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Durham Review (1897), 3 Jan 1907, p. 7

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land the nut- M " .. 15,3. lav-pun, Tum. Dee. 3l.--With the I“ at and phat! by . Native -aiiiasg “Wt Kanpur county, Miro., has I.“ . mt um stasge. and “as quickly clicked g nee wax ot trio. ”(podium it in feared, will Pive Negroes Killed " Scooba, Five at Wahalaka and One at Crawford. Afte.quh.tudhm-tored at " “when thefimtoutheeak mm "d oaMoeubr,-1ahortirittte derart-oethetroo-ottoqoratsr duturttamse, riotiaqr hrohe out and: ct BLACK Mirii""iiiiiiai=i=="'="=""" fEUD IN MISSISSIPPI. Beowulf" Mama mum M, and daring many In! he! - five ”on are reputed to In" in: killed. Of this Utter ohm mqoru no eooftutimr, some pining the mm otltidaad,eouadmi at nw.'Froop we" may ordered to the some - loft Meridian My (way, lam-on.‘ dzhéMom.” iuUiiaiiau Ji, tmtettUtst"veorrtdedtrra-" At Wah-ka five when. JG, We a. arr-Bull of the troms _.At mutant, Min, Conductor hot night. The nine in tmn'waa evict by “m not! baton heooold "'eare {as killed by. posse. Themreomeiom alt. or Ttit rhllt [OCKS IS RAPIDlY DISAPPEARING. ..ev York, Dee. at.--That blonden are diam; from the United States and that in time none an those that origin- ate in the drug stores, will be seen, is the contention whiéh Maj. C. E. Wood- mff of Phtuburg, N. Y., will present to the American Association for the Ad- vnncement of Science when it meets to- morrow in Columbia University. Pretty Soon Drug Store Blondes Will be the Only Variety According to Man of Great Learning. Once upon a time when Americans “to ehiefly Anglo-Saxons. a. large ma- jority were fair. Now they are growing darker, OVen to the extinction of the 5101ng type. the major declares. The “sedation. which will continue ht union until January 12th. will hear may atrsuttro theories Some of the no”. famous men in the United States. "presenting every university and smi- ml of the bureaus in Washington, will they. to the number of 1,500. in Earl ll. Than the different sections of ARREST or A N.Y. DOCTOR’S WIEE. CASE O? MISTAKEN IDENTITY; New York, Dee. 3t.--With the amign meat. in 3 police court to-day of Mrs Alexander Tnutmnn, the wife of . pro linen phynician, on a. charge of lat. any. came the final at in what is be lieved to be on ot the most deplorable Certy, came the final act in what is be- lieved to be one ot the most deplorable one: of mistnken identity in the city's ,olice history. Mrs. Troutman was ar. nested in Fifth avenue on Christmas on on the complaint of Peter J. Hogan, . salesman, who accused her of having robbed him ot 813 a few evenings be- lore. Hognn said the woman had ac- costed him on the street. had invited hill into . dark hallway and that when he left he learned that the money which led been in his pocket was missing. Mrs. Truman protested her innocence, but the policeman upon whom Hog-n had called to arrest her, took her to the union home. - .. . v u a a Charged With Theft of S13 From a Man and Locked Up In a Cell. "to"'" nut-'17. The arrest of the fashionably dressed woman on the crowded thoroughfare at- Gacted as great crowd which followed no officer and his prisoner. At the nation house Mrs. Trautman again tear- Qolly protested that she was a victim of a terrible mistake and gave the sergeant in charge the names of her husband and -ernl friends who, she said, would sub- ,antiate her story. None of those could be reached imemdiately by tele- Cone, however, and Mrs. Trautman was ken to a cell where she was forced to spend several hours in the company of half a dozen dissolute women who had heel arrested on various charges. At the and of that time friends of Mrs. Trautman had been notified of her yrs- Iearnent and had hurried to the sta- tion house to procure her release. They rotated against the arrest as an out- age, but were informed that it would be necessary for them to r'urnish hail be lon she could be given her liberty. a." n. the amount of 81.000 was fur. tmreted a great crown Wu .0 ofrurer Ind his prisoner atation house Mrs. Tnutma Quily protested that Ihe w: a terrible mistake and gave ht chum- the names of her -ertsl friends who, she uh . =--- RGr Tramman had Garment and don house to yotesfed 08.3 me. but were inrormeu “It“. n "Tre.'". be necessary for them to mmish bail be- fore she could be given her liberty. Bail to the amount of $1.000 was fun linked. and Me. Trautman was taken. to her home. When aha append in po- Bee court on Christmas morning Hogam the accuser, was there to press the dame. He said he mu vermin that he aouhl not have been mistaken. Be de- dared that he had followed Mrs. Trent- - for seven] blocks. observing her cloak, and was “tidied below he and her emit that she no the wo- - who Invited him Into the dark um ". On the otreagth. of this tedi-oty w W“ - out“! in hotd the 'ee for further mum- My. -, - m Int-cud very. 1ffut by , at only 0- -W""' ___ iriiiGtadhreo' the Tum h teen Livea Already Taken and the Trouble --rooiisvs. May Cause a Serious Race War. were “I! ',i,iiiiV7ty? mum: n. obliged to hold the we, "niisination todny. attrlcted vets, Tlt': ttt. 0- .mt r. A- 1--“ Mt fled-tc the killed m One of than was but uptmwd Idiot math. Theothemmbe'mg pursued. 1A3 imrhttr when» in- volved in an attention with two white 'tten_iatminmmeAetmirs,Miss, and when the notion w" maxed in was taken frmn the tmin and km The hoops sent to Scooba today mympr%e a company of infantry and a, battesT of artihlary. Besides the troops an organized party oi forty men feomcolumhosaeeonthe Ice-m to. assist in queuing tht riot. In a despite}: to Covert-101' Vudemnn but night, Sheriff Trout, of Karma county, described the situation as criti- cal. Scoobn, Miss., Dee. 3l.--0ne com ny of infantry and a battery of 31'“me dismounted here to-day in command of Col. R. G. MeCants, and are patrolling the town and adjoining country which has been much disturbed by race riots. Several negroes have been reported kill. ed, but rumors are unconfirmed. Gov. ernor Vardnmnn hos issued instructions to military officers to preserve peace at all hazards. Col. MoCants has wired Governor Vardnmnn that the situation is well in hand. There are no indications of further trouble. tho association will meet in other put. of the university buildings to hold their annual sessions. Major Woodruff is to appear before the section in anthropology on Sutur- day morning. He will read a. paper em titled "The Disappearance of the Blonde Type from the American Population." Though the major has not yet arrived in the city. some of the scientists who have arrived understand in a general way that he will present some very interesting statistics to prove his con- tention and will outline a theory of mum-i. His address is looked forward to with keen interest. Blondeq, according to the major. are rapidly disappearing from American life. In certain seasons of the year blonde women seem to be on the in- crease in New York. Thin usually hap- pens in the spring and summer when it is fashionable to wear those transpar- ont, fluffy veils. city. and the south, whenre Mrs. Tram» mun came, hut because of a realization of the danger to which any innocent woman may be subjected. It has been shown that under the present conditions in the city no woman, whatever her standing "i diameter may be, is safe from Possum' humiliation web as that to which Mrs. Trautman has been ex- pusml. Kittie WiGon, a woman wall known in the Tenderloin. who bears a striking re- semblance to Mn. Traustartaet, and who ha» been sought by the police sinus last Monday, was arrested in a house a 50th street. on information given, it is said, by several female piekpoekeU and con. fidonve women who were armeyta1' hat night. From polieir headquarters she was taken intmediatoiy to the Jefremogt Market Court. Lem before the case against Mrs. T mutnwn was called. the court room “I“ 'ikhed to its impunity, and hundreds of person-1 crowded the street in front of the doors. tumble to gain admittance. Hogan. ohe am, entered early, accompanied by his coun- ocl, and 20 minutes later Mm. Truman-1n arrived. Mrs. Tramman was amigm’d in Magistrate Finn's ebtantbror.a. Peter J. Hogan, the complainant. tev.tified. Mrs. Trautman toWrfied that she was in bed at her home in Lexington am It the time of the leged eotdterr. The sergeant seemed to tahe the “hit an a joke. otthough due when} her Sm- m and sent for per-com to may tree. ‘Sbesuidshe wad"eptinrveelhfde Katie Nevins. Mrs. Trautman's aer- vant, testified that Mrs. Trautmnn came home at 6 p. m. Saturdly and went to bed. and that she saw her in bed asleep " 10 o'eloek. Frank Siples, of lugersoll, Asphyxiated in a Hotel. An Ingersoll despatch: Gas which es- caped from a Jet which was partly turned on caused the death of Frank Siples, laborer. between fifty and sixty year: of age, at the Kirwan House last night. A strong odor of go: in the hotel this morning led to on inveeti - tion, and Siples we: found lying on its back in bed, with his hind: duped on on his breast. He had been dead for son. time. Hie death in thought. to hue been Mantel, on he was familiar with the tM, havi occupied the lame room for new”. Relatives in Duration! .1 -, on, were notified of hi tour hours FOUND DEAD IN BED. Militatty on End. For Surrendering Squadron " Sea of Japan-May Commute Sentence. St. Petersburg, Dee. 31.--The eourt. martial which has been trying Rear-Ad. miral Nehogtanff and seventy-eight of- fieers of his squadron for surrendering to the Japanese at the battle of the Sea of Japan on May 28, 1905, handed in its decision at 10 o'cloek tomight. Vice- Admiral Nobogntoff. Commander Lych- ine of tho coast defense ironclad, tlen. eral Admiral Aprnxine. Rear-Admiral Gregorieff of the coast defense ship Ad- A Niagara Falls despatch: Sitting in bis chair by the stove dead from suffo- cation, his wife and baby dead at his feet, his little boy dead in bed in the next room, and his little girl gasping for life on the floor, James Harris was found at 5 o'vlock yesterday afternoon in his home on Ferry street by his lit. tie niece, uho chanced to call in It the house. Father, Mother and Two Children Dead at Niagara tia11s--Gir1 May Die. Lucy ('aunpbell, daughter of C. F. Campbell, who made the gruesome dis- eowry, is a bright little girl of eleven. Her story is as follows: She was skating on the sidewalk and went to' her uncle's house to get warmed. She did not knock but went right in. When she opened the door of the living room she saw Mr. Harris sitting by the stove and her aunt and two cousins ly. ing on tho floor. All appeared to be asleep, but the older child, Myrtle, aged eight years. Wm groaning and gasping. The room was dense with some gas. The plneky little visitor seized her cousin Myrtle and dragged her out, in.. haling the fumes herself, which nearly overcame her. Dropping the unconscious child on the snow. she called a tele- phone lineman. who was working on the street. and he rushed into the house. He confirms the story of Lucy Camp- bell, and adds that one lid was off the stove, and the flame of the natural gas which was used for fuel was streaming up to the ceiling. Two of the three sections of the gas burners were open. By this time other persons came in. The fatal gas flame was shut off, the windows opened and the victims car- ried out. Dr. W. R. ()lnntead pronounced the fathor. mother and youngest child quite dead. and beyond any aid. Then the rescuers went into the next room and found the fourth victim. the boy. Arth. ur, thirteen years of age. He had been ill in bed. and had inhaled the fumes which came through the open door of the living room to where he was. Harris when found was sitting in a. chair close to the stove. He was part- ly dressed. He was head night furnace man at the works of the Niagara Falls Vvr:uillion Company. He usually rose at 4 o'cloek in the afternoon after sleep- ing all day. It appears that he must have sat down to enjoy the society of his wife and child before the evening meal. The mother and little five-year- old Gertrude had sat on the floor, while the child played with her toy dishes and an apple. Evidently the noxious, fumes of the burned gas collected in the close- ly shut room unnoticed by the oecu- pants. They grew drowsy and finally dropped into unconsciousness without realizing what was happening. There was no sign of struggle. but the moth.. er's head was turned towards the door, as if she sought for succor when it was too late. How it happened that the girl, Myrtle, did not share the fate of the rest of the family is not known. She is at the house of her uncle. C. F. Campbell, and the doctors say she will live, but she cannot speak yet. It any be thst she had been out of the room and found the others overcome when she entered, but fainted st the swful sight. or ms overcome by the gss before she could get out agein. Dr. s. E. Birdsell is the coroner in chsrge. The bodies .29 " Mom’s morgue on Fuin street. The last person known to hove seen the fondly olive wu Mrs. Doty, wfto Wu st the house in the middle of tho afternoon. No one an explnin how the lid can to be off the “on sud the [a flame pouring out. Manager Smith NEBOGATOff B CONDEMNED TO Mi f'0tht or f'hhill.Y SUFFOCATED. miral Zeninsvin and Lieut. Smirnoff, who succeeded to the command of the battleship Nicolai 1., were sentenced to death, but in view of the extenuating circumstances and the long and other- wise blameless careers of these officers, the court has petitioned the Emperor to commute Admiral Nebogatoff’s sentence to a. short term of imprisonment in a, fortress and to let the others free. Pour other officers are sentenced to short terms of imprisonment. and two experts of the Provincial Nat- ural Gas & Fuel Company, whose lines supplied the house, made a thorough in. quiry to-night. He says there was no free or unburned gas in the place. Tho family died from breathing air from which the oxygen had been burned out, and whioh was charged with carbonic acid gas from the open flame. James Harris was 44 years old on Christmas Day. He came here nine years ago from Whitby, and had also lived at Muryham. Ella Harris, his wife, w“ 35 years of age vUse belonged to the Warner family of Whitby. The other (load are: Arthur. aged thirteen. and Gertrude, aged five. Myrtle, aged eight; ulone survives of the family of five. ARICA, IN NORTH CHILE, VISITED BY EARTHQUAKE. Damage More or Less Severe Done to Other Towns in Neighborhood-Dir frict Severely Shaken " Time of Valparaiso Disaster in Auguet. Santiago. Chile, We. 31.---1Lxlf of the town of Ariat, in the province of Tam, has been destroyed by an earthquake and other towns in that neighborhood have suffered more or less severely. The seaport of Iquique, 120 miles south of Ariea, was not dammed. With we recollection of the August. disaster from in their minds, the people in the oath- quake bone. are greatly trhmned. Taena is in the northernmost province of Chile and borders on Ptru. It has an am of 8,000 squmre miles. It in mainly a minim we mesa}: by county and intermittent streams. Euth- quakes are frequent. Aries is on the sea coast. It was {mainly a much more important place than now. The popula- tion, once emulated at 30,000, is to- day about 3,000. Arica, Chili, Destroyed; Other Place. Damaged. Santiago. Chile, Dee. 31.--Hilf of the town of Aries, in the Province of Tae. no, has been destroyed by on earth- quake, and other towne in that neigh- borhood have suffered more or lees severely. The seaport of Iquique, 120 miles oouth of Arias, was not dam- In Augtwt of this year when . dim lustrous earthquake visited Santiago and Vadparaiso severe and wxmmus sshoc,ks “we experienced in Team. province. Tuna is in 'the northernmost pro- vince of Chile, and border: on Peru. It has an area of 8.000 aquu'e miles. It is mainly a ninleu duct, crossed by scanty and intermittent stream; Enrtigquakeu are “squat. * Ire in disaster fresh m their minds, the peo- ple in the earthquake zone are greatly alarmed. - on the mast. It" was formerly a. much more important place then now. The t'tl'lf","'i, once eitimated It 30,- 000, today about 3,000. . In Augult of this year, when o dts. auton- urthquuke visited t%rrHago and Valparaiso, severe and 1mm 1hoeky were experienced In M With the recollection of the August TOWN DESTROYED. HALF TOWN SHAKER UP. Lite Attacked Party of Mexicans and Americans and Murdered Four of Them " Lancho. Other Four Killed in Another Attack Where the . Indians Were Repulsed. Los Angeles, Dee. 31.-Coi. M. B. Maxson, Vice-President of the National Irrigation Congress and Secretary of the Board of Eduution of Reno, Nevada, who has been spending the past few weeks in the State of Sonora, Mexico, or- rived here yesterday with ts' graphic story of a. mnsucre of Mexicans and Americans which occurred at the little town of Lancho, on the Canaries, Yaqui River and Pacific Railroad, late Satur- day afternoon. MASSACRE) BY YAQUI INDIANS Bl MEXICO. According to the statement of Max. son his train stopped an hour at Lan. cho. While there, rumors were receiv- ed that the Yaquis were upon the ver- path, and that the few people in the neighborhood of the station and rail- road were in danger. The station mu- ter, a. man named Thompson, belittled the mutter end said he and his wife would remain at their post. The train bearing Col. Maxson and party had not left the station for more than an hour when the Yuquis descended on the little party of Mexicans and Americans and murdered four of them. Thompson and his wife had defended themselves back of the barricaded doors London, Dee. 3l.-The blizzard which commenced Christmas night continues throughout Great Britain. The country districts in moat of the northern parts of the country are snow bound, trains ore blocked, the roads are impassable, and isolated villages are temporarily cut off from communication with the neigh- boring towns. A number of deaths Wu Clubbed Into Submiuion by 1 Con- stabie-Two Other Italian' Were Landed in Jail " Parry Sound Yes- terdey. Parry Sound despatch: Last night an Italian, Tony Bert, who works for C. A. Phiitips & Co., on the Canadian Pa- Igie Railway construction in Foley township, about nine miles south of here, walked into the house of a gentler with a, knife in his hand and threatened. to stab him on eight. Mr. J. F. Hayden], the sett’pr, who lives near the lmlian'n shack, had complained of their taking itis wood, and notified them not to do so 'tttaim _ PERISI‘I ON THE HILLS or SCOTLAND HE THREATENED SETTLER 1N FOLEY TOWNSHIP. UBN't walked into the home in “ny- 'ttead's about! and on his entering a dog sprang at him, and the Italian stabbed it, saying that he would stab 1%ng the first time ho saw him. C. P. R. Constable Cardsrel.l was sent to. day to arrest Bert and had a livNy time. Whem Bert saw the conxitable he ran off, and an Cardwerll started after him would: Italian, Dalia Rivaguiseppe, gunned the constable and tried to delay 1m. tAueveu fired five shots with his re. vulver over Bert'tr heaA aiming him to stop, but when the constable mached him he showed fight and had to be re- duced to submission by the use of the thrdwell caught both Iialiam, Bert and RisasgttisaTpe, and landed than in jail here this afternoon; Governor McInnes’ Residence Destroyed, With Furniture and Contentu. Dawson, Y. T., Der. 31.--The resi- dence of Governor McInnes, of Yukon Territory, known as Government House, was burned on Christmas Day, with all its furniture. The building was valued at $100,000. It was probably in. sured through the Government officials at Ottawa. ' Government Home was the finest building north of Vancouver, and con- tained much personal pmperty belong. ing to Mr. and Mrs. McInnes. The fire started before noon. It is gt,t,t',f to hive originated from on exp oaion in the furmue. There was no wind or the polite bunch and garrison building isdioining might have been burned. The temperature was on}; zero. but the firemen were covered th ice. " ter fighting a fierce battle with the flames for four hours. Only the totter. ing walls and gutted floors are left. The building is 1 tot.al wreck. "tioArnor (Manna is It present on . vuft to New York. What Canada Will be in Titty Team, According t'o Moore. London. Doe. 3t.-Milner Moore, writ. ing in the Standard, suggests that the Imperial Government invest the next year’s surplus in tXnadinn industries, the Conadiu: GovernmenUto appoint a committee and guarantee that the money will not he ruhly Invested. Mr. Moore enclooel extract. from . letter received from o Comedian friend. who My“ “Americans are outmmttrerhttt Con- odionl in the for west two to one. And no for the thousands ofusertsU, no”. Gila-m, mum dud Run” turGGituttiee. The American' an- "tiiriommtgre1orre,and,1trJomif UGlY IIAllAN. A MONGREL NATION. FIRE AT DAWSON. qI© ARCHIVES TORONTO if2i'a' of the nation until . work tun ap- peged, yh_en the Indian withdrew. t The train belting Col. Munoz: amd party continued to o nation gbout 16 miles further doing the line and then, u the signs of the uprising became more “arming, the party decided to return. The train started back towud Incite, and when it arrived the station houu had been burned nnd demolished amt four human bodies lay dong the track. The petty stopped e few minutes in the hope that the survivors might be found and taken to s piece of safety. While the train wu at the ruins of the station the delperadoel uppeu'ed in the distance but did not come within any of the few armed people on the train. Not many miles along the road the scene was duplicated. Four more dead bodies of Mexicans and Americnm were discovered along the tracks. The little band " this station had been able to repulse the nttnck of the Yaqui: with the [on of but four of their number. The remaining members of the company refused to leave on the train, but said that they could stand off the Indians until the next day, when the runles would rench the spot and tummnry just- ice would be meted out to the murder- Her Parents Bad Her Arrested In a "grant. Toronto, Dec. 3i.--Mdry Shanon, t girl of 14, whose parents keep 3 Itore at 216 Vietoria street, was arrested Iaat night on I charge of wading e chntehino bug with $7 in it, belonging to Lilli-.- l Wrtmer, a. girl of her own age. She told lAqting-Deteetive Guthrie that she val an actress, and that lie had plnyed .with a commy which presented . play called, " t Merger-ct” in Toronto Jungian and other Iuourhgnjlnpes. - era if eaphrred. have been reported of pedestrians who were overUken by snow storm. in the bleak Scottish hill; Telegraphic communicntion with the north of England and Scothnd in gen- erally interrupted and steamer traffic across the channel and Irish Sea in great- ly impeded. In some instance. mull stenmers had to suspend their trips ow- ing to the fierceneu of the gale and the heavy fall of snow. the Canadians are not the same in fifty years it would not be the Government's fault. And when a man seeks to civilize this pudding of nations and tries to put loyalty to the British flag into the children, as the recent school flag-flying idea. did, the papers 3d up and howl and rant that they should not do that just became the Amercanl do it. But there the Amcienm um shown their same.” SEAT IN MINISTRY FOR CONVERT T0 LIBERALISM. Wu Lord-t,ieutenant of Ireland Under Unionist Government - Rumored That Lord Craven Bu Severed Him- self Prom Conservative Associate; 0tl0l.ty fOR CABINET. New York, Dec. 31.*The Herald has the following eable despatch from Lon- don: It his been formslly announced that Lord Dudley, Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland under the Unionist Government, had gone over to the Liberals. It in now rumored that he will be given Cabi- net nnk. Sewn! Humbug Steamers On“. to Put to Sea. It is also stated that mother convert to Liberalism is Lord Craven. This comes as a great surprise, considering the number of Gomservstive relations he has, among others Lord Cadognn, Loni Coventry and Mr. Erie Burlington. Lord Dudley, who has made I. wonder- ful recovery from a recent operation, will leave England with Lady Dudley for the West In in at the end of this week. New York, Dec. 31.-The Herald to. day has the following cable despatch from Berlin: Owing to duagreeinenta between office" and the management of Hamburg shipping compsnies numeroul stenmships ere unable to proceed to see. Officers of the German East Africa. Line, the Woermen lane, the Cosmos Cam. puny. the Levente Line, the German. Australia Steamship Oompmy, and the North Baltic Compeny have gone on strike. declaring that they refuse to too oognize the right of the mmpnniel to interfere in their private eff-ire. .. Matters are extremely serious, " the companies have issued . notice that they will discharge nil oftioem who belong to the no-ulled Captains' Club. Already fifty officers of Homburg shipping omn- pnnies have been dismissed. Stun-hip traffic is at I. deadlock. When she was questioned further, lie told him Also that she Ind been one I the. cut of the William Irving Dnmtie Company, the propretom of which, William C. Campbell, of Hogs Hollow, and John B. Rayburn. of ew Mt wen "rented lest week on e chm fund. Shem-he Ind ””8510“ the up” and be trained. GIRL WAS STAGE-STRUCK. CAPTAINS STRIKE. Iflgiiiii4jt "MW." ..._. --. __--_ ___ Stave-:7 od War Tnlt his mtrtuved mdeiem. ttom Governor Meta at Emu, man; that I. mole or Ion unsettled oomrtioer ot.-isstot. e-tair-rt-tut-teine"' (In: proviotstr can: hwh. buds me M‘ and pm. MM», at thm Gom’n him. General Peit the Gomb_ W, Gene!!! Pei! be mdered . eoeuieht.ahh. mm. 's-tofthe-i-totha-tart troops hum. For the ftmt tinte-the-tond' occupation ot a. Mir-vana- "sauituatmseomeue-6orthe trough uni-(Ike Midway dye (up: pie-'00 of them disoedtrsirtstmdof leaving this task to the and“: Cuban meals, which in some gum in regard. 'tti/aries-tuma/ttheir-lit.) theOuh-eivil authorities to perman- mtlrmaintainpmeeintheiid. “mum Pathofthm Ant-VII Man and Woman Commit Suicide in tho Jail " lettrgiga. Elmira. N. Y., Dee. SU-The 'ttttttm county jail wan the none of a doth” tragedy to-night. A woman named Joule W'ella, occupied a cell in the m5 dormitory, awaiting sentence on Jan. I for abducting a young girl. A III named Frank Delaney, smolngupow of attorney from the wagon, and via ll said to have been her lover, muted " the iail. and, stating that he wished to ab. tain the woman‘s signature to Iona popcrn. was shown to her cell by I guard, who stood clone by while he convened with her. Suddenly Delaney passed a bottle of catholic avid through the bars II‘ presm-d n m-eond one to his own Iipe. The guard sprung upon hint, but was not quick enough. Both died before I phy- sician could be called. Delaney was twertt.v-niue you: old, and was a nilmd man. He comes from . respected family. - - - Propose dat Opening of union! Con- gnu " Culcutu. Wandering Bear Pays a Catt on the Civic Serums. (‘aleuttm Dee. 31.--At the open' of the indian National Congress any Dad-hm Naorojid. formerly n member of the British Parliament, delivered an address insisting upon the rights of Itt. diam as British nubjects to govern themselves. The speaker pointed out that tho Boers, whom the Indium help- ed to nuhjugate, had been given self-gov- ernment. while India was still without it, and urged that a largo pntriotic fund he raised to educate Indians Is to their rights nnd to carry on the campaign in England. There are upwards of ten thousand delegate-a present. and the speech was received with a tumult of applause. Ottawa, Dee. l . - The young ladies on the ground floor of the hugevin M 'were in a Mate of frigln to-day. when t bear made its apenance in thd corridor. The animal belonged to Mr. Sum Cusidy and Ind been kept in a shed in the rent of his restaurant, which in just behind the Langevin block. Ir got loose short- ly after noon, and made its way into the Government building. A waiter saw the animal escape. and hurried " ter him. With tho nuisance of some of the civil servants hru-in was finally cap- tured and testoved to his pen. Social Democrats Colonize Imperial Con- stituency With Flatten. emigrants line Thou“! Spaniard: to have BeHr in I Body. Mudir. Dec. St.-- Nine {bound of the Uth.tritautts of the town of Beju. t%aartnatmr, dmiied sumo time am) to emigrate io a body. A mes-thy w“ bld yawn-(day, which alarm“! the offer od the Presidents of tummy and Mung-nu to supply ships and fimtU for the mmmation of tho Berlin, Dec. Sl.- ll is understood that the Social Democrats have completed ntoalthy plans to eapt"re the electionl for members, of the Reichltag in tho Imperial oonntituene.v af Berlin, in which tho Kaiser’s tuuthre in situated. This in the only metropolitan con-titu- oncy that they have yet held. They lost it in 1903 try only MO votes. It ll stated that they" have; now resorted to Tammany methods with enough float. ers to ensure a majority for chit party. éhuu'rh had been drinking. ma while qunrreling with his wife drew his re- volver and Attempted to shoot her. She scammed for help. Benjuuiu. who haul 1 room in the name apartment home, rushed to her assistance. Jmkoouville, Fla., Dec. 3i.--dohn W. Benjamin was no: and killed here to. day by Chale- Church. As he entered the door. Church find four times in rapid succession. each but. let lodging in Benjamin's body. (Toronto Saturdoy Siam) A simple “Imitation of thin and of In. “mu to work with hil not will. con- ceniniinx his mind on somethin‘ flu oc- curred " the second Stern-mun trill u (hy- m. A most important with. m be. placed on the mud tor tho am, out counael was eliciting the no" in and who. the regimen won Astonish-d to no It. Oder suddenly can. to t," lilo-tho to tho vitae: and commence o In“. DI. eon- trium with . [an M ot 1m. M- ter some one. In in! oomph"! I In: a- celionv. “mp-cm. all no he no. to an. on- amino, In about it an“!!! ovu- tho In. on the deck of tho court . Kr. Nohon R. W. “to“ trTa'ffi am. the light in "thertrtq it. W. It. ertodeto-tt1.hti.aeeri-t.uti mun amt tttfer.. It. Idaho '“ - " M It loan . - 'lf that-.13. clot- a It,“ on v on on...“ do... ttnt not M no on! d_ to I“... u 1roNrr-'aury's little hub that tut. lowed her to whool had one (My b b .tynkfuLfor."Honx--"ixn/di was MP A WHOLE TOWN T0 EMIGRATE, HOIE ROLE FOR INDIA. SENSATION IN OTTAWA, :--"That nay adii'iaTd TAMMANY LN BERLIN, Shoots Wife'tr Protector. DOUBLE TRAGEDY. Oder'l Lunpdude. Dee. 81-41-5004 snug m

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