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Durham Review (1897), 17 Jan 1907, p. 2

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- 7:1 V4 Mary Ml ye ttt WN " 55.2: na-ay- School. 'P " nt “I " lily ."v,o'.r't Tir, grunml MulbLl vat yield so ' or'Hrrrtl,t' as in the past. Wo do cot I know to what extent righteousness mm I intezrity in man Inn to do with both:- titu! hurvesti. Fugitive ....vagrborvi- I The tcrat ovord mans a runes: wan- 'teror, the second a raving fagitiee.-- Wher Com. He was to he expelled from noc'wty an]. have no fixod abode. In mi. men‘. in - than I an trear-Or, dition to this Cain mid in is our that fear of was: IS. My” "Mine iniquity is grew than that it my ha fargiF."--Abegin. The ori- ttina'. vii-1W ofettb-Ueirqr,trret Inna the next vul- it could may: "kid-Thi- gr' ahetndvttty as know to what intoxréty in 1: tin! hurrah The first -Va'OI‘ derer. the m H T2311“. LES " U Cain and Arye/-Geu. iv i In Pr""" ml of any» how many tot' gt hr True "aitrte, Night lr thm thi A!" t huh orn In 3. "A fugitive and a vnrmbmui." Ty. c 1Ctrelt're pica] of the condition of unrest awaiting i .ntrd ll the Gnally impenitent (Rev. xiv. 11.) A featmmv' manhom] in comiderod despicnbia by all. l. thw ol The term "Sod", in Hebrew means vaga- Dunc-.2- lan. "He dwelt a vagabond in the land.' Itico. I Ire Immune known and despised as such. Jan. G, Ty ieal of the moral degradation of thei fd? (Dan. xii. '2: Isa. lvi. 24.--0ohn 8., I 30Cseary. ”AI‘AVI' John Wright, am M. at an wnm Home, 20 "guns Want. NW. builder. Mt about £50000 In! chant- uble purposes. Gen. iii. 15, we have n ioreshadow- f the divine purpose in providing for e-iz‘ruticn of mun from sin to holi. ln fin. incident embraced in this n no have an illustration of God's ml of darling with those who, sight- ire prmiiion he has made for their ration and ignoring his appointed LliiLl". become obdurate and impeni- iv. their rebellion against him. In intvwretttiions of these~brief re- . of primitiw times. we need to ex- " ctmutttt1t core lest. we seek to be u unmi- what is uritten." ( The worshippers. l. We have no in. l union in to when or how God first r known to men the law cf sacrifice y it hau- been revealed to the first at the time when the beasts were I to provide skins to make "coats" :iIPm'.’ (ion. iii. gl., It is evident, mcr. that Abel understood the ne- w. for the "slmlding of blood" .(Hel). iii an a condition of remission and prance. Cain had equal opportuni. for knowiedge, but he chose to dis- ril the divine order. and to come in warn any. “is sin, therefore. was the sin if ignorance, but the sin of umptiorr. Ample provision was I' under the law for the sin of ig,o nice (not ix. ir. Sum. xv" etc.) The saeriftces contrasted. (a) Abel's 'i tha- "t'atness of the flock." and i2 mi .1 confession oi sin and recognL or Liz-3 "cm-ssny for atonement. in vm of the "truit ot' the ground.” AAm the bloodless sacrifice of self. Li-un-y and seirvightvousut"". (h) .l- um- l'c'lls’lll for the rejection of _ _ Lin-ring Wtt6 that it failed to re- 11w rid- ncvcssity {or confession of and the necc-sity for atonement. The r<~mc in the spirit of the two men _ I aft match to do with the acceptance uh- mil tiw rejection hi the other. t-‘|""iiiii; ior thr. forms; of wor- lit. r/Ito \uvilul he cccepUU of him -. t.'... :.. ",.rii|'it and in truth" mu. l: was pro'oably some sign hid: Cain was known as the cursed Some. however, think the Lord tain a signwhercby he could know ho “(mm not be slain. Perhaps the anuwred both purposes. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS. m. The penalty. 1. In this We have an timation of God's purpose to separate "' H il from the good. Both may exist gather for a time. but the tiweof RPtt- minn "mat come (Matt. xiii. 24-30. 1-t'2. 47-50.) 2. Coin was "driven from the presence F the Lord." So of the wicked at the end “m.- m-ie. 3-): Matt. NNV. 41. 40: Rev. f Wright, mm M. of}! Th'" a tmtrR--StteTe ojeeture RN to ir. was probably ULLED FROM SOCKET. " Ma . In this we have an purpose to separate md. Both may exist .Ii Ernest Blackwell, a G. T. It. brakeman, was crushed between two trains that were on the siding in the Toronto yards last night. His both legs were injured. Statutory registration of all fires oc- curring in the province was the re- quest of the Mutual yireXudurwriters' Association, preferred to the Govern. ment yestotdny. County Crown Attorney Rodd awl Provincial Detective Mahoney arc inn-s- timulin-g a mm- of \\jl>J".L"'.l'ie Imivv'myinj: of the month-m of a Christmas 'party, tit t'r: hon."- uf a 'rrouim'u'., tviiv.ut u; 1 Kingsville, hut. it is supposed the p u:- lsrm mm in the tub»): 1%rtiurmvty there won- 11.) futniititw. . more wore no fumntxm. i Attorneys for the Government who are conducting. the uwestigttt'wat into tipe nmmngemmnt of the Httrtiw.,cn litres am- munced bo-day that they land dctrr. mined to take steps to prevent E. H. Hmirmn, Hem-y C. Win: and II. H. |\"nv,--(“u< from leaving; tiio jtmtt'.e' ccion of the lnttr-szlte Con:metee CoirctuGcisir.. Eleanor Dime, the ,actress who has been ill at Senot, with pneumonia, is declared by her physicians to be out of danger. I',altasat. Estiipin, Minister to Maxim {nun Sun Salvzulnr and Honduran, Fast right mid that vwry‘inng was pome- ublo throughout Sulvador. BRITISH AND FORE Persons at City of Mexico. well in- formed on Central American affairs. be. lieve the Honduras revolution will be of no consequence. A shin having on inn-an] fy?,?. Japanese lawn-rs. which was due to arrive at Salim! Cruz. Mexico, on Jan. 6th, had l'nh-m the maul situation is rz-Iiovml Sa Faint-ism wili suiier seriously by 110* week. Thero is at present little more than seven days' supply of fuel tlwre. The New York Tribune 'utys' advices have been received that Nicholas Cas. tana, of Ciertfuegots, in the sugar-grow- ing district, wtil refuse to make any loans on the 1ot)'r-8 crop. Tire plant and buildings of the Sit-.m- dard Puwll'cr Co., of Pitt-41mm, at Elm-- roll station. to-day w:re dvestsns.vid by :..l vxp'usiun cuusod by a fire. No hiw- mm lost. The duntage will cscwed $100.01”. A shspateh from Dublin says " dit,- .l~tr-:m explosion mun-1rd in the works of tlw Alliance has Co. yesterday. Sec. mun-n of tlie vmplnyom were i‘ninrml: sunn- of them so svvvrcly that tlt'y are not svcrrcivtl to live. Arthur F. Station of Walla Walla. not lrevn sighted at night. Wank. private' seeretary to the >cr‘ru tary of the Tron-Hwy Shaw will be ap pointed assistant secretary of the tpeas my. to sum-rm] Charles Hallam Kenn} when the latter retires rm February l. “I" WIN-1'1 of th- Sultan uf 'l'nngin morning. Vieehdmiral Uonbassoff. Cieneral of Moscow and at mombr-r of the Council of rowived notification that a temp: upon his life will be Fire Inst night destroyed of tho RIPH Kress "ox Co., l Pitt Bonrd (‘0.. mlioinizzg. Nudes. Pittsburg. thyowing m outplo.vuuutt and (auxin; (11110th at $100,000. rimmml nt $ltl0,0i)0. Engine-or Hikivhraud and (‘mrlurtur lit'tl‘llll. of the crt-w of tho vii-zipuwm Main. who 1vt't't' arrested hut night aitvr the mrunor's jury inquiring into th" 'l'vrra' Cottn wreck had held them with "is others rvsptmsihh' for that wreck, have "v,evn rI-lcvsed on bail. The miners' strike at (midfield. Nev. is eonsidered settled. At midnight tev.ei' were still (hunting the votes. but i3. un- nilllt'ti that the majority oi votes. 1.” ored accepting the mine operators pm position of $5 per day for miners um skilled-help with $4.50 for laborers. - . . .. L‘7»Ar. T'..... position a $5 per day for miners and sikilhurlrelp with $4.50 fur laborers. A country bridge over the Smntu Yuer. River. near Lompoc, Ct0.. went (km 11 .re'- tordny. (-nrrying 20 persons into tin~ than Two persons were drowned and several injured. None of the injured will die The body of a man burned lreyor cognition with kerosene. war, found patch oi woods at Gumertborg. There is little doubt the man W'stn 1lored and that he was an Italian is :supposed he was the victim of t called "Black Hant1l'. . ME IN BRIEF“ S "utly bviore :r'iahniuit‘ 511:: 1; 'Y,t the uirelmsm station at the I‘m: n- 2- r IV) .vatU picked up " ttti"e4't,'.rlc? front the steam” Cttroee, that the Pam-9 i, in thw of the steamer Manx-mi. Tlot tire tt:tiuacst"s. Caracas i. lmunl Cu. Pant. Rim. having infer! from New Y.t rk on Folhwcn of the Prophet outrnunlier A Catholics. Rumw. Jan. H.-Dr. Kenny Mel. bourne, a promiuent' Catholic and Papal Chamberlain of the hi:grst rank, has returned to Rome, after m;- tensive travels in Russia, indiu, :ml the Orient. where he studied tld, mu- Catholic. religions. /leeen_tly he lu, .becu frequently received in Andi.- we by the Pope, to whom he has 1eporced the results of his studies. He affirms that Mohammedvnrsv, is rapidly extending, contrary 1,t tle um;- eral belief. Its adheroati,diov,r i', out. the number of Catholics. Tm My: was deeply impressed, fund "ulriuttol that the only remedy was the urn-- gsutizatiort of the missiomry synem throughout Asiq. " ' " Such reorganization would imply. in- cidentally. the solution of the Frvnch proteetorate over the Catholic mis- aionaries in the Orient; which " likely to be divided in future among the row- ers of the world, including Bah. MOHAIR MEDAN ISN GROWS, CANADIAN. man burned beyond re ‘au of tho, diplomat European residents is , ba “gown! " fur Ir the limits of the unsettled conditions it late hour last midfield. Nev..' Ednigixt Mulch} 1%. but ic “ab; of votes, LU": operator". pin-i " miners and r Inhorers l Tangiet' diplomat ION M011. tii, l'l SCALDtD tty COULDN’T USE C' for $2.50, Wle DEAD; tit SUICIDED. Philadelphia Man Shoots Himself and Expires on her Collin. ll TORONTO f,r.titittiifii 'i?:liii:ysqis.'hiesiit' a ily,.:, _", c,rir,rchi " ":uriij'iijiis f:?a?si y/G 6 _ 1 Abs. lira; me intense at! mm. 1 'lutlly _yi'yiihrfSrr!ii% tl..,lii'rtius, ry,rmi BY h NOTABLE I',': nrrl in 111-: distress I trial awry roam-(£3: which I thought would be Many use to me and wading of the value ofLydia E. Huh . Lam's Yvgetnb1o Compound to sick Wotiltlt Lin-HUI to ive it atrial. I fult tiO disc)”. ru .‘tw'. that find little hope of chn\'m':.-, and when I began to feel better, acer the Hymnal “wk. umught it only meant (rumor-aw rcy.cf; but to my great surprise I {maul that I kept gaining, while the tumor lessened in size. - I n____: A- kn“; - lil File. “The Compound continued to build up my mutual Icalth and the tumor seemed in be nimnrbcll, until, in sown months, the tumrr was entirely gone and l a well Wol:Lllt. I am so thankful for my recovery thut i ask you to publish my letter in TUN"to papers, so otlwr women may know of the wonderful curative powers of Lydia L. pitnklturti's Vegetable Com ound." When women are trougled with imp: ular or painful periods, weakness, displa- cements or ulceration of the female organs, that bearing-down feeling, in. ( fifmiv.atiort, backache, Batulenee, general i nobility, indigestion and nervous prop. tritium. they should remember there is Hilt' tried and true remedy. Lydia E. i"m'sham'a Vegetable Compound at once r._-,.:u'>\'es such trouble. No other medicine in the world has re- roiveil such widespread and tyypysliijed endorsement. No other mediate has sum a record of cures of female trouble. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She is, daughters in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty-fw? years under her direction and since her deoeue has been advising sick women free of theme. She has Ended thousands to health. Address, ynn, Mam. Remember that it is L it E. Pink- ham' 3 Vegetable Com that h curing \women. and don't Now any druggiu to antigen anything obs in it: place. m. Sarah Keno: of Denver. C' Bearer nithe Woman's Roiief ch, Sends thanks to Mrs. Pimmuu. Then Applied haunt Relief. MONTH. Emma m I 1y--s'tittylitri beside the c body, Alvxy 0 Itrutr : into fatlu-r and GI" FOR nntly. “is the cofiiu. :3 vakirk on (uh-(L lu- P who di rl help In nth ' parlor may on he had '11 read: 23-16%. )ffin nder lllet “is ll [in ll H up t he he in Do.. mixed. ton ... Strut. per ton ... ... geeerr-- Alsike. fancy. bush l Do., No. I, bush. Do., No. 2, bush. I Red clover, new .. t Do., old ... ... . Timothy, bush. ... l Dressed hogs ... ... I Elm. new laid, do I , Butter. dairy U.) The offerings ot gram were and prices anon-aged. What bushels of Fall mum: " 72:, 1 cl: of goose at 65c. Barley It bushels selllng at " w 55c. I bushels selling at 40c. - . __-r.. -m- “In. MARKET REPORTS. bushels of Full new“ a. u... --- V, cl. of goo-e at 65c. Barley unchanged. 80-) bushels "Inn; at " to Me. Ow firm. yn bushels "Watt at 40c. Hay In fair supply. with a]. 0130 Ind: at tu to $15.50 a ton for timothy. and at tit to 812 tor mixed. Struw study. one load selling at $14.50 a ton. Dressed boy are firm, with light quowd It W. and heavy ct $8.30. When. white, bulb. ... ...507: tooo Do.. red. bush. ... ... ... 072 000 Do.. Spring. bush. ... .. ... 070 000 Do.. goose, bush. ... ... ... 066 000 otur, bush. ... ... ... ... 040 000 Barley.bus:1. .. ... ... ... om 055 Buckwheat. bush. ...t. ... 055 000 Hay. tim.othy, ton .. .... ... ll 00 K, w . =-- n 00 te so Onion, per bag ... ... ... .. Itqo ow Beet, nmdquartera ... ..... no 800 Do., toreouarterts ... ... .. 476 55? 00.. choice. camue .. .. .. 7 00 , trf Do., medium, carcase ... ... 5 50 ' M Mutton.pcr owl. ..d... '.... 800 9“ Veal. per cwt. ...' ... ... ... 900 Iota, Lamb, per cwt. ... ... ..... 900 1000 BRITISH CATTLE MARKETS. _ tayndom--Livcrpool and London cabla It? hixhcr u. 11c to 130 per 1b., dm-red welsh}: refrigerator beef its quoted " 9c to Nie Woodall & Co. bbls.. selling; l kc Greening". n to " t tsr; hummus. t 513. 138 to log; Sp s, (in Its to 18a 66', Imam Us to 188 6d. New York ... ... ... ..... ... tit% tC"m pouch. ... ... ... ... ... ... 80% 77% Toledo ... ... ... ... ... ... 79% 7356 St. Louis ... ... ... ... ... ... 76% c.. Mimwapolu ... ... ... ... ..... 18% 79% Duluth ... ... ... ... ... ... 78y. 7m TOHCNTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Receipts of live stock at the city market as reputed by the railways, since last Tuck any. were IL, car loads, composed of 1.1:» cattle. 1.704 hogs, 948 sheep and min. will: about 100 calves. The ottulny or tat came w“ not as good an round as the trade requires, too law tinished and too may hall unkind be!“ altered. Exporters-A few loads ot exporters clung- ea hands at $4.60 to “.95, with some odd prime cattle as high as $5.15; export bulls sold at 83.50 to $4.25. - - - . . .. Tuade was good, especially tor the best but it anytblng the common grades wen easier. with a. few common bulls left an sold at the close of the market. . Iiutchers--mhme picked lots ot butchers sttld at 54.50 to “.50 per ch; loads ot good at 31.2.3 to $1.10; medium. at $1.90 to "An; common, at $3.50 to 33.75: cows. t $2.50 to $3.40 per ch; manners, 81.25 to 31.15 per cm. Fced2rs and tgtockers-cPltero ls lmle doing in the feeding classes. but a tew feeders, 1,000 to 1.100 lbs. ot good quality would loll all right; a ten odd steers ot this kind sold at $3.75 to " A few short-keeps. 1.200 lbs. each sold at " to $4.25 per cm. Common inferior stocks" arc not wanted. Mllch cow.-Alood to choice lullkers and forward tsprinPTts cold madlly a: $40 to Fr, each, and one extra choice cow sold at tL'. Common and interior cows #ow ot silo. at. $30 to was each. I Veal catves--41ood qual veal calves are scarce and In strong d and. an more uh: too many skim mllk t veal": belng of- tered. Prices ranged m 83.30 to $6.50 with a prime new milk can worth r, per cwt. Sheep and Lam%--'l caused a strong mark at $4.50 to $5 per an til, to $4 per ch; In $6.85 per cwt. for c export; common to I per (EVIL 7 _ "HCG-TGeetpts of 1.100 were bought by Mr. Harrla at another advance of loc per owl. Selects sold at 96.7.3; lights and late. at $6.30 per cwt, all led and watered. Bradstreet" Trade Levin]. s1Ionttval---llie general trade move- ment. continues a little on the quiet side, but it is merely a temporary ru- 'lue, retail tr dence in the I ing Luge unit iacturers m in dryvoods, Winuipeg-ln the nbunce of trade activity wholesalers are busy stock tak. ing and it is generally reported they are much pleased at the result of the your} business no shown forth in the annual inventory. Trade has a quiet tone and it will continue so for 'wo or thru- weeks but the outlook tor the (mining season is exceedingly favorable. Spring onion are large and deliveries will continue shortly. Collections are hir to good. Vancouver and 1'ietoria--Busiae" con. I tinnes active all along tho coast. The‘ lumber business is keeping brisk. Good orders for next spring are coming in although this season's orders are not yet filled. There is a great demand for Jieav.v railroad timbers and lumber prices generally are expected to go high- er. General wholesale trade is mov- ing well. Values in all lines are well meNtained. Collections are good. Quebec-Now thnt the holiday tretde is over active preparations are under way amongst the retailers for stock- taking. The year, as a rule, has been natitfaetory and favorable results are expected. Travellers line again start- ed on their various routes and whole- salers look forward to orders coming TORONTO FAIL in. No immediate improvemtnt is noticed in country eolt.eetiomc Local industries are fairly well employed. Hami'dou--Tle general movement of trade is quiet. The weather ts unfav- orable for spring business: I." lines or! manufacture: In preparing for I big season. The mov%fent of wholeulc and retail trade is quiet here und in the nurroum1ing country. ottawa-Wade is seasonubly quiet. Loral whaleulen have good orders for spring on hand ttttd prmpocts no for n good trade. Collection: n: geneal- ly good. _ LEADING WHEAT MARKETS Do. led Eben gtuaee:--100" l ket better, more enquiry. to " tor firsts; second; In to t 2513. Us 6d to '25s Gd; seconds, , s. firms. 15310 203; decimals, nuggets. 205 to cw t. ; la mt for choice h. P" Cl Good qual veal calves are tt strong d and, as gltrre ure x milk t vealem being of- f ranged m 83.50 to 86.50 with , milk call worth r, per N Uam is-The run being light " lg unuket. Export ewes tsold L per cm; cull., and rams, In 'l cwt.; lambs sold at $6.25 to .. tor choke (agility lambs tuc ' on to good mbs, at 85 tu P. Ib, 1mm;- MARKET. i ug- - _ __ M" "m fur to-day. i, an " ttthee 5.10m!- were tate to-My. Wheat ste.dr, 290 t 72c, Ind 400 .ttutly, MARKET and. as were an: veal": being ot- $3.50 to $6.50 with all worth r, per 1100 1400 650 045 025 010 011 014 150 0 0 guilty lamb mum, at a; Seconds " 30 rt 14 665 BK, 890 l 80 013 016 175 085 080 800 " July 80-) mu. m. T, Lam. Wm your”: Within the last more": my wit: who in of I deliotte animation) in: had um new": nurt- of la (mire. m of which have - Mk rrsrveted I by t m use at tsychins “chum; “in: in (Le , ancient-y at your 1131130de tlust no in {unity 1'0 i use no other. For mix up . debinimtul 53mm; l however run down. may to balmy urikm l the heart and but and a a spa-im- tor nu “up l in}; dimmed. you Melvin. and uranium: an i line mule-I. Yours tgtasasttsly, Ber. J. J. m '. 61 um Avenue. Tom - I a! I.“- Ration. It In “DI-Cl -n...._._e _ PSYCHINE, Pronounced Si-keen, is a scientific preparation, having wonderful tonic properties acting directly upon the Stomach. Blood and weak organs of the body, quickly restoring them to anon; and healthy action. It is especially adapted for people who are run down from any cause. especially Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, LaGrippe, . n ""‘“:A- nut! a" is for sale at all dealers, n! We nod $1.00 per bottle, or write direct to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 King St. w., Toronto. There is no other remedy "Just as Good" as PSYCHINE. Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, LaGrippe, Pneumonia, Consumption and ati stomach or organic troubics. It has no substitute. ------"""--, Dr. Roofs Kidney Pills no u can and I rmauent cure forRheuInltim. BrightU ' Escape. Pain in the Back Ind .u (on. of Kidney Trouble. 26cper box. It in l ahfltfyl IHiltl. TO STAND TRIM dealers. ON TWO CHARGES or THEFT FROM ONTARIO BANK. Obj The following iette I Dr. T. A. Slocum, Court is ooueerned. the Marin fur tlial I “new two MN M " 'he Auto, Cor-rm” has been traced 1W4: moan: " various ohm uni Wtty, a (Jean thoft of that. We often h, of tret tnking Inn with it and intruding is a common thing." The Magistrate tlu, ordor fur mmmi'tme “NUT " Pt theft charge It is eumtt1e-temutttettttr on Even cases of long standing, whi~h been given up by thn doctors, yield ly to This is . new remedy. but, wherever it has been tried, it is hailed In a messing. Dr. Muck has ware-:1 no expense in it.. prctptuatiott--tte has tpent years of study in formuhti it. And the Bantu-habit- work it has [Sunk done In: proved his, reliable and trcpeplur. Mr. C. w. Shirk was Itruck by the work oi thin compound. After thorougl 1tprt.tisetirt gutting cures, he has tab, tauttiaiiy backed the doctor (his cousin) in placing it within reach of any nut- ferer. No business an would do this with an article unless it were absolutely reliable'nnd yyrenur. to cttt to Commission-Lawyer Says New York Proceedings Were Irregu- lar-Accused Bank Manager Allowed Same Bail " Before. In using uni; compound you take no charters. Sour money will be returned at once. it it does not our: Write for free booklet. Address, Bra. tl, Mack, Mt You, “not, “rm m Illtimttiw, Dr. ll, ll, Mack’s Rheumatism Bumumsmi mtu " til M ll tl Pat th (H tar (an letter has been sent an " 1?1isit Sn far rl far tHar." an” ltia mm chm“ We mow-V mam in the hand: my. and thin “Mr-W -k to Mr. MoGill bv MUN“. What be trwk (t. The“. is no dmvkt have our! of pmple ("my and "amhliwv em to strum: It is especially who are run we. especially theft It :hen all fy sums to pay it 'ott hi m oi $136,- Mr. Mrtlili. I' ax-nnimwl m Mr. Mt aku, ttttt' "vi I): frxrmal simmer a: h!" sure Joseph Told-r, . youth in 'u. In: App-sud in various. pub -. city And density alternately "' aodabor. link-sheen a. chat! by, I houwuulid. a boy, I ad; girl. I nlnhlu in; " unattended u a unamb- A. the Pike at the wurid's nu. Kit hing!" (with-um- Luowu ycuwrfay when .'r: u ougued in mun, on c.r_......;u woman, who ”mud ise bad i “vying her, Mer charge m.- n Lama: Ind the girl uwanu- ml when be war run-and um. "s,' -ieainr came to H. 1 Mo from Little Rock. it dittirult u? dbtAn-m Frienu but clan ehided In etteminate mm and a; penance. This impired him Mlms to don akin. and neck lie easily found u place Broadway “We!“ sun-e. a "and: girl.' "Nancy" Te toid his employers hip nnmn other girls We“? unurunliy "Saucy" Ind "Sam-3'" um l predation by hugging an than. It After a few weeks Lu new: of the confincmem of skirts a the position. In male attire mMtte errand by tcr n gum efl,r"d.', uu' -...n at two month. he Wont. t Hill and accepted I plaice its " for a w. But the (an work mu t toe " the nature and annual am“. Be npplh-d in time no - at I Market 4: and Wu mud in eharpe -.1 try dantnent. Cle an“! dishes, dined cock! and \\ its ed the Heat housemnvid. At thud of a your ’Iwul ed to the bpartmmn w lu' " girl. later he rev-mum I the .M worked 'is " mtalrlt, E. B. F'mith of Dr “mild mm ing Immer- nnd Plenum;- 2m- - to heavy for him. w Iv p " skirts and took " pan-Hi"! I .l‘ with a fumiiy :1: “HI-m " h dar more girl troul, Poke. his In times The n been ph; him hair in the' “on again in t' tax Wtts tte' Dr. Junk J. Singm any. says that Te, vation sever-l time pastry tsometimes time u n hor. Th derststtds Tedd" nut mrrer. ONE OP THE CHIEF fr, DAIRYING Five new Chain to be rs'ctc'd Human. Wittnitse.q. Jan. H.- Th0 ' oi Manitob- is preparrd to l nusly with the odumtiuuzl': rv-w‘ and an espansiott on nu ex'r, WI! out"!!! n Malay. “hr" deeHesd to u'dll'd fivo Iii-w r'! modem kw, maimmri‘n, tretttrmtttpst. history, lmliliw'. and law. The Idea of mum- l, pmtrot of the mix-endu- fro; WWI to the Gavan-1 (iil'i'5','i'ia'F, It Wu felt tl _ ' W by of it tqrt'r “an. t'll' and mtitmi bear, ennui att. NO M)? 'tt no . ilk. mid that the hich Pttttft pm 1m t run than of Imtvr iu: ir, Irmmcvr nun] It p smut ,rtts Mid prevented l, '.. Wnter mm unrv name. " “mph t'ttttlyes over Im p nmimml. ttt pvt w and only an per on Brian. ttt mum. 1 t PURE WA??? UNIVERSITY EXTRA 5133‘ " pm. n m f I! men K I'll we and he plied for a trket street urge of tite "1ccri, ll and was on!" an ri l' boy aaa iot v.1. ho k u tt an um new atot Bu tU egteetnt an inform Whip, and an to the had but: ol, We lord, I his house. and perple) they midi] te their l that thug}: m deeply Ion! mist: trust, her ELTTTT In!!! abi, unh- swing and M m 'NI 0"“ both W m n - y bolievr an? I Md y Mimi the TU “W W" 'A uni Hu- Bttwrr'i' h have i rights DO who!” the he: “bunk M unfit“ M AIM IL " " you a! in " II

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