West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 31 Jan 1907, p. 4

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,---- J: peering 2i1rTtes.te.'s “DIETHING NEW IN WAS. Also Wilbelm'x , gcmgmmmsxgmmmmmw 3}; Taylor & 00. Taylor 8000. g M We start New Dress Goods, New Ginghams, New Chambrays, New Vestings, New Whitewear, New Shirt'ings, New Prints, Laces (iy Embroideries mend Saving '" “'33:": gain. Glark. We cm give only a mere list of Ol Mr “Minty to the needs of Soutl Deering Barrows. Wilkinson ness, Palmerston Buggies. Re We will consider it a pleasure to show you these goods whether you buy or not. NEW GOODS FOR 1907 The best In their line F. MORLOCK the New Year by showing a very large rat ge of New Goods, including ring Machines. McClary Stoves for C Agent for the Dillon Hinge Stay Fence. mums Ji.inelvicairiaiia7 tTi-tSyria-i-dt Ayr. ash and One Price. 5311151 ftaran machinery. SEEKS: The Perrtttttetrtree11et1,t in the mere 1ist_of our goods. but In quality and needs of South Gray we are not excelled: , Wilkinson Ploughs, honefz’s Har- Buggies. Renowned article, fair plices ll 5 handle only the best. A tew doors South of the Middangh House. 'rak Big Goal or Wood Ideal The storm out wide "um ground Edge Hill Int Baobab being the 30m neon around here for some me. “in and Mn The: Bank: from o. Sound visited Mend: " Edge Hill last week. _ - Mr'lrh; Mom: from Owen Sound visited " his father’s. Mr Chu Moffat Sn. last. week. i'visTrili/rr, to hear that Mr Dan- iel Greenwood has been in poor health for the past couple at weeks. Miss Alice Moms: who has been visiting " her grandfathers for the last. two weeks, returned to Toronto last week. H Mr and Mrs Colin McArthur irom Markdale visited a: Mrs. Joseph Finn’s last week. Mr Samuel Edge who has been in the North West all summer came home hale and hearty. - m1?“ Thou Fith has-secured n posi- tion as clerk in an Ingersoll store. Miss Martha Eden Firth left last week for Owen Sound. Mr Jno Cam bell, of Swinton Park and his aunt. gin Jno Turnbull, La- tona, visited at Mr Don. McFayden’s last week. ii, Li Mrs J no Collier paid a vfsit last week to triends in Owen Bound. Reevn McArdle was at Owen Sound last week attending the County Coun- cil. He reports a good meeting ot 37 members ot good intelligence and al- though at times there were questions where the members differed, they were very agreeable and gentleman- ly to each other. Mr IIamAllen was home on Sun- day l M with his family from Durham Mr Geo. Cooker who moved from here 3 years ago, is here on a visit. Mr James Dundas of the Northwest and formerly a resident ot Egremont is visiting his many friends here. Messrs Peter McArthur and Ed De.. zell are working at an old stable. which will be converted into a store. They expect. to start about the middle of February. Neil McKechnic, Jn, is recovering ssloprly. _ -- n . , I , Mré A. II. Barnett and daughter have been under the doetor's care bat we are glad to say. are improving We have" had some cold weather lately bat sleighing is very good. The recent heavy Windstorm cans- ed much damage here, unrooting the barn of Mr John Garson blowing the cupolas and the doors off other barns and Caving in the well of Mr. Thos. Brown I Mr. Holmes. of Godcrich, recently visited his sister, Mrs. Jas. Tuck er, and untortunately missed each other at Holstein, on the night of his arrival. Mrs John S Garson is we hear fort- unately recovering from her recent attack of inflatnatory rheumatism. Mrs John Benton met with a severe accident by the cutter joking into a. hole striking her ribs against the railing of the rig, laying her off for a tewAdays." . . MN , " Messrs Hastie and Ferguson, (tho two Watts) returned on Saturday night from Owen Sound filled with new experiences. Dan McKelvey, of New Liskeard. visited his brother David and his father-in-law Mr Joe Moore and other triends one day last week. An error in last week's issue cre- dits Mr Geo. and Leslie Walsonaa supplying the music tor the I. o. F. rally at Drumore. It should have been Mr Geo Haw. We want to do Geordie justice. Another currection is the old time soiree at Amos with an admission tee, shauld be admission free Mr and Mrs Colin Montgomery re- turned from their wedding trip to Niagara and Buffalo last week and will visit Hampden friends belore leaving fer their western home. We are sorry to learn that Mn Thos Byers has been quite ill lately. Mr and Mrs E. McConnell are viait, ing at the Post Olfiee. Rev D. Campbell ot biooretield preached anniversary sermons here on Jan 13. Quite a number trom his old congregation at Knox came oat to hear him. Tho ten meeting on Mon- day evening and a. social on Wednes- day evening following were very successful. The Presbyterian choirs from Durham and Hanover supplied the masie for the teameeting. Quite a. number of the friend tt ngghborhogd of the mills 31:23: In " evemn at tn MrGeo Willis. tr e no” ot Mr and Mrs T. Wallace and . Adair spent Sundly with Mr 'et Mrs M. Mearns. Mr Theodore and- Miss Eleanor Lesson of Yarney spent anniversary Sunday with their sister Miss Mildred at. Mr Hugh Fultons and attended both services. ~er and w, P. Burns are under the weather Mpresent but we hope they willmn‘gecover. if iis, Lizzie Young of Owen Sound in arming but mother sud mm. Received too late for last week Edge l'lll. North Egremont II. Barnett and dapghter tiopeville. tiampderl 231 THE BUREAU REVIEW M Mrs Wedding Bells m ringing. Mr 3nd Mn Wm Bo co Sl',',', [at week visiting their angina. to Geo Twunloy of Glenelg. tiotGiuutanding the unto noun A week ago hut Sands, “out 40 of the Pro-interim: “tended Bwnment -iirru,, Brown bu neutered somewhat irom . severe and: of La Grippe. M Mia Arch McDougall and little girl have been waiting at the farmer’s home near Orillia for the put three weeks. gigs W Fulton, Mus Beeum od Miss O'Hara of Mulock Sundayed with Crawford friends, Miss Maggie Gray spent a couple of days visiting the White family the fore part of the week. The severe wmd storm which pas. eed over on Sunday did considerable damage to fences and old barns. The roof of Mr. Alex McLean‘s barn was blown off while Mr John McDougall‘s received quite a sliaklug,juet part of the. roof giving way. The Boyce family entertained " number of their friends a week ago last Friday evening. A very pleeeant evening was spent and all arrived home before the heavy ram. Next time Duncan intends taking a sleighload at people to a. party we would advise hint to start with a sleigh Instead of n cutter, and not haw to borrow one in order to conyey all passengers. Messrs iso Currie of Lamlash and Jim Foster of Lumsdon, Busk.. spent Sunday the guest, of Mr Harry Boyce. Mr. Robe. Twamley took home a load of furniture from Hanover tor hit new house one evening last week. Bob likes to have his home cosy. Mn Smith who has been ill at. lute daughters. Mrs J McDomld of Aber' dean, has teen worse thin last week. She is getting up in years Ind sick- ness holds a tight grip on the used. We hope she mll soon be feeling bet. ter and able to come home. Mr John Gray has bought the farm ofthe late Mr. Henry Firth of Edge Hill and intends to move there short- ly. John says he does not like mov- ing so he 15 going to settle down. Mr Geo Fisher and little son had a narrow escape the week before hurt, while driving across the railway track near Elmwood. He heard a train whistle, thinking it was the regular he looked south but it.heppened to be a special from the north and it struck the hind bob throwing the little boy off the seat. Glad to say there was no serious damage done. Reta Boyce has been seriously ill these last few as” but We hope under Dr Smith’s watchful eye that she will soon be all right again. Mr Gander was in Hanover a few days the beginning of hut week uten- ding the funeral of his little nephew. who slipped on the icy gnngway end died . few hours afterwards. . [0; MoARTHUR Discover what You want Shlrtings, Cottonades. Sheeting, Pillow Cotton, Dress Goods in plaids a check: 20.25e Apron Print and Gingham: . Dress Gingham: and liming Art luau“ & Chintz for comforters TOP trtmtrtl-rmtttynd navy in tex- "tiriiGt"iio tii we each. - smocks. tteeraliq, Bore and [on] Swarm-s in alumnus. Everyman: in FRESH 080038133. In this list. of New Spring Goods Crawford TORONTO _ C',r36Tsl5kl Mia late McDougall. of Durban. spent Sand” It home. Mr Dan McLenn. of Shnllow Luke. attended the funenl of but half broth. er, Alex McDonald. The Brat meeting at the County Conn. oil elect of the County of Grey we. held on Tuesday mot-noon. with I" the mom- beu in “tendon“. 87 in number. Af- ter they had Med their errrtifieat" end Mun their “In. Curls John Bother- ford took the choir and read 'he reg. ulntionn goyerniug the election of a. wu- den after which be announced his mm. ' . s'___, ".. Hm noel to receive nounueuone w: luv offioe. The nominations were " follows; Mr R. J. Ball, nominated by Mr Preston Mr Andrew Schenk nominated by Mr Hessian: Rom Agnew nominated y Mr Eaton: end Mr B. Pedwell nonmem- ed by Mr McNipht. On the firat vote Mr Pedwell got 14 votes. Mr Bell 9, Mr Schenk 9, end Mr 0n the votes. Mr T Agnew 8. Mr Ago"! having withdrawn, the second vote stood, Falwell IT, Ball 9 and Schenk 9. Mr Schenk than withdrew, and the third vote wu taken, which we.- final. Mr Pedrorllretseivtstg lg votes and Mr Ball 16. The clerk uberefore duel-red Mr Pedwell duly elected warden for 1907 and that gentleman was escorted to the chair by Messrs MoNight Ind Stephenson. The Worden elect express- ed his thanks for the honor conferred on him and took the declaration of ofhee u warden. After reading the minutes of last meet. ing of November session. which were signed by the warden, the clerk read I budget of communications and coconut. among which were a claim from Clinton High School tor maintenance. awh- - . " . ___-.---,. " tum..- “I‘ll ”vulva. -V. - cations from A. F. Armstrong. G. Binnie and Thou Wallace of Varney tor the position of Co Auditor. lemurs trout "NeiiMeCaunelin reference to Pricevillo bridge he. Messrs Preston, Stephmaon. D. Sinc. lair. Schenk. I'attortsou, Bell. McKnight and Leslie were uppomied it striking committee. _ Wedneedev morning Warden Ped. well made a. brief inaugural address, in which he thanked the council for s. lecting him to the wsrdenslsip, end ex'- pressed the hope that they would give him all assistance in fultihue the duties of the offlee. He felt that he would re- quire their help and he thought also that he could hespenk it let himself judging from the pleuaiit expression on their faces. He could not refer ul any length to the bneiueee which might come before the council during the year. tV lunch of it was not yet in night. but hoped it would be transacted in 9. her- monions manner. He lnliy appreciated the honor uhiehhad been conferred on himself and also on the municipality he represented by his election as Warden. The clerk's budget was an unusually Imall one tor this stage of the session and consisted of I few account-1 and ap- plicationa from Messrs G'. M, Franklm of o. Sound and Jas S. Rows of Mark- dale, to be appointed county auditors. Mr D. K. Proston presented report of “In Special Committee. appointed to strike the Standing Committee: for the year. The repute recommended as tol'sowtt; Finance and cutsttneniv--Megsrt, Muir, MeNitrltol,MeKnigut; Duncan. Hastie, Erskine, McFadden. Hampton, Elliott, Scheuk. Preston. McAldle. McClelland, Patterson, bnuolairt(i9. H.) McDonald. Hurriaon. Saunders, Agnew, Ball, Steph- enson, Sinolnir (J)., And). Bonds and Bridge-Messrs Erskine, Lethe, Hastie. Goldsmith. McClelland. Norman, Notice. Eaton, Mendez. Dods- worth, Johnston, Hampton, Fulford. County property --Mesrsrs Legute. Agnew, Saunders, Duncan, Ellunt, Ellis, Sinclnir. J., Ball, McDonam. Norman. Leslie. Patterson. MaArdu. Eduaatmn.-Mossrs Ball, Preston. Airtb, Logute. Goldomith. Eaton, Stophenwn. Morice, Harrison, Jie. Nicbol, Muir. Printiru.--Mescs Schenk. Ferguson. McMillan. Ball. Sinclair D. H.. Ellis. Dudsworth, Legate. Eaton, Fulfonl, Manddcu. Communications and Metnoriahs.--. Messrs Agnew, Johnnou. Ferguson. McMillan. McKnight. McFadden, PM. terrors, Manda, McDonald. House of Befuge-hiessrs Stephen- son. Preston and the warden. Wardon's com nuttee.--Messrs Agnew, Ball sud Prouod. This report wessdcpted and then the warden called off the names of each committee whereupon the members as muued retired into the Judge’s room and elected their chairman. While this wee going on a. little incident oe. cured. From the Judge's room came the snuonncement that they could not agree. as they were divided six against eix. It was found that the committee should consiet of eleven members, but the twellth man had mietnken tut. nother name for his own. they being somewhae. similar. When he left the goons, ndeeiaicn was soon mule no to i the chairman of the eommittee. l A report of the Home of Refuge Committee left over from lest you we: eleo mounted by m neeion, who with in Bell, no the only two mem- here who survive from the council of lest yeer. at Preston bad theiefore e great deal of expleueiion to give in con- ueeuon with different items in the to. port. which wee wandered in com- ‘nmhe with If Bell in the oheir. Ae- "eoente lot applies to the home . "tatMdtmfdft+ttmttstttrt " in Preston was elected chairing ot Finance and Assessment: Mt Oakland”: chairman ot Bud: und Bridger, It Leslie chum“ of County Property, In Ball chairman of 1lldutmtiott; It Schonk. chuirmln of Printing: It Agnew, chnirmnu of Communientiona And memorials, and It Stephenuon chairman of the Home of Refuge oom- mince. "Illllu lav -..--"--" receive nominations for the County Council of Durham, Whether you want a 2 or 3 seated Bob-a Speeder--a Fancy Sleigh-or an all-round servicable one-tNotes make them all -and we sell them. Just tell us which style is needed. We will show it to you and give you some mighty con- vincing reasons why you ought to buy . u TUDHOPE SLEIGH BARCLAY 8. BELL, Durham HARDWARE . Customers say it is a pleasure to deal in B store where you can get everything you require. In Sleigh Bells you can get all kinds such as Saddle Chimes, Shaft Gongs, Back Chimes, Full Body Strings. Half strings and Open Bells. We can show you the greatest variety of Skates that is to be found in any More in South Grey, ranging in price from 40c to $5 per pair. Have you seen our assert: ment at Hand sleight; at dif- ferent prices ? Make your boys happy by buying them one. Only one Toboggan left in stock. Who will be the lucky buyer at a reduced pee ? In Stoves and Ranges we excel. Our " Penn Esther " Ranges eclipse all others. Some betting stoves still go- ing at the low price. 5,000 farmers wanted at once to buy a. pound of assor- ted screws at IN per lb 333EEGZ . g , H Mr, C T _ n ; "?.1'. ')irr, : Briiti?., We are Iole Agents in Duhnm hr the than well known 1tttplpptettts--- Binders. Mowers. Drills' Hal-rows. Dine Cultivators. Mnnnre Spreaders. Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders. Hay Ted. ders. Ihuey-Hu‘rh Cream Separntors The Massey-Harris Go. Prawn Stool 1min. Siam Sowing Inhines. Walkorton labia Works. The Doll Oran t Piano Go., Chum and Washing lacuna. dranttord, 'troeltvttie,tlrsr Carries THE? BIG McQueen & Morice ef 9ry_-r9iqrt.Trt qtiherr, 99.93" "Hoi'-............-, 1,B'icit ct.fttt Vacuum...“ Ill-d I.» each 'rt"'" B--.......... 1.7.“ I.“ urn l'get.'h"a"AtraN..".'.t.tT..t'..5'.tr,rt on f=T,'dr, qt...........,....- earl. 1 -ttn_..-..........oteeacit mama.” -ortotde.....'2ae a 1'ii'itlii'il'th1tdltl.rl '.'.'.".t;.?'.'lily/1 ’MWA A but In 'tttvrtttity- "itttgtesrtI1-uaerPtt_t8oaer on ities; "'iiftiriteiigcdi W" __ East ara Faia iii III Melt- an 'rt8tl'btlllu'd dert6Ntietgt.tttnt will not In. Mt. Cali and see Ill before buying eluwhere. Jun was: ot the Middangh Hone. Men's and Boys' Clothing, Ladies' Fur Coats Men's Fur Coats Fur Caps Ladies' Skirts Bargains in We're also Agents for at Orant's :7:..:::. J." . I . 3.15 "in: ............- ”cyan tJnitUeN Block VEHEA P fe 331d "A: in: W AI H Who JAN. 31 " D DAR m: LKLL TI

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