West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Feb 1907, p. 5

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W. ” iii'itsttiiirsci LTR Now is the Time (illliiilstjtitiittsivit Buy Rubbers _ j DARLINGS ft R338 user the piaee----. name's old Stand _i'i'i',, Cl, & J . McKechnieg Who Said Sick Room Supplies Ink in our North Window J',', that winter is approaching you will naturally require heavier and warmer clothing and we are 'here at your service. JC shown in town [ m; ol suppers was never so nice as thev are this season. Leg- l {ouncl' wawrprwt duck fur Men andBoys, in Jersey ami..0'rd n cu ldreu and jersey tor Lime: and Misses. t'..U'. naumuanc ot Mitts and Gloves at prices that eannothe p. t m m dared. Also a few lines of Emery for Men. Wom. ~‘s aud Jt'ilt'.1tf, in black only. Many other tlungs bat 'PY"' "ilosv naming them. Call and see tor yourself and examlne -.a dud prices. t full hum)! Curtain Poles, r“ Swan-s, Picture Frann- _ In order of all kinda. ' .2 r» having an "phoNter. tics; \vm-k ttt every Anonth. .. “i‘hing um good-I reno- .. hunk gum! amnew uhnuld 'l' _ wt. oult be ph'llaud to , Eighest prices paid for produce. FEB. p, " \ 'rrashrinkable Wopllen, heavy.. . . . . . . . . 1800 " medium. . . .'. . . . -600 Fleece Lined....-........). to 400 arm's Elastic Ribbed, good value. . . . . . . ' . . .50c 'rcn'.s Underwear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .200. to 300 JEN 'S HEAVY TROUSERS the DARLINGS DRUG t I uge stuck hf many kind was and Shoes in abundul .r old-ram or poor in he; Ian's Heavy Overcoats fen's Dress " ',ovs' Overcoats ioys' Pea Jackets . "otttl "ttiee, A s and Boys' hats, caps, sox, gloves, mitts, etc. Thoj , Undertaker line and good value at $1, $1.25 & $:.5o ”nut HOT WATER BAGS, GAUZES, FU J TAIN SYRINGES, EANDAGES & COTTONS, for Underarm. Intended Io. Bu KBBSS UNDERWEAR OVERCOATS many kimistsairatrIe tor the present wuathcr lit tUutytanee, Slippers in Various sich " -i'.t.-'Sv1' J. S. MCILRAITH - -e -__ "9r_W_.....r%... ' um...“ "mum... uni hum property upon the ink-st known plum. 3 or 1 3m blanket policies issued on the Minn» autumnal or one ymem system ttgtder the most invotabie Minimum to the insured. insurr in the best. H your insumnoe expires this yum" can on. or drop tb card to FARMERS’ CENTRAL llnllll, “RE INSURANCE (lilllMI . The strongest purely Mutual Fire Iniumno ('0. m Ontario. A mm without I main-I and I lust luv-rd for honest canons. Lto nan-d and hunt-led by the Government ', insures reddemw , and see the best line of NEIL McCANNEL. Agent. Durham H'md "ttice t walkerton, Ont. 'eople's Druggists $ 5. 10 STORE. to to to $6 12 .5 j Lenahan- &.:M01ntoeh _tj, a ' Historical Sketch of the _ Presbyterian Church, Priceville. Iuthe vear1860 the old kirk tray pent-d and the flrat enmmtainmem “as held on the following Monduv Welling being quite tt access. On mm- tit, Sunday of May 1866 ;ha law Rm: llmnld Fraserpreswhed his tipsb St mum as a student. in the "old kirk" “is mm. was from the words "strang- er on earth." Mr Fraser received the unaniumus call to be paste-r of ' he church and in August 1867 he was» ordained as minister of Sr Andrew's Church. Prim-ville and Proton. He labored till 1875 when he tendered his resignation so as not to be an ob s'acie in the way ofthe approaching union. In 1876 and pun. of 1077 the Rev Alex McGil ivray ot Boner Church. Torontu, served as Student. h the summer months, and the Rev. Alex McKenzie served in the Free Church daring the same time. The first elders elect were, in the old Kee. Dnguld McLean. Allan Cameron, John McLachlin and Arch McBride; in the Free Church the late Neil McCanne'. Dugald Mclnncs. Jon Swwart and Inter on Thos Binniu; all of these gentlemen have gums the wax ct allJivmg many units ~gu. Ahum. the Ie,ttr' 1865 me Fr» " Church building was erected m Prieeville being a frame and rough- Cast. i: shod where the present mag- nitieem, church stands. At the open» ingufthe church the venerable Dr Burns omeinted being then an old mun nearlv eighty years', of all hose that were in the meridian at life 'lwn. verv few are leit to Pele- have the expected jubilee next sum mee. The late Rev John Hay then of Mt. Forest preached occasionally in the latter part of the fifties and would often walk from Allan Park and be in time to preach at n in forenoon in the old schoolhouse one mile east of Priceville. The Bee Chas Cameron held his rhsrge as pastor at the Presbyterian chm-"h, lying then "the Free Pres- ttxterian church in Canada," on" 1875 When he resigned the charge. suns not to be an obstacle in tho way vi the approaching union be- tween the two congregations In the year 1859. the t sum ot the old Kirk was put up which stand at the cemeterv.as .t was not flrtighett it served the purpose during the sum- mer months, and ,was finished in n couple of wars later an. There were no regular srrvices in the old kirk from 1861 to 1866, our special service-s Were held by errtain they gentlemen such as Dr How: of Guelph, Rev Mr Campbell, Duntroon, Ont.. Rev Dr Carmichael ut King, Rev Duncan Morrison otOwem Suund. Ree Mr Me-. Douell of Fergus and others that we cannot think wt in the meantime. In October 1877 a joint In acting at both congregations was cal led and held in St. Andrew's Church tor the purpose of forming a union. The meeting Was well represented by both denominations, and when the t [nestion ot union was approached ad In was un- animuus although some ufthe' "old saints"on bothsideq feltlike giving vxpression to the words " If I forget 'I'hee. on Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning," tur they felt s d and sure at heart to think: that the dear old church of their forefathers had to be forsaken and abandoned forever. Next came the vexed question what was the new united church to l Kb called. One venerable gentlemml. whose heart and soul was woven in the old kirk. got up to his feet and made the motion that the new church- retain the old name given to the: chnrch where the meeting w no held. being St. Andrew‘s Cha-eh,, while another on the opposite side made a proposi ion that it be call: ad "St, Pnal's," these being the nan) as of the mo united churches before Ill tion. It shuwed that tseltishnesn wan still ex- isting and was ruled oat of order by the chairman. It was then r moved by the late Neil Merrnald that ' the new church be called "tit. , Columbia Church. " This motion we 5 carried atrmitnoasly, and that pa rt ot the programme was settled upo n. The next and moss impo mun: part ”WWW" oev" Ok "1°“- to perform now was the c mice. of t Going back again to olden times, Continued from Page 1. WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS THIS SPACE - W11 THE . DURHAM REVIEW Rev. Dunenn McDonald. thende :4 more. nodal". Mr Stews-rt. It. l 11ch “recently an old kirk I mended Mr. Stewart Free Church. I The vote In token and vaulted in l furore! Mr. McDonald. 80 "ltult. l he. was still existing. trench side voted on the old score. Bo this choice we: wisely ruled outot order try the enthorltles of the church. But, huw- i ever, none of these gentlemen would l have eccepted q call under the ar. w communes and the spirit the all l was given im lnthe Aiuunerut 1878 i the Int: Rev. D. licked we: cent on probstion and preecned onlv Once. When the next time he in: caved upon to preach or " least to be pree- ent it we: " his ordination, for he re- ceived the un- nimous call at the united congrggetion and was ordioti in August I 8. Meny prediction“ were made bv some ut the old heads of what church the new pastor be. longed to before coming to Pricevilie. One would any in Gaelic. currlch miae gheall rnit gur s-en English tutor a hha e mun denig e an so. or in Enz- Itsh I'll bet you he belonged to the Free Church betoreemning here. and another would my sun don e tsean eaglish u bhn e or he belonged to he old kirk, while others would go as for he to ask him what college he nth-ud- ed and what church he belonged to before coming here. He would simply in reply tell them that there were plenty of questions they might ask him that would be more trenetieial to _ them than to satisfy their inquisitive- ness by answering the one asked bt. s, he nev:r made ant the wiser by telling them. Mr. McLeod was pas- tor upto his death in Feb. 1897, ex- cept or nine months. us he accepted a cell to Crlenttary, and not agreeing with his health he received the unan- imous choice of resuming his charge in Priceville gain at the end ufnbuul.‘ 9 months' absence. During the time) Mr. Vcheod was arm the pu!pit w ts chly filled by the Bev. Donald Me- Lean, ot Tara, being then a studem. The Rev. Finley Matheson, ot'Clmuv worth, served tor part oi the summer ot 1897, being then a student. In January 1838 the present p-ustn". Rev J A. Matheson, then ot Celedm. Wis asked to come. to preach as he hail both languages. Comply mg w itt Ihe request he preached n couplv 1-1 Sundays when it was attrer d up». . , give him a call among a munbrr- .1 others mentioned. and the result was that he reeeived more totes than: all the others put together and :he day d induction was set apart in be on the 30th March. 1898 when tlt' was Oidained to the congregations ol PriCeville and Swinton Park. minister. Two were mentionedL the Amnng thuse that served as elders (who have gone to their reward sumu you” saga) Were the late Arch Monm- ald. Jas. Mefy nald. Alltro McLs-au. John Simpson and John ll Lher. The present elders are John Nichol Sn. Duguld McCormwk. Alex. Mun; John McDonald and Neil McCanml. Mr. McCannel moved to Durham ru- ceutly. eonsequently his place is vacant. In the year 1887 a subscriptzam list was taken up for the p1trpomr. m buildings new church and guftiei mt amount Was secured tO unsure the work to go on the following mum-var. and in 1888 the contract. was let to Watson Bros and was sulvurvised In Messrs McCuaig, Neil McKinnnn t nd A. McLeod. three level headed men who saw the contract eompleted, an according to tesifieatiott. In the yen 1895 the fine brick mouse was erected and the work was truperirqended by John McArthu. merchant, John Gowland and the late Rev Donald McLeod The con- tractors were Messrs Watson and Hector McLean of Priceville who did their rt," in workmaulike manner. Rev r McLeod just enjnved the comforts of the new munse for one year. when he was called upon to occnpv a room in the House of mam Mansions. Six years ago the fine sheds were built and will hold ohom 80 single rigs. The sheds are 15o it long double and 70 ft' wide making altogether 370 it of sheds. The church was opened on the f1iast Sunday ie January 1899 by the Rev Professor Cnven oi Toronto in the Englisn language and by the venur- it»: Dr Carmichael!!! King in Gae. lo. ONTARIO ARCHIVES _ TORONTO therewunonehnn instrument In an omn ever spoken of in our churches and it In: " ugly! magm- to and enyone that would under- teketoleed . common mete: tune. and booked Probe and Hymns were out of question. Now we hue noth- ing elee but book: of Preieee and vane, although we stick to the old peel'm eelection in the mornings end hymn: in the evening eonee quontiy some ot the good old favorite tunes are used yet each u Martyrdom; Stroudwater tttttttto on and J"'. new: a good choir under the 1esttderitip of [its Bailey on the organ. Min Roiley hu III the good qualitiel that fl', to. "'tl'g'ddll", clan "grt,,. as s o In wit a ne Voice. Rood talent " organist and Me personality. - Duriskthe nine years of Mr Mathe- wus pastorate the tollowmg amounts have been paid for missions. In 1898.464. in 1899-t134, in 1900 --$165, in t901--8169, in i9tyg--$161, in 1903-8158. in 190d--tl98, in 1905 -$213. in 1906-4226, also for oeu- rurv tund 8214, making a total ot' $1700 for missions and tor usable and sheds $884 45. Total number of funerals attended in nine years 159. Number Joined church during Mr, Mathewn'a pastorate 182. Noon rollin 1898 444 and 182-326; prawn: membership 179. removed by death and other- wise 147, net gain in 9 years 35. Total number of baptisms 102. Mr and Mrs Colin Montgomery M Arcola, Alta., left for their home on Monday. _ Mr a-ud Mrs Henry of Egremom visited their relatives about the cor- ner the beginning of the week. Mr and Mrs V. Peffer welcomed a bit by girl about two weeks ago. We regret that Mrs Thus Bs era i: um improving. Last week pneu mania set in and her sons and da gh tars Were called tram their homes b utend her. q Mr and Mrs Wm Sharp visited a! slits end of the week with friends noun Walkerwn' OuSundm Feb. 8, Diplomas will he prnsumed to Misses Sarah. It. necou. and Bessie Park. Isabrll Fulton. Grace Henderson nun Sarah Fulton tor repeating m Simmer Catechism perlectly. A eonttpegiuitrnal meeting Wm held at the, church on Monday utm- umn tudiscuss the pruspecns u! re- building or repairing the church. The mutter Was lelt in the hands ox a eommittee. Mr and Mrs D. Gilmoul entertain- ed a partv of Ayton Mend: " te night last. week, Miss .hitri" Robinson is visiting with her sxster in Ayton at presam. MISS McFadden of Durham sanI t few days with her water Mo Johr Bailey, recently. Mr Elijah Armstrong of Hum). Hill was helping Mr Ben Counts u "at. wood last. week. Mr and Mrs Dave Adlam But, "emily from North line have mow into their new brick residence on tlt frommnd.‘ We welcome them int, the neighborhood. Miss May Livingstone has returned meta month’s visit with her brour ers Frank and James in Guelph. A number of young people enjoyed themselves Friday night last. in games. Gntung etc. " Mr Joe Reuy's. Mr Frank Wise has rented tln Livingstone farm and will move on " In the spring. Mr Em Roaebomugh lad a Verx "ueeetntfulttalr, lately. Mr and Mrs Roaeborough inoeud moving to Own- Sound in the near future. and Mr William Bsiley is going to work the place. 7 Born-- To Mr and Mrs Edward Hopkins a daughter. V Mr Wm Culvert of chardim visited " his nephew’s Mr and Mrs thos, W. Wilon and ozher old neighbors, last. week. Renew for the Review LOOK HERE, nllllilill above Duuhum. well impruu-d. wnll very tine buildings, advertised in the REVIEW for 8750). I can now M] u for" stood deal lens and IT’S A BAR. GAIN. ,7 “A n“... " . . I'ttett I have u 100 ACRE well im- proved farm near Durham that I "il sell VERY CHEAP or made for "ttr r pruperty.’ It's u snap. For. comridrts nhly under 88000 I mil sell 100 acres ttr Benlinck. wuth good soil. III-wk veneer . ed and frame house. lame frame bank barn. frame stable! and pig sudden. good orchard. This in Null] " mum-v I have also a great. lot of other prw Deriz‘fnr sale and a MILLION DOL. LA Not MONEY Ut lettd til wry low mien. IUOLLEUT DEBTS euro-fully mom all mm. at miiihiifti, sell o. P. R. Tickets to all unim- WEST and cell OCEAN TICKETS. Every kind of ”inmate busing-u attended to. Everything private. Our Motto: ( " Alwnyl prompt. New: Negligent. " ----_----- _ ----_---s---- H. [L MILLER, Hampden 250 we; .of msod, It??? Vickers is 2tiNt F __ BARCLAY & BELL Undertaking and Embalming Clearing 20 per ct. Discount off Felts, Le in s Overshoes, tee gans, etc. We have opened up Undertaking Rooms in Thee. Swallow'a build. ing opposite the Middaugh Horne and are prepared to do busineas with any person requiring under- taking. Satisfaction guaranteed in Embahning. Our stock of funeral supplies has arrived ; also a tttll line of Catholic robes, etc. Peel, the Shoeman ls good Bread, well made and properly baked-the bread that is made by Stinson. This is the perfect brad-made of the best flour, leavened and seasoned just right. thoroughly kneaded and baked to perfection. it is easily digested and it builds health and strength for those who eat it. Give it a trial. Anyone lendinl . shack and dwmy quick]! “certain our oplmon {no I u Invent on in pmbtbly punt-bk. Com-null. tlovzufntrlctglson‘adouuuk‘l’lrmdbg'ok on Page. son reo- 0- m?! low Ill r.% Puma when “gout In: A . - mew “was. without chm in V -- _ - _ A hundsomely Illa-W woolly. cannon of my iiriiiffurg"di . nI t (our month. " by.“ Ogilvle‘s “Rom Household" Keewatln 66 Five Roses" -T'he vv-y mm keew" in "rake, A (nu-MM! jun rem-Wm]. t'tov '"iii"iii'tifiii' _ltlititti.tttt, FLOUR rameamgmmm SEEDS Repairing and or- ders our specialty. of WINTER FOOTWEAR . The Best Cure For Dyspepsia MATTHEWS a, LATIMER FIELD AND GARDEN w-u and Timothy and all var- imim. of Garth-n ”and. in n- hundn new t, w Sprung gunning STINSON. The Baker Highunl grade-u Univ. wily. Inn-1. w. urn-l. Tuna“: Gritu-ePT ll, I. a. Horton. my. 0. ”summon. linlbmdm nun-mun no noun“ wan-c) 0‘ ttt up” (New You) k',". Inuit-II- Manama. - - - - will magnum.» no... Dun-I. an l',tNtt,le,rgu'S"ta'll'd'lta' " I. an”. I. ll HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto Univemty. Mum: of Boyd Coll”. of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Raoul Over J t J HUNTERS New Sm W. C. PICKERING o. D s., L. B. S. arm noun 0-" B. a H . I. 7-0 . I Tm Cum Io. " dONOE GRADUATE mu: Calm and at: ttoral Gwen Jenn! sumo 00- Num in I" in crunches. ' Ilse-G M a": Block. our Post We. Gunmen. Solicitors. Counts-con. " Money to Loan. ( Pee. McIntyre Block. over the Bank h. G. Mucky one. . W. F Dunn MEIDICAL ABTHUB GUN. . ”WWI-II”!- "1.10.... nouuzi n. u.- tto out. -wuludvubmd won-mm Bun-later. Solicitor In Supreme Court Notary Public. Commissioner. In. D. MoPHAIL.’ JOHN CLARK) Fat, Ear, Rose & Throat 0m. Nov. 16. Everything in readiness tor the 5921:: season. Cn11and nee our Leader S . er, Plough, Hm Cultivator! and tli0 mm. Lot, Mt, 41, B. I. D. R. " turn" puticului ml] on the - n ur 'w mul. Aux Maine-Inn. . ' “I 0 Peter Hamilton AGENCY Iuple In! and “can Inna new. fuel-pom limo-Imam q-tes Tca iaTiiie" Prieeandtaeauto-it punch”. Danny Chums. Wanna. Wuhan. . myhgdpnxyguh. __ _ . J. F. GRANT 0.0.5. L. B. . A. B. chELLAN, Agent rho New Hamburg Wm Barber Bum.- btuoll one! Land Boner! Disc Bun-om of lion rem modenw. mm.- (or at. u www.mul begttaateattttat w or ace, Durham. 6atr mundane“ than. or to Ceylon P.O., will be My attqndtrd to, Tar-u on “mum to D. IoPKAlL. Ceylon P. o, or to C. IAIAGI. Durham Insurance Agent. Money Io Donn. humor of Iliuringe Lin-nan. A non- etul ttneu" husineu (unnamed. Licenced Auctioneer to the County of any; [Jean-ed Atsetto-$orthear.F. bl- gae,r,,.,"ig"et l't'u, lmpluun We.-. @2130. t'l'thlt,lt', old and. cm cal-and ART 1UR H. JACKSON dice. war a trtat's hunky Soon. DEN T'usaL. aeuxt.et1eaa.ereta. MACKAY l DONE, or to c. IAIAGI. Du a- Ceylon bu “demon. on». Notary Public. Commissioner. DUBHAI. ONT. (Lower Town) Liam-pod Auctioneer tor 00. any FARM FOR SALE WOW. J . P. TELFOBD DB. BURT CONV iYANCELitie. Money to Donn. . “can". can _s'is7illjl 1.. Iii: lin to g. to it at: 4tils. in du. 'rtt r3.

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