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Durham Review (1897), 7 Feb 1907, p. 1

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Run" and lam can In Rmuw and tomato Duty M: tit Run”! and '?etfht.i,; .... un szmw and Woo ly (Nahum... 81-3! Menu! and W. Mail 8 Empire. 81.15 REVIEW nod Wanna Advertiser .1.” anmw and Weekly Bun ....... 81.81 law-w and Pam. Her & W Btar 81.75 llTd'l and 'lltN Wanna... 01.00 Ravmw and Mon. at], Henldjl.26 VOL. XXVlII, NO. 3331-1 ',FfaflllfeggggRlgl8XlglgingllgligliiillglXdilllg)iglglt.8 k; Review mum: has O' WINTER CAPS, UNDERWEAR. FLANNEL 312‘1-:mammxmgzmmmmmam O I fil What IS m a Name? ii EVERYTHING. , Our reputation is made by the goods we sell and the values we give. Nothing we can say will so fully -endorse our new lines for spring as seeing the goods and making your own comparisons. Take advantage of the reductions stock-taking brings you. We have too many winter goods in some departments and there'll be no let up in the ruthless price sacrificing until they're down to nor- mal conditions. We must" get them in the more eas- il y counted commodity-cash. SI!) ON LY Now for a clean-up in WINTER FOOTWEAR. ALI. REMNANTS in DRESS GOODS, COTTONS Etc.', from our Stocktaking must go now. c, (H'ERCOATS for.... Plii Men's Clothing and Furnishings Remember the Lacrosse Club .Concert, Tuesday, ', FUR JACKETS LEFT -- They should no quick " the prices we put on them. RUFFS. MUFFS AND CAPERINEB--only a few to clear. James Ireland Ladies' Furs $12 SUITS for.. ....$ii?, 10 7 and $8 TOP SHIRTS iiitittttiitti, The executive of the Refofm Asso- ciation has decided on calling the Annual meeting of that body about the 21st of Feb. next. Further an- nouncements as to speakers. ae., will be mule lute;L - Wanted nt. -A piano. (Apply It Review 0 - The Baptist Church' Anniversary will be held on Sunday, 109etrruary next. On Monday evening following Rev D. J. Kennedy, of Toronto, mil speak on the subject. "A Man's a man tor a.‘ that." The Very latest ' Goods are be. in; shown at B. F. Md cka. Mis! J. J. A . Opucian, of Elam, Will he at the H n House Thursday, Fell. 14th. 7 Apprentices "ste to learn milli- may, beginning rch ISL, apply on Mus Diets. Mr. Wm. Black sold three horses hut week, two to local buyers and one to a. gentleman from Welland and is now drivirstt one of the handsome” gelding: in this part of the country. He says there I! a party in Toronto has a mate for this horse which he values at 81ti00. International Stock Food makes them all yuluuble. l For a. nice spin “was Bland at S. Mr. Malcom Nccaum on Friduy last. brought inLo‘Durhmn the largest. load of hay brought into town this winter t 6300 lbs. Asa baritone so lat Mr Firth has few equistts, His vou is powerful and histonesmmt pure 1d cietw.--Lon- don news. At the Lad so: Club con-t cert, Town Hull. Durha Feb 12th. I A ttaw PIPE oRuvs.-Tho new 15resttrtiret't'ter' Pipe Organ purchnmd by the Methodist Church heretrom the EBvll Plano and Organ 00., Guelph. through tho ir Agents here, McQueen & Morice, arrived on Tuesday. The committee in charge feels eonfident that it iv: the tinest organ in Durhum. Weighs over 1100 ms. PRICEVILLE PttEtgBtrRrtrANWOC- We are phrased to be able to pl esen. this week a. most interesting and unique article on the historw of ProMtyteriitttisttt in Priceville. Itil from the pen of our versatile (-nrres- pendent there and we as well as the community are much indebted to him. MACHINE DRAWING AND DESIGNING --Acinas in the above subjects has been organized by Mr J. B. Drysdale who holds certitieates of etBeiener in these zubjects and it meets Thurs- day evenings in the o3dfellow's Hall. Mr Drysdnle. we understand is giving his service free and surely with that condition there should be the "mk- I ins: ofa large class in this town. Mr Dryadnle is no theorist as to machin- _ cry, hnvmg had a large experience in Scotland and on this side also in prac- tical work. When, combined with this, he adds his technical knowledge mud in willing ta give free leasons in Mi important. subject. he is certainly ‘worthy of commendation. Earnest young men, none others are wanted, young men, none owners are wan-cu. . h ' should enrol themselves at. once. The l '/1"l1 2,','2S,t il%'pld'lfh's'l'n'r.1 expense for supplies in small. [ The publisher of the Review in." EDGE Btu. SCHOOL vile correspondence trout all points m t5ttr-Fnrmr Rotor: Emmn Raw] ell unrepresented localities, concern- John Greeniirood, Ghsrn Greenm . . . . . . Earnest. Greenwood, Herbert E: ing the district In which the writer Nae Spittell. Will Willlmu. & resides, and such new: as may he Pearl Wittron, Eva Riwhle, Art deemed of general interest', write 'lift, Bil-h Ritch‘l’ei.‘KntewIilliltc . . . e enn . c or I. taeta only, avoid personalities end Willie o,'t,'ih%aJd, Sulphur. N scandal, Mulch name to contribution ale Ector. Alex Edge, Eliza Willie not for publication but as a guarantee .1}; ltd-ii/fat,',',', Ec‘t’or, muffle tl" cod f ith. Pan-r summer and (ma llama. incent ny or l on: as] lied l y Edith Edge 011.. Maggie Ritchie " p00 use PP . Enughuh {gale 2h,t?,tts. In“? as: iGrir' him; is pparaiyr contract for_the Pig dun and , iriGii has been lei VIOVV v- - __ -- - Savings Department. D its of $1 andu Msmreeeived. ! MUNICI- n not e my mun-w". tthit the highest current ram! intent is Slowed. No any. i, W01! In -ter, wife end mother in mm Witidrawals. ar I her Wot! will tiny- hem-e n. The . l I t id I fottr ti I I Mk. up'n extend: in nympnthy. a l, m. sat-iii-tttlst-feet'.?.!,.',." mam Azeri,",' Beetttnee, on Itkh a _ ' . any to It and In an» Butt. L e. mm: mm mm». mm. t “swan THE SWDARD BANK DURHAM, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY” T, 1907 The, developman of 1ihtiret1itli'tl' ',yrdeou' iiiimaiiLl,'ilQ:'l OFCANADA Random“ - - f; suit, bay a Pro. 1th1ovloeks, . $1.00 OPENS AN 59mm 12th February; in Town Hall. FiririRi clever company of Artists. t Km; ("INJURED "" t '. the Inter Not often of late In. there been seen a. council meeting pteeeming more features of inherent than that of Hon- day night. All were meant. but Mr Saundere. the appeal against. when election on account. (1 illegality has been anceeeeful, Clerk Vollet. having been so notified on Monday. Judge Hatton gave the deeliton, and the costs about 323 we understand tell on Mr Saunders. A question of legal expense incurred in an arrest m the Knapp House by Constable Clark in which the case was not proven. brought the costs on the town'. at least Police IGgUtatste Tel. ford thought so. The Mayor thought otherwise, holding that the License Act provides that hotel keepers aunt maintain order in their own premises. theeouncilditrered from the Mayor reasoning thatas in successful cases the town bentitted, so should they stand loss when unsuccessful. and ‘passed the accuunt. What man the town Treasurer be) paid? but full the council increased the Treasurer's salary to 8150. Some thought. amount. than: the unavm, than the increase should begin " date ntmolion. Mr Lenahnn pointed out that Mr J ackson had warned them at the begining of the year that he want.- ed an increase, so the council were re. spanaible for the whole year and on motion of Mchun. McLachhn. the Treasurer was paid {[50 fur the ymr wuaing 1 February. There was “lotion also’ because the _ mayor had Issued notices calling for applications for Treasurer without! comsulting with a committee appoint- ed for that purpose, Mr Calder juni- fled his action as in the interests of the town. There were. three appli- cations as a result. Mr Jackson at the old fhrare and Messrs W F. Dunn and W. H. Benn at lower figures The tenders will he dealt mth and up- poinunent made on irtidtsrevetnug of tuna week. The following accounts Were mm- sidered and ordered paid: A. Russell. hardware 6810. Wm Irwin, Printing 888.00. N, U. at g. McKechnie. rep. Hall $6.10. W. B. Volleu, salary and nomnmbiun $52.00 Rum Adlmu, reptive Hall $2.40. Dut- hum Fire Brigade, 89.50. B. Tomy, Stoker Fire Hall and work 318,45. C. Rttruagecptirttinit $7.25. J. P Tet. ford. constable and witness fees (inn 87.80. A deputation ttom the U. P. It. an- thorities consisting of Chief engineer Darling and MI Doherty. was present with plans for crossing the town and after consideration the council de. cided to adjourn till Friday evening nefore giving their consent or other. wise. The proposals are dealt with eliewhere. _ I Miss Dir ft thin week for Toronto I and New Yo to study und my in g the latest It? or the coming sprung 1 season. B 0 tends to.Ppare no prtint 3.0 make th “he. 'etst1t!'ffe"" Mr Firm w n good form and his rich voice was s wn to ttttvantage.-- Guelph Advocnie. At the Lacrosse Club concert, Town Hall, Durham, Feb. 12th. a5ttr--Fnnnr Rotor. Emma. Ritchie. John Greenwood, Clara Greenwood. Earnest Greenwood. Herbert Edge. Nan Spittell. Will Williams. & - Pearl Wilson. Eva Riwhle, Arthur Edge, Huh Ritchjg. Kattdii.tehit. Ph'h5.' urn" LIIWIIIM‘ q.--.. _.--'--""-. Willie Kenny. Victor Willmuu, Willle Ector. Clarence Sluples. Mag ttie Ector. Alex Edge, Eliza Willmma. Jr gud-Myrtle Ector. Cassie Ritchie, Norm Williams. Vincent Taylor. and Edith nge fq.. Maggie Ritchie James Vaughn. Jodie Kenny. Mamie Me Rennie. Berths Falklnghnm. Pt 2nd Currie bit-Nd“. Br hrtT.-Alex Vaugh. an. Gnome illnn. Willie Ritchie- Jr 1st-Iratie Manlly, John. Ritchie. a. A W113. Teacher. Average attendance 81. Town 'Coufncil. new A Lou! Cronin: and am guarded After months and months of weary waiting and watching of surveyors running all imaginable lines. the chief engineer. Mr, Darling, laid his plane before the Council on Monday night. and»I he ban to leave in afew days for the Hot Spring. wanted urgency in dealing with the matter. After all the delay and uncertainty it was scarcely fair to ask adecieion in a few minutes. end the town we believe will think the council juetiiied in deferring till Friday night acceptance or rejection of the plane. The plan " submitted rune behind the midcnoes on George Bt., crosses! Queen St. at Charter Smith’s corner. - right. through Dr. Hutton’a reai-l dance, crosses Gunman St. on the level ll the foot of the hill, at which I ante. and watchmen ore to be. placed. 1 Owing the river it goes right through the school grounds, the southern limit of the right of way coming within 35 feet of the handing. end leaving there shoots over anliton St. on an over- head bridge to the McGirr lot, neu- which wilt he the junction pomt to the Cement Works The station is to be at Crawford’s thats. The hope and dance of the. whole town would be that they would cross under Gal-ulna» St. sending town tulle overhead. This could he done " two points, either just. soul h of the" Presbylcllun church or north of n. through the market ground. Mr. D u-- ling objects to both those points: the immu- (wulhof church) because the hridge would he no high that tho [mule to than!) it from the south would ox- tet.d to the Town Hall, while to out. north of the church the expense woulu ‘he prohibitive. coiling. Mr. Darli, g says, 8200.000 more than the tf-vel crossing. This figure fuiuly stuulml the council and n. sue “(nation was "mm lo employ nn engineer. Mr. Darling amsured thou" tti" word would . so" with the C. P. R. above all others, and bluntly tttformed them ,, was no use tulkingthe deep cut muth of the church unless the Iown w s willing to go into its own pocket and give a bonus. To use his own wmds. they 'erel "glued " to the level crossing at font cf the hill. though he promise there will hem feet level north of the track. Neither will they listen to a bend which seems tensil e an an to esrnpo the greater part of the achoul ground, hat they will give in exchange the lot tenth of the trehooi which they well new" from Mr. nnd Mn. McClm-klin for additional play ground. What the alternative will be should the council reject. the plans is not cer- tain: Mr. Darling certainly left It to be implied that they might cut the town altogether. We still hope the passage through the hill maybe found feasible. making two good things: (1) a. safe crossing and Che-per for the railway, no watch- mam being required, (2) almost. tf not “together, skipping the school ground. The Late Mrs. Angus McLeod. " lo roar' petitioner! will eTer pr“. M." They are notllkely to pay. week of the death of this estimable Indy, nee Min Jeuie Black, by n tew Additional (an. She died on 25th J hungry at Farwell, Michu in the tBrd year of her age after e few weeke’ lune-s from diabetes." leaving to mourn besides her husband, one eon. Archibald, three daughters, Mar, Kate and Jeane. and two much loved brothers, Dr. Black, of Peisley. end John A. Block. ot Uhellt‘y. The funeral serviceI were conducted by} Base, Mr. Jemtt. Congregational min- Uter, in the presence of u [use no eemhlege. She wee married to Mr. McLeod in I” by the late Rev. D. McLeod. of Priceville, end lived six yen." at oer ton, where. " well n gt her early l home at Bullet-en. the will be kindly l remembered. From there they movvd to Mich-mm. where they gathered Mend: around them. who wen-a ex- tremely kind Ind trrtrtpastteue in her but hours. Many here will "member her genial “Id who“ manly. She had - force of mm and 1n: aitotrerher out!“ can I. am e lily forgotten. Certainly as -ter, ml: and mother her “or! will alwnyo hep-e n. The In!" I'l'll “lendin- nymputhy. We cupplemenc our brief notice last c. P. It. Plans. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Historical Sketch of the Presbyterian Church, Priceville. In view of the Jubilee of the Pres-1 byterian Church, which is expected totake place in June next we shall try and make all endeavors to give a history of the same. " far as memory and information goes, giving names of ministers and students in charge during the last fifty years or more and other related matter. We do not mean to say that we can give an ex- act and correct history but will do the best we can under the circum- lstsnces, as it is a tedious and difficult 1 task to perform. Away back in the early fihiea we imagine we can remember seeing men and women boys and girls eagerly , looking for the Sunday that was an- l trounced to have preaching "not" in l a brick church but an old log barn or , small hut and when the day long sought for came, old men and wom- l en would put on their best apparel lwhich at best was very poor and off they would go on foot for miles on their way rejoicing to be privileged to hear the gospel preached in their native language in simplicity. In the early history of the locality Gaelic was more needed than English for it would be almost safe to ask every person that would come in con- tact with each other, the general sa- lutation "How are you" in Gaelic "Caiman tha sibh" and the reply would be "Tha gu maith" tec. ll will be remembered that there werC two Presbyterian bodies in Price ville, namely, the Free church and the old church of Scotland. It was amusing to see the coolness that existed between these two Presby- Lena!) bodies, which in reality Wet” ' one in this country. For instance. i those belonging to the dsiferent , churches Would pass the house where I the others held servnce miles aw y I as ll they had ditieient Gods to “w ship. but the wheel of time turned as Will be seen furtherun in our lib ' Lory. . As personally We belonged to that part called tuc . Old erk “c how. that no one wth accuse us ollsetu_ partial to the one Uxanch mom than the other tu the year 185,4 the Res John McKinuon ot wa amud Fret: itsutch, held an occasmual trervsu't: down the line In Some ol the nous;er below here and Durham. Mr, 1tl Kmaou was chief superintendent ot schools for the County of Grey tten there were no services durmg winter except services held by the tate Rev Mr. McIntyre and Mr McKechuic, Baptists, who held services In Mc- Donald's school house dunn g the winter tune m the middle of the iit. ties. In the year x857. the late Revl John Goodwill was sent as student‘ for the established church of Scot. land for six months preaching both) English and Gaelic in McDonald's school house, two miles west 0: Pricevtlle in the morning and In the ‘alternoon at the school house, then. one mile east of Priceville. now Arch McDonald's. Artemesia Mt Good- will was a powerful preacher, he al soserved a short term in the Bum. mer of I858. A Ree Mr Lewis some where down the country also much ed occasionally in the latter part ot lthe fifties. The late Rev Chas Cameron was student in 1859, 1860, for the Free church and was ordained In the year I861, for the congregations of Durham road, Glenelg, Rocky Saugeen and Toronto line. In 1859 the Rev. Chas. Mclnnis Cameron was student in the old kirk preaching, also in McDonald School House. Glenelg and old Durham Road, Artemesia Said house Witt taken down some forty Eve years ago. One of Mr Cameron 's hymns tS used in the Book of Praise. _treing number 347. ago. By John McDonald Before opening M Account examine the growth of The Sovereign Bank. In 4y, years, ending 3Itt October, 1906. Juetshavein-edto, . . . . . . . Iu,m,w; Excess d iiiiiiTaiuiatutrriuthNk kahuna-ed» . . . . . . . . 5,278,557 Depolitsuveirtrm-lttt o o o n n . 15,578,?” s.00open,e,eeountin'usirtrDer"t-'. htterestruid4tirstesare". ,7 ' The stwereigrrlltadlt d (all. I (h TELFORD, Manager, but“ Mr Cameron died eve? 30 years Continued on Page 6 Extraordinary B u d tr,,ttgt'l'f with It. J2ceg! of the ttht Glam - than“ [was we an n w “in . wonderful clubbing oftee. Wo will send lhe Reva-w w Weekly Glob. to Jan. I, I.“ for .1». Gull in ad- v-muu. This use; will 'ou gong tlt a Vance. 11:qu [muted tune. “on”. 18 Er-BT- Mr In. lane. Lot 11 end 12. Con IT, Wt Meta for ale on ehove date, Pen- Stmk. Implemenu. Furniture. to. Per :31 t2 mus cred it, tr per _eent die count for can}: on credit emanate. No receive an proprietor in leaving the farm, Bee Inge pom-rs for extensive list. D. MchuL. Aucuoueer Wm. Mammy. not " Con. t, W. G. R., Bentlnck. one” for Isle on Wed- ueedny. so Pets., IW7, Farm Block. Ill!- mementu. Furniture. etc. Tern». 10 "too. credit. 6 per cent. per "mum du- count for can!) in lieu of notes. Sale at 1 o’clock. FRIDAY. 22ND mrB.--MUn Just Juhmwu. Lot Il, Con 2 Nat-mushy. mil otter for ule on above duo Fm Stock. Implements. kc. Sale It I o'ciock. Terms, 12 mm. credit. Five per cent. discount for cuh in lieu of notes. No rI-serye._ _ . CHAS BAIAUE. Punt“ no Puma“ Four Stars. t,tittti1ltcte'" act quick- ly and surely-tr em. Oneuh ”arms in the Town- ship at Ben tk. nos acres. new mick hnuse. tw lug! hunk burnt. land flvst claw. "ll urodexcvpt. 20 at. Sump to quick purch f, 31500.10" balance at 4!, per cent. ply to MACKAY ' " "foru wliuwr'l Sum Baaa.-.fGve you planned for I am this winter ? We have All up plumce- for turning out sale hill. neut- ' and quickly and the Review [on an"! m "rm" in which to ndvertioo. Is, "il .-'vrum-mvut in th RENEW “a...“ ”nulls. When sale bills are minted the." we give a MM free nul- -A-uucs and”, mud We put the whole r -n tar n mudemle extra change. keeler's Two Mammoth Stores Durham and Welland Ave going to make 1907 the amt.- tat near m their history and this is suing a big thing as 1906 wu u bumper year with us but u we now have two swreu, We can use much larger quantities ot Goods than baton By buying in extra. large quuntMel we can get the Iowut puutbl price mud intend to give our custom“- bet " bnrgains than ever this vent. We nave alreadt made some verv bevy purchnes of iblve: ware at the high‘ quality and g t a Very price on the same. When you need silv: rwure. Watches. Clocks Rings, Jewelery. Spectnche Eye-Glasses. Wan Papers. Books, Stationery & Fancy Goods. China, etc. We can surprlee you 'on the price. We Can and will one you money on everv dollar spent here and intend to make the busy corner bade! than ever this yen. New Rood: arriving ially now. Our New Bank of Comic and Fancy Valentines is now on display. They are mill- ly a tine lot. Come end see then. " B. Keeler & Sons The prion smasher» Durhun and Welland The Review Sale Register Farm for' Sale Joan CLARK. Auctioneer. . . . 825,343,401 D. MCPBAIL. Auctioneer. Damn. A" my». WI 'tk,ts5ria't At' "

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