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Durham Review (1897), 24 Jan 1907, p. 1

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Ed 1-7.3 5-13 1i1'eg5itF,exggegtgtyiggatggigggggggggeg5t" if Overcoats You' Need t?) Men's Clothing fimmzmmamam iii Soon as the New Year begins, we commence clearing the decks for Stock-taking and with that in a; mind we are offering exceptiogal values. ' 14 The more goods we sell, tlb1ess k; work we'll have Stock-taking. VOL. XXVIII, NO Review Clubbing In fact in almost any line you can pick up some stock-taking bargains here. Ladies' Furs Ladies' Skirts Men's Underwear . , . Very handsome styles in black and lies Skirts grey cloths, tweeds and smooth fittish- ed. Very attractively priced. . ' , Jackets, Caps. Rufra-..not many left and leg Furs nothing wrong with the qualities in any way, Styles are correct too. We're being liberal with them , You’ll need winter Underwear I S Underwear about three or four months lon, gcr Buy it now and get the good of it. We can save you xxxnxlcy on it. I It's friendy of us to urge rcoats You Need you to My “new. They give you a good investment. a handsome garment and plent y of comfort. Now's your chance to buy to advantage, Winter Suits now.' James Ireland Stock=Taking See what you need on this list: It is priced to your advantage : Men's Caps, Men 's Ties and Mufflers, Ladics' Caps, Men's Boots and Rubbers Ladies‘ Shoes A good chance for a bargain in C10- thing. We wunt to clear out all Secure your Tickets for itil Wham. 43 DEG. Beaaow,-.-Me. A, U. Benton. SI ratheona, Alta., in remitting for the REVIEW last week, says that. the government thermometer recorded 43 degrees below zero. The Wetst is Innk- ine a. new record this year in cmps and cold. Mr John Acheson. Edwin. Mam This year Ash Wednesday. the be. ginning of Lent, will Gil on February 13th; March 2litt will be Palm am.- day, Mart-h 29th Good Friday and Common, the same farmers now have tum) four lo five thousand bushels of wheat and more of oats. Another. any of judging program; is the fact t ml the C. N. R. took from his siding 3 Yr! am). 14000 hmhvla wheat, last y 'nt' 31000, this year 50000 bushels. He too spooks of a hard winter though it was only 20 degrees below the morn. ing he mote, two to three feet of snow on the level. but taking comfort from pant experience, that a good crop follows lots of snow. Fax Fort tm.-Lovers of pure and innncent fun ill he Rrtttstied to have theopportunit of hearing "Jimmy" Fax on the 25 at... at. Ben Nevin Camp concert in t P Town Hall. Gil- leapie and Flnm prvorsC'rnig an alumnus in their Ii " and few can equal Pipe Major Benton onthe Pipers, Plan at MrteFarlane'te. March 3lnt Easter Sunday. There will Ire two eclipses of the sun and two of the moon, The hot. eclipse n! the Immn will take place on the. night of July Bith and will be the only ecliple Virihle throughout North America. cum. Mr John Acheson, Edwin. Man *pe"Rs of a bountdut crop and steady growth. Where, nine years ago 500 bushels of wheat and 200 ohmic wan PV 'AP, ET I l -r . HICKS WAS mor-m R. Picks, the tit Louis weather prophet. has gained considerable fame lately by quite accurately fortelling a. couple ot "truths prevloua in his Almanac. the Kingaton earthquake and our recent storms. This is what he save: .. Swis- micdisturhances will he natural and almost necessary within a period of six or seven days Lakimt the 13th as thereulrulday. Wrsteh the world's tcltvrt:phiettews and see. Another wide and wicked cold wave will come on the scene about the 13th to the 16th "The cattle on a. thousand hills" and plains will suffer If prudent and mur- cdul un-n do not not, h we the can- of Iht‘lll." "In the third storm period storm conditions WI" develop and culminate {rum tho 16th to goth. The crisis w." be on and touching the 19th, at the passage of the moon over the celestial equator. Renewed rain and snow storms will pass over .he countrv during this period, with high humm- sster,gales and cold wave following (lose behind and reaching most parts about the 20b or Zia.” Blimrds. snow hlockudes. and a dangerous cold Wave are again predicted for the last three days of the m mth. wan won by Alliater Sammie-Pu. who rm-eiv-Id a watch while Ed. 3 (Murray took second place. Quite a succotsfnl\ masquerade (‘nrmval was held in the Rink here Friday evening last, there being a large mundane? and about 30i.. COR- tttme. The boys” ops-n race under 18 Mr Gnlleupi an ornament to nnv prom-cm and he n lny plsim to s 'meeialhrillutneei Irish and Scottinh songs. to the inn-w tutinn of which hp has given much "dr--At the S. of S. t'ont?err in the wn Hall Dur- ham, Jan. 25th. The executive of the Reform Aun- ciarinn has avoided on calling the Annunt meeting of that body about the 21st of Fob. next. Further an- nouncement: " to speakers. ae.. will he made later, THE STANDARD BANK saaoaaitDeoaetmeatinctrt-fhtoatta"ntnt*". This Bank offers special facilities to Stock Gmicrs and Feudal. - advanced for purchasing, feeding and finishing cattle EURHAM, THURSDAY. JANUARY " 1907 i"iil't-,sow OF CANADA Had Offke I a O 0 TM DOM “CB CATTLE RAISING IOTWID "" the Great S. of S. Concert, Friday, January 25th. Ihe~ The winter so far has received m my tact compliments. The sleighlng, exr-ept Cunt fora few days after Jnnunrv l. was last good until Friday of last week. Then 1elts, some turbulent atmospheric influuice “Rh began to make itself felt. It gotnud- orn. denlymvrtner, Suturdey broke with t of pouring rain and continued mun of fort the tiny. This, with a warm south ,rood wlnd almost licked the snow " end sleighing was gone. During the (in) icks there was sharp thunder end lightning had but as night fell, the temperature by went down and the wind got up, and I, ot in regular hurricane prevailed. Snow the began to fall heavily Sunday mnrmng cent and still the wind prevailed. making ivis- such it dnv M has not been seen this and winter and few suoh In any winter. I of Thechurchea were sparsely attended h " from the country. During the night r-ld’s I the smoke stuck on the Furnituve ther I Factory went down. putting (hm: out mm of business for a few days. The hose [8th [tower at the tiretvut also inc-usurvd and ltslength into kindling wood falling It"t'- to the east. Happily there" was no , of hose in it, and this “make of grind luck rind or good management will save the and , town some dollars. The I Towards evening the wind fell rind a 9th. Igenerous snow of six to eight inches the I has made eleighing ngaim Thom. with and ttenming to do should rush it through atre i for it requires no prophet to say that uni-I good sleighing may be ecu-cc from ting lthis out. though there's lots of time to ”as give us is blast or two yet. The English Church Sunday School concert. oolong deferred for various cause: was held in the Town Hall but Tuesday evening. The hull wu- nie. ely decorated with hunting and tinge. and the teachers and pupils are to be congratulated on their entertainment. The star singers of the concert WHO the pupils. Marion Lovey. Foster Saunders and the twin McOlocklin boys. Mr Bert Mockler also game two well rendered songs in costume. BI ight little Eric Cotttell who is visit- Ing here with his mother gave a nice little recitation; hut the chief purl: of tho program and very well rendet ed too was the ctuttattr-A Good Tune with Banu-rendered in three parse; The Highway, The Home and Santa’s workshop. Mr Knight-u knight of our new railway. being Solute dreered in Santa's reculnliou continue. with H, H, Mockier in splendid make up being father, and Miss Meredith the mother, and the pupils taking the part of angels, brownies and children. The part. Santa‘s workshop. wins very well done, Albert and Alfred McClmk- lin and Foster Saundere being the mechanic: or carpenters of Snow’s toys. Miss Vollett Wu chief uccolu- punist. The river owing to rum mnd rapid thaw came down in flood And ioor 0 . formidable but so far no damage has been done. Hos. Tower and Smoke Stack Down. Mrs lror~Unig. the soprano of the evening. neweet voice And in It anger of talent. Ber pronun- cintion in pet every word being full and clear she in euro of I hearty receptin any future ttme.-- Paris Tnnecrip At the Town Bail, l Durham " the S B. concert on Fri. day. Jan. 5. A Yun'l Potat-- We hare. been kindly furntehbd by Cit-1k Vollet. with the numbernnd vnlue of hogs Weighed from 8 Jan m to 8 Jan m. A pro- cession of 5050 hugs passed over tho town scale- nnd their value tn the farmers who 'IB.M,00. This with the proceeds of other stock. grain and anirylpn Nreaks of u prosperous Fear. Rugged Weather m " - tah pet e clear d ceptio a otrerip A at the S ------- Mr Jae a. Mutch of Luunden, Susi. in home at present. and always find. Liiue to give the Review a pleasant call. Mi M, is a bhorough Wesuum-s. elm-k to ir through thick and thin. I and it but done well liy him. He cou- temphm a trip t.o (Juli: where he has property and will go home by Mexico and California. Thin it the - Hutch than lute issue of the Beeiew--ahem--re- a, Many ItBi, as ‘our reader. will "mammal-refer- to llucteringly: "r J. W. antotd i. doing a mulling business and employ. about sdoun hands. The other day " head any» Me Jan G. Mulch cut tro bunche- ot oiling!“ in 10 hours and a he". Fifty bunches of the were packed by Wm leKechnle in the gem que. Thu is indeed much with- tll tll'ltJle Mr and Mrs Langley of Toronto tar, spending some time in town the guest- of her brother Mr T. Swallow. M930: Harry and John Aylimz. " Tovunto Junction au- vmning their pnrmts, Mr and Mrs Ayling. nfthr hrickyuld. Mrs. N. W. Campbt-ll has been in. disposed and eonflned to the house for the put tew weeks. Miss Emma Gndd left last. Thursday. for a three month's course at Mr. For." on Business College. Miss Alma Hughes has retmnod home utter an extended visit with relatives in Gertie. Mr. Bomud Tyrenmn of the Med- icul Uollego, Toronto. was up boo week Amending the wedding of his friend, Mr, Chff Keeler. Miss Annie Cameron left. last week for London where the has secured a good position Ir. a business omce. Her mother accompnnird her. Mica Agnes Cameron left Tuesduv morning to resume her pmilinn in Toronto, Mr. Hu'ry D‘vidson of Ayton, tor. melly of Durham, paid this town a visi! Friday. Miss Jenn Brown leaves Thursday for Toronto where she will attend the Millinery Openings. Mr Neil Campbell non of Gro c. Aberdeen is here again from N. D pendinglhe cold tsiege here. will PP- turn happy as the birds in the nprinu. Mr Thos Dnrgnvel. “Hutton ha, heen nguest at his sister's home Mrs J, W. Crawford, for a week during the anxious days the griefladen. new: of their son's death was unh- ing. He relurus home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Puthorliough attt. two children left Tuesday morning fur Toronto, after a "touth'e visit with the farmer's parents in Benunck. He am. his mehers, John and George an contrast-turn In Toronto and he ha.- collected it car of poles for sctdtolu purposes. Mr. WtuJohustmt, for nmuy Venn head mwyrr with the Mckectune firm mu gwen up that. position and man. an magnum-Fa position With the i. IJ. Foresters. Mr. John-non Is a mak- mg encyclopedia of Funeral-i0 informa- uon and should make u capablem- “unizer. The "ireinOtt of Doc-tum UounLof that body "in no soul! ch " glee owing to hm en my and intereeu Mr. A. il. Hind. of Su'ughlon. Sank. non of Mr. Geo. Hindu. is on a Visit u, the old home and vicinity at present. He left Durham thirteen years ago and has made; oucceu an splinlev and publisher. At present he in edno, and Proprietor of the Broughton hum with a groWuuz circulation m u growing place. Pleased to have a call from him and Mr. Thou, Ewen, Cottonwood. Soak. can of Mr. Rom. Ewen of town. Mr. Ewen is spending a month or two hem. Me Dan McKelvey, New Liskeum. in brightening; the home ot " pen-elm here this week. He ruin Toronto last week on "tcial husinesl for hm lawn. and while there Almond 0. "use of his properly for 81m. A: be paid only 87000 for n. ttus is. tor..- ing over money pretty quick. Dan I. looking Well and doing Well and " prcud of New 0utario. Miss Ada Brown is Visiting Mr James Brown in Owen Sou’nd this week. Mr. Arthur Knisloy. left. this week to clerk at Scott's slurein MI. Forest. Mrs. N. McCunnel In sunning from an attack of quinty. Ml Allan Mllhuuwn left Wednesday morning for Mt Forest, TORONTO Mr Geo Blunie completed his duh. O nsr1Jo. Auditor lust Mommy mud “oer to 0mm tiound ugmn on Friday to m- wud Auuud alerting ot Sydruhum Mutual. Mr Malcolm Bantam hum Sunk. ii on gum .1.“ng hands uiti, old flaunt. He farmed uuul two vent-s emu in N Mr. Arthur Stinwn who nu spent the past year in Cohan, and Calgary. ll visuica in. brother George ttere M present. U. “our the town of lehupe aha 'rpettlis weli of the cuuulry a. we place tor u young man to ohm”. wenllh but of com-u- ttitl have luuuu~ emu some ”thqu and hut-dam.» Mus McLennln and Mrs T H Skid-l. of Brampton, are guests at lbwir cons-- iu’l. Mrs. B. F. Morlock. “I titmt If country is new as Wow " where he dld mu t1rst homunculus“, All-Jaw and Archie Blown he statm, .0 well, lbey too are old Bentiuck boys. Mr. T. Forbes of Mt. Forest inn guest of Miss Jenn Brown. “I'd Lulu-r Sod» Mt "The House " Quality," Prices t' in two, tttse up. mummy to save mu 9y. gee the (nod! we have on unle- th' week. H. H. nun. LOST-On Ilesduy. Dre. Mth. 'tt Grnvwl Road tweett Durham and Livi-ugstolle'r On an. Bentirsck. tt black tb" r run h white Btrittea. and for limit-rink!" luv-”men. Find- er mil oblige by row ing to ‘ ED Kama. Unde m. Durham} The Tunes mys: “Tudny’~ int-tuning trams brings the members of the new County Council and ism-neg of furnnr years are revived by Some of Ihe old faces while the large representnhuu things recollections of a decade on more nguwllen the Unum-il t-hnmher at the mummy building: was filled. The new order of (hung: uhnuld wave more interesting nnd the attendance of spectators will uudnu'ntedly he urge." Buy a. bag of good nut will at right price from H. Pvdwell. t'eeve of Thurnhury was elected Warden of the county at Tuesday’s meeting ot the Go. (Scum-ii. He defeated R. J. Bull of Hanover " 3 votes. This wusa good mu in a house ot87 members mud will ensure Me Bull's election hex! year. Manna-Inm- GI Ip Palm-ts .rt quivk. ly and uurelyN them. Driving Ho n sale or erwlttttge -pply to Box 7 Dun-hum. Carl's (inuuh we in fullv gnaw".- eed Ivy Maciarla & Co. Red Letter "a-Judie,,' to. Undo-1 Wear for 490; iiuc’ iyh, Undurwea MK at H. H. Moe ler's. '"I Bums Apprm icen wanted to learn milli. may, _i.,ti'lifi'i'iti' March Im., apply a MINE Dicks. A Mt-Lvllnn a come High Grade 1|.th on haud, Inch tro at u. hur- uin. Al." u fe tptod rob-s Ion. w» them, MN Baum RED LETTER. " tt-Meus [Jud-1'- vearl Pl loos cut! I Umlm Wear h r 7th-. 9th. for 65-: (I): " “Jr at H. H. MorklerV, T Figures That Tell tdtetaltrdruexeas,estgt1on,dyftr. Aneowadianteeordaccomplidwdh4Kyum 'Aa-,emr..........t26,000,00tt Derri-..........elr,000,00tt Ciou,R-Fadartdthtthi&dNdts '______, -oear..........-. 6,NO,000 Y T CO. J'llLt"1"lrih'lr'L'll",ti1',,'rtti,.ii.asu, Dei-tatt-u-id)---- I The Sovereign Bank of Warden of Grey. Business Locals ----_----- " km-wu Concert pram). Sula-0'0 'tllutelenditttr s can: Caddie-i- (‘unudm JAB FAX, lhe iniu hleeolnodimc with new pieces a In entsnato" repulntunn Pap» Major FARQUAR ATON- " the " h Highlandvni. MRS. NEWTON. “romp. . Plan will he opened m it "and. drug arm-e. M 2 p. m. Saturn}; in“. Tickets 25c. 30c. and Ine. Ktursa--rn Durham on Saturday "a. 1th to Mr and In Ed. K"... . daughter. Mt-tmoose-as, lenelx on the "ttt Decerutser to Mr and " John “B'- t mm. 0. son. [VELBH--ln Betttinck on 8rd Jan to Mutual Mm Edward “This .000. Jacnnx-ln Holland on the 10 In. to Mr and Mn George Jackson . NH]. MeLoo--In Glenda on 18th Jan to Mr mid Mr- Nicholas Melanin. a non. ThqAnnual Seed Fair [ARMED Kerr.rarr-scrssm-tn the Mr ten in" church. Chtwwonh. on Wed. nesd-ty, Jan ldlh ttt 12 o'clock noon by Rev F. Mum-son. Mr R. R. Cl". tun Keeler, Durham. to “in 0mm. M. Sudden of Chantal-Lb. The Busy Store on the Buy Corner Thi [mud Concert will ho hatd his y t' oo the exact date otthe Iriruhdu of Rohert Baron, and the following n-illinnt taieatt luv. It“. <ecured; Exbihiu must all in place Idol. noon. ltr J Bath mu. u.b.A.Guolph will iudwe the ash: and Afterwlrdl “we on) "dtitetet upon e and!" about: and [mad gum in ge-ne . For parties. ul um. um: posters. FLORA Melvokcauo. the well WM. GILL PIE, Toronto. hull trom Scull; ' . amou- Ooateeet Burilnno. In em anion with Bomb Gm Fu- tuets' In cute 'WI" he held in the Town Hull. al'yam. Tuesday. R. B. Keeler & Sons Bi ”can! "I“... - in Put Utiem of the 'ttttta". Una-d1!” new: mute . Honda“! cluhblu: "ee. We - and the Review-n Wncl out. ID Ga. I, I“ for “IL 'al'. In " unce. Thu odor will hold good (or a Named “we. Bunnie. a Dem Rum: Momct. Pres, mro.Npsmatr, Bee. All taxes " he Town of Durham mm! he paid m r herore In. Pehes My next. at wh doe a collector will he nppninled A 8 per cent added Dvliuquenm are ro-qu led to lake due malice By o Wu. VOLLIH‘. Clerk. Extraordinary Ben Nevis Concert CHAS BAKAGE. Pun“ an m. B: Emu“. 25m JANUARY. Year to Everyone KEELERS -------_.------- Happy New The Review Jaery Mr, 1907 Nrtice--'raxes Wish a Durham . BORN. 3: Ts') " in to .I. in i' Fe , N"",'

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