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Durham Review (1897), 31 Jan 1907, p. 2

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murmur. "SMB' n- 10, M- Abram and to It a m4 ortrurseartarr.-a. Gun enu- -."'" _ (vs. 1-3). I. ht---Thtts let the Bible ‘ story hns been n library ot the entire rue; but from this point to the close of Genesis n single fun, is brought - to prominent notiee, end the rat at the tribes ot men nre referred to only in- eidentnlly. The fully of Abram We nll their pro-inane in snered my. since through then the true religion In. perpetueted until the world vs- reedy for its wider di-eninntion ht the gospel period.--9xrnttt: The bully of Abram lived st Ur of the Chnldeee. “The ruins of this eiti, - “when, nre six miles west o the Euphratu. nenr when it iq eonneeted with the Tigris, shout I20 miles above its entrnnee into the Persian Gulf and l20 miles southenst of strrum."--fete It is probable that in Ahnln’s time the Persian Gull "netted nesrly to Ur. At the all of God Abram left Ur and moved up the ”hats to Hernn, In Mesopotamia, about 500 miles north of Ur. Here the {wily remnined until Terah. Ahrnm‘s ngled father, died. It ie more than prob n e that the legends express the truth that Abram wns driven may by persecu- tion. Believing in one God Umore then n - nbetreet doctrine. that tenth we. nntngonistic not only to idolatry, but to the immonlitiee and crimes which Souk! notion which would an: u... v", --'" , Thy heme trreat-HOo?"y honored and loud by multitude. of people. It in a remark-bio tut that who” no - up he: ever been so widely end no per- nunetly Goored.--Btyrh. A tgessirtte--- T By hie integrity. wisdom and hith his life bu been a greet blessing to the whole world for {our thou-and new. 3. That bless thee. ete.--Atrram'ts cause was to he Godh can». Thin in still true. in the use of the righteous - Sec IT. Chron' xvi. 9. In thee--- "rn thy poeterity. in the Meetinh who shall spring from thee." All the foul- itren-B' family is moot here. and ot- ten elsewhere, . people. or nation. re- garded as one great lamily demnded from at common Arent.--t'yttee!. Be hleswd‘Thin promise was fulfilled (l) in the benefits which the world he. re- ceived from the industry. wealth, genius and moralitv of the Jewish people; it!) in the benefits which have come to the world through the Scriptures. the law. the literature. the. religious spirit, one! particularly the monotheism of the He- brew people: and (3) in the Healing! whit-h have come to the world through tho Messiah who was 'Abruham’s seed." I -Todd. _ ll. Abraham journeys to Fansnn (vs. 4. 5). 4. Abram depsried---rTm obedience WM speedv nnd anhminnire. for "he went out. not knowing whither he went, but knowing whom he followed." Had Bpoks envnnd had not only commanded him to go. but had (iron him many precious Womb?! Abram stand, in history as the father of the faithful. He was. a, 7mm of great Inith. The greattse" of hip faith in seen bv the ditfieultits which t" overcome. I. He stood alone. 2. The Mammy would require self-denial. 3. _-_-_ _..... -u A W. , ___e.eeN- - . Many of the pmminen were Mar off. 4. Some of the promises seemed impossible of fulfilment. 5. He knew not whither ho was going. 6. He no doubt encoun- tered much opposition. Lot-Lot wan Abram's nephew. the lion of his brother Ham». mrkn---nomet1mes written Char- ran. 5. '%srai---"MY princess." thematic changed to ttnth, " princess”; that is, tFi n prince's for all nations and no longer In] Abram alone . Souls......gotten in Ttnrtut--Thirs may apply either to the persons who were employed in the ser- vice of Abram, or to the person- he had been the instrument in converting to the knowledge of the true God. Land of ca-n---, good land possessed by a bad tnt, who for their iniquities were to expelled. Bee Lev. xviii. 25. This "s, 'exponed. Bee Lev. mas. 25. This land It" made a type of the kingdom of God; and Abram loft his own country. “than”: house And kindred. and took at the command of God n journey to thin promised land; nor ceased till he n- rivod in it: so should we can aside mry weight, come out from the worker. at iniquity, not out for -t.U kingdo- of God. nor ever rest till we fetch the heavenly country. Into. . . . . .Clmn they eame---lt was the divine plan at the first that Abram should go to Our i an. and now, after several yun’ delay at Haram God calls him spin, and thin time Abram "when the had that had been selected an n home for himself an! 1tis descendants. C m. 'tttt , Ml (n. u). . ‘0 . Ind In. the 'tUI tmeat" the tmath, Pin. of t.eehem at. V.)- Be. Mn Emu DI] and W. M of Noni (R. T.F--V was My the odtthqt 01 thh od you in about... 1'Atnfu"ll' in“ - Ind no no... with. to 11‘ it 'tfig/lit eatis Attety.n .rsrgTrg 'S') . T 1e a gal gum, but gov two out!!!» his: 1. The M the land to Interfere " I passion. 2. There was s u in the had st jun m. time. its trials as well I. h' n: - ...- w. ”V,, not to be main“! that um, having pushed out f of circumshncu. finds It I may sailing; spin no q ed upon to encounter to stormy skies."--" H. M. peered --"In yin: way u ‘ ~4 _---.. nnfu i1 “Dy Ian-nu, 'Ne-" __'" - ed upon to encounter rough sex. end stormy skies."---" M. M. T. Lord ep- peered --"In what way this oppeertnco was made we know not; it was probably by the great easel of the covenant, Jesus. the Christ. Tho appearance, what- ever it was. perfectly unified Abram. and proved itself to be ouperneturnl and divine. It is worthy of "inark that Ate run is the first men to whom God is said to here shown himself Himself or appeared.” Will I tfwe-A?od we. deal- ing with Abram not in Hie privete and person-l upeeity merely, but with . view to personal interest; in future ages. An tutarL-The word which we render el- tar signifies properly e place for emeri- fiee. Altar some: from the htin elt’ue,‘ high or elevated, because plncee for MMV rifioe were generally either ruined very high or built on the tops of hills and mountains; hence they ere .lled high pluses in the Seriptum; but these were chiefly used for idolatroue purpoeee. By this solemn not of devotion Abram made en open profeuion of his religion, ee- tahliehed the worship of the true God and declared his faith in the promise. and declared his faith in the promise. ft. Beth-el-Twelve miles north of Jer- usalem. It was then culled Luz, and WM named Bethel try Jacob after his vision. See chip. xxviii. 19. Hsi---Bis tent was tritrhed between Bethel and mit Hai was five miles east. of Bethe]. Tent. . . . Atsr.-"Where Abram has a. tent. there named Bethel by Jacob after his vision; See chop. xxviii. to. Hsi--Wts tent was pitched between Bethel and Rai; Hui! mm five miles east of Bethel. Tent. . . . Altnr--"Where Abram has a. tent. there God must have an altar, at he well knows there is no Mety but under the divine protection. How few who build houses over think of the propriety 3nd neceseity of building an altar to their Maker.'" (lulled. otd.---The MM were “com- penied with payer. Very soon (v. in Abram went to Egypt because of the “mine in Gunmen. but in this he made . great mistake. "He was in the very - in which God had set him. and, evidently. he received no direction to leave it. True the famine was there. and moreover. Egypt was at hand. offering deliverance from pressure: still thepnth "st God’s 'errant was plain. It is better {to starve in (than. if it should be m. It"' to live in luxury in Egypt."--? ll. like Noah, Abram is the head of a new diapenution only the world is not taken from Abram, but Abram is sep- nnted from the world. God "called him alone” (In. 1i. 2). The people of the “great nation" (v. 2) of which he was to be tho founder (an to "dwell alone" m In Inc “nun-w: mu... -7 __ end “not be reckoned :mong the nations" 1 (Nun. xxiii. 9). Abram was called to A separation from his 'eoutttry," his "kind- red” end " his futher’s house." (v. l). He must lave his native land, the city where. he had been honored, the pastures when his floeu had fed. the friends» of hi. river yum. and the ancestral home. We have to do in the spirit what Abraham did in the letter. Nothing must stand between ul_und God. Separated un- iiHGGe shall be Fierce Storms Are Still Raging in the West. Midas Hat, Jun. $.-Medlclne “at ox- oeriett.cel tho worst ttti-t of the 'trrtrston " 'A'biiaEir6eee"ee,e - ., L“... a“: ”aura-fund the C. P. It. " um, um. an In consequence. Lrthtrrbdee, Alberta, January M.-- Tho Chinook ot the last two My: gave way " noon yesterday to a tierce storm, which has since bun ruin; continuously. covering: the range: with “V9131 inches of Imam Tho batmy Chinook Ind partially expound the gnu. but the rungs no now Iced. Trains on all “neg are reported several hours -,.A nu mam“ of ma cattle ll. ot course, wor Mt Horne breeders report no lossw an: none. as the horses can pa. to the tood. while horned stool use their muzzles. The various horses are 2211441 to be in "w Show are GiTeTfiik to a ty the has" no hem; Iverwu u; n... ....-... method of lemma: the wow on their feeding grounds with drags no that they can get. at the human. Tho winter ls utterly excep- tional for ooulberu Alberta. All report. available to-night indicate that the orareat storm in the tar west " the worst In the history ot the C. P. R. Dmnoritisntlott ot trams is almost complete beyond Moose Jaw. l, Constitution of Independent Order A:- cepted try the Government. l’ar'H. Jan. 28.-The Government has .lLuph-d the constitution of the cul- tural association, known as the “French Apuamlic Catholic church," or new Na- tiorral French Catholic. Church, organ- cwd under the leadership of Henri den Hum. who, in September last, attempt- ed to m-ganize the League of French tuthoiie, with the object of tttts altout the acceptance of the Church en astute separation law. The Abbe Roussin has been named 1paris'n priest of the chapel, near the H'lace de Clichy. formerly. belonging to l the expelled Barnnbit ttider, when the services will be opened. It will in in- - --. . n -17 wr-t-. 7"l\l|'l" Ive-I II‘ v »..V, _ ,, ture be called tii'i Church of the Holy Apostle. and Archbishop Vilatte of Texas, head of the Independent Catho- lie movement in America, who is now here, will lend his mid and authority temporarily to establish the spiritual jurisdiction of the new Church, and will ordain clergy end bishops, who will be elected by the parishioners. The Latin dogma and ritual will u retained by the new Church. Only the authority and the inhilibility of the Pope will be denied. 1". You: In York Cousin: Die To- gether by Amt. 18. was riot and may nun to-ny hv her cousin, Meyer Schwnrtx, aged 17, " his home in Broom street . sol-wart: then shot and killed himself. Notes kit 2i Schwartz indicate that the pair ante intoaraettodieto- gather. been.“ their punts objected to their untid- {about PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS New “get, En‘ESi GritGUi - Jfir' and be, but new tn -iettt1.t..t/ " 1. Th. ma-tte m in interfere nth bis ."flt of ' There was 3 seven- mine t jun thb time. “Faith his well a. nu maven. It is imagined that the man of , pushed out from the shore um. finds it :11 smooth and ; again am: agtin he in eat'" --fa.r. rnulh seal and NEW FRENCH CHURCH. FERCE BLIZZARD. A 80!ch PACT. --'-'-'-7-, arm; to a cermm mucus, nu. being averted by the ancient Ilnz the wow on their feeding, on no 1095a; and antie.'- urges can put their way ttorned stock can only The vnrloua bands oF to he in "an '.r-orrr" --r--r-. R. is badly tivd BP%hNT..-' "P"'""-e"' in the Mnnyunga district of the Congo Independent State show that Major Bol- land, with fiity men from Luiyi, was recently hard prosle by an insurgent force. Government two " under Lieut. Lateur were sent to tt.l?i'fll'Jrd', the nmjnr. but wore nmlmshed and lost several men. Th" lieuttonuitt, was saw-rely wounded. The From-h thatulser of Deputies to-! slay odopted the bill providing for the granting tite decree of (“Voter if either!“ vurty persists in a. suit for three years. It mm charged that ttw measure meantl lln- disintegration uf society. as it would I muku- Hm family tiv pravtieally dissolv-i nhln at win. I Aruirador Tower m-(lay presented tho Ameriean tariff commissioners, XII-ssrs'. North. Gerry and stout', by ap- lmintn-nu-ut. to Emperor William M Ber. lin, who mun-mm! with them informally nor an lmur. At it, twent-cout annual max-1mg: yrstt-rdzu' in New York tho- Auteriean Protective 'l'mift' Leap"' recorded itself in favor of n dual tariff "pl'lwidml that the minimum tariff “pun foreign pro- ducts shall at all tintts fully rt-prosvut tlu tliifvvenee in the rust of prodtwtion of all nations which dii,critttitrttte “gaunt tin "sport, of tin United 'Rtaten." Ifts. Galrella I‘movlu-r Ht‘tlkl'l', In:- nu n" the rhihln-n of It”. Lyman math” st,tep ot' llcttry Watrut Bvrchrer sad Ilay ia P. {whim cure for all those painiul :uivmus of women. lt will entirely mm the worst forms of Female Com- ploints, Inflammation and Ulceration, Fa'ling and "ttttei?",', and con- sequent. Spinal l' cable“, and is pecu- [im-ly_ wanted to the Changc of am It will sunSly cure ('ii'ci7'itiiiiGrn"Giariy Airs _ ot am- 'topment. That 1hearintpdown Feeling, It has cured more cues of Forum Weakness than any other remedy the world has ever known. It in dud infallible in such uses. It dissolv-egmd musing: pain, weight and headache, tsl namndy relieved and permanently and I ' its we. Under all dream. t acts in harmony with the female mtert. It damn-ts. Irregularity, lixpp‘mwd or gainful Periodl, gr“. o the Stowe , Pltgtgt Xcrvnus Prmtration, “who, ttSh Debility. Also Dizziness, Faintmu, - sxi,eme Lusitudé, "don'-" and ‘wantoto-he-left-alono” feeling, nit- tbility, irytftytitr, 111r,Pf11nf,ty ft “nun“ -""-"'".' ___, _ ""e . more, flatuhm , mehnchol 1 'blues," and ttgu'l'nrill'lhf adieationa of Funds Wuhan. .ennguncm ot thymus. __ For with E. Ankham's vegetable 1iotrpou.n.d. ad iieueu Ct aura the Vegan“. warm itetqelltdu,., ' Kidney, 09W??? rubella Burch-r Hiutkt ’Backache. FE Bt T , Ii?,-.,!,'.,?,!,,':)?,,.',)', vukrr, the Mat mum Wmher. l yin-Ming: 021%th or riett Bea-chow Stowe. died at ber home at, 1iartbrrd, Cotta., this "unaring. My: mm burn in Litehfield. Conn, .on Feb. 22, l 1822. She leaves two daughters. Mu, ' was well known an an tuivocate of Witttt. l en’s nuffl'ugc. (ww~ = . The executors of the estate (If Mur- nhull Fit-kl. ot' Chicago. yesterday filed in the Prolrate Court their inventory of thr estate. No "tstenwntt is giwn show- iug the present cash value of tlw soulf- ities. It is intpussilrlv. thevvfore. to make an accurate (‘stinmn- of the who of the (astute trom the inventory. but counsel bw the rxcrntwrs ploec tim total value of tls property dcscribed in thr inventoiy It was announced um Norm-can gunlmut Sidi F, run ushory during a Ivor hero. will probably “an The crow was saved. at .t/iis.ii0o.rm'o, Eightm-n shipwtwelirsl Japanese mum-u takL-u from the sinking Japanese whim-x- " Mayan“; Mum, alum, two numb-M mile: off tho Japanese coast. hare bevu landed ut Victoria, ll. C., by the ut'mnu-r Jylvus, which reached pm: from Linn-- pool via the trrieut. Thy voting in the h'eichstag rh-utium hcgun ur-day in t.lear. I'm-wing “oaths-r. limporor Wslliatn coiled on the Uhaucvl. lor, Prince um Hut-low. during the mum- ing. after which the Chancellor drew L.) tlu. pulling plum- nnd voted. 'rlwre was nu disorlrr anywhere. to day trasvcnitted to Congress its first “port on its investigation on (list-viz!)- icutions and monopolies under tue join? resolution of Conpues's of March 7, 1mm, known as the 'fiihtaattllillvspits rumm- tion. Attorrutr'tvnent1 Young 10-day began mandamus proceedings in the Surroun- (‘ourt. St. Palu, Minn.. to compo! tlc' St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Rail- road Co. to show cause why its churn-r should not be forfeited. The Kedah Post Office authoritiv, have a somewhat blunt way of putting things. Copies oi a Penning paper pm!- ed to a soscriber wore the otlu-r day returned marked, "Addressee lunged for murder."-Bangkok Times. Tho new Winnipeg city directory for 1907, which has just been issued, eni- mates the city's population at 136,953, and shows the great increase in growl!) in all departments. The number of business firms has iucrvnsed from 2,382 to 2,758. Chi" .Imtivu Fitzpatrick. of the Su- pl'l'lm‘ (“mutt of Canada, and Mrs. Fitro patrick, are in Washington upon the in. vitation of President and Mrs. Rouge. wk. to attend the dinner at the Whitr House twilight. in honor of tho U. ti Supreme Court. I miiiiiiit iGt titted sme- Senator R. A. ttg died mddenly At his home in Wu ugtcm. Avvruuling to a dispatch fmmGalu-s- tou, 'l'tecuts, the Gulf canstoil fields have dwrvamnl their production over 45 pvr cent. within the last week. because of Winnie disturham-t-H in Jamaica. The Windsor police were asked yester- duy by Thoma-1 stuly.. of Toronto. to wateh for his svventeetvyear-old daugh- ter. who had doped with Joseph Shield-i. It was learned later that the couple had left the train at London. The WHY-Stat? ('mnmoru- Comtui-i tion of Hon. Elihu Root. United State-x tiveretttry of State. was brought to an 0nd at Montreal this morning, when the party not out for New York, amid the adiens of a number of prominent Mont- roalers. who had helped to entertain the distinguished guests. Among these were. Lord strattteomt,Mr William Van Horne, and Principal Peterson, of McGill. Three trainmen were killed and one so seriously lnjured that he will die as the result of a freight train running over an embankment last night at Longdnk. W. Vn.. on the Baltimore & Ohio Ball- road. The moment In: tamed by spreading mils following n landslide. and the entire train of l4 can toppled over the river bank. The Canadian mi}: of sr_rtrkAfttpt" Word mu retired _a_t_DetIoit ' this flame _ "l or-day tlvat tite Sidi lil Turki. which a Iw-vnt. storm "our Lnnv " total "SSS, i513 tKA ‘MARKET ' REPORTS. Panning prices are as tom: mm. " to 16 lands. $125 to cob: lad carriage horses. " to $130 to $160: numbed pain cam :30 to $4.50: delivery horses. 1, los.. ws to $166: general pu:,.o urea harms. nm to 1.350 m. 1 draught horses. 1.330 to L750 1 tWP. serviceable “command x. to $80; serviwnble Manna-hand to 275. . Londotc--uersoy higher at 1055c to well-m; roman!" to ”he oer lb. London-The selection attend at the to.” one: to-dny mounted to 14.012 bubs. winv‘ can“! Min and the marines. ”no “'1 bred: were “I'll, but Interior and can"! trade- decimal 59d - the 099nm; moo. Superior. may merino:- were In “you de- mand tor Amerlu and medium “any wu taken by home and French buyqs. Secured any“ so!!! ot'hm rm. FLOUR PRICES. F1our--Mtu+ottty patent. 8.73. track. Ttt. ...“m. mum-lo. so per com. patents, ES'; roUtif." cum-lo. so yer cent. pileuu. bid tor upon; Hannah: pater“. a Manda. M.MP. strong baton“. " WINN'IPEG WHEAT HARKET. wuuturesr-ttttyrmr-rc.mttt1 youerdny 74c bid, May TNe, July 1Tuc. LEADING WHEAT MARKETS New York . Detroit ... Toledo ... St. Louis ' Alumna Duluth ... Beech“ of live stock at the city market u reported by the two runny: since Tues- dar were 121 car loads. composed of t.gtt cutie. l.828 hogs, 858 sheep and 11mm and 00 culvu. 'rii"i"Grautr ot m came as usual was not try my mans good. with a few excep- “out. -- _ A ..- _- ‘A‘ ,_-.IA llUl-u Trade. countering the quality or fat cattle was extraordinary good. Prices were ttrm tor Ell classes of {at Exporters-ie" were a few loads of ex- porters. which were bought " prices ranging trom “Jo tor light to $3.05 tor those at heavier weights. Export bum sold at $3.75 to 84.25 per cwt. More good exporters would have an“. Butchers-Prime ttie'ied lot. ot butcher: ot which there were few, sold at $4.50 to $4.70 nor an: loads of good at. 84.35 to 84.65: fair to good at u to $4.23: medium butchers‘ and good cowl at 83.40 to Fr, common cows at tMo to 83.25: yummy-s at ttM, to 81.75 per Trt. Peak-rs and tRouters-Two lo“- ot aim-k- en and light feeders. weighing from 755 to 925 tm.. were bought. by Harry Murby at $3 to $3.25 per on. Mile): Cove-The quality of milkrrsn and non-Inner: was not as good as the trade de- mands. but there was a good trade at prices ranging from :8 to FF? mph. V -iciiii"edihs-iA2rout iar calves sold ttt prim; ranging from 3.50 to $6.50 per mm. with prime new Ini)k-ttd calves worth, Wiper (an. Sheep and Lambr-'rtMr. run or sheep and limb: was not large. Export ewes sttld :.1 $4.30 to K, per out: cull: and rum. " te 84.23 per MIL: lambs of good to prime qual- ity at $6.60 to (I; cannon lambs at T, ttt $6 her "It. _' _ -. "iida-Uiiicctiyts were moderate. 18 om. Mr. Harris reports prices needy at $6.60 tor se- lect: and 88.35 for lights cud tats. TORONTO PATUMBRS' MARKET. The street market was very quiet today. Wheat firm. 100 bush-sis of PAH i-rlflug at 73 to mac. Barley. 200 bushels at ac. Oats tlrm, 400 bushel: telling a: 40 to 41a. One load ot buckwheat broutrltt ay. - - _ _ TistGw"G'aar/sea, three loads so ttll a ton, _ . . . "iits,v"in fair receipt, with tutieg of at In; to 814.50 a. ton tor timothy $10 to $12 for milted, _ _ Drencd hogs an unchanged. with Ugh (waged " $9.23 an 39.3.3, und heavy at all: to . Wheat. white. huh. ... .4073 to li: Do.. red, bush. ... ... ....- 073 ttt"P,, Do., Spring, bush. ... ... .. 070 000 Do., some. bush. ... ..... 06.". 066 0041. bush. ... ... ... ... 040 on Barley. bush. ... ... ... ... 054 056 Pequzh. ... ... ... ... ... 078 000 Hay. timothy. ton ... ..... 18 oo u 50 Do., mixed. {on ... ... .. straw. per ton ... ... ... t3eetia-- Alsiko. fancy. bun. ... Do., No. 1, bush. .r. Do., No. 2, bush. -_. . Red clover. new ... . Do., old ... ... .. ... Timothy. bush. ... ... Bree-ed hogs ... ... ... Elm. new laid, per doten Butter, dairy ... ... ... Do.. creamery ... .. Chickens. dressed ... Ducks. per lb. ... ... Turkeys. per m. ... .. Apples. per tml. ... ... Potatoes. bulb. ... .. Cabbage. per dozen ... Onions. per bag ... ... Beet. hindquarters ... Do.. tttrcttuttrterrs ... Do., medium. cares». Da.. thou-e. unease . Munon. per cm. ... Veal. per tort. ... ... Lamb. per cm. ... ... Bradshaw: Trade Review. I Montreal-The movement of wholc- l sale goods horn continues quiet, although i it is well up to the average for this bCR- I son of the year. Spring shipments on“ going forward well. Sorting trade in winter drygoode is beginning to open' up although this trade is yet quiet. Tal. ues generally hold firm. Stocks of oct- tons are Mill light and Canadian mills are working hard to catch up with or- den. The December busim‘u iv dry goods was the best in years and, Co judgc ‘from present oppeemnces, the spring trade is going to be equally as satie- Uetory. There is no change in the herd- were situation. Retail linen ere moving well and the market for metal: is fit ly active and firm. Groceries ere quiet with ten firm and the market almost bare of reisine 1nd eumntl. Sugar is steady " the recent decline. The retail trade of the city and surrounding coun- try hu shown more utivity during the put week and collection ere generally utinfectory. - - . . _ " - TORONTO TORONTO HORSE MARKET. nun; prices m as follows: Single M'S, " to " mm. 3125 to trw, duh ad carriage bones. " to 15.1 hunk. , tt60; matched pain carriage noises. , $4.50: delivery horses. mm to 1,200 Mr, to ttay. general puhuo4f and ex- humed. 1.200 to 1.350 ttm., $110 to $200: " harm. 1.3.10 to 1,759 lb... 8130.13 bu» u Vnncouver and Victoria: Gamers] We continues active for ua time of the year. The wholeule movement is light, but retail stocks are gain for all kinds at country produce are high Ind mov- ing an dancing tendency. Hogs are scarce and firm. The lack of Msor con- tinyet to ttPet piovincinl industries. BRITISH CATTLE t2uahee-Whoueaie tnde, u e rule, " quiet. Collection: in none qunrtem are reported B little mien Mullen re- port eountry rods in I. bevy condition which nukes movunelh Blow.' Batniltmr--'rhet tndo movement eon- than quiet but his preparation- u-e go- in forward for e qrrtug business. Quid" mun: has imam! the vol- ume of sorting olden unwind. Col- my”. "tfair lo good. " ottawn--T-eneri on the road report they are doing an “blunt buclncu on account of wring. ' trade ia about normal and than {a bat little complaint to be made reading collection. The "tatt demand in “My active thrrtttthoitt the unending con-(q. WOOL MARKET .'.y.iy.r.'.y.1. 315% LIVE STOCK MARKET and London cable! Bre Ithe per 1b.. dressed Beet is quoted " tbe MARKETS GM drieertt cram-c 18 00 10 00 600 8 75 u 3:. 900 900 1000 1E 81V: 010 011 150 065 030 075 77% July "tttt It G load: nnd a: Jun €40 SIS and m; "li my. we 000 " Ctt 1200 00) to m H In). Elm-aux cunts Pitts 04tt 012 012 013 " " 0 ,59 0 80 T 50 A norm! Woman's MMI Expat-igloo; There in m am.“ known to medial I “have which cause. - pain, gives Us! to mom oxetohedoesss, and ooh- we of all: it! oharm more anal-y than domt piles. The surest way to meaeee this stikuettt is to apply am-Pak, with}! oun- 1 ' . - _-tn...- hum r..,-. - divalent is to my 'am-NK, - oom- tains a combination ot sooth” baht! e.tioteb5 eompounded to - Mug, "more inofhmnmtion uni "in! the dia. Ito 00 9) “0 tended nuns. One of the most powerful ill-tutu of its cuortéve offeet on pile b reputed from \Wlitemouth, Man, by Mes. Win. “who. She up: "I am slid to re- port that lam-Bu}: in door me I wow dorm! ummmt of good. I had pile. “my iiiiiGriLitrat1roott?,! haeitlrteutlc. 'iiGiitttatrwttier1 “Mint new to do no any good, and I "tttered the most Home um. Amt other thig- I tried In ointment mde - dually for pile. and ret, mu.- ilii"itwanoged. ”may: -- . - K--. in but _il relief. iiFrotsJi/a.rrtfe5.'.t'Lr um 'e7titC'7iiri'isiiFcei1ireeatttt, relief. “unwanted men an!“ 'ti'7'aiT"itiii0,1mrsetuoto"'r Guotthetaouhie.'l 'diel,tit'%t,e21'd,';','u'iCl'l.e'ir u Wit. itGa.utoeotsotiu1ty' tuatiom mum, fetrtaMrqt, an. Por on“, burns, W. akmertte nice“. rimorm, new, ats.lp more, bese ”a, pimples, Mood poison, ruin. Milt, itch, hunter} rub, it is abnoiutdy with. out equal. A: an ombrooation' it is who good, and rubbed well over the part M. tmeted relieves rheumatism, minim, new “Mail, etc. __ ‘ - . I “A _-u IL....,nn,l- ""'1'ii'"aiiaw and states 'ell ararBuk at 50e I box. at obtained poat fun {nun Zam-Buk Oo., Toronto. upgn restirtt, of ilad 6 boxes for .250- atnmp for unmle box. IIACKED CONFERENCE HALL PIECES WITH HATCH“. Undergraduate: at umber: Univemty Artgered at Authorities for Refusing to Accept Stntutory Deduction in Ruthenian hump. Lolulwrg, ‘Austril, Jun. ML--- There were riotous awn-u at tite uulwnuy hcre yewtevdrty. whirl: wuultod in the amen of one hundred Mudettts Tity s'uldvntn' begatt de.tnoat,trattiukt uguin-t tin acziun of the University Board in refusing to accept me usnuti wtatutory d.ilartttiott made by the trtudettts nu muirieuthttiou in the the Rutlwninn lam- gunge and inpistiug that it v-h-Hlld lw “lack. in Polish. The 1iettsmstrtttion ennui-ted in (humi- iwiciag the roman-nu- hull. the sludvnh wing lunch-ts 1 ' Inn-ale up the t'ttrttttttr.', r'wmlz'licxs and unions uramuwnld. wrecking m: mire. hf (Lu "uivvrrstty and unwind alas, mun»; and pillaging: u wuumer " desks and lluu o:t.trcteu' Imm- ltrnt. in tho quxulmnglv. . Hr. Winn”, Sta-rotary of tho rut l\'rl'.dit_\‘.\'lnu sci-iuusly wounded lretetit' lun- police were called in to put a stop to the diacrders. The police mum-d u cordtttt around the university and ham WILL BE SCARCE AS FEW 1M)!!- GRANTS ARE 00111116. "/ovontrt, Jam M.- isperial.)-Up to tlu. trt-ttt time tho number of immi- pmnti who have arrived in this city Him-e the first of January is nearly two hundred less than ratm- over for the mum. period last year, awarding in I 'itotemettt made :0 your eorrtrxpottdeut by Mr. It. J. Tutt, immigration tttrent of tr." Ontario Govetattttcttt. When asked ttr-duty as to the outlook for this your ho rmmrkod that. with the exreedingiy at good such lu' year w: grant“ Private of Royal Candi“: Regiment in Toils at Mumford. "rcutiovil, Ont.. doapatrh: Lam night l mam) (‘unntaxhlc mum‘s Mouncc ar. rested a man named Thomas Remy. on Darling street, on a charge of dawning from Stanley Iurmeks, in Toronto. Be l |1illl| t _ \I|I”llIu|\, Hull-n- 'N o‘l‘r‘lll‘\ -. rested.“ man named Thomas Saxty. on! Medicine Iut, Haut. 2tk--The ll. N Darling street, on a charge of downing q w. M. P. are 'nakiatr . very deter., in-d. from Stanley Ban-uh, in Toronto. Be. leffurl to break up summing at l-erim. .- fore Squire Andrews all; morning Nasty I ullugr twenty miles east of new In.- stated that he belonged to the Royal a Hat. which cowtnuwherr, visit when lool, Canadian Regiment, nnd that he de. ing for trouble. Inspector Parker ha sex-ted some time ago. Me mid the mlli- I fined otte hoteikerper, J. M. Phillip-. $541 Cary clothes in Toronto, but knew where and "orsts' for ttltowt'tsg 'mtolitrp, ou they were and that he could get them. l l'wetttsed premises. and taking tt hand He, was remanded to jttil unti the Att. Autry, and Fred. Lebotutty, pro'- thermos at the barracks, who lave been nional. was fitted MN and ('0an , n notified of his arrest, arrive has to take , churned ot gambling “a living bv gain him to Toronto. lying. A somable in to be localm'. an &hirtr Can of Coat Arrived in Winnipeg _ to Relieve Situation. Winnipeg, Man., Jan. gg.---Tho fuel alumnae mutation in not so mute to- day, a number of dealers having receiv- ed a few can etch, no that halt-ton de. liveries cm he kept up for the next day or two. Thirty an which arrived yen- terduy just came in time, u had they ,been B day later the city would have been almost without coal. The milder wen- " tier, too, is hailed with delight by "err- tme. The city bu teem-ed an option on 500 cordn of slab. and 500 ton of ("NIL These will be and to but the civic building, III Will the he sold to elti. mo w are unbl- b new road In. clubs. A t . '. Winn”, tin-rotary of the rm- ‘ty, war, non-inusly wounded lwlui'l' police mu": called in to put a stop he discrdets The police termed u on around tine university and nvuk hundred Auden“ into custody. 'thc nil Nations then came to an end. WllD SIUDENIS. ESCAPED COAL FLUKE. DESERTER CAPTURED. fARM HELP useful for eon-h I unfi- re dumb! be University avas-Bak Was in) Paxton. of In York. On: of the mm SWchutc-m for Fania nate-tlee" Need of thc Work. Montreal deayateht The uixth nzx'iumi convention of the Young Wmuv " Christian Association qretsed thi, o' ternoon In the American l'msbym-Lp Church, with devotional exereises, iv. by Mrs. Steveuwn, Wot-President ..., Quebec, followed by an addrum by Mu. pe Kilguur, the Dominion Preluc. [on "A Spiritual Message." The "tron of the Dominion Cottuo was than gum. During the put three years; forty-five ntaocintioe" have ' vinited by the marks. Eight new M‘ have been organized, vie., t4trstford, Ska-brook, Berlin, Pm. and Tum-u, and Student Anwvmtiom m stucdociot Institute, “neipln; t'olutttitttttu 1arlc ' New Weumimster, B. C., and t'ruro Ily and School. _ At the request of local boards. twelw general, tour assistant and two Mur- trial woreturies have been recon-end- ed, bedded thee physical dim and one superintendent of . bond” hotuc, all of which have been and” ' An advance step aka-"1t tho in“ convention was the MM to the all {mm Japan, and the Odin]; Out, Mini A. C. Manda-nu. The World's Committee has appointed (hmdn’u rt'lr mautiw the National Secretary of the Young Women's Christian Associations of Julian. . Therm in Tokio for boarding homes to be enacted in the eo-ted, student centro- wu no um that Miss Mae. amid wu called on the oocaxinn of the world’s contentious. As a rank of this visit it is expend that Canada will provide u least two home-, comng we on. . A. P'rr H: vigi'éity associations are anfili.a'.-.1 with Dominion Council. ht m. u mam") of. over "oo young iorirlt'll. " More“; of nearly 2,000 sim-v K convention. An average of 300 3mm; men have lived in the union. il-s tion boarding homes during tlu. I year, not ta ing into lemuui Ilu. l! and! of taillight: owotntuodttttul. Peterhoeo' and Vancouver have 0:. new Ind commodious builllillgr. "l" ly eqluipped and adopted tc-r tlu. I of at ~round “mention work. Ill, Toma). London and St. Thomas pugeknsed buildings. Brantford hum I large extension. mum; h rlnu debt, Ind Mammal Ilm0~1 m. IN peg is to etqet A building thi. sprir a cost of $751!”. Ind H.nni!'w!z i, pivot-m engaged in I muupui;3n lot " wombullding. The pest'thlee yum- horc m-n gmwth in intelligent mum-q m , ivorld.wide movements mun-n; ~1".'.:-1 known as the World's Student 1 llll‘l Federation and In the (student N drum Movement for {ensign Inis-i- m. v both of which the camtdirttt l".“‘.x-L'| is affiliated. The tutemberdnip m m.- dent movement the put year my»: meted 1,400 young women. "hiri about M per cent. of the number of Juan attending college. The evening session was 1or,zeiy tended. " won presidi-d over by I Robert Julmnton. Do.. and nflm short addms by Principal Swing-s Presyhu-riln College. and Dr. “mu; St. Jame.“ Methodist Church. , Ruth Paxton gave the address ol priming ml "The Arhievement of “a! Century.” The mot-tings will mntimle on Fri. mid Kuhn-day. The attendance of ' patos is good, and great imam ilmwn if. STARVING CHINESE. HELP WANTED Pttrt KILLION QUARTER FAIISHING. New tork. Jan. 2R.- The A Bible Society has received the ins-lies“!!! from. it! use"! iy. "Notify all bonds that the Shy: Missionary Association of 27-1 mu urges upped for famine relief tin all the churches. A million and " l ter are naming. Many deatlu ul, though {he momlm’ suffering ml gun. General relief committee re'."' i=3 all interests in this pm of tl" u te in placing the work of rvlil lively in mi“! hands of mi aries. nluit . of the century t pry: m." ' mpmnmiveo of miniouany 1... met in New York yesterday in nu] to tttie eMrkgmm, and it was lr:. 1 umuimouuly recommended that cl.rsi-, societies And individuals be urgent') quested to contribute liberally pron-pay. northwest lento! Police Trying to Em! Up the Practice. charge» of gambling 1nd living by gum Ming. A constable in to be locum! an Erwin to hold the mom down. Wm " Gm Station Ar- "itpteb-dhrne Gals hunted. London. 0nt.. dumb: John D. (In vie, G. I'. R. WWI at (alum-w. appeal-u! this morning on the chttrsp' of robbing trunks. The Grad Trunk 'tttt1toeitire chin to have .videnoo um: he hu heel: systenuully rubbing twain. mtitre., ete., for a long mm. Four "tdeed and titty “luv wortle of ,et, have M been morn-ml. Cu hamrhdehsm'n . tuned ttttttt ln - mnnnded by - C ttue. Ft The “Unhinged Academy of Manic. with and D streets. It: tttf. by a? - My. 2. In were t. e hi b M M IATIOIAL COMMON OF Y. W. C. A. IN 835810]. GAMBLERS FIRED. 'tk--Ttre Am rim“: 1M In AND st itr tt “I thank you: 1ndyahip," 1 "Thee in no“ I requirt- ' but; “I, for my hppinm would b unjust to compo: Nt.. bidding ha in, ck retired trot), u a. outer lull my“ by 'uaothe: Vincent's roped: b tut ck would {um m" communion Ania Laura sari] 'nt the krone! is I can“ dutim tft" terview will be I I in “mun ties of that diff thrxtughot antique c thr cent: very ban (in. Re.e ark pro ttawisot a lunar and will m, n hr puny I nah u h was shown In new provide tire that," d In“ “marrow Indyerhip. storm in otherwis- The km: iota. to deft In ta than. dm tee tfurt ring to it ll Mini ' tetg I nun- M MOM and hulk fit half I fortunes. but TIM, ll bunt." laura The h at atudi pursue. My look intv the, M .u-h Crit m" m m wht said the l Am don-t glided attend lt T accumulation. Gothic window about lave "liar new the t brow, of de Ah "19"- ‘ .nd M bee l "I? eyes his I ered h N tben " H WI an kw wBr

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