West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Dec 1906, p. 4

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*4 te th rloves & Mifts Y~ , _ SVILS t0 navi ill make you think so before long. Any p 235¢ to $L2D, & purse buck mitt for £1.00 Our R ubber Lined Smock at £1.40 is an ht just the thing for choring in. ut rP~CsS, whililetrees, chains and nun‘n‘e: N ous other articles, Also Cookstove, 3 Jm\'eil Tripple heater, sideboard, couch <% Ta* p number crocks, pails, milkeans and L(IHES] PRICLS FOR BUTTER & EGGS- :i screen door. No l")cqerve as proprietâ€" E or is giving up farming. The 10( acres being Lot 22, Con. 14, will also be of i es Rlcabne fed fered for sale, subject to a reserve bid. PE oC {toescammnnenne 7 C e en wl in aeemmes Terms :â€"Sums 0f $5 and under, E cash;h over that nm%mt fourteen months‘ credit givan on urnishing apâ€" Tavlor & Co. Dromore § h ultnns ber va uy » MA for cash, C a I Sale to commence at 12 0‘clock sharp _ mlflmmmmflmflflfl D. McPHaiu, ALRY Frorine Boy, 0 ips for sbo::s f Men‘s to sell for 50c, 75: and $1. C( and to pull down : its a stunner for 50c aps aaxxmmmxzmxmxmmmxgg Paylor&Co. Taylor &Co. 2 [HiING NEW in WASHERS: The f Also Wilheim‘s Wringers, all ond Sewing Machines. McC Agent for the Dilion T e had a large shipment the most careful and recl rering iffarvesters ~ esd (Giar: Goahn Glark. We have the first quaiity Me Shoes at very low Prices. JUST ARRIVED! A 1 "** _ We have stock of | of Shirts, collars, Cuffs We can give onli a mere list ads tability to the needs of Deering Harrows, Wilki: ness, Palmerston Buggies We have them in all patterns made trom all have a way of fitting that is positive proof of that is in them, Our Clothing Sale still wants to look spick and sp« krand Suits or Overcoats wi It is buying time. G season‘s selling have be scale than ever. _ We hav and are prepared to satisfy We have everything in â€" Woman or Child. Our Stock The best in their line as ‘s Fall 6 Men‘s Heavy Tweed Suits Reg. $7.50, 8 Men‘s Heavy Tweed Suits Reg. $8. 50. 12 Men‘s Fine Tweed Suits Reg. $10.00 MORE BARGAINS IN MEN‘s sUiTts Mew‘s Heauwy Turmsit uts Maaw ns 20 n 9 1 MEN‘S HEAVY RUBBERS & SOCKS PROGR_ESS BRAND OVERCOATsS and Winter aps and they Men‘s Stylish Raglanettes from $6 to $1 5. Boy‘s Stylish Raglanettes from #4 to $5.2 Boy‘s Heavy Reefers from $2 50 to $4.00 FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS 4/ of Groceries for Xmas is the best that can be en‘s & Boy‘s Clothing. ‘Ng soale still goes on and any spick and span for Christmas c MEN‘S _ FURNISHINGS Or a mere list of our goods, 1 e needs of South Grey we ‘s, Wilkinsgp Ploughs XMAS GROCERIES HEADQUARTERS Men‘s furnishings for the Christmas , Ties, Mufflers, Gloves, Hoisery, etc mermmeinenttgemmmmm222222220 ._F. MORLOCK 1/ â€", veen on a more extensive We have bought in large quantity 0 satisfy you in quality and Price. ng in wearing apparel for Man, ‘s, all made by Watson of Ayr McClary Stoves for Coal on Hinge Stay Fence. will fill the bill arge assortment of Men‘s I our goods, but in quality and uth Grey we are not excelled: on Ploughs, Heney‘s Harâ€" Renowned ar ticles, fair prices & Perforated Drum «‘s and Boy‘s Rubbers and over SH _ AND ONE PRICE Our preparations for this andle only the best. Our 50c line has Fiarm J adhinery. A few doors South of the Middaugh House, _ ol Men‘s and are the finest all wool Cloths and of the workmanship to clear at $4.50 to clear at $5.25 to clear at $7.50 man or boy who ne of our Progress , only in the Ideal Coal or Wood 25 ur bough; Trade xd | AAROmIAN N\ dn mt 2 0; 2 3 5) l Te s 4 35 Cormick Mower, Toronto mower, hay. loader nearly new, sulky rake, Massey. Harris puiper, Daisy grain grinder 10 inch plates, straw cutter. Perrin sulky plow. two single plows. set Tolton harrows, fanning mill, set platform scales, 2 top buggies, democrat,cutter, wagon, pair Trucks, set bhobâ€"sleighs, buggy pole, set heavy harness, set plow harness, set single harness, stoneâ€" boat, sprayer, 2 robes, hayknife, crossâ€" cut saw, blacksmith‘s Forge, set brace and bits, number gram bags, 150 feet . lâ€"inch hay fork rope, qnantity of hay and turnips, large feed boiler, grindâ€" stone, Daisy Churn, stock rack, hay rack, forks, goes. shovels, tools. neckâ€" yokes, whiffietrees, chaing and rimnc.. , Horse rising 5 yrs, M; posed to be in foal, br horse, colt rising 3 yis, 1 yrs old. 6 cows suppco call, farrow cow, pedi bull, 9 steers 2 yrs old, 1 old. 4 yearling steers, 8 ers, five spring calves, 2 Yorkshire sows in pig, Ppigs. Decting Binder ne Aruiclin ce e t Of Farm Stock, Implements, House hold Furniture and Farm. e P BIG 7 *# SANTA â€" CLAUS Auctioneer. with a big load of Toys, Games and presents of all kinds for everyone. Come and see him. You will miss it if you don‘t. PROGRESS BRAND cLOTHING Auction Sale has arrived at the Lgremont, on Nige DAY, DBC. 17th, 1906 The Following 4 innder nearly new, Mc wer, Toronto mower, hay new, sulky rake, Massey r, Daisy grain grinder 1 3 o Yrs, Mare rising 4 sup. in foal, brood mare, aged ing 3 yis, driving mare Wws supposed to be in cow, pedigreed Durhain : yrs old, 10 heifors 2 yrs Steers. 8 vearline hLig BIG 4 teers. 8 yearling heifâ€" alves, 2 thoroughbred in pig, fourteen store Lole. . L 0‘ $5 and under, ”0‘3;1115 . fourteen ?On urnishing apâ€" ; or 5 per cent off at 12 0‘clock sharp ALEX F®rTTES, Proptietor . _BEAN| offer for sale premises, Lot ) self briefly thanked their tokens of esteem * 0, 8. Timgs, Rreyv. Dr McRonserr CANED.â€"Rev Dr _ McRobbie returued from Wiarton yesterday on the forenoon train and with Mrs McRobbie left by the 3.45 C. P. R. express for their new home at Nelson, Ont. During the brief inâ€" teryal between their atrival and deâ€" parture a number of their Owen Sound friends assembled in the parlor of the Paterson House and presented Dr Mc Robbie with a beautiful goldâ€"headed ebony cane suitably engraved and to Mrs McRobbie they gave a handsome teapot also engraved. Dr C, M. Lang and Mr John Armour, on behalf of the company, made the presentations which were accompanied by manvy ex. pressions of regret at the severance of the friendly ties that had so long bound them together. Dr McRobbie was taken very much bK gurprise and on behalf of Mvrs McRohhin esd us going on in Africa. but keep up with your own your home paper. WHLE : . .c uc agi o mor t o MnE Y and hopes you will soon be well. 1t teils when you come and go, when your ’hnnsu is burnt down or you bui‘d a new one, whear your Johnny has the mumpe, or your Mury has the measles, and how much your little Pete weighs on arrival, And when you require the whole street and both sidewalks to get home from the _ club, 1t shuts both eyes and * mum‘s " the word. Yes, take tne big papers if you are interested in what : ONTARIO ARCHI TOoRONTO an atrocions murder, or have half a dozâ€" en living wivos. But your local papers watch oyer you with loving solicitude all the time. If yon are sick, it is sorry and hopes you will soon be well. It fulhs sustacadi cle stt t 1 1 The city papers are all right if you waut them, but it is the local papers that advertise your business, your schools, your numsrous societies. sympathizes with you in your afflictions and rejoices in your prosperity ; in shorkt it is your local paper thut mentions the thousand and . one items in which you are interâ€" osted duricg the yaar, and which the wiby papers o not. It is the home paâ€" iper that records your birth, publishes your marriage, and â€" clhnonicles your death. To the great jonrna‘sâ€"the forty page compendium of the daily h»ppenâ€" ings of the worldâ€"you are nop even a cyphor. ‘To get the least notice from them you must steal $100,00:, commit an atrocions murder, or have half a dozâ€" en living wivos. But your local papers watch Sover® von wiklh Inulnss clak E92 Under the abovea hoadline. the Ro«â€" thern Enterprise has a capital article showing the unmistakertle value of the towu sheet to the local eommunity, Is gays : ‘"The skin is a very delicate and complex organ and upon its conditions and the vicissitudes to which it is exâ€" posed the health is more dependent than upon any other agency in life over which we have control. The skin is not arm independent organ; nothing in the body is independent, It is now well known that the skin. as woll as other parts of the body, deâ€" pends for its integrity upon tne genâ€" eral nervous . system. Disturbance any where in the body acts upon the . skin; conversely, any disturbance in the skin acts upon the central nervous system ." 3 on in Africa. but if "A beautiful body ’ healthy body, in perfec its use, embracing colo mation _ and intellige Anna â€" Galbraith _ in Delineator. _ "The ad: but skin deep,‘ like m; untrue. The beauty evidence of good respir gestion, proper exer bowels, skin and kidn dition of the blood, outdoor exercise, Mr Dan Edge attended the Fat Stock show in Guelph last week., We wish the Review a merry Christmas and a happy New year and many of them. Mr Wim MceFarlane is assisting Mr Ham Allan in his blacksmith busiâ€" ness. Mr=â€" Patrick Morrison o visited old friends here | and then left for the West. Miss Alice Collier is at t making business in Dnrham Benefits of a Local Paper. Mr Robert Eetor paid Stratford last week Mrs Ham Allan was yisiiing last week at the old homestead at Mrs Allans. Mrs Firth and son oi Jessopville attended the funeral ot Mr Menry Firth last week. Quite a number of Edge Hill ecople atiended the funcral of Mr flenry Firth, Sleighing is good here now and times are more lively then they have been lately. There is to be a Temperance meeting in the Esplin church on Tuesday evening the I1 inst. The Ladies‘ Base ball club 13 pr â€" paring for a concert in the near tature ifthey can get a hall to suit them. They are trying to get the Esplin charch. Mr â€"Thomas Davis specter paessod through day last on his wavy non The Rev Mr Roachk cf Priceville exchanged pulpits with the Hopeville pastor here. Mr Roach bad a large number to hear bim. on the road of br also settled. In â€" fully on the road. A threatened lawsuit here over a horse trade is settled before going to court. Much better. Another little difficulty was entered in the magistrate‘s court at Dundalk of G'i\lks v. 8. Gilks about an accident The Care of the Skin : Lo s W EY presupposes a body, in perfect condition for embracing color, texture., aniâ€" and iultelligence” says Dr L i iuslcd 290000 ce s â€" mee *n § M «... ralbraith in the January or. ""The adage, ‘Beauty is deep,‘ like many another, is The beauty of the skin is of good respiration, good uiâ€" proper excretion by the kin and kidneys, good con» E the blood. and plenty of their atrival and deâ€" r of their Owen Sound d in the parlor of the and presented Dr Mcâ€" beautifal goldâ€"headea 4+ o +4 *# # M ~~â€" s +ss 1! known that er parts of the integrity upon _ system. _ Di Sn ce nc M wwew«.. cce ELdge Hill. Obtie and bifi:â€"‘ the donors fop I and friendsbip, Hopeville. severance of had so long Ir McRobbie gurprise and both eyes and ‘s, lake tne big ed in what i: if you want to l’iof-’.fnphy take S Davis, Tavern Inâ€" ‘hrough here on Sunâ€" way nome from Dun COs and reJorces short it is your ons the thousand ch you are interâ€" ir, and which the is the home paâ€" birth, publishes chnonicles your breaking a buggy Eo Nee :"‘HHJ es future, drive careâ€" that the skin. f the body, deâ€" upon tne genâ€" . _ Disturbance acts upon the disturbance in central nervous a‘sâ€"the forty dfl,”)‘ ll»lppen. e not even a notice â€"from of Prescott last week a visit to the dress 2 _ , ‘V° ow your horse toget‘ [chilled when you can purchase a Horse Blanket so cheap. See our variety, from 50c to $5.00. In Robes we will give you quality as well as quantity. Galt Robes from $6.50 to $8.50. Buffalo Robes as high as $100.00. We can satisfy nearly . son wanting to parchas Sleigh, Ranging in price to $3. j Care well stocked with Sleigh Belis. Body Strings from $1.00 to $5.00. Half Strings from "25¢ to $2,50. Shalt Gongs from 25¢ to $2. Sag‘(]lle Gongs $3. Open Bells 10c to to 6Oc Mitts and Gloves in We are well Bells. Bodvy A Few Far Coats in Gingle, gingle all the day, oh, what fun it is to ride in an open sleigh. HARDW ARE Young Man! If you are of getting married, start rig curing your license from TVUDKHOPE SLEIGHS. BARCLAY z BELL, Durham No wonder Tudhe look handsomerâ€"run wear longer. Let us the new 55 years‘ experience in buying materialsâ€"designingâ€"constmcting â€"testing. ‘That is the Tudhope‘s record. ‘ & It is only }\'"E: n a t ura l [r@s that the Tahrezren _ mm "| Tu d h o p e Sleighs should be best 'fi v .,J Gbe ubtlanhe It is only y ced ledg :y _‘ M{&ffil’_“ that the Tudl’lOne not allow . BLACK. James R. Gun & Co. DURHAM, ces. 'l'ry us f the above and can‘t please you. Children‘s 2â€"piece suits as low as $1.50. Gverâ€" coats for men, boys and children all at right priâ€" Or if you want a suit of clothes try us. We have a nice good looking su‘t and one that will wear well for 6 and $7, and our fine worsteds at §10. Don‘t you want a Fur Coat; either for yourself or wife? If you do come and try us. _ We will do our best to please you. Crant‘s for Clothing wonder Tudhope Sleighs 7: ato% Srant A BOX or FANCY BASKET or eAeczlert vcs« CANDIES 1304132 YONGE ST., ToORONTO, Aitizs ao suss aours in AlL Lieot Chrits XMAS PRESENT ACCEPTABLE TO ALL SALES AGENTS. whv ud CCCE y w- ,Pfllfcfi.’ase a Hand D avinsox, Durh ry us for any of THE ONE abundance. stock at $20 run smootherâ€" are thinking t right by seâ€" every from show you see if we AMJ Ontario We are having a big sale of trimmed Millinery for the next two weeks. We want to clear out the whole stock before the first of January. We have these hats marked away below their real value in order to sell them out, A large assott ment of Ladies‘ blouses, fancy Neckwear and belts, ribâ€" bons in every color, Laces and all sorts of dress trimmings. Miss Dick _ the assets of the deceased parties entitled thereto, ha coly to she claims of whict then h»ye notice. it any, held | and that after executors will the assets nf 1t In the matter of the Estate of Wil. liam Johnston, the elder, late of the Township of Normanby, in theCounty of Grey, farmer deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. 8. O. 1897, Cap. 120, Sec. 38, and Amending Acts, that ail persons havâ€" ing claims ainst the estate of the said Williuma.fohnston. the elder, who died on or about the 23rd day of Octâ€" ober, A. D. 1906, are required to send by 'put prepaid, ur to deliver to J. P. Telford, ‘of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, Solicitor for the executors, on or before the 14th day of December A, D. 1906, their names, addresses and descriptions,.and a full statement â€" of particulars â€" of their claims and the nature of the securit?' if any, held b them duly certified, and that after J;e suid day the said | executare «se _____C2,"0J _1 Dated In the Surrogate Cour; County of Grey. (G rimmed J, P. TEuronrp, Solicitor for the executors Janet Johnston and Thos,. Gadd n mc s 7 ie P claims of which they notice, 16th proceed to 1istribute stock while it is all here, but to do this you must come soon. Seeing it will uow solve every gift problem. Don‘t delay, come early and often, day of November, inery. CHRISTMAS sed among the , having regard MacFARLANE AND CO DRUGGISTS & BOOKSELLERS days between uow ar Christmas to begin to give some consideration to the matter of Gifts. We have a truly magâ€" nificent array of gift goods and extend a cordial invitation _ to call and inspect it In every way it is guperior to any holiday line we have ever had. We have more goods, a much greater variety and every article is worthy of being given, We G IF TS F O R C H RI S T M A $ S T OCKI N G S There are none too many of the want _ you shall Rerew for Mew A 1 CC Emt AML | Accnrding to the last will and tesâ€" lament of Samuel Kidd, deceased, | there will he sold by public auction on Thuroda,v Dec, 'Znh at 2 o‘clock p. m. Lot 33 Con 3 Egremont one mwile north of HMolstein, containing ’100 acres land, well watered by Sayâ€" geen river, medium sized new frame house and frame barn, The cleared land is well under grass, pasture and meadow. The sale will be beld on Premiges,. nossaesia. "__. U° Dt see our FARMING MADE PROFITABLE by taking a course th:‘ instruction at rels l a C 0B) HITE Students adâ€" mitted at any time . “‘mm Term commen ces Wednesdp Â¥, Jan. 2, 1907, Bull Farticulars lent‘tohsn,v address free . 4 fuR ut _ 72 °C °C Tok _ * 2 J Con 3 Egremont one le north of HMolstein, containing acres land, well watered by Sayâ€" n river, medium sized new frame ise and frame barn, The cleared d is well under grass, pasture and ld‘:v'. The sale will be hleld on mises. posseesion given Ist of rch, as it is now leased. JoHX CLanre )« To /. veeaaime Nib Ec lartziantt lt 222 and obtaining a knowledge of bookâ€"keepâ€" . and kindred su ts. â€" Three NE :‘-â€"l?!_‘fudy & _B:l’l:m. flhnnhmpjf. P ofen west of the Machinay can only be obtained here ; Verity Ploughs, ali kinds of Harrows, Singer Sewing Maâ€" chines, etc. BELL ORGANS & PIANOS, Nothing like the Bell as the large number who have bought from us since Show Day can testify Get a Bell. McQueen & Morice Prices and GRAY & sons. CHATHANM CANADA CARRIAGE CO. Brockville Get ready for the beautiful snow and provide yourself with a cutter that will be a jov to ride in. Call early and see the fine display in Oour warerooms mada L.. SsAaALE opr n.‘",g-\'sfl CUTTERS! MASSEY HARRISS and see the fine disbla):-i; arerooms made by Owen Sound, Ont MNORTHER, Terms fair and mod; erate, ill 8: OMHA.D Durham Executrix A. FukanNc uidd‘“flh Hous FARM l‘rliél]'.l W W O

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