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Durham Review (1897), 21 Feb 1907, p. 4

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ll There I ham a] Worsto taiiored ,sorkrry They latest sl " Tavlor & 00., Dromore a i-I:§:-fl:-:EEEEENWEWE* A Greater showing than tVtr ci ongnss Brand u M, thing for Spring. These Suits an all made mm all wool Tweed and w. rsttd Suiting: and are tnriored by the, best.: of Men's Trousers waving 2i?amatasihars "icr7nd mm . ;-:1-::-.::«:;-:x:c'm33333mmm3332;4 . :2: aylor & Go. Taylor & Go. ti (',al-",,'rs. F. MORLOCK Men's Suits Boys' Cl Gaming Chey are cut in very :sststyle for Spring and the tinest lot of cloth- ' we have ever shown. .‘hc fit and style me "l- to any high Iriced ored garment. Both ladies' and gents' that must be cleared out so the price will suit. 1'e have a very great icty of patterns in tt'tt Suits in the very 'vert effects in neat ncv Worsted and Tweed m ich to tus. Specials Hum; new IN WASHERS: IhtItrre?y11'15Tll'-'e mm 1 Also Wilhciita's WvGters. all "sade by Watson of Ayn . t Symug M.xctunea. McClary Stoves for casl Agent. by the Dillon ngo stay Fence. men fohrt Glark. NEW SPRING CLOTHING W , we ron : matert 'Pt m Brand Pants and retain their mgcr than any mke. We have M kinds of Cloth {Laugh we have reduced them greatly in quan e have the quality still to show you and have J price so as to make room for spring. he ing Barrow: . Palmerston Ladies' Jackets “I Jloys hin S so, s',, Youths, and Children's suits k cxcel any previous year. Th rrd. that stands the hard wear'f In their mly " Inert! list of our goods. but In quality and " cue needs of South Orr-y we are not excelled: wows, Wilkinson Ploughs, Luneny Har- x-bzon Bu ggles. Rel-owned much-s, tair wins Cash and One Price. line as We handle only the best. rints G lb Japan Tea ......, 3 cams Corn or Peas 3 lb Fancy Biscuils Tp1reereyttf 91'0"]. oulL in tle 9. oil "rade Iny Watson 01:8er aAiiGiiiitEi'd _ "rr. 'i' T233 BRAND IA,) THING 3 ur Coats i?) ftarm J)f'aohinery. , suits at all prices and a They are made from wearithat sturdy, Boys A tow daurs South of the middaugh House, Kiult $1110 , 20c or Wrod 2Ge p Ideal fit Cd In advocating a non-partisan civil service. Mr Graham is on strong ground. The case is not fully stated when it ts said that the present Gov- ernment has shown Weakness in aur- rending to the spoilamen. The new Government not only ottttht to have retrained from going backward. It out to have gone forward. Public opinion is ripe tor a thorough reform in the mode of appointing civil ser- vants. und public opinion in this case iii: in accord with justlce and com- mon Sense. The point to be borne in mind is that the civil servant, it left free from partisan interference. desires and strives Io do his duty. EVen when a man has been appointed for party rensnns. it is found that when he feels himself confronted with new con- ditions he tries to adjust himselt to them. Asa partisan, he strove to be loyal to his party. As a. public nervant. he Strives to be loyal to the public. If he is u manly man, his sense of manhood revvlts against the ide, of being a drone; he wants to m utnily and justity his position. It'nppointmenls are made by merit and held by merit and if the civil servant lode himself secure so long as he does his duty, the country will always be able to command the act vices of men of patriotism and high senseofdaty, men who love their work and love humanity. and will) cheerfully giveouc the best that is in them for reasonable reconipenic. Thesemen are tar more numerous than the. common language cynicism toulil imply. We could name 1 names in the civil service at Ottawa, ‘ln Queen’s Park and at the City IFail, but the mention ot one name might impr the exclusion of another. ()ur impression is that the great nmjnrity are desirous to do their dim. and to serve the public, and that thev deserve encouragement and ptvwvtiou.--sor --Tiut Telephone Cnmpnnv in To- FOUL! has viewed to the in: ce of public' hpilllul: and tttttdiets" the right hour (lay hwy [lll'i-ntmwd in put on their erupt-yer. ' limit, now is a seven hour Jay in tour poriods. m.--------.- ---- the e'rt'tr, pain-d to ulmpLum: The Mid: cram In: mil) silk There mums to be a lot of sickness around here lately, Mrs Donald Me. Keclmie has been very poorly of late, linpr slid Will soon be around again. We are pleased to skate Miss Kale Brawn is somewhat improved. also Mr Sandv Campbell. Miss Aguetr suprruault we are pleased to state has been able to be ont for a drive, we hope she may have the pleasure of having many more drives. Colds and Lu Grippe are raging just, now. Mm:a Kare McLaugaH spent Sun- day " hen». she was accompanied by Mr Jun Summon. Mr Mer intend: liming a sale Monday Ipeb.26th. Miss Minnie Iwamlry spent. tho past wrek sus.titing the Surf lamily ol the Rocky Sangeen. --.---_------ Mr Julm Cooper had the misfortune to siipnnd sprain his ankle . week onwo ago. We hope to see him out again in a tew days. Miss Minnie Whiteford is home from Turunio nursing a broken arm. Miss Sarah Park leftlast week tor the Queen City where she will spend the remainder ofthe winter. Mrs W. 11. Crowther and sons Willie and Wilfred left on Thursday tor their home in Welland. . The Guild has had a reawakening and for the tuture expects to have n-gulur meetings. Feb 26th they promise a debate on "Resolved that we learn mare from experience than lromlnoks." Leaders are Mr That Young and Miss Leeann. Assistants Mis,sesGetldes, Derby and Header son and Messrs Mearns and Render. son on the attirmatitus and Misses Gilmour and Mearns and Manors IGeo Sharp, N. Kerr, A. Derby on the £3: negnive. Civil Service Reform CraWiord Hampden \d THE DURHAM REVIEW MR. EDmm.--lt is now name time since the events of this lively burg have been chronicled in the 109.1 In." pen. and as vottr correspondent is alive and enjoying this beautiful win- ter we thought it would be in accord- ance with the spirit of the lime: to advertiee this romantic villa to the outer world once more. A social favorite is Miss Jennie Wilson, of Holrtein. who spent a pleasant tortnight renewing acquaint- ances in the burg and community. Mr. “Ha. Dnrgwel. of the Queen City, is home for an extended visit with his parents in the burg. Will enioys the fresh unpolluted country uxyzeu in preference to the contnmin- ated, obnoxxous atmosphere so pro talent in the large centres of popula- MCI]. We had apleasant chat with Mr. Archie hfeDougall, an old Domoch boy, who called on his many friends in the bare a few (lave ago prior to his departure for B. Columbia. His presence wasu forcible reminder of youthful days, when every truant kréew the weight of his avenginz n . Mr. A. J. MacCallum. teacher of S. S. No. A, spent a week on a buuiness trip to the Queen City. Daring his absence the aeademy was luccessfull y conducted by Mr. Angus McIntosh. Mr. Wilson, of Markdale, installed a fine new organ in the Presbyterian church on Suturdny last, This Show: a progressive spirit animating the congregation and will add very ma- terially to the singing of God's praise in the Sanctuary. Mr, D. S. Coriett had a successful sale " the Commercial hotel yards in Chesley on Saturday last. A number M line specimens at hora. flesh were nuctioned M prices which causes the owner to wear the smile that wun'r. (some off'. Mr. Robert. Nicholl, of Rockwood, son-in-law ot Mr. Duncan Campbell, of Bentinek, was in the community last Week and purchased a. carloau ct tine smokers. which Were shipped by G. T. It. from Durham on Wednesday lust. Miss Nellie Vascv. oneufour win- somo young Indies, is attending Iligh Sclmol in Ye Edutor‘s town. May her efforts in the mental realm be crowned with suCCcss. A box suciul will be held in Lamina schuul house on Tluuaday evening. Feb. 28th. The popular teachsr Miss McDonald, and the young people ml the section are sparing no pains whatever. and it systematic' prepara- tion counts for anvthing this should be the best entertainment of the sea- son. Come one, come all. and be coniinced that the dramatic talent cqttals that of Irving ur Shakespeare and hear an exhibition ot wit and humor that Would make Mark Twain red with envy. One of our prominent burzhers not one thousand miles from here had a st1eeesslt1l auction sale one evening recently. The, oommodious dwelling was filled to overflowing with a. throng of purchasers to whom money was no objeci, quality alone being constdercd. Junk, wGhboards, dur,- cnkes and other miscellaneous pro- ducts of commerce were sold, and the hum and ronrof business activity dar- ing the whole period of distribution was as stupendous as the din in a broker's ofiieetm Wall Street when stock had fallen 10 percent. below par. and when the whole commotion waswer there was only one whole nose lelt in the may and that belong- ed to the tea-kettle. Tis with regret we chronicle the demise at Mr. Joseph Hampton, of Midland. who passed peneefallytsway on Sunday. Feb. IO, at. the early age of 36 yeam. Deceased Was a. warm hearted, whoie-souled young man, whose, genial nature endeared him to all with whom he came in contact. The funeral to the English church cumuterv was one of the largest ever seen in the community. We extend our cordoleuce to the sorrowing rela. lives who sigh fur "the touch ot . vanished hand and the, sound at a voice that is still. " Preparations are amaking for th annunl tea in the Esplin eharen. P _-Alberta is to have two morn members and Saskatchewan five in the near future. Such are among the plans of the Liberal Government and such is the growth of the West. soon to be immensely added to by the annual spring rush from the south and the east. Review to Jan. 1, 1908 Weekly Globe, one yr. Dornoch. Hopeville. TORONTO _ gs: At I meeting of Saugoen Pros. held " Mt Poregt on Tneaduv lat. tho call to the Rey Geo Kendall by the oongregatto" of Amos sud Enos Nor., was summed, the induction to take plnce on Tuesday the 26th in '2 p, m. at Amos church. The moderuor Mr Little will pre- side. Mr McNamnr. will preuh. Mr Fuqublrson will uddrua theI mlnil- - -- _. ' ia........ In th. I'll Ulla-3v" an. ----- - ter 2nd Mr Meinnea, Cedarville, the people. Refreshments will he served It the close. Miss Muriuh Brown from Spry I" viewing around the home of her child- hood last week and still rat-inn her youthful appearance end vivucuy. Mr Jonty Long has again last F nother horse. by getting down in the deep snow. The bone yard at the corner is unfortunately filling up. - Miss Nellie Kinnelliwn . welcome manor at her fnends MISS Once Bend lust week. Mus Ella Benton visited Min M. Reilly, Priceville hot week, bring- ing the latter back with her for I week's stay. iili,r, ist,,, and Thus Brown with their wives visited at Wat Leisu- Bat. last. Miss Ida Lester is home from To. ronto on a short. visit to her puma before proceeding west to use!“ her brothers there In housekeeping. Mrs Wm Hav is at present visiting her mater Mrs D. McColl in Proton, who is laid up With pneumonia. Some home will. when allowed‘ free rein. find their wny home to than“ owu stable. not so with Gordon'l winch found its way into a. friend'l stable which is better than getting ia. to It pond. This reminds us that another horse nuts prevented from getting home thuugh being tud up in the church shed Sunday last. The owners After service preferred to walk home. owing‘ we suppose to absent miudedness, through elution of reeeut appoint- ment as 3 Township otiicial on the one hand and a little touch of om- oronsness on the cther, or perhaps to mental contemplation of the sermon they had just heard. We have nlucsl option township. It can‘t be that. Mr Geo Bruce has teen on the sick list. thruugl: over exertion, consequent upon losing his way one night lately. Andrew Pmkerton is home from Spanish River where he haul been working on s landing there, and la nursinga broken arm got from I canlhook thrown " lnm by a brother- workman. Wm Phelp has rented his farm to the Hopkins boys. intending to go west. on a new In the summer. Horses are wonderful good stock to lure for sale now. Mr James bank And Mr James Geddea. both disposed oi one lam. week " top prices. Mr Wm Hay is busy preparing the ammo for the new minister. by wsy of popermg and painting it. Aquiet hula wedding took pluce last Wednesday at the home of Mr John Stephenson. when [no daughter Edith was united to the man of her choice Mr Gardner of Craig, Salk. we wish them along and happy hte Mm Lizzie Laughton in visiting " Mrs Wm Stephensou's " present, near to nature's cent. Miss Hattie Wtuis on an "tend. ed visit to home of Mn Swautwn u present. The funeral of the late Mr Samuel Cooper near Yecyll took plaee to Amos churchyard on the 18 inst. aged 79 years. -- _.. _ . I ,__,_ I__....l- w-.. ._. ..-_--. Mr Wm Isnu'a sale wu largely attended and prices generally good. wWeare pleéled tfreport igat Mn John Garcon. Jr, is improving nico- ly. Hope to see around soon. l Check to Everything "Out of the Fashion I" Checked and Plaid goods are the correct thing. We have a nice assortment in already and more ordered. Part Wool Dress goods in checks, at 20c and upwards Ginghams, Muslims, Cashmerettes at rsc yer yd Fancy Plaid goods, double width " 25 eta per yd. Having purchased our cotton goods early we bought at old prices and customers get the benefit. We are much better prepared for the Spring Trade than we were last year Human beings in general and Ladies' in particular object to being checked, but even the lat- ter must submit to it next season or suffer the penalty of being It will be to your advantage to see these goods. l MCARTHUR Call and note improvement' in our stock. Dromore. ' Quality at Just Prices When you are not able to secure what you want 1n any other store remember our place of business. One lady said on Saturday, “I am de. lighted to find this article, as I hunted in every other store in town, not expecting that, you kept it." We have the greatest var- iety of woodenware that can be found anywhere Have a look at our churns. Butter workers, Butter bowls Butter moulds and ladels. Do not forget that we carry everything that is required tor washing purposes, such as Washing machines, Tubs Tub stands, Wringerts, Wash boards, (from 5 cts up) Pails, Clothes Racks, Towel Racks, and Clothes Pins. You should examine our Bread boards, Bake Boards, Rolling Pins, Salt boxes and Egg Crates. . See our bushel measures, Hay Racks. Extension Lad- dere, Saw Horses, and Ash Sifters. Do you require Hockey sticks, Hand sleighs, curtain stretchers or quilting frames? Our basket stock is worthy of inspection; Fancy work brskets, Waste paper baskets Clothes baskets, Chalf Ber. kets, Root baskets, Market baskets and Lunch baskets. James R. Gun In Handels we excel and don't you forget our axe, saw, cant hook, pick, fork, shovel, Hammer and hoe handles. The item below ie from the Vande. leur correspondent of the dundud. and we think it outlinee n moot fitting we, to commemorate the “the" who touch! with the forests and hid the foundation of the preeent pmper- ity. Inmeny pieces in 8. any per- menent memoriele might be erected which would be e Rood deel more than e memory of the put. We invite correspondence on the "bieet, The item reede " followe: A moetung of the Ion-01th. only nettle" of this neighborhood was held It the home of Mr Geo Wax-ling one evening Int week. when it I'll de. cided by them to erect I monument on the "rhoo1 ground. with proper in. .crlption. and .u the name. at the pioneers who formed thm school ac- “on. 'Tie but A liming tribute to thou have men who cum- "tttto than cad wood- nnd tnrde-nt III the their In“. tum-nip. of pioneer we tiGaii"i, children might use, tho mm at! nL-l- Ia].-- low price. then dar, but low pHee moon- nothing un- lau It Inclndo- high quality. We do not believe no telling Inferior goods. or in lasting a low price on one thing in order to mute on untam- prollt on several lhingo. Woodenware . Quality commend. our prices are uniform and slate to "errbodr. We but n ttood leal "m" QSWGG Dmggist. .Black ')“ Vs -- ss 0 The Massey-Han is Go We Bre sole Agents in DuJImm I l the ab we well known Impleuwun- Binders, Mowers, Drills' Han-um _ Disc Cultivators. Manure Spreadvn Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders. [In Tu! den. matey-Hurts Cream Separaum Proven Stool Tracks. Singu- Sewlng lublnes. Walker-ton labia Works, The Doll Oran a Plum Co.. Chum and Wtottintr [whines Brantford, Broeliville.6rey animus THE BIG Gold I.“ tti-m-ar. - mu» " ‘HW ttMt-de.', am it b,. ell in 'l'liih'r.'vJl',t,"Ju,',',U.W,',',, " 3“” Mat-ii; /iiia"iruTii-rr.ul deerii-iiieiiitii “Hawaiian. f,e'e 1ftMwd::.-.r.::y.8.itttt,tcri M ..........t. to T til Mancunian...” .... ”sum 115nm [mm bummer.“ ”stun iiiiE)'h'ii'iTrh1tiil'rr" may, C ammonium...” ""c-ssk 3%....“ may n- ma. 7i McQueen & Morice Dmggists and Booksellers MacFarlane ik Co Cali und see us before buying elsewhm. Just west ot the Middnngh House. Men's and Boys' Clothing, Ladies'Fur Coats Men's Fur Coats Fur Caps Ladies' Skirts Bargains in paper! we must sac- rifice our present stock. Our racks will only hold so much and we must have the space. For 30 days we will give one third off. All our papers at Orant's are marked in plain figures and we still have come beauties. Remember a saving of one third. It will pay you to paper ntw- We're also Agents for VARY 21, 1907 youos.~‘ . BEAN V..." ..........bcny\1 In. IN I. m mm. a: ............Stld ”cit" stock room inf tutder's Bi, ,. i‘ oi and wall- SELLS LI pup-u CHEAP fe W " 21, 907 Remcm 6. Law ".c,er'"rrr"'r'" “To! en WI o11t KRESS, é: OI like H “WI 51 in Oa ng IMPER " DAR OW WI n MEN High OI! I wa

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