West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Feb 1907, p. 5

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FEB 1, 907 K3338, Who Said Sick Room Supplies a a L , ,k in our North Window, and see the best lineo DARLINGS, The People's Druggists e have a large stock hf many kinds stumble for the Pf?” Alsoirota and Shoes in abundance. Slippers in Tttrum ,uung or old-ries, or poor in fact. Oar amok of Slippers was never so nice as they are. this was my“ lather Waterpruot duck for Men andBoys, In Jersey mv ttrldren and Jersey tor Indies and Misses. A lame assortment. ot Mitts and Gloves at prices that when. tycritv undated. Also a few lines of Hosiery for l :1. “I” and Ct ren in black only. Many other things /,ll nut allow naming them. Call and use for yourself a! un- goods and prion. - _ d , , member the place----, Lawrence's old Stand . ', . f. "SciieirSrittSds's'iyus vcr shown in town w e DARLINGS DRUG STORE 'i,:-.,)';, N.,G. ' J, McKechnie tl (The MW tyttitt W" b" _.' , m it at once Sight cal prompuy L In" lute of Curtain Poles. m Shaun, Picture Frau)” a to order of all kinds. " are having an uphold"- msl week in every month. " winhiug old numb: renn- to look amid mum-w should ua--we mil he pleased to Men‘s U ushrinkable "e/Fleece Lined................ Unmen’s Elastic Ribbed, good value. . hiidren’s Underwear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . McKECHNIE’S E . in"! h (Wee. Men's and BOYS. MEN’S HEAVY TROUSERS. HOT WATER BAGS, GAUZES, FUNTAIN SYRINGES, EANDAGES & COTTONS, I that winter is approaching you ill naturally require heavier and warmer clothing and we are Highest prices paid for produce. Men's Heavy Overcoats Men's Dress " Boss' Overcoats Boys' Pea Jackets In tor Undertaking attended to. Th0)? Undertaker EU Iflflilil The Popular Gash Store. si,.),, here at your service. " UN DERWEAR and good value at OVERCOATS .’ hats, caps, wciiGrria"irT. . . :.. . . Illllllll, fllli lll$lllllllill EMMY FARMERS’ aim TEAL The strongest purely Mutual Fire Imunnc Co. in ontario. A record without biannual and nu" reward tor hone“ ettoettr. conga and inspected by the Govemmlen} images y.eett 'tl,tl"?ir'ill Dy In: vuvc-uunnu . - V_ -___ um (um property upon the law! known plant 3 or 4 war Nuke: pole!" lanai on the mum: instalment or one Itd2'fl'o' system unde' the most favorable mud “on: to the Insured. “mm- In the best. it your insurance expires this you. can on, or drop a card to Now is the Time To Buy Rubbers Head ottlee t waikerton, Ont. NEIL McCANNEL Agent. Durham [UVUS an. F"'"" -___i_ lines of ilosustw for Men, Wom- Many other things bat space , see tor yourself and examine . MCILRAITH medium.........600 ........3ths.to Atht are this season. Lett- , gloves $5 10 the present weather, in various sues " gas that canpgtbe .. 7.7.......50c ...200. to 300 , mitts, etc. O $1.5 .25 & 7.78m and c, 'rd $6 12 Mr. John Campbell. of Pethenon, formuly of Boottivilie, has sent an the tollowing re-olntionl passed unani- mouly a: Dayton recently. Dole“- tions were present from the townships ofmmo. Arthur, Maryboro. Wellece and Peel. The meeting was called for rho express purpose of taking no- tion regard mg the Public Schools' Act of 1906. The ugitaaion seems to .m gen-ml. and no doubt the Govern- Det t will mtruduce mudifieations. I That We disavprove of the com- pulsory payment crammed enlnrv to teachers. and the arbitrlry power given to irupeeums to cancel the cer- titieate ut nm teacher who agrees to new-pr. less than the minimum rainy II That the rogulation ot ulnry nn the basis of assessment. nnd diari- hmion of the grant on basis at '.nltiry and equipment, is anGir w the mull. " venous. Ill That We disapprove of the com- pulsorv equipment of rural schools by providing scales. measures, tape, library, tenchers' private rooms, cun- crcw Walks enlargement of grounds, IV That the section of the Act? compelling County Councils to levy a use for rural achuol purpose' be elim- loaned. y That we dis tpprove oi the raw latiuns regarding the training and quaiiiiettion' all teachers. because the poorer class can have little hope of acquiring an edueation. although many of our brightest minds come l tum this class. Thus a discrimination is created favor ot the "ielt against. the pour. The amended rural Intiona announced by are as follows: (a) The minimum grant of $300 per autumn tw the townslnp to each whom section for salary will be re- tained. (b) An unconditional grant of $15 per unnum mll be made to each section. (c)A gram. will be mu pnrpm-s of equipment and daliun, and (d)Agramot40 per cent will be made on the excess ot'rall salaries n- huve t300 and up to 9600. This will mrk out as follows: Approprintionty? equipment and ac- eoinmodation, $60 Uhr, appryprmtion inl$15w each sectlun, 580.000: up propritttion ot 40 per cent on salaries -ver 83 0, $240,000; a total in all of The regulations adopted a your a- co provided for minimum salaries ranging trum t350 to $500. accord- ing to township assessments The Government has practically re- scinded the salary clauses of its ed- ucational act ot last session. Its sur- sender will be a blow to the teaching prolrssion. but the Government has acted prudently trom a party stand- point. The large increase in the crantto rural schmls, while coin- mendables in itself, would have come with better gracea year ago. The rural trustees and ratepavers hate been irritated by the coercive len- lures ot the act. and may not be in the mood to respond as liberally as they ought to the inducements which are now held out to raise the scgle wt "uries--Ex. tith-Arthur Backus. Willie Me- Alinwr. Willie \anllact-. Arthur +uid, Nellie Burns, James Wallace, Robart Wetmer. Sr 3rd--M try Back. ml. Lizzie Burns, Albert Keller. Jr 3rii--Bettits Monte. Myrtle Caldwell, Arthur Marlee. Dinah Tlininpwn. than)“ Wullace, James Marshall. Sr aid-John Kerr, Wulrer McAiinter, Neihs Min-shall. Elmer Fee, Henrietta Keller, Grater Mountain, Hraee Weh- Her, Mary McAlister. Jr gnd--Mel. ville Marlee. Leslie Marlee. Hurry Caldwell Annie Dean. Jean Morice. Pt 2nd---Mafrel Wallace. Stanley Mountain. Br "t--John Baer, Ar- Ihur Mountain. Jr 1swt-Drtwrort lat-hall. Andrew Marshall. J Burns, Liam Baer. ht t'i).-i',',e't" Petty. M. . ADAIR. tout-her. Rural School Regulations MORE attePLAUtTTS. That School Act, WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENTS THIS SPACE ..- b0- I rural school regu and by Mr Whitney so I NORMANBY be made tor the THE BUREAU REVIEW. Act. I'rhe madam Press Ami‘tion continued Storm in North-West! ' -_ I tu3trtrttl m " in The 49th annual meeting of the Canadian Pres mum was held in Toronto ieat week with a large at- tendance. The "tlrintt President was Dep. Miniater of Educ tion Cul- quhon. and his new tor the 50th and Jjubilee year of it exiatenOe ia ttr. Jug: Clark. the veraatile edi- torot " tnrday Night," and with same claim to be called a Durham boy at he spent new years of " devildum in the Review offitxh Mr. David Williams, or Collingwood. " of the well-known Principal, is Tris e- President and will likely get the titat posinion next veer. Mr. J. R. Ema. ot the Star ofBtse, makes en chiming and efficient Secretary. Questions at rates and eotmnisaiom' for toreign advertising, priming Mr" insurance (though: to be exce~aivr). postalchargu and orders, clubbing " _ ___.--. ~nn-nnir "ra"shreerh PUB“! VII-Inu- w.._ _ --- -e- -. - rates, flat rates. souvenir numbers. I patent insides. circulation book-het ing. the., bs, were among the msnv subjects discussed. One ot the uni sinus was honored with the presence on Mr. GoldWin Smith. himseli a journsiist of highest, eminence and one ot the oldest in Can da. Need less to say, he was warmly receive-i. An informal dinner " McConkev's gave opportunity tor alter-dinner wit Ind eloquence, some of the speokt-rs being Messrs. Willison. oi the News Atkinson. of the Star. opposition lead. er u. P Graham, Hugh Clark, M. P, P., Mr. Hocken. leader in the fight against the Street Runway. and sev- eral prominent members. It was expected that Mr. Medill McCormick. oi the.Chieago Tribune. one of the leading publishers of Amellca. would be present hat illness prevented and a sub-editor. Mr. Hurrison. csme In I his stead sud gave some good poin's. The Toronto brethren of the press ' entertained all who chose ton tree I ticket to the theatre, where Shake- l speare's play ot Ct'mbeline Was on. i Another banquet to the printers and l a hundsome one was the free trip to I Niagara given by the J. T. R on Snturdav. free street cars there and an elaborate luncheon atthe Clifton ‘ Hotel. Before and after the luncheon I guides conducted parties of the visit. ors through the massive electrical works. power houses. he., and no bet ter treat was enjm ed for many a din. The vast wheel house. 160feet deep, with monster turbines and related machinery, with all the, devices to keep out ice and let water in, w II on tet'e‘opener to the novice and a sur- prising illustration of the growth ol mechanical and electrical science. It seemed to us that the cry of de. pletinn ot Niagara waters hr power worksis almost absurd in the pres- ence ot the rolling floud. Niagara in winter is worth saving with the icebanks formed by the spray and hoary surroundings gener- ally. and we would close by again thanking warmly the G. T. R. tor their courtesy to the printers. Mrs. Lac-son and Theodore visiu-d Ayton friends on Wednesday last. Mrs. John Carson is visiting b-r brother, Robert Eden. The la grippe is bmw in IeVerM' homes, tho' g ad to say not as severe ' us some times. l Mr. II. W. Leeann and A, McClinton I made a business trip to Mt. Feast l Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Irvine visited Mr. S. Neal, ot Orchard, a couple of "lava last week. Mr. Wm, McCalmon left Tuesday morning with his ear of live stock and household eifeets for Craven. Assn. He takes with him two fine teams of drivers for the Brown broth- ers. formerly of Holstein. Mr. John Morice returned from the Feigus hospital Manday afternoon. We hope to see him completely recov- ered soon. I Mr. Wm. Lander had a. wood bee , Ion Tuesday. a nice lot of wood being ' out. - ' no uuvvu-rwy." -. --- I as a power tstation is prugreumg : the cuntract or the big dam and wamr wheelshas been let The dcvelnpmept of Euggsyin Falls we is busv in Ievmal ad to say not as severe Vamey The People of the North- West are eertaitt y retailing the rigorous nature of tn unusually new" Winter. Again lull. week . "were Mimi-d event over that county. aid to he the worst since m. A “pitch from suuwfbske, Mam. on 't2teltt aid the town wnokeatteieattye garrison. There had been no train in for eleven days; Ihete In no Boar, and that day would nee the but of the coal: the tem- _ . g Lcc-a-A " dit would nee we nu us w: u.._ . -_, mature wu In the neighborhood of 40 low zero. At Swift. Current. Sunk" the coal famine lit-cane serious hm week. lt w" impouihle to obtain a grind of coal from the local deal rm. me farmer! from surrounding dire trict. Were in town nearly a. week, Whiting for coal. One who had been waiting four days said his family had only one bucket of cont when hale" home. At last. they Went to a 0. P. B. cur and loaded up, wnd then uttered on a? tho company for the surply. At ormnn. Hulk, 3 car load 0 sham and edgings. hemp: shipped to number from!" wn seized by residents of the nudity. Early last week 6.000 hnlt..tsmitthtrd range cattle rushed into the town at Muth-‘Od. Alta..a.nd (-reatedu panic. The legs of the animals Were raw and Needing from cuts mused by thr " "__.... Anna...“ pan hnrd. bleeding [rum cuts yum-V“ -.r crusted snow. Many of them can bard- ly stand, imd every night many die m ”posture and weakneil. Now that the cattle are beginning to come in " the range the intuit-rs with limited supplivu of buy and straw will have to guard uguimt attack! on it from the i hungry herd-I. - _ " n~»=- an “Mann: Creek. II\'|IBI’ “y--." John R. Craig, of Meadow Creek. Alton, sneaking of the losses in cattle in the A crib-West, blame: it on the carelessness and ignorance- of thew who take up oattle-raisiug in parts of the country not adapted for it. He any. in the red range country in South- -.. . .,J n,...|.4.n.huunu|. Hm m,.......-.-___r,rv 7 em Alberta and Saskatchewan, lite mule are left out all the year and ur- perfectly safe and healthy. The out- look an the ranges I. becoming dull} more despemu‘, and the cattle one dy - lug thIck and fast l cattle maskin pour and it the cold weather continues tits 'mnjority of them will he food to wolves and coyotes. From Medici“. Hat comes a report that many caulk have died in the streets of the city after drifting in along the trails from the pluirie. Around Brandon the storm of In»! maul-r mun c-nnaideled the Wurst " Hui ..._ r. "__ ""e' Aruund Blandnn the storm or week was considered the wovst " who". The trains Were stopped coal ugpplies were runmng low. - I --- :..:.. - nullnul‘ u Ine plulrle. Aiound Brnndon the storm of but week was considered the worst " mi who". The trains Were stopped an coal supplies were runtung low. Te, curs of soft coal an iviug caused a rum to the dealers, but, 'hey were vefuued, m- the dealers decided to deal it out i: small qttatttit1es in orders book" "hend. One man otteved 815 for " to of hand coal, but was retused. The t _ P. R. wtll run only one Iran-scoutin». w tram each Way daily and will cut out several Inca! trains In the Regu- uecliun. This map has become new . surf in order to hetwr cope with H. fue situation. The C. N R. also tin, .. ......1._... ,I-n m hut-hand their fuel sup: """ allluuluu. nun. v. .. -h II lvaPSFnl'y to husband their fuel sup ply; the lust of their commercial um] has Oven shipped out of theirdm‘k "t Port ANhlll. Instead of a daily ex- ...... n. mimnntuu. they will have " we” 'tUiili/ttoutots, they iri-weeely service. " m, 7___‘. ‘_ ll‘l-Werlly at: . I‘v. The Norms of Thursday and Fiiday I were followed by the severest. cold " the winter, 52 degrees below zero lit-in, _ legistored in several places. Snow n. fully mar feet deep on low laces. Tin Willow Bunch and Wuoxll Mountain until: arrived on Smurduy for the tin-1 titue in a month. Following the sun-n- of the week previous. nine engines an: one Inowplow were stalled on one piece inf road within a distance. of 50 to T, miles. LAxrtn.--Later news than the alum indicate that milder conditions are ple‘miling in Alberts eipecially. aim the McLeod story is discredited. The merohlnt who advertiser: is the l one who does the busiueee In theae dts.s of push end enterpnse. There are mo:- ucmpaper readers to-day than ever be. fom in the history of the world. Tu. newspaper pieces your businera nude: the eyes of the buyer. He sees what In ‘Weute. end looks up the Wide awake merchant who asked hun to come nu: ~ee him. Success in these due of sharp competition cull eternel vigilance. You cen't keep e hustler down. Notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Township of Glenelg will after one month from the first publication of this notice pm- ceed to passnBy-Law for the stop- Bing up and authorizing the disposal l venue or otherwise of that part, of the original allowance for road he tween concessions 2 and 3 south of the Durhamwud in said township. com- mencing at the westerly limit of Solid allownnce and extending easterly for ndistnnce of Twenty nine hundreu feet (N00) - . , "M_u........._ All pvlsnns whose lanes um 'e Phi judicially "eeted thereby “Hr! pies" lake notice and govern themselves Mcnrdnmly . Dated this l7th day of January 1907. J. B. BLACK I Tp. (new. LOOK HERE, PARKER Beitti an?! Gi' lawman blame-s intention to. Every! his: private. Our lotto: " Mir " p ompt, Never Negligent. " - nun. .. --t - __ ly new" meer. Again were hlizurd event over aid to he the worst since watch from suuwfbske, King-0:? aid the town qUUM, garrjson. 'Eberr Municipal Notice UNTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO tk “MILLS?- set smug: dawn-WK whose lands max "YT? Creek. tire Clearing Sale 20 per ct. Discount off Felts, ytht Overshoes, ardi- BARCLAY & BELL Undertaking and EmbalmTIE; gans, etc. Peel, the Shoeman We have open td up Undertaking Rooms in Thos. Swallow‘s build- ing opposite the Middaugh House and are prepared to do business with any person requiring under- taking. Satisfaction guaranteed in Embalming. Our stock of funeral supplies has arrived ; also a full line of Catholic robes, etc. STINSON, The Baker; arsw.ts:s:ete.sestt.t:ts.tmre:" Is good Bread, well made and properly baked-the bread that is made by Stinson. This is the perfect brkad--made of the best flour, leavened and seasoned just right, thoroughly kneaded and baked to perfection, it is easilz of WINTER FOOTWEAR Repairing and or- ders our specialty. i"GirteiiuiirirrUtiis health add strength for those who eat it. Give it a trial. _ . . . - _ --- - Anyone sending I weetrh and etntt,fll', III! tttlr, uccrtnln our opinion frqtt " mixer " Invent on " WNW“! patent-Me. Communion “on. strict}; communal]. Bamboo! on I’m" sent tree. Ides! agency for M“““¢&?““"‘ Puma Men t much Mttetrt t "a". 'reial natt6a, without chum. In ttte - .c‘c - I‘mAH‘LL“ "iGFrtour menu“. u. now u, u. "F"' “WWW Mum: ' i'i)j.i,'iiji'tit,ti'illttr. m Brunch once. F at... Wllhlmon. D. l3 'iii"i'iititii;r)))lty1,tit!: The Best Cure For Dyspepsia Iii Ogilvie‘s “Royal Household" Eeewatin $6 Five Bosi--The "an hull keew"ti" make. FLOUR Glove: and Timothy and all var- ieties of Garden Bands in A- hnndnnce for Spring glowing SEEDS wiry Nut: Ken-Wad" n A carlond jun received. FIELD AND GARDEN Highest ttt 'tdee, only. rd Geetr. Largo-t cir- lo trpai Terms. " I So a by “no"??? LLL MEDICAL , l . G. HUITON, M.D.. CH Mon III! ' - sud We! can a...» "who! Mitt. um sum: to noon-law. mm. In) agtd to Knupp's (New York) gg Hotlink. cruel noon ir-tt B. In 2--4 p. n. " Toluhono Contact“. No. OM00 our d . otBtse.t8hmtirt, - - - -- Ova-loud Home: eon-co "with. mum-u am. no: and “one: Got. am aut'."' u,, m. "and Mitt. 0mm . W. C. PICKERING B. o s., L. D. S. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto Universny. laminate of Royal Colic” rt Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms "vet J & J HUNTERS New Store ARTHUR GUN. --t in Ohio art-s-tso-tom-""' “’owmdcumm o {ONOR GRADUATE Toronto Unlver I. am Royal College was“ slum Gun leathery In all In bunches. ' d o-uit".',, Block. over Post one. unmet-s. Solicitors. Convoynncen Ac. Money to Loan. Eye. tiurAp.tyrAr/1llltt1ttt. Will be " the [lad-ugh Home. Dun-MI. the um Wednesday of each month In. 10.. In. an 1 p. m. h. G. MIcKnv K.C. W. F Dunn Summer. Solicitor In Supreme Court Notary Public. Commissioner, a. Money to Mom. tttree, ozer I ml ' t's In.» el-‘V in”. J. F. GRANT D. D.S, L. D. . [nun-am? Agent. Money lo Loan. "suer of Mulriuge Licenses. A gou- erul tttmuck business lmumwlrd. JOHN CLARK I nice. McIntyre Block, over the Bank ART aOli H. JACKSON HOURS l 1331217 I ran; Louenue. memenu tor sh. u to cues. Aus., must be [nude n the Review or Me, Durham. 5..” Correspondncew than. or to Ceylon P.0., wlll be promptly attended to, Tenn- ou appittmuon to D. .ePtiAIL, Ceylon P. o. or to C. BAIAGE. Durban. Licensed Auctioneer to the County of Grey; [Accused Auctioneer lot the 00. of Guy. - ml, “and“ to. um mi-hh Ian be left at " Implant Vin- rooms. McKinnOn‘s old stand, or " the In“ 0M. Duh-I. Nov. to. MACKAY d; DUNN, aeuna.eevDan.eexa. Peter Hamilton AGENCY Everything in readiness for the tt season. Callignd see ogr lender Nutuy Public. Gotnmiorioner. ' McPHAIL.) DURHAI, ONT. (Lawn-Town) I'he New Bugabpgg Waggon- __________._.____ Maple Lu! um ENG“ SEWING Humili- The Unpaved lotion-l can: -a8t10% 6 an Danny Chums. Nun‘s”. W anL Liem.'t'raest= than. Mowers. Prices tad terms to mgit purchasers. Licensed Auctioneer for Co. "We!“ & can". l, B. tltulull, Agent 15001-91. Lot 40. 4L " 8. D. B. For um“ um cuhu‘pplyon thins-b 4 0' I' ll Ill. “A: Wont-nun; 'ltata.. A DR. BURT 50F. - - - v__ ___" Ploughs, Hnnows, Cultivators and J. P. TELFORD CUNVEYANCER. " Birbér BuggtiU. bis-ell and Land Bollar- Dilc Harrow" ot Elan FARM FOR SALE Ceylon bu n telephoned!“ ‘J. Hunt-'0 a to " 4.x. '-* p.- .. " "regain P. o Grey '

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