West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Jan 1907, p. 4

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Deering Al' arvesters q o1ETHING NEW IN WASHERS: Tht _Perforthttdnsyeeet..if, in the £11 3-533332:;mace-czsmzemmxmmgg ifi Taylor & Co. Taylor 8000. 'iii, 'i')': Caps €23 :31 éqloves ft. was Ea . You'll need them. We are lil Gloves ft Mies going to have weather that 14 wilLmakezucthirtk so bef.ore.lonp. - 49y piece you wish {aymond Sewipg Magchl‘qes caps G boys}. New Dress Goods, New Ginghams, New Chambrays, New Vestings, New Whitewear, New Skirtings, New Prints, Laces tiii' Embroideries JUST ARRIVED! A large assortment of Men's and Boy's Fall and Winter Caps and they are the finest made. Men's to sell for 50e. 75c and $1. Our 5ik line has fur band to pull down ', its a stunner for 5ik. We had a large shipment of boy's clothing at pnces to suit the most careful and reckless buyers. We start the 25: to$1.25, A purse buck mitt for £130. no wear out Our R ubber Lined Smock at SI.40 is an eye opener, ' light fast the thing for chafing in. HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER & EGGS. Jhohn Glark. We can give 'toor1t a mere list of our goods. but ttt quality and ad" mmlily to t e needs of South Gray we are nor excelled: Bearing Barrows, Wilkinson Ploughs, honey’s Har- netus,I'a1merston Buggies. Renowned articles, fail-prices . F. MORLOCK Tavlor & Co., LDromoreg We will consider it a pleasure to show you these goods whether you buy orjnot. The best In their line Also \Vilhelm's wrinsreriGjGGirnFWiituoifdt Ayr. NEW GOODS FOR 1907 Laps to Hafnr 25C tO 50c ring Machines. McClary Stoves for Coal or Wood Agent for the Dihon nge Stay Fence. :he New Year by showing a very large rar ge of New Goods, including Cash and One Price. ""ic,/7rrd (Farm Mavhz'ncry. NS we handle only the best. A few doors South of the Middaugh House. to tree our 250 wear out. E Mlss Meld I A respectiw 'it in same It , . A Miss if; is enzag: Ill the 0min a Archie E home at I all winte il Born a: Meekin. r 14 25, 1906 John 321V 3 boy to d Q4 when l a , an hour m and con 3 Button 0 E of geturr, '. We Wis iii much ha] Dr Me, , H sabatitati 5; way on h _ Innnibesi I Dr iliriFi - father or (XI Scotland e T Eleswl t E riage of ii E McArtht 3 have up] t. in reach us o M Tbgod] s a g E from the whom _ out the and not The I held tl church SP.. sorry th _ in cure M on! In The old year closes to night Mon- day, " 12 o’clock sharp. should we wait and watch its derartnre we could not discern anychange in the coming of the New Year at one min- ute alter Pg than one minute to 12, yet the change has to take place and two minutes lands as out of 1906 t to 1907. Should we begin to Lake a backward View of all the changes that took place during the dying year and make an attempt of dee- cribing them, our effort would only be as a drop of water in comparison to the mighty ocean. The closing oi the old year and the coming in of the new. acts in a double manner by bringing glad tid- itthts to some and sorrow to others. Some are rejoicing on this Xmas and New Year's day because the whole family are again surrounding the festive table after an absence of some number of years, while others who with sad countenance and broken hearted, sit down at their lonely table only to think of those dear ones who surrounded the homelv table 12 months ago. some of whom have passed away never never to retnrn attain, while others have gone to distant lands and could not possibly be amongst the number that adorned the old homes at this season of the year. And again, when we think of the number that passed away by death in our own immediate locality during the past year, more especially we find that a large number of the good old landmarks have been re- moved and very few left now ot those that braved the forests some 50or60 years ago. so as each New Year returns, all have their special tale to tell ior as year after year rolls by, "friend after iriend de- parts rt and who is among the living that hagn't lost a friend. Lotus then be up and doing With a heart for any fate, Still achieving, still pursuing. Learn to laborand to wait. But we must pass on, new year or old year, each mast glide along in It or her Bonnie Boat on the ocean 0 lite. Xmas day had all the advantages that could be desired, a beautilul day, beautiful sleighing and beauti- ful young ladies, and gentlemen en- joyed themselves to their hearts content sleighriding. Bat, beg par- don we mean cutter driving, when we used the word sleigh we thought ofold timers, who took their wive's and families to visit friends on Xmas with Back and the. jumper and felt us proud as we do today to drive in a N or 50 dollar cutter from Kate Cochrane, Arch McLellan or Jack McQueen of the town of Durham. Amongst those that are visiting at their friends here are David Hender- son and wife from the West. visiting Mrs Henderson 's brothers the Messrs McLean, South Line and Samuel Henderson o, D. ft. Mr and Miss Stewart of Normanbv visited at Duncan McDonalds and at.- tended the Picsbyterian church on Sunday in this town. F Masters Hector & Donald McKinnon suns ol P. M. McKinnon of this town spent their holidays at home. alter being for the last six months attend- ing the Collegiate in Toronto. John McArthur ot Toronto was at home attending his sister’s wedding recently and is returning again after this week. Miss Maggie McDonald, teacher at Calderwuod Spent her holidays at home and will be again returning this week as she is re-engaged for 1007. Also Miss Nichol ot Lamlash was home and is returning to her former school. Miss McLachliu and Miss McLeod are home from their respective sehcols and are engaged in same for 1907. A Miss McCosh from Owen Sound is enraged at Top Cliff school for the earning year. Archie ifeDonald of Kleinburg is home at present and intends to May all winter. Born to Mr and Mrs John Wy Meekin, South Line. Glenelg on Dee. 25, 1906 a son. All doing well. John save "by George. I have a boy to do the chores for me now when 1 am awav." John just took an hour and three quarters going and coming while away for Dr Hutton of Durham on the occasion of getting the chore boy for him. We wish John, boy and mother much happiness wgorher. Dr McKinnon ot Toronto who is substituting for Dr Dixon while a- way on his marriage tour, is a gentle- maNbesidcs being a good praetionAn Dr iliriGiiia is a scotchman, tor his father came from the Isle of Mall, Scotland and that was Scotch enough. Eleswhere will be found the mar tinge of Dr Dixon to Miss M. E. McArtbur of this town. [This shoal ' have appeared Mat week but did not reach us in time.--Ed.] The Rev Mr Matheson preached a good sermon on Sundav last from the words “Choose ya this day whom ye will serve"etc. painting out the necessity of being decided and not halting between two opinions. The Baptist anniversary is to be held this evening in the Baptist church in this place and we are sorry that we aretoo fast in sending in our eontribntione but will try and get an account next week. If some one else who may be there from Dur- ham gave particulars this iieelt it would suit better. News came ada'y'ér'twd ago. ot Priceville THE DURHAM REVIEW the death of Arch Muir of the 1'/ comers near Ceylon who was in a far off country. and was accident- ally killed by falling or coming in contact with the cars, his body is on the mi) home and will not arrive till some day this week, he was a brother, ot Duncan. John and Dan Muir, six corners and cousin of _ Reeve Muir ot Artemesin. The Scotch concert held over ts) week ago was one of, if not the best, ever held here as far as talent goes. The ladies, who were from Mall, Scotland,lone ot the Isles ot our lore- fathers, honored their extraction, tor they acquitted themselves worth. ily. We regret we did not hear them, but we are not a doubting Thomas and believe the reports as it we had heard ourselves. Their appearance and melodious voices were greatly admired, especially whilesinging those beautiful Gaelic songs which cheer the heart of the true highlander. Jno llicArthur, as usual, made a good chairman. The news that was reported here lately, that John and Tuna. Me- Donald late of the Somh Line, Glen. elg, son ana daughter of the late Hugh McDonald, perished in a snow storm a. few weeks ago is not correct, as ayoung gentleman near by re- ceived a letter from Tenn who is keeping house tor her brother in the Saskatchewan District and she states she is well and as lively as ever. While we are pleased to hear the news to be a mistake, some family are made sad tor two ol the same name perished. Mr and Mrs Chas McDonald and sonof Bruce are visiting at Mrs Ile. Donald's father Mr John McPhail south Glenelg at present. Mr Malcolm McDonald of Toronto buttormerly of this place is spend- ing a tow days at present visiting old friends and neighbors in this place Malcolm has the same appearance as he had when we saw him last a. few years ago. We are sending this week an av- count of a birth, marriage and death, so we see all kinds of events who, passing through this world. Mrs Hugh McPhail keeps pourlv and not much improved in health yet. A load of youngsters from the vicinity of Top Cliff' attended a pnrty somewhere between here and Mt Forest one night last week, there Were fiiteen of them in one sleigh and it was well for Donald and llectnr that their greys were strong and the roads tirst class or it it, were otherwise there would be quite a spillil there was an ups. t. All cu- joyed themselves well uni speak highly oi the manner tlwy Wore (m- tertained by those whom they visit- Mr John McLeod of Toronto Un- iversity, son ot the late Rev Mr McLeod, is spending his holidays with his mother in this place. Also his brother James of Owen Sound is home nursing a wounded hand from the effects of coming in contact with a circular saw while at work in a sawmill, taking two of the lingers off and badly wounding some of the others. He is getting along nicolv but will take some time hetero he is ableto go to work, on account at it being the left hand he will not miss the use of the lingers so much. Miss Kate McAthur of o. Sound, daughter of the late D. Mam-Linn- is with friendsin this place anu'cscnt taking her holidays. Mr Hector Mekinnon of Town has moved over with his daughter Mrs R Mefilaehern where the venerable gentleman will receive the best nt glare trom Mrs Melihehern aud Lun- 1 y. It looks as if we might get a thaw m faet. we have itnow, it is a pity to sped our good sluighiug. il the annual school meeting here Alex McLeod was elected trustee in- stead of Postmaster Neil McKinnon. Now we will close ssishing the. Review and all concerned the cum- pliments of the season. To the Review editor. stait' and all its readers we extend our best wishes for a prosperous and happy New Year. A pretty wedding took plum: Christmas Day at the home of Mr Dan Greenwood, when his second daughter, Nellie, was united in marriage with the man at her chuico Mr John Firth. Rev Mr Collingof town, performed the ceremony in the presence of only the intimate relatives of the contracting parties The ceremony and rcpast over, the, gathering repaired to their new home, when a. pleasant evening Was spent. Mr Fred Staples and his bride spent their honeymoon in Owen Sound and Shallow Lake and re- tamed this week. Mrs Jno Wilkie from the Norils West, is visiting at her fathers, Mr Haslip. Mr-Jno A. Black and little girls of Cheeley visited relatives on the Avenue last week end. . Mr Wm Scott, of Toronto has been visiting his aunt Mrs Collier, and grandmother Mrs Williams. Mr and Mr: " Il'irtr, _our genial diidiiiti; ate their Cbriscmdé tar " at Bnnessna. Miss Nellie r'gt of Moosoluin. Basin. is visiting an er grandfathers M: Jan Edge and intends taking a TORONTO Edge Hill. course in Toronto University before returning home. The members of the Edge Hill Bible Class and Sabbath School pre- sented Mrs Chas hioif'att, last week with a handsome rocking chair. Mr and Lau, Moiraii, Greenwk. are guests ot her mother, Mrs Ector on the Avenue. We are pleased to state that Mrs John Staples is improving nicely after the severe accident of last week. Miss Jennie Staples, who has spent the past vear in Toronto, came home last week on the occasiOn of her mother's illness, Ever since it has been an eetnbliehed fact that tue Proton-Walker/tt Bail- way was gomg to touch this Village. the citizens have come well to the front in enthusiasm. For many years she bu battled with reverses, owing largely to surrounding railway points naturally drawing things their way. combined also with losses in other directions as the burning of twc consecutive flour mills, clearing; out of the timber (for this was a grand square timber camp,) burning of one of her two saw-mills, tte. She in se- usTaphieally one of the finest situated points in Ontniiu. In pietaresquer""y! of location, she has no superior, nestling amongst the Highlands ot Artemesia and Glonelp, Townships, and on the west and south west banks of the Salim-en Itiver- mnongst green trees and wellmade green sud, in [summer time she is superb, Tho Snugeen River furnishes a water power soon again to be used to operate a tau-operative grist utill-a long felt. want. This power also furnishes power for the present saw-mill and chopping mill. The citizens have mauv new schemes on foot, whereby more of the natural resour- ces will be developed, The Moss Lake, located at an atitude that should give at least a 100 foot water head when drained into the Saugeeu, Will be utilized in time. A third water power is also available. Brickyard clay is here in inexhaustible quantity, that will make tirst.clatss white brick. This was once the pride of the country and now the depot will be right at Its doors. This industry again will be an addition to the country. The Standard Bank of Canada, estab- lished during the summer of 1906 is do. ing a. totisfuetra:' husiuebs and the com- munity are realizing what an important asset- this is. Application has been made for two grain eleyntnrs. New places of bqeineas are opening ut and many enquiries are being made to open others. The village it now a police village duly mgmxizud and eutlutviastut meetings are held by tho citizens, devising Way. and menus to bring thin plaee to the trout, nut only u n. “may but as . business centre, and the coming summer will no a very great change. The "it", of comma has been the good angel in reviv- ing the spirit of tho people. A petition oigued by every eligible potion lut (All and given to Mr Mon‘ow purchasing ngeut with (I P It, was the indie-nor mowing the Ceteriuimttion of tho Citi- zeias to do all in their power to not only welcome the railway but show their good will to do everything in their power to nuke this on important shipping centro. Muslims ituee have euthusiutically en- dorsed the sentiments of the people. They are always well attended and everyone " wide awake to do whot ho nu to promote the ivelfaro of the cum- innuity and huye it no the place will of once derive be: etit of having a station here. In the early spring, sidewalks will be built down to it, and the strut letldlng thence will be improvetl' Atin strecttrnd othur Itreete irill likewiee be 1reneiieially treated. Ihstermittettort is rampant that this is going to be en im. portant shipping and railway point, The territory in lag.) and fertile. Ten miles radius of thin country having this for its centre, feed it. Nntut‘elly therefore in- habitente mthin this circle went to no it come to the front and many have eig- nilied their intention of helping it do so. Some little consternntiou line been created by a kind of dead lock then has ”ti-ted tor a few “can (and quite un- known to the citizens of l’riceville) bo- twsen the C l' It and Artemoeia council. over the closing ot a certein Street In t'riceville. The citizens after Circula- ting the petition above spoken of thought they had done what was required oi them. Apparently the Tp. clerk end Artemesin never received the lurtition- to uroee the misunderstanding. How.. n'er the Citizen‘e Committee celling e public meeting on the 22nd, soon fer- icted out the trouble and immediately l applied the remedy and the Council " close the st.reei just as soon " the uecevanry documents no made out which Will be (zone in a dty or so. Municipal contests are new topics mostly eyelyoue in more or Ian inter- osled in. in news kind of out at place for his hat to be, putting to butle our old war-horse. champion and most highly respected citizen. Mr John McArthur, warden of the township. However in he held oitiees for over 26 years. it must in a Sense be uxclief to him to gel. Iway lot a year or so 'i'rom responsibility of puhlic lilo Lut weknow it must be equal- ly hard to yield to quiet life after such an exceptionally long term. We hope to have the privilege of working tor him again in some other capacity in the Po. litical new. since wo cannot have the pleasure this time. New Year's ave saw the Baptist church holding an anuivursur) will) a crowded house and a: excellent programme. {alum assisted from Flamenco and Durham. The Dmham choir was wall received l they wore our»! trout. and so was Mr J oe Coimtield's little nine your old dwgbter from FletstMrrton; she in eer- minly wondeiful. The concert “15 o Very great success throughout. A (DI-rum. Renew for the Review Priceville. Whether you want a 2 or 3 seated Bob-a Speeder--a Fancy Sleigh-or an all-round servicable one-hoops make them all --and we sell them. Just tell us which style is needed. We will show it to you and give you some mighty cou- vincing reasons why you ought to buy at u TUDHOPE SLEIGH BARCLAY a. BELL, Durham The year 1906 is past and gone and we wish to thank our numerous cus- tomers for their liberal patronage during the year and hope that a con- tinuation of the same will extend over the present year. Tennyson said in 'The Brook' "Men may come end men men may go, but I goon forever." We are going to try and hold out the year 1907, if not forever, and have laid in a stock of superior quality " prices that will suffice the most cue- ful buyer. We are having abig sale of trimmed Millinery for the next two weeks. We want to clear out the whole stock before the first of January. We have these hats marked away below their real value in order to sell them out. buns a sum? torour “natal book "Mow Io pt a Patent' J' Whit 811:!“th to Eventful“ 'rriaettt1rfrtetecf. Tle.he. 'e. moat-rm A 5-: A - MARIgN a MAR! ON, EXPERTS Temple India. M5 tit June: Bt., Iona-ed Ittier2i'Xl Inluh ll‘ilMl unbe Donu- Mum business “cm-mu; This week we will offer you some bargains in Hockey Sticks, Skates, Skate Straps, Hand Sleighs, Child's Slcigus. Toboggatss, Sleigh Edit (in body strin s, shaft gangs, chimes and open M1135 saw homes, buck “we, x cut Saws, tie axes. chopping axes. axe handles, horse blankets. whi s. robes, haitem, humus, out heats. cant hook handles. A large assortment of Ladies' blouses, fancy Neckwear and belts, rib. bons in every color, Laces and all sorts of dress trimmings. rimmed PROMPTLY SECURED Stationery and School Supplies at Parker's Drug Store Hardware Bargains Miss Dick School Books, eye Ready for 1907 W. Black “mill“ i) 09k "Moy to, illinery. I Carr’s g Cough '; Cure - -... The Massey-Harris Co. .. --_ " We are sole Agents in Duahnm hr the lb we well known 1tnplttueuts-- Binders, Mowers, Drills' Barrows. Due Cu1tivators, Manure Fipresders, Ely Rakes, Hay Loaders. Hay Twi- ders, Massey-Harris Cream Separators Proven Steel Tracks. Singer Sewing Machines. Walkerton Marble Works. The Bell Organ & Piano Co ' Churn: and Washing Math.." Brantford, Brockville.Gre\ (.1 JANUARY 3, 1907 THE I ri;"'-":- BIG McQueen & Morice Happy & Prospermv 'lIllMlE New Year C-iE55, W. H. BEAN MacFarlane & Co Druggists and Booksd Cali and see us before Mr elucwhere. Just west m Middangh House. Wishes its many fricm: and customers a Yt'i; For sale only at cure the worst We're also Agents for Guaranteed to cough or cold. We wish all our customers and numerous friends a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. C. L. Grant HE tlters SELLS CHEA I t if b

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