West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Jan 1907, p. 8

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F_______ THE PEOPLES STORE} But the store is seasonable goods. S Handkerchiefs. Fur fresh and abundant We are const well dressed fer Gents' Furnish} everything but Overcoats '13}: Ordered G' Rcaiy-to-Weit_01rs.rss.?.its Wo recommend t are gaining eontideri If you are out tar as: What better t Ready Made Suits frne quality, etc, Laes' Coats 8, Men's, (hslsrs.s.l, Suits The jingle oi the sleighbells pro" claims that winter is here. The bay" ers in our busy store tellsthe same story from the kind of goods they are buying. Here is a partial list: Rubbers and Overshoes rta'Jelit/,,1fi't'tlrlit Furs Neckties Silk Hdk'is ( Suspenders Umbrellas Hats We have agood line of Gloves, the ordinary, Shirts', Underwezw,1 ROBERT BURNETT. Felt SherZin town are in great (1.2mm ttrs purchaser. A number of Good Coon Con That is to th price, no gue Store And J ewelrs Diamond up-to-date Durham ' Winter Warmth. Emporlum All farm produce l WEBSTERS ,verv Value Tested. Merchant Tail arlty 88$ nee I S Ro Hdk’ts Lravats ellas, Hats 63’ Caps fGlovcs, ssomethintt out ot terwem‘, Sweaters, &c . for winter wear. Blankets "itit confidence, and they he way we are kept busy. mas yoa'll be sure to visit sents than me H nuthing any one would prize " Jew 1 ours are pleasing the careful 1r present tl Hats, ' tc. Id you war th issee my J n mbcr this before buying ient's Furnishers ll placefto tl From 35 ing to encom ..' only the be " cannot er Highest prices pair buyer h Burned. woruen rytr Ls well as to the to $13. :ith Christmas and sent here: Gloves, A. Webster store from $50 to $60 to meet all demands. mer want u in are in town re will be open arting Dec. 1. y Wd been my Aim. IS to The Jeweller ', in thi 510. numgo that host in the enumerate tC )rade Groceries SEC urganns In ld delighted satisfied satishe oods M r Y. W. Crawford came home from the West Saturday. Mr Chan Moore visited his uncle in Toronto over the week end. Mrs Dixon, N. Dakota, is a guest of her brother, Mr J. M. Latimer. Mrs Enigma" is spending the holi- days with relatives in New Hamburg, Miss B. R. McKinnon, IS spending a few weeks with friends in Mt. Forest. Mr Jag. Cameron. Jeweller. Toronto, Visited with his parents over the New Miss M. McCrenry. visited friends In Yeovll for a few days this week. Miss Margaret Gun left Saturday morning to visit friends in Toronto, Dr Pickering, and Mise Straith spent the New Year at their homes in Mount Forest. Mr and Mrs Fiddis, of Owen Sound, guests of Mr and Mrs Colin Mt-Dougall last week. . Mrund Mrs Grant McCumh, spent the holiday week with his parents in Bnnessan. Mr J. L, Flarny. custom tailor, is starting another branch in this line in Owen Sound Mr J. A. Glass In charge of his shop here. Miss T, Williamson went to Strut. ford a. few days ago to undergonn oprmlion for appendicitis. We hope slits is recovering. Mm Vaddie Caldwell a few days a- go was lhrmlcned with appendicitis. She is now doing fairly well and has not. new" operated on. Mr and Mrs W. Buchan, and niece Laudell Lttuder/spent New Years Day in \Valkerton. Miss Bull of Pinchee Cheek, Alta., is a guest at Mr T. A. Harris'. MrIPercy Elliott. of Montreal, was also a guest (or n few days. Mr Thos C Morton, spent Christmas with his son-in-lnw and daughter in Tevswatcr, Thos. Jr,, has gone on a similar visit this week Sixteen members of Durham Lodge of thldfellows, fraternized with Mount Fun-st brethren on New Year's night. Mrand Mrs Thus Banks. OSound. Inn- been spending at couple of weeks uith relatives in Durham and near it, Mio, Maggie McLarty, of o. Bound, i, waiting her cousins. the Rose tatu.. ily, previous to My departure for Miss Annabel Saunders. of Toronto. visited her father, Mt B, P. SaunderSv over' the holiday. Mrs Ledingharu am, has returned {mm the West. where she onjoyed an ext: nsive visit wuhjher children there. Alias Maggie is visiting her ily, previous Den var. Shaw. A C. McKenzie attended the Kettnedy-Forfar wedding in Elles- Im-re last week. Miss Kathleen Grant, left Monday contend the Central Business College in Tomnlo; her sister, Miss Allie ac. companied her there. Miss Nellie Jopp. from Mommnin, Came home last week and wilitrpend a fortnight with Edge Hill friends be- fore going to College at Toronto. Mrs Doherty and daughter Alice, of Walkerton, ls visiting the Latimer family at present. Mr and Mrs Fred Seiguer are on a. holiday trip to Sin-uh, Port Huron, and Detrml, friends Mr Hell). KeNev, photographer, and two clnldren Wore visiting his father and brother over Tuesday. Mr and Mrs John Clark and family, spent the holiday with relations, near tin-iv old home, Aberdeen. Mr John A Black. Uhesley, and daughters Katie Bell and Jamie spent from Thursday to Monday last. in Durham and vicinity visiting old friends. M 1' and Mrs Finlay Graham. return- (-0 Wednesday, to their home in Mid. land. from visiting over the holidays with his sister Mrs Calder and mother Mrs Graham. Mr. Angus Cameron of Bottineau came home lam Thursduv and will as usual spend the winter here with his family. Good crops out there. though there was scmedamage by hot winds. MrFld, Wrttson, is home from the West and renewing ataptaintanc'ee in Durham and Priwville. Mr Keeler, an left Wednesday morn- ing for Welland, where he takes charge of a new branch store which the firm of R. B, Keeler and Sons is establish- ing. Their Durham businesc is grow- ing to large proportions. Mr and Mrs P. ll, Thilmudeau. of Ivctaskiwin, Alta., were visiting the latter's parents. Mr and Mrs. D. Mc.. Donald last week. We were pleased to meet withour old friend of teaching days and congratulate him on having risen to the positron of Inspector of Public Schools in the western province When you help your home paper you help Your town and indirectly help yourself. . The home paper " the tmrror' in which those at a distance see us. Par. ...=-- o ---- THE DURHAM' REVIEW To the Electors oQCounty Council T Division No 3, Ladies and 12entlemen-. I I wish to give you a few facts re- garding the County Council grant to the Durham School. In the Review ot June a, 1g06, Mr Rumnge claimed that the County Council did not give to the Durham School the amount that they should and compared the amount given to High Schoolswzth thenrnoun given to Durham school and ended by saying Ittir looked for better treat ment in 1 under the new act, when Durham would have a champion of its own," I would suggest that the school board establish a. High School in Durham end then they Will receive the High School grant. 1 was willing to overlook that inimuation, but I understand he brought it up at the Nomination and again tried to make it appear that, the county council did not give to Durham school the amount they should, Now the fact is this; for 1900 the county council gave to the Durham school, all the money the law called for being 8300, an equivalent Lathe Government Grant. and also they gave a apectal grant of $450. as far as am aware being the first special grunt. Durham School ever received Yom the County Council. These me the facts without argument. Wishing you all a. happv New Year, I mu. your obedient servant, NEIL McCANNEL Jn reference to the above we have to “it: . -- .. .. The vote in the Co. Council at Mea. ford last June to give 50 per cent in- crease to all Continuation Classes barely curried. showing that nearly half of the County Council was against, the grant. It was this oppcuition that was in our mind and not any idea of scoring the representntives of No, 3 Division that caused us to wute the extract below. Of course the interpre- tation Mr Mchtnnel puts upon the but sentence nmy be justihattle. The point we wished to make then and now is that Durham is entitled to special re- cognition (We: the other Continuation SchoolsI of the County for the special work it is doing, and the grunting ct an increas:. equal in percentage to all otherochoulm is not giving It this re- cognition, We are thunkful to the council and to our representatives tot What they did, but "possibly" out-own champion may insist on this point just a little stronger than did Mr Mct‘annel or his confrerea. At the nominal ion we made no referente to Mt Ncthumel except at he was included in the Co. Council Following is the extract '. bt lt seem to us incomprehensible that an nmny of the Uo. Council will not yenture on doing more sultstnnliul just we to Dur- ham educational work. . . .Poeittly the Council of next year, under the new BVHN'III. when Durham has its own champion, may 8t'P, things; differently." MCKECHNIE -Ather home at (‘nlyin on Friday, Dee 14 1900, May Morgan lwloved wife of Neil McKevlmiv, 'tged3t years. She leaves as chief mournvrs her husband and thtee suns, an aged mother and two awn-s, Mrs Dan McKechnie and Mr (‘Ims Crawford and (mu brother Geo Morgan in Montana. We are". day late this week also owing to the holiday as we intimated two weeks ago, Weespect wal week to be track to normal conditions. DrxoN--McAitTtitut--At the residonm- of the hride's railivr. an Dre. Will 1906 by the Rev J. A, Mathesoit ll., D., Dr. Ivan Dixon to Mary Ellmn. only daughter of John McArthur .Esq.. merchant, all of Px-iceyillv. MortToN--TcRsmi-oit New Year’s Ewan the Manse, Durham. Ly -lus Rev Wtu Farquhtu"son, Alexander Morton. of Botinck, to Mary Helen Tm nlmll. of Glonolg. Driving llors sale or exchange apply to Box 73, 1mm. ArthurH.Jackson, safer of Marriage Licenses. Durham. SA LE Buts-Have you planned for asule this fall ? We hay" all the up- pliancea tor turning out sale hills neut- ly and quickly and the Review 15a good medium in which to advertise. All advertisement in the Review hriugq results. When sale bills iii-e printed here we give a brief free an- nouncement, and we put the whole hill in for n. moderate extra charge. The hour thtt still in the lead Listowel Manitoba nux'nt Rom. Monica. Pres. G. Emma. Secy The regular meeting will be held in the Town Hall, Durham, an 1 30 p. m. on Monday, JANUARY 14. 1907 At the afternoon session, Mr H. Jones, Maitland, willgivc an address on 'Potato Culture and treatment for rot and blight." Mr W C Shearer, Bright, will speak on “Rotation of crops and selection of seed grains," and Mr J R. Philp, Yeovil, on 'grow- ing Clover Seed. " The Women’s Institute will hold a meeting at the same time and once at which Miss Shuttle- worth will give an address, and to which ladies: both 1n town and coun- try are cordnally invited. At the evening session Mr Jones will give an address on "The Balance of Nature, Bird life and insect world" and Mr Shearer on "Profitable Farm. mg." Miss Shuttleworth will also give an address. A charge of 10 cents or lhe a couple w111 be made at the evening meeting. Good music will be provided. All are tsordlally invited to attend. Farmers' Institute Letters to the Editor. Business Locals SOUTH GREY MARRIED TORONTO DIED Beggs & Sons The extract below from the Toronto Star will be of interest to Mrs Ken- nedy's many friends here. In common with them all we extend hearty good wishes: A distuugaished Wetrtern education- ist, well known in Ontario, left yester- day for his home in Prince Albert. Husk" accompanied by his newly-wed bride. the happy couple being Prof. Alfred Kennedy, formerly a. member ot the faculty at Queen's University, and Mrs. Kennedy, nee Mine Lena Maude Foxfar. B. A. The ceremony was performed Wednesday afternoon at 3.30, at residence of the bride's tir ter Mrs Urny of Ellesmere, in the pre- sence ot immediate friends and relat- ives. Rev. Mr Brown of Agincourt Presbyterian Church oftieiated. The contracting parties were unattended, except by a. little flower girl, Miss Jean Urny, niece of the bride. The bride‘s gown was of embroidered point d'es- prit. with the regulation veil. She carried white roses which also figured, largely in the decorations. Mrs A M Kennedy added to the pleasure of the occasion by a splendid rendition of Bohm's "Cnlm as the Right." Mr, Wake? Cole acting as accompanist. After conglmnlutions and the. wed. ding supper. Mr and Mrs Kennedy left for the,\Vest. followed by the good wishes ofa host of friends, whose many beautiful gifts bore testimony to good will-for the newly wedded couple, Mr. Kennedy is the sonof Reeve and Mrs Lyman Kennedy of Agincourt who were among the guests present. On \Vednesday of last, week at the home of her Mutants Mr And Mu w. L. Dixon, Ilia: Kate. their eldest daughter, was united in mat-rinse to Mr Rom Renwwk. eldest Inn of Mr and Mr- Ruht. Renwick, Dromore. Rev Mr Roach performing the core- mtmy. The enntrnrting parties Ire well known and highly respected and happily me to he still with us having taken up reside-nee at Dromore. The new Mrs Renwick ww- lnng the unlir- ing Secretary of the Woman] In- stitute and public Ipirilod in other \vnys. They are in every wny worthy of each other Ind the Review with" them along and happy wedded life. A fuller “count which we expected has not reached us. One of those happy eventsthat occur onus in a while took place at the resi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. John McArthur Merchant, Pricvville. on Wednesday, the 10th Dec., at 2 o'clock p. m.. when their only daughter, Miss Mar Ellen was united in the holy hoods 'Wit'.?. mouy to Ivan Dixon, Esti., M. D. of Price-ville. hott of Thus. Dixon, Esq., Barristvr, of Walkerton. The bride, who was beautifully attired in white silk, mm-ying a lioquetnf carnations and white asters. entered the parlor leaning on the. “PI” of her father. while Mendelssohn Wedding much was pluyud by Miss Marion Dixon, of Walkertou, sister of the groom. Miss Olive E. (Mumford. of Owen Bound, nrted as hridesuttaid. She was becom- ingly attired in white silk under point de chemo and can ied a. hoquet of citr- niitions and white roses. Mr Peter If. McArthur, brother of the bride. tUrly supported the gloom. The ceremony WM performed by the Rey. J. A. Math- PRon, ALA. ll, IL. Priceville, in the Itteseuce of only intimate relatives of the contracting parties. The young couple were the recipients at many costly and useful presents. Anetlngtuttuhvionssthe guests par- took of u dainty wedding dinner, after which they drove to Flesherton taking tlie5p. in. tram to Toronto, visiting Hamilton, Butfalo, Waiketton and minor places [ll'lOl‘ to their return. Theytakeup their residence in the late A. Butter's block. Priceville. We join the lllzllly friends in extending uur hearty congratulations to the happy couple Wishing them a long and happy life on their journey to- gt-lhel. Miss McAi-thur is a lady who is pos- M-ssedofull the good qualities that mine up to the standard of making an aiNctionatelife partner. while we can vouch fot the good Dr to prove himself equal in this respect. . Mus. ANDREW meos'roxn‘ 0n the 26th December there passed away at her resitlont-e on the Durham Road. 1lvutirick. in the person of Mrs, Andrew Livingstone one of the old tet,identn mud reSpecLed pioneers. Ut‘illll mine utter a short Illness due to La GI ippe, Detvased was born at. Cooksville, Ont, 67 years agosnd when achild moved with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clans McLaughlin to a. home in the bush on the Durham Road. She WM twice married, iirst in 1863 to Chris- topher Mills, and second in 1873 to Andrew Livingstone who died about i5ypavs ago. By lute first husband four children Were horn. two of whom pre ieceased her. Charlie Mills and Mrs 119mg," Reay and surviun her are W D ills, Durham, Vice 5t,,',',el' dent of the Fartners' Man. and Bu ply Co. Ltd. and Mrs Henry Muir of [gun- over. Her second family consists of three sons and one daughter, Thos. Livingstone. Durham, Msnager of the Farmer-f M't"g and Supply Co t Frank Livingstone, Guelph, travelling rep- resentzteiveof the Melotw Sepsntor. Herb Livingstone of the homestead and May still at, home. Also the following step children survive: John Livingstone. Ottawa. Eastern repre- sentative of the Oxford Sepsrntnr; Wm Livingstone of the Durham Road Bentinck; James Living-tone. Guelph Representative of the Perrin Plough Cu and Mrs Richmond of Winnipeg." The funeral took place Friday. the 28th December when the body wn borne to the tomb in the Saugeen Cemetery by her sons and step son. and the services were conducted by Rev Mr Colling, of Durham. to 3150.000 per annum in nsifiFFs'iG'iG. You can hem-dine grim?! 'lrilyg id 6 1ffllltti 1‘: you am m " ‘omm e egnp 3 'lllfa11,hll E. Toronto. The and iiiiiiiia in Canada. “The for Meal-n. W. H. SHAW, Pres. T.3.JoBstmrtr, PHI: Telegraphy DIxoN-.-McAttTucR RENmCK--DiaroN Hymeneal. Obituary. n the tint step toward: volition. .Piyinxwmm Stocktaking The Big Store But students the hammer! n my time with. out any ittconveaieaee to theumelvu and others, Three "g'nie,itfi Ind thorough courses oi study Business. 6 orthand mo TsIwwriting, Ind I'm punter): No matter whnt ynur present eduew Son is, we an m you for s better phylum post on. Full nniculus sent to my address free. C, A. amass, PHI-urn]. WINTER TERM now on at the /'TtwN0RttiERtV) fl,” Mr Patrick Heffernan was om-o the strongest mun In \an'Ielton Int. his strength has hula! him nod ho now lies in a precarious condition in the Bruce County Hospital. Serious stom- ach trouble and bowel nff1ictions have necessitated the frequent use at the surgeon's knife and for the fourth time during the present you he hm been on the operating tattle.--Teleseope. T “V The man who has devised and made so many Hair Styles tb success and whose _ latest inventions, the new NATURAL -e 'e. SCALP PARTING and PATENT TOU. . PEE has created a furore. Will be at Quun'l Hotel. IOU!” FOREST. TUESDAY. JAN. 8 th Albion Bowl. STRATFOBD. THURSDAY. JANUARY 10th Knapp House, Durham, Wednesday, January 9 th Cheapest, Strongest. Plan: In. and 1907. Euler ”nuns. neon-m nltugr,'/pa'; tutatcgue and I“ In bu wining free. Y. M. C. A. Bldg,, You: & loom at... T030810 n per cent Discount BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE T. M. WATSON, Pri In order to clear up our Stock of Winter Goods before stock-taking, we have decided to Start Early to give the inducement to buy what they usually leave off till spring. The public know that they can buy winter goods in the spring at a Discount. This year you can do as well all through. January as you can later on 10 per cent discount means that if you buy Ten Dollars worth of goods, you pay us nine dollars, and if it is only one dollar's worth of goods, you pay it with ninety cents. except coal oil, nails, and groceries. A trial here will convince you that our Sale means‘ money in your pocket. Everything Goes at This Rate For One Month WINLER TERM Owen Sound. Ont. PROF. PEMBER mu? "'Eii'HTi'giv'o'Ki'eFtifd iii,',' "irro7"rfi'"r'/trr'Fi'/i', TROUBLES. and will be kind to meet all interested. PROF. PEMBER will have with him a tntrttnitieent anal-men: of Pompa- dour Bugs. Switches from. .32 to t25, Wave. from...... ...... ....$7.50 up Tramformuious from . .20 00 to 850 00 Head Coverings mm........." up Also the most perfect. light and moan 1tte.lyukityi Tonna- and_Wius trom $2510 m (WN‘ 127 and 9 You” St... Toronto. Ont PROF. PEMBER 'nncnpt DURHAM PROF. PEMBER, The Proprietor of the Famous Pember Hair Store itt Toronto, LOOK HERE, FARMER I had MO acres of Good above Durham, well impnuml very tine buildings, advertised REVIEW for 87509. I mm mm fortotood deal lens and IT‘S A GAIN. prpv property. It's a map. For rm nbly under 63000 I will cell 1H! ikl Betitinck. with good soil, in n k \ ed and frame house. Ion-gr [mun barn. frame stable»: and lug _ Rood orchard. This is really " an I huve also a great lot of u: hm pm pert for sale and tt MILLION Mil LAIES of MONEY lo lend “I n ry lo, mm. [COLLECT DEBTS. mu mi! Empty: all! kinds of AHti'1'l?iGs m C. P. R. Tickets to all [miuh WlVT and sell OCEAN TlCKE'l‘S. lixuy kind of tii/gy/f business attended to. Every! ing private. (mr Mot u '. .. Always prompt. New: Negligent. ., In: now the largest trttrmdttttc:s i We lure loan tor more. Enter mn1 ttee, Guam!“ tin-n)" successful. W. J. ELLIOTT. Prim- Cot. Yonge and A It bu paid others. It will [my you J7iaytT; gt ct)i:(ii?g'i"il,"ii,'illl'iif'. ATTEND THIS BESI! TORONTO. CW". January 3, 1907 - til. ti. MILLER, The Hanover Conveyance: Sale , SKIS Wu” Ittt- nn that I “in We fur ot " For cousidrr- III 100 norm in brick wnvm . 'e frame hunk I [Hg slnlrivs. lily a tiacritire tof ol her pru- LLION DOL- d at, very low ITS. carefully LlTlNGS. Orll Oillli “'EFT [[3]. runner in t m history. . (‘4an \\ BA lt. Land with In the sell It VOL. XXV Review Club VII " " " " rd "lt "

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