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Durham Review (1897), 31 Jan 1907, p. 7

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TWO SMS TO SIORY or JAMAICA TROUBLE. her ot them. and were Win In", u... "lighter-t bad behavior. They Were MI quiet and well conducted, and their Guards never had the slightest. trouble q with them at any time during the earthquake or afterwards. There. were Ad . - 1 "ix oi them killed in the elrthqrake. . . . . _"At1 th 1 bell red . ll, exec miral Davis Was Too omclous and Indisereet ticnally “13:33.: (h','Jl',.P"' P in His Conduct at Kingston. I MONTREAL MAN'S mm. Montrealers Contradict the Reports by Tourist? of Ill-Treatment. Vessel Sails Prom Halifax With Provisions From Canadian Government. Lulu-hm. Jan. gtr--1t should I“ be This is the opi; summed in Anwr'wn that the British 3-330. the firm pnhlir. hazing funnel Governor SMtell- 1eu2,','fg,,t,",Te1, hum guilty of rnddban-, taut m l md. LG througl unily hold that Admiral Davb in in lo honor" He up “any reswpotvwiisle for the anpkantt'ttrtm" "The “F3880? at Kingston. A,, a matter of tact, 'l,',' 1,tidfJ'",'t, thtre i, hardly a vwwspupet published a. knovl'ledge ... --.....~--_, _, there is hardly I in Landon in wk heen given in oi to the theory “I xited by hi» Incline an". be remixed fro ham. In last night for inmtaste there terview with "a I "ttu-ral." who hrld haul landed his initiative. and not tlw oiovernororad lenlmm tnut no a him take tbent aw in Admiral Innis' not up a prnl'num nit ml Colonial tttNe Vidv. l The Pail Mull twilight nay» the attic tude oi the Colonial "ffiee amen pet- Gwtty with thi" view and holds that Hon-mm s'wettvtthutttU wle error was in the max-nor and phnseology ot his note. The “lab: o-clitorlnlly expresses the opiniun that Governor ts'wetteaham's [ rotn‘m- wan perfectly correct.antl sip-‘ plumb the “THIN-41 with which he I.- wrtml the right: oi ins howwign and flag in II position of peculiar difficulty. The Tum" publishes tettem to tho editor in which Admin“ Davis is ae- eum-d of "brhsviug in an “together of- l'ieious and ”winning manner," of "well "ttrtgttt but utterly tactics: inter- tvrenvv." and "t "landing marines with- out lease, as if Kingston was in China at; Motown." Hun-mot Swettetthnut's entire rum» ii defended by one man "ho writes the Times, while another with-Bum only hin choice of phrase». The amm- <ort ot' mum-nit appears in mi- rm! other London paper». Mi' Moroveo." entire can“ “bu writes t-ritiriaes onl; Quotations from continental m-ws- pup-rs "tow that in Fame and Ger. man}. " “vii M here, there ire those “bu think the American Admiral acted imllwtm-tly and afl'vauively, and that it “as wally Got ernur Nwrttenham's duty h. awn-I him away. " Aalminl Davis “as not guilty of improper conduct, mnwthing in the nature of an author- itative and mmmailable statement oi “hilt took piare at Kingston tshmtld be published in FCurope in order to prevent ttiiriudgtttettt of the Admin“ nets. Conduct of Tr. S. Sailor: ah! Tourists Wu In W. Montreal, Jan. gtk--"' " jut M mm mugnum. mm I teel hot about it oil yet. l mu tell you. The,ncwnpuper durum-hm to the Ntteriettn pipers seem to hr a tissue! " lies. Certainly Gov. m-nnr swetteuham, the captain of the Port; Kingston, and others have been n'uvslly niisresrresestttd. ‘The :hok " fair is a "ehiiiaiue p, --’ / CII . I $4.50 , square (10 ft. by 10 ft.), P, . and with a guargntee o twenty- . five years servxce back of the ' sale, "Oshawa') Galvanized , Steel Shingles make the eh?ar.et.t good i roof for mkpermanent bdilding on il your farm. ey last a hundred, years. l Even cedar or cypress giggles will E cost you as much, and be rot to dust Inner before an u-a m ','iiiiitTrio-r" tl On the Continent. x (tTia NOT HIS FAULT. “OshaWa” Steel ',t'iiirirr" -_-i'---" ings iiiNiudo.re,f, an are guaranteed you. ltbeus, Too, v \vatcfr-gimf. wfind- proo l e-proo J11 T'iGiGrteqt1i.yeefe.tt.! Shingles 'iiiiiiiieegLe 3 are comm!) in every way tor - ' " Yeas. Ought to Last a Century ibTihogt -e""Y.r-, month“ W. fatiprT., - II ’23 Years. ' WU“ ', ." Steel Shirt nus-p200? am 1P/gL, before an " o wa " Shingle shows 'gtin of wear. Slate . cost you far more to buy and twice " much t.? put 01"," and it 'a't)astatt.it1o,ntr.1T u"oaiaiu " This in the opinion of A. Stewart Ew.. ing. of the lino of (hilt & Ewing. who Itas jun! returned irons Jamaica. He was in Kingston when the earthquake occur- red. and through the following days of horror.. He says: _ '" . ....--...... "The dead lull all been dug out by that time. I should say. and there was nu Humanity for the Americans coming in. As it was, when they value. all the American tourists of the island-and Jamaica is full of American tourists-- kicked up a terrific row. cheering and e'neering. Before then they hm} been groaning: and grumbling all the t‘ilmc'. and (N-guage-- TIM tH. tll "TIN-n Sir Alfred Jones can“: nun-,3 Theegootls M and asked what was: the matter. I'. f , “in." """'.e",Crr," . w. told him. and he said that he would not the Collector of Customs, included 500 ; th allow any int-h rubbish to be cabled. that barrels of flour, po barrels of cornmeal it win disgraceful and that it should 100 borrels of white henna, 100bags split he m-rtninlv not he sent. peas: 100 bags of rtce, 200 barrels of N "That' h a fair munple of the mm of family flour, Mt barrels of mess pork, 50 m Huff that has been sent to the Ameri- hotels of bed, 23 “if _,'/cgt',f,,.e'i,'i Ju cm papers by their correspondents 100 ("noes of con en's le. ' 50 cares Il ea down there. The man who was at the prom-nod salmon; 50 canes of lard, " er bottom of it all. and who wan foment- ' tyut of butter, M eases of 01‘0on tam-all tl ing feeling against the governor all the ':, size), 290 b33342“ rf"),',"""; 200. heroes T time. was one ltradenbnrg. a corres- l, M cydfitly, 3 arre 5 fy.. l ",','t,'i'e','i"' and. r1 "linden! of The New York Herald and ; 1.00.0 military tents. with poes and, Collier'" Weeklv. When I protested moronic-lit complete, were also forward. I T again" that telegram being sent the 'cy, an? $231];qu 1u,l',u""dorel'dl't ts lnan “ho had written it said that it '3. . . , . F ll: “:n a private message and was nom' /i"c"iiriiijitetdakmi,'iri,raj:'tlti,ee was felt; t u. my lat-linen. I told him that it wasl. I/all'.," l t . ht h tlsr ft id l n palslie matter and that he was do. "ink: 1ftix,.,t'"ir,l',Sl. "llt'rta7,r' egfmt'éélt in: a great wrong and a great 'iniiil-i?l',i,',',',i,e iiuieum who was in his resi-il {WT-ii. ii!" people l! t‘heulfltnml and to i dent-e at the Northwest Arm. reportsl t'ver.' "" l P " '.' nun, ' . ithat at eleven minutes after midnight ‘1 Yankees (humbled, the earth tremor was so perceptible that I , I "While the commodore cf the Ham a. two-leavod table rattled for several 1 Surg-American Line and the captain 'Cr.gd: at",")',,",',',','; tt,s.s:','ervui),,f.t/iri 123:. I of the Port Kingatnn were doing all I lust 'r'i'iicinVleGto ' l in their power to assist the people. a l CCL- [ , giving provisions and helping the wound- INCIDENT CLOSED ed, the American tourists were cursing . ii'i.)/-icynt'1i'twpei/t'tiltsl",rat, I talk- Says Roosevert--swettertum Still Being“ L ml with the guards (if-the prisoners. Denounced. i, a They were in charge rd a few men, lowlrm. Jun. 2fr--Preitdent Roosevelt's l about 20 prisoner-z to each man. There wartime: through Assistant Secretary _ . were nothing like 600 prisoners in the of State Bacon that the United Stateoi . penitentiary. nor was there " any time would pay no heed whatever to thol 2_.-.,.,---..------te='e='.trLe'.= ' __-----.-------- l iv riir"iiGiabiiN: _ are guaranteed 'iiiikiiiar People _) "g lllll F'"'""",""" V“. _ behavior was disgusting to all of " Galvamzed k STEEL GHANA an In S Oshawa, i,',,a?i?'il Jiirtti)ltiiiuiilliil, warranted) with heavy galvanizing. Anybody who fan dljlve nails straight can roof any building with $6 Oshawa" Steel Shingles,--" hammer and a pair of tin- ner's snipe are tools a-plenty. Tell us the surface measure of any roof, and we will tell. you exactly what it will cost to cover it with the chea t roof you can really afford to use. £1; for a FREE copy of 2 our booklet, ",t,tfts . ' I) l Right,” and read o C 1)“! v It, 'tSis-ethyl)',",",',']?",?,','; . Clllgl - sense way o r00 any F? l T .3 Illl building on any farm. T? _ ' ll,” The booklet Is worth M it? .. reading. It tells whyan - " Oshawa ”-shmgled roof is cheapest for you. Ittells, too, why “Oshawa ”-shin- ----- Mal: "Inf in safe book-- arrkiaid - -tts the slightest danger break among them. quieter or better be prisoners were. I where than lire Five of BU Party Jun-Lawn, 'Fe-_ --" "hunger of me yuan-Ian rhyming Lumpomy at unusual, oauMuc'ab, b.” “You name army. he had a muacu- mus escape. " men We “quanta" “me He rusueu moo um: such wan me other: m his store. Five on the puny were tuned by mum“ wan». m a block am; a ttot Me vaunted. Go wu- les. ’lue dam-mun was compllte, mm for the first. two My: time m». nun- get and misery. 1mm mod. rume In now the provmce and no outmdc mu was needed. .. a-..r..4. alum! was amen. When shown the despatch about the Americans on beam me nuns Eittel rhodium drum»; up we pro' tem against Captain rumor“ sud against. me Euguan generally for in- troatnsent after me manner, he char- acterized it as mac. hvergeuwy was Treated alike, but when Caphun Par- sous' “up was tull he had to reluue many others who wanted to get on board, and some of these were Ameri- can». 'lhe captain did all be could m the way ot sucker and succor, but some ot the Americans wanted atten- tion before all those. The protest, he .-. l _.._n ..,,..,.,,ts,tttt in the [mum Governor Sweuenoum n: We", ...._ could not. understand the quarrel with Davis. The governor worked night and day. One thing that caused fric- tion Was that when American sailors landed they enquired for the Ameri- cans, and gave the impretiott. the food we. tor them alone. Finally the food was ciistr'rbuted to all. Another thing was practically no looting, and the presence ff armed troops “am not at the MONTREAL MAa'sgtscAPL'. " m. Party Killed in Kim“! [here goons, “an." .._-__ r - he Collector of Customs, iiwluded 500 ntrrels of flour, 200 barr?G of cornmeal" oo barrels of white beans, 100 bags split peas. 100 bags of rice, 200 barrels of 1uuily flour, 50 barrels of mess pork, 50 barrels of bet, 20 cases of corned beef. 100 eases of condensed milk, 50 cares of pretwrvyy1 salmon. 50 crimes of lard. 50 hills of lmtter. 25 cases. of cheese tnmnll size). 200 barrels of primates. 200 Heroes of eodfish. 300 barrels of herring and. 1000 military tents. with poles and, equipment complete. were also forward-l ed. The total value of the cargo was 837.000. The Beta is expected to reach, Kingston, on January 3lst. A alight shock of 'earthquake was felt in Halifax last night shortly after mid- night. Harry Worr, curator of the. Science Museum. who was in his resi- dence at the Northwest Arm. reportq ‘that at eleven minutes after midnight the earth tremor was so perceptible that in two-leared table rattled for several “mu-.1: vim-1mm twenty. After five A alight shock of earthquam in Halifax last. night shortly t night. Harry' “ion. curator Science Museum. who was in dance at the Northwest Am that at eleven minutes after the earth tremor Wm: so pore? a. two-lemma table rattled , "rot/R, perhaps twenty. A aeeotul" a seeond tremor om] jug fifteen "reonds. an necessary if; it- " RELIEF FOR JAMAICA. OI It ‘ r ') If ill I Ttrl Il . rT m- Illll Cllllill {n ny t'itfilrl, .. _ 1llli?,i,:,l, $7, blr.7.)? - use: ot my riot or oub hem. No men Ind been rr behaved than there I talked with tk mun. and there-was not tbs gives some surpris- mg facts abqut the destruction 118th caused in Canada has yea. Batter read the [we and your eopyt street. pled roof is safe /rom lightning, and a was complete, mm any: the]: m». [lull- Jhen mod. ctttue In and no outmdc and S. V ipomi, iii " an“ n..r,...,, A despatch to the Evening Stanunru from Kingston dated yesterday. says: "The correspondence has intensified the strong public feeling against the Governor. Although the Admiral precipi- tated the. landing of marines it is re. cognized that he did so with the best motives and every one except tho Gov- ernor appreciated his kindly action. The keenest ire of the merchants here has been aroused try the passage in the Gov- ernor’s letter stating that they would be glad of the free help of the marines in clearing their stores." m Kingston. Jamaica. Jan. 28.-- The Most Rev. Dr. Enos Nuttall, Lord Arch- bishop of the West Indies, said to-dty' that he had heard that King Edward had cabled depreenting the idea that the peo- ple of Jamaica should accept foreign os- sistance. He sniu he trusted His Ma- jcsty had not given utterance to this scutimcnt and that if he had he (the Archbishop) did not approve of it. The Archbishop said also that he be- liewd a great mistake had been made '. when Governor swettenham rejected the '. offers of American aid. .. . . w... - "jhssrrattt to IF.'""" ‘-. .v.,, The Archbishop sent a. cablegmm 10 President Roosevelt to-day thanking him warmly tor the assistance of the Amer. ican navy. 1he relief committees are actively en- gaged in sending refugees into the coun- try and distributing food and money to those who are unable to leave the city. Bishop Hendricks, ot Colon, arrived here this morning on board the steamer Advance. which brought from Colon 100 tons of food and 8800 contributed to the Jamaican otiterers by the officials of the canal and merchants of Panama. Gov. ernot' Sm-ttenlmm consented to accept the supplies, waiving the customs dues. The Advance will return to Colon with refugees. l The French cruiser Jurien de La Grit. -.. _. “-~‘--~-b I-nvn nr. the supplies. “nun-5 w... -_,, The Advance will return to Colon with refugees. The French cruiser Jurien de La Gru- viere, and a Haytinn gunbont have ar- rived hero. The latter vessel offered aid but this suggestion was declined by the Governor. - ’ . ., - .-jG,rr at“. Governor. The Daily Telegraph in a scathing edi- torial article arraigns Governor Swetten- hum as follows: . "We would be unfaithful to our du- ties as exponents of public opinion, if we failed to call attention to the ex- truordiunry conduct of His Excellency in the present crisis. His general behavior ut a muuwnt of great peril and difficulty was unworthy a responsible British " ‘flf'lill and (won a cultured English gen- |tlmuuu. llis letter to Admiral Daria was a production of which he ought to ' ho ashamed and which the Jamaicans are ', ashamed. " . . _as, .....4"...-. Huh. ttAUNo"r". "The U. S. is n friendly nation, their l bone is British bone and their flesh is I British flesh and no one but a. blinded l bigot would have refused to admit Ant, . eriean landing parties. The men from the American warships did magnificent work in the removal of the de- bris and recovering bodies, and the nth; val surgeons performed an equally. splendid service. The notion of the Gov. l ernor was absolutely reprehensible. We ' want n man who does not spend hisi, itimc riding about the city cursin'v ofri, '. l-eixils who are vutteavnrinst to work lor. _ oily. The people of this community' hove lost eonfidenee in his power of guidance and are indignant at his auto-,' cratie. bullying and insulting manner." i Man and Child Devoured and Flock: Devastated in North Provinces. Madrid, Jan. 2g.---The heavy fall of snow in the north of Spain has driven troops of wolves into the plains, and they have been attacking the ianners' flocks. The peasants have been obliged to organize buttucs for the destruction to organize hntmcs for we (ll'SLruL'uvu of Um animals. A villager travelling on foot in the Pyrenees was attacked by a band of “palm-l and fled Into tt church for A villager {rave Pyrcnevs was Mt wolves, and fled safety. but the In and devoured him. A beggar woman, obliged to t'rt)M n stre. iouis.vsratr-oh1 child ac returned to get u. sack Inead. While she was a of the stream a famisht and devoured the child of the mother, who at: ground with horror. OLD. must DIE any schrr I TEAW PLEASED, New Brunswxck Mats Sentenced to Death But Be Challenged Two of the Jurymen for Murder of Young Wonnn. Yummy. _ _ " 1 . . T Ho well Cape, N. B., Jan. 28.7-Th05~ Dietrict Attorne Jerome and counsel F. Crglelins was PAT, found guilty of for the defense 'l,'i'ti'l, trial of Harry J. the murder of Miss Mary Ann McAuley. Thaw all express themselves a: gratifiml of New Ireland, andwtvs 're.rt.te.leed “I.” at the progress made. in selecting a jury. hanged on Thursday, April M. . lhe Five men were in the box when court ad- pr'uwner received. the sentence without, . journed yesterday, and. u the examiua. l nay show of emotldn. Many of the wom- tion of jurors. as so far developed, in en among the spectators became “Y” not nearly so severe n was expected, the terieai. prospects are good, that Additional jury- The prisoner’s counsel asked tor . men will be ubtnlned today. reserved use on the grouty1 that the Some of those connected with the cue judge had misdirected the iurT. Thu predicted that the jury will he tate','. MI section “I muted. . by Monday night, 'tad that the t pro- uau-. on the wa to his cell, laughed per will begin on Tawny. ‘ _. ’7 -- L2.___n a.” “A inland in WOLVES FEROCIOUS IN SPAIN. mm]. The prisoner" counsel asked for a reserved case on the ground that the in? bad misdirected the jury. This I {cation was granted. _ am”, on the way to his eed, hushed iaul chatted with the consum- in chatte- old child across, to get u. suck than him she was on th ttutt a famished w “ll". woman, finding herself ms n stream, carried her l. ...-v - Iwutes followed him in W" eabiegrtu1 to across, and then ck that contained 5 on the other side mhed wolf appeared ild before the eyes stood rooted to the ai', tira' “WNW“ 'E'", Ita aufiMsfimAmm rut tjftoRli l roll “MW TRIAL; Ike Prisoner limstied ttis Mother's humans. mm mm mum-d And to “at Emotions. New York, Jen gtt.--Them were five!, m men in the jury box to-day when the l to trial of Harry K. Thaw for the killing of Stanford White was resumed before tn Justice mugerOL Mrs. William Thaw, m mother of the defendant, was present br hr day at the opening of the morning see. l" sion, having fully recovered from the fl, fatigue and indispoaition which kept her t: indoors yesterday. She was Accompan- l tt ied by her daughter, Mrs. George L. as! Carnegie, the two having been preceded It' some minutes by Mrs. Evelyn Seabit : Thaw and her constant companion, May n McKenzie. The prisoner's wife still wore ii the plain dark blue suit, trimmed only 1 d with velvet cuffs and collar of the same I’ material that she had appeared in every l day of the trial. To-day she had dis. carded her white veil for one of blue 0 chiffon. The effect was to bring out , more distinctly the features of the face . which appeared unusually pale. The elder / Mrs. Thaw was in conventional black. . The Countess of Yarmouth did not at\] i tend the trial today owing to a Flight cold. Edward and Josiah Tuaw were early in their seats, the only family ab- sentee other than the countess being George L. Carnegie, the prisoner's bro- ttrerun-law. _ . _a_a .I....:.... tho “It: 'lll'lu u . The tire jurors selected during the first two days of the trial appeared to be men well above the average in intel. ligenee. All seem to be in prosperous circumstances. Iwo of the twe are ap- parently Just above 60 years old. Geo. Puff. hardware dealer, is the youngest. probably not more than 36 years. Chas. F. Heck, shipping agent, is possibly 50, and Arthur S. Campbell, Supt. of Tele- phone. Construction, is not more than two years older. The other two jurors are Deming B. Smith, retired nmnufue- turer, the foreman. and Henry C. Har- ney, manager of a piano coneern. When Harry Thaw entered the eourt room to-dny he passed his mother's chair and reached over with his right hand and grasped hers which were clamped about a small gilt-edged book in her lap. She looked up and answoved hr son's smile. Mrs. Hurry Thaw gave her prisoner; lmabnnd an earnest look of greetingand during the examination of the first tales- man of the day she assumed her cus- tnmary attitude leaning well forward in His mousttche ha been recently slaved off. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO her seat, eager to catch (w made to questions put either Atcrm'y Jerome or by t'liffm ridge ant “HI- Counsel for the defeneo was inform- od that Richard Harney. tho fifth juror, acted as juror in a former cum- in which Edward Pekarr. was convicted cd mur- der in the first degree. Pekarr.' plea war insanity. The verdict was guilty. and Pekarz was sent to Sing Sing. Later his sentence was commuted to life im. prisonment. It is believed that Thaw's counsel was unaware of these facts; when whey accepted Mr. Barney as a juror I yesterday. per, II“ “In In: I"-'"." Thaw himself took more interest in the proceedings yuan-day and two addi. STANFORD WHITE. The Architect, Who Was WY radm the ........u.-., l.___ __ . Home or by Clifford W. Hart- leading counsel for the duh-ud- "very ttmiWPr or by District that! jun-on Md have been teamed had it not been tor his laterterester. A “but! had proved acupuhk to the distrirt attorney, and to Clin'ord W. Hartridge, leading manual for Thaw. when there was t madden gmbrring of head» over the mm at the head oi which 9:1: Harry Thaw. The, ittror wan "out to be sworn when thi, oeearred,l and Mr. unrtridgo ccpped the pram-NIH has to hear what Thaw had to my. When the conference ended the ”rm-pud- ive juror mu vhulleugod hr came. This I proreediag happened a seccad tinw J.ur I 'mg the day. Thaw again ohjevliug to n tr.esittttrt who was acceptable to "ounsvl. I Thaw sec-med pleased with tlu' day's i work. As he vntered the Tombs he mid to the kepcr: "We got three in the but half hour (meaning jurors), and they are good men. too, I think." The district attorney kept up hie hammering on the "unwritten law" and: possibly deviation from the written low governing the criminally insane. Yeah-r- day afternoon he added another tenure to his plnn of examination, noting the tales-men of they were capable of with- standing appeals to their own emotions and feelings, and if they thought they could [Imus on the prisoner’s cue coldly and ca only, according to the instructions of the law they would receive from tre judge. Thin was taken u a. sign of the district attortte.v's anticiphtion of the promised dramatic appeal from lJelphin M. Dchuas. of counsel for the ddvnee. I The morning session ndjourml at I o'clock. with one juror secured. The morning l o'clock, with one RANGER NAMED HORNBACK ED ON lACLEOD RIVER. chased to their shim-1' “mn- Chupi'llvu in tself-defence to kill or at hunt in- mpacitnlu the madman. and tuo mu- lets mm him dead, as he "tood in the diamante with a ritle to Ills Hummer and a bvad on the huprisozml mm, Mm would have rerwued him. Such is the substance of th" " n-g. Just hrmlght to the city front Lac 'ite. Attttt' by Coa,,tablc Tyler, of thr Suz‘ttnvent Manna-d Police. The (mg-my oenured -.. n... trth of uecc:utrtar. Hurtlluok, HAD To iti00T HIM. Huck is the substance 0: luv .-‘ hruugllt to the city front Lac S by konnmhlc Tyler, of thr .V Manna-d Police. The trugiui." on the 17th of uecc:utrtar. ll, who had hum-Ac and from t'?ii an cold and was or his and; his ptu'tuer and an uupMy-u- _ I ..A......‘; IN .". Lv-u u...“ r“, bin [miner and an ouirliry"s' fr 3.11 In; rum-h aver the snow for two mile», while the lmllrls hum his tifie buzm-d nruuuzl their hvads. Cover was lmu-hed tl up mull "tore in the dintunce. and titvre Hornbuck hc-ld. his men impnmm-d .m n time. - P _ |.,....n.....: mm, From a diqtnnce he told than 11: shoot, and Alt-mu lot; tatttte to the I the hunch of u m; prisoatd men in til sultaliun it mm; d if possibly. The n owr, and in an i ‘ccld in death. cum I" “Cut"- The first party of the N. W. M. P. compost-d of Constables stark and Sham] loll. Edmontun in qucsl " tlr' mncher the lust of Ik-wmber. No word being henrd from than. n swam: party, campus-n1 of (‘nrpm‘ul Mum-up and unuthm'. was scat out ,oiuul any.“ ago. '1 he Irma“ mat the in”. :11 nun» and: Lake, .Jmut eighty milm mun ;Ln.c Ste. Anne, returning with the body of (he rancher. ttord was seat ahead to Lac SW. Axum of the (wrurrenco. and this (‘un~t.xhlu Tyler learned from an Indian runner I, aw had travelled on foot ow:- Ure trail. it “as expected that they would rum-h Lal Ste. Anne to-day, and nu inquwl ml either be held there ur tlu. luuly m! . ..r__, ~-- ' ...h.:~. be brought through the men who Wuh- the homicide will w trial. The stock of Unruly-wk i, " brought from the Grand Eddy. tsietx of thirty mares. hall of tin bunch that Hurnlnwk tool; nu Cochrane lust fall. The Mimi: died front exptuuro and lack ' s' trump north Ivy Cunstalr',es y, Sham] was at: cm-rodinnly ha." TROUBLE Madrid, Jan.. 'yd,--The Ca resigned as a result of dis-w: tween the Liberals and the over the law of ,ssuei".iys. iiiniriihnso is tomsultiugr with thi poltical leaders with regard in the for mation of a new Ministry. - The present (‘alyinm of “pain v.'.~.= formed on lkwmnlwr lML. For .', Lu. tim- there have been indications that, it \muld not last long. The principal point at issue is “£1,10qu antiklerieal ileum-- intions law, similar to the Feeneh law Funny, was". The immigration into t'anada for the six months, July to December, in- clusive, was 82.3%, as compact: with - ' I J A - I--. 5.3,: Luv. """"P""'"" _ the six months, July to Deemuber, in-1 elusive, was 82.320. as compared with 55,396 for the same period of the last fiscal year, nhowing an immune of 20,930, or 48 3.5 per cent. The immi- gration coming via ocean porU was 5734“. 1nd from the United States 24,863. The incl-cue through the coal at wu 57 per cent" and from the 'Ilited sum 82 per cent. CABINET RESIGNS. The central part irtie city of Polotlk, in the Provide of Vitrhck. one of the moat adept $190.0! tter Pee, 'ht 5,390 for the name perind '0! the last iml war, showing an inerease of Belfast, Ireland, Jun. 2tt.-The menu: £0,930; or 48 3-5 per rent. The immi- annual "rt.titT.ene1' of the Labor party of [ration coming vin ocean pol-tn was the United Kitwdom opened. hm‘m-dly WW3. and from the United States with about 250 detetprten, Including 20 'Ap68. The ittereatte through the no... numbers of l’nrl'umeut. meant. . G. PM” “1: 57 per cent... 'aul from the ftt.ee'ao'y, in the pro-Mental “In“. United sum 82 per out. intimated that the labor W would ----_----- follow along the [Ire-eat ligtca at“ any The central part of the city of Polotak, had .taffieieett hate'.': ll Pull-- in the Preview of vitrttek. one of the mat to control ' The my, ',i,'oi"tGiiiiatGiottimte.olitt iirared,"illdt-iimeey-rr1t" pin. in been destroyed by fire. The both the MI and man than“ done is buy. punks. ' -..'_"_ - ud healer and Imuw tls" m.- to the building. beam G of u. luudumn nun-.1 m L men in the face, and Mt 't' n it mus decided m (Hum. bt. The niu' proved fatal. Id in an instant. lluruluu-k Il IN SPAIN OVER LAW OF ASSOCIATIONS. Waugh to Edmum m, WEI I were the trarticiPatnt't will probably Ire ptacut ce of a Iraml how straigi'. luck CHISC nu Employee for Kiln rlt-Detenre. Jan. 28.-- Crowded l that served an " '--ml “My ml tlu' 28,-- The Cabin'ut Hit of dissemions Ste. Mme yorthwest y or..usred Hln'ulmk, xiyttrttlt'? to med hard (m the rancher a aalls it" had hum-Mini KILL- h tt' Radimls 1mt ltu JURY SAYS THAT If! MD m ggtrlb. Chief 31min lustful cm“ - verelr on Production of kit.- in Defence of Pri---... m to be PM on ma Tray. A Toronto despatch: Very few and! would have done us you hive done in Ils- ing the letter. that your mantel used in order to ave yourself,” and Laid Justice Meredith last night in discharg- 1ittrMtnttt1 Brunt. the young French I? -.i- :..nn.l "etl "uni" " . mud hul- ttom hou wu i H Lac will mu tity mug mu- in u it {mom IS raft I" has T Rogitucl be. 21h“ in t," sir. hunk, an _ rmupu-u-l) the has the n for- the fur-t l this city \mt Eng Linn ' , sl E OOT‘S Same Sort of Recognition Int Cole Also From Side of - Con-try --Aasother Source of Wuhan in the Long, Unprotected tutti“. Loudon, Jan. 28. The Timon an." we \‘H'y mu of walnut; Hunts Hunt and his dimnusiun with loading Canadian statesmen, coupled with the Int-HM that this visit in only tho prelude to mule mmprehc‘univc aux-mm to ssettie " nutsumding diplonmzic difierettees ix in itself " recognition ot' Canada's Hutu-t. which American slam-Amen haw nut kimono conceded her. tcuett recogni- ‘tion is mo" 'uttidactor.v, but it is tar more important that reiogttiCt"tt shank] mme even tttore clearly from our suck " in good minimisa- for Sew-rotary Root to get imu touch nith Canadian mm mom. To do no, too, in Lord [Kilian] ond Sir Edward the)": imperative duty At the snnu- (inu- it In weii to tw 7 . r7...:.v.,._: -1... vop,aizt' t ltetT no» upnu lruun . xq-prvciuthm oil our diplunuuistu. in the actual I rdrettth nn the tv miles of frontier w miles of frontier we]: the I'nitaul State's. n-lmmwnt will no vHot ttttTY ner itt l interest, ciproeal British 'dr'ntitt' REGINA my GIVEN "itATtls. DER ttt njftloljs BLIZZARD. To scrum mm mm consnvumt 9mm: i VISIT A RECOGNITION CANADA'S RATIONHOOD. 4m: Railways Pronu- Completely Tied Ur-l Desperate " Points the City. is ye of“! , Is may uu Pu..- waive aux-mm to genie " in; diplomatic difierettees ix in recognition ot' Canada's Flaunt. menu"! slam-Amen haw nut conceded her. Such recogni- Inont 'uttidactor.v, but it is tar “mum that reiogttiCt"tt wuould 1-11 tttore clearly from our side. ._.. Imam...- for Secretary Root " t 1mm u mum out inquiries from numerous mwm P. main line and the Arcola branch - received to-day, but under pre- romlitionl it in immible to re- the Iitultion from here. HIS thet" "tttttT yonnelf.” and (Add hat night in discharg- nt. the yuan French iound um gumy " I of murder. unsung out is young wife who died Ann. “50“ men." con- Junk" Jan. 2tr- A lunluu sereltns'e', we! the prime mum)” animated, proud-e ly ued up tor nest-Isl (In norm Hunk-My modern“ tiuw In this, distn'uful . is [rating a fuel (unit: mm tscalred mung to B0; ;ow man nun A COAL 113mm moth ,lpptwl'd lo have pus- l ty,Grnti, tt convict Gon. and Mrs. Pe. nys Promise to Become Tied Up-het Situation " Points Tributary " f or "".' I Vanadium mun-m hy That weakness lieu diwarity of “Minna! no idea of the 4,00tt nep..ratiug Canada and s. (‘umuln for Mr de. , Comments nttor luv) u .- A furious bliz- uw palm, ated "t, protuirt' to he new”! day. an- dn for l P. army if sit M, but t..h m wonk- ilplt- waut of ' Gh Ind ; (.‘mmdm ueliet' that ‘0 to mm“- n hull part. Canada'- I the tttl I II to "st' it HI w

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