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Durham Review (1897), 31 Jan 1907, p. 1

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" t9, a.“ .4503? pe" P" (,MWI F. Such ot nooe0. ?;'t?i, lgt Me, tus" .330! V Mlle , " tR, tuuttren ich we will " ttUWA. 91 W od annual ' and 'ton- l hardwood n " X ttoN ml hen orad 'mtt, 3 no" mu Chan.- . bullied“. DdMI‘V. " ;tttooa “that!!! l nve pro- ‘73 II""' - r‘ng on w. 5?, hank m . hen -. .rw. 66 cw ovtil are“ 'iiiii,iiEi'tgt I . Alt V in ”It. oaiticte con. a. 0 char tood - 'ntmd' ALE? {cont-l! ' u ft. Inn-or ._. 1tlt8' ),!.ic/li'i"s' in. 'e. m. e - rther P.” my Picnic”! Park, m'. " iorattroM.t “kt Yew“ icon Ir, . rleami. . lee -tsgge. front -e"tt :le W OB atre 10w!!! of Meet um and Imam patty “or 3mm sud [aroma Duly News gnu. and Dnil Globe.... .... In!!! and Woolly Gutter.. . . . . ‘BIVIEW and W. Mail & Empire. ,Blvllw and Western Advertiser In" and kaly Ghbc...... 01-” .IVwa and W. hi! & Empire. 01.75 as"!!! and Water!) Advertiser St.60 mm: and WerIIy Sun .. . .... 81-8) LIYIII' and Pam. Her & W Btar 31-75 3'on and Week! Wanna... 'l.60 It“!!! and Inn. deelly Herald-31.5 Review clubbing Oh. XXVIII, NO. 5 What is in a Name?, ' EVERYTHING. 1t,raigzgxg=tgggfigKgllglMlgllflldlllgtgr l Our reputation is made by the goods we sell XI land the values we give. Nothing we can say will so lil lfullv endorse our new lines for spring as seeing the g goods and making your own comparisons. M Take advantage of the reductions stock-taking brings you. We have too many winter goods in some departments and there'll be no let up in the ruthless price sacrificing until they're down to nor- mal conditions. We must get them in the more eas- ily counted commodity-cash. w Mum: CAPS, UNDERWEAR, UVEn£COATS for Men's Clothing and Furnishings $12 [ m $12 SUITS tor 10 It 7 and $8 " FLANNEL TOP SHIRTS iii) ttttiggt s19 _ i Cl, l wanted re al at Review o ce M A uwetimzo _ Ammintinn wi a ment Of the Tuesday evenir MI 'Pho Bahrain?! 'iiil, :53 tl,li SP El Wanted rent. -A piano. Apply ' at Reriewo e. E?, i,iji?:ti??, , Amertinuo he rey emperance ' Amociauinn will be held in the imae- t ment of the Methodist Church on I Tuesday evening. 5 February. I 1 The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper i mil he administered in the Methodist l Church on Sahbuh morning next. I The morning ~ervice will begin at 1030 Dr. Burl. vrialist in Dioeaxses of tin» Eve, Eur, He and throat. will u . " the mam“ Home. Durham, woirterdesy Feb. 6, Hu n to 4. Iilyrstw crsird and gusset' an lien. l Reeve Saunders M County Counvit I Wu appointed a member of the Fin- I aure and Assessment and. Co Phil» 1-- ' ty Cmmui‘tvrs. Mr Geo Binnie. is Yec 1 cppnimed (me of the County Auditors.V 1 Tho Bimini, Church Anniversary WIll be held on Sundny, 10 Fehruary i man. On Monday evening following I Rev D. J. keunedy, of Toronto. Will I: "" wk (milw subject “A Man's a mun i for ..' that." Tirer.xtaotive of the Reform Asm- cimiun hm avoided on calling the Annnul meeting of that body about the 2ist, of Felt. next. Further MV nnIIm-emenzs an to speakers. LW., will "ts made Inn-r, t: DURHAM, THURSDAY. JANUARY 31, DARLING’S FOR MT WATER BOTTLES. {W [311 Imam "ot. - Nance I: hereby given thet a dividend y. the rage of Twelve per cent. ?" mum upon up Capital Stock of this Institution has been declared or the Ityartf.)r 91.1ng 8th February next, and the - will be ble at --- " -- I‘M... An GA after Ilia]. no ills",' of t,'d mum upon the Capital bloc; on. unz- .....-.-_-__,, at the “an: ending Mth February next, and the name will be Page " the Banking Home in this City on and after prMar, the " of but next. _ The Transfer Books will be closed from the 18th to the 28th February. both days inclusive. Ttar order of the Board, h THE STANDARD BANK ascwma: Emacs PA o,uyue' . App}? id of the Methodist an At Home at Ibo" Edward ‘Bm-uett. Sr. 1195ng evening the ' Refreshmencs will Li ies uxfd " good we r dared. Every" DIVIDEND No. 65 unmet-I50 1873 This annual concert in “my. looked forward to with pleasurable antici- Patlou And this year was no exem- Lion. Daystwrore the event the We ot tickets assured the cnmmiltr- tl-M another sum-ass Was certain as far as attendance went. and the close of the eoneett gave abundant assurance that [it was equully asuccess as tar M ml. lent went. It was equally a Batu-us on the point of good order and toe perforuu't* privately assured tote cmnmiLtPo that seldom Ina they so ”mun-1v nnd anm't-t iatiV" an audience. OF CANADA nrdex-ly and appreriativo an audience. The (hum-ml past was also a. sue-ct» and though the expense Was high there wsll be a balance on me rignt side to the funds of the pruaperom Camp. Thia was Mrs Mclvor Craig's flrst ap- pearance in Dulhmu audit is safe to any. health and life prolonged, n, will t be her last. Her hvst nun-lu- “St es; to Bunnie Scotland" mpw‘ vated t udience us did " Bourie' Prince Char t " The pathos in "T h' Land o' the Leal Wit . Irly hmug'ut Mun. She has a fUvly culti ed Vow- at good Stugl- presence and ti r 31nd male in well as her musiml skill m " .ucrnumhers brought her hearty ru- cures. Mr Gillespie is also a. new mum- in Durham and uppeu-od to grad advan- 'age in "Hey Jorune Cope" hut even more so in his encore to it. tre even more so in his encore to it. ttel " rolling, howling " swing of it treing most melodious. The duelb by Mrs Craig and himself was excellently done and enjoyable, even though most. ofthe audience had heard it for ttf' .steenth time. "Wi' a hundred pm- ers," was splriledly rendered, but Frey) measures np to Jessie Mc") Luchlnn’s style, Mr Gillespie has a, tine voice under good control. but " an a little weak in his memorizmg Pipe Major Beaton as usual render- ed the very best lumping uxuaic. and more than the highland hearts were delighted. Ben Nevis Camp Concert Mu Newton was the skilled 1.3- l wmpaniat ot the evening and opened Part, 2 of the plugram with nu mum. mental "Bonnets of Bunnie Dundee' wuh variations of her own lumpumt- ion specially composed (or the ore-w. 'un. Ttse audience sateuvavrareu, and were Was no mistakmg the new” ea" kcure she vccewed. She respunul-d Wth "Bunnie boon." Brorderof the Board, t G. P. Wow: The hon of the occaslon Wu: undollu- tedly “Bhunuy Fax." Mr Fax has not been here for some time, but, years don't tell on him, and the genial soul. with his mirth promkmg hun- "' rolls the yems off bis audwuces. Lie [Is {composer too and mule than one 'iot his best tttits is his own cumpos'unn "I'll mat' mpg") tur mawl' " 0111- of, these. In he tyrytt,,tei1h'"', Sum-h thsuo, his head enclose m the mp‘ tlower ot gigantic size. Two (Imam mg blossoms ate held bv the stems 1nd look as if springing from we maiustalk this body). The mum-up I".' course bvistlea tornodauly all over ' and m color uud urrmngvment is quits \‘nutuml and must have taken u up it . deal of work to prepare. Mr Fan's .‘numhers, while highly llllmul‘uus, I' have running lhruugh must of Lin-m a l strum of hvnthy muml teaching, mu- :1 l ably m "Wearing u 810 hat". " "Mei,. f ' Ier's Medlev.” and in perhaps hm lusl p. l "only a. Working man." I'he elm: my tmo "Past i2 o'clock" was were not mw. but it was ( enjoyed. There's only one ira Lang Syne and Gad King closed a. ttne concert, MCLEOD --At F"rwell, Mich.. on F " nuv. 25 January. Mrs Angui Mn Laud. [Deceased was Mus Jude B'avk. only sister of Dr Mal, Biuet of Paige} and "f John A. Bhuk. Lit; of Durham DIED. ttesching, um- , har", " "MM... er-haw., Ills lust, l." I'he clrr, lug . was the only was Ihmuug‘ny Saw we 'ax. We are pleased to -t,,, able to pre. l sent the following pathetic letter. re- l rowed luau week by the Crawfond family. A melancholy interest - taches to the particulars of the lut struggle of our young mwnumm in the path of duty, and will add to the uympalhy felt tor me bereaved widow turtin.tt.stithd family. The "MM” men- mned is Mulcnlm Henderson. brother- ln law of the writer, Mrs Wm Ellis. who was Miss Fanny Keith, of Ezra-i I "will, I niece ot Mr Crawford‘u; tite "Will" is her hmMnd. Mr Crawford informs us he was at. the homestead where the sad mcudeut ocwurred, dur- ing Irsst summit-r. It. is 50 miles ti. W. of Butllvtnrd and he left there on tbe ih h duv of December last. not it ......uh lurfore his son's dealt), Here malls of viir%orrorttu Death 1 can scarcelv write nus and upset, hat. I y- D“ "W North Battle-lord. 4.15 p. m., Thursday. 17 Jan. '07 My Dear Uncle and Aunt, A Pathetic Letter. We just, m more a! 1 I). and poor Al ford. We If it»: “it to a tttey nan Iraunp-cu an“. .....i - snow and they bud human in and held them there. Alex Bowie is suing to look Mier the stock. Pete " nut, here yet, the trams Imw been blacked and l wry irlegnlnr. we wired him 10-day to mmw lf posstwiltlta and we wdl hold fun- lernrt till he comm Manual-rt, would l ' lo have hum here. Alex Wm- not, trozeu,jutt his Ines, the rest of his lmdy was all right and at." warm . ..,, .. ..... In... In Howev's. we t"//,"uiit"ii/ivrs use-1mg: poo: lite had fled. BI __:_|..| lute uuu llrru- Thr nxun we all right hut were pretty weak when may found them, they had Iraunpled them lines mu lite . . __ than 1......“- in nnd held iror,eit,just his luvs, the res: m 'E'" lmdy was all right and M.” warm oitett they got him to Howey's. we thiuk he "um, have died funny wotu.Y midfntlguv up WWI nu expo'"""'. but 1 "iuiure.dly ttevet kuow ju-t how it illupprh»d. Manna-I uill w-it.-- her- ; M-h nfwr she ueis m h'il: III we t'eroU- , ii'ilml.ju~u 2M pr't'rreul "e N in“ “I to T twrite, We are apart-rig u Inc-wage I ‘frmn Pen-rim}? unnule m "te uni-an- Iime We Will do all we can for - igarrt and Mae. and WilI melee-inn to l l nur-mgmuonts for the funeral. My hunt! aches for my pmir auntie [nun 1 sure- tthe mum be ieitiulv up e', uni III sunpo‘nw an long. I bet uh.“ IIIN I letter is a vviydlwnnnwwd nut-mauve l yet it will give ynn n A few particulars l and hope it will be a little cnusulnliml. Nuwl will close for min tin-v. Will I wtite yum ugnin Mter th" {um-ml with male parliculnrs. With budeet i love and sunpnlhy to all Your loving niece l Funny. l Mr meford has rneived " tele. l gram mating thttt hie F0" w“ buried in North Bull-10H! cm Band. y Janu- , my mm. W - -- All III! A - CARD OF THANKS. T . . We sincerely Hunk m“, mm" ,hesstranashajtraiyttroieBeet.tetlr,t',re friends tor their kind .9xprP-A8innl of by these kusest--Aher 25 dial d and: new I irympohy over the untimely death of " our Ion Alex. tdi',' :2?th to of w ream" Iue oaein!e . .. . $7... ferr at” which woman‘ ji,uCiLniaaitutoturaliehrm""u"'. A - " 3 " I - Witt for u! never repay: Application wat' undn'rfygngd tttll undii-muned 0:10 mq try. 1W7, for t e posit: of the Town of Plete Ms m “an?! a; 1907 MUNICII‘L NOTICE. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Lt Howey's ' Mrsth- i and did nil in her You Bee it WAR ulmmt , got out to her. It r who hyuugh; us tht wulNeceived 'g the no M 0"},th 7.7mm- rpamr unnlie [dun wrrihlv up e', "Id c. I bel ilk“ =|IN mime" led nut-mime t n A few punk-mun b a little cnusulnl ion. for thin time. Will nfter tho {mu-ml ulna. With kmdvut. & Mas. Gunman. a Trauma Wetland" of Int week from u” w , in the Town not“. ”a.-. ._-. 200 shareholderl ot the N. P. O. Um can-in 3:)". (over in numb-I'M but . "r. t noun v good all met in Toronto in Alumni letting. to h“. Jud wu- LTU' . Pt neeeiee the report of the you. opera- A., " J: O. A, 0.. ttttlt'. and a" imam. elect their once". he ii",":,',', winneu below show hi0 deeidm" t Thou who were Pt", J" M106 found Spring wheat-D Bdtte. 8 L Scott: a marked contrast thu tame. Under‘ Goons wheat-D Hamilton. R Bdtre, very ditterenreoodittont' was the meet.- ' L Scott. ine held. Shen there was a wmtry‘ Baete.v---Thor. Ondd, Wm smith. D blizzard ot indignation at the pmpus- I “Mltllltln. also! certain Directors to wave the! Lone white me-CE,"' Smith. David mill, and no dividend in alghl. mm the l HatMitou, John o Neiti. hultuy spling feeling that is aiuiul mm” white ".a w-Wm 8*va It . Huuullun. T GM“. froth the sunny old? of a 10 per cent di . . HIM-III. or m"mor--'the only spool- ividrnd pur ttttmt people Itt K0 ’d men esttsiuited was: not considered to humor and made thii yetv's ”Nip-HM! he worthy of a prize. . "W" “Manly stunmh l Htlmllwhim petot--D Edge. 8 Heath The great clue-"tut. on which the Blue petc-2nd, Wm Smith. future of the null seemed to hang was Tmmthy tseed-W Smith, R Edge. "fi' possession ct the Hanover M ll'l Flux Beed--2ttd, Thou Gndd. deposit. The Utreclm-s clusvd the deal Early wotoer-R trdgr, D Hamilton - mute tune my) on the _ ll wr ll Wm Smith, 1 basis t f 2 cm " A myqu on "very l we",'; P.oyuoe-D Hamilton, R Edge V Imrn'l of nmuufnclut'vd canto-m mu] ',. m thni,li. I "OOO " stuck rngut. now. Tit, puwh-l - -v --0 Bi----- t use Wm.- vsoficd my hat, weuue,,uay'r'i . . . . ,. 'nmt'tmg Mutt-1t uxmuitu "ruy and " l s o. Agriadtus Cl Society. y \only rests mm! with the G. P. R. (m i ..--- " makv the couuerttttn% I At tht. mmuul Mretinu " the above '. .. lhmn- he‘ll on the Irtt ie.. the Notwithstanding the reme of I,) Woods In! year out to the ttue asset in Wilder‘s la, he. it .Ippmu my predeut‘ umnngmuvm like the but um- predicts l exhaustion. Whether this he a.» In” not does not limiter no much nuw. tor the new supply is on all lnndu admit» ted no Ue ample and of wrod qnmliu y. ', I We have not teen privileged to are lthe nlntenwut so cannot. speak of 'he I1ututcets but there menus to be no doubt that tbere is abundant “Intel-ml on hand to gunman! the pa, menu. of the lust. dividend. 12-... It“. (lenient Annual Meeting The question of rmnunermum .u. President Mchlluunu under th hum yucca: has been ut'hleVed was conqu- ered, but uhiumtely (he unmnnl of compensation to be paid wasl n to the judgment of his fellow directors. (rho this should he hatndeounu wmlwnt L extravagance gown without, saying and /"l thts poiur ldens nmy ditrer. Under the cirrtuttsouteeg no otlter amuse could he looked for than that [the old Bantu should be rewlecLed. A ‘slightly increased amount was voted them for their services. Dr Pickeritttr lh. Hum)" Thus Alun w. thduer, sl Arthur' Allan Witt Lauder Jnhll H Hum-w J P Triton-d. " ll I I I _-- Old Board tt.1t1 l The Annual and Fair in connectbu ---. with the anwr’o human. - hold aesdn, ot In: week frottt Ili0 to in the Town Hall. Tundny tart. The wholden of the N. P. G. 00. tU,.l"d,T", fewer in 'i'iiiit't,rFtanot.ast . m. ml noma- v good with It",,':',,":' trt',',",,'.':'.':,',',',',',':,,.': *he Judgr was John Buchanan. . 8- ' pe .A., " the o. A, 0.. may}. ttt the - . . _ct, - .. an. , R. McFarlane R, Uortttuttte T Witel In J. U. Tall-uni " 9 1foremty l8 FEBRUARY Vi. lump, Lot Iitoi 12, (30! IT, Ex” rfb- fm ,,,tle "ll HI-wr d .tu H m k “mph-urn". Furor ur Fer ltr. n mm- rx‘vdit. 5 pm on coon! (arch-h an cred“ llllHMllIU petset'tre nu pmprlelnr i: louvnn Ii-I biz-Marl an“! G" ly 'out narelr-try "c " Stanis for Safety and Stability The Sovereign Bank of Canada. tsterestpaia4ti-r-s'i-D'eu ply is on MI “MN“ I'.'"'""; antim k-w Scarf. Jotttt rlrseu. tple and of wrod qunlu y. Hmmrm-v Director. Thmnuu Brixhnm. not teen privilvged to are ' Not 1'tytra..'.t"; Quid. “when lur- nt :0 cunnol. speak of 'tte ma Bott IP.. R Bather. u. there swim m be no . iurreret--mtuMott1aig. D Haun- . o" than. Honnrnry Director. Wm Allan. tttere ll abundant nutter-M ' . meneht-0 Edge. Wm Ritchie. Boll guarantee the pd) memo! Din. D tttt tireeowood. lieo. . Dtu.ham-Wmctuder, Hon. Dir., non of remuneration for w... Him-n. . Mchlluunu under " ttoat Auditors-C, [tonnage R Burner. "tr" exhumed Wttti cousttt- Set-y. It mid-ton. on account. of pr"- uuuualely (he mnnuul of burr ol other rmuloymrm. resigned ion to be paid waslh w '/,"i.,!yy.t1"? of tsecr.-Trm"itu.'t.r, It pm of his fellow ditectot'tr. L' Fivth mu elected to the position. 2Imn- rh‘dib. 5 "on CNN m» rrcuuh an credit IIIIIUIIIIIH. No nu pmprielnr i: luv-“g the S .. laun- [bu-trim fo, .1 eon-in- Sale Register g T. Dale Dr. Allan E G Brnughmn sk 14 Geo Theobald at 14 It. \icPaAu. An Dunno: . --- Are gout: to make 1907 the arm- " Durham tttul Mt. For- tet,-,',-,.'?,',',?":','")':?';',")';'? a): t the grout-ago? Itll',,"', tt bumper your with us bat u we now "". " b e tk "Te hue two scores, In can one much "m“K " the foiiowiutt .lurger quantities ot Goods thou baton nBy having in extra huge t,t"ttt imx No. 1. lit can get the Iowa: pun-i I who Mt. FUN“ and intend to give our customers bet T. Dale Let banning than ever thin you. We Dr. Allan have alrendv nude some verv bony B, y Bcoutgitto" purchases (If 8 Wm "are ot the hitthet ‘14 Geo Lheohuld " 14 quality and g t a "cry price on the RINK No. 2. ‘sulne. When you need t rhcls foie,',' l U I n , " R w stimuli:- l silverware. Watches block! " 11 w a Ben-an. " ll Rings, Jewelery. Spt-cmcl 3| RINK No. 3 t Eye Ghetmea. Wall Papers. , (it?! 3.3:: Books. Stationery a Fancy n. J AIL-mi Goods. China. etc. l tgtt"Uiael which the Blue pm ham: WM Tttttoth; war Mal Flux Be 'd the deal Early p " ll wrtl Wm Bmi ‘ on ”very Lute p, lawn! and I Wm Sud fhi- pul't'h-. "euntsuay'. l My and u, s o G. P. R. to 1 At thr tot t, of MI . l 2:33;“? lute asset in “OI; Pr} bur prudentE “wild" nu- predicts ‘1." Vce lid he a.» ot', _ . [2M1 rump: . u t qui mm. gulll'ml " Geo. Www" F Hnu‘hev D. J Alla]: as well as for $tr,vcl, Extraordan B I al “V... m - Platt,) of tho ts: Mac “I Uni-uh than: we are a w ”to I wonderful clubbing “can. We " and the Review»- Woody Club. to Jam I, mus for "I! Outi- " - This utter um hold good in: u named tune. Male- " - once. _-- - . ---- CHAS BAl-‘G'l I - up Pun-II! t4pelt. or motoor--'rtre only ord- men estititsited ms- not cumidered to he worvhy of a priu. sulunllwhiw pete-D Edge, 8 LBeott. Blue Peay-and, Wm 8mm). Timothy Bred-W Smith. R W. I Flu tgeed--2ttd, Thos and. "PM! iilitti'ifiitti: y.': Ces 'iiit'iiiir " l0 Wm. Au th" Annual Meetiotr of me IMVC may held an the 10m ill-IL. the fulkzwing uni-1w: 'ret'e rim-lad t lion. Pres -.Gtttem Edge. Prwldenl -Geo. Binnie. b" Vcr Prnidem-oc Firth. 2nd " -Huilh MrDoI’IIld DIRECTORS l l antim k-w Svnrf. John Pichon. l Huunnrm'v Director. Thmnnu Briuhnm. Not tttttttttr-- Thou Quid, Robert lur- l keeler's Two mammoth Stores Wsrham and Welland '" We can surprise you on the prlco. Wee n and will on" you mun" on even dullnr spent. here and intend to make the rum awn»! busier than ever Hus War. New (and! arriving daily now Our New Stock at Comie and Fancy Valentines is Imw nn display. Thee are comin- " a fine lot. Come nod to. men. R. B. Keeler & Seed Fair. l‘he prieo smashen, Durham and Welland “Show W :53 " C"3 a}

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