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Durham Review (1897), 21 Feb 1907, p. 1

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admit in Calm" " Thomas. 5* into tee ooeert NV erms and on I.) O and. 18 stump. ont cul- “I! but! " I»!!! n how. or. clear- orchard. iatt stsed. An wrik thnm . re pro- ) pom "tict'- , Culture If": “goon owrirr m P. o. HI. 9t ac- etate "f .d nul- "wood rhu- nd c0- en and anon-r church. "30d"... n. I'm art's“, . Yeor il dwelt so peo Some? Swen noors. too in hard bue I" Ill" , - Durham in TM! ' D. R. For the womb ert ".Ntot. imam! Gun Run. and 10mm 0.811 on: Rm and forum only New. Rum: and '?etfht,i . . . . . . . .U HIV!" and Woe ly Globe...... 81.83 Rm" out! W. Min & Empire. $1.75 Rlvltw and Western Advortiur 81-0 RIVIIW mud Week!!! Sun . . . . . . . 31.0 Rim Ind Fun. er a W Btar .1.“ RIVIIW 3nd Week! Witnm. .. 813) RIVIIW and Mon. int” Benita.” VOL. XXVIII, NO. 8 wawwmww”WWW”. M 0 O E What IS In a Name ? iii, ..8ataai%megggggg=iygltgtngllgggllgllfiilrMlgglgllgll,.8,! s: -- :1: -iNe."""""." b fimgmmamsmmmmmsg Roda" Clubbing Batu Our reputation is made by the goods we'sell and the values we give. Nothing we can say will so fully endorse our new lines for spring as seeing the goods and making your own comparisons. Take advantage of the reductions stock-takiqg brings you. We have too my winter goods MI some departments and there'll be no let up in the ruthless price sacrificing until they're down to nor- mal conditions. We must get them in the more eas- il y counted commodity-cash $t5 ONLY 3 FUR JACKETS LEFT - They should go quick " the Prices We put on them. RUFFS. MUFFS AND CAPEWN1iB-orilr a few to clear. WINTER CAPS, UNDERWEAR, FLANNEL Now for a clean-up in WINTER FOOTWEAR. A LL REMNANTS in DRESS GOODS, COTTONS Etc., from our Stocktaking must go now. IO " OVERCOATB for.... ..$12 .. ...... 10 Men's Clothing and Furnishings James Ireland EVERYTHING. Ladies' Furs $12 SUITS for......310 10 " .... . 8 7.31138 " ...... 6 Btttliiittt Willie Douglas II requested to write to Miss Scott. Beeretary Boy’s home. 390 George Street. Toronto. Our' read will notice that Len.- hm and M ntoeh the new Bud. were firm " changed their ad thin week. Great activity a the Home of Quali- ty. Stock taking oing on. New goods being opened p and piles of remnants and left-0y goods being sold atabargain. Bee id. Mr. John McKechnie, Glentoaden. has bought the Wm. N. McDonald farm, lot 22, com 2, Glenelg. and takes possession right away. We hope to add before long that he bu taken poo- union of a helplpeet. The very late-CV33. Good- nre he. ing shown " B. F. orlocka. tex, and uclntouh hue chang- ed their . q Don't forgery.)h k at M r. Purity/o ad. to see the big to in randy-nude over-emu. Tar. large 12x14 Phoitrtrrtsph that In have been giving with each dam our beat caninet photographs has taken BO well that we intend to continue making them for a while longer. P. W. KEL- st. Photographer, Durham. Stock Taki brings to light many lines of surplu stgck and odd aim. Our Red Letter tsly is 'diaposing ot these to eager b era. Only a few days left. "The ease of Quality.’ H. H. Mockler. A school teacher named George Baird has taught the same school. 3. S. No. I, Stanley Township, Huron County. fora period of 46 years con- tinuously. That is a record worth talking aboat.-aive him a. pension. 0n FOR CUBs--Mr. Jan. a. Match, of anaden, lately visiting round here, and Mr. John Hewitson. his brother-in-law, nBentmck boy.leave Toronto to-day for New York and thence by the Ward Line Steamers. Monterey, for H uvnnna. Ban IL? COXING.-I have [went appoin by the Dominion Govern- ment to p re Immigrants from the' United King om in positions as farm laborers or d esiic servants in this vicinity. Any "on isquiring such help should Motif e by letter stating fully the kind of h required, when wanted and wages o ed. The num- bers arriving may not he tsuttieient to supply All requests, hut‘wvery effort will be made to provide enc‘Kspplicnnt with help required. w-. m... m... .-,_.--_. Nun. McOANNEL. Box m, 0 Durham, Ont. MARRIED 1N IDArgo.-A recent pep- er from Montpelier, Idaho, conning the following marriage notice. The bride " a deughter of the late D. D. McCanuel, who will be remembered by many in thin part: "A very pretty home wedding took place In thin city he: Wednesday at noon at the home of Mes Hartman. when her daughter. Mile Isabel McCannel, was united in marrin e to Mr Joseph Bradbury. The 'Jai/fl, was performed by Rev. U. T, Mchompbell of Cokevlll. in the presence of about twentrtHe queue- The bride was given In marriage by her grandfather. Mr MeDomud at Salt Lake. The ceremony over and congratulations extended, the ghetto partook of a sumptuous wedding din- ner. Mr Bradbury is one of Short Line's popular young engineers and in now running on the Second dlltrict. Hie bride has grown to womanhood in Montpelier and is a moet eertitntsbU young lady. The happy couple went to Pocetello Wednesday evening, where they will reside, They took "heir departure In a shower of rice tend with hourly unwell greetings from o score or more of their friends. I Joan nil-Y. In rti.iiiiiifiamiMrr" tnee.sieejte1eey. mroartvtfteed I7iiiG"tiitjiiGiiGGtrktfhtt-tu inn-Hum "" ..___, BB...-""""". -ii- 'rdtied.ftterthrete" SIM” 'r-tttttttfeet'?"' "ttatt -bs. TIESEWDARD BANK mmLullt,lllrmtRE0A1r, FEBRUARY 21, 1907; Rex Pourous Plasters for lame bade at Darling’s. tun oFiiNs AN Afxoprr, H. H. Mocnlm. IOTA-LIMIID "" OF CANADA Bum OnAnou.-Mr. Mum: mnith left In: week tor Dan-onto when he will take at position in the Banana! Bank there. It. B. th Dub. Alton, " Junior Clerk here now. Mr. T. May- lor left on Sum-any for Branded. Throat, 7 be " the Km” Hotel. Durham, Fe " Bonn I. s. In. to 5 p. m. Eye- . edaod-mtprtled. This cold w " demands m hoa- iery and under' our. Why not buy them at the of Quality Bed Letter Bale. _ ‘ - --- __ Rev. Mr. Parquhneson Adda-cod the Athens“: Club of It. Fore-t. an Fri- day lost. He took on his topic Brown. ing’s “Flight of the Dachau." no author and an poem with which Mr. Fsrquhomu h oon anon. Today, Wedueedey. Min Margaret Cempbell join. heart end bend With the man of her choice. Mr. Mani-on. from Winnipeg. Mile c. we: one of Aberdeen'e - kind and genial ttiris and we wieh her a happy wedded life with A golden “Diet. One of the pioneers. most respected of men, pee-ed to the Frqat beyond on Jan. 26, in the per-on of Mt. Melcolm McKinnon. of Bruce town-hip. " the 5390174 years. Mr. McKinnon we. well known to may in this vicinity and e couein od In. J. C. Nichol. town. Put AND Box 8oCrAL--A pie and box social will be held in Litton: ,chool. near Dornoeh on the 28th day of February. An excellent. program consisting at "up. recitation, din- lagoon and We... is being pumped. Adlai-axon 15 canto. Ladies bringing pics or boxes tree. Ladies withon hoxu 25 cents Gunman. a You An Ba1ar-Ne Prof. Doquad’o Art Oovorinp in With not Twain-n on thousand- of book. They ore s mutation mount Golda, Datum. em. and give . most. natural and younger “wool-once to the face. Trying on and demousmting the nuperior In at the” goods Inc of charge. no will be at Knapp Home on Monday. March 4th. tttDt-tc-The induction of the} Rev Geo Kendall to the pater-hip or Amos church. Drama-c and Knox church Normnnby will take place on Tuesday the Mth inet., " 2 o’clock p. m. " Amos church, Drona". Rare Mr Little, moderator,to preside. Rev McNamara, of Dayton, to punch. Roy W. Farquhamn to nddreu the minister, and Rev J, P. No. Inna: from (lean-ville to dds-cu the people. acnooi. 1ternovmesmes.-The School _ Board have under coneidernlion the long-deferred action of providing mod- ern closet accommodation " the school. After examination a. committee he recommended the exclmlon of two chambers nude: the cut half of the present school building. and the inst-l- lation of a. modern system of t1uahintt. Plans and 'peeitkations are being pre- pared and tenders will be asked for without delay, But for the Runway uncertainty this work should have been undertaken last yen. The Presbyterian Guild had a pleate- ant and profitable meeting on Monday evening, when after an excellent - ical programme Mice McLeod gave a paper on Jean Val jean, the hero of Victor Hugo'e fascinating etory. "Lee Miserables." The awful power to crush and degrade the unfortunate, which le yieited in society, the etill more mar- vellous power of love to awaken ton better life, and the fearful nemeeie that follow: us step by etep never let- ting ue eecape from our own miedeede. w-re all presented by Klee laced in a way that was not only pining but powerful and inspiring. Klee. Gun Und Hunter contributed reading from the ewry. B. H. Mocxun. No Mi An unique - wee held la the Methodist Church on [may evenin- Jnet e few weeke ego e Inge new PW. omen wee purcheeed through the tim, l ot Metttseeat end “all”. who handle the "Bell" lnetrnnenu. The maker's nenele emcee of excellence: It ll of a very head-one eppeerenee with three eheele. in even. of Mum“ peinted "pupa" end mkee e tittlntt Momment to the western well. We congretnlete the congregetion on thle been evidence of ”my. end we ere euro we they eey of piety es well. Jt lee compliment too, we tekeit to tho tine choir and the accomplished organist. Mm Rue Irwin. Pastor Calling occupied the chair. nnd before entering on the prom-em. which m entirely mnelcinl. mule some congratulatory lemma, reioies log that in his patents here the new omen had been secured. He mulled T or 8 other charges he had ministered to that had trot 0mm during " term, and declared that unouget. the humen torees emngthening hie mini- stry here none excelled the choir under their able leader, Mr. Meme. Mr. Pmmore. an expert from Guelph, wee preeent to show the poe- elbillties and powers of the new omen and " Intervals tendered eluded pieces, all of them artistic and meet at them placing. "Now there would be all the gentlemen of the lover'- lute, then the bold dupe-on. Be ha e Inning however for the gentle end Mill in his selection- and had none line Minding: in his earlier pieces. Still l we believe it must be and that m. per formence lacked the energy or the en- thusiasm or that something which thrille en audtence. Mr. Midtord gave "vera1 eoloe with' eccepteuce. his "good bye” eons we {my being the beet. He received hearty uppIeuee andwu once "eniied. Lest but not least we must mention the choir, who were in tine trim and well trained. They were nicely bel- aneed, were particularly good on "the eunuch.” and were the most brilliant {tenure of the evening. Pm AND Box BocrAL.--On Tuesday evonlng. Feb. 26, the friends of Clan " school home, Bentinck. N. of Aber- deen, hue preparations' door. for u tine Pie and Box social. A good' pro- gum in being provided. Admission. Gentlemen 16 cu. Ladies' bringing pies or bone tree. Ladies without boxes25eu. Everybody welcome. Fm: Isimxmotr.--rhe provinciel Fire Inspector struck the town last week in biannual quiet way. An el- urming whistle called the Brande to their duties end we believe everything we- found satisfactory es far no the the ruined tower would pemit. Mt Forest we! caught with frown pipes Ind other weaknesses. l Died in Dukotn. Mr. James Neil-on inged " years. The deceased left here [shout 4 year- uc to live with his eld- ut daughter, Mrs, Ward. Hie wite ldied eix yen-I ago. He cuneto thin country 52 year- ago and settled on lot 8, con. 18, Emmont. enduring tsit the hurdohipo of pioneer life. Thexemuinl we" brought home hr hhdautthrerOt" Ward, and Mr. Geo. Murdoch to Bot. uteln on Monduy afternoon, the funeral taking place from Mr. Groat'l red. donce at 12 oclock Tuesday to Reid's eemeterr--Yeorit Cor. of Contest.' The Division! Court at Toronto; bu dlemleeed the appeal of the town _ of Puma-emu from the judgment ordering lt to p!" 35.000 for the death of'l'homu G. Burns. lie wee killed by an electric thock while Muslim's Intern or. a. wire In his etahle. Some city wires had become crossed mth the deed mm in hie eteblel. A storm rising " the time inane-ed the voltage. The court did not think the «meme e-tve.-htmeeatms. it ehould he explained own: in on BUetrte light pleat: hence it; culpep blllty. Tar. or Mam woggtr-as no important or toproduc'e . mom and 'efhted end 3 well elm/ed heed to my my Gentleman: Prof. Donn.“ W wot b. " XIII” Home. on IE Intel: an. an de-tea" this to you an!“ on him to his Show Roo He has tad. in’ and Genu' Will. , In”. 'Farr and Plain boob. tell. to - has“: “duh-dc. he um gladly ndittst on my Lady’- In. deluxe-topic" this. Dan "tst noun. Ith the”! Tidtto {In this “on. The proceeds mounted to about 0.-.. TORONTO The and looting of thU will bomb: the hand-y. of Fell-nary. um. l for the election one." and other tr-alt-in-. ag'; G. P. Or l t "65...: My: o ntr,"t'.'l, n o be? lawn. on AAI. I. P. " o. Sound and t',h,'h a. [3:3 I. s. map-and " - dune- " tin can! of __ . but... Eating? {6on {him tend-d to all adherents Oi pduciplu In the riding. The nomination meeting held In: Thundey evening for the chains ofreeve forum position made - by the “nesting of Mr 8. P. Bounds" proved of greet interest. the lover hell being crowded beyond seating mom. When thehour wu up Clerk Voiiet bed live name- before him, Wm Maw. B. P. Saundra. Ed. Hula. Geo Spa-ling, A. H. Jack-on. Mr hidlnw wu tirst called upon nod renamed his connection with the recentproeeedingo. Ho null thought Mr Snunders wu dioqunlitted on no} count of " trustee poniuon u we l non other grounds. He diochimel nny mxiety for the position hat en- tnrod on some important matte" which ohould occupy the attention of the council forthwith Amount than were the ”county of urging on tho proper authorttin the need at letter boxee " a. point in upper town. aeeonepointnear the Conant wot-kl end at the nation. nightly to handle these there ahonld be e mail clerk on the train end he thought the impor- tenee ot thie town an competed with my others haying these privilegea ahouid more In the priviieea alto. Another matter was the amenity of . enstom home or branch cotton: home of some kind to overcome the! delay. the irritation and the loss some. , times mouthed by its leek. I Ir Sounders wee next celled and entered Into hie speech with e vim end continued it with e um that surpriaed hie friends. He eneered at Mr Leidlewa profouion’e of mu: tor‘ him, atrtendrhip that had cost him twenty aeven dollars. made chin that he waa qutuified in oil "aspects. not- withatending what Mr Inidiew had insinueted. lie chased that Mr Leidlaw had been canvas-cine for the position while professing not to be anxious. and much more at the some sort which need not he repented. He referred tor a few minutes to the work of the County Council end vet down amid heerty eppleuee having the unmietekeehie eympethy of the meet- in. C. Rune: Mr Liam: in a few words declined the ttoannuion in fever of Mr thund- en the others were not present. but all left the Bald clen- for the expireuon of the time limit found It Saunden the only one to take the deeumbuon eohe “Reeve of Durham now with. out question. tn connection with our greet Globe can. noon to expire. we will. for 31.1!) and the Review to new onhecribere to Jan I, 1M and the Weekly Globe nod Cumin Farmer with “In-mud “upplenIent for one you. All to: 31.11). don't My. The Sovereign Reeve by Agdattttttitttt Bank of Canada has 1195 Shareholders and over 50,000 Customers. iiTi"iiirfihreaeiidentbeferttt,ltruny/f these for infomhon regarding the Bank's iiiiiiitiii,GAaandatutioiitohrie Latent! paid 4 he: a year oaSu'ngs AOreat Dollar’s Worth " 15mm. Mann. God Save the King. - J. P. TnFono in aiiaiuh1 cunt. - w-.-.""" -7 loam. Batu. Con. t, Norm“! Idiomatic:- sale on shoved-u F“ max. [mph-cull. be. 1e ttd new“. meumw. FIB. 27. 'trrc-abu. L. Persona. [40127. Con. 21. Wt. on ishore date, will sell M Stock nod Implements. The stock include! nine m, horses end cola. a number of com and other Mock, now ple' ac. l2 months' credit. 51;“ out. discount for cub. Bole It o'lelook the! p, u it it.f Riga-dc. See pooh: Keeier's Two Mammoth Stores Durham and Welland Am going to make 1907 the neat- Mt "" in their history and thk is style: a big thing as 1906 wee s bumper yeer_wlth us but u we now hue two nor-es. we on one much lower qnentlties ot Goods than hetero Br buying in extra urge (would. we an get the lowest pad le "be sad lnteod togive ottrttttBtt3+ bet- ter bargains then ever thle year. We hove elleedv made some very he"! manholes of Silva were ot the highut Atmilty sud got e very prioe on the same. When you need Silverware. Watches. Clocks Binge, Jewelery, Speemelx Eye-Glasgow Wall Papers. Books. Stationery & Fancy Goods. China, etc. We an surprise you on the price. We can and will sue you monev on every dollar spent here and intend to mete the bony corner busier than cut this year. New goods "rivintt .dally now. Our New Stock at tttt and Fancy Valentines is now on tPT They are certain- lr, a tine lot. me and see them. can “It“. tutu-mm Anvmcmo Pmmrs.--q!hat following circulor wu received " the Review one! the put week from one of the most relinblo whole-ole - dealers in canadat--"Aa you are notably atreadlr “an. row material of moot kinda has been advancing Readily for tome time. Rather than disturb hum lieu. manufnctunn and (laden In" -tponed increasing prices, but it now becomes imperative. Many ot our line. are costing as from 10 to 15 per cent. more and we will he compelled to advance our selling pricee. The new pricee will he medeee low u conditione will permit and will not be enforced until ebeoluu-ly neceeeel'y. In the meentune ell pricee ere withdrawn: mdere received will be tttted a the loweet met-m retee. Price liet No. 12 is hereby cencelled. A new liet ie he. ing peeps“! end will be tuned - tr." We publieh the foregoing become eo menv people wonder how it ie that printeee eennol: eupply their cuetomere with work et the mice- which were chewed you! ego. As the pricee at (em More end live .toesk ductile“ eodothepeieeeinomerlineeotteede. the tendency " e rule being upwerde. " B. Keeler & Sons The Rortentt Sale Rem The price Intake“. Durham 3nd Wetland D. Manul. D. ItEPmu. Aueiioateer. re .w [If r}

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