West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Feb 1907, p. 8

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i J, III on 'tre' lee pr W of " It o..----------"""""""-""-'" THE PEOPLES STORE.“ January is stock-taking month and the month you look for to secure real money-saving bargains. Come to the People's Store and take advan- tage of the low lprices prevailing throughout the Store. All Winter Goods Must Go DIAMOND HALL ROBERT BURNETT. Having commenced Moot linos of Men's Winter Furnish notice of the following snaps t Stock-taking at hand Noblty and up-Io-dne in " ery respect. Hero I RPQNII'SIO Overcoat: clunimaz................. Regular'ei2 $g " ... o.......-". Regular$l$ " 6t o.......---". All tarm produce STOBK - TAKING GLEARANBE SALE Raincoat!» thing n we No old stock allowed. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Flannellettcs, Ties, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Gro- ceries, Furs, ac.-all cut in price to reduce our large stock. Many Odds and Ends accumulated after hnhday season, will be sacrificed to clear. COME NOW. The above goods hon in our Vr For the month of January we are offering to tne Public as handsome a lot of Jewel Cases and Fancy Gold Clocks as one could wish to see any place and the prices are within the reach of both rich and poor. Watches left for day as left in. Watchmaker. PERCY G. A. WEBSTER ancy Jewel Cases and Gold Clocks mg commenced smoknking. we tina “en's Winter Furnishings whiohgmns: PANTING from. . - . . . . - $1.50 to 3.00 Gentlemen} Handkerchiefs from Mk to Ttie CAPS for Men and Bor. from 50cm $1 Is. Sweaters, Underwear, Gloves-every- wexum except shoe-aut must be cleaved Mach» 'ui1oes ad tut'. rueiiAeat Sove goods are now on in our Window. They a very suitable present 1 wife or sweetheart. Men's Overcoats wanted. Highest prices paid. repair cos/be had the Jeweller ttnd we have several m; bcclured- Take Heroinyourchance: _..........a7.00 & I vlsu u LL Mrs. Owen 1 _______ U. Mel Mr. --1- morni ford. I Mist tendet ases Walt, Tneud Mrs visitil and w $13141“? to sister for exhibi- make Optician .,.1300 same morning for Toromo' when the will. attend the Millinery openings. Mr and Ifrs Archie Menu-mm of St Thoma vlaited over Sunday with thetattertstwnt, Mrs A, B. Bind of town. Mrs Large, of Toronto is visiting! he! parent. Me and Mrs Ben Willi-ms Mrs Doherty And Miss Alice rtt hnvn bean winning at Mr Lannie“... Mrs Dohorty 3nd Min All!!! Cl1l'l have been visiting at Mr Latimers. ' returned but week to their home ml Walkertnn. I Mr H. D. Davidson, wife and child, left Tuesday for Wilcox, Sui. Miss Wilkes of Walkerton is tb guest of the Bnclmn family at pl cunt. Miss Maggi. Caldwell ret urnod to her duties in Buffalo after making u short. visit. to her mother het e. Mini Mary Daniels left Saturday for), Hamilton. where she will be for com: time. Congratulations to Miss Bella Item. tom eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wen, Renton, on her union with Mr. Chas. Moore, of Toronto, which took place on the '6th inst. Mm Emma Harvey Aloft Tuesday limo. Congratulations to Miss Bella Item. i,e,tA,gnr,u,gt,tfat,iiTd'it.lr loom! I Lon. eldest daughter of Mr, "id Mrs. whom meetings but! a. swimming pool. Wen, Renton, on her "mo" ,.it.h Mr, Thu has in manual. Tiny could do Chas. Moore, of Toronto, which took without ., gymnuinn fer a time, but place on the 5th inst. owing to prevailing conditions than are . . - very tow boarding homo. supplied with Mr. George Binnie, of m"""?""': one eotniorttutle blthlng bellman. and this of the county auditors. was in town would he on. of the ban ways ot ”PM? officially this week. and went to Mark- ing a much felt want. dale yesterday with Mr. A. if. Am.» An iuatittttion like thin eonldboeirrrtei1 strong. also county auditor. to audit on for uncut four hundred dollars a you the house of refuge accountsc--O. B, and than would surely be no tgouble in Advertiser. rnisiug this ttttttttttit. . . " . . d Could not the Women's Chriutun Mr. and Mrs Fwd, of ."i,'l,'.f,"'2", Ill,', Temperance Union take up this work Me .Murphy or. ctyt'ler, are n. "r . slang with the tormer Committee and ent "slum: theivrelativetr, Mrand M'I pmh u. to I. Inoceaalul hum. Give the Geo Meikle and other friends in town. boys . plug. whom they will meet those whose mm is to live up to the bent. and no Miss Eahner who was it 'ruttt"'t her help them from going dowu. The old aunt Me. Beittner fot, W street tune. h" nylnll " nu ounce of provontiou is worn returned totgtratford. 1eet of euro" in vary npplionblo it t _.. nun." Rev. Mr. Ryan spent a short time in Durham last week on the way to his new charge in Dundnlk. Miss WJson of Sr. John tended the wedding of h Walter Wilson to Miss Tuesday. Mrs J. lt, Sprouie of Peneumg is visiting her sister Mrs J. P. Telford and was present" the weddin g of her sister Mitet Margaret Corbett. 7 Accordion plaited chiffon in white or black. We will all any agtiele in 1 at ably reduction as": want to at the winter Moet, m:- R. T, Bell, resident, O. P. R. en. l gineer. will give his inc-helm friends in Durham a farewell dinner to-night. Mr Bell who is a good fellow and very popular' among lhoae who know him isuotleaving this vicinity. but in u- hour, lo leave the ranks of the bache- lots. Hisumrimge with Miss Living- stone of Allan Puk will take place on the 12th of this month. They will takein residence In "ttnover.---Htu" [ over Post. Many of our new sprin goods are opened up. Early buyers it the first chmce. WR .. " A Car of Windsor Van. just nr rived at, Mrs Beggs W000 WANTED. Wan d 10 cords of dry hard wood. 6 inches long. Apply to F. KELS Y. Durham. One of the best {arms in the Town- ship ot Bantinck. 208 acre-I. new In ick bruise. two large hank barns. land first class, all chmredexeept20 ac. snap to quiet: purshnser. 81500 down balance at 4; per cent. Apply to MACKAY ' DUNN Vendor's solicitors We still have a large assortment of trimmed hats we are offering at greatly reduced pnces. In green, red, old rose and the wine color. Some very nice grey velvet hats trimmed with white plumes. Two dozen black hats in black silk velvet with plumes. A huge assortment of blue): felt and silk huts suitable for mourning went. A large stock of Ribbons, Laces. Veilings. Fancy Blouses ' Dru. Skirts. Ladies' Neckwar & Belts. MILLNERY ewinter stock. _ l 'ttttttttt Miss Dick - jiiiiisi'ii'iiiiitiiiil, a"??? Farm for Sale $M4 ‘elvet Hats H. H. Magnum. and child. her THE DURHAM REVIEW Emu w. have " M c. m Tho following 0mm from I lotto: in the Honour Post no no applicable to con- ‘ditlono in Durham Ibot we make no apology for reproducing it, hoping it any 1 stir up some of “gamma; y, 11-min (rt 'irari to provide numbing for tho known“ and "ttia) mod- of our young men bowud what I. In" " patent. Here in the “may: '.--. " In our town with m meny futoriee there no no meny young men end boys who hue no plea to spend their even- inge om. aide of their bedroom In . bond- ing home or on the nine“ or in the ho- tels. II in true their in e elnb room but that eennut take in ell the "r.ttttar* that come to uorit in our {eateries or on the reilroed. end it in euily understood that. when men Ind hove will never even make an attempt to enter e club toom. but I ‘giye them I pine when they can leel that they be" e right to go end where e worm we.eome mil be given them and lune numben of them will be only too ttlad to take tonnage M the opportuni- ty. The“ people hue come lrom com- tunable hornet, may tor the first time, end in It my wonder that " meny go . downward, seeing that they are lonely and no pleee open to them but those mentioned above. Could not the Women‘s Curit,ttsu Temperate Union take up this work lions with the tonne: Committee and plush u. to a succeaalul inane. Give the boys a pluco when: lhey will meet those whose mm is to live up to the be" and no help them from going down. The old laying " an ounce of prevention is worth “gonad of euro" is vory npplicnblo in ttii, use." ot the Rockies, it distance ot 250 miles. Two railways, c, P. it. and U. N R., keep us in claw contact with the Eastern Provinces. Two more rail- ways are expected very soon to help still more to the opening up ot this country. Now as to fuel, there are thousands ofacres ot coal. Coal anywhere in this section in seams irom six inches to sixty feet in depth, and as tor tim- tter, there is lots at that along the river and west to the Paeitie must. The snow is about two feet deep but we heve . very low temperature. The snow lies where it lens and does not drilt on accountoi having so little wind. Why we have sotiale wind is nut exactly known, bat it is thought that the hits. have something to do , with it. The country is level in most places With black loam in depth from one inch to iour ieet. Show“ clay iorm . 10to 12 feet, then send and grnvel , with very few stones. There is con- , sidersble brush in some parts while e in others it is open prairie. l Lest winter we had e very open. winter. just shoot three inches of snow tor two orthree weeks, but we are Inciting up tor it this winter. " I remain SEALED TINDERS Manned to the ht,t?i,tt ed, nod "tatm" “Tender for Public Bul d- M: Owen Sound. Ont." will be received at this one maul loud-y. rem-n 25 1’07. lnclullve-l t for the ,somtitietittts of s Publlc Building, wen sound, out. “Pl-mum ttttyitglgtet'tt'itlrk'll' lander Strat',' e on: ot luau. rm " Clark. Amhltecu. Owen Sound. on. Pawns Wu so mad an: an“ an not be ottrtMt$qmtt mlo- and: on the plum mun-um. “a - um; Mum-l J,iiiiiiiitg gttf,2hti'i' rr,ti,'ti'i!rilitF',sti'rir'y,'t,'i I my: Met "idl')ttg,t,lltl1k'l'tthh1re, 25 irtiri"ari, Ttiiaiiiird iiiiik9iet ve In. to was Into . 1SUf,%'h"ftg'l 'uairtqd.o.s1t,tit2t? mil to eoupleh the 'C‘k oitatmet" lot. " the ten- der to museums)» angle will In mun-nod. Strathcona Features TORONTO _ Yours truly. - ”WW-“u - --"--_ *7 ant tom can: no c. of no“ 'atil She tgud', m helm to up; 199.... Br W. Riv mil-diultmmn A, C. Baron rm 6:11}ng m} The ctuts1i-1 Sullivan [souls are vet sated m the question of a tween Oboelov and ct wen shown , logger-from. Sullivan 11009103" very much inter- estod in tho question of a daily mail be.. twoen Cheeky Ind Chutnworth. We were shown than from H. H, Miller M. P.so0. J. Micki. in which good prospect. of the daily avstem are held out. If this man Miller undertakes anything It. all feasible he accomplishes " object. Ind he has set his heart Ott' that daily mail for the benefit of his Sulllvnn constituents. The Enterprise would like to see the daily trip begun no that our bundles of papers for sub- scribers at Peabady. Kinglmrst and Moorubnm would not he In iha Post ofhee here from Wednesday night till ‘Fndnv morning. If H. H. Miller gets that daily mail "a-goin" we will give him a boost. that will elect. hint by ac- clnmntion at the next general elections. And when the contract lor the daily trip is let, we want to Ere Billy Doluio. the best stage driver in the diggins. get titojob.--clsmsley Ent. A man was fined five dollars and costsin the Toronto police court the other day for using profane language on the street. It does not appear to be known to the people " large that. the use of profanity is forbidden by uw,thnt one citizen may cause the arrest of another for this offence, and that anv policeman is as liable to dis- ', mien] for failing in liisduty in this as annoy other respect. The law Is it good one. and there. is need for its more strict enforcement. Bow and young men swear and use the most repulsive language in public places, derlving from the gutter some notion that their ulnndonml conversation makes men of them. whereas those forced to listen to them experience no ’sensation but one (f utter dis-gust. There should he more an resin and lines (It-?.:':':,'::,)', should he a crusade ug-iinst this senseless vvnl. George Wright of Halifak htts been attempting for several yours to en- gage the Canadian press in a war it- gninst. had language. It, H to "e how ed that he will sucrovd and it might be Well for the Police Commissionets i to more strictly nlif'ircv the law in Toronto. especially in street rars nod and in crowds where the tongtn- of the vile speaker (Minot ha escaped by _ others. The law needs hut lu. enforc- ed. In in recent, sermon the Bishop of I Carlisle made a remark that, is favor- l ably commented on by the British press. “Anyone who sweut." said the Bishop. “manifests the beggar- lineqs of his vocabulary." Getting ot the some idea in anotlwr way the Con- cord Patriot says: "People ”war Ire- . cause they do not know the possi- bilities of plain English, or have not the skill to manipulate it m that. it will yield the amount of the they want. You can do almost anything with common words. No matter how I tame Mid lifeless Hit-5' look, standing _ in stupid rows as if they didc't know l I enough to come in “hen it rained. they can he made to dance likeimps. I ', to frolic like fairies. to float,, angel-l . wine, on light, wings, to glow like spir- , its. They can dolhings that make the 3 ordinary hits of profanity look like feeble scarecrows slilItnt-d up with a , fence stake. The cure of profanity. 1 reformers and educators 'p1vase make 5 anote. is merely wit, enough to han- , dle your words so that swearing will 3 seem like baby tale in comparison." There is yetnnolhel view, that of an it Englishman newly come to Canada. t. and shocked by the profanity he hears :3 about him: Anyman."he remarked, It “whocursrsin that way is a cad." THE WESTERN REM. ESTATE EXCHMQE " Dundls St, London.0nt _ "ee" If you wish to sell or "xclrtnge your pro rty quickly nr profitably m- if wut ',',,'i'Tll buy, don't fail tnhm- m- write ourGen Agent, for theCo of (irev. Wm W Rnnmge. Thistle P. o. who has late- ly been aiipointed to this position. We make no charm- unless the property is told. For further particulars. apply, personally or by letter, tn either of the above addresses. The Westery peg! E,stttt,thy8yyuer IIIW .. 9FeiMee-" r -i'" Lui.. London. Outrsrio. - In reference to the uh IVP, I beg to Announce thest I will be pleased at. anv time to meet. with punk-s whining 1,0 huyaell, or exchange. hut, will for can. veidencehe in Dun-hum every Saturday afternoon. It we don't. see you. send us. a post-card: we will gladly give all m- format/ton. Orders or enquiries " the REVIEW Omer, will receive prompt ul- tention. --Itttetttrts interest is being taken Jn the coming meeting of the British Parlitutwrtt. Premier Campbeu Bannermnn is comtexnplating a battle with the Home pt. Lords. with aview tourmln; public opinion against them as In effete feature in modern it."""" and ultimately abolishing t. Work: has resigned his seat in Lon.. da, but. not his poruolin. whteh mean no doubt elm he will try to win the constituency again. His MN! [I now restored. Opponent. my his “Inca wu an “can and tttttt be in; attending: ”than: Pte iiiiai." ir'Hyman viii! give slut; in “has " “In your time. Profane Language Hon. Hyman. quiszer oi. Pgblic Chataworth Daily " WM. W. RAMAGE. District Agent, Thistle. 0m. will eleet him by ac- nextgenerul electiom. outrun lor the daily at to see Billy DONG. verin the diggms, get 1,4,. I 7“ "khaki Limited geek. Reducing Sale. This week we oihsr . large " pets made of heavy Cashmere trimmed and deep trill, lee, .. nor at 1:ourmatphres Rince stoclt.takiyr is over '3 find that in some lines we have more than Shouldbg on, hand " this seas- on of the yea. so and! ti?' than!!! February Troll will fnd, cabin lines at greatly re- The Big Store But student: we can!“ a my new with- out any inconvenience to WV- MM. Three cc,',','.",',?':,",','; ngtd would: we! may. Business. 8 ems-ad and mm. and Br mummy. No matter why: your palm: - td',',', is. we on tit you (at. - pylon [ad- t on. Full ”Neal-n mum my “as: he. C. A. We. may. These are considered extra good nun price but the quantity is so great tut _ , «J --:--- n. yuw .Wee'_'"" - _ - to offer them at reduced prices. sell this month for 81.29. $1.90 counterpeues for $1.59 this month. Sn" and Equipment- 1 The school " thoroughly aM', In and: ‘ ability. in chemicul and ugh-i: timings, &c.. for tuit J unto: mm M uluuou work. The following mm: and are In churn t TROS. ALLAN, ht. Claim”. ”up! MISS LOLA MOLEOD, B. A. flow claim of queen's University. Chum. loans and Eagitsh. MISS M. ik HOLLAND m Ch- (teruncue and thud you «W at Queen's Unlvadg. Science, may and ”our Intending Students should enter a the who him; of the term it possible. Board an bob mined at repay-bl; Pff.h, Patina-LI 2t.ettr. EM um" town, mun; It a - a place for residence. FEES: " per month in “who: 119 Men's Shirts of navy Unn- “a... ..--_. W stiff fronts, all sizes from 14% to IN with cuffs attached or upon“. Regulu Prices from $1 1.. $1.50. This week your choice for 79c. Lt-------- Wm.gottnatom Br., cum. our subpiy. * pastime but it is Durham School {Hiking Graduates ot the Famous Emily get Telegraphy Y. M. c. A. Bldg,, You: i W on. Tom Open year pulp-Eur ultimo The olden sud mum tutu I who? All mumu III ot u. tttg-tq receive expat mm and ”d attention and can - b wuwjor “an d at [In a ara T030310. 011'. BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLHIE T. M. WATSON. PM auwdpfiw' All Winter Goods will be cleared " clese prices " we don't wunt to - over an} thing that price will move. muons. Den-ml "no” a“ such . and do. In no. tu, me. mum our w..l. Ibuofr mural can “and Ala-Mum 1i'i"ainiTGTGrt aairiiiTe __' II--""""""'"'---." . . hit-ta of heavy Duck Print with fancy all sizes from 14% to IN with cuffs ‘ " f--, r“... tht ... uiiiia $1.69. DURHAM a F of Lndiai fancy Wrap. W mind nipperette, nicely '818 in the regular Way, to \ good qaltut " the regular and that we have dreidevl III-nu. hing Iota 27 MM eh. n h. g, no N About “Um l'er'mI- ed, 0 hardwood hum, lH unwitt- dar. Minna mud m ll w.l ml- “I“, iirunntlirougit mm: 'serrte lot-ttit lets would umkr u Wtod. 'W- miles {rum Durham: cm'mu’ . ed. Th0 al"' Ian. M, wk ether m m pm» 10ch funhm www- Mwyut‘KW . s,wrlrt d ttood ttll high. two trtott'Y " r'tr,'s', Ptou, lerian II‘MHI‘ M, h. KW. Durham. tl do.“ in titteets S ”lkmuy. Ii. ceuutt tl “M “ a iry u/J/l, “today. ttood w slaw, “WM,ouenc‘ flyt"l, PARK FOR SALE OR BENT. 'seroehot& t4re4 on l, \l “with. 2'2'JU'le h il dri.ittgt M ' . hen how- Aholotlkcon uremoanw 04.ng all (DI-chu- Met but. Iggy driving: rm teeiiG- mur.. NM“ F .. MM!“ tamt . Aft "' M Apply to a!“ " ihraieai Culture [In Tun-thy. Honor Gruduuu- [ Maud not Hunted Culluw "l “n toAhrrd on. St “dull". I' -trlt_oqthoe1iad or an” IH out in "oi-ttees-tts. cert w 1ltP'1'l.tk,tt .- Foe " P.G.arutthtMer't Irh1, 13‘”:me FARM. FOR SALE EOUBE FOB SALE. FARM FOR SALE. Our $1.50 line will Fringed all round rm Iron SALE A. K. Bhutan A qtote.V dwell I mum! pto in". Comer - tiertnt I CM“ "In! " Durham on Tannin} 0min II " o, M i4 a. in ad Z] d ip"" Pie VOL. Rummy ma " REVIEW and rm RIVIII' and De REV!!!” and Mh REVIEW sud w, REVIEW an: w. RIVIIW and w, Rar- and " Run-w and W1 Blvnw and no On a and the ill fully en Review REE-23 a: brings some dt ruthless; mal cot ilv com zoods w 815 oy WINTE ONLI Now ALL

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