West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 17 Jan 1907, p. 8

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{THE PEOPLES STORE Raineoats, Sweat on, Underwear, (Howey-every- thing a wean-s ex mt .hoerr.-tul must be cleared _ Nobby and ulna-date in every respect. Here is yam-chance: RPRDIIPSIOOvereuouwearioga'...”...................$ 7.00 Itetrnlar81:.?, " 't o......................" Ilettttbtr8t5 .. 6r o........................" Having commenced stocktaking. m/tind we have aeieral lines of Mea's Winter Fa rubbing: which mus: be clawed. Tthe notice of the following nape t . Stock-taking at hand DIAMOND HALL All Winter Goods Must Go January is stock-taking month and the month you look for to secure real money-saving bargains. Come to the Peopie's Store and take advan- tage of the low prices prevailing throughout the Store. ROBERT BURNETT. The above goods are now on exhibi- tion in our Window. They make a very suitable present for wife or sweetheart. All farm produce wanted. Highe'st prices paid. Fancy Jewel Cases No old stock allowed. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Flannellettes, Ties, Ready-Sade Clothing, Boots ard Shoes, Rubbers, Gro- ceries, Furs, &c.---all cut in price to reduce our large stock. Many Odds and Ends accumulated after holiday season, will be sacrificed to clear. COME NOW. Watchmaker, PANTING from........ $1.50 to 3.00 Gentleman's Handkerchiefs from 10c to Wk CAPS for b len and Boys from 50c to $1 Watches left for repair can be had the same day as left in. PERCY G. A. WEBSTER For the month of January we are offering to tne Public as handsome a lot of Jewel Cases and Fancy Gold Clocks as one could wish to see any place and the prices are within the reach of both rich and poor. STUGK - TAKING (llfWliilllii SALE Mercha' at Tailors and Gent's Fumiahers an ty Men's Overcoats and Gold Clocks [lr, 'tk'?,".',)'.?.'; Jeweller Burnett Optician Sing hildie, sing. be brave, be true, Thy melodies ting through the blue; Thy melodies ? Ah they ring! The author of this beautiful song is well-known in Durham, both from her family connections and he: litexary skill and acumen. The song/has been set to music " Prof. Arthur Uvedule. and is shortly to be published. Dr. Humfrey Auger, critic of the Toronto Cunzetvntmy of Music, has examined the song. has heard it played, and has honored it with the highest praise,-- At dawn sing to the violets. And thrill them with thy notes, The whitethroat in thy duolets, W here heart's-ease incense floats. Sing thy sweet song in woodlands. And by the tinkling rills, Join all the trilling bird-bands. Where the rose its sweets distills. Thouht like the timid spirit That has no faith to try; Once more '. There! Thou hast won it i Sing birdie, sing and tis. The wmld is all around thee, Its winds thy purpose mock; Soar with the breeze, sweet birdie, And e'er beware the hawk, Tmpws~all kin and o"oiors at 25c Goe, at Flarily & Bu en's. To a Wee Bird Trying to Fly. BY MRS. M, E. T. HE TOUFFE LAL'DER The eagle thug beginning. Now soar-9th in the sun, New strength from struggle winning. For battles but begun. Mr The. Reid Jr., is I guest ot friendannd relatives in Flint. Michi- gun. Messrs Geo Binnie and Thog Me- Fadden made a. butineu trip to Ham- ilton hut week. Special Lin of Boyd Sweat?” at $1.25 at FIaritNVrm-lt's. Where did y in . your hat? Why atFlurity & ',')i?,iru.:"s" of course. The fiour that's tIll in Listowel Manitobtt thu at Up on thy timorous%nsr; Strength cometh ever nigner, To smu- aloft and sing. In Gad united friends In Mt Fore-Hut week. Mill Edith Murdick ot Allan Park' visited friends in town for a few day: lust week. Mr Jae McClocklin has been tram- fetred from Standard hank here to the Blenheim branch. Messrs Geo Sinclair and Geo Hughe' are havinga week’s holidays with the ham"! parent. in Owen Sound. Mrs. John Kelly and daughter Amy left Monday for Toronto where the latter is attending th'e Conservatory of Music. Apprentices' an8td to learn milli- nely, beginning' arch ISL, npply at Miss. Dicks. - Riff. birdie, up. risehigher Miss Jesme Munroe, of Stratford Hospital is visiting at, the parental home at present. For a neat d‘gs? tin of any descrip- tion call at Flam. & Burnett's. Mn Wm Black left last Thursday to visit friends in Toronto. Mr J. M. Latimer left List Saturdny morning for'Greenoelr, the home of his sister. Mrs John Montgomely, where the immediate relatives had assembled to celebrate with Mr, and Mrs. Latimer Sn. the 50th anniver- eai‘y of their wedding day. Mr, Ronald McDonald. of Cheyenne, Wyoming, is on " visit to relatives ar/d friends In Egroumnt. He was a guest. of Mr. and Mrs. John McQueen while in town. Beinqa neighhorof an uncle of Mr. McQueen’s and other S. Grey people, he had a budget of news for them. Flu-Hy & Vnm't can tlt you in Gloves. Mumd Mrs Donald McLean and Miss Ellis of Shallow Lake attended the funeral of the late Mrs Dugald McDonald. Mr John Ritchie, Public Sch. In- spector. Fort Whlliatu, has been visit- ing friends and relatives for a few weeks around the old home. My: Dixon of Oak Lake. some 30 miles from Brandon. h in attendance at her patents' Golden Wedding and speaks much for the ptuaspetity of the West. Our thanks are due in Miss Burgess of Badlands, California, for sub. and M;dwimer numbers of Los Angles Times. QueerMidwinter! She writes of Orange growers busy picking oranges on 3 Jan'. Business Locals M T Beggs :gs & Sons, the lead THE DURHAM REVIEW Accordion plaited chiffon in white or black. We will sell any article in Stock at a big reduction as we want to clear out the winter stock. In green, red, old rose and the wine color. Some very nice grey velvet hats trimmed with white plumes. Two dozen black hats in black silk velvet with plumes. A large assortment of black felt and silk hats suitable for mourning wear. A large stgck of Ribbons, Laces, Veilinigs, Fancy Blouses, Dress. Skirts, Ladies' Neckwear & Belts. We still have a large assortment of trimmed hats we are offering at greatly reduced prices. Volunteer fire dept's very often have avery hard time in getting the ap- paratus to the scene of action I this ought not to he so. The tnet is that the work of the volunteer fireman is but the active recognition of a. public duty that every intelligent and able bodied man owes to his community. and no man is doing his whole duty as a citizen until he has tendered " service.- to his local fire. department in a time of need, instead of standing on the hone chewing the rag. A very hard problem is to keep up Interest and enthusiasm: especially when tires are infrequent: This is not sohard to do if you have an attractive and'in- viting headquarters where you can have social amusements to hold the men together. Firemen's demon. strations are a good atgaction and a Ireneflt to those who attend, the The members of the Durham the Dept met " the Fire hall on the 8rd inst. for the election of open. and (no transaction of other Important bunlneu. The old once" Were all re-elected. Chief. R. Torry, Lieut,) B. 2kMetJloekhn, Foremun. hose and) ladder waggon. L. Buchuu. Foreman of Hoee carts, T, McClocklin and H. Barnett, Engineer, Jan Ltord, Assistant Engineer. Geo Thompson, Fireman, R. McLean. Busineu be' ing all over. the company proceeded to the Central Hotel where mine hosts McGrath and McAuliffe had prepared the annual Banquet which we! got up m tlrst clue ntyle and which would do creditto any city cute. After the viande were disposed of, n fethouru of social Amusement were spent in music and song. the following artists taking part; Lleut E. D. McClocklin. Bert Mockler. E. McUlocklin, J. Cot. Ville. A. McUomh. L. Buchan. J. War. mington. T, Maylor. aeeompantutr H. D. McClocklin Recitation, W. Laid law, Pseeitatov, step dancing by T. (1' M. D. McGrath Mr MeAuhfre, violinist. As there is a vast. dilference in the work there must be some assignable reasom tor it: There are those that are as prompt, reliable and efflcient as any similar paid force; on the other hand there are many that come to life only when the fire alarm rings and then, although not lacking in in. telligence or patriotism. go to pieces for he: " method and discipline. The one is organized and "ystemati. zed, tile other is not. A small depart- mentof say twenty or twenty five wide awake, active men in a town this size can handle any ordinarily bad fbepnd can really he made twice as effective as a much larger and more unwieldy force. Inn small compact department the members can not only be selected with greater care hut can better and more quidtlyolstturn the ex- pert handling of hose. ladders and otheraprtlrurees. Failing to Implicit- ly obey orders is the snag on which, more volunteer fire dept: fall down: then any other, and it is all nonsense to talk about treating them the Mine} as a paid firetttnn, as long as human nature remains as it in, the volunteer chief most count good humor. tact and personal popularity, as his chief asset in handling and directing " men. The following paper was read by Chief Torry; HOW TO MAINTAIN A vo- LUNTEER Fm: DEPT. Bro. Firemen-The: i1rari thought that came into my mind on reading the caption of this topic was of Miss Beckey Sharpe. Thackemys interest- ing and versatile heroine. and the life long prohiemu that so sorely vexed her, how lo live on nothing . your. How tc maintain an effective volun. tear tire Dept on the scanty supper! It too often receives, is A proposition mat demands all that any man has of fortitude, tact and ttntieitish hard- work. It is a many-sided proposition too, on which nobody has yet said thehtst word, nor can any hard and but rules be set down that mil tit every locality and every department. Firemen’s Annual Meeting MILLINERY Miss Dick Velvet Hats M TORONTO _ Tp. of B tinck. Ladies and G llemen: _ I beg t tender you my hearty thanks for t generous sup- port accorded mein t late election. placing me " the head the poll. It will be my earnest aim d endeavor to merit this tsontideoce lt giving my best attention to the in at of our town-hip. Wishing you a a happy and Prortterout' year Proton-Joseph McArdlo. St. Vincent-Patterson, Eaton. tiulhsrnrr-Binchur. Uhtttswotth--Dr. Airtb. "denham--N, McDonald, H. Y. Fulford. Derhr--Duncnn. Btuawi...Ibomtu, McClelland. Max kdair-J. H . Stephenson. Owen Boimd-F. W. Hnitrmon, Ju. H. Leslie. A. McMillan, John Legato. Meuord-R. Agnew. Uolluwrood-NeKnight,0oldsmith. Thornburg-H. Pedwell. Ireppei--John Elliott. John John- stone. month-of practice for these cantata are at indictable value to tlremen developing the beat energy. nerve and chill in the department. bringing out newer and quicker methods for he nd- I lingthe apparatus. 1 might give an1 inetance: in Hamilton on the 8th of August Int. there were about twenty companies preeent. the Bose race run an rds, then lay 800 ft Hoeeand attach pipe. The International Harvesting Co team ran agalnet time making the re- cord of 46 eeconde. which gives it the championship of Canada. Trenton 46.34, Merritton 47, 3--5. Paris 48. Milton 481. the last in the race was M, 8-.6. The alert H. L. Co of Ni- agara falls took titat prize in 47, I-r, seconds in hook and ladder race. Ladder climbing was done in 6. 4-5 eeconde. These are only a few of the contents which no to show what con be aeeompiitrhed by practice. a strong dept and team pride, that will not stand for defeat onthe track or at I. fire, will stand toits colors to the last, and backed as it should he by it liberal town policy, and the citizens in gener- al, therein no such word as fail and nothing finer, nobler, manlier and more worthy in all the world. ' ton. Durham-ti. P. Saunders. Nornttsnbr-A. Schenk. R. Morice. Iilgremont--W. Haslie. w. Ferguson. Gieneltr-T. McFadden. BentinckUD. McNichol, J. Duds- worth. Panovtsr-R. J. Ball. Artemetritv-A, Mum W. Meade. Holland-Wm. Hampton. Euphrtusia---Jas. Erskine, W. T, Ellis. _ Osprey-E. w. Norman, D. K. Pres. Deceased was Lorn in the Isle of Mull, Scotland, in the yeur1812, coming to Canada with her parents a. few years later. She wan married to Mr. Doug- ald McDonald and settled on their farm uenr Crawford, which wax then nearly all bush land, and together began making for themselves n. home. Mrs. McDonald proved a true helpmate in every sense of the word, was a. kind friend and neighbor and was beloved br all. She was a member of the Crawford Presbyterian chluch. and until unable by sickness was a. faithful and regular attendant. N. D, who was unable to be home, Mrs. A. Brown, Saskatoon, Sash. who arrived home shortly before Xmas, Mn. A. [in-tie, Lamlash. Ont,, Jessw and Kate at home. The funeral was to Rocky cemeter and was very largely attended. Besides her husband she leaves to mourn ber [on one son, Alexander. and the daughters. Flora at. Westhope, On Thursday morning. Jan. 10th. 1907, death entered the home of Mr. Dougald McDonald, 8th con. Bentinck, and called away a. fsithtul and loving wife and mother. Although death wu not unexpected it came sudden at the end. Mrs. McDonald has been " great nutter-er for years and especially the lust year. as she was nimble to leave her bed, all of which she bore with christian fomitude and patience, which seemed almost impossible, but her trust was in God, and through all her phin she know she was in His hands. The volunteer fireman's duty into "We. They serve without pay and in cueof accident or death {here is no provision made for those dependent on them; why should they not receive some consideration at. the hands of those whose lives and property they have labored untrelfiehingly during their lives to protect. I believe in the great hereafter their just reward that may have been de. nied them here, awaits them and that If a. roll of honor has been es- tablished there the Fire Depts will furnish their full quota to be inscribed thereon." The singing of God save the King brought a. yery enjoyable ereming's entertaiment to a clone. Dundalk-John Sinclair. C of Thanks . To the Latepg_ _ A County Council for I907. Obituary. ‘uuueuce " glvinz my to the in eat of our Lshing you a a happy yen: Your obedien' servant Robt rierson. Ru now the largest utendnnce in its history. We hue room for mom. Enter now. Chem-n tree, (Ir-nutmeg nlwnyn successful. W. J. Eula-n, Windy-l. Cor. Yonge and Alexander ta. It has paid others. It will pay you. Intending Student: should enter " the begin- ning of the term if possible. Board can be ob mined " renomble rum. Durhnm In I balmy and “native town, muting it s most deunble place for residence. FEES: " per month In Bdmnee. WmJolmoton. Sr., G. Haulage. Clan-man. Bu mm St." and Equipment. The school is thoroughly equl pad In teach! ability, in chemictl and neural] suns)!" 1'lt tittintis, &e., for full Junior Luring m Intric- ulntton work. The following competent ml are m chum: t T1103. ALLAN, lst cuss Cerefseate. l’rtnclnl But students no admitted It my time with.. out Any inconvenience to themselves Ind others. Three mingle” Ind thorough courses of ttltdy. Business. 8 onhmd and Typewritiott, Mid Pre- pnntory. No mutter what your present educa- tion is, we an tit you for l bctter [ruins posi- t on. Full particulars sent to any address fine. c, A. FLRllmu. Principal. v I . painful-m m 0180.0!» per mnum In 11qu mic. You an . greed ammo- In 6 ttttttttttg It i'ilSEl, IL mm? Bfrteg ttth In Osman. '1th M. cal-n. W. H. SHAW, PM T.J.JOENB‘NK. Pun Telegraphy WINTER TERM now on at the: LOTe FOR SALE. . ”ng59 ffi,?,rfjb'. 'i',Vc,'"te',"liy,tit 32551": ""/,itx 1.53,: if _ ////M///// . //”’¢'/ilerma. Apply to The Big Store SPECIAL SALE For the balance of January. 0on't fail to see the values we are offering. MISS LOLA MOLEOD. B. A., Honor of Queen's University, classics, and Engmh. MISS M. S. HOLLAND Ptrtrt Clu- Certificate and third at In d um Rueen'tr 'lil2tl,'.1Tii y t ergrad ot Science. istorr and Geography. Ex 1'tl','dtit Y 1W. Emu orl2,'itt on an m teed. . ma lent)" In human; free. 03“ Cheapest, Strongest. Best Y. ll. c.A. Bldg,, Yong: & new" MB., TORONTO ATTEND THE BESI‘! Durham School T. M. WATSON. p, BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO. ONT. Of Men's and Boys' Clothing WINLER TERM SNAPS IN ALL FURS AT Owen Sound. Ont. "3339329..” 'rineirul Principal Graduate Modern! DURHAM All log: with the tre?, look to he cut not over 14 ft. preterm-4. Loan want for which we will my the following p . u. Elm, Ash and ood 10 to ttl.", “mg Roach and int h' m '" Source and " to " Hemlock u '., m“ Mums. being lots 12 in mm l5 & 10. Egremont. ttn new! cleared. 18 me. hardwood bush. remninder swat-up, 2ae orchard. creek era-m front cm- ner at both rum. Spring un hack of cub farm. home. hank lmrn driving shed, pan. hen house. Alto lot u, con 1 ' oo Acreu. 6.3 clear- ed, mn-illder swat . "an” nrohnrd. brick house, bank 1), driving shed. Creek ems this tar alsu. All Weil fenced Apply tn mm. All! ma " wood 10 c, $13 1uple, Beech and int: ti in 814 Btte ace and Bantu 10to 812 Hemlock tt to cm An extra bieh pric all he paid for let elm Rock Elm an and up. Lot 6. eon 16 Proton, 100nta.er. ill "t'. mot clam land. in goo) uluh't'f cultivutionl from stone uml mm- ion. weeds. 94m ot Rood hardwood bush. good are rd. Inn-nu x ”on with stone Imum‘ t. (mod hen and] tlt pen,esomtottatgi, Welling, 3ntavet. din? walla. " mil from chum-h. Ichoo and PoJt "tBe" Imuwdmtv ff,'ll,2',',1'l', Kteett if n ssary. Fm ulher particulars apply t 200 turn. heing lacs 27 and 28, mm. 2, E a R, , enelg About Im :u-rm- (Ln!!- ed, 80 no Grdwood hum, l0 gum! w- dar. Fair 'ldiugs and well watered. the Rocky Sn m-n rum through " (1H: ner of lot 'd8 w m would umke " good walermwvr. .3 niles frmu Durham ; t?Pyettit,ty.ly Hllll' d. The alrove pm. A trood lid luivk. two stun-y u‘wvll ingnlongs k' _Presb.vteriau u'unw l"" petty in Up nwu. Du. 1mm. (Wu ttct' of Durham a.“ gin Sheen. tieven rooms. punuy. r ls. cement flootv. cellars. etc. Gun airy lumtmn in ttuqdieedttr. good no sum... hard and loft mutant“!!! no f land. Snap for Ith purchuer. tt urtlwr pur- ticu are applv to Juan“. McKEcmsu Ownet Rocky 5.111200 . o. FARM FOR SALE (hi T RENT. pony will tfe 'noNieuTii. 3h" p'urm to unit. purchuser Fur fm [In-r pan ticu- lan apply on the prmnisgs, m- m MCCORMICK "808.. Not-k y Sanger“ FARM FOR SAL l? HOUSE FOR SALE'. FARM. FOR SALE In: Dunn: . tl: Jumlry w, 1907 ed, pen. her con 1 ' woken-n, [ " trWgt , nun" '0 hank TT, dviv I tt tar also. ' I tn A. mrs Bro ty. c DUGALD ttttre, Bwinton rk' Um. I?! H. w. LEMON Yummy Runaway. if! or Yeovil ion of Hem, 'r-ro and Pd “an Go VOL. Re vie

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