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Durham Review (1897), 20 Dec 1906, p. 1

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EC .1 pp| 3 1906 ent 14y 1F |® Get Pex 6Rrazy.â€"Our readers must have noted the cut of a Fountain Pen, « Celtric Model I, appearing in the Reâ€" 1 Â¥iew, We are offering this pen for 60 days to all paid in advance subscribers at the nominal price of 50 cents. The pen is a usefal and seryiceable arcicle, gold point. richly chased. ‘ SHuch a pen is a modern necessity» easily filled, common ink can be used. and it can be safely carried,. Get one and let your neighbor see it, If you live at a distance send 5 cents postage extra to us and it will be mailed you from the factory. Mary BR a Day Latg.â€"Christmas falling on Tuesday this year, one of the worst days of ths week for the printer, next week‘s issune may be a day late for some ~f our mail, and the same may apply to the week followâ€" ing. Ye Editor and staff wish all readers a Merry Christmas and say "Thank you" for the privilege we have taken. W. J. Elliott for a cnlul(mu'e of his school. The Winter Terim opens Jan. We direct the attention of our readâ€" ers to the advertisement of the popâ€" ular Elliot Business College of Toronto a school that is growing greater year by year and is well worthy of patâ€" ronage. Write to the Principal, Mr. Every one is interested in an item of local news. If you know of any local happening that is not generally known communicate the fact to this office, People do not placeconfidence in the 'Mny rumors that are constantly fiy: about the streets. You can help us run down all rumors by giving in all the particulars of all lJocal happenâ€" ings, Fine sleighing has allowed good busizess to be done during the week. Roads rather icy. at the Big 4 Fine slei December 20th. Shortest Day toâ€"morrow. Christmas on Tuesday next. Haye you all your presents bought? "1t is more blessed to give than to receive," MNor‘Emiue sucnw anke Pkoswas «s REVIEW and 1cronto Doay Star REVIEW and Foront» Daily News prtgr«,, 7. _ "__‘C 40r0ntO D7 VOL. XXVIIL. NO. 51 Review Clubbing Rates t miss seâ€"ing Santa Clause at Duruax Puritcs Gor MEDALS. â€"We are informed that Mr Arthur Weir got the medal for general preficiency for Part II 8Sr Leaving at the examinâ€" ation at O,. 8. Collegrate Institute, while Miss Amv Edge took a similar medal for Part I. 8r Leaving. These pupils both went through the Upper rooms of Durham School, We conâ€" gratulate them on their succers. _ At Owen Sound this Wednesday evening a public presentation is being made. all. and as each one has to teach two lessons, besides the other work, it takes a long time. The large attondâ€" ance at the Model schaol this year, caused. no doubt by the prospect of losing it, leads one to fear that its ab. sence will be greatly muissed. Many took advantage of it here who could not afford to go from home, so the man with the short purse will be the loser. THrE MopE®t Scaoot examinations could not be concluded last week. Six teachers from outside came in to write for an extension making 31 in l Our school beards are to be comâ€" _ mevded for fayorably considering betâ€" ter wages for teachers and better apâ€" pliances for school rooms in accord=nce with the new Law. In nearly every case they have manifested a wilâ€"ingâ€" ness to appropriate the necessary funds to put the buildings and grounds in good order, What is needed most is some one in every district to lead. ‘The teacher should not leave it to the trustees nor the trustees to the teacher. both. with the assistance of the patâ€" rons and pupils, should lend a hand. The Burns‘ church Sunday School will hold their annual Christmas tree on Friday eyening the 21 of December at the church, Rocky Saugeen. Adâ€" mission 15 cents. DARLINGS FOR HANDSOME AND USEFUL HOLIDAY GIFTS. Purhd Sainta Claus is astout, elderly, con serative, self made saint. with a jovial temperament, In type plutocratâ€" ic. His wealth, if tainted, has never been Theodorized or subjected to the germ analysis of Mr Moopy. Why this immuanity? His giftts are, in the main, unnecessary and unequal, Feo gives to the slender starveling a tin whistile, to the stuffed richling a goldâ€" en automobile, His Christmas cigars are notoriously violent, his mementoes in the way of slippers, gloves, and dressing coats often do injustice to the human form divine. Yet nothing we can say, in truth or malice, can dim the splendors of his popularity. Supâ€" pose he shculd becorne sensible. useâ€" ful, necessgary ; suppose he should withdraw his flood of little gifts and devote the value to some bumane inâ€" stitution. like a Home for Honest Politicians or a College for Domestig Servants. Would the world bles him? No! ln a week we should class hi among the Kobber Barons. The world, though a wise and temperate planet, refuses to be instructed or imâ€", proved at the present season. Hail therefore, St. Nick! Hoch, bravo, and likewise banzai. â€"Colliet‘s. PrixTtERrs IN HARD LUCK.â€"Last week Mr Irwin of the Chronicle bad a smash of his gasoline engine before his issue was half through. We took in hand in a neighborly way to finish the Chronicle on the Review pressand were getting along nicely when a slip in feeding made a smash on our press which put an end to ihe neighhorly' stunt and compelled the issue to be finished by hand on his own press. Investigation of our own mishap showed that it could be repaired locally, Mr J. 8. Drysdale a local artist in iron, took it in hand and asâ€" ’ sisted by MrDuncan of the Farmer‘s Man. and Supply Co. have once more got us aâ€"going in good shape. Mr Drysdale had experience among many kinds of presses in Scotland and in this country, and though he never handled an "Oscillator Campbel!" be succeeded in getting ‘"cnto it," and got the inâ€" tricate adjustments of cogâ€"wheels &c., into their place. Mr Ilrwin expects his engine back from the makers this week, so that everything is * as you were," Our thanks are due also to Bro Irwin of the Chronicle who has a knack with machinery that would have made him a good engineer. We don‘t nelieye in the tbheory advanced by some, tnat our press, resenting f the printing of a Tory paper. tried | to commit suicide. li 500 lbs of ckoice Christmas cheese on sale at The Big Store. Mr Fred A. Lewis, no tuner, exâ€" pects to be in Durham iRJanuary, 8. G. Temperance Association ar ranged a meetivg in the Methodist church here on Sunday evening. Rey Mr Bice, Rector of Trimty was the speaker of the océasion and gave an earnest address on the influence of the home in relation to the temperance question and was impressive on the necessity of personal consecration of the members of OUhristian churches. There was a large attendance, Call at the Smiurdlflank and get a calender for 1907. Hiek cnass ConcRigrt.â€"scot‘s Greys Camp of 8. of 8., Priceville, bave their annual concer planned â€" for Thursday of next week, the 20 inst. Miss lona Roberston $nd Miss Duff wellâ€"known and taldpted artistes bave been engaged an high class humorist. Watch for \posters and fuller particulars, â€" Dec. 80. J A nice assortuRRnt of Ladies‘ collars and belts at Miss Dicks. Great barg‘s in trimmed millinery at Miss Dicks,. . Y butundibetsesattiestedrteniedibetrdaortraidrchad WHLd * to date of withdrawal and doll o d ha c:e dl paid four times a year. _ Your Dize! of #o And Have n adâ€" deposit accournt is solicited, 3ed to regularly, usually with No red tape or formality with us. _ * mall amouats. We are no respecter of persons : the ‘‘dollar"‘ depositor is just as welcome as the larger ones. STANDARD BANK or CANADA Interest at highest current :tates allowed from date of deposâ€" J. KELLY, Manager, Durham. Savings Bank Department DURHAM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1906 Durham Branch planned â€" for k, the 20 inst. nd Miss Duff ted artistes M high class osters and THE GuUitD.â€"Monday evening the Pres. Guild had a redâ€"letter night. Dr Browu of Holstein, President of Saugeen Presbyterial Bociety was announced and a much larger atâ€" tendarce than usual was present, Rev Mr Little accompanied him and said a few appropriate words as introductâ€" ory. The Doctor‘s topic was "power" in the service of Christ and very imâ€" pressively and unaffectedly hbe pressed his points. In his deep earnestness be renches for the heart and conscience of his bearers very strongly, and it is impossible to escape the mental attiâ€" tude of introspection he induces. Dr Brown is no mean member of his proâ€" fession, he is po pular as solcist, pub. lic spirited in every good cause and hearing bhim as an evangelist one is forced to say ‘"‘what manner of man have we here." He is making a round of all the societies in the Presbytery and must leaye a useful inspiration behind him. MoRrE EQUIPMENT.â€"An addition has just been made to the equipment of Durham School costing about $150. It congists of nnflnnm. electrical and otherwise for the more advyanced teaching of Physics and Chemiatry to the Continuation Classes, A Library for the use of pupils is also to be inâ€" stalled shortly, The Report of Inâ€" spector Cowley, hased on his recent visit, has been received and is very flattering in the main and says " the work is being taken up in an earnest and systematic way." The Schcol, by its new and extecsive equipment: is quite equal to many High Schools‘ The staff is enthusiastic and efficient. and the Board. as recent outlays prove is bound to be progressiye. Insp. Cowâ€" ley says the attendance is sati<factory and much larger than in most other schools, _ QOnly two schools in the province, besides Durkam empluy the full time of three teachers in Gontinâ€" uation Work, Likers THE COUNTRY.â€"A leiter recently received from Mrs Amos Chislett states that she arrived all ’right and her experiences of the country haye impressed her favorably, She writes: "I do not find it any colder than Ontario so fat. North Battleford is a brisk stirring town for so young a place and growing very fast there has been tive new houses built since we came andquite a numâ€" ber building and they are building a yery large skating rink. It certainly is a lovely country and the people are | very friendly and nice, so easy to get1 acquainted here." A large number of accounts on our books commenced with a J. K. n says a bottle of that Exquisite let Perfume $1.25 would make a nice Qift, The violet is always a welcome present But we need not try to imagine this, the blessed seanson is here, and to one and all of our numerous readers we ex» tend the good wishes of the sea:on. A Merry Christmas and a Prosperous and Glad New Year. It is bhard to imagine the kind of world this would be without the inâ€" fluence that springs from the Christâ€" child and from the Cross. The spirit of brotherhood would be weak, the charm of the home circle would be largely gone, and even national Jife would lose. 2ed also by the forgiving spirit in ac. cordance with the great message "Peace on Earth, good will towards men,. " Again has come round the great holâ€" iday season of the year, marked as no other holiday season is marked. by the promptings of the Christian giftâ€"giyâ€" spirit. It is, or should beaccompanâ€" Christmas 1906. _ css s ie e m Revie. Never was theR seen in town such a magnificeny diep of Men‘s Neckâ€" wear, as is this year UYhown hy It opened with expressions of regret at the impending separation, had been glad to meet and were sorry to part. Home of them bad met him as strangâ€" ers three and a half monthsago, others had been under his tuition for years, but separation for all must now take place. Hisservices to them had been golden, no favoritism had marred his intercourse with them, and to all he had been » friend,. The memory of his earnestness, which had never aâ€" bated, would remain with them as an inrpiration to strive for a higher goal and they would remember his classes as one of the privileges of their lives, Christmas Arri Friday last the Model school pupils had an interview with their Principal ot the last four months, the occasion being made to griye expression to their respect and regard for him. A warm address was presented, a sumâ€" mary of which we append; What bet present than a nice Y{iece of furnifre,â€"or a picture.â€"Ed, ress, next th st office, invites inâ€" epection. Read Bhe sale prices in the ad on page 5. A Fur Ruiff is a yery ncce\hle gift From $2.50 to $10.50. As many had profited by his labors, they hoped many more would do so. They hoped bis influence would conâ€" tinue and expand and that he might long be spared to perform his duties with the same yvigor and efficiency, As a slight token of these sentiments they asked his acceptance of a gold A Ilarge stock 3 ren‘s beautifully e at Chsistmas Arri sort ment of stylish coats. headed walking cane assuring him that much affection went with it. Mr Allan made an appropriate reâ€" ply and Inspector Carupbeli, who was present gave a brief address, The address was signed on behalf of Don‘t worry Rabout holiday gifts, We haye just wRhat you want, Come and let us belp y&p." _ " The nddvess was signed on behait or| O4Y@90% DPAtment at all Offices . **5m2 Diedd: Uesls Aldcors, asme wae| J. C. TELFORD, Manager, How about givu;g youm wife a fur coat for Xmas,. We haye aNgood asâ€" Read the blg ufniture Sale ad. on page 5, thoug! sight of the showâ€" rooms should he hA while full for the holidays, E. Kr Xmas 8. F. Morm More pretty c%â€"the daintiest vet â€"at MacFaRLAXN We have nice slippers for woâ€" men and children at Feqoin 15¢ to 50c a pair for children and frofm25c to $1.25 a pair for women, At "Grant‘s, Xmas Meriel of all kinds at The dninfié&@dies' Collars and Belts, see them at A Snap in Wheelbarrows. See Lellan at warerooms at the bridge. Christmas Arrgls- Something that is alwa‘ys acceptable te a girl is a nice collar. \% We have them from 25¢ to 50c. Underwear ! derwear! _ This weather suggests rim Underwear. Buy from the largest Rrock in town at H. Â¥. MockurEr‘s. The " Bell" is the Best® In Organs and Pianos. At McQueen and Morices Lambton St. L When looking for a Chrikkmas gift, see our stock of HandkercRefs frow 5¢ to 40c. The fiour that‘s still in the lead. Listowel Manitoba flour at J. R. Guu says, " W not give Hair Brushes ? "They‘re ays useâ€" ful and acceptable. a'hut lMdiy wants to go without one ? " Christmas L L nN:rch iefs in all varieties at 8. F. MorKpcks. SANCLAUB. Snap in milli at 8, F . Morlock‘s. Morlock‘s advétisement this week will well repay ing. â€" See page 4. Arthur H. Jackson, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Durham, i Will be at Te Big Store Obristmaâ€" Eve between nin@ignd ten o‘clock. To give away the Ha rchiefs in the window. Bring all the Chijfdren. TELEORAM: ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Principal Allan Caned Business Locals Ladies‘ and Childâ€" roidered hosiey A, MockurEE‘s. aAcFarRnaNE & Co. Mrs Beggs & Sons . H. MockiEr‘s. H. Mockirr, Sde them. At nt‘s. At At Grant‘s. At Grant‘s. U 8 Mcâ€" _ The town is at the parting of the ways : there is such a thing as * takâ€" ing occasion by the hand ‘‘ aud hbelping ourselves onward, the new C. P. R. line with its attending activâ€" ities in construction, the publicity the town gets as one of the chiet. if not the chief station on the new line, is one of these occasions, and calls tor the eJegzion of a Mayor and soun: cil who can rise to the occasion and lead Durham into the promised la«d of an increased and throbbing busiâ€" ness life, such as its position, surâ€" roundings and capabilities make it entitled o. Rainway â€" Misnar.â€"Near â€" Allan Park last week the trestle work of a temporary track on the new railâ€" way gave way and several cars slid down the embankment. Mr Arthur Hunt and two others werein jeopardy but fortunately escaped with a shaking up Lenahan & McIntosh have got their new sbop front closed in and are making rapid progress inside, plasterâ€" ing etc. Early in the new year they will be ready for business. Boxes and \Boxes of Oranges and Lemons, Barr§ls and Barrels of Canâ€" dies. Bags an® Bags of all kinds of Nuts, â€" For sale & The Big Store. For the reeyeship the names of Wm Laidlaw and John Brown are mentioned. Both of them have civic experience. and Mr Brown has Co. Council experience also. _ Either of them can fill the bi.. Ten rames are as yet mentioned for the council J)t)sitiuns, but aspirants will be heard from in due time. Mr Wm Calder at the request of many ratepayers bas]decided to offer himself tor the vosition of Mayor for 1907. His own ambitions would have led him to the reeveship, it an,v-‘ where, but he hears the call of the town, we presume to the former ot-l fice. We J)o not know whether Mayâ€" or Hunter bears the call tor a fourth ] term or not. Either of these men| shuuld fi;] the chief position with eredâ€"| it to the town and to themselves Mr: Hunter has steered the town, preuy‘ carefully for three years and Mr.] Calder‘s civic ability in the past bas leit many marks to show its value. _ | ‘The Sovereign Bank of Canada DARLINGS, Eor MOTHER, SISTER, or " SOMEBODY ELSE‘ FOR BROTHER FOR FATHER WAKEN UP Municipal Politics. Cash on Hand and at Bankers These comprise only a very few of our many suitable gifts, Call and let us show you our stock. We will be pleased to do so. Perfumes in large variety and handsome Pncl;agâ€"s. Toilet cases in Ebony and Rosewood Manicure sets, Ebony and Roseâ€" weod Mirrors, Stewart‘s Chocolates in boxes from 25¢ to $5.00. The above will apply. Also Military Hair Brush Sets Rosewood and Ebony, Cigar Cases. Violins, etc. Pipes (the famous H. B. B. brand), Cigars (in boxes of 25) Bill F‘:ds in real leather. Do you know that in nine days Xmas will be upon you. Have you prepared for it ? Let us suggest to you a few thiugs for Xmas buyiug. $ 383,007 622,774 1,214,822 1,491,898 $1,173,478 1,800,000 1,300,000 1,610,478 8,042,710 8,916,842 _â€"â€"â€" 4 0 4 Capital DARLING‘S DRUG STORE aomedamniin s N ndi 2WE Amentane Reserve Pund Debentures, and _ Undivided 713,897 672,034 791,153 1,612,831 420,373 523,461 1,335,847 Chartered by Dominion Parliament. XMAS SHOPPER. CANADIAN RLCORD. The P in Circulation $1,630,199 1,747,342 1,179,540 1,566,144 4,614,067 $ 759,995 Masa.500 1,550,790 2,850,675 Loans at .A NOTICE, .~Anything in my store from a Dia mond Ring down to a Collar Button will be laid away for Xmas by paying a small deposit dow... The Busy Store on the Busy Corner, Durham* MENT SEE THIS WEEK‘S SUPPLEMENT All logs with thg exception of MHem â€" lock to be cut not oyer 14 ftâ€"10 and 12 ft. preferved. R. B. Keeler & Sons Logs wanbed for which we will pay the followinig prices. Eim, Ash anfl Basswood 10 to $15 Maple, Beechland Birch 8 to $14 Bptuce and ean 10 to 812 Hemlock R 8 to #10 An extra highprice will be paid for Ist class Rock Elth 20 in, and up, For KEELERS BIG CHRISTMAS ANNQUNCE Canada Farmer we are able to make a wonderful clubbins offer. _ We will send the Review and Weektly Globe to Jan,. 1, 1908 for $1.30. Cash in adâ€" vance. This offer will hold good for a li:mod time. Samples at Review Extraordinary By ® al Pub{iqb‘:adof eople‘s Druggists P gg CHAS RAMAGE, Parstsr axo Posussarem. Deposits of $1.00 and Upwards Recetves., Interest Paid Four Times a Â¥ear, Tnx DornaAx Fomrxmtca® Co and Discounts special lmnwmenu with th ,';";i of the Weekly Glohernnde $1,358,469 4,074,048 7,014,123 9,578,850 14,640,510 $1,681,730 4,309,432 7,196,741 10,134,209 15,578,920 Prrov G, A. Wenster, The Jeweller, The Review Notice. Durham, Ont,; Total Assete { $3,855,208 7,200,920 10,201,954 13,818,938 25,343,401 to the Public $1,413,478 1,662,838 1,720,873 2,133,939 5,278,557 10 to $15 8 to $14 10 to 812 8 to #10 in

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