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Durham Review (1897), 21 Feb 1907, p. 5

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PM tort , not h each main um- rapid 'ed Inn's! BAP I!!! bt F jun EB 21, 907 chucmbot the place-- G. Lawrence's old Stand Li' The Popular Cash Store. E KI a. ti, {2%. KRESS ye have u Inge use: of many kinds nimble ior glue prttumt. weather Also Bu and Shoes in abundance. Slippers In ”nuns arm-s " yum”; or oid---ram or pwr in fucz. Oar amt of Slippers was never a) nice as they are; this season. {wa- mpg: ' ,L-mur vuterproot duck tor Men audB A's. m Jersey and (Wm- umy atnxldrcu and Jersey tor Ladies and Misses . l -H, - -.VV,_ -ee - -.. -_ee_H A large assortment ot Mitts and Gloves at. prices that cannot. be bun-n. [many Wand. Also a few lines or liosiery for Men. Wom- en, yhgsa, and Ca' ran to black only. Many other “HMS b" tee xvtil nut allow naming them. Call and see tor yourselt'and examine tut" goods and prices. , We are having nu uphold"- er the tirst math in every month: Anymw wishing oid goods rum- Vacled to look good an! new should Jain-e ttst-WP will b. pleated Vo attend In it at once. Night C."- lor (7an promptly “tended to. Our door mouth , ot Pont Office, m Illllilll Has a full line of curtain Poles. Windnw Sham", Pit-um Fume-s Frmm-a to order of MI kinds. -__‘-. IIAIVIIIUDI'DIID IMPERIAL EMULSION COD LIVER OIL. IMPERIAL SYRUP WHITE LINE WITH ENCOLYPTOE AND HONEY. DARLINGS, The People's Druggists Now ihat winter is approaching you wills naturally require heavier and warmer clothing and we are here at your service. DARLING'S DRUG STORE 'or after effects of Grippe Pt" invaluable; it tones up the McKECHNIE’S IMPERIAL SYRU P Undertaker die that undies ihat at: most needed at this of ihe you. sot Grippe out Syrup Hypopbosphites is it tones up the sy stem, restores lost and reconstructs wasted tissues. 1ilnllll, HRE lltllllllllil1 EMPRNY FARMERS’ CENTRAL The 'strpngest4ttrrv'.y ll utual 'tre mm ram Co. in On uric. A mum] without tg,",',',,',',,'? and a in»! round for human can“. L . nwl and museum] by theuoqerrsrnent ', Insure: teedenee nnd [an property upon tho law known pltsntc 3 or 4 you blanket poncho iggued on. tne Mum» instalment qr one rmem. "sum under the post humble 'l,l,1,Utd,l11 to the insured. Immu- In zne’inic'.’ - ii sGik7iUGaurGiriG' iiViiiu- '93-; all on. cr drop a not to Now is the Time To Buy Rubbers HYPOPHOSPHITES Head (Mike t Walkertoo, Out. NEIL McCANNEL. Agent, Durham ' MCILRAITH 'il g: [il ',i'j.'l, 'til E11 g1 23 . The Twenty-Ninth Annual loot- Ina at the Bermuda Fire Immune Cmnpnny we: held in the town ttall At ton on Wedneedey onus week the 1 fr, int. Image: Fortune tooknntq)‘ in advance ot any management hetewiore in connection with this in- stitution. in having the Finnnotnl Statement mulled. n week or ten dass prior to the meeting. to ever} wile) holder ol the Company. Thin was it almmendahlc moire no the people irueroted have then en oppor- tun ty of mtorusintt themsequ on the work done during the past , ear and tit the annual meeting "my uplift-"In "for condemn such Work. Prior to this. tho statement man not handed out till alter the meeting. and it n pulse" bolder took objection to any thing done by the management. he had no means ot redrawn until the next nunual meeting or until the g matter perhaps bud entirely escaped ', trut memory. The Incoming was orderly and highly m aceurd mm the wart of the management. the pass year. lt'ivt, hundred and ten puhemas were issued. whlcb was mum more than last year, and more than was issued in any year since the Incurpuratlun ot the Company, not a single pulley was lost. In the township during the year. The cash in the bunk above an Increase of about. $100) over last year‘s business. - The Company, It cnnrae. was tor- tulmLc in being called up": l? adjust. All the Directors, both local and hum outside, were present. as well as many of the able staff of agents 1m: has been appointed by the man- agement. Among these latter were; Messrs W. J. Sharp. Holstein', Robs Unglmn. Allan Park; George Lar. t'r'.,, Hun-15M]; ll. Bender, Somme town; Adam Klee, Hquck and others. Alter Um business of the meeting was fi,nihed, the manager took directors and agents through tht wplrnuidl) equipped head omee, ot l lite, Company, shown-d them the pale- um %"""e""'.r' -__ n m which all the papers, duca- nwnus. can, ot the Cmupnny are kept m Ins tire-proof vault. and they all leit happy and eoutident that the Gennama is m good hands. that it is auvanclug in popularity and sale- w. and eaeUin his own local sphere will do his utmost. to have , hand in the welfare and prnmuliun ot the Umupam during the coming year. --The Ontario Government re. twived last _\ear over $200,000 in eurportuiyntyty, and $30,000 during the month of January. The magni- iudeotthese tigares which greatly' overshadow those ot previous years. is due to uhe number ot mining companies which have come into rxislence. How many of these wild- eat mining compnnles are nble to pay ‘th su fees by imposing on a gullible oablits will never be known, bat there spams at present a regular carnival of stock scl.ing. eVery in- vestor to become a millionaire, tor way mine is the very best yer du. eovered Tol 1113“ J?? 118119031 The German“ aoydS SNL susaaomoNhlY trod “DIVA v.0-.. BUREAU REVIEW. Gillie“ not Fob Sth., minute": ~0- ooyod, Can‘t MeArttme remain-emu! tts,,','",',".),',,'.? " Indus. con. 14, "0- W.Ai in, ooetMtM. re-nt-ui--:-- Idol' "d, odor ii-d-tFd. Can't Fuzhou row oumininu Bunny ole. " Tun. mull.- mu! mind uni-how”; ml of “not: . 60 ordet :11an to 3.3mm. Puiitt--ertut-uBfe" .dopst, Can't put) ".oo - Curried. Can‘t Win "now-d nuderi-rhiuu r, uh!“ by W. L. Dixon um. In lero -d Lot Mb, can M. 40 It undo, I” "l, . 10 ct- por rod oqnnh $18. no. 1eparir.'21tidtt."" Cum'r {on 'Loo-- "ud. Lothian-P-ou-Tho tho noun. otDm Brown and Guam " " eo..lt [m qtertifuaut ot lunacy " In Our. no he paid-Cari“. By-Inw No 207 to Nriroint collect-J- up paged. J. C. Adam" I“ Ipptm " "tor N. D.and D Banter for ti. is. alllly .40 "eh. Bx-Llw No 298 to appoint u: “no-amt WM pulsed. Dawn Nolan-n: wu appointed, uluy 080.00. is,.Lor No Stott to uppoint "ttthur m- ars nut to“ Com'r- received the "and rantings, but. will be pawl-med In". Bs-Luv No 210 so thaw-ll Mun": root bent on E. t G mwnlinu Ina pawn- l, tUtd but it now " but tr, can. 'M. 2". MoAettrar-Wrttusou--Thu the undu- wru report In adovUd n to“. nud tin-v " pic! .10 "ttit tor their urvioo». um that Soo cnpiu be ptitsu,d-Carritrd. unsolved time the lolluwing acc’u bu paid. Mun'p‘l World, Amo'l roll. an” and 20 Iolmul debuutnrn 018.41. W. o'. Sutton upreu our“: 5ne.: Wm Alwe, unvel 4ott. .. Adjourn"! to meet on Tum-“Lu Mm 2thh, as coon of row-mu mud other buuneu. Th ere ate four women who ought to , be brought to puelle notice while they t are still in active life, enys Ihe Dvlin. t estor." One is the tttuthertf the 'rr I (Met- who. tilt-early It relehmted pity: t /teian. hecmns famous by rem-mt of ' being credited with the statement th t ' mun tines not grow in Pom"' "n... ( to, I y and thnt hr, usefulness emu-~- ' l -ity Mrs 0~let has juut celeb-nun l her one-hundredth birthday. She till- I reared {our very diettrutnGhed sum 1 and one daughter, has tun-my ..iat l grandchildren and one “real grand ', child and is still lending " o.eful H, comttaouively active live. Ann hr 1 N Mus. Mary E. Fill ell. who It -uj- ut 1 mule-I her one hundred and thud 3m: . She hint reared ll childten. hm tif er grandchildren and twelve “tent-writ. - hiltlren. She ttarttttet?t' heel. 'ttt it my m her life, in still a daily wotker "bout the house, active in body and witty it- mind. A third is Mrs. Susan. Ark 'y. who on bet one.hundmsd.aud-fit " birthd " went to church in an unlmuo- bile, made an address to the audience. and held a teception in the event: tr. She also has borne eleven children. The fourth is Mrs. Ftnttkltn Cut it. who at ninety-eight. years of mu- w' in through thrtlling experience at the lat .- . Sun Fruncmco distuter. arrival from and strong in New York it week lute-i. and now. as erect as at twenty and at! alert. us at sixty. she is about to stun on " two.hundredmtrle automobile sine _ from New York to Bostots,--'hlte De- , linenmr for March. Nanci) is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Township ot Gleanelg will utter one Inuulh fl'ulll the tirtst pulvlicmiun of this um we pl .- ceed to pass». By-Luw for the all)"- gmg up and "uuorizing the dttiprrsn1 v sale or otherwise of that part or! the original allowance for road be. tween concessions 2and 3 tsouth of the Durham Dead in said township, cum- uwnciug at the westerly Out. of sand tiItowruiiusand amending easterly fur adistunce of Twenty nine hundreu feet (M) LGeriortt, whose hands "IG he pre- judicially affected thereby Wt l plum lake notice and govern themueh er tum-(hum . Dated this 17th day ot Jimmu'y 1907. Iitretrt0ttt Council. Concerning Woman Municipal Notice --.---- moi------"- 'tu D. Anus. ndop ', m ltttt be pre- WIK plt'abt Lheunueh er "erk. Dun Iilmrort.--'rakhstt ad vume ohm ttmt numeral fut week and Initial up our minds quickly hr a trip hGnelph, we pen you n ten new when by the why that mav prove ot interest to some of your waders. Going through the Town- ship ot Egremont the character ot the then um noted. not helng tween as in the one through Wellington Co. The tanner no fed largely by apt-imp. too-muting tor their "pen up- pearanoe mud tun water of the tiuetst qulily. The math enJolme wru- ship of Ememunt is hilly like the north with a tttte level country be- ‘tween. Entering Arthur township on the} RiVerview meet-ion we PM some tim, tum: with the aiding: not quite up to the township let; behind, being mostlv mine and small " that. The Guru-lux- mud being reached 3 better clans ahuws up! mum of the barns being aurmouum d by poww- windmills some ot whichl lhuwed the other." ot'the recent wind- Itorm. Reaching Kenilwonh we glued the fine Catholic church and _ haul there, and proceeded do!" the iiirii?aG, 'iiGitLns tlnousqudu at dullurs worth of tarm produce used to be teamed in the curly days to Guelph nnd where no” bath n r aowumpiuw be had now to break the wind the entire diutancc. Many farms not appearing cu have their unmoud has". We come to Pethormn P. 0.. that reminds us ot old friends: Mr. John Campbell and his famiiv, late, of Mhulle bat now within 3 miles ot Arthur; Eeretnont trienda will be glad to learn they are meeting with preSperity. Bevin: an nddltluunl w was and the term beintr wazered by running strum and sprint, he is en- lbled to keep a lined thombred stock for breeding pmpuses in bmh can]. and hugs lie hm [nu-1y erected a l windmill (war the npriug. which sup- ‘Nies a tank m the bum, a pipe Iron. which Mule to the house W tlt t 'e trr out ot W" er. Thu, lightning trrikine the gruund Wthill a shun di tuner and hetween the barn and a tree, in. duced him to have his tine buildings (which are cum iutt over "o, ot in- Grauee) added at cunid vahle cos . He has aim added to Illh list, at UM unmet“. the chiet ot which is a tin} lunder. He proves still tn In a tucwr m pulmo- in his mighborhmd and recentlv tethered a mmion condemna- wry u! the objtetionabie who“! at! at ""J "' e ' . " meeting held in Urn-Wm, and can nuke It hot tor am bulupuws politio. hm. Further on, nrurCmum-ck, we had he pleasure at meeting mm a. far my descendant "I the tumours Jenny Um], in passes ton ot the name name us the, illustrious "uight'ugale tr and lmvmg herselfu very iiue musical voice. We enjoyed neural tine " actions. he: high none: being taken wunuut appurrn' effort Mid win. " channel! seldom met with except in sume professional... A Trip through Wellington The Ferguson tumilv. known to some in North Egremum. are. ml thing in Fergus bat eontempltvitut moving up w New Ontario in the spring where the seven sons and chew mother hold 128C acre. ot ttood baud, John is a successful High Schwl teacher in Fergus. Guelph mus duly reached after an uneventful j- vurneV. Some old friunus (i'iii's, found here, who seem to enjoy thetr rrsldcnpe m the rox al. cm: Mrs. Batter (nee Janet Burgess) and lumily are Well. Mr and Mrs Phillipo(nre Adaml) who have relatives in Egre- mom and Durham. were met with and are enjoying good health. the latter having remarkably imprnwd "mu her recent illness The furm was waited and a ptvtitablt, as Well no pleasant, time was spent in viewmg n in all no departments, being devoid la! the crush of an eXcul‘slou day While we were in the city an urti- cle which We hue no doubt Would prove ot interest to you, which t aid to us. was a " h pair cooled gamline engine, a regular hercnle-s, uncut“ ing a apnea about 2 ft by 4 it. no 28 in. high, a horizontal machine and simple in its action. It is handled for the. tinn by T. C. Rogers, once of Hol- stein. I We close by recommending an a thing of plenum a wuncr visit to the damn. ONTAmo LOOK HERE, niilillllll .luwr Durham, well bummed. wnn very litte buddinun, "manned m the REVXBW for 'Tan. I can now sell " for {good deal less and IT'S A BAR- GAIN. - Then I have " 100 ACRE " ell im- pmvvd furn- nenr Durham Hm I will all VERY CHEAP or Llam- for other pruperty. It's a map. Fur coumder- uhly under 83ml” will sell Ill) awn-en m Brnllnck. with good an". hm k verteet" od and frame hon-4e. large frnnte b nnk urn. fume Imam»: and pug sun-Iva. hood orchard. This iurvully u no. dt V PAN" I "0LlatiOE l'Dl)l-)' nun ititrye,iltiy.ft of ft,1,1?,t,Pti', A -- rnndn.....‘ 9.. .. unint- [ml e'. [have also M grunt, In: of m her pro pony for tmie and a MILLION ltoL, LARSuf MUN KY te) te d .n wry |-w INN" l ' ‘OLLBC'I; ttlLrt11h .y:tt" 't "' it.” Ec1;;vt;;nll paints and .ell OCEAN TICKETS iiia -ot lvgilumu'e has: to. Everything pristste, ' Alt " p. ompt, Neve Bs our l. m Cor. I had 250 acre; .ot oood, Lyn} H. H. MILLER, Itttt MM Canvas": TICKETS Ewry . huunrw atreudeti .irate. I'ttr Mot It t Never anllxenh" if: BARCLAY & BELL Undertaking and EmbalmiFg Clearing Sale 20 per ct. Discount off Felts, Leg in S Overshoes, tet'. gans, etc. 75 We have open sd up Undertaking Rooms in Thos. Swallow‘s build. ing opposite the Middaugh House and are prepared to do busmess with any person requiring under- taking. Satisfaction guaranteed in Embalming. Our stock of funeral supplies has arrived ; also a full line of Catholic robes, etc. Peel, the Shoeman "aossaaaaaaaarax-.t:-r:' Tina: MARK: Dunc"- Corvmcm's to. Anyone landing a sketch and er,r,11l"/,', m3 quickly uncertain our opintnn free I nether Invention " prnhlbly puenmbla. (hmmunim lions at rictly i,ontntetitidl. Handbook on Pnteuta tent free. Olden. “envy for tux-urn“: panama. Patents when thmugh Mum t Co. receive any! you“. without churn. in the - .-4. - n--- AAA! AA“ Is good Bread, well made and properly baked-the bread that is made by Stimson. This is the perfect brisad-made of the best flour, leavened and seasoned just right. thoroughly kneaded and baked to perfection, it is easily digested and it builds health and strength for those who eat it. Give it a trial. v - - v - V V A hmdwmely 1tirsstrutapd woolly. rulnuun of guy .e.itttttutr. gum-1. new: lggrpogthldl. Bo try-III wn: tour monun. u- - u, .... .."' -_e-- - _ - mung ' cogmm New York Inn Olen. F In. Wuhmmn. D. O- Repairing and or- ders our specialty. "iiiiiiiti? _f))ittt1tiittt of WINTER FOOTWEAR Ogilvle‘s “Royal Household " Keawuin " Five ttosea"--The very treut Keewulin make. A cartoad ju~l received. The Best Cure For Dyspepsia FLOUR Utovet and Timothy and all var- ieties of (hr-don goods in a- hundanw tort4prirttt mowing SEEDS STINSON, The Baker MATTHEWS & LATIMER Fl EL" SN" GARDEN High?!“ in udes nnlv. rm MEDICAL J. u. dUlTUN. NJ)” 0 ”nee-named. M __. ...... .n Mill, Late mum: to Montana's 1'gh'tr.' In; all to Knnpp'u (New York) aw .mce.um¢st. - - - - Ova-lull HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. graduate of Royal Coll”. J Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Boom. JVH J & J HUNTERS New BOON) W. C. PICKERING o. D S., L. B. S. ARTHUR GUN. . PIVIIOILJI ' Sum. OHIO. our J.‘.J.Hunuo'o te-tt B. In 'iN lotion GRADE“ E tomato Uni" . am new emu: mam new Mummy In ail In mum-4n. darrlsters, Solicitors, Conveyanun. uouua out... tny‘uu-h m M Uni-I10. - speck! “can an to a”! Women And Chm Will be u the human?» Home. ”Iii-I- n" um Wedneudn)‘ o each no“: t- 10.. In. an 1 p. I. Eye: Eat. _t11ittrALllll1r1r1t.t. "rrister, Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public. Commtmoner. to. D. MoPHAIL.’ an Illll w w- Wt, - as...» Home! mu. Ott' My". other. not)“ "Lu 2--dp.m. '-"" felon-on. Calm No. " VIEW J) RENEW For RE J. F. GRANT D. 0.5, L. D. B. JOHN CLARK I Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. I~nuer oi' Mun-inge Licenses. A tree" and titttuicial husiueas transacted. like. McIntyre Block. over the B; G. Mack-v K.C.: W. F Dun Licensed Auctioneer for Co. (in, Terms moderate. Amusements me - I. w amen. k... must be made M the - oe. bee, Durham. 53‘ (minimum mm. ot Mt Ceylon P.0., an be My. “lauded to, um. on smut-non to Licensed Ant-Hone" to the County of mere. Licensed Auctiomel'hrthe (baloney. ml. mpuy warmed to. m mirttrtnM. men [115' be left gt Mu Implant Wan- molnn. Kahuna“ old mud. an ”In” ' 0mm. Nor, 16. ART 1UP. H. JACKSON Everything in readiness for the Sprim season. Call and see our Lender Send er, Ploughs, Harrow“, Cultivators III 13313 t Reter Hamilton AGENCY ttlee The New 3.3.3113qu Wagons. Ilple but we FiiiEr0swisa “CI!!- The Improved National Clea-I m (”h Auctioneers. MACKAY d; DUNN. Danny Churnl, Wringcrl. Wuhan. msvtea.ert1'fe11e.e. a: A Prices and terms to suit patch-u. i. B. McLELLAN, Agent HOURS DURHAM. ONT. (Lower Town) or to C. BAIAGE. ”I " Ceylon buswlephoue can u “Am ', Buick. over Post one. nary Polic, Commissioner. J . P. TELFORD Either Buggiél -. biasell amt Land Ballot-I Disc Euro“ of lion DB. BURT C0NvEYAVE1t_. Att. |Money to Loan. D. McPHAIL. Ceylon P. o, I C. BAIAGE. Durban: Money to Loan. iiTiiiai,' ikitweis, Bind.“ .ruftu9 0913!. 1.. trope M53 in} M1

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