West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 17 Jan 1907, p. 4

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peering J15 arvesters ml r)! ETHiNG NEW IN \VASHERS: Tre Perforated Drum. onltin the Rig-1| 9;5::asgmmmmsmmmxmamg ifi Taylor & Co. Taylor 8000. it; 3 Both ladies' and gents' 5: that mast be cleared out i?; so the price will suit. E i'iiii' Tavlor & Co., Dromorei)j, 'ilSgrepgggait8lggtaiitMi=iillgltgllXllgll8ll8llgllXllgl 1": Our stock of this line is much too large for ii' January and we will not carry them over. Prices til have been slaughtered. :23 In Ladies; regular 4.50, 5.50, going for. $2.}? be In Maids , '. 3.50, 3.75, going for. . 2.25 mymond Sawing Machines. McClary Stoves for Coal or Wood Agent for the Dillon Hinge Stay Fence. Though we have reduced them greatly in quan- tlty, we have the quality still to show you and have cut the price so as to make room for spring. Specials New Dress Goods, New Ginghams, New Chambrays, New Vestings, New Whitewear, New Shirtings, New Prints, Laces G, Embroideries We start the JUhn Glark. We can give only a. mere list of our goods. but In quality and ad," Lahilily to the needs of South Grey we are not excelled: Deering narrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, honey’s Har- ness, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned alticlPs, fair prices We will consider it a pleasure to show you these goods whether you buy oanot. The best In their line as we handle only the best. Also \Vilhelm's Wrimrerti," a }|ixd;h? Watisoiot Ayr. Ladies' Jackets NEW GOODS FOR 1907 the New Year by showing a very urge rat ge of New Goods, including . MORLOCK Cash and One Price. "‘54 nd ftarm MaOhinory. 'rmts G lb Japan Tea ......... $1.00 h' cans Corn or Peas ......25c 23 ll) Fancy Biscuits ......25c Fur Coats iti, A few doors South of the Middaugh House. C-..----- Winn hopponod to Crawford. or " low the people who pretend to live around it t In-r-thuts m for the winter. It wee Mt much like spring tt short time ego that it made one feel like writing, and as nothing has been not- ed of these parts in your worthy paper for some time I thought. I would relate a few of the happenings. We have had much pleasure in wel. coming home for the winter months Mr. and Mrs. Archie Brown, of ---.... Snsk. This is their first visit. since they left as bride and groom. Both are looking well. Sorry to hear Mr. Ed. Boyce's little son Edgar has not been feeling well. Hope he will soon be as lively as ever. It is with deep sorrow we chronicle the death of one of our most esteemed and respected residents in the person of Mrs. Dougald McDonald, who pass- ed peacefully away at her home on Thursday morning last. The funeral, which was very largely attended. took place on Saturday to the Rocky Sau- geen cemetery, Rev. A. Leslie offieiat- ing at house and grave. She has been a sufferer for anumbsr of years and death was not unexpected. She leaves a husband, tour daughters and one son, also a sister and four brothers to mourn the loss of a loving wife, de. voted mother and kind Sister. Her daughter, Mrs. Brown, wasjust home on a visit from the West, all the rest of them living at home. The sorrow- ing friends hare the sympathy of the whole community in this their and loss. Mr. Ronald McDonald from 26 miles beyond Cheyenne, in the State of Wyoming, is home on a visit to his brother. It is some six years since his last visit and thirty years since he first went oat where he now t'o'lows ranching. He is accompanied by his daughter. . Mr John Barrows, son ot Peter. who resided atone time on the 12th con, is home from Regina on a viait tofriends. We forgot to mention in our last budget the arrival ofa fioe healthy boy at the home of Mr and Mrs Herts. ert Hooper. Mr Jos. Moore of Ninni " . . . . . peg, 15 vlglt- mg his (SOUNDS, the Ltthi . ' . Ian tamily " An Epworth League is held evenly Sunday evening at seyen thirty m the Methodist church new. Quite a num. ber of the young people of the vicinity have attended the opening meetings. This Is a good start. in the new year, and there seems to be no reason why it should not prosper and much good be done by it. Miss Kate Brown has been under the weather of late with a severe M. tack of bronchitis, but we are pleased to state she is able to be up again. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McLean, of 81ml low Lake. spent. a day at. the old home and attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Dougall McDonald. Mr. Duncan Livingstone is once more enjoying a chat with old friends It isa number of years since he left here, and from what we can gather he is doing well in the far West. Gossip says he is looking for some one to take back with him. Quite a number from around here attended the funeral of thelate Mrs. Nester, which took place from her home in Degboro' on Sunday last to the Rocky Sungeen cemetery. She was a former resident of this place and sister of Mr. Donald McKeehnie and the late Mrs. Dougnll McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ellis, formerly of Mulock. now of Davidson, flask., called on some of their old friends on the 8th one day last week. Muss Agnns Superman“. who has been under the weather for some tune, is not improving as fast as we would like. Mr John Laughton we are sorry to report is under the Ih's care. We hope he will soon be able to resume his position in J. M. Findlay‘s store. Mrs. Bord, St. has returned to her home after spending a couple of months with her daughters at Shallow Lake. Mr. Jim Foster, formerly of Mulock, bat now of Lumsden, Seek. spent two or three days last week visiting one of his school-day friends in the person of Mr. Harry Boyce. Wonder “he visit. ed another on the 8th on his return to Hanover. Mr. D. Allan Jr. of Holstein, spent a day with the Lothian tamily last ween and combined business with pleasure for while there purchased 4 head oteatt1a from Mr Ed Wells Mr. Duncan McKinnon has been very good to his particular friends of late, giving two parties New Year's week, one to the quiet ones and the other to the more lively crowd. All report a good time. Mr. Alex, McDonald still keeps poorly. Hope to hear of Ins speedy recovery. Mr. Angus MonugalI is home from North Dakota looking hale and hearty. Some say he has changed since he left. Wonder how y Crawford Dromore. THE DURHAM REVIEW Quite a number of the youth and beauty bore enjoyed u very plenum evening " the home of Mr. and an. Geddeu last week. Mr McKinney ot near Onngevnle. is up paying a visit to " otttthtem, Mrs Robt Baxter and Mrs Wm Tuck- er. Miss Belle Dixon let: on Tundny morning no raids for the winter " least with her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs Pearson. Anyone looking tor bargains in DRESS GOODS, watch for Pol. lock to call. Mens and Children's Suits gold at 25 per cent less than east. Ladies' and Children's Coats will be sold " 506 on the doGr. Balance of my stock wlll he sold I at 10 per cent less than cost price I am bound to clear out every- thing as I m leaving for the West. Be auto to look for ---The Hon Elihu Root, the United States Secretary of State, and Presi. dent Roosevelt's most eonMential adviser, is to pay a visit to Earl Grey at Ottawa from Saturday to Wednesday next. Tneugh wife and daughter are coming giving it a social appearance. there is no doubt international questions will be dia- cussed and perhaps a basis for a- greement on disputed points found, that will notbe wholly humiliating to Canada. We are pleased to see that Mr .190. MeBeth is stepping to the front in being elected a. director of the great World's fair, held at Holstein. We are sorry to hear that Mrs Robert Morice is eonf1ned to her bed at present as» result of a tall. As there were no bones broken we hope she will soon be around attain. Our Aim is Progress and we pledge ourselves to do our utmost to improve our store and stock so as to make "shopping" with us more pleasant and pr'otitable in this year than ever before. Wishing you all a very Happy New Year. Mr Jas Webber has now got his barn moved and placed beside his other buildings. It will be ttite an improvement when he has it 1'llrl2f1, he intends putting a foundation under it. Mr Bird McNiece is at present at- tendmg in Mt Forest business college. Of :hanking our numerous custom- ers and friends for their esteemed p"- tronage during the year just ended andsolieit a continuance ot the same. We are decidedly planned to note this Week. that Messrs Will Hunter and Charlie Reid, are attending the fat stock judging classes " the o. A. C. This is a. very commendable move on the part ofany young man and is well Worthy ot emulation by any leaving as they did pleasurable events in the interim. Mr John Leith attended the party at. Mr Will Leith's in Egremont on Friday evening. , C. McARTHUR Renew forfthe Review Quite a numbur of the young marned tolks from around here spent Friday evening at the home ot Mr Ramage ot our town. The most otthem being old pupils of Mr Ram- age. They returned home in the small hours of the morning well pleased with the evening's enjoy. meat. L. Pollock We are pleased to report Mr. D. Coleridge. Br who fell on the ice lame time ago is improving nicely. Wait for Pollock Mr J Scott is busy getting out tim- ber for bis new barn at present. A large number from our con- gregation here attended the anni- versary services held " Humpden last Sunday. They were conducted by the Rev D. L, Campbell ot Moore- held formerly of Knox church here. Miss Belle Calder ot Yeovil Tent a few days last week with her water Miss Belle Calder ot Yeovil a few days last week with her Mrs John Marshall. Our blacksmith Mr J Benton has bis bards fall these times from early morn all late at night and some gent home to return asain. We Take this Opportunity Miss Alma Leith returned home Fridav night after a week's visit with Egremom friends. North East Normanby. TORONTO _ -------_--- Some plums in which the hy-law carried hr over the three-tlfths ma- jority were Midland, Teeswater. Port Carling. Weston, Waterford, the Townships of Arran, Asphodel. Bruce, Crahmnhe, Inniafil, Manverm and Norwich. A numher of municipalitien gave a majonty for local option, but not the required ttuee-fltthtr. These include Bradford, Collingwood. Leann. mgton. amt Metfold. The M1143. Hicks bu been ottmpplled in mediums: demand to resume the while-don ot well-known and popular Alxnunc for 1907, This Iplendtd Alumnae is now my. rot-ale t'utg,"hetleit or sent puma tie ten. tg on) an Won! Humane Col- PANT, 1 Loam am: St Louis, no. Rt was” of Wanna An Wont“? one ottlso On luv-Ine- e 'flllhuT2'u'l ' cry "1mm Torontannction was the center of the fight, Three years ago this town curried the measure by a majority of 190, and on Monday the expression of the people with regard to the sat- isfacticn with which it had worked dating the three years. showed itself in a majority of 333, in favor of re- taining the measure. Councillors Emke tr 12 3 8 10 44 29 46 l57 Grierson 40 62 37 27 8 40 61 31 309 Noble 18 24 57 82 26 41 21 7 271 Wilson 17 9 6 14 15 58 92 70 281 Whiteman 0 2 I 54 82 58 18 36 251 Majority for McNichol 144. " Dodsworth 44 Councillors Elected ; Grier-eon, Noble, Wilson. Reeve; J. McArle. Councillors-- Cronin MB, Hendry 385. Aldcorn 381. Middleton 318. The vote for reeves stood McArdle zo, Corbett 220, Mc- Kenzie 228. Reeve-A Muir, Den. Reeve, w. J. Mead. Council; McKenzie t20, Carson 392. McLoughry 361. On Monday, In 111 municipalities of Ontario, electms were given an op- portunity to express their opinion on local option. This was the tttst practical test of the new legislation by the Whitney Government at last hens- ion of the Legislature, which calls for A three-fitth vow to bring this law In- to force. Despite this handicap, bye.. laws carried yn quite a. number of towns and townships. To represent. one constituency. West Middesex, tor 34 continuous vearsisa tribute to his personality as well as to his genius. In his new sphere of labor his eloquence and wisdom will give added zest to Sen- ate proceedings, and none bat will wish him many years oi health to en- joy this new honor. The Senate as a whole, and the Liberal torces at Ottawa, in particular are strengthen- ed by his pleaencc. For Reeve Cronin 28 38 4 24 I3 27 92 53 McNichol 21 29 45 76 75107 3238 Leslie Torry Proton curried local option by a. vote of 460 to 227 being nearly GO over the 60 per cent. ARTEMESIA COUNCIL Muir headed the poll in 5 divisions taking Mi, McTnvish had 35-1: ma- jority 37. Other elevations to the Senate are Mr Robt Beith of Bowanville, Hon John Comigan, M. P., and Mr Dau- iel Gilmour from New Brunswick. Bentinck Elections Dt p- Reeve Mead took ponent R. Best took 316,- For Deputy Reeve Bligbum ll 10 24 67 47 40 16 3 Though a. defeated leader he still has the warm respect and svmpnhy of his party, who looked upon him as a victim of circumstances. and ,rhoae,downfel1 was more his min. fortune than his fault. Certain lt is that the part he played in the devel- opment ot Ontario educationallv and otherwise, looms up so large that no tuture historian ot our province can avoid seeing it, Announcementis made this week that the Hon G. W. Ross has been elevated to the Senate, than. attain entering the Dominion are” which he left a 1883 to become Min. of Ed- ucation in Mr Mowat'e cabinet. Few it any appointments to this ter, have given more satisfaction, or wi l add moreto its usefulness. Just who his successor will be will be known when parliament meets. The Rev IN R. Hicks 1907 Alumna. 'sgworth16 8 l 3 1509786 Senator o. W. Ross PROTON COUNCIL U462920 ow, 5 0 Local Option 381. his op" majority 45. width 8 TI. 218 279 423 61 139 We have in logging chains what every person handling timber requires. Hook on each end swivel and in centre Mink skins are valuable u present and every boy around the farm should be trapping some minks. Secure some ot our traps and you will meet with success. TUDHOPE SLEIGH BARCLAY a. BELL, Durham We have a. great assort- ment of Skates ranging in price from 400 to $5 Also hockey sticks and packs. 0m- shelves are well filled with graniteware and Tinware and our kitchen utensils are numerous to L, good. TUDHOPE SLEIGHS are guaranteed by a house that has been building sleigh: for 55 years. Tndhope Sleighs are guaranteed to us, and we guarantee them to you. They MUST be satisfactory --and they always are. Get a Every person going on a driving trip should procure one of our "foot warmers," and they will feel as com- fortable in a cutter as they would in the house. HARDWARE . Customers say it is a pleas- ure to deal in B Hardware Store where you can get every thing from a "needle to an anohor." Quality at Just Prices Fret we - _,. IdRi N FM“: you - griil, 1suvadeigls, (7' q k! 31:31:93 buy 'one aiiigrs io. Lana HA4- 5an u lump futon: “natal Souk ' 'H-oi-tit' M . Mat! ," “1:3!de to Invenrfmud grin-9n. Pie' u'.-. - Lette Paws“ M . MW," “3:3!de to "sTettt."tuta Fri-noon Maw. Mott... Ferermuaerttte MARIgN a MARI ON, I IP21"; my. allding, v35 tit June- Bt., Montreaf manly tirqt.ot Gill-no lighten h: un- Donn- .onmnmuna pawns bum Quin-haw PROMPTLY SECURED James R. Gun Dmggist. We hear . good deal about low mice. theee den. but low price mun- nothing un- leu it includee high quelity. We do not believe In selling Inferior goods. or In muting a low price on one thing in order to nuke an unfair protlt on tte.veml wince. Qulity considered. our prices are uniform and am: to everybody. 3336!»? . Black When you Luyaslcigh. l, u y . o n e that has got Gold I? ai-m-. 'tlit hen}; tttks “I nail-Gm quo ty Au tittis, all“ "emu-w rehurzt-iur: deerimiituiiUU" will not i'il,1f'il'. um. hues“; u..........e1.7.\aud 1x. .-. lies. 1raertfeiGi.'.'.'.'.'.H.'.'.' H15 Ind 1.9, "tr when Berertkirir.y.y.".."y.'. 1.75nnd 1.x.“ We are Iole Agents in Duaham t a the ab we well known Implunumm A Binders. Mowers, Drills' Harrow,, Disc Cultivators. Manure Spreaders. lur Itykes, [in L'mders. llav Ted. deli. 'tttasset-Harris; Ekiiili SEE}: m u 'rs Pttriserin....... The liiastrflmis: Ge. Prawn Stool Tracks. Singer Sewing luhlnes. Walkman larble Works. The Bell Oran a Piano Co.. Chums 1nd Washing Machines. drtnttord, t$roekville.0rey Carticte £72.54? Islam on I.» was: “when u i'd, & a» , . i'ii7,)"Wlll%Tlffg.!?.".?.T. .. the .~.. 'N-err-tbit-eau.".".".'.".'.'.'.'.'."..".'.. Aik'mu -........ _ " a; lh 090...“. - 3 Do your ghenslay McQueen & Morice JAIUABY w, 1907 Wrcand see us before bu y ing elsewhere. Just West ot the Middzngh House. Men's and Boys' Clothing, LadiesTur Coats Men's Fur Coats Druggists and Booksellers Fur Caps Ladies' Skirts MacFarlane ik Co POULTRY AND FAA; Producing POW i Hal: Bargains in together with Crushed Otmter Shell & Cruslud Bone and note ”mils. trow when (an arc but high Ire you doing what you can to make punltrv mills? Try a pkc I 1 unr at Orant's We're also Agents fur . BEAN RE Mdet 8‘ 800 Jams SELLS CHEA P “If “t " I; R I .m.e".e- JAN, Wil ti

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