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Durham Review (1897), 24 Jan 1907, p. 2

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not return. 2nd day, In! Ibo-III (viii. I”: he. of ground dry, let by. lot 'k1't,'u'xdtgugl, "P, "a Nr1rdrr,atah sa6,Srtbddr,md God. Although he could probably see no reuon for delay still he patiently wait. ed for Jehovah who shut the door to lead him forth. From verse " we see that Noah and his three pom. Shem. Horn and Plpheth. together with their wives. eight in all. comprised the com. pany in the nrk. The {allowing chronolo- gical {interment is given by Dr. Nevin-ll: “Flood meme on the 17th day of 2nd month (ch-p. vii. ll); the ark floats 27th day. 3rd month vii. ITV, ark rents, 17th day, 7th month (viii. 4): mountain tore an, let day. 10th heath (viii. 5): i raven sent out. llth any. llth month (viii. I); der" an out out let-m. 18th day. Nth month (viii. B); dove out out and retur- VIth but, an (by. "a mrtth (viii. lo): doves-“admin. I". Noah leaving the ark (vs. 13-16). Noah waited another month alter the dove was sent oat the but time before removing the covering.“ the ark, and it was nearly two mont longer before the earth was fully dry. ts, MI. God a ke. . Go forttr--Noish did not Icon ll: ork until the dingt command came from peaks do not seem sultan-e nu - r"- iose.--yttrtrhr. 5. Deeresuirtt? wat- ers Mowly decreased for two months and thirteen days. " which time the tops of the mountains were seen. II. The raven and the dove (we. 6-12). 6. Forty daysgl’rohahly forty days trom the time the tops of the mountains were men. T. Sent 'iorth--"Tttoutrh God had told Noah when the flood would come. eevn to a. day, yet He had not revealed to him the time when the water: would disappear; the knowledge of the former was necessary. while a knowledge of the latter would serve only to gratify his curiosity, and the concealing it from him Wt uhl serve the purpose of testing his faith and patieee." Raven. . . . ..to and 'ro--"Going forth and retuming."--Mar- gin. That b, going away from the ark and returning to it. settling upon hut not entering into it. The raven may have 'iiii,U"'ai,Gaust sustenance tram the floating carcasses, so that it needed not to return to the ark for food. Ttus blaek bird of death, finding a congenial home in the watery sepulchl'e of the nnte‘diluvinn world, is a. symbol of judg- ment and wrattc"---Newtuul. 3, Sent forth a dove-Probably seven days after the'taven had been sent forth. for verse 10 states that he waited yet "other" seven days. The dove. unlike the raven, alights only where it is clean and dry, and finding no dry place on which to alight and nothing fit for her food. she instinctively returned to the window from which shewas sent forth. ---ibid. 10. Yet other seven days---') and in Verse l: is a clear allusion to the sevenfold division of time. the week. n period which was adopted by all the Shemitic races. by the Egyptians, by the Chinese and Hindus as far back as an- thentie history extends. It in probable that Noah on the Sabbath sent forth the raven and the dove, in earnest prayer seeking providerttinl aid and guidance.” l'.. An olive heu--The olive tree puts out its leaves even if covered with water. When he saw the. freshly plucked leaf Noah knew that at least the tops of the olive trees were above the water. Thin olive leaf was an eni- bleni of the restoration of peace between God snd the eadth. It was the first sign of the earth's resurrection to lite." It was probably from this circumstance that the olive branch has become the symbol of [wave among all civilized mt. tions. and the dove the emblem of the messenger of peace. lg. Returned not-- Noah sent forth the dove three times. The first time it speedily returned; the second time it returned bringing with it so olive leaf. and the third time it went forth to return no more. The dove is an emblem of a soul. which, finding no rest or satianetion in this sinful world, returns to Christ " to its srq. As Noah put forth his hand and took the don into. the ark, so Christ will graciously "ttlt-tterm? con. to Hill for rest. ~Speak. Com. 4. Mmmtnim of Ararab-A region nearly in the middle of Armenia. even now milled by the Armenians Aunt. on the mountains of which the ark of Noah rested; sometimes used in a wider sense as the whole of Armenia itoelf.--Bom. l'ottt. An the drying wind most [whony mum from the east or north, it is likely that the ark was drifted toward Asia Mnior, and caught land on some hill in the region oi the Eushrat_es. It cinnot he supposed that it tested on either of the peaks now called Ararat, as Annt mu a country. not a mountain. and the“ poaks do not seem suitable for the put- i,oswe.--Nurtrttr. s. Deereased--'rh, wat- ern slow!" iiAreaned for two months and thirteen hays. at which time the tops of ac, -.s...omm'ros were seen. “TIBIA‘HONAL LESSON V.- Noah Sand in the Arh.-AKn. viii. 3-16. a: to a of the , all " hi duty-{3 a diner they should be “M MR) days. On an: quite evenly divide [ know, however, that mined the ark um mountains of Ann” MO days. Compare 1 viii. 4. "With regain} rain, it seems pretty - not additional 1 150 tlays of the prev: corn-Ury.--'. God nae-harm Noah (v3. 1-5.) I. Baum-N mundtohelorgottnilthoukzht at lengthGod "tamedigo-rtohim, and that in "ree-d by his - bcring him. "The string. work of jug- ment being over, the and fully, and all in ”satiation with them, come into "mruatrrarree."-j. IL M. The token- of God's remembrance In now seen. Means are employed to dry the land, and once more prepare the earth for the habita- tion of man. Noah-Noah ms the m of Lameeh in the tenth generation from Adam, by the line of beth. He WI! born 600 years before the nood and tired 350 years after it. Mule a wimb--0od could have dried up all the waters in an inhtant, but he chose to employ natural mum-s. A wind is made to pass over the earth, prnlmhlv a hot wind by which rapid evaporation would be produced. 2. Fountains T . r . windows . . . . setopped--- The rain sitopped, the clouds were dispell- ed, and the “am-rs were drained off into "tian" and wsu front the higher ground, an npo-niugs were made for them. When ‘kldli purpuvu-s m-rt- atwompughed it was are easy for him to restrain the rain 3“ ta, mm.- it to rain; winds. fountains 'unday School. “only divided. This much we ' however, that horn the time Noah ml the ark until it Rated on the tains of Ararat man five months, or OH'. Compare chapters vii. li, and l. "With regard to the forty days’ it seems pretty eerttsin um these not additional to, but part of, the my: of the prevalence o tthe flood." can} for him to restrain the rain mm- it to rain; finds. fountains deep and windows of heaven are in disposal. 3. Hundred and fifty bmpnre chap?! vii. 24. There is rrnce of opin on as to whether nuld be nautl, making I total of t In this. point authorities are flood Joutd come. E had not revealed 1 the waters would “Wanton. Ont., dospatrh: Burglars on. ,tvrml the grocery stores of II. D. Rubi "ml Wm. Armstrong. and the boot and alum More of L. M. Ely yesterday morn- ing At [luhl's they secured $85.25 of Foresters' money, which was in the safe, and about $20 in silver out of the cash drawer. At Armstrong's there were only " copper: in the till. They took " of them, the other being . Chinese cent; they left it. They also took some gre- eerien. candies. etc. At Ely's shoe don they trot nothing, while one of the 908 in man; in evidently mt hill-elf o- the window glam, there being drop. of blood on the Nor from the wt“ to the an. not! do - a pool h but of the " all in the all. IT. I). use mm wuo In“! no" III I!" not forget Him. God never forgets the Thah Into Street P Xergttr--Btnmes least of His children: He is never un- Rocked and Their Contents Rattled, mindful of the circumstances they are But No Damage Reported " Result "in and the trials they pose through of the Shah. l (Heb. iv. 15). The hairs of our head are um numbered (Matt. at. 30). God rernem- Lmdon, Jan- 21.-Two earthquakes, ‘bers everything about Bis blood-washed. which, though harmless, greatly {pardoned child"? exeept their 8m! (Heb. alarmed the inhabitants, occurred this ‘x. 17). Well might the prophet exclann tt- , Ob ' . lin wonder. "Who is a God like unto l ”"0"" at an, aim-port tern m 'Thee?” (Micah vii. 18, 19.) Scotland, and the neighboring districts. l. The rain eased. "The rain from The first shock was accompanied by a heaven was restrained" (V. 2). After I loud report, and was followed 16 minutes the waters had prevailed one hundred t later by a rnmh'Mrg noise. Houses were and fifty days (Gen. vii. 24), and when it I shaken and thear contents rattled. The would not have been strange if Noah had I occupants rushed into the streets in ter- ‘begun to question whether the flood , ror. The water along the shore was vio- (would not be perpetual, there came Bl lontly disturbed. An incoming steamer lohange. God sent a strong wind across; fr-lt the shocks. It seemed as if she had the waters (v. I). The whdows of 2 grated on a ridge a} sand. lint-awn. no long open, were closed (v. 2). _------------ "lhe waters returned from off the earth t (v. 3(. And soon came the sweet pro- Fhnifift MO SONS phecy of the olive leaf (v. 11). God . had been present, though invisible: his -- 3am! unopthe helm; “is r'l2',' t,',t,'/i1/i'g THEY ARE VICTIMS or GEORGIAN anger; us vmce ca mg e pun " mirth into resurrection. God remem- BAY WATERS. beretl Noah." --- P.. The urk rested. (a) The time (v. The Three Left Penctanguishene in Saii- ti. In the ark resting on the sevmteentl; boat for Byng Inlet Nov. 27, and ft; Abil, or Nisan, we have a figure " . . Cltrist in resurreetion. The seventh Never Reached Destination. . month of the civil year is the same as A Penetanguislwtte dospntch: There is the first month of the religious your. little doubt but that Mr. L. Cook, o1 So our Lord rote from the grave on the sl;','.,,",','. township, and his two ticV.i.i, anniversary of the resting of the ark. , I. 'illi h; ._ uislw1 l, Thc ark contained life for the earth that Llnulm and Wi mm. my. pun "i': l.l then was. The Lord Jesus brought life the waters oi the (ivorgmn May. lhe, and incorruption for the earth that now " Ihmvtaitguishetw in a sailboat on is (b) The late (v. 4) --"Ararat is _ , or V . _ . ' "'t'i " w- probably the did name for the region in Nor. i.), und n”,.“0“1_ ".a1.ly _., ll' the southern part of Armenia. Here a hcnrd of them. i'o-drt.s " ii'A"st'Allt' W,U, sort of new creation begins. Chaos has l rocein-d from a youngr-r m'tytt, “will, suvceeded cosmos because of sin; and who started out a fur days ago to mm- more out of the destruction of the look for tin-m, that they nun-r warm-d flood begins to appear a renovated their dostinution. earth." Ilr. Cook. accorupnuivd by two _ ill» ll. Noah's messengers. l. A raven (vs. Charles and David. from whom tho 6, 7). The raven, an "emblem of Satan,” mos-mgr- was rcu-iwd. loft tor the is a type of (a) Unclean birds. "An mouth of the Naiwootyong Kin-r. mun ( abomination m... raven" (Lev. xi.13,15). [lying lnlct. on the north shore of the The raven, as an unclean bird, would Giorgia" Buy. Tin-n- is an island tlt May away from the ark to feed on car- thr mouth of the Nniseootyrmg, off tho mm it might find upon the waters. township of Waoridsv,' where th" (b) itebellious natures. "Natures that Cooks had staked out a muplo ot' mim- disdain all refuge in (lod,_and are per- claims. and tinny WCW' on their war no. prtunlly restless like the birds which fly intending to do u littlu 1reveiopin:.s' and about the Golden Morn, and known by trading as to vulue and qualitv. E the people as "lost souls." (e) The trou- A couple of dam after cvi:v.r tiw bled spirits of evil "that, fi.nd no rest Wt't't' uu-t by (not. l’nul L/C/i/i, who tv.en in. the plesuret ot 'ul, but are Wits coming down from llyug lulu with 1riven.irom Yeitement. to .esyittrtytnt m Iln- tug, (rllrivui. William ('ook was on the vain, endless pursuit of peace. tlw H‘llrir-n. and ho cusltanuvvl Ilium-s BREAK INTO SEVERAL STORES.-. ONE CUTS HIMSELF. month (viii. 4-10.) TheJewlIlI luau year minted of 354 days ud it this in in- tended Noah remained in the elk jut a solar year-SM den.” The lint thing Noah did otter his wonderful preserva- tion woe to build on altar to God. PRACTICAL APPLIC \TIONS. I. Noah remembered. "God remembered Noah. . . .ond all. . with him in the. ark” (v. I). The Lord who shut Noah In did not forget Him. God never forgets the least of His children; He is never un- mindful of the circumstances they are in Ind the trials they pen through (Heb. iv. 15). The hairs of our head are all numbered (Matt. x. 30). God remem- hers everything about His tstood-washed, pardoned children except their sins (Heb. x. 17). Well might the prophet exclaim in wonder. "Who is a God like unto Thee?" (Micah vii. l8, 19.) liii. 5. 6). V. Noah rewarded. As the smoke from the altar of burnt incense ascended, God gave the new promise of deliverance from further curse (v. 21). This coven- ant with Noah typifies oGds' covenant oi grace. The origin of the covenant was the heartof God. It is because of llmls‘ goodness. not because of the re- formation of the world. that there will never be another flood. Noah needed a sacrifice (Lev. v. 15, 18). Our salva- tion ‘is given to us. not earned by us." Works are an evidence of salvation, not the origin of it. "By 'graee," we are saved (kph. ii. 5, 8). "While the earth remain- eth, seed time and har\'cst...shall not come" (v. 22). God's law in all worlds ii. "Seed after his kind" (Gen. xlvii. 9; Ex. i. 14; I. Sam. xv. 6; 11. Sam. xii. lo, .12); Salvation in of grace. Life is in Christ, BURGlARS AT WIARTON IV. Noah's altar (v. 20). "Noah built an altar and offered clean beasts and clean {owls as a sacrifice for sin. Thus early in liguredmd type did God set forth the fundamental truth, brought out more fully through the prophet Isaiah when he wrote of Christ" (Isa. lili. 5, 6). th Gunny Petition Prom Conan Students to Seoul Government. London, Jan. 21.--The Times' con-es. nondent sends the following cable des. nntch from Tokio: Twenty-one Corean 'tttdents at Tokio, left destitute owinr ‘o the mention of aid from their home 'nnd, have sent a petition to the Gov mun-t " Seoul. enclosing n finger cut from the hand of each student. Mr. Cook. accumpanird by two win» Charles and David. from whom tlto messagu was received, left for the mouth of the Naiseoot.voug Riwr. mun Dying Inlet, on the north shore of the Gtorgian Bay. There is an island at the mouth oi the Noiseoo1vong. off thv township of Walllrridp-, whore tin- Cooks had staked out a couple of mine claims, and they wer" (in their way up intending to do a. littro developiug and tasting as to value and quality. A mnph- of days after leaving they wrro nu-t by Capt. Paul Dn-mnw. who was cumin}; dawn from Dying Inlet with the tug O’Brien. William Cook was an the (l'l'n'ivn. and lu. cxchangvtl places with David. William getting into the sailboat and David I'vtnrning to Pvuv. t:inguishvue with Capt. Dusomv. “IL-3 ax- clump, was etteeted near Parry Island. David (‘uok loft sm'm'al days agu toy tlu north to try to lunli than: up. in vivw bf the int-magi- rota-inn! Gr. Jay thrn- is little doubt but that tin-v have all pvrishvd. The weathvt. tnrnvd wry wild and stormy mun aim-r {hair dvparlnro. Important Results Expected From retary Root’s Visit. EARTHQUAKE INHABITANTS " SEAPORT TOWN GREATLY ALARMED. ARRIVES AT NEW YORK-SOB. POENAEING WITNESSES. New York, Jan. LU.-- Harry K. Thau"s Sister. the Countess of Yau'mouth is a passenger on the steamship Kain-Vin Au. guste Victoria, which was expected to dock yesterday, but mu prewutod from doing so by thick weather, The vessel should dock to-day. Preliminary to the trial of Thaw next Monday for the murder of Stan- ford White. Distriot Attorney Jerome is subpoentteing, all the wit-s needed by the prosecution. Washington. Jam. 21.- <4-vrvtul'y of state Rum. left Washin,urttm to-lay for "ttuwa. whore he will arrive about mum to-morrow to he the guest ot' Earl Grey. the 1lovermustlvueral. Mr. Noun Wrli no- tuunpanivd by his with and 1laughter. lmmlun, Jan. l7.~~IL is, expo-cud here that. thuugh Secretary Ram‘s vim to t)tynva, is 1lcwribed as private, it will have a tval political o1ttemMe. Both sides desire to clean thr shun. mid a high (-uluniul uffivinl to-day. and WI' have n-usvn to believe that this will be par- liallv accomplished before the: 'asissemitlinir, (f the Colonial Conierenee in April. The Three Left Penctanguishene in Saii- boat for Byng Inlet Nov. 27, and Never Reached Destination. A Penetanguihtw dt'spMelit There is little doulrt but that Mr. L. Cook. of Tiny township, and his two an”, Lharhs and William. have pvrinlml in the waters oi the (:vurgiuu Us): '1 he) Alberta Rancher Named Stockton Watt Badly Frozen. Cut4eod, Allrvria. Jan. :11.-Late last nn-ning a raneher named Thomas Stock- tnn loft town to return to his home, a few mum dimmt. He got separated from his horse, and wandered aimlessly alurut all night. The morning at day- lrrvak he managed to crawl on his hand" and knees to the house of a set- thw mum-d MeFarquhar, who found that both feet and legs were frozen to the knces, and one hand frozen above .hv wrist. The night was a cold one, the tlwrmonteter standing at about 25 llvgrt-v-l below zero. It ii foam! that the hand will have to be tttttpotted. That is the same man who about a year ago was injured by a. how». and who remained semi-conscious for nvarlv three weeksr.and has never en- titvly reéuvered from the effects of that accident. He is a married man, and has have a real political min-"me. Both sillvi desire to clean {hr 4490. mid a high (‘ulunizll offieial to-day. and WI' lune wusrn to bvlieve that this will be par- tially tteetttnplighed before the: ai"iettiltlingr (f the Colonial Conferonee in April. Mr. Hunt's plan was eomnutrrieatcd to the G'ovvvutuvnt by Sir..\1m'timer Durand in May. Canada has been consulted sine? then and has expressed a desire for an a,'.Teement. three <mall children A NIGHT ON THE PRAIRIE. THAW’S SISIER EACH SENT A FINGER. TO CLEAN SLATE. IN SCOTLAND. Sec- dieate that the fluorl will not watch swi- ous proportions. and the Mage may not rum-(l P..", fovt. The Allegheny River is falling at the head watt-rs. but the Mon- unguholn is still rising at all points. At Ilrownsville it has h'4 feet, of water ml the marks, and is rising two ineheg an hour. Pittglntrg, Jan 21: The rivers tttN' upain at n flood stage. ond with the Waltm' rising at the rate of two and n hull int-hm an hour, tlw danger line will pruhuhly he passed Ill-fore evening. Re- ports front up river points, lmm-wr, in- dicate that the fluml will not watch swi- ous proportions. mul the stage may not moved P.,", feet. The Allegheny River is falling at the head watt-rs. hut. the Mon- Elizabeth and Wm! Elizabeth ar" also partly inundated. )luny of the tvsidents rmminml up all night, prt-paring to leave thvir home, should the flood rum-h them. MANY PLACES IN PENNSYLVANIA IN DANGER. BLOWN I'Ruti CANNON MOROCCAN PREIENDER TORTURES MANY OF HIS FOLLOWERS. Tongiur, Jan. 21.- Thu reports iudivaie tbat 1:10 Moroeean pivtenfer's follower, am- humming: lukewarm in their adher- (‘llt'l' illlll that he has almndunvd his mili- tary and religious role. Many talvs of Lis cruelly nu- told. Those suspected of 1lis'lo.vult.v have lwon dragged to Zol- wun in chains mm tortured. Recently a suspert was blown to piece from a can- sladtcenqpraiit." It is to such pm that Mm. Pinkhlm molds out a. humping hand and extend. 1 cordial Invitation to corrupond with 'er. She u Jattghurdn-iror ot Lydia i. Pinkham and for ttrertty-ths m .m been ttIra lick Eamon it: at charlie. en upon mm [resting 'a,,,','l,U% who he! In“ of qtyieo 91_nntold “In. to and” A Manchu: and Triumphant Record of Victory Over Disease. Man's quuth mm AND mm MARKET PRAISE ' ': REPORTS. No medicine has ever effected as large I number of wonderful and aImost mar- vellous cures Is Psychins. It has had one continuous record of victories over disease es of the throat; chest, lungs and stomach. Where doctors have pronounced cases incurable from oonsumpti . and other wasting diseases, Psychi steps in and rescues numbeilea peo s‘ven from the very verge of the yum-4. Coughs, Colds, Catarrh. Bronchitis, Chills; llightSweau/, La Grippe, Pneumonia, ind other like troubles, all of which no forerunners of Consumption, ield q16cklr to the cura- tive powers of Robins. M rs. Campbell, one of the many cured, makes the following statement: Iconnoc refrain from telling Ill who mile! of my remarknhlo recovery With Psychine. in April, 1902, Icnughtu heavy cold which settled on my lungs and Tditllt led to consumption. Icou d not sleep, In: In Ject to night swung. my lung: were so diseased, my donor mnsidcrod me incurable. new. Mr. mainly Port Kirin Prohyteritrn Church. recommended Dr, Blotuttn's I'm-lune tome, when I was living m Ontario. After using Payvhine tor B short time I ate and slept well, the night sweat- nnd cough consul. M onthe ago I stopped aha: Psychine, u I was i'Wg',tS, rumored to health and 10-day I never all better in my lite. Psychlnc has been a god- send to me. In. “Du-w (Myrna. Cottonwood, N.W.T. PSYCHINE never disappoints. PSYCHIN E his no substitute. There is no other medicine “Just” good." At " dealers, Mer, and “.00 per halo. tt not write to M. T, l. SLOW", limited. IN [In $t. tr., mom Dr. Root's Kidney Pills are I sure and permanent cure for Rheumatism Bright's Disease, Pain In the Back Gil all formic! Kildney Trouble. Mc per box, at all dealers." alppetite. until life' is 'a btirden. All at tlyr?t symptoms point to a Asryngemeyt Among this class the symptoms of female diseases are early manifest by weak and achin backs, pain in the tower limbs emf lower part of the stomach. In consequence of frequent wetting of the feet, peg'iqu becope gain- tul add ir,att.iUii,12ij,'.qiji.ii,ii Gia are {gut "Griii.i'zrriaiii, with 195 of ot thc'xcfuale dmrni% iAiicii"aCG 39:11); and 1hf'p'l'i') cured by Lydia E. Pmkham’: Vegetable Compound. Mhe. Anna Robitaille. 78 rue & Francois Quebec, Quebec; tells whit AM great medveine did tor her. the Hum: war Arg. finkham P-" t'gttt'tigtii5 tttith vIt'aivh,i,n !g.i"l out t e ir his. "-4 q and she isgimen the cread-winner of the faxmly. Whether she 13 sick or well, whether it rains or shines, she' must go to her place of em- plnynwnt, perform the duties exacted of h.~r-smile and be agreeable. Mlle. Robltaillo Tells How Mrs. Pink- llam's Advice Helps Working Girls. PSYCHIIE allow, INVITATION ADDRESSED " WORKING GIRLS dverwnrk and long hours at the once. urv‘hor with a neglected cold, hrmgght on. :an surious female trouble until nally I nus Jumble .0 no to work. I then thought r" a friend who had taken Lidia E. Piitb mm 4 Veguahlo Cnmpmm when but walth was in the same condition that mine ms and straigbtwny lent out for . bottle. I finished that and took two more More really began toimprove but maths! my ‘PCOVCI'Y was very rapid mo I was soon roll and able to go track to work ugh. I mainly think your medicine lick .x:orpen worthy ot brake sud an inland triiiiUiidiii “sf-mu) é fr000S RISING. TORONTO _ Girla who work are Farticularly sum-epti sle to fed male disorders, es- tttlt those who am ob iged to stand on their feet from morning until night in stores or facto- “Whining: There is already some sign of reviving trade after the quietness m .thu holiday seam)". although the more- i ment is by no Int-ans heavy. The wcuatltvr [has been favorable, however. and retail stocks of winter lines have been moving :well. The wltolet,ule trade is quiet, al. , though a fair sorting trade is looked tor Boon. __ """“D - lawn ll' era], 3nd in most can: there in u 'LEC of adulation with the results of the year’s business " shown forth. Much trade movement in hardly due until “out the ad of the month, but pm.- poeh an Mud um. Hamilton: Trade is still quiet in tone, but travellers are getting out on their routes and some movement is expected to make itself felt shortly. Collections are fair to good. The demand for win. ter line- is suffering from the mild wen- ther. Won: Stock akin: hen Ian-n - E Toronto: Trade generally continuin- quiet. Spring orders for dry goods are still coming in freely and the outlook is for it very heavy business. Shipments are beginning to go forward. The gro- cery trade continues quiet. The leading feature of the market is the high firm- ness in rimmed goods, with stocks ot' fruits and vegetables light. Dried fruits continue firm. The hardware trade is holding fairly " ell and metals are active with prices firm. Colder Weather has now set in and u. better city and coun- try trade is expected. The wholesale sorting trade. too, may be expected to show a better tone by the end of the month. Money is coming forward fairly well. Hides are quiet with a firzu tone. Provisions are generally steady to firm with stocks o'. coin atorage eggs light. Wool ia still quiet. Hogs are very firm {tiltone and the market suppliel are hut. Vancouver and Victoria: Wholesale and retail business is moving fairly brisk. ly und collections from all points are reported as satisfactory. All lines or connnuditieu hold firm in value. Ihe lum- ber trade reports continued great activ- ity. It is generally stated in the trade that prices may again be expected to ad. Tnuee. Bradstreet’s Trade Review. Montreal: All lines of Witoltitiss Hale continue more or has quirt. Dry humus tucrehantts "re comnwnrmg tlu-ir ~”mug shipnwnls, and the outlook for the Undo continues bright. '1 he uardwatv triule 1-. good tor this (lino of the your and mum's Vt all dupurtnieuts hold firm. 1here is n a change in ihe iron and steel 'situation, Stocks of must liiws are light and prices tir.m. Local retail trade has continued quiet in character since the holiday». Country trade has also fallen off. Uol. luclium, limvovor, are showing the ro- aiilts of the good holiday trnde and are generally good. Country ictail trade is also quiet. Ottawa: Wholesale trade in quiet, but there is a fair retail business moving, notwithstanding the sonscm. Country trade has " quiet tone. (dilutions are generally satisfactory. Do., mixed, tou ... Straw, per ton .'. .. hoods- Alslke. fancy, bush Do., No. 1, bush. l)o.. No. 2, bush. Red clover, new ..1 Do., old ... ... .. Timothy. bush. ... Dressed hogs ... ... ERIE. new lald, doz. Butter, dairy ... ... New York 19etruit ... Toledo ... St. Louis . Minneapolis Duluth .. Quebec: No improvement is noticed in general trade over that of the preceding ueek. Itvtailers, as a rule, are quiet, which is usual after the holidays, the demand being for inunediate wants. Manufacturers, with a few exceptions, are fairly busy. . TORONTO LIVE SFOCK MARKET. Receipts of Ge, stock at the city market Is reputed by the “than since Tawny were 124 can. 1.92:3 culle. 2.33:9 11055. 1.5.; ' ... _-__-. ml. ”any“ Do., creamer-y ... ... Chickens, dressed, lb. q) Ducks, per m. ..' ... Turkeys. per Mt. ... .. Apples. per bbl. ... . Potatoes. per bush. ... Cabbage. per doz. ... ' Onions. per bag ... .., Bed. hindquuners ... Do,, torequarterts ... Do., choice, carcase Do., medium, carcase Mutton. par cwt. ... ... Veal, per cwt. .... . Lamb. per cm. ... ... Flour-Manitoba patent, $3.75. track, To. ronto; Ontario, 90 per cent. patents. $2.62 bid tor export; Manitoba patent, special brands, 84.50; strong bikers“, " WISNIPEG WHEAT MARKETS. Winnipeg-Futures closed yesterday: Jan. 72% bid, May 76m. July 7c. were “1 can. ngu _.-..-. -.-" - Btteen and lambs, with about 100 calves. The Quality at In: cattle was tar Iron: l in: slusmuory to the dealers m “nu owing,to me" being unnmmed. Trade was good all rwuu. with pri (Iran " Tuesway'tt quantum. isxporters-Prlces rinsed trout tt.60 to our cwt., and had there been when gum cattle doubtless they would have .014 mu '" Muller prices. Export bulls M $1.2. 8-2.) per cm. . h tl ' - . . , B-s., A an» TORONTO FARMERS MARKET. The snowstorm to-day iatertered with re- cexpu ot gram which are small. The only otteplnu were 200 bushels ot Darley, wmcu sold at 53 to 5c. 7 _ ,. Do.. goose. bust Oats. bush. ... . Barley. bush. ... Buckwheat. bush. May, “many, ton hay quiet and steady. with sales of 211 loads at 513 to 814.504 ton tor Mummy, and at. tlo to “I for mixed. Straw is nominal at $13 a tom Dressed hops are firm, with 113114 quoted at $9.50 to $3.75, and heavy at " to 85-h- Wheat, white. bush. ... ...$ " " ' " " Do., red, bush. ... ... ... 072 073 Do., Spring, DUIIL ... ..... 070 oar Do.. goose. bush. ... ..... 065 066 Oats. bush. ... ... ... ..... 040 000 Butchers-Prime picked lots, if such they could be called. sold a $4.50 to $4.N, and were were xew or them; good " $4.25 to 3440; medium, mixed with Lows, an 53.?” to “.15; common. $3.50 to 53.7.»; cows. 82..” to “.15; canners at $1 to $1.50. Miler: Cow-About " when com; and Scrum: sold at 80 to 858 etch. Trade was brink on account ot Montreal buyers on the market. ENE -Tas-srr. Harris wan paying $6.90 ltr selecus to-day and $6.65 for 115m; and tats, but reports prospect-s are tor lower prices this coming week. & LEADING W H EAT MARKETS FLOUR PRICES 1300 1000 1300 ' it such they , to $4.N, and od " tres", " cows. " 533‘" To; cows. a.» 900 035 030 Ott 011 013 030 075 00 " May " Isef quuilid bold new“! " $5.}; LO r tram " Ill scuecal 80;“ 79 'ds 76% 78% "iits 1000 1000 " 50 1150 073 000 066 000 040 030 032 OK, 180 ‘uly. J 82% 385: 80 50 a.) “in 78% MI a BREAKS EFFECTED A COMPLETE CURE. 1loehester. Jan. 21.- Sully w. Wer. den, sixty years old. was tonvnl dead on his couch in hie jewellery store 1omight. The man hud been (lend tuo Jays. Mis {no dogs were with him. one being close to his taco when the police burst m tho- door and discovered him. Iieart di,uutaie caused his death. The dogs were fam. ished. and jumped wildly about the when in their efforts to express their joy. Weis dvn minn- to Peochestes. when a young man. “is home was in Toronto or in a village near there. His relatives live there. He mu n jeweller and txidermist. nd did eonisiderlslo husimw. lle own, owned much property in the city. in. eluding the block in which his More and living room was situated. Kittie Lichen. a young woman who formerly ttso/ot" him in the store. and who did his mend. ing and other little triflon. will inherit all his property. His will. made out in In: favor, was found in his safe. u ""n‘ ' _.., criminntion of old nations again" Ann-r- icnn nwrchnndise, rmiprocal tarifi. tarif f relations with Canada, international ur- bitration and various other subjects were discuwvd by the delegates. Rem- lution, on these whim-ts were referred to eo'mmitteer, and will he voted upon t " marrow. The com ention will probably adjourn to-morruw. Will be lent the to In}; If!“ trom Rheum“... dt pay tho express (about 'lie.)--- 41-1.”; ?teirrtiGriie""ii'"tT. Mamas" [IVER AND monotsnon (Maura. 0nt..despnteh: Some of the companies already entered for the Earl Urey Cnumlian musical and dramatic :umpetitiml ht Ottawa on Jan. 28 are the University Dranmtic ('luh. Montreal: tirrick Club, Hamilton: St. Mary's Dra. nmtie Clulr, Halifax: Dranmtie Club. Witmipvpr, and the Margaret Eaton School of Literature. Toronto. The judges tet" ivttrul for the eompetitiou are: For the nmsieul numbers. George Whithefield ( !rtrrlwick. of the New England (innerva- tory of Mttsiv, Huston. Mass.: for the theatrical "otupetition, Mrs. George Riggs (better kuown as Kate Douglas Witarin). and Langton Elwyn Mitchell, the Ameri. can playwright. mmpotitinu at “(taunt the University Dramatic ( urrick Club, llmniltnn: Referred to Committee by U. of Trade Convention. CLUBS THAT HAVE ENTERED THE M; AND D. COMPETITION. (Maw. ont..dvspatt4c Fiome of the mmpanit-s already (um-ml for thy Earl (In-y Cututdian musivul and dramatic Sully W. Werden Found Dead at Rochester. Arrest of Charles Carter Near Sault Ste Marie. tln strength of u cirvnlnr describing " man wanted in Mnrylund for mur- der. He was picked up in a lumber catnip thirty miles from town.wheve ht. was Nt'1'tt by " constable who was Ivukinp; for "ridence of violation of tlw game laws. and who tviuemirered a de- scription in the circular rim-hm] by thv ttolice department. [Mil-o department. 1'artey answers the dvscription in al. must every particular. and the "My dit. ferenee in the mum. which he mum is Charles. though the circular in "Al." The murder was that of a rnilrnad minim-tul- named Thomas M. iteinhart. at "ortivsG Run. .\l of MAX Washington. Jan. 2].~Tho convention of Rational “mums of 'lriule lu-iugm elm-ted officers for the ensuing your. 'l'lw pureels punt, (me-cent letter Postage, dia- erimination of old nations against Amer- icnn merchandise, reciprocal tariff. tariff ___8_ct 7 .a. .. - A The liver rules the body. Bileanl rule the liver. "A sluggish liver in my case ivxl to constipation and imiigeu'em'.' "ay' Mrs. France! Greene, of Earl stnet. Kingston, Ont. “I felt dull 5nd .loepy, had no energy whatever tor work and every now and again I had a bad It- took of biliousni. The food I ate seem- ed to lie heavy on my stomach and did me no good. I had wind and cramp. in thy stomach and bowels from the food decomposing. The constipation wu no bad that my bowels had to be toreed " ouch passage. All kinds of medicines _ ' _.. ata ..-.. any hath“! tleoompnsmg. we \v.-.,..r..-.-_ bad that my bowels had to be forced " each passage. All kinds of medicine! I tried, but nothing did me my lusting good until I got Bileuna. I have never found anything to equal them!_They soon began to do me good and In the end oured me. Since using them [feel like it different womun. I am bright and buoyant in spirits, not dull ind ulm-py as I used to be. I have got my energy and activity back, and. in fact. all my ailments have yielded to Bilenns." llilmms are a purely herbal remedy and opt-rate gently on liver and stomach. Headache. constipation biliousnesa, piles, pains in the chest tk back, wind tmins and dir.zineo--a0 symptom- arise really from Goran cments of liver and Monmch, no that by correcting the root cause of these troubles, Blew: speedily end them all. This is surely beta-r than taking powdery for head. ache. hot drinks for wind pains and deal. ing with oaeh symptom piecemeal? All druggists and stores sell Bileans " liOe. per box, or obtainable from the Bilean Co., Toronto, upon receipt of price. 0 boxes fur $2.50. Write for free sample, A Saul! Ste. Marie dospatcll: C ('urtur. rulurml, Is under arrest In tht strength of u circular desc a mun wanted in Mnrvluml for tlow to Show Up In Emu. (New York Pro...) Httqretr-wtuat would you do it a man yo! . Mama Mu? sending a. one cent stamp Poareiir-iriGriGrt', mung Mtl". CANADIAN TARIFF DISCUSSED A noun 301’le or DR. MAOK’S RHEUMATIBM COMPOUND CHARGED WITH MURDER. How to Show ALONE WITH HIS DOGS FREE yluml. April is offered. Thill. GREY. “hi.“hr moo. A rem-Am al whiskers. I Ill-n called '. S. Board Charles BANK 13’st TOLD PRESIDENT w. tgt0lit Wu Then arrroaehed-iie qretsid See “Lita On"--' the Whit and We! Didn't Like to PM all SUMO“ Were Lulu With lata. Toronto despatch: Charles Maui". for met general mum-ever of th" (mum. Bank, was a spectator when Um (”Wu burn hearing w." Ic-ulllcd in tiw Pol" . Court this morning. k ... .. ,,,,II n..." of tlus “WV,” HAS IBEZZLID 850,000. W. J. MeGee, of Montreat, Treasurer of People's M. B. s., is Under Arrest. Mottttwi. Jan. 21. -Thcre is a young Montrealer short in his accounts to the extent of over $40000. William J. McGee. "puller of the People's Mutant Building Society. well. known in amateur spotting circles, in to-dny under nrrest. a sclf~mmosm~d thief, embezzler and forgot. mm.» commenced by deeming that he had been guilty of manipulating the book. of the society, cheques and notes. as a result of which he was enabled to handle a great deal of money, much of which had been lost by continued dab. Ming in attach. Ut w'izh man. his eyes. he not know the amount of h tions, but they will be elose “When!" "About two yen: ago.’ "How did question, mi "The President and l t there might be unwurr tion." D|a " VI...- . "We an): together frequently. ah thc branehea, nnd the General Mum was spoken of in a goncrnl way. " felt the renpousihility resting m: I " inspector, and Mr. Unckhurn President.” "What was the result'." " went to Mr. .‘IcGill and naked mm for ween to the books of the hunt omee." "wut did Mr. McGill reply?" “ska-J Mr. Carley. " ‘I will one the President.' or " w ill m to it later on,' was what Mr. Mei Mil Hid.” "Now, Mr. Caldwell, tvll me whit, Mr. Bic-Gill slid to yo" "To sum it up. he mid it attended to later on." "Did you inform Mr. Coeiclt "What did it amount tot" "About a million dollars." "Was the list true.'" “Yes, of what he claimed to Ittve. We knew nothing of the deficit. We had no ban-is in actual figures. and “e didn't wish to press our suripicious.. an We did not desire to injure the iaguttt. tion. There is a saying. you know, that you must not unspent the King." ' "What does that menu t" "That there should be eattfidrtwe in the general manager. The lint did allay our suspicious for a time. hat did nut remove them. We did not have tlto figures in the pong-union of tho trlorkse " the head office. " the cierk that made out the first false Caveman-Ht return had consulted me, the mm: would have been "ved." “Did President Cocklmru have tug:- um?" "What aroused your stupicimls of 1.'r. HAHN?" "Rumors." “Concerning his eharartert" "Yea, and that ho had the ticker microbe, hut u to the latter thy um? WII said of others, men high in the community. tlo. [new mm an " and“ Strange Fudnation Ite'et-Do-Weus. London. Jan. '21.-A numlw era have recently ondoavorm conviction by promising to I Canada. which seems to have tion for the ordinary erim corporal. of the Irish Gnu-d: regimental moneys. Ind tivke ad. when arm-0.1 mun-J Ilvu. "Who spoke about it first Bis Worship. al ’"~~--A-.AI "Van. MeGill knew that Mr. ' had authorized you to ittspvct books?" Mr. McGill had said?" "Yett." "Whent" "Next day. I think." "What did Mr. Cockburn my?" "That he would see Mr. 3Io,'iill." "What Inppened?" "Mr. McGill produced a “at of av-cur- ities he claimed to have. I terified the list." Again itskvd ngar‘ standing as a nun of Fell said that Mr. M “I have no res-on to think out figures we did not, tto selves justified in pressin pieion.' to represent the ctsUtte of , Nichollu. of Piriroro. kl richest woman in Canada. had been a prominent fina m... nu un- oramury crimiul. Two mnmrnl- of the Irish Guards, who stole rogimentnl moneys. had tickets for Can- ada when ttrmsrted yesterday. and a burglar when brought before the court mid h; had committed " crime with the heat of of imwtionl. wanting the wherewitlnl t., - ., "A“ . - Thu. In Go to Penitentiary for In- Ila-nut. Ottawa dance!“ The Hull Anoin- thin morning adjourned until the begin. ning of Much. but before adjournment Judge. Bt. Pierre Inna-ml n.. "M-a-, Ottawa (lo-patch: The Hull Alain. this morning adjourned until the begin. nlug of March. but before adjournment Judge St. Pierre ttre! the following “Memes: Jinn. clly, ',r,','tt'dett': love- ye-n; ’opoleon Roy, mm ugh - or, ten years; s'HryeitjFiiiiiiai',' in. ...o --- Mu» - _ - out, "rim .vekA.niiri tt_t'ghter, new. yum; about aaeaatt, than “at Gk this morning. Mr. It, B. Caldwell, now _ A - “I SUSPECIED mm. nu: cmmmns- neck summers " t" , Jun. M.--A number of offend. recently t'tyieavored to cube by promising to cmigratIlt'; Ink-la seems to have a inn-inn- the ordinpry criminal. Two So, their you are of PrtionTriiiiii, Ar go to Canada for a be unwarrnm did not. consider our in pressing our Ills {rim ' Hugh tgetdhGGudii. gaming Mr. Moliill‘n of wealth. Mr. Cttld. McGill wart thought. tate of the htte Mrs. hero. known as the t - mom, for.- get of the UIILII'IU ttor when the. (may enunwd in the Poltee Coekhura wh " he t" “laughed that . said he did his defile:- e on to $50,. Mr. Nichol“ teier. for British in 1906." wonld le Bpecu With new u air.k then ht M

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