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Durham Review (1897), 20 Dec 1906, p. 10

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Â¥i *to pt tr t u t ut & Every seasot er, PL A. G. Mi Office. Durham Pete The I | Barriste The it Ders: Maple Office, 13 1 Wili b» the fit Late assts to K f)0ce a Dentistr H®o Over Unive wW.C Offic« #â€"11 a Te ART Mc AR Byt Nots ‘ Siaun® Bicrrs.â€"Have you planned for # sale this fall ? We haye all the apâ€" iances for turning out sale bills meatâ€" and quickly and the Review is a mediam in which to advertise, n advertisement in the Review brings results. _ When sale bills are printed here we give a brief free anâ€" ouncement, asd we put the whole ‘ill in for a moderate extra charge. Is good Bread, well made and properly bakedâ€"the bread that is made by Stinson. This is the geflect breadâ€"made of the best our, leavened and seasoned just right, thoroughly kneaded and baked to perfection, it is easily digested and it builds health and strength for those who eat it. Give it a trial. THE PEOPLES STORE We have agood line of Gloves, something out ot the ordinary,. Shir ts} Underwear, Sweaters, &e. F are in great demand, and ours are pleasing the careful urs purchaser. A number of Good Coon Coats, something any one would prize from $50 to $60 to meet all demands. Rubbers and Overshoes e hhies smok of Felt Shoes in town : for both men and women. _ We take second place to"none in t hi Overcoats The kind that fits. From $5 to $10. Ready M ade Suits, heavy for winter wear. â€" Blankets fine quality, etc. But the store is just packed with Christmas and seasonable goods. Select your present here : Gloves, Handkerchiefs. Fur Caps, Hats, etc. _ Groceries fresh and abundant. If you are out for Chiustmas you‘ll be sure to visit us: What better tor presents than Neckties Silk Hdk‘fs Cravats Suspenders Umbrellas Hats & Caps We recommend these with confidence, and they are gaining confidence by the way we are kept busy. We are constantly endeavoring to encourage that well dressed feeling by keeping only the best in the Gents‘ Furnishing ‘ine. We cannot enumerate everything but call attention to Ordered & Ready-to- Ladies® Coats & Men‘s Ordered Suits ers in our busy store tells the same story from the kind of goods they are buying. Here is a partial list: The jingle of the sleighbells pro=â€" claims that winter is here. The buyâ€" The Best Cure For Dyspepsia ROBERT BURNETT. STINSON, The Baker . Sececcéeqceceeéece 3 i&“z That is to the quality and fit as well as to the price, no guess work from $12 to $15. All farm produce wanted. Highest prices paid. Winter Warmth. Every Value Tested. Flarity _ Merchant Tailors and Gent‘s Furnishers P The s ability, fittings, ulation Intending Students should enter at the beginâ€" ning of the term if possible. Board can be obâ€" tained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place for residence No Lir® so Goon.â€"Country life has its drawbacks, but it hasits great adâ€" vantages which overcomethem. True those who live in the couutry are "Rubes" and "Farmers" and "hayâ€" seeds" to the cigarette smokers in town but the boast of the business men in the world today is that they were born on a farm. Take away the surrounding evils that beset the young menor women on the threshold of life‘s journey in the city, and subâ€" stitute the helpful influence of nature, and you fortify them for the sterner walks in life, The few things which they donet knowabout table etiquette and when it is proper to leave two visiting cards ;\m;, wgen but one, they will catch onto much quicker tbhan city boys and girls will learn to properâ€" ly stroke the furnace or make good bread. No boy or girl need be asâ€" hamed of living on the farm, for if they have taken advantage of what it has offered they are well fortified for after life. Win.Jonaston, Sr., C. Ramage, Chairman. Secretal MIS M Durham School W ear Overcoats Certific Queen work. The following competent staff charge : . ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principal LOLA MCLEOD, B. A., Honor Graduate Qucen‘s University, Classics, Moderns Staff and Equipment. hool is thoroughly cquli'Fped in teaching in chemical and electrical supsllel and &o., for full Junior Leaving and Matricâ€" work. The following competent staff FEES: $1 per month in advance M English ate and third year undergraduate of ‘s University. Science, History and Geography. MOLLAND First Class Mrs Dugald McKechnie and iittle daughter Sadie returned on Friday from Fergus Hospital, the latter beâ€" ing quite strong again. Mr Seigner in company with Mr Caldwell had a business trip to Walkâ€" ton last week. Also took in the fair. Miss Annie Straith, daughter of the late Rey Peter Straith, at one time of Holstein, is now stenograpker in the law office of Mackay and Duns, Mr Geo Browning, ot Hopetown, is visiting his son, A. D. Browning, at present. Mrs Geo, Duncan of this town, we are sorry to learn, is on the sick list, hope her a speedy recovery. Master David Robertson, of Glamis, is visiting his aunt, Mrs Browning and brother Dan in town. Dr and Mrs Jamieson are taking up residence in Toronto for a few months this winter, which will also be a conâ€" veurence during the approaching session. MrJas McClocklin of the Standard Bank is in Harriston at present re lieving for a week or two. Mrs J, C. Nichol and Mrs J. M. Latâ€" imer were visitors to the Xmas Fair held in Walkerton last Wednesday and report abundance of stuff and a large crowd. Mr Chas Farquharson has accepted a school at Earlton, a few miles north of New Liskeard. Charlie is young to go into the wilds but he has in him the grit and gumption to make a success. Mrs RK. B. Irvine, of Gunfell, Sask., is visiting her aunt. Mrs 8, Orchard. She was accompanied down by her son Herbert and wife and baby and ber daughter Ella, who are visiting rela tives at Varney. Mrs Calder returned this week from a ten days visit with her brother M: F. Graham, Midland. Mr and Mrs Angus McKelvie and children accompanried by Mrs M‘s sister Miss M,. Dowzer arrived last week from New Liskeard, to spend Christ mas with Angus‘ parents bere and visit their circle of ~relativyes which includes Mrs Dowzer‘s uncle and aunt Mr and Â¥rs Jas Leask, Egreâ€" mont. Mrs Jno. Nichol and Mrs Latimer attended the Christmas fair at Walkâ€" erton last week. Mr Arch, McKinnon, traveller. paid a brief visit to his parents, Mr and Mrs Allan McKinnon, over the week end. He accompanied a member of the firm to montreal and the east lately on a a purchasing trip, and in the spring will extend his field to Europe. Arâ€" chie is pushing ahead. Mrs Phillips, Guelph, is visiting her mother Mrs Adamsand other relativyes at Mr Calyerts. Mrs Newton went to Norwich Monâ€" day morning. In ihe mattey of the estate of Samu, el Ktdd. late of the Township of Egre mont in the Cpunty of Grey, farmer deceased. NOTIUE is Rereby given pursuant to * The Revispd Statutes of Ontario " 1897 Chapter 139, that all creditors and others having dlaims against the esâ€" tate of the s§id Sammel Kidd, who died on or aboug the twentyâ€"fifth d? of November A.YD. 1868, are required, on or before th@ Eighteenth day of January A. D.§%1907, to send by post prepaid or delive} to Mrs B. Orchard, the surviving ecutrix of the last Will and Testamdpt of the said deceasâ€" ed, their Christian and surnames, adâ€" dresses and descriptions, the full parâ€" ticulars of their cldims. the statement of their accounts} and the nature of the securities. if any, held by thenm.. Almanac goes with every subscription. The Revy Irl R. Hicks has been compelled by the hfiapulnr demand to resume the publication of wellâ€"known and popular Almanac for 1907, ;rm: splengld _Almanrac is now ready. % cts, % Worp AND WoRKS PUBLISKI=G CoÂ¥â€" PANY, 1 Locust Btne& 8t Louis, Mo., gl: lishers of Worps aAxp Works, one of the t dollar monthly magazines in America. One And further take\notice that after such last mentioned date the said Exâ€" ecutrix will ‘rroce to distribute the assets of the deceasef among the partâ€" ies entitled thereto having regard only to the claims which she shall then hbave notice, hnd that the said Executrix will not {be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims noâ€" tice shall not have been received by her at the time of snch distribution. 200 acres, being lots 12 in con 15 & 16, Egremont, 165 acrtes cleared, 18 ac. hardwood bush, remainder swamp, 2 ac orchard, creek crosses front corâ€" ner of both farms. Spring un back of each farm. Good house, bank barn driving shed, pig pen, hen house. Also lot 14, con 15, 100 acres, 65 clearâ€" ed, remainder swamp, small orchard. brick bouse, bank barn, drivinT shed, Creek croses this ftarm also. All well enced. Apply to Dated at Durham |the 18th day o December A. D, 1906. Mrs B. OrcHARD, Dudrham P O. Ont. Surviving Executrix lof the last Will and Testament of Saguel Kidd, deâ€" ceased. The Rev Irl R. Hicks 1907 Almanae. FARM POR SALE. Not tice to Creditors A. N. HrExpERson Dromore or Yeovil ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO A BracixG@ RipE,â€"A lady correâ€" spondent sends us the following reâ€" cipe for those who desire the fresh air curo:; *"The means of conveyance afforded travellers from Durham to Walkerton is something everyboay should avail themselves of; it is a grand vebicle with the place where the doors once were but are not fashionable now allowing the inmates lots of fresh air thus giving protection against contagious diseases. The groom is a prosperous farmer of Westhope haying come here from Onâ€" tario some years ago, He is a son of Maicolm Cameron, formerly of Benâ€" tinck. The bride was formerly of Cutâ€" ler, Indiana, and hbas taught a numâ€" ber of termms of school in this county. Only the immediate friends of the bride and groom were present and after the customary congratulations following the ceremony had been gone throrgh. these sat down to a table loaded with the very best things the most capricious appetite could wish for. The bridal cake, the work of the bride‘s own skilful hands, adorned the centre of the table and proved to be a very mountain of sWeetness. LOOK HERE, FARMER The presents testified to the esteem in which the young couple are held. I had 250 acres of Good Land aboye Durham, well improved, with very fine buildings, advertised in the REVIEW for $7500. I can now sell it for a good deal less and IT‘S A BARâ€" GAIN. The bride was becomingly attired in a gown of white silk mull trimmed with valencienes lace and allâ€"over lace. She wore a necklace of pearls and a boquet of white carnations. The house was tastefully decorated with bridal roses and carnations. _ Then I have a 100 ACRE well imâ€" proved farm near Durham that I will sell VERY CHEAP or trade for other property. â€"It‘s a saap. â€" For considerâ€" ably under $3000 I will sell 100 acres in Bentinck, with good soil, brick veneerâ€" ed and frame house, large frame bank barm, frame stables and pig stables, good orchard. This is really a sacritice The groom wore the conventional black. £ I have also a great lot of other proâ€" per;{ for sale and a MILLION DOLâ€" LARS of MONEY to lend at very low rates,. â€"1COLLECT DEBTS, carefully prepare all kinds of WRITINGS, sell C. P. R. Tickets to all points WEST and sell OCEAN TICKETS. Every kind of legitimate business attended to. Everything private. Our Motto : * Always prompt, Never Negligent." A very }?rel ty wedding took glnce at Antler, North Dakota, at the home of the bride, when Mro Williain Cameron and Miss Elgie Brookie were united in the holy bonds of wedlock by the Rer Win. Shields, pastor of Antler Presbyterian Church, At half t six on the evening of Noyember &.t. the {ounu couple took their places before the Reverend genâ€" tleman, who speedily performed the ceremony which united two loving hearts and lives. Undertaking BARCLAY & BELL In Giving Advice To a Bride Will Carleton saysâ€" See that your kitchen fire be bright Your hands be neat and skilled, For the love of man oft takes its flight. If his stomach be not well filled." This is hbis opnion, but opinion is not always fact. & however, â€"that lt I1S & FaCt we have everyâ€" thing in fresh groceries to provide your Chrisimas delacies, such as New Raisins and Currants, Peels, Extragts, â€" Comfits, dates, figs, __prunes, Icing Sugar, shelled nuts, Empress, Leâ€" Fancy Cakes X®sa. tanas, Molasses snaps. Arrowroot, City mixed. Peach Tnrnovers, Figâ€" Bars, Honey Bars, etc. SODASâ€"Fresh, crisp in % lb pkgs. at 5¢ each, Everything Fresh C. McARTHUR We have opened up Undertaking Rooms in Thos, Swallow‘s buildâ€" ing opposite the Middaugh House and are prepared to do business with any person requiring underâ€" taking. Satisfaction guaranteed in Embalming, â€" Our stock of funeral supplies has arrived ; also a full line of Catholic robes, etc. ;}aackage and Bulk Teas. and Cofâ€" ees, cocoa, cocanut, chocolate, canned goods of all kinds, Mince Meat at 10¢ per 1b. Come to us for Cnristmas Goods DRINK ‘DAVIES‘ TEA. Caxurroxnâ€"BrookiE. H. H. MILLER, The Hanover Conveyancer. and Embalming DURHAM KEvisw a <@> e + ho

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