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Durham Review (1897), 17 Jan 1907, p. 6

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.Srm who. fat-in: um dhmr. no hand up to such a bow That each nervo and point nod muck stor‘nxs to do m thing that's run; “on who. when they can't avert it. " to death clear-end and have. wen strong hand closed on the 0mm In a but thin” to live: “on of glory or or ”DIM I: not theirs. no more than to"; An in“. you. lath us hero in at ratt- hose nerve has: they leave the I with “ruining ' afar Into the " who. lac-In: "I up to such a " each urn '" was: to do the a». 'm M " aware: 0N1 rbwu 0 male tt when that Railway Engineer an yet will. the sexton all. rd I , Emerald Isle him. a the so} 1.0-an m ot wheel. red In their cab window panting and: of stool hut and mountain. chilling (Nov have our best; d!) high -p cm: cod chum “to ’gnlnu the I". an: lives of banked- as a mum “at _ amed In at as of am‘ their con-t night ”an; r shots and CURFEW, ad M steel III. Bms and noutlu In reek and dark. bee-ding. dieting thou- ttremettt h ou'd bittt [not 1-9 taiteeed--0rr d never worn 40 ruled than In In th am; :oultry's a) must not own-(Hm world ot are-"-- though News plunge no! pence. m ttru' {comm mend ' qua: rightly I!!! For mere ludmu "or com. to no. the bridge ot an ocean liner Weil. When you - -- n- s....u.m n- one. " " b . “W4 mmm have been k a. (nun win the The first or these 13 an many-mum... .bFur.» In: “In”, perhaps a [on or so In diameter. wtrictt man out of all proportion to the work " must umpliah. Directly in front ot it stand- ttte ship’s commas, while hack of it are unwed the lever: whlch transform the “at...” nation of the wheel into the force 3:5”st m. lever: ought“! motion of tt which guides the!!!“ All the grout some” no 1 a." by the aid at ate-m or i the old days bl" a dolen I would struggle with tho wheel m union have been killed moivihx ot thc projecting I The modern steering gear mal lo [aide the” great ships will "can". The rudder. weighing many up: live hundred feet aatern, mount the doiichcy of a oomph: wheel that the stet-rsman oy, governs the steering engine. moves the [rest rudder. Thu work at steering B gr: with the aid of all this much! more Milena than ont, would larger and taater the ship 1 the difficulty. It in not enough to hold m . series of love an a surprlslng moments, than] moon. TV Mar I ther moss in every part or net-ted with this on guard. " a. tire uhould great "no the tet the. and the he nouuced In the w! 't-tu%erestritr uh u ttell. while a red same time in one 1 dicawr. The man In a [knee use on ot lever» rwlu be 9011 wheel home by which be Nosed itt my par initial. shun are compurtm Thou ls a series or "wttrte In u|l0l|lr| Indicator correspondlng to on ery one of these Meet doors throughout the ship. In use ot danger it In possible to close all ot meta doors a! the “we imam by touching n single lever on the bridge. And should any door (Ill to clone I red light would Instantly IONS? ln one or the little squares to tell lust where the trouble lay. A - .7. "_-'.-- .mhn. cur-v ha sun which “In“?! whit-h ooo-.--"""". who; tiii/Girl/i ghe hokout from the c an“. annnunnns another dar.' The Ma How William of Germany Came to Select Herr Von Buelow . How did the Gannon Emperor 11nd 1sisi right hand man? One day he rode alowly into tins gardens ot the Imperial Chaucellery _ bv tho back entrance. just opposite the Tler- anon. in the Kortltrtrrtetzer Stream. 1tiv,ruouttCutg. he walked into the omee of Prmw- Hohenlohe. the Chancellor at that ttnw. and, an" greetlngs, blurted out with trtraractorisrtic franknehs. “We want new blood m the Foreign Ottlee." "But whom ohol! we choose?” the Bumeror went on. "Lee me see. Count A--- has no inithlve --u timid. vaeiliating. Baron Ib--- ls sale. but oid-tashioned. Our Ambassador at - hon proved hlmlr clumsy and a tool." The Emperor was silent tor a In! moments. telling names on his fingers. “I hove It," to said hutlly. "Our Ambassador at Rome would make the beat Porettrn Minister. He In made no mlunkes. He has done wonders d Rome under [me atntmtttu.. on V). mane net and discretion were required. I will make him my Secretary tor Fonln Amln.” Exactly on hour later. relates the WIndw oor Mon-zine. Herr vou Buelow. Gomo- Amhouodor in Rome. received 3 Income who: "HI: minty the German Emperor moms you Statuary at State tor Fordsll‘ mm. on! Instructs you to an up your - nrtth tho In“ deloy." A in hours loter the astound“! Ambu- -dor In on " woy to Berlin. “me dream- hl that ho was soon to quit even hls new Malt nor! " broom. chancellor of the A...“ numb-n mi amalgam-pug: ”W“ neat announces nothor'dai' The beautiful sea cry is mien up and repeated down the Ion: deserted deck: "Eitrttt balk Ind ali's well." ON h SHIP’S IIIlllhif Tr A to. hours In under in on his , ttttt that he was I Want post to Conn"! anh" _ ,. q-....-" Wm-.. . 1:121:13 of Mom. KAISER? RIGHT HAND MAO another ad from ted with nml-Edah; wind Ind mu snug ther less laminar looking mam: the hem m trouble lay. er safety device witch may ire n the bridge is no indicutrg 'h the sutratarine WI!“ system warning of the approach ot my This invmniun. bu lately add-.1 :hhn consists m’ a delicate i:'.- wheel! I hr: at ttt arnins sign-ls and I grouped u an [ .oad low seat. of n klued by 99am; spolw year makes " mould be coatruil, M arise. by mum, d push buttons. Tm ty of bammetora. tn in panned wood- a “red by the C very hand. His d to the wheel are two or mo; N {ind h instant by tht It tht centre; ' follows gvnerauor ' Tli,, bridge l the Fre.nch tongu had wood. on month In a eottte d by the com- ' PN, aliens. outlaws ttand. hm! iii-l race. Outlaws tru] ee,,,'",',';','):, 'li a better mun. fen m 1.30 other. the Toyugeurr- a saint-:34??? To" in ‘Canada ax so " e . . . ' . _ b . a to the world “‘0: Iff “a?" l)' in front of gt; m " ma e rt We trace or " I cording to the ‘5 transform the I a voyage fur the I into the """'i it will oring rum steered [Fur I appointed date: an electric“). In vinees. It would! men at tltrtet) . find all the wrvst t",,l,'1 at?) $3; i, the nut-nagm'iN at spoke handles. . mm little mmpuu nknl it mssible Ohio in itself. w 11.130 our gonna-nut. l Ar in diaar teered learn: anticipated b a tram!) lik theremuatet"t x-Lricully cm are conutantl his the ttaudfes. posgible b be fl xpi our " an " Dear Mother elect When corn's to snuck or [RH-us w u.“ Or wtten wv're harvestin' the crop He Mini thinks it's time to stop. 1 his'; owl . _ . an"? , But meal times that don't go a bit, Tier-l By Jul-1n! he nm’or wants to quit. --f'hieago News. The showmett form a to the road, as in this pennant i, burn to his fields and the miner 1 the bourgeois w a wadd Son “mi-eds to father gises way to the daw, follows 'ieneration. Th the French tongue. th mush {I his way what it Miuatd's Linimericures Colds, etc. “If tn tn a little ca Therv's r00 For tupid. H or cuddle I Propiurtuity's In au:tiittt'r He sings low 'ttf rep Ur cuddle mm GOP Propiurtuity's mug. ' In au:uiut'ry gold? He sings low and HN 'ttf repeat: "ri, a matter oi 10 of those hat you hear “In \\ hm You new [In cover! grnmu like SI A week in what we 1mm fimnrd's Liniment Cares Garget in Cows. When in He'll In: Your little one: no u can” an in Fall and Wm W. 1159me cuckoo“. Dorsomrentttyts. 'loh'. Canning. Cum. the WT”. and whatit dtmehaesoenany? [ti-aid lobetheonly reliable remedyfa‘dl diseases of the air passages in children. his absolutely harmless and pleasant to take. Itisiruir1nteetitofurtrrrmrr matey u returned. The prim is 25c. per bottle. Ind all dealers in medium: sell 3:4 SHHLOH This remedxshc u It But dinner time the cold's all right-- It jest gives him an appetite. When corn's to shuck or stsed's to drbp Or when we're harvestin' the crop l He anus thinks it's time to stop. , - (Cleveland Press.) "I owe you a debt of gratitude, old man.’ "Thanks. Shall I put that In my 11:: of unis or liabilities/IL' ain xatttn to it, ach Nan The Roofiesa Racy itl Gray't, Syrup Red Spruce Gum if Propinquity. mum, just made tor two, mun for the son of Venus; vutv chap, can sit on a lap ' him down between us. .5 moitg, an we paddle along, um golden “Father, ‘wz-unu-r who tries to force and take away-for that " mnt< to -goirte part of the ipta.--vanct' Thompson in md Shmvnmn of France.” in Magazine for January. ‘li Had a Reasonable Doubt, For Coughs and Colds. hirk he medder pitchin' hay one-half the livvlonur day. for work," is what he'll sly. Our lw It ti ttttpatty. and mornin' to u. tl wta to dmm‘r. l n a man so Spry grub h? iii/tiw understood " P. he ain't much goo: tld for sawin' wood id be in every We”; Hired Man. ", ,inee time began, than our hired man m of the scale you nv with tt few train- jugglor with a hit of few nlateq and wood- in any weather; s " Aon7, for the day is tim of bring together!' -Nvw York Times the half n: 1 raw t, nf Dan Cupid. m. don't you paddle nlateq and wood l nl nn- voyageurs he said. "that, the an muvh that I'm prowl” to carry watches. That's being together “hisporod. "how And mw-ry heat e, isn't it, dear,"' voyage" éninlds sun-h other. The an is united to dug!“ a some old cow; rust allow that he'll plough dinner. why him on his manly boy haw; Ilia seat and the “unis .1 atom! it is slow , hm row, t were i to feed tor speed at Pulpit: t" stu Rules for Restricting the Output Sug- gested by an Authority. The when! of legislation subjoined is suggested as u imam of regulating the (mot-mom untput of Hunter]: fiction. 3 problvm wnllmig‘h as wrinuu as those arising out Of the growth of automobrl- 15H]. l. No author or authoregs shall be permitted to drive a quihl, steel or foun- tain pen of more that ftve-p:tragrap'a power until he or sho be duly lunmt' and certifiwl as compvtt"ot to do we with- V out danger to the public. I 2. Every aothoress and author Mtttll be 1 subjected to an adjective tax. 3. All now-L- shall be registered (tor purposes of idrutitieotion), with ulvarlly matked letters and numbers. indicating the school or di,triet to which they be- long, and an writer almul'. to prevent classification. wilfully (macaw his hull coloring or moral purpose. Thus. while KY 3.496 might represent the lata-tt re- lation oi the Kailiyaml rmmuwm. attack Lupon Mayfair and the morreyed classes l (Mild he laholml VA' 066. l 4. No writer Mull (20:13pm? novels at a la. faster mute than 350 horse power [WT I publishing year. I 5. No sawed eouvpotitiorr_ Khan he at. ilowed between novelists. except in such areas as may be Hana-cl ami mt apirt for the Purl""i'--1'. 2.11m: Dartmoor (-mmiry. the Iron (Warlcc.) tlic,i.rret and I the tkt mm E 6. Hyman! {Imam-e gum bu tzikzm nut for in iii-v, autolfmwrayltieaf premix-s and implizw to I 'vituep'. I try it. whit-h i (In! l pleas") with tho rm (Five bottle,, orurpl ', t have had no rm i oiglxh‘ml months. ', well known to Cvt't' 7 and neighborhood. _ Yours grateful!) i St. Timothee. Ql HOW TO CURB THE NOVELIST. MESSRS. C. C. RICHARDS & cc, Hunts: After suffering fur yours with 'ruflatumutovy rhvumu bad tbat. I \\';H "hnum months l to my mum. and for Iwo yam m dress myself without help. you KM? mp a bun!" of MiNAitD't MENT in May, ltl97. and askvt' try it. wlil I did. and was "leased with tho rmulti. I prriurr l Of course, yo! I joy of pour sold your tvvth -un,rl _ to repeat it, I I recipe for this I' I whore we in ling .oE 1oiiee,' or b II amount half " I First d "Toffee" " Made in England, It may be possible that [hm-o are person; who grmv nhl .10 thorrurglrlo they {dually iorw't that they over c-hvildrv-u. but 1 can’t Int-1p wonder, any man or woman nor lived to 911 age an to become inrt.reers'tott_ to tl ligthtcr of "toiiee." or the butter t that has mad" Dotunuyter n. how word to "very civilized nation tgttde sun. half " 1.-,1<pr:}n.ful of vrmm of tartar. First di-uulw tlw ungur in ill-1 as much cold water ch may lw .rmluvin-‘l tor that .purpmv. then mix nll the ingrmiimtts togetlutr, and boil them, without stir- ring the mixture, until it will “up when dropped into "old uater. At this mo- ment remove it from the fire: add eight or ten drops of lemon extract, accom- ing to its strv-ngth; and pour the "mix- ture into well'grmused pans to he cut into squares- ttn' it eools."- From "Odds and Enus of Culinary Iv'eiszrasphy.'r' by Miles Bradford in the Rullmninn for Jan- _ nary. Cabbage in Norman Fashion. A Woman had; from France after sev- eral yeal1's in u Normandy town. serves her eabbawe often in Norman fashion, says the vac York Exewiug Sun. She take, out the centre of a head or ealr bngo and raw-s it fur eold slaw, Into the hollow Iv“ she fills A dressing made of 00M moth} Jami, Nit fine, a mirwod onion, builml rice and soasoning of kit. chem herbs. salt and ‘pemwr, She ties the stuffed cabbage into a cloth 11nd boils it for an hour. A sauce made of the >-liquoor in which it was cooked is served f with it. --safest regulator for baby. Prevents colic and vomiting-gives healthful rest -cures diarrhoea without the harmful effects of medicines containing opium or other injurious drugs. "u '.3.hx--at drtr?.sstoree. Cures National Drug It Chem . ical Co., Limited. Diarrhoea Manual. A "'1 lie». numbing: 'n to )"vimvsx Writpr, of p, for all sndw! Minud's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. (Philadelphia Press.) "t told you." and the merchant. "to mark this box ‘llandle with care.’ Whut's this nonsense you've painted beret”; h '- - .. ___ --- --..A.. “I. t a nonsense you Vt! yam-u. u-.-. "That." said the college gradum. "is the Latin for 'Handle wlth care.’ " "How do you expect the buggagomun to understand that"." “He won't. and. therefore, he won't (at and and smash the box." ' as in England: "Taket!rrm"rm riiee,' or 1" ~wugur. butter In m of a pound and u quarter. it ii‘:l\'})i)01.fil1 of t'l'PJtn of ta disuulu‘ tlw sugur In just as water ch may ho .roqu-in-(l for tMP, thvu mix all the ingrN her, and boil them, without "r-Til-iii-i-iii-si/nrt, d Mothers' Treasure Not Amusing Inclination P, you have eaten it-to the . sold and to the detriment of -un,rl, it' you M". mumm- not it, I will give you the neural this candy. fur it in made no- " England: "Taketl.trvte pounds nr 'C' sugar. butter to the a pound and a quarter. with «mania! of \‘l't'tllll of tartar. alt. while brown cove-rs can)": of MH- ruminat- hod from sbudy windows mndon Putttth. ISM. a did. nu Ivsultg, mph'h-I) f." or the butter (womb Donczwtor tt household ivilitu-d nation under Um I; be n-gisulrod (tor ration), with 1tlt'arly mtmbers, indiea t mg in to which they be- 'let" turn rvl my iorumatisnt y n months (-mn'im hat they over were hr-lp wondering if cor lived to such an t.reers"ott_ to the dic _ the butter crotch nwtor n. household TORONTO help. your “gt-"l. MINAillys LINI- and unkwl me to A. DAMN Nth May. '99. h ll tlrirts are some , thoroughly that P. Tlyrs, son- ismusd m red mmytillrity m brown cove-rs 1r aM'Pn nutism so uld not ' ttgent, “If RAVAGES, a:r1E.r,lri'.' or iiiitifiifMrN ll ARE CHECKED BY BlLEAna. A Woman's Sensational Cure. Mrs. Selina /bavis. a “wick-n! of Ahingdon. has proved, how wonderfully effective Bimini; are in can); of rlmnnn- tism and dolrility. She mym "I had pairs in the limbs and new.“ the back. weighing down symptoms and great wenrinou. In October came n crisis. I V.utm rotulvred rmnulMuh' In-lnleis bT “flute rheumatism. By (I)? doctor‘s ad- Ttce I went into the hospital. whore I o.tvstiuel under trmnrm-nt for nirv' - rt_...a On “CHIP rlltruluuunul. u, My. _ vice I went into the hospital. where I remained under treatment for ttir,", weeks. On returning I “'in confined to Iny bed again for seven weeks. I read a dvrwriptirrn of the good work Biieuns were doing. Thin induced me to obtain u supply. By following the direetitms given for their use I improved in health from day to day. After a little while I regained the um of my limhi. and after that my promo“ “m rapid. For some l time now T have. been aide to resume 1uy mrdinury lite and work. and am altoge- Jher a different, person from what Iwas [during the 1asit few years.", - I Rheumatism is due to the presence, of .rertnin poisonous Acid: in the blood. E'l'he “filter huh" for tho blood are the I liver ond the kidnnw. Tuoueh the-e 01'- {gum the Mood pr"'"'"' and when the or- lgans are in healthy operation thev fil- iter out the harmful quMnueN. When 'ithev are not in healthy operation they Vail. and rhvv,marirnt is one of the many l,Rerimiq result-4. "ileum do not. act - . ,. - __b “an" dirvetly on the bland. and port-pet tln- veal tism by an indirwl aka a sun- our" f0 trmxhlm. Iuntdache. ' in the vhost, mmtin oilments. and all bl druggiita and storm post free from the r fur prim. 6 hnxm for million mu: Napoleon. i was author 1r'ranqe" 2,102! years followir the world d: and ”whom thirds ot the states at Eu] tettant?" cf m or a drums absorb Ono-half of a productive labor. " susnint'tsnt war of 1 England lost 22.230 I Mo. Three hundred were withdraw" by dunry to rngage in Military expenditure during the lust oig $1 .500,C00,0(X). l If I “are asked [foe to bounty in I would my. not l morciw, not The 1907 calendar of N. w. Ayer & Son, the Philadelphia advertising agents in just out, and us usual it, is one of the wasnnk but office calendars. They haw. followed the 'vame design used in 1906. but their famous medal and motto "Ii-oping Evorlzwtiugly At _ __ t__---- It Brings Snark" appear background. which gives i ingly rich appm1rall'". Wh dar is arranged with a m flap the figurm aw clearly u large rmmi. The Maul; l, flaps are filled with new cpigrmm on advertising l building in gum-ml. The calondur is too oxpe oral distrilnttrm, lint wh Ayer & Hon will mail " on dress upon rom-ipl. of Lin .A. An int y-called " mean ungvr. mar, ritalsii:t:. n-rgm. t'Jik trust in Luna-01f and i all there are bad luv thew destroy beauty hosting with the actl not any oi the It ue olmwrve yeople we mm: at the than: " xsiu ub-Hk are ch.u'rv.'tcr' the drawn br tiguremer1S' ll ml states. “What. do 1 t faring with the actlot1 guns, but by dinwtly d pression of the iace. Unless the beauty woman is prepared to vate good nut-aw, kin ohwrtul-uv-n t'Aiit to hi is prepared to tlvliiri, toudencius to thc bud wbove mvutionul. Hum nn results from Mr eff herself that most dim ~l"roul "1103th the 1 Beauty," by Dr. W. R. Outing Magazine for . 'ttie earliest mention of will amongst the ancient authors is by 'l‘lwnphrnstus. in his "History of Stone," wherein he says: “There is a fossil substance call- ed coal, which is broken for use; it kin- dies and burns like wood. It is found in Liguria and in Ellis. on the way to Olympians, over the mountains. These! coals urn used are used by the smiths." It i-' highly probable that the coal as we know it was used by the primeval Briton" for metallurgiesl operations. The Romans were undoubtedly acquaint- vd with coal. for trinders. or coke, was discovered among the ruins of their iron :iorgres'. It WM eertaiulv used by them in their pottery furmtees at Condom. Warrington. where quantities of Wigan oannel coal and Cinders, or coke, have been found, in connection with an exten. sive collection of pottery, now preserved in the museum of that town.---Mining World, Chicago. Greatesct Foe Visitor (to artist's young wife) -. Whatever were you two laughing over 50 just now? Wife-Oh, it. was such fun! My hus- band painted and I cooked. and then we both guessed what the things were meant for.--Fliegende Blaetter. “I” think a max; it, a good thing Jttsf Immune you hear him say, "My good- use!” h Bronze Medal Calendar. \wre asked wha from the Bilonu 6 bnxm for $2.50 rum brows and l) 4(9an which aecou o harmful slumnm-n. TT."'" of in healthy oeatiott they wunmtlz-m is (maul the many illlli. Milt-mm do not act the bland. but they net upon t tiw veal mum" of rheuma- n indirotrt aetiem. Bilenns are m cum for indigestion. liver oadache. gala, belching. palm st, eouuirvation. piles. female and all blood imirurities. All and alarm sell at 500 a box. Ot Ge, not uvelmork. mm vow-Gus, of thew. but bad mental habits. Gscrve 0.0%): the faces of the m mm, at random on the street, theatre or in the great shops, olrwrce that muniy all of them viwtcri,v's't ll} 33w linzl rcortth, wu bums and other facial dia.. nnu which acwmpany mad men- helt ot all I labor. At, t do 1 mean ungm‘. ith Ancient Coal News, advertising and blisinass mm al. 01f and in Ymr th-eat Good- ' bad mental sLatm; and all ( , beauty. not only by mmr- l the actlon of the vital or- I dilwtlv disfiguring tlos ex- i is too expensive for gem a, but while they last 1 mail a copy to any ad int, of Lm-nty-fim cams n the compar England with in BILEANS and titty thousand men her trom productive in- the destruction ut war. as in the United Slams an years hum absorbed to Physical Beauty. I. More will be Mr efforts to (k est divine gift of l the Basis of y what was the greatest both man and woman, errors in diet, not lack "voroork. mm Corsets, od the 'vame design] their famous medali, 1g Evorlzwtingly At! appear (m " brows} gives it an “med- ('0. While the :'i'ii.iii) ll a month on each clearly legible across blank spam-e on the; th now and pointed'; Joyous. l DALI " 01' I' tttt seekung . and after For mm? resume 1uy am MINA“ what I was mental states v. anxiety, " :nr's an- I" where I l/iii. 'or ttitto. I wl 'ined to 's, P.tl I read a \“f Humans I te obtain " i be tirtvtions I ln in health ( at ' while I ' " 1 the Boers n tt,400.000,- ousand men All " box. or mouth. low-mp m f beauty. “'01an! on. in the young In the or ed by the , n Little Elmer. I Cl listening for some tion between his mc tinslly sum: "Mamma. are an "or course not, d "But why do you t "Ber-an» you and I Sinai? nlce thing a l When' Fish Don't Bite. l We who claim to represent the highest fishing aspirations are sometimes inclin- led to complain on days when the fish 1,,refu"' to bito. There can be no worse 'exhibition than this of an entire miscon- icoptiun of 1 wise arrangement for ourl ‘henofil. Wo should always remember .that we have about as on awry side lthoumnds of those who claim member- [ship in the fishing fraternity. because. in a way. they love to fish When the fish bite and only then. These are con- tented only when captute is constant. and their only conception of the plea- ,snrm of fishing “Mli upon nninternpt- fad slaughter. If we reflect for a mom- I ent upon the mnmguenm of turning an inn-my of fishermen like tltese loose upon fish that would bite every day and every lhour. we shall we how nicely the virir ilsitndr-s of fishing have been adiasted.--- _t From Grover Cfeveland1s new book, l "Fishing and Shooting Sketches." kind of Piles. Dr. can be relied upon It‘s an Internal remeay mm In.-.“ causes ot lacking. mind, Bleeding or Durant): Piles. A guarantee goal with etch new. tl.00. All dealers. or Tho Wlloon-l'ylo Limited. Sugars Full. Ont. Minard’l Liniment Cures Distemper. Mi Diek-Alrtsatt Tom Nee much of her? Dickao, but I've got har mother MM h'vr iathor and hor little brother damn pat. 5:13 um: I'm cvltivatirrg tho dug. Aanr that. getting her consent ought to be a ".ttah!--Detroit Free Press. The man?” $ng from drinking, I woman from lacing. :h thr- er-s gm"... .7 ' 19a growing out and in course ofl being discarded as the need for disappears. Finally, as gmwvth ii) ter tVoeeeds. the stub, if any has left, is surrounded by the new and forms a knot in the tree. And len, there is found a clear length fly. seventy, a hundred or more with no such stnhn to be seen, the atnha having boon grmvn over. The tisl point. [to be noted tin this is in growing trees under forestry sd.a, artifiriul pruning in not done. d' vast majority ot cases it would my; and the finnm-ial nspert of the . . _ AL- hunch-HQ Jttt Bi i" I. " CI ii n-lmnl or park tre hand of man; in 1 heir own pruning. I mm mm “rem m 30m, WARBMttmttts,BtN8PNA? “um ITO. le cause of Pfres is the “so of et- md pills or a artcstie, violent. na- ~h is always followed by I renal“. matter what the muse or what the Piles. Dr. Ironhnrdt'a Hem-Rom cued upon to cure-to In] eured. Internal remedy um removes the ' “Inning. mind, Bleeding or Sup- PARLOR SULPHUR WAX Saw Nothing Wrong, (Buffalo Commerchl.) mer, a Chicago boy. rm tor some time P the PILLS AND PMS. ar b"'"' -- . do you ask such a (I a you and Mrs. Blank re thing about my ot e the Mule obIPrvor. -1 low tippmy his mother In rtttt Progressing. are you getting on with If urvr- ._ 'ishment and growth.‘ with other plums. so I of the trees, from ls been cut off, die, ehes are left to man- food and so main- rally the dead branch nd eventually it in wind or .some other "was mm: on all MATCHES the iruit brrmer . and the fores- - In a forest "Pt (ospocially if the‘ ut the same an: f the stand is an? the light begins. lower branches of is essential for‘ ree's iood and sol i? to the conversi- and a woman caller. msigitt""'t' wtetred.'" reviled Ms mother. “a g “nation?" mm 'hkitn't_snl.d. ‘9. are prult" a forest the This is one between the who had been bra (um forpster's height LOCAL " Agent Wanted ll 5'21 Tnulvrs Lywkt.. .V.,_, urn. Winn" way! In mud tsoothes the tth “an colic Ind rhova. those of us Who ore rue"""'""" m--. men to reasonably limit ourselves u to tho number of fish We should take on favorablo days. On no amount should edible fish be alight in such quontitiel a; to be wanted. By restraining our- selves in this mutter we dimournge in our own natures the growth of greed. we prevent wicked waste. we make it easier for us to bear the fall between du-vnt good luck and bad luck. or no I luck. and we make ourselves at ttll points Eben” men and better fishermen, We ought not to forget those things 1M Wt' nntor upon the pleasures of our aunnm-r's fishing. But in any event, let his take with us when we go out. good (taekic, good bait, and plenty of patience If the wind il in the south or went so Imuch the better, but let's go. where- the wind may be, It we catch fish ve lshall add zest to our room-at ion. If we I'vatvh none we. shall still have the outing .nnd the rerrrtttiott--- more healthful and more enjoyable than can be gained in an) other may» -From Grover Cieveland's - hank. Fishing and Shooting Sketches. th" KU, and tne rem more enjnynl other M'R.V- " book, Fishitt for an. Marla to I . block of suck to wow-Mon hula to on And umrlnce a Commission paid. tteh Ptsrticutar* furnished by loner " Everyone Run Down depressedr-with hedadvs. imiirroitm. MP0- tun, boils, ma, undul- or can nah- " impure blood-can H WY "lid in h In! Talk. hdnwo oak the poi» (tom the “to“ 'ts-ttot-it, iiue,uaerandbek. Pun, at M1979?“ d." rfey, What ha: been t " gunman)“ u" Pute. “(g Whigs-mn- the no. vi,dd"i'iCiiis'7iakwidh,aytey I“ on the 're.esrs. Price, tl I-Mh " At dnterts-ryr (you The “I. cu at Candi. Laid. Hwy”- Dr. Surya. of Wilristou Semintty. in Etsstharttptoet, Mass., according to "Evevdsody's Magazine.“ ' din»- ing the education of the earlier genera- tion. “It was not such a people get now," he and. "but I am not ashamed of it. What I think of it 1 am than "minded of In} epitaph l o'?"' up? ii'iii2iii"urrGie iowi. It, devoted two In" to tte virturs of p41 iQ'nea lmrid there. concluding with an. [he wIUSho aver-gal we" tor . . ity.'" __ A - Faith and Works. Boston Girl-Do you believe in w- riage? ”lingo Girl-Believe in it? Gee'. I practice it l P. E. DAOG‘ l Trade" 3“" Bl “Tad t s the etyif Mt HONEY REQUIRED " MAGNIFICENT ,. Blue Fox Buff Midi. c Numb! null-Io In. the“ Mn. mm. "a: “any to: Bust a 'did'."',",",'.".'.".'.'.',',",'"','.",'. {Maui-mumm- Mindohllmlnmva a. b-td-. 'iii",?','!:,?. ",',2"ta"ft mum - tltr, I I ' ' “do. “do N Mun-I. 'ANd N. way not. M In”. " " unruly plant. Mud m tts. nun‘ “no! nu- und ecu-mud mrtt& tour [on like! b,1,i,',tel'1'thtt ttht Itg'ra'tdt', hu TIt tuning mail . pat can I " may ll. t'i"Jtt'1tfalltl'mrda"a'ltNiTt%j,111 M) bole- do" MIMI- 2nee la- Im an. u no . box. A mud and. a can“! all lmpun on! Wank Can-“thu- of the Blood. mdtrqttoat sun-met “ambit. “WE‘WIM. Wmtknem.tt.rvoii. w. an: ttmst MAI I‘m-uh MN“. Anni Mic-M Uh mMU. M an our mm Dc nu: my In my mulls-ml: Mr W bun A box at an. m n "can: Pele urket qrhtrh 01!er them to a at. £1. of Minn 'VAN, INm't "WI the ra- of your Me, lead “I t at um I: I'll! mud mm “In. and PH. ',i1s'l1fi,i Mr/l ' ,vou *OM no th. ”My I W ", £93.”? t?ua trarermeAlst. I.“ “59" Manley? an... --"e-. - -_--" Be “your" 'MW"H‘I" F"RECE: in u. 'ataesd ie in}: 'iG,iiG7tii7diG hTitg mum nu. Wrt My. Adar-nu luv u e Ion-iv no. "rnt I nun-In, (Mn-m. How may Fish to Catch. ha: been aid nutudnlly lend! to :gcstion that consistency require. f us wno are right-mlndod fisher- , reasonably limit ourselves ms to tuber of fish we Khould take on I. days. On no avoouttt should 'tcl, 1w naught in Rut-h quantities K135 m hull! re' naull‘lllce It on paid. Re" rs furnished we " Ai/dui. “on? She Averaged Well scuuxnous. "if-sooth.- II the ttest I mum th tor ch_lldron mum “snafu (‘levelaud Leader to all immedW" L In an Insulin“ I AU-sit'" diroet- " of uric protitt. Reference" requlmt shed on .wuculon -'--- - "" Syrup would do hlldron teething " this: the gum. cur. but remedy tor dur- tter fishermen, , forget those thing! the pleasures of out But in any event, let hen we go out. good Bide plenty of ptlience. south or went no let's go. where- we catch fish 19 reervation. If we ill have the outing Ttore healthful and in he gained in any vu- Cieveland's new Tatum YcrGoii, NEW ilt1 hat Om t to tt " fi,

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