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Durham Review (1897), 13 Dec 1906, p. 10

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| $ i1 wi i 200 acres, being lots 12 in con 15 & , Egremont, 165 acres cleared, 18 , hard wood bush, remainder swamp, 16 orchard, creek crosses front corâ€" y of hoth farms. Spring on back each (,rm. Good house, bank barn ivins« «hed, pig pen,. hen house. !«a lot 14, con 15, 100 acres, 65 clearâ€" . sem«inder swamp, small orchard. ivk honse, bank barn, driving shed, eck croves this farm also. All well nâ€"ed. Apply to FARM FPOR SALE. The Rev Irl R. Hicks 1907 Almanae 1 h Ch We have a good line of Gloves, something out of the ordinary, Shirts}$ Unaerwear, Sweaters, &c Neekties Silk Hdk‘fs Cravats Suspenders Umbrellas Hats & Caps THE PEOPLES STORE | Ladies Coats & Men‘s Ordered Suits Ordered & Ready-to-Wear Overcoats We are constautly endeavoring to encourage that well dressed feeling by keeping only the boest in the (CGients‘ Furnishing ‘ine. We cannot enumerate everything but call attention to We recommend these with confidence, and they e gaining confidence by the way we are kept busy. If you are out tftor Chiistmas you‘ll be sure to visit is : What better tor presents than But the store is just packed with Christmas and seasonable goods. Select your present here : Gloves, Handkerchiefs. Fur Caps, Hats, etc. _ Groceries fresh and abundant. We take second place to none in this 1 Overcoats Th kind tharke. From 25 t 310. in e Ready Made Suits, heavy for winter wear. Blankets fine quality, etc. to meet all demands. Rubbers and Overshoes 5.758 ¢ma‘s Felt Shoes in town : tor both men and women. eapest The jingle of the sleighbells proâ€" claims that winter is here. The buyâ€" ers in our busy store tells the same story from the kind of goods they are buying. Here is a partial list: Furs ROBERT BURNETT. BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE That is to the quality and fit as well as to the price, no guess work from $12 to $15. Sale Register, McEachern, Lot 41 All tarm produce wanted. Highest prices paid. WINLER TERM M. WATSON, P rs are in great demand, and ours are pleasing the careful purehaser. number of Good Coon Coats, something any one would prize Winter Warmth. i busin & Merchant Tailors and Gent‘s Furnishers very Value Tested. A. N. HEexpERrsox Dromore or Yeovil .. Youge & McGill St TOBONTO Strongest. F parice~~4 arity & Burnef. Â¥7, Enter anytime ranteed, Catalogue ss writing free. rincipal Best » + Durham School The Mail and Empire," weekly e dition, offers as a premium to 1907 subâ€" scribers a beautiful artogravute, en titled ‘"Grace" witha charm of drap and color tones most captivating. Trial ttig to Jan. 1 1907 only 15 cents; to Jan 11908, 15 mos., only $1.70, with the Review. Send toâ€"day. The Rev Irl R. Hicks has been compelied by the Eowm demand to resume the publication of his wellâ€"known and popular Almanac for 1907, This splendid Almanac is now ready. For sale b{‘ newsdealers, or sent postpaid for % cts, by WoRrP aXD WoRrks PUBLUAZIxG Couâ€" PAaNY, 2201 Locust Street, St lou’ Mp., pubâ€" lishers of WoRrDps a®Dp Works, o e best dollar monthly magazines in Am ea. â€" One Almanac goes with every subscri ption. Intending Students should enter at the beginâ€" ning of the term if possible. _ Board can be ob tained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place for residence. FEES: $1 per month in advance. Wm.Johnstpn,Sr., C. Ramage, MISS EDNA A. DREWRY, Senior Leaving and Graduate of Ontario Normal College. Mathâ€" ematics, English Grammar and Geography. Bmlany and Part I Physics to Junior classes. MISS FLOSSIH® McKERRACHER, First Class Certificate and third year undergraduate of Queen‘s l'niversig. Science, History and Geography. rvti on i0 from $50 to $60 Secretar { | *Spy> 71 towards positions 1 it ®gk AUD11 Y p.mg‘r%m to $150,000 per annum in railway service. You can become a good operator in 6 months if 5 ‘Gerrant 5tE Toronto. "Phe e §300h 3 Gerrard St. E., Toronto. e t 00 n Canada. . Write for particulare. W . H. SHAW, Pres. T.J. JOHNSTOXN, PriD Np Telegraphy The great Guelph Fat Stock Show~ is on this week. 1t is onenf the sight of the year and any farmer who could not profit by a visit is queerly tbuil.. Amongst the number present from this part whose names we bhave are George Binnie. David Hamilton, Thos McFadden, Wim Ritchie, D Edge, NonmaxBy PoutTIcs.â€"The retivreâ€" ment of Mr Michael Murray from the reeveship of Normanby and the resigâ€" nation of Mr Andrew Schenk from the suretyship of the Treasurer of that township, points to the conclusion that the latter gentleman will take the reeveshipâ€"if he canâ€"â€"and thus reâ€" sume his membership in the County Council. An indication of discontent with this year‘s rulers is ssen in the meeting held at 8. S. No I school house, for the purpose of agreeing on a candidate for council and no doubt «* plumping " for him. Meetings such as this in a township without the ward system should not be resorted to unless in some pecultare circumstances, though Mr R. Biurber, the choice, is a capable man and worthy of support over the whole township, We hope to see him elected. Durnmarx To HavE a Keey®.â€"Clerk Vollett has made enquiries in the proper quarters and learned that in the coming election under the new system, Durham is entitled to a Reeve. This will give us direct representation in the County Council, but as the other three towns will have an equal privilege and 0, Sound has three depâ€" uties, the representation is going to be large and expensive. However it opens up a way for aspiring men, and we hope to seethe position worthily filled. The air bhas been wonderfally free from rumors of intending candidâ€" ates for the higher offices, though the names of Messrs Calder, Laidlaw and Ireland have reached our ears as posâ€" sible candidates. _ We are not aware that one of these gentlemen ever openâ€" ed his mouth on the subjeci. but their friends will talk. The prospects are however there will be a keen run for all offices and that Clerk Vohett will not have to ask nominees to allow their names to stand so as to make up a council by acclamation, Neil McCannel visited friends in Collin gwood and Stayner last week, he was _ accompanied home by his motber who spent the last month down there visiting her daughters Mrs Mc Leod of Collingwoed and Mrs McQueen of near Stayner. Mr Sam Wriight of Kincardine, acâ€" companied by his daughter â€" Mrs Rutherford, visited at Mrâ€" John Wrights last week. Dr _ Wolfe who was conflined to the house for a while is about again, Rev Mr Farqubarson and Mr And. Derby atvended the meeting of Pres bytery at Harriston on Tuesday of thi week. Mr John McDonald is now with his b other Alexander and is recovering niceiy. He will be able to go home this week. Mrs Jas Lauder has bought the Black residence on top of the hill at present occupied by Mr Howard. Mr _ Clayton Fairman, of: Guelphb, visited his sister Mrs Rowe for a few days last week. Custom officer T. a. Harris was home over the week end Is good Bread, well made and ‘:i properly bakedâ€"the bread that i is made by Stinson. This is the m perfect breadâ€"made of the best M flour, leavened and seasoned just m right, thoroughly kneaded and t baked to perfection, it is easily m digested and it builds health and g strength for those who eat it. mA Give it a trial. #8 STINSON, The Baker . The Best Cure For Dyspepsia ADDITIONAL LOCALS. *~â€"â€"â€"~â€"Â¥ # #â€"â€"__ Is the first step ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ! * POOR MOTHERLESS GIRL THE DURHAM REVIEW C. M,;CARTHUR_?E tanas, Molasses snaps. Arrowroot, City mixed. Peach Tnarnovers, Figâ€" Bars, Honey Bars, etc. SODASâ€"Fresh, crisp in %Â¥ 1b pkgs: at 5¢ each, Everything Fresh Fancy Cakes It is a Fact See that your kitchen fire be bright Your hands be nest and skilled, For the love of man oft takes its fiight. If his stomach be mot well filled," This is his opnion, but opinion is not always fact. Will Carleton says DesirarBer nous®s To RENTâ€"At intersection of Durham Road and Garnfraxa St., one Gâ€"roomed house only $6 per month, _ Another having 10 rooms, furnace. bathroom, &c. $9 per month. _ Apply at the Hardware Store to Wax. BracKk. In Giving Advice To a Bride with the tine illustrated Magazine section can be obtained by request at this office, No city weekly is comâ€" parable to this in »its vaany excellent features, With the Review only $1.60 a year, 15 cents for both to Jan 1, 1907, or if you do get the Review 15 cents for Globe alcne. Limited T8 Dundas St, London, Ont If you wish to sell or exchange your prnrerty quickly or profitably or if you wich to buy, don‘t fail to see or write our Gen Agent for the Co of Grey, Wm W Ramage, Thistle P. O, who has lateâ€" ly heen appointed to this position. We make no charge unless the property is sold, _ For further particulars, apply, personally or by letter, to either of the above addresses. The Western Real Estate Exchange, Ltd., London, Ontarie. In reference to the sbove, I beg to announce What I will be pleased at anv tkne to meet with parties wishing to buy, seil, or exchange, but will for conâ€" venience be in Durham every Saturday afsveemoon. If we don‘t see you, send us a postoard: we will gladly give all inâ€" formation. Orders or enquiries at the Rnvirw Office will receive prompt at tention. Perhaps some of your readers have seen the following earnest statement E»o lk)r. ‘Lawronce tf‘. Flic};:.vsl\:g}o , _*Consumption, a ven e and Curable Dlgoue";â€"“()ould the consumptives of any given community be seen at one time or pass in panoâ€" rama before the peoftl‘ol dpubl!o consciâ€" ousness of the magnitude of the affiicâ€" tion might be aroused. A physical disaster shocks the world and lets loose the sympsth{ of millions. A few thousand deaths are nothing as comâ€" ;t)iared with the deaths from consumpâ€" on." The a.g;p:al of the trustees of the Naâ€" tional itarium Association is on behalf of the consumptives of the Doâ€" minion, 500 of whom die in Toronto annually, 3,000 in Ontario, 8,000 in the D('}r}x:inion. Lesl l is * of is poor, motherless one the many sufferers of mâ€"fl; Thanking you in anticipation for inâ€" sertion of letter, believe me, very truly yours, J. 8. Robertson, Secretary Naâ€" tional Sanitarium Association. 286 Adelaide street west, Toronto. _ Contributions mag be sent to Sir Wm. R. Meredith, Kt., Osgoode Hall Toronto, or to W._J. Gage, Esq., 71 Front street west, Toronto. 8 JuLDER _ ~ow,â€"sample copies of the Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer, REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE In place of fifty we could care for one hundred if the needed moneÂ¥ for maintenance was at the disposal of the Fiftyâ€"five patients are in residence in the Muskoka Free Hospital toâ€"day. Beven hundred and thlrti-elght have been cared for since the hospital was opened in April, 1002 C x wugec. Last Km she contracted a cold of which she has never been free, and she has been unable to work since last January. She is fm nineteen years old. Kindly tell me how to roceed to get her into the Muskoka B‘ree H'apim for Oonlumrtivu." The sad part of it is this letter is only one of manyâ€"alike pathetic mu‘llzr gealing-â€"t.hut. are being received daily y the writer. _ + § ask for space in your columns to quote from a letter received at this office For obvious reasons I do not'gln the name. The letter reads:â€""1I have a sad case to present to you. Twelve years .lfl‘l) a mother dio‘. leaving six emall children, the eldest l:lfht years old and the youngest an infant. My mother took the eldest and kept her until my mother‘s death. . Then the young girl went clerking on small thing in fresh groceries to provide your Chrisimas delacies, such as New Raisins and Currants, Peels, Extracts, Conifits, dates, figs, prunes, Icing Sugar, shelled nuts, package and Balk Teas. and Cofâ€" fees, cocoa, cocanut, chocolate, canuned goods of all kinds, Mince Meat at 10¢ per 1b. A Touching Story as Told in a Letter to The Toronto Globe. THE ELDEST OF A FAMILY OF SIX DRINK ‘DAVIES‘ TEA. OrpER Now.â€"Sample copies of the To the Kditor of The Globe : Sir,â€"1 Renm mm i 4A uen Come to us : for Cnristmas Goods RAMAGE Thistle P 0 however, â€" that ve have everyâ€" Empress, Leâ€" mon, _ Sulâ€" pa})ersare telling the people of the tolly of getting invyovled in a boom, it may be interesting for the reader to know just how many columns of booin advertising in Cobalt mining or sn similar ba)loon speculations, were carried by the various Toronto dailies on Saturday last, December 1 1906. In its issue of that day the Globe carried twenty ore columns of this class of advertising; The Mail and Empire carried twenty two columns: The World carried twenty six colnmns; The Star carried twenty columns; The News carried twenty two columns; The Telegram probâ€" ably rejected a good deal, but carried about six columns. Some of the advertising from places near or reâ€" mote, suggests investments that is impossible to oelieve that any newsâ€" paper would recommend to its readâ€" ers. Some of the advertising preâ€". supposes an unbounded gullability on the part of the public, and the question arises, Should an editor hold his readers while a crooked advertiser skins them?â€"Sat. Night When the boom is about to burst the newsfcgcrs will virtuously deâ€" nounce all this mad speculation, and will warn people too late. Even now in small type editorially they advise caution but shoot and cheer the boom along in large display adâ€" vertising. They are right in the swim at present. _ Later on when the reckoning comes and the newsâ€" Those who are speculators can take care of themselyes. The misâ€" chief of it is that ere a boom bursts nearly all valueless paper passes inâ€" to the handsof a host of small inâ€" vestors. _A ftew make money and pull out; the manvy gaze goggleâ€" eyed at these winnings, rush in and bear all the accumulated losses. They arrive in rime for the collapse and get crushed in the ruins. It is customary to speak of the Ontario Bank affair as a bad business; that insutution was wrecked by bad management. Yeta whole batch of mining schemes are now being cooked in the oven‘that will, in the end, entail vastly greater losses on the uliimate â€" holders of shares Everybody knows it. A man does not know which scheme is based on a mining property that cuntains lots of paying ore. nor which one has no minerals behind it at all, but he does know that many of them =re b und to prove worthless except as stock ventures, and that nearly all of them are capitalized at so high a figure that no ordinary merit in the mine will enable it to support the superstructure of speculation that is being raised upon it. When the most that expzrienced miners will gw for a claim is $50,000 or $200,â€" 30, what does an investor expect when be forms one of a thousand men who jointly buy this same property for two or three million dollars? What he expects is that he will be able to sell his shares at a profit betore the folly of the purâ€" chase becomes known to everyâ€" bedy. Some properties, not worth as much as s good gravel pit on the Kingston road. can be bounced in the air at a million dollar valuation and kept bouncing for three or six months until the promoters have unloaded. * Saturday Night " in last issue has the following pertinent article on :)h.el * wild cat *‘ miniug boom at Coâ€" t : The Great School of Business Training, Out of the last 250 calls from busines> firms we have filled FIFTEEN of the ro- sitions. WE HAD NO ONE BL@EREADY TO 8END_ Our indunm are in great demand. This school offers unexcelled advantages Write toâ€"day for our large catalogue, _ W. J. Euztott, Principal, Cor. Youge and Alexander 8ts. One door south of Post Office. We are having an upholsterâ€" er the first week in every month. Anyoue wishing old goods renoâ€" yated to look good as new should advise usâ€"we will be pleased to attend to it at once. Night Calls for Undertaking promptly _ attended _ to. KRESS, Has a full line of Curtain Poles, Window Shaqes, Picture Frames Frames to order of all kinds. TORONTO, ONT. Winter Term opens Jan ELLIOTT Take Warning. The / Undertaker BD KRESS nd 57.30 to end of 1907 s . _ _ * ~PPAtCIIICIIL ON SUPERCALENDERED PAPER, For the production of this great paper an immense new electrotyping photoâ€"engraving and printing plant has been added to The Globe‘s mechanical equipment. This will make The Wrergiy GroBE unques tionably the most desirable home paper in Canada, Arrangements have been made whereby our readers can Secure this superb Weekly and their mlocdfavoriupaperutheipeciauy favorable rate of The use of the curtain fron: is coming more into favor. Under ordinary â€" cirecumstances a house needs to be 4 of the front of glass in order to have the pen well lighted. There should be about as much more of the front ot cotton The cotton may be put on frames which can be closed or opened acâ€" cording to weather conditions. On nice bright days the cotton is eithe; rolled up, or if the curtain is puat on frames, it can be hung up. This makes the pen very nice, bright and airv. On nearly all days the cotton screens should be opened for a short time. On days which are very windy ‘ aud dull, it is advisable to only open one screen. If more than one is opaned there is apt to be ton many Eightâ€"Page on boards or rails which are some 6 or 8 inches apart. ‘The straw should be about one foot or more in depth. The straw which is expu ed to the air of the pen, will absorb the majorâ€" ity of the moisture and keep the house fairly dry, at least we have had no difficulty whatever in keeping houses wrfectlv dry by using straw lofts. here we have not used these lofts, even where there was ample yentilâ€" ation, there has been some little diffiâ€" eulty with frosted walls and ceilings. For a number of years we have been trying to find some way to overâ€" come these difficulties. The best means of ventilatingy a Rouse, that I know of, is by using cloth secreens, and to keep a house perfectly dry I bave found nothing better than a straw loft, i. e. the ceiling is covered with straw, the straw being placed The essential points in a poultry house are light, dryness and good ventllation. _ The houses that have been built warm and tight, with the idea of keeping the water from freez ing have t?)e objeciion, that in nearâ€" ly all cases the ceilings and walls coat with frost during very cold weather. When the weather moderâ€" ates the frost me!ts and you have a very damp house. The house smells of chickens, or in other words. is poorâ€" ly ventilated, and in many instances the chickens are unhealthy. Someâ€" times they lay well during winter, but the eggs are very poor tor hatchâ€" ing purposes. The poultry houses I have seen on many of the farms in Ontario are mostly of two kin isâ€"those that are small, poorly lighted and seldom cleaned, and those that are well built, well lighted, and trequently kept moderately clean. The last mentioned houses are not much more satisfactory than the first. Combined with THE THE WEEKLY GLOBE Durham‘s up-to-date Jewelry Store Emporium Diamond Poultry Houses. WEBSTER‘ 8 Canada‘s Great Illustrated Weekly â€"â€"â€"AND AN Illustrated 5 IPERCAI Punro»n rE.d.. C ?upplemen t OuiItry | _ Where floors are made of cement ) good | boards, or ground; at least four to t have i six inches of fresh earth should be th the / put on each year. Care should be freeZ |taken to keep the floors well cleaned, 1 NCA!*~ | otherwise the ground becomes tainted walls and the common epidemic among _ _cold | fow}s, more prevalent. The ground nuderâ€" | ou;s.de the house should be ploughed ave & | or spaded onee or twice a year. The Bl'w“fi]lan(li)a too needs cropping ‘and where To-day if you in see Oour Stock. S.â€"This store will be of every night starting Dec. 1. uch has always been my Sheepskins ... faricy ::>+4. <.*>a5 528. May ::+ss>l....5 .524 E:uer......... ES :+:* *s1 51+ arined a Potatoes per bag.... .. Flour per ewt.... .... Oatmeal per sack, .. .. Chop per ewt...... .. Live Hows® ... .;., ; Dressed Hogs per ewt fliGes per Ib., .. ; .. ... very customer â€" is _ one. very Buyer here is satisfied, emember this before buying hould you want to be satisfied of this see my stock. Fall Wheat .. . Spring Wheat Cuksx.,..;: ... Poas /.. ... â€" Miss Twamley, Honor Graduate in Elocution and" Physical Oulture of Alma uadies‘ Oollege. 8t Thomas, is prepared to give class or priyate lesâ€" sons in above subjects, Concert enâ€" gagements taken. For terms and other particulars apply to Durham P.O0,.or at Calder‘s Hall, on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Elocutioa and Paysical Jalta>> All poultry houses should be whiteâ€" washed and disinfected at least once a year, The present time is unâ€" desirable for wEitewnhing. as it is apt to leaye the house entirely too damp for the coming serson. It would be better done in the spring or summer. * draughts throughout the pen. As far as we can tell, cotton will keep out almost as much cold as ordinary glass frame or sash. At least, in the houses wher» we have cotton fronts we get a siightly higher minimum temperature than where we haye a similar house with all glass front and no cotton. It must be borne in mind however, that in these houses of ours where the tests are made, the winâ€" dows are not fitted extreme tight. â€" this is impossible the next best thing is to apply lime and work the same into the soil. CANADA FARMER "G. A. Webster hen you want bargains in Jewelry try Webster. Selling High Grade Goods. Durham Markets. hoommmmmuats. on Js.. .2 30 is a delighted The Jewe"er dJubscribe 2 10 to 2 25 to 1 35 to 6 50 to 8 00 to In 13, 1906 oâ€" deay 8 00 40 .‘\ 50 50 00 20 20 «)8 4) a $ "7o x"~ 8 Fu y Wt easily fill AT ani view, days t« at the The p C% UPA 21 printer, dn;' late a same ma 1e mg h W.J. El school, 2nd. May : falling « the wor ers to th ular Ellic a «chool | by year . ronage, Roads ra of local â€" local hay known s ofice, "sayty "lt is receive Dnn':} at the it ra rine . husizess us run d all the pr ings. Revie Revie PEVI® Revie Revig Revirq Revie, Revies Revieq Revirs Thank xÂ¥ +EA Sh Chrie Have lers very pen the di all W ta

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