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Durham Review (1897), 17 Jan 1907, p. 1

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Agent MY ggxxmzmgxmmaammggméé szmw and lamina any Btar Raw " and tomato Daily New Ravmw and Dail Globe.... .... REVIEW and Weeily mobo...... REVIEW and W. Mail & Empire. REVIEW and Western Advertiser REVIEW and Weekly Sun....... REVIEW and Pam. Her & W Star REVIEW and Weekl Wanna... REVIEW and i'd,1'h'4.1% Ear-ll VOL. xxvm, N0. 3 Review Clubbing 3.3.. " Empire. 01.75 I Advertiser um San....... 31.8) " & W Star 81.75 r Witness... 31.0) telly Herald..l.$ "thh?.., Ell DARLING’S FOR HOT WATER BOTTLES. We Mo sorry to hear of the accident which iwfei Mrs. R, Morice, She hud o'casinn to tire in the night and in the darkness slipped down stairs: and mis- placed her knee-cup. which willeocfit a hor to had for. a few weeks. Annual nu-eting of the N. P. C. Co. is trtlleal for 23 Jan. in Labor Iemple Budding, Toronto. Some inmnrmnt. work is outlined for the shareholders nummzs' it bring the consideration of securing electric pnwrr, CAR OF HxRDwAng.--dfr A, H, Hunter-rig lrusw this week uIIpu-kiug and placing ucur of h-Irdwure- In his new store. whirh is fitted up in ttne style, and will ln-k ln-HH- when the Counters are in, Watch fnrannmmce- Int-m9. The annual meeting of the Public Library was held on Monday evening. Adjournment was made ill next Tno-sduy evening the 22ntt .,t?] when it is hoped Ihere.will be n large nt- lendunce for Muslin-34. sale of Maga. zines &c. LosT--0n \Vednfsday, Dec. mm. on Grain-l Itoi Ivelwm-u Durham and Liviugstone's , 'tnets, Bentinck, n. black thun, rug ith white stripes. “50d fur linden-Ink purposes. Find- er Will oblige by Pett ling to En Kin-:35, Undertaker, Durham Lost-in Dur m a few weeks urn. A man’s brown, il d, nndlessed kid glove. The fhuier ' I'o-suitnhlv re- warded by leaving it' tthe Massey Hartis ware mom west of Muldnugh Home stables. DUPLICATING biBscmPrtoNtg--Sotne subscribers complain of getting two copies of clubbing papers, the mis- take having hem made in the city offices ofnut noticing they were renew- als. We want any such to notify us if this continues, for it may he cutting them out of a few weeks or months tot which they have paid. The February Delineatot suipnssvs in excellence its unruly brilliant pre' devest,vrs. Apart, from its Fashion departments, in Millinery. Dress making, children, Kitchen and other department? it [ml poetry and tiction of a high class and mteresting and prMtalrle attivles on curb topics as: Fooling the Public. The making of A Uhallning Woman. How to order in a Resluumnt. Little Problems of nmrried lit”. the funniest valentines, The Dawn of Wournuhood, Talks on home making. Our Drlineulor Grund- motboracs, &c. No better and useful magazine for' the home, where there are Wumeu, young or old, can be found. Bend to the Buttorick Pub. Co, New York, or enclose the one dollar to us. FAX Fort "LtrN.--Lovetsof pun- and innocent fun ill he 'rr'ttttiiol to Gee tbeopportunit of hearing "Junmy" Fax on the 25 nst.. at: 13pn Nevin Camp concert in e Town Hall. i2il- lespie and Flam lcivor-Urniq "re ttlsostao in their ru" and few can equal Pipe Major Beri In onthe Pipers, Plan at MtcFarGtre's. THE STANDARD BANK savings Bank Department in Connection with al Baum. DURHAM BRANCH John Rally. ”and" . tggusMetgItt'a mm; " W: m trtttittiehttuid This bank makes a specialty of discounting Faktners' Sale Notes at lowest current rates. DURHAM, THURSDAY. JANUARY w, 1907 FARMERS SALE NOTES DISCOUNTED ttttit OF CANADA Head Office " - - " Toronto "h l ESTABLISHED 1073 g I SALE mLLs-Have you planned for ',it sale this winter ? We have all up ' pliam-es for turning out Rule bills neat- ly and quickly and the Review In; a good medium in which to advertise. An advertttteutent in the Review twinge results. When sale bills are printed here we give a. brief free an nouneetttent, and we put the whole 1 bill in for a moderate extra charge. I OFFICERS ELEcrricm--The following lure the officers elect at the Durham , Horticultural Society for 1907 ..--Preei- ', dent, A. W. H. Lauder: lst viee-Pres., lueo, Furneaux; 2nd Vice-hes., Win. lScarf; Directors \Vm. C,oler, James Lloyd, Jno. H, Brown, Jno. Mcannn, Joseph A. Brown, Rob-art McFurlm‘e, Arthur Jackson. Thor. Morton, (Inris. Firth: Auditors, Ulif. Eividge. John Ruben-[son ', sretotttrr-Trens., Chris. Firth. I A large number of the intellillem' "farmers of this county met in the lawn hall on Monday Int. to proht. ‘by the lectures and discussions on (farm topics. The speakers of the oc- {casmn were Mr Jones of Maitland tyi ihir W u Shearer, Bright. Mr Philp, inunounced to speak WM detained on (e,ceount of the inaugural meeting of Egremont, council of which he “In l member and the smuecause kept away President Robert Morice. ! Secy Binnie was on hand hnwever. ever faithful to his duties and every- !leug passed " nicely, A McLel has some High Grade cutters on h d, which go at a. bar- train. Also a cw good robes left, beemem. The vacancy in the trusteesh p of the west ward WM tilled on Ttlrsduy evening by the elertson of Mr J. P. Tvlfm-d luv accGtuation. ANOTHER APPALLING EARTHQUAKE . --Tlte city of Kingston. Jaumuin. has been devastated by an earthquake and huudrpds Me dead and wounded from the catttst,tophe. Fuller details next week. We took some notes butspaeetsnd pleasure of other kinds preVeut us from enlarging this week much to our regret. Messrs Mitford and Manage con- tributed musically, Miss Irwin accoun- panying them. Imp. Campbell was 1n the chair. Roy Mcthnurken u young Ind cur played In the Furniture Fartorv. " Iowed his hand to come" in' aniline! withaaaw and three of hia flugers were so Inceruted that he was put under chloroform to new them up. ' 1n the evening Mr Jones was most Instructive on "The balance at Nature or Bird Life and the Insect World.” Miss Shutlleworlh pictured the requis "as of an idenl home while MI Bhearer spoke on "protitotie Iarming." DESIRABLE ovens To itmrr.--At intersection 0 Durham Road and (inmfmxu Bt., ne 6-momed Immu- only $6 per mom Another h wing 10 moms. fut-nave. bathroom, Ice. 89 per month. Apply t the Han Ware Btore to WM. BLACK. Me Jones, in the ntternoon 1t'e.y,ttd Potato culture and Me Shearer 850d. tation of crops and selection of if, Grain. The Interest, manifested. e- tokened an appreciation of theirim.. pottanee. The Sacrament of the Lord's Snppe: wilt he ndmluiutered in the Presbyter- ian Chmch on thlmlh next. Sp. wees preparatory to the communion wdl be held on Friday at 2:30 p. m, and a t, a p. m. Rev. N. A. McDonald, of 001 ouch. will conduct both services. Hanover last week honored itsc-lf by uivinga fine banquet. to Mr. Thomas Poehlman who is leaving fur Culling- wood. Prominent citizens horn. elo. quent testimony to bis worth and a eulogistic address necompunied the presentation of a cane. Many besides Hmmverians can hear testimony in the upright ehamcter of Chas. Puviiimuu Farmers' Institute til qi------- Plan will be opened at Maetftsriaue'. drug store. at 2 p. m. Saturday I. inst. rich-Ls 25c. 35c. and 500. ThisA ual Omeert will he held this year on the exact date of the birthday 0 Robert Bump, and the following h llinut talent have been secured; WM. GILL PIE, Toronto. lately from Scull d, a famous Concert Baritone. FLORA MclV R-CRAIG, the well known Conce Soprano. Solom. to all theleading coltiuh Boeietioeitt Canada. JAB FAX, The in mimble comrdinn. with new pieces nd an enhanced reputation. I Pipe Major FARQUA BEATON. of the48th Highlanders. l MRS. NEWTON. accompanist. I The new Council met. on Monday as per statute and all took the necessary declarations. After hppointing the committees which appear below, they adjourned ullthe evening, and spent it pretty long session in a useful way. We haven good council. all alert to their duties 1nd the town may ransom ably expectgoud work from them. At {heather end of the table from mayor Calder site New SuuudvI-e, to the Muym's tight ale C'ochrane, Swallow. Lemma“ and to the left. Whelan. McLachlan. McGowan. They have started on the year's busines. wilha. run that heupeaks progress and amongst their first acts was to let it be known than. taxes Inu-t he. prompt- ly paid. the surprising stutemeut. le. ing nude that some hem year was not paid till Nuvember! C. Elvidge h Assessor. John Clark Constable and Health officer, JMI Duviduoh caretaker at a slightly in. creased salary, IV. J. Adams. trtrutt ofncer, T. Daniels pound keeper and fence viewers are Messrs Cmvnldine, James Davidson, Lock Elvidge. All hue: of t Town of Durham must be paid on a before ist Fehru My next. at which' date a collrctor will he appointed And er cent added Delinquents are request to take due nolice. By 0rde Wu. Von. ' Chee. An imporlnut motion by Coehrane-. Saunders-Ordered all Mixes to he paid by Ist Feb., as at that date " collector would be appointed and costs incurred. The new Council Intends to back this up. McLachlan - Whelau - That the question of Imck interest supposed to be owing by the Durham Furniture Uo. on first mortgage be considered as settled in full at m.- discharge of said mmtguge. and that the matter be now finally disposed of.-Utuaied, Dr. Hutton is Medical Health OtBeer and Menus. Koch and McIntosh me Auditors. Salary 810 each. Accounts were presented amounting to “film and checks ordered to lo to 323: issued. On motion of McLachlan-Whelan a grant of $10 was made to the Nick Children's Hnspital. Nine copies of the Municipal World was ordered for use of the Council. WNANCE-S. P. Sa'unders (Chair- man), Jno McGowan, R. Coch- rane. FIRE AND LIGHT-J. A. Lenahan, (Chairman), Thos Swallow, T. R. Whelan. BOARD OF WORKS-T. R. Whelan (Chairman). Alex McLachlan, J. A. Lenahan. PROP ERTY-- Robt Cochrane (Chair- man), S. P. Saunders. Jno McGowan. PRINTING-'rhos Swallow (Chair- man), T. R. Whelan, Robt Cochrane. CHARITY ~\Vm Calder (Chairman), S. P. Saunders, R. Cochrane. BOARD OF HEALTH--wm Calder (Chairman) Gib. McKechme, Geo Sparring, Hugh Rose. COURT OF REVISION-Wm Calder (Chairman). John McGowan, A. McLachlan, J , A. Leuahnn. T. R. Whelan. _. Bim Nevis Concert. FAphy, 25th JANUARY. STANDING COMMITTEES Town Council. ----_------ ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Jas-Taxes After ample lustice had been done to the oysteis and other vilnda. ad. jonrnment was made to the lodge room where, with . flmt clue Chair- man, Dr. Button. 9. tine swam ot area) and song was ren cared. The c airmen presented some tine Por. estric facts. such as the provision for the benefit of the living member. the widely spread Order, tho security ot a big surplus. a. He showed how the Order had grown from email be- ginnings up to present figure 181. Ha annoaneed etiologies from Bros. lf. S. Meal-us and Gen. Mitchell, bat wel- comed in their place Bro. Tove]. of Guelph. De .8 C. R., and Bro. Scott. ot Toronto, high V. C lt. Insp. Cam bell awe a lucid ad- dress on " ”that constituted a good Forester." pointing out negatively what it was nut and closing taffirau. tively by saying it was translating into action the motto of the Order, " Liberty, Benevoleneeand Concord.‘ ' Tuesdsy night, Court Durham, No. lil, had another of their snnusl heu- Ir/l), and the brethren, and tttttl: y Bro Wm. Johnston, should set- iaiied with the success that attended it. A large turnout of the member- ship, made and female. for there is: companion court here, wss swelled by s few friends and try s [urge coming- ent from Dromore Court, whose kind. nesssnd interest in Forestry, as shown by driving 12 miles to honor their in. vitation, was duly spprecisted. Mr. Midford and Mr. Wm. W. Ramage at intervals awe solos which Were honored by encnres and later by votes of thsnks. The former gave his patriotic piece "God Bless the Kuut tt and as encore " Juse Give me the Lertvings," which brought down the house. The latter prefaced "My Am Fireside " by a short address showing how Forestry [in named the tireeide. He relerred to Dromore be. ing an cirahuot ot Durham, Were proud ut their origin, though from their higher altitude they could look down on them. The tine old song was en. cored and "ltule Briitaniu Tr gave the audience a chance at the chorus. A hearty vote of thanks WM pulsed to Miss [rwlu for the very able mun- ner m which tehe accompanied the singers and “God Same the King," closed u. tint' gathering. Messrs Irwin, Cuban. th Humane spoke hrief1y. Messrs Hay mud hestel of Druumre Court addressed the audi- ence. expressing than” for the in- viuuion. It was well to apt-mu! tiowerm he. fore death. Spoke of the work of Su- prmne Chief ()uunhynmkles as seen in the Olpham Home and elsewhere, and impressed on them the need of harmony. . . .. Bro. Johnston gave thanks for all the kind 1ltitttps mid ot him, and urged uh Foresters to nmke sure of their proof of mth papexs. Mr. Scott was extremelv pleased to be there with tine people ot Durham and stalwuts of the townships 3 beautiful town. with elegant aide. walks and evervthing in the trope) tive degree. Oh! he's it tbuterer. He had bouquets for Bro. Johnston, tt living example at A true Forester. He grew eloguent am he pointed out how the kernel tot Forestry had come down the ages. and declared Inde- pendent Forestry wanted to be known by the wav it lived up to its profession, The I. o. P. had a. surplus as large as all other societies combined. His speech. sombre and statistical " first, grew may near the end and he re- teived a hearty applause. Mayor Calder gave figures showing tittaucial tutengthof the local Court. was proud of Forestry, the first so- ciety he belonged wand was [wonder tofind it more and more etarendinq Ila heuetitts even beyond the consti- tutiom Bro Tnvell had hoquets for Bro Johnston and Lester, whotu.lte had met at, H. Court. He gruised the hospital work of the I. 0. , Tr Mucfnr " Batt , C h t) d'ith1titthi'i.t T "on are Athtrof WindaM ft nut juat tus rirrdat .._, n --- --A Safe Combination in 4% years the'Asset: of The Sovereign Bank of Canada have increased to over 25 millions, and exceed theliabilitiestothepublicbyover5 millions. Deposit: haveincreasedtoover l5 millions. Your account-large or null-is invited. $1.00 qtatsanaax-tinour(GinrDept. " but! paid 4 times a yes. Strength and Youth (rhestrtrerehilttttdltttfatutiht. J. C. TELFORD. Manager, Durham. I. 0 F. Banquet. -.--v MI . Begin We huve read this winter already of death in the hliluld. but how little the mind is affected when the name is unknown! How ditterent (iii?:] one, who A few months no wnlted the streets of his native lawn. (is the victim! The gloom of the ca- lculruphe is felt by many outside the {home circle and great svmmthy in 'felt. for Mr and Mrs Crawford and 3 hmilv in this core bereavement. ,Death in the Blizzard Friday evening In! a heartxeetdtntt telegram ruched Mrg. W. Orawioed here from his eon ill-low. ar lot-tine! in Winnlpeg. that his Ion Ind died in in storm and asking u to the dim ition of the body. Mr Crawford wiredbo tend the body east. Beta!» any warning another telegram: ewe eating that the deceued'e brother Peter and sister Birdie were coming out with (lie remains. but not stet- ing when they would tttatt, Thin II all the new. Ihnt has been received op to Tueediw evening except that . Winnipeg pauper suites that the tele- gram to Mr Mortimer in Winnipeg was sent hy Mr Henderson, of Battle. ford. n nephew of Mr Crawford. And aimihr sympathy will ite tar. tendea to his widow. daughter of Mr and M13090 Ryan. who, only a few months use A bride. and devoted to her hushnnd. see: new the hand of death "make cypress of her orange Bower." The funenl will take place the. day after arrival here, the reumiun rect- ing one night in the old home. LArsm--Wrdtterday morning comes , kilogram HIM the body had not yet reached Bnttieford, which in Iiotuiies distant from his home. It in likely nowthu the rennin! will be interred in Butlrford. The annu meeting of the Durham Conn-[wry non ny will he held at. the Town Hullin t. Town of Durhlm on Tuesdrqllle 22n nuo-ry A, D. INT, an the hour of 8 dc i I the evening. Dated 11th Jununry A. . 1907. J. P. TELFOBD Extraarlinary 0lfe Theannuul In ling of the Grey I Brut 3 Mutual Fir murance Uo.. will be bold u. Miller's " Hanover on Sum-duty the 19th y of Jan 1907, commencing at lo‘cl 'k in the after noon. . The Busy Store on the Busy Corner. R. B. Keeler & Sons Br "eeint walla with the PIINIM of the oath! “on.“ Uwuln PM mm. want. I wonderful tte'htt "tNe. '" will lend the Review“: Weed Glob- to Jan. I, no for 'LSO. 'ldlt In at mice. This on" will hold good the a limited um. Sample. " Review CHAS Mums. have“ up Puma“. Happy New Year to Everyone Alex anford the "can KEELERS Anihal Meeting The Review lllllll Meeting Wish a Durham . DURAN CAMPBELL Dun-Inn. Out. T.? = El

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