunter‘s. I think it was known as the Saugeen Reservation. It was all woods to the top of the hill. Yon know I was driver, and where it was necessary to take *" Buck and Last nigbt when I finished reading the Review, Ifell into a meditative vein and my memory carried me back over a long period of time ; and I remembered that with the possible exception of your brotherâ€"inâ€"law, and uny of Archibald Hunter‘s family that may be living, there is no one aâ€" live who knew Durham beiore I did, and oh! what memories it calls up. February 3rd 1847 mother and I landâ€" TORONTO Worcester, Mass., Noy. 22nd ‘06 Young Man! If you are thinking o[ getting married, start right by seâ€" curing your license from pleted, and once more was in New Saruim in time to attend Aunt Bell‘s wedding in January of 1855. From that time the Cochrane famâ€" ily has been each for him and herâ€" seltâ€"all haye made money and all have lost but you. It is a comfort to know that one had sense enough to hold onto what he has. TVUDKHOPE SLEIGHS. BARCLAY & BELL, Durham No wonder ‘Tudhope Sleighs look handsomerâ€"run smootherâ€" wear longer. Let us show you the new w You and I are like the last rose, or roses, of summer left blooming alone, all our lovely companions are faded and gone. Ifaney you can count on the fingers of one hand all whom you knew sixty years ago. In this count don‘t includeour tamily for there are still five of ourselves. All this sad reminiscence, for it is sad. has been brought about by reading the Durâ€" ham Chronicle. 55 years‘ experience in buying materialsâ€"designingâ€"constructing â€"testing. ‘That is the Tudhope‘s record. Sleighs should be best I shall send that copy to Haggert in Calsutta, and if f had another I would send it to Rode in Bombay, as they are about the only ones who can appreciate it. Is Uncle Adam‘s house occupied by Dr Jamieson ? Now I would like to hear from you soon with your reminiscences. Love to all the family. Children‘s 2â€"piece suits as low as $1.50. Gverâ€" coats for men, boys and children all at right priâ€" ces. _ ‘Try us for any of the above and see if we can‘t please you. Don‘t you want a Fur Coat; either for yourself or wife? If you do come and try us. _ We will do our best to please you. Or if you want a suit of clothes try us. _ We have a nice good looking su‘t and onoe that will wear welil for 6 and $7, and our fine worsteds at $10. Grant‘s for Clothing Pretty Things Nice Things Gun‘s Drug Store Such prety things as we have for Xmas. No won. der they are drawing the forehanded early buyers, Have you seen them ? Ever your afl’ectloqg,i;q brother, They certainly are nice thingsâ€"nice in _ quality, nice in design, nice in apâ€" propriatnessâ€"and the price is nice and low. ‘ E. Srant A DaviDso®, Durham T udhope | _Miss Dick LADIES‘ NEKWEAR AND BELTS. You are cordially invited to call on us when in town and make our millinery department your headquarters tor a stylish hat. Over one hnndred trimmed hats to choose from all made and careâ€" fully trimmed by first class exâ€" perienced help. We are showing a great many new designs and with a large staff of assistants and a competent head trimmer we find we are obliged to work early and late to meet the demand of our customers. Never before have we had a more successful season and for the next five weeks we will offer special bargains in Millinery as we MUST MAKE ROOM for the largest import Millinery order for spring we have yet purchased. » emises, on givyen Ist of BEL1LS. + !\lnreh. as !: is now k:-:‘. * A large assortment of Ladies‘ Jouy Cranxk Maxs 8. Orconuauso Neckwear and Belts and Silk | Auctioneer Durbam Blouses just in. Executrix Wenow have our entire 1 and examine it as early as you Ne have an unusually § clime and quarter. _ Wa ar most extensive ever seen here most extensive ever seen NCVE _ 4""% ""**" " _ W» have nrovi ment give little more than a hint of the array we have provided. In the matter of price we have a big advantage, too. We bought lagely. paid cash and bought for less than others and we give you the same advantage. If low prices on good goods is what you want you will certainly do vonr holiday shopping here. Please make it a special point to see the stock while it is complete. If you see ahything you want to secure it will be laid aside if a small payment is made., In the matter of price bought lagely. paid cash give you the same advanta;g what you want you will ce The purest, richest, and most toothsome candies are here â€"all of the favorite varâ€" ieties. Some beautiful holly boxesâ€"just the thing to send to your lady friends, 25¢ per box up. Always a good gift. W have Oxford Bibles, Teachâ€" ers, Flexible Cover Bibles etc. An ample line of praye, books. Hymnals, Books of Devotion, Church goods, ete Some new things in this line you will want to seeâ€" Vanity Bags, Fifth Bags and a large variety of other new bags, Pocket Books, Purses, Bill Books, Music Roils, etc. You cannot match our prices. let sets â€"what better gilts ? s Have them mounted on silver We have representatives of Stag. Ebony and the finest the best French, English, natural woods. Quality is of German. and Avstrain wares the best and the prices reasâ€" Have single cups and saucers onable on all. plates etc, from 10 ets up. Make a memorandum of those to whom you will send pres ents. In looking overthis or any of our succeeding ads if you get suggestions of gifts suitable for some of those on your list, note them opposite their names, then when you come in to see the goods you can concentrate your attention on the lines you have noted. Try this plan this year. Brushes, Mirrors and Toiâ€" let sets â€"what better gifts ? Have them mounted on silver Stag. Ebony and the finest natural woods. Quality is of the best and the prices reasâ€" onable on all. ‘nterMillinery TOILET ARTICLES Gome Ifoliday uggestions LEATHER GOODR XMAS CANDY BIBLES CHRISTMAS MacFARLANE AND CO. DRU GGISTS & BOOKSkLLERS. > our entire line on display and urge you to call s early as you can and as often as you choose. unusually good stock this yearâ€"gifts from every er. _ Wa are certain that the assortment is the ~â€"*> scen here. _ The lines noted in this advertiseâ€" L . dn 3 we d l PECEMBER 6. FARMING MADE PROFITABLE According to the last will and tesâ€" Lament of Samuel Kidd, deceased, there will he sold by public auctipn on Thursdsy Dec. 27th at 2 o‘clock p. m. Lot 33 Con 3 Egremont one mile north of Hoistein, containing 100 acres land, well watered by Sauâ€" geen riyer, medium sized new frame house and frame baro. The cleared land is well under grass, g«tun and meadow.~ The sale will held on Renew for the Review Machinay can only be obtained here ; Verity Ploughs, ali kinds of Harrows, Singer Sewing Maâ€" chines, etc. BELL ORGANS & PIANOS, Nothing like the Bell as the large number who have bought from us since Show Day can testify Get a Bell. McQueen & Morice Get ready for the beautiful snow and provide yourself with acutter that will be a jov to ride in,. Call early and see the fine display in our warerooms made by GRAY & SONS. CHATHANM CANADA CARRIAGE CO. Brockville Prices and Terms fair and modâ€" erate, by taking a course of . instruction at the We have a regular Loli Beauty show in our childrens department. To many diffâ€" erent of Dolls to enumerate them here. Prices low on all of them. CUTTERS!! op mest of the Middaugh Hous More perfume given every year â€" Noquestion about the acceptability of perfume if it is of the high quality you get here. Also have fine Toilet Waters, Colognes, Atâ€" omizers, odor Sets, Ete Etc. We have all the latest things in Fancy Goods, Boxâ€" es for hondkerchiefs. Ribâ€" bons, ‘ .inkets, Neckties, Gloves, suspenders, etc, etc. Also Fancy Trays, Candles, Picture frames, etc. sSALE OF FARM MASSEY HARRISS FANCY GOODS NEW DOLLS. Owen Sound, Ont. PERFUMES FINE CHINA (ORTIHER ) W NU g uW wro en, wil Oul )CA n ()

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