West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Dec 1906, p. 6

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(g t1 §# CA nsb Sah NO __â€"_â€" MB To T O._A.L The New Hamburg Waggons JOHN CLARK _â€"» Peter Hamilton AGENCY Maple Leaf and S!NGER SEWING MACHINES The Improved National Cream Separators, 4 styles Daisy Ohurns. Wringers, Washers,* Hayloadors, Tracks, Rakes, Mowers, Binders Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Call and see our Leader Seedâ€" er, Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators and Prices and terms to suit purchasgers. A. B. McLELLAN, Agent Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public, Commissioner, &c. Maney to Loan, {)Mce, over Gordon‘s Jewelry store. D. McPHMHAIL _â€" Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to Loan. Office, 13 Frost 8t, â€" â€" â€" â€" Owen sou Will be at the Middaugh House, Durham, the first Wednesday of each month from 10 a. m. tili 4 p. m. Late assistant to Moorfleld‘s (London, Eng) and to Knupp‘s (New York) Eye Hospitals, Licensed , Auctioneer fo the County of Grey.7 Licensed Auctioneer for the Co, of Grey. Sales mly attended to. _ Rates reasonable may be left at his Implement Wareâ€" rooms, Iclh-on'o old stand, or at the R=z1ew Terms moderate. Arrangements for sales as to dutes, &c., must be made at the Keview Ofâ€" fice, Durham. | «* Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P.O., will be promptly attended to, Terms on application to OBMlceâ€"Calder‘s Block, over Post Office Jâ€" G. HUTTON, M. D.. C. M Mewmber College Physicians and Surgeons Ontar o. )fMfice and Residence Cor. Garafraza and Geonge â€"_ _ st., av 1006 Of Hill. _ Old Moodie Corner, Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, A genâ€" eral financial business transacted. HONOI GRADUATE Toronto Univer Wake HououP AueWims Bromtost Sremonse > _ . late Royal College Dental Surgeo _ GOn Dentinery in ait tts oranches. Moxor crapuvatc of Toronto University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Snrgeons of Ontario. Rooms Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store . G. MacKay K.C.! W. F Dunn W.C. PICKERING D. D S., L. D. S. 9â€"11 a. m 2â€"4 p. m. 1â€"9 j Telephone Connection No. 1© ARTHUR H. JACKSON 4411 Ctioncers. fhice, McIntyre Block, over the Bank or to C. RAMAGE, D\ #gâ€" â€" Ceylon has a telephone oftice e oo . T. M\ 0 14 Ns Kir Special attention given to Disesses Of Women and Children. Byse, Ear, Nose & Throat ARTHUR GUN, M. D. Licensed Auctioneer for Co. tre Notary Public, Commissioner, CONVEYANCER. &o. DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town) J. F. GRANT D.D.S., L. D. S. Barber Buggies _ _ Bissell Steel Land Rollers Disc Harrows of Elora MACKAY & DUNN, . Nov. 16, Cl naant cb T afe oi «hmd : J BJ Ip J. P. TELFORD HOURS D. MePHAIL, Ceylon 7. 0 C. RAMAGE, Durbaw Pxysicras & SUKGEON, ver J. &,J. Hunter‘s Store DR. BURT OFFICE HOURS 8 to 10 a. M. Owen Sound 7â€"9 4. 1 Young Man! If you are thinking of getting married, start right by seâ€" curing your license from o Potatoes per bag..... Flour per cwt.... ... Oatmeal per sack..... Chop per cwt...... .. LivetOgs ......... Dressed Hogs per ewt ffides per Ib...... .. .. Sheepskins........... WooaGrecuo...... ... Wood : dfry...... /... Fall Wheat...... Spring Wheat ... (Oute.../......css PCiXG...... «crx s HMurtey ...... «c tay............ DUSCE ...... l1 and farm property upon the Intest known plans. in (Jer oi rardie uns uom in ment or one under the most fa vorable oon&ano to :0 ingused. Insure in the best. If your insurance expires this year, gall on, or drop a card to n ies morge MUTURL FIRE INGURARGE COMPANY The stron purely Mutual Fixe Emsuranc Co. in Onuno."md’ without m and & just reward for hopest efforts. Limansed and FARMERS‘ CENTRAL Apxlleatlons for admission and all information from J. S. ROBERTSON, Secretary National Sanitarinm Association, (Saturday Night Buillding), 28 Adeilaide Street, W., Toronto, Canada. Contributions may be sent to SIR WM. R. MEREDITH, Kt., Chief Iunstics, Orgnooda Hall, Tororto, or W. J. Gage, Esq., 34 Troxt Street, VV., Toronto. WiLlL YOY HELP DIVIDE THIS LOAD WITH THE TRUSTEES ? % We are having an upholsterâ€" er the first week in every month. Anyone wishing old goods renoâ€" vated to look good as new should advise usâ€"â€"we will be pleased to attend to it at once. Night Calls for Undertaking promptly _ attended to. One door south Eu KBBSS ‘ of Post â€" Office. 1 Medical Diroctor of Henry Phipps Institute for the 6tudy, Troatmon and Provention of Tuberculosis. "Could the consumptives of any given community be seen at one time, or pass in panscrama before the people, public consciousness of the magnitude of the affiiction might be aroused. A physical disaster shocks the world and lets loose the sympathy of millions. A few thousand deaths are nothing as compared with the deaths from conâ€" sumption." LAWRENCE F. FLICK, M D., These figures tell plainly of a large deficit on tmaintenance account each month. To cover this the trustees are dependent ‘ upon the contributions that $ f, & come to them from friends in all wup ut ce s ts 2l parts of Canada. {'af“" Ry 4 8 5 ':e';ai mt __ _ Not since the days of George Muller has so great a work of faith been carried on. Durham Markets. Many reasons surely must influence men and women to help in the great work being carried on by the KRESS, Other hospitals institution cares for t 5 his or her poverty. Seven hundred and thirtyâ€"eight patients have been cared for since the Free Hospital was opened in 1902. Take a week‘s record : Has a full line of Curtain Poles, W indow Shaaes, Picture Frames Frames to order of all kinds. MUSKOKA FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES. The Great School of Business Training. Out of the last 230 calls from business firms we have filled MIFTEEN of the Bo- sitions. WE HAD NO ONE BLSE READY TO SEND _ Our graduates are in great demand. This echool offers unexcelled advantages . Write toâ€"day for our large catalogue, _ _ _ e Bs NEIL MeCANNEL, Agent, Durham TORONTO, ONT. 63 patients in residence; 37 absolutely free, not paying a copper toward their maintenance ;15 paying 50 cents a day or less ; 5 paying $4.00 a week ; 4 paying $5.00 ; one paying $7.00. Not a single applicant has ever been refused admission to the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives because of Winter Term opens Jan. 2nd __W. J. Entiott, Principal, Cor. Yonge and Alexander &‘s A Davinso®, Durham The _ _/> Undertaker refuse the consumptive. This hem. Antts db C\ ty mrd berere 2 ‘.t(‘ i i hn * lt ig rella stt o hnd 1W o 8 f C 4 7 3‘49-‘11"1!'»5?‘" ECE ED BW | P e â€"p @M e * yrgr _'AZL,-?;-'. wa F.'-â€",g "Tegvint T 2 un Jenuary 9tk and 16th. ; Copies of the new Act governin« Agricuitural #octetiee may be hnd on application to Mr _ J. Lock:e Wilson. Saperintendent _ of _ Agricultaoral â€" an« Horticultu:al _ 8 »creties, Pariament Building«, Torouto, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, MUSKOKA FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVEs. The avnual meetings to be held i January of District. ‘Townoship ano Horticultural societies, which for the last time will be convened nnder th old Act, will be the most important one in the history of the«e crganizations. Ali who are interested in making o priwal _ importance â€" tho ednoationa features of these societres, and in provâ€" ing the quality and quantity of th procduets of the farm, factory and garden, shon‘d attend these meeting: un Jenuary 9tk and 16th. i Uuder the new Act reatrictions in re gard to the condu cting of grmeso chance have heen made more string nt No sooiety shall be entitiel to re cerve a grant exceeding $800. Societies investing in horses, cattle or «wine, for the im rovement of stock will receive a grant ranging from $50 downward, for each maximum resiustered male animal in thesa classes. Spring stallion and cattle shows shal! reccive a special grant equal to one nalt the sutm expended, but such sum shail not exceed $50, Where ieed fairs nre bheld the masimum grant shall be $25. U.de the new law it wi:l not be permissable tor Hortieultaral societies to offer prizes for competition at exhibitiouns« held under the auspices of agriculitur»: «ovieties. _ These last named organizâ€" ations, however, may use their‘ owu funds for the offering of prizes for bortreuiltural exhibite. Hereafter no prizes can for grade male stock. In future. societios will no louger be knowno as © District" and Towushig," but every society in the Proyince will be placed on the same basis in regard to the government graut, and will reâ€" ceive such grant in proportion to its exâ€" penoditure for â€" agricultural purposes uuring the past three years, as rhown by their sworn annnual statement to the Department of Agrienliture. A defiâ€" nition of what may be considered ** Exâ€" peoditure for Agricuitural Purposes‘"‘ is given in the Act. Societies will be known by the name and place where they held their lest annual exhibition unless they prefer some other, then the name wmust be deâ€" termined by the members thereo!, and approved by the Minister of Agriculture. The rew laws come into fores on Febreary lst, 1907. but the next annual meetings of theee organizations will be held on the dates fixed under the old Act. viz; Horticaltural and Township societies on Javuary Oh, and District socities on Jannary 1gth, and the usual two weeks notice must be yiven in local newspapers together with bills posted in places of common resort. As the dates for the annual imeetings of _ Agricultural aud _ Horticultural societies »te nearat hand, our readers will dcoubtless be interested in learuing sometbing of the laws that will govern the procedure of these organizations. Agricultural and Horticultural Societies. ONTARIO ARCHIVE TORONTO be offered There are a few practical sympathâ€" izers with the F.rmers‘ Association in Durham but we want to make special mention of that good old vetâ€" eran, Mr Jas Calvert, who last year and this year bhas made a contribuâ€" tion to help on the cause. It is just such men as Mr Calvert, who al though in advanced years, still mainâ€" tains that dauntless spirit of retorm that really enceurage and inspires one in the battles and undertakings in life and our prayer is that the old gentleman may be spared to see the Farmers‘ Association bâ€"come a great power for good in our fair land. At the annual meeting of the Farmers‘ Assoctation a hearty vote of thanks was tendered the Review and Chronâ€" icle for their free use of their columns in the several notices appearing from time to time and a copy of 1esolution be forwarded to hboth editors. for Guelph to take in the fat stock show and visit hls many friends in in and around the Paisley Block, Mr Samucl McGowan has gone to winter with Mr John Collins in Holâ€" stein. Mr Jas Melivride, D Leith, T Gadd R Morice, R Barber, and Colin Blyth ail took in the Fat Stock Show in Guelph this week and have wonâ€" derful glowing accounts to tell of this rising institation, We were well pleased to see the Blythe Cor. taken in tow by your Dromore chap last week. â€" From what we know of this Blythe cor. we haye no hesitation in saying be‘s a bad un, but to tell the truth Mr Watson‘s moâ€" tion did appear to be ** out of joint. * Mr Alex Dann, of St Joe, who has visited his sister, Mrs Melivride, the past two weeks, left on Wednesday Miss Dawson, our popular teacher, has been in Durham the past three days writing on her exam. We hops she has succeeded, tor if not our trus tees will be out of a teacher. ot Normanby, Mr Richard Barber was the lucky man _ Mr D Leith was also nominated and was alsu Mr Thos Wallace, The latter would bave been the unanimous choice but posâ€" itive‘v refused to accept. Mr Leith would have stood a good chance for choice but resigned in Mr Barber‘s fa vor. We have no doubt if Richard gets aâ€"going that he will be elected, and if so will do his part alright withâ€" out doubt. Mr John Thompson seems to be the nly mun in the neighborhood to be making money this winter. He has secured a lot of valuable mink and tox skins already and yesterday we saw him waltzing home with another fox over his shoulder, and needless to say John‘s head was well thrown up in the air At the meeting held in Watson‘s schoolhouse on Dec 3rd to nominate A cagdidate‘fur the Township Council Mr W im Stewart intends erecting a line brick houss next suammer and has had teams drawing the brick trom the brick kiln in Durham this week. School closes this week for Xmas hnolidays. A public examination and program will lt))e held on Wednesday atternoon. Miss Isa Campbell has been engagâ€" ed to succseed Miss Spence, who leaves for her home near Fergus. to $150,000 per annum in railway service. You aubwome-g:aioumlnomonth. 1¢ you study in The Central Telegraphy Sehool, 8 Gerrard St. E., Toronto. The finest School in Canuda. . \Write for particulars. Miss Eila Wilson, daughter ot Mr and Mrs Noble Wilson, left for Reâ€" gina, Sask.. on Tuesday of last week, where sbhe will be joined in wedlock with Mr Murdock, a prosperous young farmer. Ella will be missed here, but some one else gains by our loss. The brideâ€"clect received many handâ€" some gifts cre leaving. We join in wishing them a pleasant journey through life. W. H. SHAW, Pres. â€" T.J;.JOHNSTON, Prin This is the season of Christmas enâ€" tertainments. Swinton Park Presbyâ€" terian church holds its annual Xmas Tree on Phursday, the 20th. A good programme is being prepared by the scholars of Swintoa Park and Boothâ€" ville schools. Mr Wim Marshall has been appointâ€" ed as our mail carrier for the uext term. He will become a resident of our town. Mr Archie McLeod, of Carman; Man., oalied on triends here. Telegraphy Messrs McKenzie and Lawrence are drawing hay from the farm of Mr Jno Ferguson to the home of the former, Bentinck. We regret to state that Mrs D Ferâ€" guson is notimproving in health as we would like to see. This community extends sympathy to Mr and Mrs S Kinnel in their trouble and affliction. ‘Their youngâ€" est son Murray died of diphthcria and three others are affiicted but are recovering We feel consid srable interest in the new railroad and especially since we hear the woodman‘s axe near by. The Co has purchased part of Mr Kinsman‘s bush and are busy workâ€" ing there, employing a number of men, For a length of time our burg bas not been heard from, but now as the winter is coming on the stress of work has somewhat slackened and we hopse te be able to continue as forâ€" merly. Blythe‘s Corners. Boothville. paying fodth $5000. Is the first step At the present time is " Have you heard of the wonderful clubbing offer of the Durham Review and Weekly Globe ? Here it is : We will send to Ist Jan., 1908 to paid in advance subscribers : The Durham Review, Weekly Globe and Canadian Farmer Weekly Illustrated Supplement on fine toned paper. A FAIR THE GLOBE has no equal in Canada in its News and Ma has departments covering all phases of social life, in fact it is the Na The Review is well known in Durham and South Grey, has a tion, reflects all local happenings and its endeavor is ty he Jt ® "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY All for $1.30. Only 3 more Shopâ€" a ping days ]elf)t Then ("h nStI Just think of it. It will be here before YOU kn Nothing like‘ being ready. Every one knows OUr utation for tasteful novelties for Xmas trade. Men‘s Neckwear # 1 185 Our Men‘s Neckwear stock has arrived and WI;;fl:; :: ::l)l' s;low twice aslarge as ever before you may know thal you a magtrificent display. + * 1 1 anu Our u'cw Handkerchiefs play an important part in Christmas gift tfr‘:i:’g 1 and Irish stock of ONE HUNDRED DOZEN comprises Swiss Em d plain linen hemâ€" FEmbroidered and lace edged goods, also colored borders and p stitched. Send toâ€"day.Let your neighbor know, gain can only be had from us. j i d istmas We have not space to go into lengthy detali in regard to our Chri stock but will be pleased toshow the goods which are now all in stock and to have you select anything you fancy. Â¥ 5 m SERTmer ie en‘ ‘.J ind *lesids ult lt cce enstiretn raccch others are, at any rate it will not be our fault as we will do our best to render the best service. Give us a share of your Christmas trade. _ We are sure you will be satisficd as Where can you be sure of getting first class Groceries if not at ‘‘The House of Quality" Quality should be the paramount virtue especially in things we eat, n Ladiss‘ Neckwear our usual Gainty that all we need say is that this year H. H. MOCKLER g c B mmanmareamuiss .. C. RAMAGE, =QUESTION Handkerchiefs The Strongest Extract The Best Shelled Almonds and Wainu4s Wethey‘s Choice Mingemeat â€"_ Then Christmas Ladies‘ Neckwear The Cleanest otf Fresh Currants usual dainty display is so well known hat thi~ vear it is largermnd choicer vs and Market Service, i it is the National Weekly gift giving and our new 1 14 t d tradiats be fair Highest prices paid. constantly ; say it is you know iyt- » is fair in politics. 'itb .ll men.

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