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Durham Review (1897), 6 Dec 1906, p. 7

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06 ER 6, 1906 the Review £O 1% ERS!! 11 VW very ; the rens We IARD rbhag N C 11 me id n 6 @© 4 3 Eâ€"s x % E’z Lot 6, con 15 Proton, 106 acres. 91 acâ€" res of cleared land, in good state of cultivation free from stone and nox» jous weeds, 9 acres of good hardwood bush, good orchard, barn 44 x 60 ft witch stone basement. good hen aad pig pen, comfor table dwelling, 3 never failing wells, 1} miles from church. school and Post office. Immediate possession _ given if necessary. For futher particulars apply to A large assortment of Mitts and (Gloves at prices that cannot be beaten, quailty cfider_ed. Also a few lines of Hosiery for Men, Womâ€" en, Migses and ChBdren in black only. _ Many other things but space will not allow naming them. Call and see for yourself and examine our goods and prices, Remember the placeâ€"â€" LR T G. Lawrence‘s old Stand JO So MC' Al H A good solid brick, two storey dwell ing alongside Presbyterian manse pro perty in Upper Town, Durham, Corner of Durham and Elgin Streets. Seven rooms. pantry. closets, cement floors. cellars, ete. Good airy locatron in good locality, good frame stable, bard and soft water, one acre of land, â€" Snap for quick purchaser. For further parâ€" ticulars apply to Joux W. McKrEoust®, Owner Rocky Saugeen P. O. FARM FOR SALFE OR RENT. Now is the Time ds diauds 1 id t h cas 3e A n oi ie t ce d Cotiad dar. â€" Fair buildings and well watered: the Rocky Saugeen runs through a corâ€" ner of lot 8 which would make a good waterpower. _ 34 miles from Durham ; conveniently situated. The above proâ€" perty will be sold together or in parts to suit purchaser For further particuâ€" lars apply on the premises, or to 200 acres, being lots 27 and 28, con, 2, E @ R, Glenelg. About 110 acres clearâ€" ed, 80 good hard wood bush, 10 good ceâ€" Tww building lots on Garafraxa St, Lower town will be sold on easy terms. Apply to EN.,G. & J. McKechniet ILJ' (The popular Cash Store.) é t Ve haye a large stock of many kindssuitable for the present weather. Also Boots and Shoes in abunodance, Slippers in various sizes for young or oldâ€"rich or poor in fact. Our stock of Slippers was never so nice as they are this season. Legâ€" gings ip leather waterproof duck for Men andBoys, in Jersey and Cordâ€" uroy fer childreo and Jersey for Ladies and Misses. ?35 A good line and good value at $1, $1.25 & $1.50 MceCoryicK Bros., Rocky Saugeen HOUSE FPOR SALH. FaARM FPOR SALE LOTS FOR FAuS. Men‘s and Boys‘ hats, caps, sox, gloves, mitts, etc Highest prices paid for produce. MEN‘S HEAVY TROUSERS. ~% Men‘s Heavy Overcoats Men‘s Dress * Bovs‘ Overcoats Boys‘ Pea Jackets > en [ morfantoennt : Te io en Sio n eS ce ob cth hento hepremene DEC. 6, 1906 Ab PB Di Dveéarp FrEroUsox® Swinton Park, Ont. H. W. Lersox Varnev Aaaaaaanaaamnammnmmnnaannmmamaman To Buy Rubbers. $ 5 10 This Pen with a year‘s subscription to the Review or $1.50. For go days. Steel corrodes inkstands become dry, but not so with a solid gold fountain pen. It is always ready for use, and will last for 1ears. Ye are in a position to supply our subscribâ€" ers (old and new) with a celebrated make of Fountain Pen, guaranâ€" teed to us by the makers EIGHTEEN KARAT SOLID GOLD Almost Free. This elegant pen, which is beautifully chased and just like cut, will be sent to old and new subscribâ€" ers, upon receipt of a year‘s subscription in advance and fifty (50) cents additional. The pen compares favorably with any $2 pen on the market toâ€"pay and every reader of this paper should secure one. It is not a toy, but a useâ€" ful every day convenâ€" ience. | remium Fountain Pen or 60 Days REVIEW‘S to to £o $ 6 12 4 g{’i 4 < Lenahan &y Mclntosh. We climbup the hill again to the old Durham Road. This was Mr Bamuel Seott‘s farm of Durham, unâ€" til some years ago when he sold it to Mr Lawrence, and originally was Mr Mc fechnie‘s or as he was styled by his fellow countrymen, Ewen More. Mauy a ** whoa, haw, gee, back * was in olden time climbing up the big hill and often had the grist to be ca ried up by the driver when the hill was icy and slippery for the oxen. the wellâ€"known McLachlan family, North line tor a number of years. Mr iAmellie bought this place from the ‘ate Rev John McMillan over 30 y ears ago. On this farm was erected a big church, put up by all denominations deyoting some time in drawing logs, hewing, etec. Lattcrly it became the propersy of the then Free Churca some time in the earlyâ€"sixties the late Rev Chas Cameron i :1d service for a nunu.ber of years, until it was abanâ€" don:d hy baving a new one built in Priceyile. Mr Smellie, like a great many of his kind, lost his life partâ€" ner many years ago. â€" He is now getâ€" ling fast on the decline but yet able to attend to various duties entrusted to him on the farm and election times. Along side is Mr Jackson. ~ We we.come Mr and Mrs Samuel Jackâ€" sor recently to take their home with the old gentleman who is getting on the decline. Across the road is Crispin Stoneâ€" house. this place was first the property of Maleo!lm MeArthur, better known as Callum Gilbert. l\ir Stonehouse lost his first wife, but Wad her replacâ€" ed a tew years later by getting one of Protessor Stewart‘s d . ughters at B@nâ€" essan. . /n the other side is Thos Mceâ€" Keown, "*ad a new barn put up this sumimer, may look for more put on his property when Assessor comes around again,. A B MeArthur is along side of McKeown‘s. Everyâ€" body knuews Archiec, who is head agent for the Peter Hamilton Com pary and is getting good share of %mt"onage for his local agent, A B Mcuellan is always obliging. (On the opposite side is the old Mcâ€" Ariaur place, being the home of our worthy commissioner, J MceArthar, Esq., in his boyhood days. On this plase be was raised till he came to manrh od and from one step to anuthâ€" er he was promoted to positions of hovor since. John MeArthur is next, bas a fine brick house amd frame bain. Mr and Mrs McArthur are good citizens, always obliging in the r manner. Noext we come to Wm Smellie‘s, this arm was originally the MeCanâ€" nels of Boothville but went under the name of MceDonald‘s while here, (thinking it to be a beiter name of course). This was the residence of Aong side is Colin McLean on the farm lately bought from Donald Mcâ€" Donald. teacher. Colin is a well to do young man and judging from the straightness of his ploughing s#me 60 rods of a furrow, the passerby will admit at once that Colin is a good farmer. 120 acres part on both sides of the roac. Malcolm rented his farm and ne is now going to devote his time to droving an . is to become a resident of P:riceville soon. a lirge number of good horses and catt s. Otto didn‘t thrash yet, was to h ve a blower last week but the blover was blown up some way or anotaer and didn‘t come yet. We step backwards a liftle to the resiâ€" dense of Maicolm MeJnnes, who owns But we musn‘t stop here too long so we pass on to Martin Stouehouse and family who owns 200 acre ot land on both sides of the road and duing well. Mrand Mrs Stone house are getting on the decline Both of thera were school ehildren in the old schcolhouse referred to above, when one evening they took it into their bea«‘s to get married the next day inâ€" stea l of going to school, 45 years ago. We hope they will enjoy life long yet. O1 the south side of the road we com:s next to the residence of Proâ€" tessor Konold, who is wide and favorâ€" ably known as music teacher. Mr and Mrs Konold are quite smart yet. The place is occupied aiso by the son Otto and family who runs the whole ‘arn of 250 acres, noted for keeping WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS THIS SPACE Priceville Concluded from last Week THE DURHAM REVIEW The lectare on " Bonnie Prince Charlie‘"‘ by the Rev A. L. Budge was fairly well attended. _ Mr Gilliland of Ayton the entertaiving chairman, showed a button and a piece of the embroidered silk coat wora by Prince Charles at a ball in Edinburgh. Miss Campbell of Hanâ€" over accompanied Mr Buadge and Mr James Mather in several Scotch songs _ The Misses Park and their small brother Master James and Mr James White and Mr David Gilmou:t also assisted with the programme All were glad to be Scotch that night. Mr and Mrs Will MeNaughton and iittle son Cameron spent &n evening last week with Mr and Mrs Hugh Falton. _ _ ‘The Guild of Hampden church is making slow progress as few are atâ€" tending. A course of Bible Stady is being taken up by Revy Budge in addition to the topics (great men of the Bible) taken u{) by the young people of the charch. _â€"Mrand Mrs Hanna and children visited with Mr Hanna‘s sister a; Owen Sound for a tew days last week. Now we finish, promising in some future time to giye a short history towards the east from where we startâ€" ed this last time. Mise Derby of Buffalo is visiting her brother. Mr Andrew Derby at the old home Mr John Cooper returned from the West on Tuesday. He is delighted with the place and Hampden may losethim yet. â€" [ Rev McEachern of Glammis ocâ€" cupied the puipii here on Sunday in the absence of the pastor who took Mr McBachern‘s place for the day and preached Anniyersary services. Mr E. Geddes was laid up for a few weeks but we are pleased to see him able to be out aga:n. Mr George Nichol cheered the hearts of quite a number of the young people last Friday night by giving them a dancing party in his bachelor home. Mrs Young Sr.. is visiting her son and daughter in Owen Sound at present. â€" ... â€" * Now we are at Bunessan, found the obliging postmaster at his post but in looking at the postmaster and then at the name given the post office, we find there is a mistake somewhere, for Bunessan was the name of a small village in the Isle of Mull, Seotland. taken trom the gaelie word " Bun an Eassan *‘ or at the corner side of a builing fountain. Now our P O is on the upper side and the good postmastâ€" er came not from the Isle of Mull, Seotland, but ftor all we know from Londonderry in Ireland. but no matâ€" ter he is the right man in the right plaee and fills his seat to perfection Several ot the old neighbors were helping Mr Andy Geddes to move tromAyton to Hanoyer last week. Mrs Thos Byers is not so well at present. We hope to hear of her improvement soon. Down the sideroadj is the old Mcâ€" Kiunon place, now owned by Donald McKinnon, Jr, the old people are no more. ‘This was once une of the best wheat growing farms on the Durham Road. On the other side is Donald MceCormick. One of the finest spring creeks in the County runs across these tarms and of course the quality of land where it runs through is not as fine as it is elsewhere. Now we are at the old Bunessan farm being Dan MiInnes‘ place, this was originally where the Bunessan P O found shelter in its infancy. Mr Mciones is a progressive farmer. At the turn up the hill was the Presâ€" byterian church which served its time and was sold to Mr Mclones a few years ago and converted into a drlying house. Along side is MceArthur boys, who own a farm on both sides of the old Durham Road. John was foreman on the Right of way gang on the new Railrcad this fall. Down the hill agacn is Dan McArthur Sr, on the old Livingstone place put up a frame barn a few vears ago and doing fairly well on the farm. Hampden hk y } I have also a great lot of other proâ€" perty for sale and a MILLION DOLâ€" LARS of MONEY to lend at very low t rates. I1OCOLLECT DEBTS, mn*full{ prepare all kinds of WRITINGS, sell ‘ C. P. R. Tickets to all points WEST : and sell OCEAN TICKETS, Every kind of leggtlmate business attended to. Everything private. Our Motto : * Always prompt, Never Negligent." 150 acres. Lot 40, 41, 42, 8. D. R. Forl curther particulars apply on the prem ses or by mail. ArEx McBaecuEsgx. prop,. . Top Clif P. 0. A + I had 250 acres of Good Land : aboye Durham, well improved, with i very fine buildings, advertised in the ] ReEvirw for $7500. _ I can now sell it for a good deal less and IT‘S A BARâ€" ‘LOOK HERE, FARMER Then I have a 100 ACRE well imâ€" proved farm near Duorham that I will sell VERY CHEAP or trade for other property. It‘s a saap. _ For considerâ€" ably under $3000 I will sell 100 acres in Bentinck, with good soil, brick veneerâ€" ed and frame house, large frame bank barn, frame stables and pig stables, good orchard. This is really a sacrifice GAIN. BARCLAY & BELL Undertaking See the big stock of Roller Blinds we are showing from 35¢ to 85¢ each. We have just received a large assortâ€" ment of pillows to sell from $1.50 to $2.50 per pr. 10 Golden finished Maple Arm Chairs that were $2.00. now $1.25. $6.25 couches, Sale Price $5.50. $9.00 couches, SalePrice 8.25. $11 Couches, Sale Price $9.50. We have opened up Undertaking Rooms in Thos, Swallow‘s buildâ€" ing opposite the Middaugh House and are prepared to do business with any person requiring underâ€" taking. Satisfaction guaranteed in Embalming, Our stock of funeral supplies has arrived ; also a full line of Catholic robes, etc. we will conduct a big Furniture sale at special prices. â€"Our Stock is composed of the very latest and newest designs from the best manufacturers in Canada including ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Having bought out the entire stock of FEurniture in the store of the Durham Furniture Company for the next 30 days FARM FPOR SALE Special Prices on Couches. $2 Arm Chair for $1.25 UNDERTAKING & EMBALMING AÂ¥A SPECIALITY. H. H. MILLER, PARLOR SUITS BEDROOM SUITS EASY CHAIR§ EC MUSIC CABINETS MATTRESSES ] The Hanover Conveyaucer, I Parlor Suit R egular $24, 1 Parlor Suit, Regalar $26, 1 Parlor Suit, Regular $30 and Embalming Christmas Furniture Sale. Rollee Blinds Pillows Big Reductions in Parlor Suits. TK Durham‘s Furniture Store. ED. KRESS. ROCKING CHAIRS LOUNGES COUCHES § WRITING DESKS SPRINGS PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMEg, ETC. Clov Ogiivic‘s "Royal Household " Keewatin * Five Roses"â€"The F LO U R Call and examine our handâ€" mades. We are selling twice as many â€" this Peel, the Shoeman Fall, we‘ve the shoes. BRING ALL REPAIRING MATTHEW S & LATIMEER ver and Timethy and all varâ€" ieties of tGarden m»eeds in aâ€" hundance for bpring growing FPIELD AND GARDEN, DININC ROOM SETS That must be shod for Highest grades only. Any Feet best â€" Ixeewsftin n rload jusi received, season. A Cleaning in Morris Chairs 3 only Morris Chairs, Regular $7.00 for $5 2 only Marris Chairs, Reg $6.00 for §$5 We will sell the balauce of stock of Carpets at cost and less than cost. We have a large stock of Curtain poles from 25 cts each to $1.25 eacl complete. Bargains in Rocking Chairs IRON BED $1.25 Rocking Chairs at $1.05 $1.75 Rocking Chairs at $1.40 $1.85 Rocking Chairs at $1.55 Carpets at Cost A.B. McLELLAN, Agent Warerooms across the brid the Post Oflice. Orders left Office will receive our bes Daisy Ohurns, Wringers, Washers,§ ’iilyloudeu.'rrwh. Rukes, Mowers, Binders Prices and terms to suit purchasers. Maple Leaf and S!NGER SEWING MACHINXES The Improved National Cream Separators, 4 styles The New Hamburg Waggons Barber Bn%gul Bissell Steel Land Rollers Disc Harrows of Elora Curtain â€" Poles Everything in readiness for the Spring season. â€" Call and see our Leader Seedâ€" er, Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators and Ofliceâ€"Calder‘s Block, over Post Office ALIL, SPRING GOODS Peter Hamilton AGENCY HOoNOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store HONOR GRADUATE Toronto Univer uate Royal College Dental Surgeo Dentistry in al! its vranches. W. C,,PICKERING D. D S., L. D. S. J. F. GRANT D.D.S., L..D. S. Clearing at $18.75 Clearing at $21.00 Clearing at $24.00 Ds T] C FOR SALE HALL RACKS J. M. Bunoiess, (Ju st north of towrn bridge north of left at Revicm best attention. J 75 each 25 each rad On

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