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Durham Review (1897), 31 Jan 1907, p. 5

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tor {xii 94 NM. or Block pertain ors rs. c nth knell ”this naive aistg- tt [on SAP fa' atees " out: each cub F F . h, WA. Remember the place----- l k, Lamunee‘s old Stand KRESS, Has " full line of Curtain Nies, Window Shades, Picture Frame. I’m-4mm to order of " kinds. t, We are having an upholster- tr the tirst week in every month. Auyotr" wishing old Roodn reno- voted to look good as new should uh HP Imuwe will he pleased to One JAN. tn, 1907 ttl Who Said Sick Room Supplies (“ABS 1coir'i'ili Shoes i; auaanue. Slippers in various sizes wr youu;,' or uld-r'xcn or poor in fact. Oar Suck of Slippers was never 30 nice as they are this season. Leg- :mgs m Laminar waterproof duck for Men andBays, in Jersey and Curd Jx'oy ttn. andrcu and Jerssy tor indies and Misses. A large assortment oi Mitts anti. Ill/Tet 'At','),',,",', th, angst): Vat;') quail»; 1xpttfdered. Also afew les fr1hotl".Uf.',U. est-u mum w Look in our North Window, and see the best line of ever shown in town DARLINGS, The People's Druggists II i3 in w a large spelt yummy _k'tryu suitabje tor U'U. ulcritv geitrieeipe Mia‘s s and Cu ren in DARLING’S DRUG STORE Cty n v l' uxLuuuu uuu yuan] w- uw..-a a"... -e-""-_" - we assortment oi Mitts and Gloves 'At','),',,",', that cunns‘be quaiw amt-red. Also a few lines ot omen; for Men. T om- s s and al ren in black only. Many other things bat space " allow naming them. Call and see for yourself and examine His and prices. --- - A -m- HOT WATER BAGS, GAUZES, F UNTAIN SYRINGES, EANDAGES & COTTONS, Undertaker 5M1 E FARMERS’ GEN TEAL Mlllllll FIRE lllalllllili (N?llll The suongutpurgf Mutual Flre humane Co. in Ont-Ho. A mo without tumullol and Bltut mud for hone“ efforts. caged and lawn-and by the Government: insures madame m {an groper" upon the hunt known plum. 8 or 1 you Manet policies Issued on the annua minimum or ',',,ufdht',',',',h"o' system under the axon tumble con tions to the insured. Insure in the but. H your humane: uylresthis you. can on, or drop . cud to NEIL IeCANNEL. Agent, Durham Nowis the Time To Buy Rubbers Head once t Walkerlon, Ont. . MCILRAITH'; the present weather. in various sizes for ( Dear PrieuO,-- I i As you did me the banana and Elbe to Guelph Convention I Would like to tell you nomething of when I sew and heard. We went down on :Tneeday, Dee, 11. reached the City snail where we found Missal miller and Mnddoeh in charge. Who were ' very busy sending delegates to their 's lodging: tor the time of (air. After being introduced to Mr Put- man and receiving tickets for Winter Fair in we atterttoott, we took a “reel. car for college. saw through McDon- ald Institute, Museum and Concern- wries where the fiowtsrg were very beautiful. Report of Women’s Institute Meetings By Mrs. D. IcCrio One thing I noticed in connection with the Poultry buildings was how cold they were kept. The math door. and windows seemed to be all open in marked contrast to the Dairy buildings which We next visited where it was very warm clean and comfortable. Holsten cow ina box stall had a record printed on the door, of 96 lbs ot milk per day and 103lbsot‘ butter in a month. After," iusptcung cows and creamery we walked back to the city to see the stores which were beautiful. After tea we went to Winter Fair and saw more fowl than I had ever eeen belore, trom the largest bronze turkey tothe tiny pigeoneend port- ridge, altogether 4000 on exhibition. Then we went to hear the addres- 93 on poultry, presided over by Hon. Then we went to bear the mare-- " nu poultry, presided over by Hon. Nelson Montoith. Wednesday morning found Mrs. Rogers, (Holstein delegate) and my- selt'ulong with a. very enthusiastic throng at Massey Hall, o A C. Alter singing gati'onnl Anthea“) and prayer _ " ----- . A unnIIinD rp... selt'uloug with a very enluuulaus. throng at Massey Hall, o A C. Alter singing National Anthem and prayer by Rev Dr Bethune, the upening re- marks and welcome was given by lion Nelson Monteith and replied to bv MISS Agnes Smith. Hamilton, on behalf of the delegates. A review of the year's work was I'; given by Mr Putnam whose personal ' magnetism, alertness and evident tbl conviction of the importance ot the p1 work, gave everyone the opinion , that he was the right man in the 'l right place. He reamed that the , home, the human element on the 'l; tat-in should not occupy a second l place to the crops or Stock. Mr. Pat. num was very optimistic in regard " tothe work which the Women's In. a smote is doing and is capable ot ", doing in the making ot happy, homes. tle Mei-red to the lact that there are : enthusiastic Institutes holding month- t l?, meetings in Rainy River, Thand. l .er Bar and Temisknming and urged l ( wrakt.'l' struggling societies not to be l discouraged. During the pasr. year t the growth has been encouraging; at the end of Jane there Were 10,500 members. In planning for the work l he suggested that prirtis be giv on tor ', a special exhibit, either with the , Institute meetings or full fairs. It might take the iorm of either flower' Vegetables or baking. A special ef tort should be made to interest the \girls in the work, asits successde- pends much on the enthusiasm M the ‘memhcrs and effieieney ot oliicers. l The next speaker was Prof. Haves I assistant See. of Agriculture at Wash- i ingwu. He emphasized the need tor ' a more practical education for Women {and hoped the consolidated schools supplemented tw the Agricultural College, for both boys and girls, also I our rural school teachers and home- i makers make an aim to interest the children in the farm home. In the alternoon Dr. Hodxctts, 1 Health Inspector. addressed an over- tlowing meeting on “Prevention and Treatment of Tuberculosis." There wasa difference between that and consumption. He related the idea that the, streets swarm with tubercle bacilli which cannot live long out ot doors. He recommended sunshine. breathing pure lresh air, eating sub- l stantial and nourishing food such as miik,egg's meat and all that could be thoroughly digested. This ad- dress Was followed by a discussion led by Miss Rim, in which the ladies _ _ . . . w__s'., " aihthur mun. tthh a unuu- an... _.._ -- be thoroughly digested. This ad- dress was followed by a. discussion led by Miss Rim, in which the ladies signified their intention of fighting consumption and a resolution was adopted that the convention desired to express their sympathy and make application for "affiliation with the Association. 'iiasahan lil, Momma noticed in connecpon WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS THIS SPACE w w‘ ”Labor Suing Ihsvitte" by nu- . Wat-on of IeDoneld Inuitute proved ' “interesting. The lint ecmomy ', chime in e mud bode endllnot altar-11v gilted with each a body we should do all in our power toeheek I ! downward team. Good habit: l thould bectliltlvnd it? the banned: lueedproperya tttl etc O' this sanding on the be le of our feet rather than our heele eleo sitting on the end ofonr backbone rather then the middle at it, The women who‘ gram and thinks the is monoud (orl house work is likely to have a hard time. Ifthe housekeeper would tum homo! her work with the some vim that the pleyer does his game it would be much easier. Alec weed out all nonessential and apply temp- ennce to home furnishing. l ‘lwu' - - _..- -- - " home work is likely to have a herd ”" "f""“' . . “me. If“. housekeeper would “K. Ire Shuttleworth web on Dianna hold cl her work with the who vim “d tsaid '" tsttottid "u" Pte,' . 't" that the pleyer doe hie cums is ktndiy "shes w" m '" “m" bew wouldhe much mi”. Alla mred friende. In ohm-hing do not hove an on: all melamine end apply lemp- mu“ 't,ot21 t,'t ted,',',',' $3323. "stun roar " ON tsratteerto1tmtstt furnishing. Have ore-m tel: ebonh M. degreeliu Furniture lhonld'be pluln and Well summer null higher in winter. The made withfew crevices and earners ammo; m butter in gluon mood tokhOld liar-m Gm“? ll'KLIld be tr/XI “agitating; {lamb cant. In“ In en w. e p so: "ttttt my“ t; a at r. room! and (image wronged to have The mat meeting will be held It thr work. Provide yourself with labor home of In B. Paternal). Glenda. tbe $51351 "tttll', that are really first Thur-d” in Mi-Gras e . no can: cu our kitchen o----------"- floor, casters on the tangle, Gidhis,l . . . washing mnehmee. menzlee, 'i'l'4'i'tl, Cleanliness In Milk. ',',rl",ilg',", string tgtg',," dasung mu. 3 so 1 We thine eon or duogh- , . T"""""" er in e very good labor saver. Much Editor anmw . ttttgreat w“ taken in a Ihirtvvalst suit Lest week. In London. was held tin _ - . . . . _ ___ ._ a,........|. Annual Convemion ot the Went- and apron made of dark blue cotton t and worn by two of the girl students. 1 to illustrate it convenient working l dress Both garments bad elbow l sleeves and pinsiore buttoned at the back. There was also some beauti- I tul table linen shown which bad been dressed with the mangle. Min Watson closed her address by sayinz the best labor saver is the woman who is master at the situation. Mrs Wells ot Syracuse gave us a recipe tor s happy home which is as lollows: Take dtttsertalttetta, justice, and love, mix well and take large doses, cheerfttlnettts is the es once of happiness which is the sunshine to a plant; Without it love dies. The mother cores it to her children to give 1 them a happy home and remember that suggestion is the birth of thought There should be justice between man and Wife. It was not fair to have one pocket. Neither should one child re- ceive more favors than another and make the boy's mom us pretty as h s stster's. Lastly comes the love the“. , is tutselfislt that will endure and keep loyal .0 each other and our homes ' mmmurrrtaimlmr Our TUuroMy morning muting we. opened by Man. Knowles. of Hoopsl r. and en excellent address on "Mllk e '- dnctwn" we: given by Prof "eau o A C. _ He celled attention to the nutritive _ "Y" as in milk that one quart Indus mum loud mutrnnl as one penal ol heel. m. nwiscsl In; to keep good cow~.um Um; Will give 6uoo lbs milk and m die Mo la nutter In 91 year It 3 cost ol not m: n- ‘tlmn 6:50 for her teed. Prof. D. -,- ale-ed by urging the necessity of WV m oar feunlien pure, clean milk. 'i he subject we» continued by Mist. Shut Ac Word) who up nke on “Care and lluudllhg of Milk," also by Dr. Monarchy mm treatedit from a. doctor's point of view Mr. J. J. Kelso, Superintendaut rt neglected children for Ontario oulivtut the modern method of child mung nu! made a wrong appeal to tles ior "ir: on air" work for children. Mr C C James. Deputy minim-r 0! Education, gave a very (onclbie "gum: m in favor of Agriculture bring mug-It our boys and girls " public twh, ou, He q?" pealed to me udvaune interest ot Asn- culturo. If people made up the" minds that their boys 3nd girls were going to have an Agricultunl education " woald be (lone. Mrs McClure of Hatrtonvtld presided at the ufternoon meeting and much u- teroat war taken in a Very practlcul ad- drcsa by Dr Webster of the College all Dental Surgery. Toronto. He dwelt'; largely upon the relation which n healthy mouth and clean. whole teeth hear to the general health. Care of the tooth cannot begin too soon and if they are kept in good condition until 16 there ‘will be little trouble in keeping them until late in life; also the importance ol ‘ ., ,l_. itu..-., “UM“ In»; ... ..-- ' _ - oarlug'for temporlry teeth cf children. l Dr Annie Boss of McDonald Lrstuats the spoke on the good effects of thu- ough imwtieatiou. President Creclman of O A C. foiluwed by a kindly greening anJ encouragement to the Women's Institute. after which Prof Evans gave 1 very instructive lee. tun on "Color in the Houmhold" illm Rated by beautiful tinted wall nupurs and mouIdiugs in soft shades tfv,reen and brown. He emphnslzed Illa used of exercising lute in our oluthmg and Devices" try Ine 'llti a "reomsditmts ad tut-M I. would an- denmd mixing of onion. no ”to pro do“ human sad to nuke darn) nu- tut in the tnrnilhing of our home. . . ,3 A- L- "" III III. .... --.. Soolosod I union pawl-ind to be the beat and no“ lagoon-M m held in the history 01th. organ-atm- - On Jul 14th bum any and if") women would“! in Durban To" Hall 3nd bard “my instructive and in”! ash»; uddmo givon by ”in Stamin- "rorth. 31:0 in excellent. ee.t,1 rad by ifA D MoCrie. in tttm We. luau, all! t q ._ -...- ___ The mat mocha: will " held tstti" home of Mrs il. Bettermg. Glenda. an famed: Annual Convention at the an Ontario Dsirymon'n Mancini ern Ontario Dsirymen'n Au'vciuion um thinking your tendon might be ').i'l",) what interested in what took pine, l) um sending you this show epissle. In discussing the quality of the clues:- muds in the province. It um tuund tbs. the real canao was in (by producer There are many tumors in Outtum who are keeping cows that do not pl for themselves. in fact lama of the cows do not [my lot their bond. Thus We son tint in the first place the cow: an poor, and couuled With this we often r'"- "i - find poor sublet These In low. dark dirty, poorly "Milne! and mike gum breeding grounds tor tuberculosis (con sumpuon) in tilde. Now we know thut " as not. every man who can afford h build a firtst.elas" stable but every an» cm atiorrt to keep the one he now hm New. The trtabie and everything in I would be kept so clean that. the ow": I would not be ashamed to tnka tbe Gm .ruor.0euoral or Kim: Edward wrong: The milk " unimllv spoiled before leases thc "able. Wlr.t lame. is more who would think ul helping his wtle tp the dinner readv without that wash. 3 the dirt " llh hands? Yet how than} are thew who milk their cows and " ‘arwc tlie milk virlwm remoun‘ the filth hom their namlu? Milk Will take up more dirty More and fl- and m I tuiuilh betur loud lor tout and dunner germs than any other known unbalance. wo obcamoJ under the filthy condi tions described above is not to Lin cheese taotory- otten without heir g strained. It smells low; it is sour; It in enough to turn my ordinary man lie. 1 yet if the cheesemeker sends it home. Mn rumor is after him With bath I‘m ml f tongue. If the maker “certs the millv t he can not make firweltvss cheese out 0 r it and consequently does not receive the , highs-t price for it, Now if the turner is does not receive the top price for his ',0 milk. he ingrowling aguin and What can " the maker do , Mr u, c. Jun". Dep my Minister on l agriculture for Ontnrio. speaking slang this hue Saul, " let us cleanup tho In- mer and hm home by getting his Wife and daughsers awakened to the fact chm better milk cm be produced. Let us ‘revolutiouize the farmer's home and we Pave made u huge step in the Idvnnco- mam oi Dairying in Ontario. It is true that not all milk is produced I among the filtls and dirt I have describe“ yet too much of tt is obtained this War. Farmers, if you are patrons to any check or butter (awry. no that your neighbor. send as good and pure milk as you dt. yourself. Thus ie your duty, If you “a I sending pun. sweet milk or cream to my factory. you cu ‘he product. spoiled bud milk, Renew for the Review LOOK HERE, PARKER ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO I had 250 - of Good Land uhnve Durham. well improved. wuts very tine buildings, advertised in the REVIEW for 31500. I cam now sell n . . ' In“, ....a IT'S A BAR. NEVIr-w an. -.---. fur . good deal less and any. - . -._ - 1m A t'GiVioiiYiifiirAt Then I hlVe tb proef, farm near .. "nu-v “HEEL prnpel'ly. It's a snap. For ('Ollllurr- ably under $30) I Will sell 100 aura m Beluinck. With good soil. brick veneer- ed and frame house, [urge fume bout barn. (rune stable! and pig sublet. good orchard. This lo rally u "can“ I have .150 a grout lot of other pm- perty for ale and 3. MILLION DOL. LARS of MONEY to lend ttt, very low I fuel. I COLLECT DEBTS, awfully prepMe all kinds of WRITINGS, treii c. P. R. Ticket; to all will" WEST and sell OCEAN TICKETS. Every kind of legitimate huslneu attended Ei Everything private. Our Mot-o o " n..." nmlnbt. Nave! Negligent.“ [mu In u - _ to. Every thing private. " Alway- prompt. New T33R51 'tiioh mm" titt. MILLER, m 3mm mum Ila» I In... ..'e'" 7 LI less and IT'S A BAR. are a 100 ACRE well im- neaw Durham that I wil REAP or touie tor utlur 'a a. emu). For couoder. we! milk or cream to can not afford to have led by Your neighbor. T. H. Bum“. prod need Clearing Sale 20 per ct. Discount off Felts, Le in 5 Overshoes, (et.'. gans, etc. Undertaking and Embalming Peel, the Shoeman We have opened up Undertaking Rooms in That. Swallow's build. ing opposite the Middnugh House and are prepared to do business with any person requiring under. taking. Satisfaction guaranteed in Embalming. Our stock of funeral supplies has arrived ; also a full line of Catholic robes, etc of WINTER FOOTWEAR Repairing and or- ders our specialty. n.."“'lv . ..-- - Ahwdnmely “haunted veekly. lament eir. cal-Hon of my oclenulc tiT,'tli Terms. " I g our: ttry Muu. II. by a.“ new-dealers. -- " -- “on! tGA OM: tour Wm". '- --e- _ hung t,,t,le'Jl,'tr,t'l'c new w BL. Wuhhnon. D. 'i"t"ii'ii'iitii."lt'jl!?j1tj!,!h, Ogilvle‘s Keewaun FLOUR SEEDS Glove! VPI yI-hexl Kee A unload ju-l I MATTHEWS a LATIMER FIELD AND GARDEN m and Timothy and " var- ietiw of Garden We in u- hundnuce for Spring gt owing Highest "Rornt Household" " Five ttttsy"---'?,!: gr'tdet' on”. rwn‘in ttsake revesved. M194“ WW. oeye! nun of In“. . ll. EDITOR. . D., we mum to MotteNWg mm. In) a“ to mpp's (New You) gl' tgmilt.hi. on7Giltst, - - - - 0"“ '-" B. I H p. I. " Tolophono 600M“! No. mm! A an”. 0M0. our J. tal- “um" I I to " L!- M EDICAL W. C. PICKERING o. D s., L. B. S. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto Universny. graduate of Moral Oottegt. d Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Boom! Over J & J HUNTERS New Soon um coll-p than“. “than. Ono-Io. ARTHUR GUN. wwmuo-dwl‘om‘ WmMChndl-l. {ONOR GRADUATE Tom-mo valve to _ awe Rum Haiku-2 maul sum atta unwary in all In chuckles. , tl 'w-U Jiee's Bloch, over Post one. 3u'rlsters, Solicitors. Convaynoon. Money‘s; Loan. ', y'1ce. McIntyre Block, over the Bank h. G. MacKav K.c.. w. F DUI- Eye. Ear! N399} Throuf. Will be " the munch Home mm. the am “'Mi.gl 'iii'iifiloiia it“ J. F. GRANT D. D.S., L. tt. B. "rrister, Sollcxwr in Supreme Court Notary Public. Commissioner. is. san-se-e."-.'-, and W “new! mu- OHM Mt . OFFICE noun! {JOHN CLARK) ZDEIQ' TAL- HOURS l ART Al -'., H. JACKSON MACKAY * DUNN. Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Urey terms modemte. Amusement- toe a!» a mei. dam, must be nude u the Rem or Me, Durham. pr -caraiauiiyeetref. there, or so Ceylon P. o., will In My. "tetsdu% to. Terms on optittaatiort to D. IcPHAlL. Ceylon P. o, or to C. RAIAGI. Durham "tt surnnvg Nreyt Notary Pu'dic. Commissioner. tl bun-bun. Noe. " everything in readiness for the Spring mason. Call and see our Leader Seed- fr, Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivnm and Rater Hamilton AGENCY aRs.ngLcti.©=eextB. Lieenred Auetiottmr " the Co. of on. bl. gammy mended to. an M 9n mu be left " tall [mph-om - 1'j'l'l"t' ituttunoo old and. at“ ttor..- l cc. DUEJiAN. ONT. (Lower Torres) iiiiii ar, um S'NGEE'sms'mu lummu we lmgmved famous! man man. d wk. Prices and terms to suit punched-L he New Eagbugg Wagons :nsygbqrng. 1hlr2yit',h Wuhan. l B. McLELLAN, Agent DR. BURT I50 M‘I‘ws. Lot 40, lt, 42, th. D. a. " uruer punk-uh." App ly on the -t.. so or by mall. Ann: lolt.uunu._ Pests... " nut-e Agent. Morey to Lam. " of Nulringc- Licouues. A gen- tiuaucinl l-uaineu trauma-d. iiiCiir.Nit 4 p. In. J. P. TELFORD CON V tty AN GEE. he. 1iui,isr Baguio -e ' biauell one! Luna Rollers Disc Barrows of Elan 'siiiFr" Hero - 'i'r?ictrs, nukes. Mowon, Binds-I FARM FOR SALE Ceylon In: a telephone glut M "may lo uonn. PHAIL) sa/a Licensed Auctioneer to the County of Grey; 5. ioi, the P. o tht,

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