West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Feb 1907, p. 8

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is? 'ITHE PEOPLES STORE /d.. i ROBERT BURNETT. January is stock-taking month and the month you look for to secure real money-saving bargains. Come to the People's Store and take advan- tage of the low aprices prevailing throughout the Store. All Winter Goods Must li, DIAMOND HALL All farm produce STUGK - TAKING GLEARANGE SALE 1Ueing commenced stocktuki lines of Ken‘s Winter Furnishings notice “she knowing snaps t Stock-taking at hand. No old stock allowed. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Flannellettes, Ties, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Gro- ceries, Furs, ac.--al1 cut in price to reduce our large stock. Many Odds and Ends accumulated after hohday season, will be sacriticed to clear. COME NOW. a: Nobby and Wm! Regular no Overturn Regular tlp, ': Rank! 815 " Raincoata. Sweaters, thingla wean except 'he above goods are now on exhibi- tion in our Window. They make a very suitable present for wife or sweetheart. For the mouth of Junu me Public as handsome and Fancy Gold Clocks 21:; 1 any plate and the pricas-m both rich and poor. Watches left for day as left in. PERCY G. A. WEBSTER Watchmaker. ancy Jewel Cases and Gold Clocks Gem ylarity Ct' D Merchant Tailors and Goat’s “date in every respect out: clearing at.... .... Men's Overcoats wanted. Highest prices paid. Underwear, Gloves-every- sheen-all must be cleared "---e-"e repair c Mr, We find we have several whichfmus: be cleared. Take Jeweller KI ff nary we are offering to a lot of Jewel Cases , one could wish to see are within the reach of Burned ds . Lgvi.(irFyiiai,j' (1‘. ,1? I v1, F3tttta, . 'i'is Td a gem ;’s Furnishes 1n be had the same Here is your chance: Go Optician ..1303 In “an”!!! (i now now our Sanity in to". _ Mr And Ford ti" pagans“! the (an: of John Fm It a mum. titture and taken Mn coon. Miss Beale Lento at More VII-it. ed . few any. " her brother', Mr J no Leggette in town tut week. eaTriaGriiidoeaie's Ir Jno! -_..- """' T.-"] - - Lou to “Reno in town taat week. th l 'lt", ggJt., a: " IA' Mm Hale Lender. left Iona" for Mama; with n pair of urine the Mt Forest when rho line muted g isther night, boy ed girl. Thin m_moro position in a. Itore. iii; he ever renewed under the License ,Act. We will: Pet, twins end mower Mn Dr Kellen end hehy ere visiting long “a heppy M. together. at her ."t!tut.lt1" Ber If Ilehen ot We were no"! to notice “to of Glen- Petroli efor n Mme. _elg'e one. led, ind gentlemen’e deaths Mr tuurhd" J. P. Whelan of “W tdr,,' iitiiiirhPgidtetfi,"ot' . ' . w o it',", trpent , few days last week with ebly known on the Dnrhun Bond. Glen- t 9 former 5 parents here. " Puoevllle and Ceylon. wee once one Mr Will Johnston, of Toronto is ofthe Mantel her sex. elven woree home on a visit. cheerful undo and med» n favoreble im- prueton upon ell thet formed her no- MraR P. Legate and 8Ort {amen of qneintenoe. We extend eympethy to Ceylon visited the former’e meter, Nu the braved hubend “a friends. c. Ramage. for a few days. Itl Mela-i1 . Slick. non of Neil: Bgeck. . no ire, en g. WM one on. e nest Mr P. Pyutfe, left tttrl to. re young men of the place. and We ere sume studles at me Bound manners “my to beer of hie early doebh. These college. ‘wero two whom We were well noqneinted -- -- . n 7, --- " un..-:...., orhrt in with in theirgirlhoqd Ht." boyhood (legs. Mr and!" J. P. Whehn of ilton spam a few days last week the farmer's parents. here. _ Mr P. Barnum: left Monday to. tr,,1ili.iiiiiig, ici of “To plum. and we no sume studies at Owen Bound lmuneu sorry to hut of hi: only dash. Than eottege. were i',','tg',.,t'l'l 1l2, 2'l',', no: tght,tl . i their it no In: II. Mr P" P""'."' ot Winnipeg who h Tht' ll'k'hh' and tuber 3nd meager spending the winter month? in On- the sninl ofthelt dear son's bodyto the tario, was the guest of his brother old home was 3 seven trial. and all Alex here for some time. friend: extend atT,ey,e.t?,', {folly tl _. _rB -- -* - m-n-vm 1-1 nun Mr. J omen Melatonin from the went. I who is visiting his tsrother-itt-hsw, Mr. Dan McDougoil. and other relatives, was in town on Suturdoy. Mrs. Tumor of Toronto is being buried at Moplowood Country on Wedneodoy of this week. She was o former resident of Orchardvillo and a 1 relative of the late Dr. Tanner. Mrs Geo Duncan of Winnipeg in company with herdnughter Mrs Stod- dart spent a. pleuant. visit at. the home of her trrottteruin-Usw Alex Duncan our worthy townsmnn. Mr Mike O'Neil, brother of Mrs Jae Lennhan of this town is head clerk of the Canadian Elevator Co. of Saskatoon and last week-we learn by recent papers, was the means of discovering a daring robbery of the Company's premises and is receiving credit therefor. ENTERING A PRINTING oerrcte.--l The following is given by an Ala. lmma exchange as the correct mode for entering a printing ofrlee. You should adyance to the door and give three distinct raps or knock down the door. The devil will attend to your alarm. You give him your name. tttar"'. I uu 0' . o, ___,,r . post otttee. address and the number of years you are owing the paper. You will advance to the centre of the room and address the manager With the following countersign; Extend the right Land about two feet from the body with the thumb and index flniter claspmg a $5 bill, which drop into the right hand of the manager. who l grasps your hand and the bill. After giving him the news of your locality you will be permitted to retire with It receipt foran obligation properly dis charged. The seventh annual meeting of the Canadian Association for the Prevent- ion of Consumption and other forms of Tuberculosis will be held in Ottawa the 13 and 14th of March next. A public meeting of the members ofthe association and of the citizens garner-i ally, at which his excellency will pre- side, will he held in the Assembly Hallof the Normal School here on l Wednesday evening, March 13th. at which Dr Sheard, the chairman of the Ontario Provincml Board of Health, will deliver as lecture upon “Home Treatment of Consumption." rived at rlycu It; _ MraWeggs WOOD wayaaeD.--Wnntest 10 conda of dry hard wood. 16 inches long. apply to F. KELBBY, Durham. We still have a large assortment of trimmed hats we are offering at greatly reduced prices. In green, red, old rose and the wiqe color. Some very nice ey velvet hats trimmed with wine plumes. Two dozen black hats in black silk velvet with plumes. A large, uni-talent of black felt and silk but. suitable for mourning we". A large stock of Ribbons, Laces. Veilings, FmBlouses ' Drea- Skim. Ladies. kweer lb Belts. Accordion phited chiffon in white or black. We wall-11 I" We in atneh at “is duties I "want new out an m noct- l ACar of Windsor tine sunk just " MILLINERY Convention in March W'v" - r- T W. ------i.i---'" ‘elvet Hats 0.. Wm? Lot. of snow. Iloigh‘ia; gt': .Sizl: poo no nun-tons 1" co . grip “:th olu.‘ Thomas“ "a“! trom lo to 'At below are for u purl} 9! min. but . change of son). kind In In do” in on. non future. Stigma; 'iiiiiiii.' Luge nee, of Ion coming into our - mil Indy. Our to" is doing 5 fairly good human. them " partner. Thewma some this Saturday efternoon the 2nd Feb., but, perhaps . northern blizzard will reverse the wheel: of the weather before midnight. Evetyone that is compleimng now my: they u" the grip eure,'bnt lot It be grip or not it'ts some kind of sickness anyway that has no respect of pardons. for it trout: I" mike. The Mom. McLean brothers [may mid their fine farm of 160 acres. math “no. Aremeim, to John Home; for the sum of 85500. Mite IoCoeh, teacher at Top Cldf school, took . nee Fl home to Owen Bound Frldey evening not and will omy lone about one hour of her benching time on Mondey morning. Mm MoCoeh is getting ulong well and commands the good will at both pupils and parents. Principal Cermicheel, of Pricenlle school. has the oaretakitut of the school and has the double responsibility to per- form. The other day Areh’d Conkev'e horses got ewey from control some way and mu l under the verandeh of the post of1iee with e load of her, never touching e post I or anything elee. The load upset when they got out to the street, No damage done only bundles ot hay lelt. " the poet off1ee door. Archie's horsee mast have mirtook the I' 0 " Peeler Metheeon'n stables where the fragments of the loud , were when “urinals. _ As we anticipated this morning. It is , blowing e blizzard at this hour. 7:30 at , night. Setnrdey. The can-etching of the Presbyterian church here “I! let to Mr. Hector Me. Donald. of the village. We had a trip down mu country hat Week and we experienced that other places ofa similar capactty are just us cold as Priceyille. Angus MéDonnld, near Top Cliff, rented his ham to Arch'd Under. oi Fairweli, Egromont. Mr, Fothergill, who had Patrick Sulli- van's farm routed lust. your, is renting David McIntyre's. of Balsam Valley, Egrcmout. Igx.cotutuikuruer McAnbur took L trip down to Duudulk last week on busi. 0668. Mrs, F, McPherson wnlos from Oak River. Manitoba. stating that. the ther- mometer went down to 60 blow zero about the 20th of January. We found " cold cnongh at I’riceville with 20 be. low, and it' it went. down to M it would be dangerous to be safe in getting any distance “ray from the stove. Inrrud--At the residue. of Mr. and Min. Mchn. Toronto, on the 16th of Jan.. 1907, Mr. Robert. Vanna. of the south line. Ariemesin, to Miss Ida Wil. hams. of Toronto, but for many years of the south line, Glenelg. Mr. and Mrs. Vnuso are now huppil enjoying their. wedded life at the old Jame home south I line. Amnesia. We jam the - ': _ friends oftho contracting partieain wish- ' 1 mg them longlife 1nd prosperity on their ' journey In life. The bride was attended I lby Miss Mia: Maudie Hindu. of Pries- "ole, while tho groom Wu supported by his bro that. ty' ed, And endorsed “Take!” iglt Owen Bound. on." will St 0 count“ Monday. rum-w: " 3-. for the co tion of Gm wen loud. . . Priceville mm a Panama. C q o1teo 'tttltr?,', m " gta3tgutgitl$tiNtWM)'ll an tiii;','?,',,,,)'),".','?,')',:":",,',','!, ml; 0 . W m tgltttl,?, in: i.' C' C 1 _ . , l, mum 135me '.qd.rnteAtt tl,?. tt?i'S ',"GiT, $135 BEBKieil wité'aod McLean brothers hely _----.-------- TORONTO _ "' I‘m-WI. - ..-v -eee"e---" ad “Tender” Public itiilu. mt." will [waived " this l “up“: ' 1907. melanin. mica ol L.Publlc Building, 31W. nu GW41f9, Sick Gaelic Revival in tksstittad. ' A I to our kindred In and: ' --- To e lb. " continue sod “and its work 0 tietihit of the old loam and the ot not. " (Jo-Inn hemlock will old e Felll gal-eat Bull?) in Glasgow I Ogtober o next you. A 6 he! Future wlll be e la' e Colonlol Bull _ and we cant! ntlyeppeel boom kill: and kin me- e on for "eiatnrtef. glowing Tth th p, gt,', egg!“ la 1- WI; ov a puc- ticel evzignce 31 t r “legion for the mother tongue and e Motherland. Donations of all n I mu be not to: Mas NEIL McKmNo \Pric‘eylllo. Out. and will be acknowl ed from Scot- land by the Secretary the Colonial Stall. Those desirous contributing to the above object w Id confer a favor on, the e?yip1ttee a inted by and will be acknowle‘ [and by the Secretary Stall, Those deti.royy iia;k iii"GGidioe1r, The week wu very cold the atom of Suntan, filled up the mud: to a " make trnvollmg very hard. Thor: in considerable aickuou in thin migh- borhood just. now. Mrs John iLoonud on the aid.- toadis very poorly, we hope to but of her recovery. Mr Chg: McQueen bu been vary ill from cold chills; n present he in pining well,we hope to I80 him . round ugtin as usual. Lizzie Aldcorn and Emily Wilson spent Sntnrdsy and Smoky It homo. Rev Mr McMutheson did not preach at. Swinton Pnrk on Sunday owing to the roads being filled. A. n wr-" ”will, IV -..-- -__-"" - We are sorry to my tiat Neil Clark Jr. is nick again and will be oonhned to bed for was or four weeks. The Swmton Park church mm“! meeting passed of quietly with u bat. auce of $25 in the ueaaury. John Aldcom van to Darla-III Ian Monday and took home I load of Massey Harris Implement! pm- chased from the agents McQueea& Morice. " John Ferguson had occulon to call on his neighbor Duncon Meow no! one night lately to udmmubt . dose of medicine to a. sick ttW. Arch McLeod who was there went along too. While buw giving the dose, A. was heard to say it is a. good thing there is no correspondent in Booth- yilie now or we would use nbout thin in) next week's Review. Bat we won't tell anybody. Its all right Archaic, the Review cor. " hole out! hearty yet and a. few lemons from Dugal may come all right who for way on the plum ot Monitobo. Mul McLeod is busy prep-ring to builds new brick house which will be an unproven1eut on the Line. Alex McQueen Is also prepwng to build a new brick house which will be bum. on the gin of the one which was burnt hat. summer, F James McCannel sud his nine: Lorena from near Collingwood pau- ed through our vxllsge has woek to vim their sister Mu Ronald McDon- ald, Dromore. The earlier part of the week I"! spent in consideration of the taritt schedules and z; plea was made for higher protection for an maker gardeners against early Amer1ean ruit‘nml vegetables. An important stuhhtet was inrodueed I), tde' B. a gardeners against early Amerieatt run and vegetables. Au impomm subject was Introduced by Mr H. H. Millet. M. P. tor B. Grey, who moved l in favor: of making the tutsttutaqtttrq) of denatured alcohol for he, light; and power purpoeee (me C excl-e duty. Action hue been taken in thle direction in the United Stun. Mr Fisher's bill tot the mm M marinas of csnned fopdl VII min under consideration ind My AW- 'ate, was ig,e,tg,1,t','ih tasking 'it't u ry Inspection nppy we. on End renewal: the power to my: other food product. when Mul- neceunrv. It in thought that thte cost of admiahtersntt the In I... Ito, ieaofutttpretots “A. " be in!» 5.000. It “beams, the 'r--'" my, Page.» HEW? C'iiiij?Liie,-Si,e,en, at phenom are to he continued or JI; mm ioiitrerc--Ptaorurum Boerttitrt all Physical “in: lid e Colonial t of! nay-wed an e on for all. th att who ndly loving nee of t r "ee true and e Moi 'ot all n I mm KcKmNo IPrie a acknowl ed a Secretary t' we desirous © “m nhiect W I DOMINION PARLIAMENT Iiaihviiie. 5m had occuioni to Etock Reduciiig . Sale. This week we 01 per: made of be. trimmed and deep cotJN'mtphtillis Rinse stock.takitgt is ”have month“ I . manila}??? The Big Store WMER TERM These are considered extra. good value price but the quantity is so greet that " s an“ ft, I," --- V n u “a [ mm” 2'rf,'llrl g'lhl"l, M 18ll3lkl'é.l Itilliii. to Jki, them a; reduced prices. sell this month for 81.29. $1.90 counterpanos for $1.59 this month. qtgtg-l-lBl-""""""r'r"'"""-dC. 119 Men’s Shim of heavy Duck Print with fancy tstiff fronts, all sizes horn 14% to 1% with cuffs attached or "psratas. Regular Prices from $1 to 61.60. This week your choice for 79c. IL----------- "was“. --. ----" - tuiiri'iiTiiNiiitttete. ”mum ta7iuui-etatrtete... .e.iyerLttPgett m¢MnIom - In” 4"“ platform-“coco. r“ -Hiii.Jit pot month In “men. WMJOIW..O" e. Hana... _. _ -- -- n m” EROS. ALLAN, Durham School wrGiGiui" "Wim'mWI-III" In Mre, iairiaiiuiiii-e., an!” as In In with. 1tM,tfff,'uul to 'i'iEiariiiefpe?yg.tr ottenAinttteAteeth" "tah' 2f, ml." ll1,TP. "aria iuFiikui ”3 I‘lU' [nun a" Wh' who“ PM 'tttst, r, no sadn- in. nru W“ '8T. 133-”. mun-l- t-"--'"'" _ . a. -uetrrleseefyitttlt,r2 week we of» * large “38° ol do of he. Cashmere I1nirh a “a ampZm , worth 82 60 clan“ at 31-69- aiiuiri III mm 1"dfer'.',,riffc 3mm no 'te, " :5. Ko ttUNI FiiteiheyAee- or-Ao-lea-tessay..'.- 9:531 and ducal priws. BUSINESSW Owen Salli. Ont. All Winter Goods will be cloned at close prices to we don't want to may over any thing that prioo will move. Y. M. mason. Md tg:taTg'Nitlu-. r'ia'r'rik'/t'",tlC'rvir:i, ‘. , l mu? . i, , "i now on at the) .Y-otwlbo' ts" should be on hand It an: sea so nth week through February Id certain lines at greatly re- th'iii C" '"iiaiii iiiartrcotrl, .oyiiiii,iriigatt ultnmmb l, DURHAM trey Echi- use of Ladies’ fancy Wrarp- Iinuhed mpperette, nicely $tt 59 in the regular way, to Two building Iota [over town will arms. Apply to dar. Fiir buitdi nnd well the Mk! Bulge!!! m throc her of lot 8 which Id um! wsumwn‘. M mil um I conveniently situated. e al perky will be sold togeth Ol to unit. purchaser For “I": l lam apiiir on the pwmines. t' iFARM FOR SALE BENT. . A good-01M lee, two titotey tlssill, igget'yird,g terUn lImnw p... 'tttrf meo lerth.( rrl; 4., “Durham Elgi treetr. ts x (f moms.p.nuy.mmu. metst Hmv» cellars. am. Good air locum-n x: Micah”. gown-num- um. L ttrl manor! .aiacorteaatreoflf . Mum format purchaser. For fut " 1"” tlcu mph to I Joan“. McKmmxm. (h m Rocky Snugm-n P. l. Lot 6, con 1 (ohm. IOP nrrvsm] m mot cimued l ' in guns stateot cultivution free f stone and nnx- ions woedsOncm ood hardwood hush. good orchard. u u x tbolt with m linemen. hm and ifiit,p,terdf"fiue dare ' 3 new.- If wells. " miles fro rhurch. whoo and Ptr" otBee. In tediaty --. munn If necessou- For FARM F SALE. Plpggt2etl"t lo in CO!» l5 'k lo. Wont. 05 um clean-d. In and.“ bath. rem er swamp. Scotch-I'd. creek cranes m cm- ur new tuna. spring hack gat In. Good tere',', Inn-n . " M. tn. en use manna thgtat, or. c r Mo's-up. maul arch. . to... but hm. 2.il"t shod "an mm .100. weal. - Apply at = - " l that in some lines laud gt this seas- “OEORXICK Bios" Rocky ' Want Wm" Wu aooD.---Rail- way with.“ on than. c. P. R. line haunt: Mm and Durham re- cently -gtgqhett . couplet- whiskey “Mint-id in Eng owuungu value at the regular that we have deeided Our $1.50 line will 90 Fringed all round it. “than coma-of Grey. Tin- Man land may been huried uncut-”yeah. It um buried hr- 'dttlgltttt unpaid wuin a - can of madam It a“) hull and to make ttood - - ileum. Mad the *terhtetteUeetUf. "0h Be I may you-old instead of y to make " the comp!" _ Slit and MI prob-NY bore l _ {WM hour- or In. FARM. FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE. s About 110 arm. er b ood bush, lo gum mild! and well watt' “use! mthrough u iwhich 1d "nuke n g '. tra mil om Durlr ' situated. e Mun 9 he sold togetb or in p hum- For fut pan m the pvt-mines. r FOB SAL: E' ', 07 on tbsensfrw tit. Md on (may A. N. Runaway. Onwar- or Yeovil H. W. Limos luruey G iLio,. hard of ld . s'iirisit or fur " pm- ncuxuc. 0 N rSnugeen P. J. SALE OB make tia uiteen i hat l' E'w U: m _ BWI, and lomnxo Daily . and toronto Duly N ”III and DnilyGlnhe..... In“. and Weekly Globe... Inn“ and W. Mail & Empi "VIII Ami Wan-w": Adverti ”VIII' and Weekly Sun ._. IVIIW and Fun. Her & W LVIIW and Weekly Wilma 'te' and Mon, Weekly H VOL. XXVIII. ip""'""' E Cur reputam and tue values we fully endorse our goods and makint Take advann Barlow Clubbing brings you. N some departmen ruthless Hice s mal conditions, tt ily counted con 333333: sad Western Adverli and Weekly Sun . ... and Faun. Her & W a and tight, Wan": and Inn. ’eekly HI WINTER CAP, tlt ONLY 3 FUR 'i,ilii. RE Now for a ALLREMX? Etc., f 31': Glo OVEROOAT Men's C price! _

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